[CM] Snd 16.6

2016-06-14 Thread bil

Snd 16.6.

added snd-lint.scm (Snd extensions for lint)

s7's symbol function now takes any number of string args
  these are all concatenated to form the new symbol name
s7's make-vector no longer takes an optional fourth argument.

checked: gtk 3.21.2, sbcl 1.3.6, Fedora 24

Thanks!: Joe Python, Tito Latini.

Cmdist mailing list

Re: [CM] snd-nogui - graph->ps in batch file?

2016-06-01 Thread bil

Ah -- much nicer!  Thanks!

Cmdist mailing list

Re: [CM] Snd Scheme note lists

2016-06-20 Thread bil

If you want to concatenate several with-sounds into one,
just concatenate the instrument calls, with some variable
holding the section's start time.

Cmdist mailing list

Re: [CM] snd for OS-X?

2016-02-22 Thread bil

Since fink days, I tried darwinports(?) and
brew, and managed to make a complete mess
of my Mac.  I think I have brew (or is it homebrew?)
installed, and with that it used to be possible
to get gtk on the Mac, but the result was
very disappointing.  But that was a long
time ago.  I'll try to get up the courage to
run (home)brew again and see what happens.

Cmdist mailing list

Re: [CM] help with case statement

2016-01-26 Thread bil

In case, the keys are in a list, so the syntax
is (case the-case
 ((0) ...)
 ((1) ...)))
You're currently missing the extra parens around the
0 and 1.  For Scheme, "The Scheme Programming Language"
by Dybvig is clear, but try to find the second edition --
I think the newer edition describes r6rs scheme which
has been abandoned.  Scheme is very
close to Common Lisp, so the best intro of all is
probably Peter Seibel's Practical Common Lisp,
available online.

Cmdist mailing list

[CM] Snd 16.3

2016-02-19 Thread bil

Snd 16.3

added s7 profiler if WITH_PROFILE is set, profile.scm.
moved multiple-value-set! macro to stuff.scm
port-line-number is settable (for fancy #readers)
*cload-directory* (a string) for cload output files (default is "")
removed quasiquoted vector support (it was disabled by default)

checked: gtk 3.19.7|8|9, sbcl 1.3.2

Thanks!: Kjetil Matheussen, Nando, IOhannes m zm?lnig, Mike Scholz.

(all my time goes to lint.scm)

Cmdist mailing list

Re: [CM] Community of Grace/CM users?

2016-02-21 Thread bil

A small typo: I think you meant

(define (nth n l)
  (if (or (>= n (length l)) (< n 0))
(error "Index out of bounds.")
(if (eq? n 0)
  (car l)
  (nth (- n 1) (cdr l)

The various Schemes are less alike than the various Common Lisps --
Scheme exists in something like 40 implementations, and the implementors
tend to be cantankerous and disdainful of standards.  So online docs can 

misleading.  s7.html describes s7, and I try to stay within shouting
distance of the r7rs standard, but I'd say s7 is a hybrid of what
Scheme ought to be and what Common Lisp mostly is.  There is
often an "apropos" or "help" function to check if something
is already defined.

Cmdist mailing list

Re: [CM] snd inf-snd.el

2016-03-01 Thread bil

s7 doesn't know how to communicate with slime (or geiser), and it's not
Common Lisp, so loading quicklisp code, or running sbcl has no effect.
Snd can communicate with emacs through s7, forth, or ruby,
and inf-snd.el has instructions.  I use the built-in repls (and a
separate emacs); in that case you load a file with (load "a-file.scm"),
and evaluate s7 code by typing it at the prompt, just as in any
other repl.

Cmdist mailing list

Re: [CM] Snd: getting a prompt on stdout

2016-03-19 Thread bil
I added stdin-prompt to Snd, and tried it out briefly in the gtk 

/home/bil/cl/ ./snd
(+ 1 2)
(set! (stdin-prompt) ">>>")

(+ 1 2)



I haven't yet tried it in emacs -- please let me know
of any problems.

(The sourceforge cvs version may be messed up --
I'm getting "transport endpoint" errors which I'll
need to track down).

Cmdist mailing list

Re: [CM] Snd inf-snd.el

2016-03-11 Thread bil

I'm glad you got it working.  If you or Mike
have any instructions or clarifications about this
that might help others, I'll include them in README.Snd.

Cmdist mailing list

Re: [CM] Snd: imprecision when playing selections

2016-03-28 Thread bil

"How to paint a bird song"

hey, no fair!  Now you know how to bump something
to the top of my TODO list.

Cmdist mailing list

Re: [CM] Request

2016-04-10 Thread bil
The T after loading CLM shows it was built successfully.  I tried your 

instrument (you have to compile an instrument in the CL version of CLM),
and ran it without problem.  The error output you got is complaining 

CM and CLM (functions?) -- I don't know where those come from.
CLM works fine in Scheme, the CL version is no longer supported.

If you insist however, start sbcl, (load "all.lisp"), (compile-file 

(load "auto"), (with-sound () (auto 1)).

Cmdist mailing list

Re: [CM] Snd: getting a prompt on stdout

2016-03-19 Thread bil

I'll add the s7webserver directory to Snd.
I'm still stuck at sourceforge, so this may
take a day or two (the docs say if the cvs unlock
command fails, "wait and try again later"...)

Cmdist mailing list

Re: [CM] Snd: getting a prompt on stdout

2016-03-20 Thread bil

That output goes through string_to_stdout in
snd-xen.c, I think (it's watched for via
g_io_channel_unix_get_fd in snd-gmain.c).
Snd used to have a print-hook for stuff like
this, but it didn't get used for years, so
I removed it.  I could add a hook to
string_to_stdout to add a prompt, if you like.
I think you could change string_to_stdout

 fprintf(stdout, "%s\n> ", msg);

or something like that to get a prompt,
but I haven't tried it.

Cmdist mailing list

Re: [CM] inf-snd.el

2016-03-02 Thread bil

"Fedora Core 5"! Wow, that documentation is archaic.
I can't find the files it talks about, xemacs is
long dead, buried, forgotten, and 2006 precedes s7.
That must have been Guile-related.

Cmdist mailing list

[CM] Snd 16.4

2016-03-28 Thread bil

Snd 16.4:

added stdin-prompt
added s7/s7webserver directory to Snd

checked: gtk 3.19.10|11, gtk 3.20.0|1, sbcl 1.3.3

Thanks!: Kjetil Matheussen, Mike Scholz, James Hearon, Arthur Green,
 pbatch, Daniel Lopez, Greg Santucci.

Cmdist mailing list

Re: [CM] cm2 on GracCL

2016-04-02 Thread bil
s7 getters and setters are handled via either procedure-setter 
or dilambda (equivalent to Guile's procedure-with-setter).  Generic 
functions and CLOS-like objects are handled through environments (known 
as lets in s7). You can use define-class and all that ancient clanking 
machinery, but I've never found a need for it.  Inheritance is just a 
matter of chaining lets together, and methods are just fields (bindings) 
in the let (and all built-in functions can handle them, so in that 
sense, every function in s7 is generic). Setters and getters here come 
"for free" via the implicit indexing syntax. There are examples in 

There are lots of spectral processing functions in Snd,
(in the scheme/forth files); I think you could use these in
a Snd-less clm without trouble.

Although I keep clm going in sbcl and clisp, I really don't
want to debug anything in CL.

Cmdist mailing list

Re: [CM] scheme move-locsig

2016-04-29 Thread bil

The 45-degrees = center choice goes back before
my time!  John Chowning is to blame, I think.
In MUS10 we used the (non-standard even then)
speaker numbering
so 0 degrees was right-front.

Cmdist mailing list

Re: [CM] warnings and errors while compiling with Oracle Solaris Studio 12.4 compiler on SPARC Solaris 10

2016-05-09 Thread bil

By the way, is that the old Sun C compiler from
before the days of the Jacquard loom?  About 20
years ago, I had access to a machine running Solaris,
and looked into buying their compiler.  The salesman
said "that will be thirty-four-ninety-five", and
I said "you mean three thousand four hundred...",
he laughed and said "yes", and I laughed and said
"forget it".

Cmdist mailing list

Re: [CM] negative number in cond

2016-05-18 Thread bil

(I accidentally deleted the original, and there's
no undelete in this mailer), but I think your
problem is that in both these cases, you're not
getting a range:

((and (>= -6 theslope) (<= theslope -10))
((and (>= 6 theslope) (<= theslope 10))

You get (<= theslope -10) in the first case -- I think
you accidentally reversed the order of the arguments.
It might be more clear to use (<= 6 theslope 10) etc.

Cmdist mailing list

[CM] Snd 16.5

2016-05-06 Thread bil

Snd 16.5

Kjetil Matheussen added the --with-webserver configuration flag to Snd, 

  made all the supporting changes.

Daniel Hensel sent instructions to build Snd in OSX -- see README.Snd.

ttaenc removed: it appears to be dead (no movement in 10 years), or 

changed spectr.scm to export only *spectr*, rgb.scm *rgb*.

checked: sbcl 1.3.4|5, gtk 3.20.2|3 3.21.1, gsl 2.1

Thanks!: Greg Santucci, Daniel Lopez, Kjetil Matheussen, Daniel Hensel

Cmdist mailing list

[CM] Snd 16.7

2016-07-28 Thread bil

Snd 16.7.

changed compute-string and compute-uniform-circular-string to 
vibrating-string, etc.

checked: gtk 3.21.3|4, sbcl 1.3.7.

Thanks!: Carlos Carrasco

Cmdist mailing list

[CM] a post about s7

2016-07-08 Thread bil


Cmdist mailing list

Re: [CM] Snd download link still 17.0

2017-01-22 Thread bil

Thanks!  I just updated it to 17.1 -- could have
sworn I did that earlier.

Cmdist mailing list

[CM] Snd 17.2

2017-02-22 Thread bil

Snd 17.2:

Tito Latini greatly improved the mix saved state info, and fixed many 

in s7:
  let-set! now raises an error if the target variable doesn't exist
  if no result is specified, do returns the test result
 => works here as in cond and case, and multiple-values.
  in *rootlet-redefinition-hook* the first parameter is 'name, not 
  #e, #i, #d removed.  #i(...) is an int-vector constant, #r(...) a 

checked: sbcl 1.3.14, gtk 3.89.4

Thanks!: Tito Latini.

Cmdist mailing list

Re: [CM] s7 wrap c func with scheme

2017-02-24 Thread bil

Probably the simplest way to make a C function callable from s7
is to wrap it in a function of the form

s7_pointer wrapper(s7_scheme *sc, s7_pointer args)

Then get the scheme-side arguments from "args", and
wrap the C function's output using the s7_make* functions.
It is then defined in s7 using s7_define_function.
s7.html has an example under "Define a function with arguments".

If you want this in a shared library, you also need to tell
s7's load function how to get the wrappers.  This is normally
done via an environment with a field named 'init_func whose
value is the (name of the) C initialization function in the
library (i.e. the function that calls s7_define_function).
There's an example in the section about libsndlib.so,
but maybe I should add a simpler example.

cload.scm sets up all these wrappers and linkages for you,
but it is overkill for simple cases.

Cmdist mailing list

Re: [CM] s7: How does the function 'copy' work?

2017-01-18 Thread bil

yes, that should work.

Cmdist mailing list

Re: [CM] s7: How does the function 'copy' work?

2017-01-18 Thread bil

It's a shallow copy.

Cmdist mailing list

Re: [CM] s7: How does the function 'copy' work?

2017-01-18 Thread bil

I have added some verbiage to s7.html about copy
(and reverse! since it was right there), and merged
in a bugfix from Tito Latini for snd-mix.c (mixing
multi-channel files).

Cmdist mailing list

[CM] Snd 16.8

2016-09-05 Thread bil

Snd 16.8.

cmn: Michael Edwards got cmn to work in ECL.

s7: object->let
changed ->byte-vector to string->byte-vector
let-temporarily is now built-in

checked: sbcl 1.3.8|9, gtk 3.21.5

Thanks!: Michael Edwards.

Cmdist mailing list

Re: [CM] working with large data sets

2016-09-12 Thread bil

Can anyone recommend a favorite emacs for mac?

I use emacsformacosx -- google "emacs for mac" and
I think you'll see it.  There are also comparisons
available online.  I used aquamacs originally, but
was not happy with it.  (I actually do all real
editing on linux, so my opinion is not worth a lot).

Cmdist mailing list

Re: [CM] s7, undefined reference errors

2016-09-19 Thread bil

As Kjetil points out, you must have configured Snd
with --with-gmp or somehow created mus-config.h
with WITH_GMP set to 1.  That file does not come with
s7 (on the theory that people will read the instructions).
If you want to use gmp, you'll need -lgmp -lmpfr -lmpc.
If not, just delete whatever is in mus-config.h and
recompile s7, or run configure again (for Snd) without
--with-gmp, make clean, make.

Cmdist mailing list

Re: [CM] s7, undefined reference errors

2016-09-20 Thread bil

By the way, have you measured any difference in performance
for non-bignumbers when using WITH_GMP?

The gmp version is always slower, sometimes a lot slower
(more than a factor of 10).  I was using gmp/mpfr for
some (for lack of a less pompous word) research and
didn't care about the speed.  In numerical contexts,
the multiprecision library calls completely dominate
(99% of the compute time), so I didn't try to optimize
the other 1%.  I plead lack of time and energy!
I've reached that point in life that if I try to
work harder, I instantly fall asleep.

Cmdist mailing list

Re: [CM] tank reverb

2016-09-27 Thread bil

Thanks very much!  I'll add that to the snd

Cmdist mailing list

Re: [CM] clm delay offset for tap?

2016-09-28 Thread bil

(int)-1 % (unsigned int)10=> 5

That's very interesting -- I never noticed this!
Thanks very much for the bugfix -- I'll merge it into
my sources today -- then I need to look at all
the other % cases.

Cmdist mailing list

Re: [CM] sndinfo doesn't work w. large riff/wav (from other apps), sun/next is ok

2016-11-10 Thread bil

The problem is in sndlib, not sox. There were a couple
places where the size was treated as a (signed) int,
even though snd could write an unsigned int if needed.
Thanks for the bug report!

Cmdist mailing list

[CM] Snd 16.9

2016-10-23 Thread bil

Snd 16.9:

Anders Vinjar provided tankrev.scm
Tito Latini fixed a bug in clm's tap generator (discovered by AV).

Snd: removed snd13.scm

s7: make-keyword -> string->keyword

checked: FC 25, gtk 3.21.6 3.22.0|1, sbcl 1.3.10
  in gtk 3.22.0, the basic display mechanism changed again(!) so
  (at least today) the window-manager close decoration is messed up,
  and I probably missed other troubles -- please let me know
  as you encounter them.

Thanks!:  Anders Vinjar, IOhannes m zmlnig, Tito Latini.
Cmdist mailing list

Re: [CM] tap fixed - patch to tankrev.scm

2016-11-01 Thread bil

After the expansion, you have
(let ((FS 29761)) (round (* (/ *clm-srate* FS) smpl)))
at a dozen or more places.  The optimizer can probably get rid of the 
but it is unhappy about *clm-srate*.  It can't be certain it's 

with round, or that it's constant during the loop (the latter is doable
in the best-of-all-worlds, and the former perhaps by wrapping the loop
in (when (real? *clm-srate*) (do...))).  (complex *clm-srate* would mean
at least complex phase increments and output, so you'd generate a 

output -- 2-dimensional time makes me smile, but I can't immediately
think of a musical application.  And, sadly, dumb generators like
oscil and delay currently assume their inputs are "real" = floats).

The new version of tankrev is in the cvs area, and, unless I messed
up the script, also in the daily tarball, snd-17.tar.gz at ccrma-ftp.

Cmdist mailing list

Re: [CM] tap fixed - patch to tankrev.scm

2016-11-01 Thread bil

I'm not sure I understand your question, but you want
to evaluate the offsets outside the do-loop (i.e. at
the time the instrument is called, not on every sample).
A "sufficiently intelligent" optimizer could recognize
that those entire expressions are not changing, and pull
them out of the loop for you.  Maybe someday...

Cmdist mailing list

Re: [CM] tap fixed - patch to tankrev.scm

2016-11-01 Thread bil

I have it!  Since these are sampled, you'd have a
sort of pointilistic painting (or cube?)
that you could zoom around in, and whatever
is underneath is the current sample, so you'd have
infinitely many pieces and travel around in them.
All in real-time of-course, so you'd only actually
have to compute one path.  And intermediate steps
could involve tempo maps + audio interpolation. It will
work the first time.

Cmdist mailing list

Re: [CM] tap fixed - patch to tankrev.scm

2016-11-02 Thread bil

Something which does the same thing as #. in CL

s7.html (under *#readers*) has a reader macro that
implements CL's #.

(set! *#readers*
  (cons (cons #\. (lambda (str)
(and (string=? str ".") (eval (read)

I actually haven't used it much -- let me know of bugs!

Cmdist mailing list

Re: [CM] tap fixed - patch to tankrev.scm

2016-10-27 Thread bil

I think the macro version is slower -- s7 does not
currently expand macros when first encountered;
you can use define-expansion for that, but the
speedup is not great.  Since all the smpls->samples
calls involve constants, I'd precompute those

(define* (tank-reverb (predelay 0.0) (decay 0.5) (bandwidth 0.9995) 
(damping 0.005) (reverb-decay-time 1.0))
  "(tank-reverb (predelay 0.0) (decay 0.5) (bandwidth 0.9995) (damping 
0.005) (reverb-decay-time 1.0))"

  ;; try setting 'decay = 1.0 for a nice 'freeze' effect

  (let ((decay-diffusion-1 0.70)
(decay-diffusion-2 0.50)
(input-diffusion-1 0.750)
(input-diffusion-2 0.625)
(excursion (smpls->samples 16)))

(let ((len (+ (framples *reverb*) (seconds->samples 

  (predly (make-delay (seconds->samples predelay)))
  (lp1 (make-one-pole bandwidth (* -1 (- 1 bandwidth

  ;; input diffusers = series of 4 all-pass-filters (mono input):
  (input-diffusers (make-all-pass-bank
(vector (make-diffuser (smpls->samples 142) 
(make-diffuser (smpls->samples 107) 
(make-diffuser (smpls->samples 379) 
(make-diffuser (smpls->samples 277) 

  ;; tank, fig-of-eight in Dattorro's figure p. 662:
	  (excursion_24 (make-oscil 1.0)) ;max 'Excursion' = 16 samples 

  (excursion_48 (make-oscil 0.707))
	  (modallpass_23 (make-mod-all-pass (smpls->samples 672) 
	  (modallpass_46 (make-mod-all-pass (smpls->samples 908) 

  (delay_24_30 (make-delay (smpls->samples 4453)))
  (delay_48_54 (make-delay (smpls->samples 4217)))
  (damper_30 (make-one-pole (- 1 damping) (* -1 damping)))
  (damper_54 (make-one-pole (- 1 damping) (* -1 damping)))
	  (diffuser_31_33 (make-diffuser (smpls->samples 1800) 
	  (diffuser_55_59 (make-diffuser (smpls->samples 2656) 

  (delay_33_39 (make-delay (smpls->samples 3720)))
  (delay_59_63 (make-delay (smpls->samples 3163)))
	  (dc-block-1 (make-filter 2 (float-vector 1 -1) (float-vector 0 
	  (dc-block-2 (make-filter 2 (float-vector 1 -1) (float-vector 0 

  (tank_1 0.0) (tank_2 0.0)

  (smpl-266 (smpls->samples 266))
  (smpl-2974 (smpls->samples 2974))
  (smpl-1913 (smpls->samples 1913))
  (smpl-1996 (smpls->samples 1996))
  (smpl-1990 (smpls->samples 1990))
  (smpl-187 (smpls->samples 187))
  (smpl-1066 (smpls->samples 1066))

  (smpl-353 (smpls->samples 353))
  (smpl-3627 (smpls->samples 3627))
  (smpl-1228 (smpls->samples 1228))
  (smpl-2673 (smpls->samples 2673))
  (smpl-2111 (smpls->samples 2111))
  (smpl-335 (smpls->samples 335))
  (smpl-121 (smpls->samples 121))

  (smpl-8 (smpls->samples 8)))

  (do ((i 0 (+ i 1)))
  ((= i len))
(let ((sig (all-pass-bank input-diffusers
  (one-pole lp1
(delay predly
   (ina i *reverb*))

  ;; add incoming signal to rotated tank:

  (set! tank_1 (delay delay_33_39
  (all-pass diffuser_31_33
(one-pole damper_30
  (delay delay_24_30
 (all-pass modallpass_23
dc-block-1 (+ sig (* decay tank_2)))
   (+ smpl-8
  (* smpl-8 
(oscil excursion_24)
  (set! tank_2 (delay delay_59_63
  (all-pass diffuser_55_59
(one-pole damper_54
  (delay delay_48_54
 (all-pass modallpass_46
dc-block-2 (+ sig (* decay tank_1)))
   (+ smpl-8
  (* smpl-8 
(oscil excursion_48)
  ;; tap reflections and output:
  (outa i
(+ (* +0.6 (tap delay_48_54 smpl-266))
   (* +0.6 (tap delay_48_54 smpl-2974))
   (* -0.6 (tap diffuser_55_59 smpl-1913))
   (* +0.6 (tap delay_59_63 smpl-1996))
   (* -0.6 (tap delay_24_30 smpl-1990))

Re: [CM] tap fixed - patch to tankrev.scm

2016-11-03 Thread bil

The problem (as I have discovered by building a
machine to change the imaginary component of my
time-line) is that as you travel vertically in
time, so to speak, you impinge on others' time-lines,
becoming a different person -- disconcerting!
Now I know why I feel like a stranger to myself
at age 20.  But at least this gives a new way
to write musical loops.

Cmdist mailing list

Re: [CM] quicklisp clm

2016-12-10 Thread bil

ok -- that's fine by me, but I am no longer interested
in the CL part of that package.  I haven't worked on it
in about 20 years, and no longer have the time or
energy to provide support -- users of it are on their own.
Good luck.

Cmdist mailing list

Re: [CM] s7: How to use pretty-print in write.scm

2016-12-13 Thread bil

I add to write.scm as I encounter unhandled cases -- I'll
add the one you mention.  Guile appears to use a version
of Marc Feeley's genwrite.scm (also in slib), with
new code added (in Guile 2) for this kind of case
(I'm just guessing from a glance at the diffs).

Cmdist mailing list

Re: [CM] s7: warning if symbol is redefined and namespaces

2016-12-07 Thread bil

load has a second argument, the environment to load into,
which defaults to the root environment, so

(let ()
  (load "file.scm" (curlet))

will place the top-level defines in file.scm into
the local environment.  Similarly eval has an
environment argument.

I think that s7 currently doesn't warn about shadowing or
redefining built-in names, though it does complain about
(set! if 3) and the like.  lint.scm is equally
lackadaisical.  I'll add optional checks in both places.

It's surprisingly common in current scheme practice
to use (say) 'list or 'string as a variable name --
I wonder if this is actually a common-lisp trope
that schemers are careless about?  It does lead to

Cmdist mailing list

Re: [CM] quicklisp clm

2016-12-14 Thread bil

Any chance of changing the asd?

The ccrma-ftp clm-5 tarball now has Tito's asdf code.
The original clm.asd was apparently written by
Rick 10 years ago.

Cmdist mailing list

[CM] Snd 17.1

2017-01-14 Thread bil

Snd 17.1:

in s7:
  {apply_values} -> apply-values, {list} -> list-values, {append} -> 

  a case clause without a result returns the selector
  (*s7* 'autoloading) to turn the autoloader on and off
  sandbox in stuff.scm for protected evaluation

in clm: clm.asd updated by Tito Latini.

checked:  gsl 2.2.1, gtk 3.89.2, sbcl 1.13.3, FreeBSD 11.0

Thanks!: Tito Latini, Kjetil Matheussen, Juan Cerillo, Mike Scholz.

Cmdist mailing list

[CM] Snd 17.0

2016-12-05 Thread bil

Snd 17.0.

Tito Latini fixed many bugs, especially in save-state and snd-mix,
  and made it possible to move dialogs between desktops in Motif.

Mike Scholz updated snd-test.fs|rb and made clm.rb compatible
  with the latest Ruby.

checked: gtk 3.22.2|3|4, gtk 3.89.1, sbcl 1.3.11|12.

Thanks!: Mike Scholz, Anders Vinjar, Tito Latini, Kjetil Matheussen,
 IOhannes m zm?lnig.

Cmdist mailing list

Re: [CM] Recording in Snd?

2017-03-30 Thread bil

I removed the recorder about 4 years ago.  Every
new piece of hardware seemed to require special
code (in about 6 OS's), and the recorder itself,
which was originally very simple, became so
complex that I could not maintain it, and the
others involved "had no time".  People, even
other developers, expect miracles.  It's similar
to the looping question earlier -- a complex problem
that does not interest me, and that has programs dedicated
to it.  Others' code can become a white elephant.

Cmdist mailing list

[CM] Snd 17.3

2017-03-27 Thread bil

Snd 17.3.

snd-init.el and snd-scheme-open-file from Orm Finnendahl.
More bug fixes from Tito.

s7: pair-line-number now returns #f if there is no line number.

checked: sbcl 1.3.15|16, gtk 3.89.5

Thanks!: Orm Finnendahl, Tito Latini, Daniel Hensel.

Cmdist mailing list

Re: [CM] snd gtk background colors

2017-03-19 Thread bil

I think gtk wants to present a "brand" -- the "theme"
writer conjures up a style, including all color choices,
widget geometries, etc, and every program is constrained
to march in step.  snd-gutils.c has a couple attempts
to get around this, but since the gtk developers are
busily subverting it, there's almost no hope it will
work.  The way a theme is defined changes
radically every few months, and it is a large task.
gtk4 will be even worse -- I'll go down fighting...

(Why do they think someone would develop a heavily-graphical
program, and not care what it looks like?)

Cmdist mailing list

Re: [CM] emacs/snd-scheme: open soundfile from dired

2017-03-20 Thread bil

Thanks very much for the emacs code!  I'm not
sure how to include it in the Snd tarball --
we could put first function in inf-snd.el;
for the other, should I make a new file init.el
for snd?

Cmdist mailing list

Re: [CM] emacs/snd-scheme: open soundfile from dired

2017-03-20 Thread bil

It looks like other programs include a file named
-init.el, so snd-init.el?

Cmdist mailing list

Re: [CM] emacs/snd-scheme: open soundfile from dired

2017-03-20 Thread bil

I have added snd-init.el to the tarball and cvs directory.

Cmdist mailing list

Re: [CM] s7: Whether to use WITH_GMP

2017-04-14 Thread bil

In the gmp version, it's probably safest to assume
everything is going through gmp. In cases where the
optimizer can ascertain ranges, s7 will use
faster code, but I just tore out half the optimizer,
and am rebuilding it.  So I don't know how the
in-between stuff interacts with gmp -- give me a
month or two!  My old timings indicated that gmp
could be 10 to 50 times slower than straight C (but at
least it gave the right answer).

Cmdist mailing list

Re: [CM] s7: Whether to use WITH_GMP

2017-04-14 Thread bil

gmp and its friends mpfr and mpc are used for all
numerical calculations.  You could perhaps set
bignum-precision to 64 to mimic C doubles, and
get faster float calculations.

Cmdist mailing list

Re: [CM] s7 wrap c function with scheme

2017-03-01 Thread bil

ex1.c is the repl from the start of the FFI example
section.  If you build s7 with WITH_MAIN, you don't
need it.

Cmdist mailing list

Re: [CM] sndplay, snd 17.6

2017-07-11 Thread bil

Thanks for the "heads-up"!  I started goofing around
with vectorization, and forgot that sndplay and sndinfo
need vct.o to build.  I'll update makefile.in.

Cmdist mailing list

[CM] a rose by any other name...

2017-07-18 Thread bil
I'm wondering if I should change all the "scaler" arguments to something 
I used "scaler" decades ago because I didn't like the spelling "scalar". 
 According to the OED, "scalar" goes back to the 17th century, and 
from "scala", a ladder, ultimately from Latin.  "scaler" is also old, 

refers to one who scales a mountain or a fish.  Well, I still
like "scaler" better!  "gain" looks like an escapee from the EE lab.
"volume" is too specific.  Maybe "scl" or "*"?

Cmdist mailing list

Re: [CM] [snd] Download link still points to 17.4

2017-07-28 Thread bil

Thanks!  I just updated it.  I seem to forget this step
every time, and I even have a postit note right here
saying (very impolitely) to remember it.

Cmdist mailing list

[CM] Snd 17.6

2017-08-02 Thread bil

Snd 17.6.

s7: (*s7* 'heap-size) is settable
added s7_define_typed_function_star to s7.h
changed to the new (c99?) int64_t style int types.
added two optional args to c-pointer: type, info
  and added s7_is_c_pointer_of_type.
libgtk_s7.c (in-progress)

clm: removed clm-default-frequency
 object->let support for generators

checked: sbcl 1.3.19|20, gtk 3.91.1

Thanks!: Mike Scholz, James Hearon

Cmdist mailing list

[CM] Snd 17.5

2017-06-26 Thread bil

Snd 17.5:

s7: s7_history and s7_add_to_history (Kjetil's suggestion).
(*s7* 'history) for non-error scheme-side access to the history info
lambda* keyword argument handling changed slightly.
multithread sanity-checks thanks to Kjetil.
Kjetil also ported s7 to mingw.

checked: gtk 3.91.0, sbcl 1.3.18, FC 26 (gcc 7.1.1)

Thanks!: Kjetil Matheussen, Rick Taube

Cmdist mailing list

Re: [CM] float-vectors

2017-06-15 Thread bil

float-vector->channel will write a float-vector's contents to
a Snd channel.  For element-at-a-time access, use float-vector-ref
which can be implicit: (do ((i 0 (+ i 1))) ((= i 22050)) (outa i (vect 

where (vect i) is shorthand for (float-vector-ref vect i).
If you want a generator, perhaps use make-iterator and iterate.

Cmdist mailing list

Re: [CM] s7: Legality of calling s7_error from C (without being called from scheme)

2017-05-08 Thread bil

s7_error will look for an active (s7-internal)
setjmp if the error
is not otherwise caught, and not handled by *error-hook*;
if it doesn't find one, it just returns.  In the
code you sent, I think it just returns after
trying to print the error info.

I think Snd sets up its own top-level setjmp
and catches this case so that uncaught errors
always return to its top level.

Cmdist mailing list

[CM] snd svn at sourceforge

2017-10-09 Thread bil

sourceforge is ending its support of CVS, so (after screwing
up once or twice...) I have created what I think is a working
SVN repository there, accessible via:

svn checkout svn://svn.code.sf.net/p/snd/svn1/trunk snd

(There's a broken snd/svn directory -- I don't know how to delete it,
but use svn1, and the cvs directory now has only historical interest).

Now to figure out how to commit updates...

Cmdist mailing list

Re: [CM] [PD] snd

2017-10-10 Thread bil

That looks like it's using openGL for the graph, so you need to build
Snd --with-gl --with-motif (it might also work in gtk).  Then as Kjetil
says, get the spectrum full-window, select spectrogram in the transform
options dialog, and gray in the color/orientation dialog; it looks like
they've set the y-axis angle to 130 and maybe used the spectrum-end
scale to cut out the highest frequencies.  Once you have the 

file, you can wrap the file part in a for-each to handle all your files
in sequence.  I think they also set the "light-dark" scale to make it

Cmdist mailing list

Re: [CM] Snd 17.8

2017-10-17 Thread bil

Some files are missing from svn:
sh> LANG=en_US diff -urq snd-svn snd-17 |grep Only|grep -v snd-svn
Only in snd-17: clm.html
Only in snd-17: config.rpath
Only in snd-17: dlocsig.html
Only in snd-17: expr.scm
Only in snd-17: freeverb-readme.txt
Only in snd-17: freeverb.html
Only in snd-17: mkinstalldirs
Only in snd-17/pix: newbuttons.png
Only in snd-17/tools: tall.scm

Thanks very much for that list!  config.rpath looks like an auxilliary
file created by autoconf, mkinstalldirs got deleted during my
flailing around with the transition to svn (I forgot to restore it),
newbuttons.png is obsolete -- I should have removed it, clm.html
seems irrelevant -- I wonder why it was there at all.
expr.scm has code I don't recognize -- no idea why it's there.
The freeverb and dlocsig files refer to the Common Lisp versions
of those instruments; I should make versions that fit Snd!
I'll restore them in the meantime.  Lastly, tall.scm is a timing
test that I forgot.  Thanks again -- now I'm wondering if
mkinstalldirs is needed anymore -- back in the old days, makefiles
would create system directories -- seems like a bad idea now.
makefile.in currently uses that script if you include --install,
but that stuff is 20 years old.

Cmdist mailing list

[CM] Snd 17.8

2017-10-16 Thread bil

Snd 17.8:

Snd: moved from cvs to svn at sourceforge:
 svn checkout svn://svn.code.sf.net/p/snd/svn1/trunk snd

s7: added immutable!, immutable?
define-constant follows normal lexical scoping rules now
symbol-access renamed symbol-setter
added optional third argument to the symbol-setter: the relevant 

deprecated s7_procedure_with_setter, s7_symbol_access
renamed let-set!-fallback to let-set-fallback since I never remember 
the "!"

renamed procedure-signature -> signature,
procedure-documentation -> documentation,
procedure-setter -> setter.
  these are all generic, so the "procedure" part is misleading, but
  unfortunately these new names collide with the previous 
  variables (for example, documentation accessed by 
  Since those variables are normally constants, and since I can't 
think of

  anything better, they are now of the form +documentation+.

clm: removed *clm-default-frequency*; Mike fixed the Ruby and Forth 

checked: sbcl 1.4.0

Thanks!: Mike Scholz.

Cmdist mailing list

[CM] Snd 17.7

2017-09-11 Thread bil

Snd 17.7:

Mike Scholz provided changes for Ruby 2.5.

s7: changed various "object" names to "c_object" in s7.h ("object" was 

c-pointers can participate in the generic function stuff
json.scm (aimed at the Language Server Protocol, eventually in emacs 

checked: gtk 3.91.2, sbcl 1.3.21

Thanks!: Kjetil Mattheussen, Mike Scholz

Cmdist mailing list

Re: [CM] Snd 17.8

2017-10-17 Thread bil
Perhaps the `install' command from coreutils could replace 

That also appears to be the advice of the automake project,
but they say they'll continue to support mkinstalldirs.
I'll update to the latest version of that script, and
more recent versions of config.guess and config.sub.

Cmdist mailing list

[CM] Snd 17.9

2017-11-30 Thread bil

Snd 17.9:

various bugs fixed.

checked: FC 27, gsl 2.4, gtk 3.92.1, sbcl 1.4.1, OSX 10.13.1, Ubuntu 

Thanks!: Tito Latini, Michael Edwards

Cmdist mailing list

Re: [CM] generators

2017-12-11 Thread bil

The fm part is normally imitating fm in an oscil.  If you have

(with-sound (:play #t)
  (let ((gen (make-oscil 300)))
 (do ((i 0 (+ i 1)))
 ((= i 2))
   (outa i (* .5 (oscil gen .01))

the .01 fm is just a constant added to the phase-increment which
changes the (constant) frequency of the oscil.  The same thing in nxycos
makes the n cosines jump out (if they were fusing before) mostly
because you've raised the pitch.

Here is fm in nxycos:

(with-sound (:play #t)
  (let ((gen (make-nxycos 300 1/3 3))
(fm (make-oscil 300)))
 (do ((i 0 (+ i 1)))
 ((= i 2))
   (outa i (* .5 (nxycos gen (* .01 (oscil fm

(+ angle fm frequency) is just like (+ 1 2 3).

Cmdist mailing list

Re: [CM] set! samples

2018-06-19 Thread bil

At first glance, "i" never equals 40500 -- you're
stepping by 200.  Use (>= i 40500) or (= i 40600).
Since the end test is never true, you probably
run out of memory eventually.

Cmdist mailing list

[CM] Snd 18.5

2018-07-01 Thread bil

Snd 18.5:

s7 to version 7 (many internal changes).

checked: sbcl 1.4.8|9, gtk 3.94.0

Thanks!: Kjetil Matheussen

Cmdist mailing list

Re: [CM] txt file I/O

2018-04-26 Thread bil

Here's one way:

(call-with-output-file "test.data"
  (lambda (port)
(let ((gen (make-file->sample "myMono.wav")))
  (do ((i 0 (+ i 1)))
  ((= i 128))
	(format port "~%~D: file->sample output:  ~F" i (file->sample gen 

Cmdist mailing list

[CM] Snd 18.0

2018-01-08 Thread bil

Snd 18.0:

many Forth/Ruby improvements thanks to Mike.

in Snd, xg.c is no longer included automatically.  The changes for
  gtk 4 are very extensive, so this module is currently in

added snd.desktop and tools/auto-tester.scm.

checked: sbcl 1.4.2|3, gtk 3.93.0

Thanks!: Mike Scholz, Kjetil Matheussen, Yuri, Daniel Hensel

Cmdist mailing list

Re: [CM] patterns snd-18

2018-01-17 Thread bil

That looks like a *load-path* issue.  Try

(set! *load-path* (cons "/opt/snd-18" *load-path*))

before loading CM_patterns.scm.

Cmdist mailing list

[CM] Snd 18.1

2018-02-14 Thread bil

Snd 18.1

s7: added (*s7* 'max-heap-size)
otherwise, mostly bug-fixes

checked: sbcl 1.4.4

Thanks!: Mike Scholz, Kjetil Matheussen, Marty Hayman, Yuri

sourceforge is undergoing maintenance of some sort, so
the new tarball is not accessible there yet.

Cmdist mailing list

Re: [CM] map-channel with dsp

2018-02-10 Thread bil
(map-channel func) calls func on every sample; the value returned by the 
is the new sample if that value is a number, but your do loop just 
returns #t
(the value of the multiply in the loop body is simply thrown away), so 
map-channel operation quits, leaving zeros in the new sound.  I think 
you intend:

(let ((i 0))
  (map-channel (lambda (y)
 (let ((result (* (amplitude-modulation 0.5) (im i
   (set! i (+ i 1))

Cmdist mailing list

Re: [CM] [snd] Font colour in Save window (Motif)

2018-02-23 Thread bil

It's been years since I looked at that, but I think

(set! (text-focus-color) (make-color 0 0 0))

will use black instead of white (the default) for
the background.

Cmdist mailing list

[CM] Snd 18.6

2018-07-31 Thread bil

Snd 18.6.

clm: Kjetil added a method to the granulate generator to set the jitter 

s7: changed make-shared-vector to make-subvector (Matlab terminology)
added subvector?, subvector-position, subvector-vector
added make-weak-hash-table, weak-hash-table?
s7 is now thread-safe, I think.
symbol-setter has been folded into setter.
c-pointer-info|type|weak1|weak2 (the latter are "weak" values)
reactive.scm (the old stuff.scm code rewritten).

checked: sbcl 1.4.10

Thanks!: Kjetil Matheussen

Cmdist mailing list

[CM] Snd 18.7

2018-08-31 Thread bil

Snd 18.7

s7: basic cell size reduced from 56 to 48 bits
removed (*s7* 'exits)
gtk-script.c and coretemp.scm (gtk example in s7.html)

checked: sbcl 1.4.11

Cmdist mailing list

Re: [CM] Snd 18.7

2018-08-31 Thread bil

make that "bytes", not "bits".

Cmdist mailing list

Re: [CM] env->channel, and float-vector->channel

2018-09-06 Thread bil

You're talking about the length of each blip?  In the
env-channel case, the vector is treated as an envelope
and applied to .015 seconds of samples, but in the
float-vector->channel case, the vector itself is simply
copied into the file.  It only has 8 samples, so in the
float-vector->channel case, the blips are 8 samples wide,
rather than .015 * 48000 = 720 samples.

(By the way, I think you don't need the insert-silence
statement -- it just adds 48000 samples to the overall
file length).

Cmdist mailing list

[CM] Snd svn

2018-04-11 Thread bil

I'm giving up on sourceforge's SVN support.  I'll
keep the tarball there up-to-date.  Daily snapshots
of Snd can be found at ccrma-ftp as in the past.

Cmdist mailing list

Re: [CM] Snd svn

2018-04-13 Thread bil

By overwhelming popular demand, the SVN support is back.

Cmdist mailing list

[CM] Snd 18.3

2018-04-23 Thread bil

Snd 18.3

removed: new-backgrounds.scm, snd14.scm, old-number-tests.scm
removed: make-cairo and free-cairo
s7 added: c-pointer->list
snd now compiles and runs (well, sort of) in gtk4.

checked: sbcl 1.4.6

Thanks!: Jennifer Doering, Mike Scholz

Cmdist mailing list

[CM] Snd 18.2

2018-03-17 Thread bil

Snd 18.2:

s7: added +nan.0 and +inf.0 to be compatible with other schemes
+iterator+ now instead of iterator? for closure-as-iterator
deprecated the s7_ulong and s7_ulong_long functions.

Marty Hayman got libgtk_s7.c to work in gtkex.c.

checked: sbcl 1.4.5 (in linux)

Thanks!: Marty Hayman

Cmdist mailing list

Re: [CM] clm fails to compile on first load

2018-03-19 Thread bil

I think src_delete is from libsamplerate (or at
least samplerate.h).  I don't think I've ever tried
to build the CL version of clm --with-jack.
Look for some file (maybe clm.asd?) that pushes
:jack on *features*.

Cmdist mailing list

[CM] Snd 18.8

2018-10-08 Thread bil

Snd 18.8:

in clm, Kjetil improved the granulate generator, and found several
   interesting bugs in s7.

in s7, byte? (for byte-* signatures)
   typed (homogenous) vectors of any built-in type, and typed 

   multidimensional byte-vectors (byte-vectors are vectors now)
   c-object-type (split from c-object?)
   s7_list_nl in s7.h: NULL terminated version of s7_list.

checked: sbcl 1.4.12

Thanks!: Kjetil Matheussen

Cmdist mailing list

Re: [CM] snd: srate implicitly corrected in play ?

2018-11-05 Thread bil

I think we could add a compile-time switch there, if you like.

Cmdist mailing list

Re: [CM] snd: srate implicitly corrected in play ?

2018-11-08 Thread bil

I added the switch JACK_AUTO_SRC for this (defaults to 1).
I'll update the ccrma versions later today.

Cmdist mailing list

[CM] Snd 19.0

2019-01-01 Thread bil

Snd 19.0

s7: added (*s7* 'history-enabled) at Kjetil's suggestion.
deprecated s7_gc_unprotect (use s7_gc_unprotect_at).
added weak-hash-table

The main visible s7 change:

hash-table* is now hash-table, and the old hash-table is gone.
This code can provide backwards compatibility except for some
corner cases involving map and for-each:

(when (string>=? (s7-version) "8.0")
  (define hash-table* hash-table)
  (define (hash-table . args)
(apply hash-table* (map (lambda (x)
  (values (car x) (cdr x)))

checked: sbcl 1.4.14|15

Thanks!: Kjetil Matheussen, James Hearon
Cmdist mailing list

[CM] Snd 18.9

2018-11-20 Thread bil

Snd 18.9:

Kjetil updated the s7webserver directory

s7: variables can be statically typed via the built-in type checkers 
like integer?

  for example, (set! (setter 'x) integer?)

audio.c: added JACK_AUTO_SRC (defaults to 1).

checked: FC 29 (gcc 8.2.1), macOS Mojave, sbcl 1.4.13

Thanks!: Kjetil Matheussen

Cmdist mailing list

Re: [CM] Sonata.pfa anyone?

2019-01-07 Thread bil

The original CMN was developed on NeXts where ACL and
the Sonata font came as part of the package -- I guess
NeXT paid Franz and Adobe.  When we move to Linux and
PCs, I had to make my own font (the Sonata font was
expensive, if I remember right), so I used the MusicTex
font as turned into postscript by Matti Koskinen, then
glfed.c as an editor to make that font more like the
Sonata font.  You could turn the bezier curves and whatnot
in cmn-glyphs.lisp into a Sonata font replacement, but
it's been maybe 25 or 30 years since I knew what that
entailed.  cmn-glyphs.lisp mentions make-font.cl which
says it turns the cmn glyphs into a postscript type 3
font; I think make-font.cl is in the cmn tarball.
I haven't even looked at that code in a very long time.

Cmdist mailing list

[CM] Snd 19.2

2019-03-10 Thread bil

Snd 19.2:

in s7, added (*s7* 'undefined-constant-warnings) to flag typos like #ff 
or #_input_port?

   added coverlets and openlets (an experiment)

checked: sbcl 1.5.0

Thanks!: Kjetil

Cmdist mailing list

Re: [CM] Small problems with old-music5.f

2019-04-15 Thread bil

old-music5.f is a transcription of 1975 XGP printer
output without any other editing.  It is not intended
as a usable program, but as "sotfware archaeology";
music5.f is a version that runs in gfortran (or did
several years ago).

Cmdist mailing list

Re: [CM] circular-scanned.ins

2019-06-07 Thread bil

What lisp are you running?  In sbcl (in a terminal) it seems to be ok:

/home/bil/clm/ /home/bil/test/sbcl-1.5.3/src/runtime/sbcl --core 

* (load "all.lisp")
;   using existing configuration file mus-config.h

;loading /home/bil/clm/clm-package.fasl
;loading /home/bil/clm/initmus.fasl
;loading /home/bil/clm/sndlib2clm.fasl
;loading /home/bil/clm/defaults.fasl
;loading /home/bil/clm/ffi.fasl
;loading /home/bil/clm/mus.fasl
;loading /home/bil/clm/run.fasl
;loading /home/bil/clm/sound.fasl
;loading /home/bil/clm/defins.fasl
;loading /home/bil/clm/env.fasl
;loading /home/bil/clm/export.fasl
;loading /home/bil/clm/clm1.fasl
* (compile-file "scanned.ins")
; Writing "/home/bil/clm/clm_SCANNED.c"
; Compiling "/home/bil/clm/clm_SCANNED.c"
; Creating shared object file "/home/bil/clm/clm_SCANNED.so"

; file: /home/bil/clm/scanned.ins
; [...]
; compilation unit finished
;   caught 6 STYLE-WARNING conditions
* (load "scanned")
* (with-sound () (scanned 0 1 435 .01))

Cmdist mailing list

[CM] Snd 19.5

2019-06-25 Thread bil

Snd 19.5.

setter function for vector element type or hash-table key/value can be a 

checked: sbcl 1.5.3

Thanks!: Kjetil Matheussen

Cmdist mailing list

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