[CM] clm delay offset for tap?

2016-09-28 Thread andersvi
Hi Bill, others.

I'm confused about (positive) offset argument to tap.

Negative offsets yields perhaps expected results, but positive offsets
starts pulling values from what seems an odd offset into the line.

(set! (*s7* 'print-length) 20)

(define d1 (make-delay 10))

(do ((i 0 (+ 1 i)))
((= i 10))
  (delay d1 i))

(mus-data d1)
=> (float-vector 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0)

(tap d1)
=> 0.0
(tap d1 1)
=> 5.0
(tap d1 -1)
=> 1.0

(map (lambda (i) (tap d1 i)) '(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9))
=> (0.0 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 9.0 8.0 7.0)

(map (lambda (i) (tap d1 i)) '(-0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9))
=> (0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0)

Thanks for all help and guidance.


Cmdist mailing list

Re: [CM] tank reverb

2016-09-27 Thread andersvi
a> Note: there are 2 minor differences in the tap-section from those in
a> Dattorro's paper.  I'll perhaps fix these later, if noone gets there
a> before me.

Wow, do i feel speedy today.  Fixed in attached (i hope):

Description: Lotus Screencam
Cmdist mailing list

[CM] tank reverb

2016-09-27 Thread andersvi
Hi all.

Tom Erbe visited us here in Oslo a week ago, and talked about
"Erbe-Verb" and other recent work he's done on reverbs.  In his great
presentation he mentioned a paper by Jon Dattorro: "Effect Design #1"
describing a 'tank-style' plate-reverb amongst other things.  I beleive
it was reverse-engineered from one of the early Lexicon digital reverbs?

I hadn't noticed the paper before, despite everybody else in the room
seeming to be familiar with it.  Anyway, it sparked me into setting up
something similar in CLM/SND (attached).

Albeit somewhat slow, it sounds quite good with many different types of
input.  The 'tank' is unity gain, so setting decay=1 creates a nice
'freeze' effect.  See some suggested settings at the example calls at
the bottom of the file.

Note: there are 2 minor differences in the tap-section from those in
Dattorro's paper.  I'll perhaps fix these later, if noone gets there
before me.

Currently only stereo.  Should be easy to extend (to e.g. quad or FOA)
by setting up further sets of taps from the same tank.  I'll perhaps do
more tests with this when i get time.

Have fun.


;;; tankrev.scm - 'plate reverb', Anders Vinjar 2016
;;; Dattorro style fig-8 tank-reverb, as outlined in paper:
;;;  Jon Dattorro: Effect Design Part 1: Reverberator and Other
;;;  Filters (1997)
;;; Paper available online:
;;; https://ccrma.stanford.edu/~dattorro/EffectDesignPart1.pdf
;;; PARAMETERS (+ default values presented in paper):
;;; FS=29761 Hz ; (AV: in JDs paper, see smpls->samples below)
;;; EXCURSION = 16  ; maximum peak sample excursion of delay 
;;; decay = 0.5 ; rate of decay
;;; decay diffusion 1 = 0.70; Controls density of tail
;;; decay diffusion 2 = 0.50; Decorrelates tank signals; decay diffusion 2 
= decay + 0.15, floor = 0.25, ceiling = 0.5
;;; input diffusion 1 = 0.750   ; decorrelates incoming signal
;;; input diffusion 2 = 0.6250
;;; bandwidth = 0.9995  ; High-frequncey attenuation on input; full 
bandwidth = 0.
;;; damping = 0.0005; High-frequncey damping; no damping = 0.0

(define (make-diffuser siz scl)
  (make-all-pass (* -1 scl) scl siz))

(define (make-mod-all-pass siz diffusion)
  (make-all-pass diffusion (* -1 diffusion) siz :max-size (* 2 siz)))

;; tap from all-pass line, not used below
;; TODO: build 'reversed' all-pass-tap

;; (define* (all-pass-tap gen (index 0))
;;   ((mus-data gen) index))
;; (define* (all-pass-tap gen (index 0))
;;   ((mus-data gen) (modulo index (length (mus-data ap)

;; To be able to use prescribed taps and sizes in Dattorros article directly:

(define (smpls->samples smpl)
  (let ((FS 29761)) ;orig. srate
(round (* (/ *clm-srate* FS) smpl

(define* (tank-reverb (predelay 0.0) (decay 0.5) (bandwidth 0.9995) (damping 
0.005) (reverb-decay-time 1.0))
  "(tank-reverb (predelay 0.0) (decay 0.5) (bandwidth 0.9995) (damping 0.005) 
(reverb-decay-time 1.0))"

  ;; try setting 'decay = 1.0 for a nice 'freeze' effect

  (let ((decay-diffusion-1 0.70)
(decay-diffusion-2 0.50)
(input-diffusion-1 0.750)
(input-diffusion-2 0.625)
(excursion (smpls->samples 16)))
(let ((len (+ (framples *reverb*) (seconds->samples reverb-decay-time)))
  (predly (make-delay (seconds->samples predelay)))
  (lp1 (make-one-pole bandwidth (* -1 (- 1 bandwidth

  ;; input diffusers = series of 4 all-pass-filters (mono input):
  (input-diffusers (make-all-pass-bank
(vector (make-diffuser (smpls->samples 142) 
(make-diffuser (smpls->samples 107) 
(make-diffuser (smpls->samples 379) 
(make-diffuser (smpls->samples 277) 

  ;; tank, fig-of-eight in Dattorro's figure p. 662:
  (excursion_24 (make-oscil 1.0)) ;max 'Excursion' = 16 samples 
  (excursion_48 (make-oscil 0.707))
  (modallpass_23 (make-mod-all-pass (smpls->samples 672) 
  (modallpass_46 (make-mod-all-pass (smpls->samples 908) 
  (delay_24_30 (make-delay (smpls->samples 4453)))
  (delay_48_54 (make-delay (smpls->samples 4217)))
  (damper_30 (make-one-pole (- 1 damping) (* -1 damping)))
  (damper_54 (make-one-pole (- 1 damping) (* -1 damping)))
  (diffuser_31_33 (make-diffuser (smpls->samples 1800) 
  (diffuser_55_59 (make-diffuser (smpls->samples 2656) 
  (delay_33_39 (make-delay (smpls->samples 3720)))
  (delay_59_63 (make-delay (smpls->samples 3163)))
  (dc-block-1 (make-filter 2 (float-vector 1 -1) (float-vector 0 
  (dc-block-2 (make-filter 2 (float-vector 1 -1) 

Re: [CM] scheme, larger structures

2016-08-16 Thread andersvi
Hi James.

> "J" == James Hearon writes:

J> I gave up and tried concatenating with-sound blocks instead, and
J> it works after a fashion but the creation of separate audio files
J> means those still have to be stitched together at some point.  At
J> least this is getting closer to what I was after.

What do you mean stitch together?  Do you want something like:

  (with-sound (options)


You can take the body of each of your two with-sound calls and place
within one single with-sound:

(let ((var '())
  (aaa (make-heap '(360 800.345 1200 600))) ;freq
  (bbb (make-cycle '(1 1 .75 .25 .20 .15 .10 .10 .10 .10))) ;dur
  (ccc (make-heap '(241 840.345 1000 960 500))) ;freq
  (ddd (make-cycle '(.2 1.25 .75 .25 .20 .15 .10 .10 .50 .10 .50))) ;dur
  (with-sound (:reverb nrev :output "Test1.wav" :srate 48000 :channels 2   
   :header-type mus-riff :statistics #t :play #t)

  ;; BODY OF CALL 1:

  (let ((i 0))
(do ((k 0 (+ k 1)))  
((>= k 25))
  (let ((v (next bbb)))
(examp1 i v (next aaa) .3)
(set! i (+ (round-off i 2) v)

  ;; BODY OF CALL 2:

  (let ((j 1))
(do ((k 0 (+ k 1)))  
((>= k 25))
  (let ((v (next ddd)))
(examp2 j v (next ccc) .1)
(set! j (+ (round-off j 2) v)))

I'm 100% sure what you want to do is possible.  If the above doesn't
come close, please try to be more explicit as to what you want to
achieve, perhaps detail in words.



Cmdist mailing list

Re: [CM] Snd Scheme note lists

2016-06-20 Thread andersvi
Hi James.

J> I was doing that in lisp and CLM using "with-mix" but don't seem
J> to see that thru scheme.

Seems like sound-let might be close:



Cmdist mailing list

Re: [CM] snd-nogui - graph->ps in batch file?

2016-06-01 Thread andersvi
Hi Tito.

T> you have success with update-transform-graph before graph->ps

Right, this works in a '--with-gui' Snd.  Thanks.

But it seems not to help a '--without-gui' Snd much.


Cmdist mailing list

[CM] snd-nogui - graph->ps in batch file?

2016-06-01 Thread andersvi

Sparked by a question on linux-audio-users just now, i wanted to check
if i could create sonograms and similar by scripting Snd (which could be
very useful), but the .eps-file Snd leaves is empty.

Evaluating the same list of calls step by step works fine.

Putting in some (sleep 3) calls along the route didn't help either.

Is this achievable?

Here's what i'm trying:

(open-sound "mono-10s.wav")
(set! (transform-graph?) #t)
(set! (time-graph?) #f)
(set! (transform-graph-type) graph-as-sonogram)
(set! (fft-log-frequency) #t)
(graph->ps "mono-10s-sonogram.eps")


Cmdist mailing list

Re: [CM] scheme move-locsig

2016-04-29 Thread andersvi
Hi James.

J> (myinst i v  (next aaa) .9 48000  0.01  0  1.0  '(0 90 5 0)  )

Seems you're setting the panning-envelope for every note to '(0 90 5 0),
and scaling the duration of this env to the hard-coded 12 seconds in
your make-env call.

Given the short note-durations (0.1->1.0 sec.) this leaves all your
notes close to 90 degrees.

Btw, there seem to be different interfaces to the various *locsig
functions in clm/snd.  dlocsig uses 0° as front by default, while Bills
locsig in snd uses 45° as center.  Better check the docs.

If you change the 12 seconds to durations in your ins:

 (make-env panning-env :duration duration)

you may fool around more with the envelope in the calls, eg.:

(myinst i v (next aaa) .9 48000 0.01 0 1.0 `(0 ,(random 90) ,v ,(random 90)))


Cmdist mailing list

Re: [CM] cm2/cm.asd -> ASDF-3 ?

2016-03-31 Thread andersvi

I've updated cm2 on sourceforge with a new cm2.asd which is ASDF-3.1
compliant.  This version is very much simpler inside then the previous
one (for asdf-1?), and seems to be very much easier to maintain.

To use:

(load "cm2.asd")
(asdf:load-system :cm2)

This will compile and load cm2 sources, translating the necessary .scm
files to .lisp along the way.

Atm. all compiled sources (also the rewritten .lisp files) go inside the
default asdf ~/.cache/common-lisp/implementation/** directory.  

Checked with SBCL (1.2.11) and LispWorks (7.0).  Both have updated ASDF

Support for other lisps is intentionally left out atm.  If you need one,
either include the relevant pre-existing *.lisp file (from src/) in
cm2.asd, or drop me a line.


Cmdist mailing list

Re: [CM] cm2/cm.asd -> ASDF-3 ?

2016-03-30 Thread andersvi
J> Couple of years ago I tried to get this setup again and didn't
J> work.

Just checked with a fresh checkout from svn, where these steps get
things up and running:

 $ svn co svn://svn.code.sf.net/p/commonmusic/code/branches/cm2
 $ cd cm2
 $ mv cm.asd cm2.asd
 $ sbcl
 * (load "src/asdf.lisp")
 * (load "cm2.asd")
 * (use-system :cm2)
 * (cm::next (cm::new cm::heap :of '(does this work?)) t)

I'll update the name of the current cm.asd file to reflect the name
inside its call to defsystem.


Cmdist mailing list

Re: [CM] cm2/cm.asd -> ASDF-3 ?

2016-03-30 Thread andersvi
Hi Juan.

J> Am I reading well between the lines or are your trying to get cm2
J> working again on a current sbcl?.

I don't think it ever stopped working, did it?

I've been using cm2 with sbcl (and recently with lw) 'always'.

cm2.asd is just the 'makefile', the sources (compiled from .scm sources
by calling (gencm) after loading pkg.lisp and stocl.lisp) compile and
load great.

J> I recall last year you guys did some experimenting on
J> patterns.scm [1].  Is this still working?.

Yes.  It's in the snd tarball.



Cmdist mailing list

Re: [CM] cm2/cm.asd -> ASDF-3 ?

2016-03-29 Thread andersvi
> "T" == Tito Latini writes:

T> On Tue, Mar 29, 2016 at 10:16:39AM +0200, anders wrote:
>> In a thread some years ago about CM2's build-system -
>> http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.lisp.ccrma.general/4120/focus=4148
>> - some woes about cm2/cm.asd lagging behind, not being compatible
>> with ASDF-3 came across.
>> Has anyone seen a ASDF-3 compatible cm2/cm.asd?

T> Sometimes I use the attached simplified cm.asd (without "pm" and
T> "rt" to work with my cl tool).

Thanks Tito.

The aim is getting the scm->lisp conversion done transparently within
this make system, something the current cm2/cm2.asd does fine if allowed
to load the (old) src/asdf.lisp included in the sources, but this again
clobbers any recent asdf-3 already in the heap.

If nothing comes up i'll set up a simple load-cm.lisp for the basics,
and check it with sbcl and lw.


Cmdist mailing list

[CM] cm2/cm.asd -> ASDF-3 ?

2016-03-29 Thread andersvi
In a thread some years ago about CM2's build-system -
http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.lisp.ccrma.general/4120/focus=4148 - some
woes about cm2/cm.asd lagging behind, not being compatible with ASDF-3
came across.

Has anyone seen a ASDF-3 compatible cm2/cm.asd?


Cmdist mailing list

Re: [CM] Community of Grace/CM users?

2016-02-21 Thread andersvi
> "B" == Ben McAllister writes:

B> As I refresh my memory on how to do relatively simple things in
B> Scheme, I'm not sure if they're intended to be supported in Scheme. To
B> take one random example, I assume I can consult the latest Scheme docs
B> online to figure out whether or not there's an (nth x y) function in
B> Scheme like there is in CL - there isn't, but it's straightforward to
B> code up:

Scheme is 'schemed', but many of the obvious higher level constructs are
standardised through the various rNrs'es.

You might have to look for different names (and possibly different
semantics) from CL, fex. list-ref in scheme.


Cmdist mailing list

Re: [CM] build clm-4

2013-05-23 Thread andersvi
J I get
J COMMON-LISP-USER by evaluating the above expressions in sbcl on fedora 

J But  if I just do:

J  (compile-file v.ins)
J  (load v)

J I get:
J The variable FM-VIOLIN is unbound.

J Also if I go on to the 2nd example from the CL/CLM manual online:

J (definstrument simp (start-time duration frequency amplitude)
J   (let* ((beg (floor (* start-time *srate*)))
J  (end (+ beg (floor (* duration *srate*
J  (j 0))
J (run
J   (loop for i from beg below end do
J (outa i (* amplitude (sin (* j 2.0 pi (/ frequency *srate*)
J (incf j)

J I get:

J The variable SIMP is unbound.

J So maybe SBCL is not the best choice for lisp for CLM?

clm w. sbcl is usually very stable.  Have you loaded clm at all in your

If you follow what README.clm says and the problems persist, paste in
your whole session, from starting up to the message about unbound
FM-VIOLIN, and send in an email.

Cmdist mailing list

Re: [CM] build clm-4

2013-05-22 Thread andersvi
 J == James Hearon j_hea...@hotmail.com writes:

J Hi,
J I'm trying to build clm-4 for lisp on fedora18, and not sure everything 

J After compilation I tried:

J (compile-file v.ins)
J (load v)
J (with-sound () (fm-violin 0 1 440 .1)) 

J But get: The function COMMON-LISP-USER::FM-VIOLIN is undefined.

The compilation looks ok.  Id check if things happen in the right
packages.  Try evaluating:

(package-name (symbol-package 'fm-violin))

and see if its the same as the package youre working in:

(package-name *package*)


Cmdist mailing list

Re: [CM] LTAS with snd?

2012-12-04 Thread andersvi

B I don't know that term, but perhaps it is similar to the periodogram
B in dsp.scm -- an average in the sense that you take a bunch of
B short term ffts and add them together.

LTAS - Long Term Average Spectrum ?

The two spectra look similar periodogram and 'mammut-fft' when using
N=frames.  The approach in periodogram is much more flexible then one
huge fft though, having choice of fft-size (and step between ffts).


Cmdist mailing list

[CM] LTAS with snd?

2012-12-03 Thread andersvi

Has anyone some code for snd or clm doing a LTAS (average spectrum of
whole sounds)?  

I guess it shouldn't be too heavy to do, but if its out there already...



Cmdist mailing list

Re: [CM] LTAS with snd?

2012-12-03 Thread andersvi
 a == andersvi writes:

a Hi.  Has anyone some code for snd or clm doing a LTAS (average
a spectrum of whole sounds)?

actually, isnt LTAS just the same as taking one huge fft with
window-size = snd-frames?  (at least it looks like its making sense...)

ie, in snd:

 (list-vct (map (lambda (x) (expt x 0.5))
 (snd-spectrum (channel-vct 0)
   (frames v)


Cmdist mailing list

Re: [CM] LTAS with snd?

2012-12-03 Thread andersvi
 a == andersvi writes:
a Hi.  Has anyone some code for snd or clm doing a LTAS (average
a spectrum of whole sounds)?

a actually, isnt LTAS just the same as taking one huge fft with
a window-size = snd-frames?  (at least it looks like its making sense...)

a ie, in snd:

a (graph
a  (list-vct (map (lambda (x) (expt x 0.5))
a   (snd-spectrum (channel-vct 0)
a blackman2-window
a (frames v)
a #t

plus this one: (define v (channel-vct 0))

Cmdist mailing list

Re: [CM] linux build problem

2012-11-26 Thread andersvi
 D == Dave Phillips writes:

 D 'Transport::Transport(Transport::Listener*, Transport::TempoConfig*, bool)':
 D src/Transport.h:224:50: error: 'dontSendNotification' is not a member of 
 D 'juce'

Hi Dave.  Seems you need to pull a fresh juce from git to build with.
All the sendNotification..  stuff was changed in juce rather recently.

If you already have the juce-sources pulled into the cm source tree it
should presumably suffice doing 'cd juce  git pull' or something

Just tested with a fresh svn co from commonmusic and everything went
smooth this morning.


Cmdist mailing list

[CM] building cm on linux from svn -r 2008, w. juce 2 from todays git

2012-11-23 Thread andersvi
Hi Rick.

Ive commited some changes to build and play fine w. my linux + jack now
(fc17 and all that).

Heres the commit message:

 changes to juce sendNotification things to setValue on sliders,
 missing libdl.so on linux build, perhaps something else...

There were aswell 2 typos in the fresh juce cm cloned when building (git
from today), to get jack playing:

diff --git a/modules/juce_audio_devices/native/juce_linux_JackAudio.cpp b/modules/juce_audio_devices/native/juce_linux_JackAudio.cpp
index bf9b7a1..a981b0c 100644
--- a/modules/juce_audio_devices/native/juce_linux_JackAudio.cpp
+++ b/modules/juce_audio_devices/native/juce_linux_JackAudio.cpp
@@ -368,7 +368,8 @@ private:
 if (callback != nullptr)
-if ((numActiveInputChannels + numActiveOutputChannels)  0)
+// if ((numActiveInputChannels + numActiveOutputChannels)  0)
+	if  ((numActiveInChans + numActiveOutChans)  0)
 callback-audioDeviceIOCallback (const_cast const float** (inChans.getData()), numActiveInChans,
  outChans, numActiveOutChans, numSamples);


Cmdist mailing list

Re: [CM] building cm on linux from svn -r 2008, w. juce 2 from todays git

2012-11-23 Thread andersvi

a There were aswell 2 typos in the fresh juce cm cloned when
a building (git from today), to get jack playing:

[diff --git]

which someone else will have to commit unfortunately...


Cmdist mailing list

Re: [CM] building cm on linux from svn -r 2008, w. juce 2 from todays git

2012-11-23 Thread andersvi
 H == Heinrich Taube ta...@illinois.edu writes:

H anders, thank you for your help. did you commit to source forge
H our your own copy?

Yes, i commited the changes (including a patchfile it seems...) to
everything inside ./commonmusic/trunk which is svn to a new revision:

$ svn log -r HEAD

r2009 | andersvi | 2012-11-23 16:30:19 +0100 (fr., 23 nov. 2012) | 1 line

changes to juce sendNotification things to setValue on sliders, missing 
libdl.so on linux build, perhaps something else...

But the gitted stuff (juce) was sent in the email as a patch (dont have
any commit access to juce afaik).  The changes in the juce-tree was 2
small typos making sound play w. jack.

Cmdist mailing list

Re: [CM] snd: control-panel blocks playback

2012-09-18 Thread andersvi
 a == andersvi:

a Opening the control-panel stops playing of audio.  Closing the
a control-panel resumes playing.  If control-panel is opened before
a playing, playing wont start.

a Machine is a 64bit, running fc17.  Both stock-kernel (3.5.3-1)
a and planetccrma-kernel (3.4.10-1.rt18.1) shows the same behaviour
a vs. snd  control-panel.

a Might this be something with gtk?  pkg-config --modversion
a gtk+-3.0 = 3.4.4.  The display-driver (nouveau)?

Just checked with snd-13 on an older machine, but same behavior
vs. control-panel:

(on older machine) $  snd --version 

   This is Snd version 13.1 of 18-Sep-12:
   s7: 2.12 (22-Aug-12), Xen: 3.15
   ALSA 1.0.24
   Sndlib 22.1 (16-July-12, double samples)
   CLM 5.2 (8-Aug-12)
   GSL 1.14
   Gtk+ 2.22.0, Glib 2.26.0, Pango 1.28.1, Cairo 1.10.2 
   LADSPA: 1.1
   Compiled Sep 18 2012 10:47:09
   C: 4.5.1 20100924 (Red Hat 4.5.1-4)
   Libc: 2.13.stable
   host: i686-pc-linux-gnu

(on newer machine) $ snd --version 

   This is Snd version 13.1 of 18-Sep-12:
   s7: 2.12 (22-Aug-12), Xen: 3.15
   Jack: 1.9.8
   Sndlib 22.1 (16-July-12, double samples)
   CLM 5.2 (8-Aug-12)
   Gtk+ 3.4.4, Glib 2.32.4, Pango 1.30.0, Cairo 1.10.2 
   Compiled Sep 18 2012 11:01:14
   C: 4.7.0 20120507 (Red Hat 4.7.0-5)
   Libc: 2.15.stable
   host: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu

Cmdist mailing list

Re: [CM] snd: control-panel blocks playback

2012-09-18 Thread andersvi
Just to notify the list as well: Bill fixed the speed-arrow-bug at 5
o'clock this morning :-)

Cmdist mailing list

Re: [CM] CMN, clisp

2011-03-08 Thread andersvi
 R == R Bastian rbast...@free.fr writes:

R Hello,
R i am trying to work with clis  cmn in a command line manner:

R $ clisp - i ~//cmn-all.lisp thefile.cmn

R it seems to work but finally i get EVAL: undefined function CMN.

R what is bad ?

Not too sure.  You could check whether it works if thefile.cmn has an
(in-package :cmn) at the top.

Its usually easier to help if you include the output you get, and
perhaps steps to reproduce.


Cmdist mailing list

Re: [CM] Can't load external scripts

2010-02-05 Thread andersvi
 H == Henrik Frisk fris...@gmail.com writes:

H If I'm trying to load ws.scm by typing (load
H /usr/lib64/snd/scheme/ws.scm) I get:

H ;io-error open-input-file: can't open extensions.scm,
H /usr/lib64/snd/scheme/ws.scm[5]

Hi Henrik.

It seems 'load-from-path doesnt find the files in your current

Check or set the value of %load-path to the place where the files
reside.  Ie:

 (set! %load-path (cons /usr/lib64/snd/scheme %load-path))

or something close.

You can set this in your config-file.  (Its usually ~/.snd, but im not
sure where its meant to be on a mac.)


Cmdist mailing list

Re: [CM] beta2 (fomus on windows and linux)

2009-08-14 Thread andersvi

H compile and install the latest boost distribution (1.39.0 ?)

Ive only managed using boost v. 1.35 w. fomus.


Cmdist mailing list

Re: [CM] beta2 (fomus on windows and linux)

2009-08-14 Thread andersvi
 M == Markus Eichhoff eichh...@statistik.tu-dortmund.de writes:

M Oh my god... it sounds so complicated what you all are doing.

  apt-get install libboost1.35-dev

or something similar...  

Cmdist mailing list

[CM] various snd-10 - motif and gtk troubles

2009-03-19 Thread andersvi
Hi there.

Ive built both gtk and motif versions of latest snd from the tarball at
ccrma, and they both break on various places when trying to include the
'extra menus' stuff in the preferences.

Ive tried running under gdb, but dont get any stack-trace or locals at
all.  Surely im doing something wrong here, but the snd is compiled with
-g and (i think) im following the hints in README.snd.


The gtk-version breaks when pushing the first one (the
'context-sensitive pop-up' menu:

 ERROR: Unbound variable: gtk_menu_new

The motif-version breaks on 2 places, dependent on whether xm is linked
statically or not.


In the static version it breaks when trying to include either the 'marks
or the 'toolbar knob:

 ERROR: In procedure XLoadQueryFont:
 ERROR: Wrong type argument in position 2 (expecting char*): #f


In the non-static case it breaks on the same place as the gtk-version
(the 'context-sensitive...), with the error:
 ERROR: Unbound variable: XmNbackground

This is on a ubuntu-dist, and im using libmotif-dev (2.2.3-2) for the

Any hints?


Cmdist mailing list

Re: [CM] cm3 s7 in xemacs?

2008-11-17 Thread andersvi
 B == Bill Sack [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

B or even (dare i ask) cmn?

Some years ago i made a guile-translation of cmn.  It sort of worked at
the time, but checking now i cant make it compile any output-files.  It
might be a good place to start for brave souls.

As i remember it now, the CLOS-part was easy to port to guiles various

The main showstopper at the time were 2:

very slow 

CMN heavily using multiple name-spaces (ie. 'staff and 'staff are both a
function and a variable) and only a single name-space in scheme.  The
translation from 2003 used capitalized variable-names to distinguis them
ie. '(staff ...) and 'Staff

You can download it here, and see how far you get:



Cmdist mailing list

Re: [CM] snd: cannot set hardware parameters for default

2008-01-23 Thread andersvi
Indeed, there has been something weird with snd and sndplay for some

Ive only tested jack-enabled versions.  Since some time near spring
2007, neither recent self-built jack-enabled versions or disted
versions from planetccrma (tested with snd-utils rpms for fc6 or fc7
from june 8th and december 7th.)  function without jack running.

Trying to use any of them without jack makes errors which resemble the
one Funny Zen described.

Cmdist mailing list

Re: [CM] snd: cannot set hardware parameters for default

2008-01-23 Thread andersvi
Hei Kjetil!

Jeg testa akkurat forslaget om å utelate --with-alsa (siste cvs
update) uten suksess.  (yes, thats norwegian folks, but you brights
will understand, wont you!:-)

Det er kanskje flere feil her.  Hva får du ut av det her:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] cvs-snd]$ ./sndplay 
JACK tmpdir identified as [/dev/shm]
JACK tmpdir identified as [/dev/shm]
JACK tmpdir identified as [/dev/shm]
JACK tmpdir identified as [/dev/shm]
JACK tmpdir identified as [/dev/shm]
JACK tmpdir identified as [/dev/shm]
JACK tmpdir identified as [/dev/shm]
JACK tmpdir identified as [/dev/shm]
JACK tmpdir identified as [/dev/shm]
JACK tmpdir identified as [/dev/shm]
JACK tmpdir identified as [/dev/shm]
JACK tmpdir identified as [/dev/shm]
JACK tmpdir identified as [/dev/shm]
JACK tmpdir identified as [/dev/shm]
JACK tmpdir identified as [/dev/shm]
JACK tmpdir identified as [/dev/shm]
JACK tmpdir identified as [/dev/shm]
JACK tmpdir identified as [/dev/shm]
JACK tmpdir identified as [/dev/shm]
JACK tmpdir identified as [/dev/shm]
open read /dev/dsp: Device or resource busy
  [audio.c[1855] [EMAIL PROTECTED] cvs-snd]$ 

[EMAIL PROTECTED] cvs-snd]$ ps -A | grep jack
[EMAIL PROTECTED] cvs-snd]$ cat config.log | grep ./configure
  $ ./configure --with-jack --with-motif --with-static-xm 
--with-doc-dir=/site/cm-sys/cvs-snd --with-motif-prefix=/opt/openmotif/usr
Configured with: ../configure --prefix=/usr --mandir=/usr/share/man 
--infodir=/usr/share/info --enable-shared --enable-threads=posix 
--enable-checking=release --with-system-zlib --enable-__cxa_atexit 
--enable-languages=c,c++,objc,obj-c++,java,fortran,ada --enable-java-awt=gtk 
--disable-dssi --enable-plugin 
--enable-libgcj-multifile --enable-java-maintainer-mode 
--with-ecj-jar=/usr/share/java/eclipse-ecj.jar --with-cpu=generic 

Cmdist mailing list

Re: [CM] snd: cannot set hardware parameters for default

2008-01-23 Thread andersvi
   == Ralf Mattes [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  On Wed, 2008-01-23 at 19:58 +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hei Kjetil!
 Jeg testa akkurat forslaget om å utelate --with-alsa (siste cvs
 update) uten suksess.  (yes, thats norwegian folks, but you
 brights will understand, wont you!:-)

  Ok, so you are trying to buy a dishwasher that can handle
  oversized paella pans? ;-)

Whats paella?  Nice try, but you got the grammar not quite right.
(Besides we dont use dishwashers in this country this time of year...)

  Hm, from _this_ we can only infere that some program hijacks
  your sound device.

$ fuser -v /dev/dsp

returns nothing.

And im still able to play sounds with play, mplayer, alsaplayer,
aplayer, audacity... and start jack 

Cmdist mailing list

Re: [CM] snd: cannot set hardware parameters for default

2008-01-23 Thread andersvi

  Very strange. Perhaps the error is wrong. Do you have oss
  emulation loaded? (lsmod |grep snd_pcm_oss)

Do i?

$ /sbin/lsmod | grep snd_pcm_oss
snd_pcm_oss38337  0 
snd_mixer_oss  16577  1 snd_pcm_oss
snd_pcm64069  4 snd_hda_intel,snd_pcm_oss
snd43204  15 

Cmdist mailing list

Re: [CM] Extend File

2007-12-20 Thread andersvi

 K == Kjetil S Matheussen [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

K On Thu, 20 Dec 2007, Esben Stien wrote:

 I can't find the command to insert zero samples at cursor. I want to
 insert 1300 zero samples at cursor.
 Any pointers how I can do this?

K This should work:
K (insert-silence (cursor) 1300)

If youre looking for the key-binding its C-o.  Try hitting 'Ctrl-u'
1300 'Ctrl-o'

Cmdist mailing list

[CM] CM/CLM w. Lispworks

2007-07-30 Thread andersvi

I see there are files and snippets related to lispworks in the
CM-sources, but they seem somewhat old.

Have anyone been using recent versions of CM w. lispworks?

The CLM sources removed lispworks-support somewhere around 2005 and
the release of CLM-3.  What hacks would be needed to get it going
again?  Guess is to plough through sndlib2clm.lisp and fill in.

I dont have any lispworks-license, but am considering getting one for
some other project.  Any comments on how these apps (CM/CLM)
performed/performs in lispworks?

Concerning lispworks, are they following standards closely and stay
reasonably backwards-compatible, or are they like some vendors using
new releases to build obstacles for existing users?


Cmdist mailing list

Re: [CM] notes from metalevel (Cap. 12) - Mixing objects - ERROR

2007-06-29 Thread andersvi
The code concering the arithmetic-up or arithmetic-downfrom in the
example is wrong.  You can make it function with something like this:

 for key = key1 then (+ key step)

 p == padovani  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

p So, now I'm trying to evaluate the Mixing objects code:
p (define (strums key1 key2 rate dur amp)
p (let ((step (if ( key2 key1) -1 1))
p   (diff (abs (- key1 key2
p   (loop repeat (+ diff 1)
p for key from key1 by step
p for beg from 0 by rate
p collect (new midi :time beg
p  :duration dur
p  :amplitude amp
p  :keynum key

p but, in SBCL, the -1 in the second line gives an error in SBCL:

p  (pwd)  ...
p  (define (strums key1 key2 rate dur amp)   (let ((step (if ( ...
p ; in: LAMBDA NIL
p ; (IF ( CM::KEY2 CM::KEY1) -1 1)
p ; ==
p ;   -1
p ;
p ; caught WARNING:
p ;   This is not a (OR (SINGLE-FLOAT (0.0)) (DOUBLE-FLOAT (0.0d0))
p (RATIONAL (0))):
p ; -1
p ;   See also:
p ; The SBCL Manual, Node Handling of Types
p ;
p ; compilation unit finished
p ;   caught 1 WARNING condition

Plato: Music is the movement of sound to reach the soul for
the education of its virtue.

Cmdist mailing list

[CM] Announce: MAMMUT v.0.59

2007-05-31 Thread andersvi

 Start of forwarded message 
Delivery-date: Thu, 31 May 2007 12:20:01 +0200
Date: Thu, 31 May 2007 12:20:00 +0200
From: asbjorn blokkum flo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Anders Vinjar [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: mammut

Nedre gate 5
N-0551 Oslo


Contact Information:
Company name: NOTAM
email address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
NOTAM Web site address: http://www.notam02.no/notam02/english.html
Mammut Web site address: 
Telephone: (+47) 22 35 80 60
Fax: (+47) 22 35 80 61

*NOTAM releases Mammut version 0.59 free sound processing software.
Oslo, Norway
May  30, 2007.

NOTAM, the Norwegian production centre for work with sound, has released 
a new version (0.59) of NOTAMs Mammut software for Mac OSX, Windows and 
The new version of this unique frequency-based sound processing software 
brings performance improvements and major user interaction enhancements.

For composers, sound designers, experimental musicians or producers 
looking for a new approach to sound creation and manipulation, Mammut 
delivers a unique way of working with sound in the frequency domain.

Mammut will do a frequency analysis of your sound in one single gigantic 
FFT analysis (no windows). These spectral data, where the development in 
time is incorporated in mysterious ways, may then be transformed by 
different algorithms. An interesting aspect of Mammut is its completely 
non-intuitive sound transformation approach. Different transforms can be 
applied to the spectrum, such as nonlinear stretching, spectrum shift, 
convolution, filtering and permutation.

Mammut is a somewhat unpredictable program, and the user must get used 
to the idea of loosing control over the time axis. The sonic result is 
often surprising. However, Mammut is also ideal for standard operations 
like filtering, spectrum shift and convolution. The no-window approach 
gives ultimate sound quality.

*Mammut version 0.59 features:
- A new approach to sound creation and manipulation in the frequency domain
- Unique single gigantic FFT analysis method.
- Stretch: Non-linear stretching of the frequency axis.
- Wobble: Alternately stretch and contract the frequency axis
- Multiply phase: Multiply all phases with the value you specify
- Derivate amp: Replaces the amplitude spectrum with its derivative 
- Filter: Optimal bandstop filter. The ultimate in cut-off performance!
- Invert: Splits the spectrum into regions with specified size, and turn 
- Threshold: Removes all partials below a given amplitude threshold.
- Spectrum Shift: Optimal spectrum shift, with no window artifacts.
- Block Swap: Selects randomly positioned regions of the spectrum, and 
- Mirror: Reflects the whole spectrum around the frequency you specify.

*For more information, visit their web site at:

*Mammut is free, and can be downloaded from:




Mammut: for composers, sound designers, experimental musicians or 
producers looking for a new approach to sound creation and manipulation 
in the frequency domain.

 End of forwarded message 

[CM] Announde: DSP02 - Music composition software for children

2007-05-31 Thread andersvi

 Start of forwarded message 
Delivery-date: Thu, 31 May 2007 12:20:10 +0200
Date: Thu, 31 May 2007 12:20:09 +0200
From: asbjorn blokkum flo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Anders Vinjar [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: DSP

Nedre gate 5
N-0551 Oslo

Contact Information:
Company name: NOTAM
email address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
NOTAM Web site address: http://www.notam02.no/notam02/english.html
DSP2 Web site address:  http://www.notam02.no/notam02/prod-prg-dsp02-e.html
Telephone: (+47) 22 35 80 60
Fax: (+47) 22 35 80 61

*NOTAM releases DSP02 Version 1.1.1 free music composition software for 
Oslo, Norway
May 30, 2007.

NOTAM, the Norwegian production centre for work with sound, has released 
a new version (1.1.1) of NOTAMs DSP02 software for Mac OSX, Windows, 
Linux and web-based use.
The new version of DSP02 brings performance improvements and user 
interaction enhancements as well as support for Intel Mac.

For educators, composers, musicians, and others working with children, 
who are looking for a creative, student-oriented method for teaching 
sound creation and manipulation. DSP02 delivers a simple, user-friendly 
way of mixing, editing, and sound processing in one package.  

*DSP2 as a tool for learning*
DSP02 is designed for a non-linear approach to composition, and allows 
students to develop compositions free from musical conventions and 
stylistic blueprints. The creative impulse is at the center of the 
tools, which through easy interactivity allows free, non-restricted 
exploration of what the software tools can be used for.

DSP02 is published on a website which also contains a large number of 
help- and tutorial texts, as well as musical examples and tasks that can 
be developed by using the provided samples library. This makes the 
website into a comprehensive educational tool for composition with 
electronic sound.

/DSP02 is particularly well suited for young composers from 5th to 10th 
DSP02 includes a large number of synthesis and sound processing tools 
for various types of sound design, traditional and non-traditional, such 
as sound editor, mixer, FM synthesis, additive synthesis, time stretch, 
4 types of filters, chorus/vibrato/flanger, ring modulation, harmonizer, 
reverb, delay, formant synthesis, guitar string synthesis, spectral 
sieve, spectrum shift, and different algorithms for machine composition.

*DSP02 is free, and can be downloaded for OSX, Windows and Linux from:


DSP02 - for educators, composers, musicians, and others working with 
children, looking for an easy way to learn sound creation and 
manipulation, DSP2 delivers a simple and user friendly way of working 
with sound synthesis, sound manipulation and mixing in one package.

*For more information, visit their web site at:

 End of forwarded message 

Re: [CM] CMN - weird accent placement

2007-04-14 Thread andersvi
 B == Bill Sack [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

B CMN seems to be putting accents above the staff no matter
B what. I tried the test case in cmn1.lisp and there seem to be
B similar problems with little-swell, down-bow, up-bow and some
B others.  Shouldn't the default, for accent at least, be
B opposite the stem direction? i don't recall this being a
B problem before - i wonder if it's recently broken ...

B bill sack

Dont know when this crept in, but at least accents should be placed
opposite stems.  The fix is easy, put a test on

  '(direction-from-note mark note)'

to check for direction. ie:  

(defun display-accent (mark note score optional justifying)
  (declare (ignore justifying))
  (let ((dir (direction-from-note mark note)))
(show score mark
  :matrix (translate-matrix
   score mark
   (+ (box-x0 note) (vis-dx mark) (center note) -.2 (x0 mark))
   (+ (box-y0 mark) (vis-dy mark) 
  (if (eq dir :down)
  (+ (staff-y0 note) (min (* (- (head-line note) 4) 
*staff-line-separation*) -.5))
(max (+ (or (stem-end note) 0) .125)
 (+ (staff-y0 note)
(* (max 10 (+ 3 (head-line note))) 

But some marks are placed above staff by default.  If someone could
compile or link to a list of default-placement for the marks (and
ideally all marks in accent.lisp as well):


and fill in default direction (ie: opposite-stem/up/down) for the
various marks, it would be a rather small job going through the
various #'display-some-mark programs which needs fixing (i think...)


Cmdist mailing list

Re: [CM] CMN - straight flag problem in sbcl?

2007-03-21 Thread andersvi
 B == Bill Schottstaedt [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

B Thanks very much for the bug report and bugfix!  I'll merge
B those changes into my versions later today.

It seems that sbcl's loop actually follows the specs (possibly for
optimization reasons?), requiring a positive value for the 'by
loop-keyword, necessitating choice of syntax dependent on direction of

Cant remember what gcl complained about, but now that the 'do-version
of the code in #'draw-flags function does exactly the same as the
'loop-version there shouldnt be a need to dispatch on implementations

Cmdist mailing list

[CM] markov-analyze allowing :period keyword

2007-03-19 Thread andersvi
Heres a diff allowing 'markov-analyze to accept a :period keyword to
let resulting pattern-object have arbitrary period-length.

(Its useful in some cases of 'markov-analyze where the output is
included in various 'join, 'copier or similar)


Index: src/data.scm
RCS file: /cvsroot/commonmusic/cm/src/data.scm,v
retrieving revision 1.15
diff -u -r1.15 data.scm
--- src/data.scm4 Sep 2006 00:55:59 -   1.15
+++ src/data.scm19 Mar 2007 19:21:25 -
@@ -1056,6 +1056,7 @@
   (pattern? #t); #f or pattern
   (print-decimals 3)
+  (period nil)
 (let ((len (length seq)) 
  (labels '())  ; the set of all outcomes 
@@ -1194,7 +1195,7 @@
(pprint `(new markov of ', pat)))
  (if pattern?
 ;; patterns not defined yet, cant use new or markov
-   (make (find-class* 'markov) :of pat)
+   (make (find-class* 'markov) :of pat :for period)
 (define (histogram numbers lo hi slots)

Cmdist mailing list

Re: [CM] gnuplot support

2007-01-25 Thread andersvi

If the gnuplot-window doesnt stay up, try adding -persist to the

(defparameter *gnuplot* gnuplot -persist)


 RT == Rick Taube [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

RT CVS head now has new Gnuplot support for plotting data sets
RT and output from musical processes. See new dictionary entry
RT for overview and examples:

RT http://commonmusic.sf.net/doc/dict/gnuplot-fn.html

Cmdist mailing list

[CM] plot.cl (from dlocsig)

2006-06-05 Thread andersvi
There are various plotting packages for cm lying around.

Heres my favorite - a very simple, but effective gnuplot-based
one.  I find i use it all the time, needing nothing but gnuplot
set up.  The code below is set up to run with sbcl as well as the

I havent set up with any schemes here.  Maybe someone has some
time to spare.  Its a matter of redefining #'open-plot and
#'close-plot to whatever calls are used to manage
processes/shells by the implementation.

 (plot-data (loop repeat 100 collect (random 1.0)))

 (plot-2d-curve '(0 0 1 1 8 0.7 10 0))

 (plot-2d-curves (list '(0 0 .1 1 .8 0.7 1 0) '(0 1 1 0)))

 (plot-3d-curve (loop repeat 7
 for x = (between -1.0 1.0)
 for y = (between -1.0 1.0)
 for z = (between -1.0 1.0)
 append (list x y z))
   :style lp)

Description: plot-functions from dlocsig.lisp

Re: [CM] CM 2.9.1 + RTS 2.0 released

2006-05-17 Thread andersvi
 R == Rick Taube [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 away zillions of realtime processes :-) (havent tried with
 midishare or osc yet, just portmidi).  This is sbcl-0.9.9*, and
R you should be able to output to any of them (they are all under
R construction...) but only portmidi receving is probably working. in a
R nutshell the new receiving api is:

I tried loading the osc-system, changing libc.dylib to
libc.so in osc/sockets.lisp to locate the lib on linux, but
it complains about the library:

  Error opening shared object libc.so:
  /usr/lib/libc.so: invalid ELF header.
  [Condition of type SIMPLE-ERROR]

Any clues?

Cmdist mailing list

Re: [CM] CM 2.9.1 + RTS 2.0 released

2006-05-15 Thread andersvi
What SBCL environment is RTS working with?  Tried various sbcl's,
with various versions of cffi without luck.  CFFI, PORTMIDI (and
MIDISHARE) loads fine, but (use-system :rts) in a freshly booted
cm returns an error:

 Unable to load foreign library: ~A

This is cm, rts, and cffi_0.9.1, (and fc3 from the planet)

 RT == Rick Taube [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
RT we have released the final design of the C based RTS
RT scheduler as rts 2.0.0:
RT http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=9766

Cmdist mailing list

Re: [CM] CM 2.9.1 + RTS 2.0 released

2006-05-15 Thread andersvi
 R == Rick Taube [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
R # SBCL 0.9.10/GNU Linux (Planet CCRMA) Dell i686, 1.5 GHz, 512M RAM.
R # Systems: cm-2.9.1, cffi-060107, portmidi-2.0.0, rts-2.0.0
R did you make the libs in rts/ ?
R look for any error messages.

I did all the standard error-seeking, w/wo slime/xemacs,
rebuilding fasls, getting rid of init-files etc., wo luck.

There are no error messages coming from 'make'-ing the rts-libs.

As always, ive tried everything - and as always theres obviously
something ive forgotten :-)

compiling, loading and executing clm instruments w. various .so
libs works fine.

Ill test on some other machine to see when i get some time.  If
i find out what ive forgot :) ill send you a note.


/\\\--- Common Music 2.9.1
 /  \\\/   

* (use-system :rts :warnings t)

; loading system definition from /site/cm-sys/rts/rts.asd into
; loading #P/site/cm-sys/rts/rts.asd
; registering #SYSTEM :RTS {B9652B9} as RTS
; loading system definition from /site/cm-sys/cffi_0.9.1/cffi.asd into
; loading #P/site/cm-sys/cffi_0.9.1/cffi.asd
; registering #SYSTEM CFFI {A75BD59} as CFFI
; loading #P/site/cm-sys/cffi_0.9.1/src/utils.fasl
; loading #P/site/cm-sys/cffi_0.9.1/src/features.fasl
; loading #P/site/cm-sys/cffi_0.9.1/src/cffi-sbcl.fasl
; loading #P/site/cm-sys/cffi_0.9.1/src/package.fasl
; loading #P/site/cm-sys/cffi_0.9.1/src/libraries.fasl
; loading #P/site/cm-sys/cffi_0.9.1/src/early-types.fasl
; loading #P/site/cm-sys/cffi_0.9.1/src/types.fasl
; loading #P/site/cm-sys/cffi_0.9.1/src/enum.fasl
; loading #P/site/cm-sys/cffi_0.9.1/src/strings.fasl
; loading #P/site/cm-sys/cffi_0.9.1/src/functions.fasl
; loading #P/site/cm-sys/cffi_0.9.1/src/foreign-vars.fasl
; compiling file /site/cm-sys/rts/cffi-scheduler.lisp (written 13 MAY 2006 

; /site/cm-sys/rts/cffi-scheduler.fasl written
; compilation finished in 0:00:01
; loading #P/site/cm-sys/rts/cffi-scheduler.fasl

debugger invoked on a CFFI:LOAD-FOREIGN-LIBRARY-ERROR:
  Unable to load foreign library: /site/cm-sys/rts/librts.so

Type HELP for debugger help, or (SB-EXT:QUIT) to exit from SBCL.

restarts (invokable by number or by possibly-abbreviated name):
  0: [RETRY] Try loading the foreign library again.
  1: [USE-VALUE] Use another library instead.
  2: [RETRY] Retry performing #ASDF:LOAD-OP NIL {BAB9831} on
 #ASDF:CL-SOURCE-FILE cffi-scheduler {BA72B99}.
  3: [ACCEPT   ] Continue, treating #ASDF:LOAD-OP NIL {BAB9831} on
 #ASDF:CL-SOURCE-FILE cffi-scheduler {BA72B99} as having
 been successful.
  4: [ABORT] Exit debugger, returning to top level.

 Unable to load foreign library: ~A

Cmdist mailing list

[CM] Re: [linux-audio-dev] Re: [linux-audio-user] [ANN] Snd-ls V0.9.6.2

2006-04-14 Thread andersvi
 P == Paul Davis [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
P On Thu, 2006-04-13 at 17:45 -0700, Kjetil S. Matheussen wrote:
 The biggest thing about this release of Snd-ls is probably that the 
 rt-player is enabled by default. The rt-player is an alternative player 
 engine for SND that plays soundfiles using the rt-extension and reads data 
 from disk through a buffer. The result is less clicks, and more channels
 can be played safely at once.
P just think, if this had been in place 4 years ago, ardour's editor would
P have been snd-as-embedded-widget. good? bad? you tell me ;)

It would make for an extremely powerful and flexible audio
environment with a fast interface.  Might we hope?

Talking about fate and hope and such: an import/export of
suitable versions of ardours playlists (timed objects) in ardour
would be great to interface it cleanly to tools like CM.  An
object would consist of time, source, region, route'gain
automation-data, everything making up a regions situation in a

Cmdist mailing list

[CM] Re: [linux-audio-dev] Re: [linux-audio-user] [ANN] Snd-ls V0.9.6.2

2006-04-14 Thread andersvi
 P == Paul Davis [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Talking about fate and hope and such: an import/export of
 suitable versions of ardours playlists (timed objects) in ardour
 would be great to interface it cleanly to tools like CM.  An
 object would consist of time, source, region, route'gain
 automation-data, everything making up a regions situation in a
P this is something you can hope for. we already allow per-region export,
P but the workflow leaves something to be desired.

Being able to generate well-formed playlists from external apps
(CM) and importing them into existing Ardour sessions would be
extremely useful.  No.2 would be to export and work on
automation-data outside of Ardour, and importing back again.

As much scriptability of Ardour's interface (scheme or CL-wise)
as possible is very much desired!

OSC i/o of ardour, and being able to read files with OSC-bundles
to use as playlists (or something to translate to Ardour's
.playlist-format) could make flexible and general solutions
towards this.

Cmdist mailing list

Re: [CM] CM, rt, portmidi osx, linux

2006-02-13 Thread andersvi
 F == Fernando Lopez-Lezcano [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  (define *pm* (portmidi-open :input 12 :output 11 :latency 0))
  (set-receiver! #'(lambda (mm ms) mm (print ms)) *pm*)
 and playing my virtual keyboard here crashes cmucl, and hits an
 error in sbcl.
 If someone has this working on a linux machine with portmidi,
 would they be kind enought to post some info about versions of
F I'm using sbcl 0.9.7 (with thread support) with a cm cvs snapshot dated
F 2005.12.15 (I think) and receving seems to work. What kind of error are
F you getting in sbcl? 

Heres a session from a shell.  Setting it up:

 * (pm::getdeviceinfo)

 ((:ID 0 :NAME Midi Through Port-0 :TYPE :OUTPUT :OPEN NIL)
  (:ID 1 :NAME Midi Through Port-0 :TYPE :INPUT :OPEN NIL)
  (:ID 10 :NAME qjackctl :TYPE :OUTPUT :OPEN NIL)
  (:ID 11 :NAME Synth input port (417:0) :TYPE :OUTPUT :OPEN NIL)
  (:ID 12 :NAME Virtual Keyboard :TYPE :INPUT :OPEN NIL))
 * (define *pm*
   (portmidi-open :input 12 :output 11 :latency 0))

 * *pm*

 #portmidi-stream midi-port.pm (in:12 out:11)
 * (set-receiver! #'(lambda (mm ms) mm (print ms)) *pm*)

And heres what happens when hitting a key on the virtual

 debugger invoked on a UNBOUND-VARIABLE in thread
 #THREAD initial thread {A681319}:
   The variable PORTMIDI::PM-MESSAGE is unbound.

 Type HELP for debugger help, or (SB-EXT:QUIT) to exit from SBCL.

 restarts (invokable by number or by possibly-abbreviated name):
   0: [ABORT] Exit debugger, returning to top level.


Cmdist mailing list

Re: [CM] CM, rt, portmidi osx, linux

2006-02-13 Thread andersvi
 R == Rick Taube [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 debugger invoked on a UNBOUND-VARIABLE in thread
 #THREAD initial thread {A681319}:
 The variable PORTMIDI::PM-MESSAGE is unbound.
R anders -- there is no pm-message variable. im wondering if perhaps
R there is an issue somewhere with cffi expansion.
R i would recommend that you delete your current cffi directory, install
R the lastest tarball of cffi, then DELETE your .fasls under portmidi
R and rts and try again. also do a cvs update of portmidi -- i added
R nandos fixes to the error reporting code several days ago.

Here we go!  Updating the cffi interface made the examples using
a receiver-hook work as well.  This is on planetccrma-fc3, SBCL, CM from somewhere around december 15th, portmidi from
February 9th.

Cmdist mailing list

Re: [CM] map-subobjects

2005-12-19 Thread andersvi
D I'm getting
D undefined
D Source: Error finding source:
D Error in function DEBUG::GET-FILE-TOP-LEVEL-FORM: Source file no
D longer exists
D ...when invoking map-subobjects in CM. Is anyone else having this
D problem? I'm using a recent CM tarball with CMUCL19c. CLM, CFFI, and
D CM-GTK are all currently loaded.

This changed some time ago.  Try using map-objects.

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