[cobirds] Barr Lake Bobwhite

2015-07-26 Thread Norm Erthal
Any Bobwhite at Barr Lake and for that matter west of Greeley at least are 
all escapes. There are large numbers of hunting clubs that release them for 
shooting events and those that are not harvested, wander around until they 
die from predators or winter as they are not adapted to living in the wild.
Norm Erthal

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[cobirds] Gray-headed junco 6,000 ft. Larimer County 7/26

2015-07-26 Thread Davis
Seems a bit early for our local (red superman cape) breeding juncos to come
down out

Of the mountains.1 seen briefly at the water feature.   I’ve had them
winter until May

30th before, but I think this is my first July sighting.


Had a western tanager and female black-headed grosbeak sitting side by side

A turn at the suet (house finch was camped out on it).   Nice picture that I
didn’t get!


Seems a poor year for calliope hummers; maybe a plethora of wildflowers
means they

Aren’t at the (my) feeders?   I’ve only seen 1 or two.


Red crossbills have been daily here for 3 months; pinyon jays not seen much,
so NOT 

Very reliable currently.   Hairy woodpecker family is a real hoot; the
youngsters will

Do almost anything (land on a vertical ½ in metal pole and stay there for 3
minutes looking

Around, etc.   Don’t know what they will do for fun when I take the
hummingbird feeders

Down, as they pop off 3-5 yellow flowers daily.




Davis - at 6,000 ft. NW of Lyons – Larimer County

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Re: [cobirds] Baird's Sparrow-Larimer

2015-07-26 Thread Nick Komar
The 5 mile stretch of County Road 5 that includes the Baird's Sparrow location 
in Larimer County is now a hotspot on eBird. Folks should take advantage of 
submitting a complete checklist if they go up that way. Previously submitted 
lists can now be merged with the new hotspot. 

Nick Komar
Fort Collins CO

Sent from my iPhone

> On Jul 26, 2015, at 10:58 AM, Josh Bruening <87211...@gmail.com> wrote:
> A Baird's Sparrow was still singing frequently as of 1050am this morning a 
> couple hundred yards south of the blue tractor on the west side of County 
> Road 5. He remains off the road about 100-200 yards and definitely seems to 
> be on territory.  Wouldn't that be awesome if they nested here!?! I only got 
> my eyes on a single bird.  I was even able to get a decent recording on my 
> iphone. Nice find guys!  
> Josh Bruening
> Fort Collins
> -- 
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[cobirds] Baird's Sparrow-Larimer

2015-07-26 Thread Josh Bruening
A Baird's Sparrow was still singing frequently as of 1050am this morning a 
couple hundred yards south of the blue tractor on the west side of County Road 
5. He remains off the road about 100-200 yards and definitely seems to be on 
territory.  Wouldn't that be awesome if they nested here!?! I only got my eyes 
on a single bird.  I was even able to get a decent recording on my iphone. Nice 
find guys!  

Josh Bruening
Fort Collins

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[cobirds] Re: Bobwhite - Barr Lake - Adams Co

2015-07-26 Thread meredith

A little/lot more historical than you want, but in 2009 or 2010 there was a 
group of Bobwhites around the Barr banding station area for a few days. We 
even caught one. No one I talked to then knew where they had come from.

RMBO Bander

On Saturday, July 25, 2015 at 9:45:25 PM UTC-6, Ira Sanders wrote:
> Birders,
> Today while leading a monthly bird walk at Barr Lake, Tammy and I and 
> others distinctly heard a Northern Bobwhite calling repeatedly south of the 
> the nature center.  Does anyone know the status of Bobwhite at this 
> location?  Does anyone KNOW of released or escaped birds at this location.  
> And yes, I remember the 3 Chukar that lasted a few months at this location 
> earlier this year.  
> -- 
> Ira Sanders
> Golden, CO

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[cobirds] Boulder's "viral" saw-whet owl (Boulder)

2015-07-26 Thread Matthew Baker
Did everyone see this yet?


"The video garnered over 700,000 views in just two days, and the tweet 
about the owl incident has been reposted over 3,000 times. "

-Matthew Baker
Denver, CO

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2015-07-26 Thread Ted Floyd
*Here is the final checklist of birds compiled by participants in the 2015 
CFO Convention in Salida, Chaffee County, June 4-8, 2015.*

Thanks to everybody who contributed to the compilation of this list. With 
the recent additions, our final tally stands at 175 species. There sure is 
a lot to see in the southern Rockies in early June! Without further ado:

  1. Canada Goose  2. Gadwall   3. American Wigeon  4. Mallard   5. Blue-winged 
Teal  6. Cinnamon Teal  7. Northern Shoveler  8. Green-winged Teal  9. 
Redhead   10. Canvasback   11. Ring-necked Duck  12. Lesser Scaup  13. 
Bufflehead   14. Common Goldeneye  15. Common Merganser  16. Hooded 
Merganser  17. Ruddy Duck   18. Dusky Grouse  19. Common Loon  20. Pied-billed 
Grebe  21. Eared Grebe  22. Western Grebe  23. Double-crested Cormorant  24. 
Bittern  25. American White Pelican  26. Great Blue Heron  27. Great Egret   
28. Snowy Egret  29. Black-crowned Night-Heron  30. White-faced Ibis  31. 
Vulture  32. Osprey   33. Sharp-shinned Hawk  34. Cooper's Hawk  35. Northern 
Goshawk  36. Northern Harrier  37. Bald Eagle   38. Ferruginous Hawk  39. 
Hawk  40. Red-tailed Hawk  41. Golden Eagle  42. Virginia Rail   43. Sora   
44. American Coot  45. American Avocet  46. Killdeer   47. Spotted Sandpiper  
48. Wilson's Snipe  49. Wilson's Phalarope  50. Ring-billed Gull  51. 
Gull  52. Bonaparte's Gull  53. Forster's Tern  54. Rock Pigeon   55. Eurasian 
Collared-Dove  56. Band-tailed Pigeon  57. Mourning Dove  58. Great Horned 
Owl  59. Northern Saw-whet Owl  60. Common Nighthawk  61. Common Poorwill  
62. White-throated Swift  63. Chimney Swift  64. Black-chinned Hummingbird  
65. Broad-tailed Hummingbird  66. Lewis's Woodpecker  67. Williamson's 
Sapsucker  68. Red-naped Sapsucker  69. Downy Woodpecker  70. Hairy 
Woodpecker  71. American Three-toed Woodpecker  72. Red-shafted Flicker  73. 
Kestrel  74. Peregrine Falcon  75. Prairie Falcon  76. Olive-sided 
Flycatcher  77. Western Wood-Pewee  78. Least Flycatcher  79. Hammond's 
Flycatcher  80. Gray Flycatcher  81. Dusky Flycatcher  82. Cordilleran 
Flycatcher  83. Willow Flycatcher  84. Say's Phoebe  85. Eastern Phoebe  86. 
Phoebe  87. Ash-throated Flycatcher  88. Eastern Kingbird  89. Western 
Kingbird  90. Plumbeous Vireo  91. Western Warbling Vireo  92. Western 
Scrub-Jay  93. Blue Jay   94. Steller's Jay95. Gray Jay   96. Pinyon Jay   
97. Black-billed Magpie  98. Clark's Nutcracker  99. American Crow  100. Common 
Raven  101. Horned Lark   102. Northern Rough-winged Swallow  103. Tree 
Swallow  104. Violet-green Swallow  105. Bank Swallow  106. Barn Swallow  
107. Cliff Swallow  108. Black-capped Chickadee  109. Mountain Chickadee  
110. Juniper Titmouse  111. White-breasted Nuthatch  112. Red-breasted 
Nuthatch  113. Pygmy Nuthatch  114. Bushtit   115. Rock Wren   116. House 
Wren   117. Marsh Wren  118. Blue-gray Gnatcatcher  119. American Dipper  
120. Ruby-crowned Kinglet  121. Golden-crowned Kinglet  122. Western 
Bluebird  123. Mountain Bluebird  124. Townsend's Solitaire  125. Hermit 
Thrush  126. American Robin  127. Gray Catbird  128. Sage Thrasher  129. 
Pipit  130. European Starling  131. Cedar Waxwing  132. Orange-crowned 
Warbler  133. Virginia's Warbler  134.. Common Yellowthroat  135 MacGillivray's 
Warbler  136. Black-throated Gray Warbler  137. Yellow Warbler  138. Myrtle 
Warbler  139. Audubon's Warbler  140. Grace's Warbler  141. Wilson's Warbler  
142. Green-tailed Towhee  143. Spotted Towhee  144. Rufous-crowned Sparrow  
145. Chipping Sparrow  146. Brewer's Sparrow  147. Vesper Sparrow  148. Lark 
Sparrow  149. Savannah Sparrow  150. Slate-colored Fox Sparrow  151. Song 
Sparrow  152. Lincoln's Sparrow  153. White-crowned Sparrow  154. Gray-headed 
Junco  155. Western Tanager  156. Black-headed Grosbeak  157. Rose-breasted 
Grosbeak  158. Blue Grosbeak  159. Lazuli Bunting  160. Red-winged Blackbird  
161. Western Meadowlark  162. Yellow-headed Blackbird  163. Brewer's 
Blackbird  164. Common Grackle  165. Great-tailed Grackle  166. Brown-headed 
Cowbird  167. Bullock's Oriole  168. House Finch   169. Cassin's Finch  170. 
Crossbill  171. Pine Siskin   172. Lesser Goldfinch  173. American Goldfinch  
174. Evening Grosbeak  175. House Sparrow 

 Ted Floyd
Lafayette, Boulder County

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Re: [cobirds] BAIRDS SPARROW (Larimer)

2015-07-26 Thread Alec Hopping

At least one Baird's Sparrow is singing at the previously described location as 
of 5:20am.


Alec Hopping 
Littleton CO

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[cobirds] Colorado Rare Bird Alert, 26 July 21015

2015-07-26 Thread Joyce Takamine
Compiler:   Joyce Takamine
Date: July 26, 2015
This is the Rare Bird Alert, Sunday, July 26 sponsored by Denver Field
Ornithologists and the Rocky Mountain Bird Observatory.

Highlight species include: (* indicates new information on this species).

Little Blue Heron (*Weld)
Broad-winged Hawk (Larmier)
Upland Sandpiper (Logan, Weld, Yuma)
Caspian Tern (*Weld)
Least Tern (Bent)
Greater Roadrunner (El Paso)
Chimney Swift (*Jefferson)
Williamson's Sapsucker (*Larimer)
Red-naped Sapsucker (Gunnison)
American Three-toed Woodpecker (Boulder, Eagle/Pitkin, Gunnison, Hinsdale,
Least Flycatcher (Boulder, Douglas, Logan, Yuma)
Gray Flycatcher (Fremont)
Black Phoebe (Jefferson)
Eastern Phoebe (Douglas/Jefferson, Jefferson)
Bell's Vireo (Logan)
Purple Martin (Mesa)
Wood Thrush (Logan)
Chestnut-collared Longspur (Weld)
McCown's Longspur (Weld)
LUCY'S WARBLER (Montezuma)
Magnolia Warbler (Washington)
Field Sparrow (Logan)
Fox Sparrow (Boulder, Gunnison)
Northern Cardinal (Boulder)
Baltimore Oriole (Logan)
Brown-capped Rosy-Finch (Park)

--On July 10, Duane Nelson reported an adult ROYAL TERN on "Plover Island"
on north shore of John Martin Reservoir.  On July 18, Duane Nelson reported
that the ROYAL TERN returned to "Plover Island" on the N shore of John
Martin Reservoir.  To get to the best view, enter through John Martin State
Park south of Hasty.  Wind through the part until signs point the way to
the State Wildlife Area.  Turn west.  At a cattle guard you will see the
island.  Wind around a flooded bay, and drive south.  Park on top of the
bluff.  On July 19, Duane Nelson reported that the ROYAL TERN did not show
but a Least Tern did on "Plover Island" at John Martin Reservoir.

--2 Fox Sparrows was reported by David McQuade at Brainard Lake on July 5.
On July 11, Adam Vesely reported Fox Sparrow at Brainard Lake.  On July 19,
 Andrew Fontenot reported Fox Sparrow at Brainard Lake.
--A m American Three-toed Woodpecker was spotted by Connie Takamine in Wild
Basin section of Rocky Mountain NP a little below Calypso Cascades on July
--A Least Flycatcher was reported by Ted Floyd on the S side of Waneka Lake
on July 19.
--A singing Northern Cardinal was reported by Eric DeFonso near 19th and
Neher in Boulder on July 24.

--On July 21, David Suddjian reported 7 Least Flycatchers at Kingfisher
Bridge on the upstream side.

--An American Three-toed Woodpecker was reported by Mary Harris on the
Savage Lake trail above Ruedi Reservoir on July 23.

--A Greater Roadrunner was reported by John Drummond running across Hanover
Road about a mile west of Degrott Road intersection, near bridge and
culvert on July 18.

--On July 21, SeEtta Moss reported several Gray Flycatchers at Red Canyon
Park north of Canon City.  They appeared to be still feeding young.

--An ad American Three-toed Woodpecker was reported by Mary Harris feeding
young in conifers at the start of West Maroon trail which begins at
Schofield Parking lot on July 23.
--A Slate-colored Fox Sparrow was singing in willows above Ohio City as
reported by Mike Henwood on July 24.
--A Red-naped Sapsucker was reported by Mike Henwood on Quartz Creek near
Ohio City on July 24.

--A m American Three-toed Woodpecker was reported by Bez Bezuidenhout at
Grizzy Gulch Trailhead on July 16.

--On July 14 Scott Somershoe reported Black and Eastern Phoebe at Waterton
Canyon.  On July 15, Doug Kibbe and Frank Farrell reported Black and
Eastern Phoebes in Lower Waterton Canyon.  On July 16, Gwen Moore reported
Black Phoebe in Lower Waterton Canyon.  On July 19, Tim Ryan, Joe Roller,
Mackenzie Goldthwaite, and Mark Chavez reported Black Phoebe in Lower
Waterton Canyon and Goldthwait and Chavez also reported Eastern Phoebe.  On
July 21, David Suddjian, David Hill and Cynthia Madsen reported Black and
Eastern Phoebe in Lower Waterton Canyon.  On July 23, Ira Sanders reported
Black Phoebe in Lower Waterton Canyon.  On July 23, Andrew Fontenot
reported Black and Eastern Phoebe at Waterton Canyon between canyon mouth
and Waterton Rd.  On July 24, Scott Somershoe and Lynn Saver reported Black
and Eastern Phoebe at Waterton Canyon between canyon mouth and Waterton Rd.
--On July 15, Michel Kiessig reported Eastern Phoebe at Denver Botanic
Gardens at Chatfield.  On July 22, Cynthia Madsen, Jonelle Balais and Janet
Shin reported 2 Eastern Phoebe at Denver Botanic Gardens at Chatfield.
--A Chimney Swift was reported by David Suddjian at Clement Park in
Littleton on July 25.

--On July 22, Nick Komar reported Broad-winged Hawk at Laport Lions Park.
--On July 25, Nick Komar report 2 singing  BAIRD'S SPARROWS on the W side
of CR 5 near Rawhide Energy Station about 2 miles N of
Buckeye Road.
--A f W