On 03/26/2011 10:05 AM, Rolf Eike Beer wrote:
> -can kwsys be moved from CVS to git? I know David Cole was in favor of this 
> too.

KWSys is shared by several Kitware projects of which at least some are still
in CVS.  It cannot move.

> -can the SystemInformation.cxx file be split up into OS dependent things 
> please? This file alone has more then 3.5k lines containing tons of #ifdef 
> for 
> every OS and it's brother. I would like to make 
> SystemInformationImplementation an (abstract?) base class that every OS 
> inherits from and implements it's own stuff. This can easily be split into 
> seperate files, can be totally excluded from build on non-related OS and 
> would 
> greatly reduce the #ifdef count and amount of lines in that single file.

Sure.  All that code can be much better organized.  Instead of keeping it in
KWSys just create brand new code that is specific to CMake and not in the
KWSys directory.  In this case I think the duplication is better than trying
to maintain this in KWSys.

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