[cobirds] Visiting young birders from Portland looking for guide this weekend

2014-10-19 Thread Chip Clouse
I was contacted by Heather, mother of a very enthusiastic and evidently
quite good 12 year birder, about leading a group of 4 adults and 5 kids
(2-12, 2-10 & 1-7 year old) around next weekend. Unfortunately I'll be
exhibiting at the Cape May Autumn Festival.  Is anyone with youth mentoring
experience available to show this group some lifers and direct them toward
some good vegan food? Contact me off list so I can connect you.

Good birding,
Chip Clouse
Olde Town Arvada,  CO

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[cobirds] northeast Colorado Oct 18 and 19

2014-10-19 Thread David Dowell
Fall color, beautiful weather, and some interesting birds made for a fun 
weekend on the northeast plains.

Most noteworthy perhaps is the ongoing irruption of Cassin's Finches. 
 Since Brandon Percival's sighting in Bent County in early October, these 
finches have been seen in several other plains counties.  Yesterday, I 
found at least 3 Cassin's Finches at Crow Valley Campground (Weld Co.), and 
I found another today at Sandy Bluffs State Trust Land (Yuma Co.).  Dave 
Leatherman has recently provided some historical perspective on wanderers 
from the mountains into the eastern plains, and I would be curious to know 
more about Cassin's Finches.  This might be the year to try to add Cassin's 
Finch to your Kansas or Oklahoma list!

Birds were flocking together this weekend; it was all or nothing in the 
places I visited.  Juncos are now widespread.  Brown Creepers are here and 
there.  Crow Valley (Weld) had 3 zonotrichia types yesterday:  Harris's, 
White-throated, and White-crowned Sparrows.  These were joined by early 
American Tree Sparrows and a late Hermit Thrush.  As has been reported 
recently, most of the birds were north of the campground.

Today at Sandy Bluffs STL (Yuma), other birds of note included a 
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, Red-bellied Woodpecker, Eastern Bluebirds, and 
Swamp Sparrow.

The hackberry and conifer thing seemed to be working today at Holyoke City 
Park (Phillips Co.).  The most interesting birds were a Black-throated 
Green Warbler, a late Cassin's Vireo, and a Golden-crowned Kinglet.

I kept an eye out for early Rough-legged Hawks but didn't see any along my 
route.  What I did see was many more Northern Harriers and Western 
Meadowlarks than I had seen during other recent outings.

David Dowell
Longmont, CO

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[cobirds] Gray Jays, Lake County, 10/17-10/19, and some Pitkin

2014-10-19 Thread Todd Deininger
The Gray Jays were very active in Lake County this weekend.  I spent the
weekend exploring some 4WD roads with a quick jaunt into Aspen and on every
road I took I came across Gray Jays along side the road.  Total six
different locations across Lake County, plus two in Pitkin County.

Not much in the way of water fowl on the lakes in Lake County, *Common
Merganser* was on most all bodies of water except Crystal Lake (only
shovelers here).  A lone *Clark's Grebe* was on upper Twin Lake.  13 *Western
Grebe*, 7 *Eared Grebe*, 4 *Ruddy Duck*, and 12 *Gadwall *on Turquoise.

On the Pitkin side of Independence Pass a *Northern Goshawk* was soaring
above the peaks.

Todd Deininger
Longmont, CO

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[cobirds] Fall Landbirding in Lincoln and Washington Counties

2014-10-19 Thread Kathy and Jeff Dunning
Greetings –

Today Dean Shoup, Nena Torres, Joey Kellner and I headed east to see if we
might find some interesting fall migrants.

First stop was Flagler SWA. Upon arrival, it appeared quiet, but as we
worked our way south of the depression formerly known as Flagler Reservoir
(bone dry), following the drainage, we located a fairly cooperative Winter
Wren.  Further south we found ourselves flushing sparrows – mostly of the
White-crowned/Junco varieties.  Amongst the many White-crowneds, we located
at least one Harris’s Sparrow (possibly two) and an uncooperative Swamp

Further south along the drainage, near the southern pond, we found a couple
Orange-crowned Warblers and a single Nashville Warbler amongst the many
Yellow-rumps.  In addition, we had a singles of Field, Chipping and
Clay-colored Sparrows.  Far to the south end of the SWA, we were treated to
a flyover of 41 Sandhill Cranes.

Below the dam, the best bird was a very late Dusky Flycatcher.

Our next stop was a private ranch in Lincoln County.  Here we found at
least six Hermit Thrush, ten Chipping Sparrows, two Eastern Phoebes and
another Winter Wren.

Last Chance was our final stop.  Again we had a few treats including late
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher and Townsend’s Warbler on the motel side, while the
SW corner hosted a very cooperative Swamp Sparrow and a pair of late
Lincoln’s Sparrows.

All in all, a fantastic day to be out in gorgeous weather with bright blue
skies and trees turning their autumn gold.

Good birding,

Kathy Mihm Dunning


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[cobirds] Re: Grandview Cemetery, Fort Collins (Larimer) on 10/19

2014-10-19 Thread Ted Floyd

> A large angle-wing katydid (Microcentrum rhombifolium)

These spectacular insects are, in my experience, hard to see. I've seen 
zero in 2014 and one that I can remember in my life. However, Andrew and I 
just heard 30 or 40 of them in the course of a 25-minute, 1.5-mile walk 
from downtown Lafayette, Boulder County, and then around Waneka Lake, and 
then to our house, this Sunday evening, Oct. 19. Once you know this 
katydid's song, you realize that it's abundant. It sounds like this:


On a bird note, we heard a Gray Catbird at Greenlee Preserve. Getting a bit 
late for that species.

Ted Floyd
Lafayette, Boulder County, Colorado


> Dave Leatherman
> Fort Collins

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[cobirds] Grandview Cemetery, Fort Collins (Larimer) on 10/19

2014-10-19 Thread DAVID A LEATHERMAN
Just shy of 31 years ago, Fort Collins experienced a winter invasion of Pine 
Grosbeaks (January 1984).  I had not seen one again down in town until today.  
The bird, a "russet" indiviudal first located by call, was just west of Fort 
Collins' Grandview Cemetery entrance (Section F) in a couple very tall Colorado 
Blue Spruce trees with a decent crop of cones.  It flew off to the east about 

Lots of other "action" today at the cemetery, as well.
Over 25 Red-breasted Nuthatches.
At least 10 Brown Creepers.
A big group of maybe 40 Red Crossbills (left the cemetery about 9AM).
My friend Dave Steingraeber spotted a small string of Sandhill Cranes going 
south along the hogback off to the west.
One Yellow-rumped Warbler.
At least 10 Mountain Chickadees, maybe as many as 20.
One White-crowned Sparrow (immature).
One Black-billed Magpie (fairly unusual in the cemetery).

Flying aphids of at least two species, which resulted in lots of erratic 
hovering and flycatching by birds of many species.

A large angle-wing katydid (Microcentrum rhombifolium)

Dave Leatherman
Fort Collins

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[cobirds] Mew Gull (Larimer)

2014-10-19 Thread Nick Komar
Adult at Boyd Lake SP swim beach now. 

Nick Komar
>From Boyd Lake

Sent from my iPhone

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[cobirds] Chaffee & Park Cos., Oct. 18th

2014-10-19 Thread Ted Floyd
Hello, Birders.

With members of the board of directors of Colorado Field Ornithologists, I 
yesterday did a bit of scouting for field trips for the CFO convention, 
June 4-7, 2015.

First we visited a private site near Salida, Chaffee County, that promises 
to be outstanding in early June. The place screams out, "White-eyed Vireo!" 
Joe Roller and I have placed a bet, cold cash, none of this namby-pamby 
gentleman's bet stuff. Well, we saw no vireos of any sort yesterday, but we 
did find Williamson's and Red-naped sapsuckers, a Prairie Merlin, excellent 
numbers and diversity of corvids, Juniper Titmouse, Brown Creeper, American 
Dipper, Golden-crowned and Ruby-crowned kinglets, Hermit Thrush, several 
American Pipits, Cedar Waxwing, Lincoln's and Chipping sparrows amid large 
numbers of White-crowned Sparrows and Dark-eyed Juncos, and small numbers 
of various finch species. This is what the place sounds like:


Then we had the indoor part of our meeting. June 2015 is far off, I 
realize, but, already, there are great vibes for next year's convention. 
Particularly compelling to me is that so many of the convention field trips 
are to destinations that are so unfamiliar to so many of us, myself very 
much included. It will be quite challenging to participate in next year's 
convention and *not* go birding in a new place, or new places, for you.

In the late afternoon, Peter Burke and I visited one of the few 2015 
convention destinations that many of us are actually somewhat familiar 
with: Antero Reservoir, Park County. We didn't arrive until early evening, 
so we didn't have much time and we didn't have great light. The coot flock 
at Antero is staggering. The Western Grebes are impressive, too. Also a few 
Horned and Eared grebes, and a wonderful flock of Sandhill Cranes, settling 
in for the evening on the northwest corner of the huge reservoir. Oh, and 
an an intriguing small-l little gull. I believe Bill Kaempfer is out there 
looking for it (and I hope looking *at* it) right about now...

eBird checklists here:



Finally, a quick Boulder County note. The ridiculously cooperative 
White-throated Sparrow (possibly, it is glued to the trail??) was doing its 
thing this Sunday morning, Oct. 19th, at Greenlee Preserve. Back on Friday 
morning, Oct. 17th, a late Swainson's Hawk sailed over the preserve.

Ted Floyd

Lafayette, Boulder County, Colorado

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[cobirds] Colorado Rare Bird Alert, 19 October 2014

2014-10-19 Thread Joyce Takamine
Compiler: Joyce Takamine
Date: October 19,  2014
email: r...@cfobirds.org

This is the Colorado Rare Bird Alert Sunday, October 19 sponsored by Denver
Field Ornithologists and Rocky Mountain Bird Observatory.

Highlight species include: (* indicates new information on this species).

Surf Scoter (Douglas/Jefferson)
Pacific Loon (Sedgwick)
Red-necked Grebe (Adams, Douglas/Jefferson)
Mississippi Kite (Weld)
Thayer's Gull (Park, Weld)
American Golden-Plover (Weld)
Sabine's Gull (Park)
Lesser  Black-backed Gull (Adams, Douglas/Jefferson, Larimer, Pueblo,
American Three-toed Woodpecker (*Larimer)
Curve-billed Thrasher (Fremont)
Lapland Longspur (Weld)
McCown's Longspur (Park, Weld)
Palm Warbler (Weld)
Field Sparrow (Yuma)

--On October 12, Walbek reported 2 Lesser Black-backed Gulls at Barr Lake.
--On October 15, Dowell reported Red-necked Grebe and Lesser Black-backed
Gull at Barr Lake.

--A Surf Scoter was reported by Dawson at Chatfield SP on October 11.
Kellner reported Surf Scoter and Red-necked Grebe at
Chatfield see from the marina sandspit on October 11.
--On October 12, Dunning and many other birders reported Red-necked Grebe
at Chatfield.  On October 18, Drummond reported that the Red-necked Grebe
continues at Chatfield.  It was seen from the handicapped fishing area near
dam wall, spotting scope is essential.

--2 Curve-billed Thrashers were reported by Moss on the N side of Canon
City on October 11.

--On October 11, Baron reported 1 ad Lesser Black-backed Gull at Equalizer
--A pair of American Three-toed Woodpeckers was reported by Fink when
hiking between Dream Lake and Lake Haiyaha in RMNP on October 18.

--At Antero Reservoir on October 8, Mlodinow reported juv Thayer's Gull,
Sabine's Gull, and McCown's Longspurs.
--At Spinney on October 8, Mlodinow reported a McCown's Longspur.
--On October 8 at Elevenmile, Mlodinow reported 2 Sabine's Gulls.

--An imm Lesser Black-backed Gull was reported by Percival at south shore
marina on October 17.

--A Pacific Loon and Lesser Black-backed Gull were reported by Mlodinow at
Jumbo Reservoir on October 15.

--A flyover Lapland Longspur was reported by Leatherman at Crow Valley
Campground on October 15.
--A Yellow Palm Warbler was reported by Mlodinow at Eaton Cemetery on
October 17.  The cemetery is SE of town.
--A Mississippi Kite was reported by Mlodinow at Linn Grove Cemetery on
October 17.  Linn Grove is in Greeley a couple of miles east of US 85 of E
18th St.
--A Thayer's Gull was reported by Mlodinow at Union Reservoir.

--3 Field Sparrows were reported by Mlodinow at the Fish Hatchery on
October 15.

The DFO Field Trip for Saturday, October 25 will be to Wheat Ridge
Greenbelt led by Jackie King (jackie.k...@ccd.edu or 720-281-3314)  From
I-70 exit 267, take Kipling south about .075 mile and turn right (west) on
44th Ave.  Go one mile west.  Look for the entrance to Prospect Park on
your left (*south).  Meet at 0830 inside the part in the lot right next to
Prospect Lake.
The leader uses a wheelchair so the trip is accessible.  Lunch is optional.

The DFO Field Trip for Sunday, October 26 will be to Prewitt SWA led by
Chris Owen (christ...@q.com or 303-772-6049).  Maximum of 10 Participants.
Register online at the DFO website.  Meet at 0600 at the RTD Park-n-Ride on
the SW corner of US 287 and Niwot Road to carpool.  State Parks pass and
Jumbo Res/Prewitt/Rs access permit required.   This will be a full-day trip
so bve sure to bring lunch, snacks, water, good walking shoes, and
appropriate clothing for the weather.  You will need an annual SWA pass.

Good Birding,
Joyce Takamine

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