"The C&C 24 came with a little 2 burner Coleman style propane stove. I
don't plan to cook much on her.  But, I would like a good approach to heat
water for freezer bag food and beverages"

Keep the coleman stove, and use it on the dock or in the cockpit if you are
cooking.  Can use it below if needed.   We had a propane coleman stove in
our 22' boat years ago, we cruised a lot, and this was a great approach,
particularly because it was designed to be used in a breeze (lid,
windguards) .  We had a portable BBQ also, and used both a small refillable
tank and disposable cylinders when needed  For a small boat with out
sniffers, solenoids, etc, this was a great and safe application of the KISS
principle.   (also, you really don't need the cooking heat, grease and
humidity below decks in a boat that size on a rainy humid day... dock or
picnic table is better.)  Writing this, it occurs to me that a
naptha-fuelled coleman stove might be even better for this use.

Get two really good stainless steel vacuum bottles (thermoses) for hot
water.   I built a rack in Windstar (C&C 33-2) for two identical Nissan
bottles, and these things are great.  (not all are equal and you'd be
amazed how much better some are than others, despite appearing to be very
similar.) They keep the water scalding hot for over 24hrs, and using two
has obvious advantages.  MUCH safer than managing a kettle or stove under
way, and my kids can safely make instant noodles while bashing to windward.

Keep a small, light electric kettle aboard.   This is to fill the thermoses
pre-departure with a minimum of fuss, but also a simple way prepare instant
food without firing up the stove, as well as for boiling water for
dishwashing etc ashore should you wish.

Check out the Aeropress for coffee. ;-)  I also use a French press, and one
of my two thermoses is usually used for coffee.


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