[cobirds] Hybrid Goose

2016-07-13 Thread Jack Bushong
Hi all, 
Today I went to Hodgson-Harris Reservoir and found a possible Canada x Snow 
Goose hybrid amongst three Canada Geese. The bird was on the far eastern 
end of the reservoir and should be viewable from Shamrock Drive. There was 
also a Redhead, three Pied-billed Grebes, and a few coots with young. Here 
is a link to a picture of the bird   

Good birding,
Jack Bushong,
Louisville, CO

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[cobirds] CFO Field Trip Report

2016-07-13 Thread William H Kaempfer
Did you know that in addition to annual conventions, CFO sponsors occasional 
special field trips for CFO members?  See 
http://cobirds.org/CFO/SpecialEvents.aspx for a schedule of these events.

This past weekend, July 9th and 10th, three cars-full of CFO birders headed to 
the northwest corner of Colorado for a great two days of Colorado (and even 
some Wyoming) birding.  We started out from Idaho Springs at 7:00 a.m. to 
gather before heading over Berthoud Pass with a first stop at Windy Gap 
Reservoir where one of the most unusual species for the trip (and mid-July) was 
a 2nd summer male Common Goldeneye.  We birded the roadside in Hot Sulphur 
Springs to check out hummingbird feeders at a couple of local restaurants along 
US-40 before departing for one of my favorite spots in Grand County, Williams 
Fork Reservoir.  The willowy areas at the east end (upstream) were full of bird 
life including singing Veery and Fox Sparrow along with Gray Catbird, Warbling 
Vireo, Song Sparrow, Bullock's Oriole, Black-headed Grosbeak and more.  Along 
the south shore of William's Fork in the grassy marshes there were Wilson's 
Snipe, Savannah Sparrow, Sora and a single Long-billed Curlew.

We had lunch in a park in Kremmling with a Red-naped Sapsucker before 
continuing to the Rabbit Ears Pass area where we established a new eBird 
hotspot at Dumont Lake.  As the afternoon wore on and got increasingly hot, we 
saw several Sandhill Cranes along the Yampa river from Steamboat Springs to 
Hayden before making it to Craig for the evening.

Sunday saw us head out and made it through a one-way traffic road project on CO 
13 north of Craig to get to Moffat County Road 27 heading up into the Elkhead 
Mountains.  This is a wonderful route gradually rising from scrub oak (where 
all present had a life bird-Woodhouse's Scrub Jay) through aspen to fir/spruce 
highlands.  We found everything from Indigo Bunting to Gray Jay along the 
route.  Continuing north, we entered Wyoming to head back along State Route 
70-a beautiful road, but one that failed to produce the hoped for Wyoming 
rarities that have been reported in the past.

Because of fire, we decided to return to the Front Range via Laramie, which 
allowed us to visit Hutton Lake NWR.  That was a great choice because even at 
the end of the day in 90 degree Hutton gave us lots of ducks, shorebirds and 
sparrows as well as McCown's Longspur.

Overall as a group, we tallied about 120 species on the trip.  To investigate 
particulars, visit eBird for lists at some of the hotspots mentioned.

Bill Kaempfer

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[cobirds] 4 hummer day, south Larimer County

2016-07-13 Thread Davis
Had nice males of all four of the non-rare hummingbirds today at the
feeders.   1 red crossbill hanging around.   Plumbeous Vireo calling to the

Pinyon jays somewhat unreliable, but usually daily.  Plus the usual
suspects.   Have not seen a rattlesnake since the DFO trip up here. J


Raymond Davis - at 6,000 ft.; 4 miles NW of Lyons

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[cobirds] Baird's Sparrows,Larimer County, Update

2016-07-13 Thread Nick Komar
After reading the press release from the City of Fort Collins and Bird 
Conservancy of the Rockies about Baird's Sparrow(s) occupying a section of 
Soapstone Prairie Natural Area that was accessible from the Pronghorn Loop 
trail, I made some calls and learned that at least 3 males had been heard 
singing from the trail as recently as July 1. So this morning, Brandon Nooner, 
David Wade and I left Fort Collins at 4:20, parked at 5:05 at the entrance 
parking lot and hiked/birded for 3.5 miles, arriving at a tall grass swale at 
7:45. Here we observed at least 6 Baird's Sparrow, including at least 5 singing 
males spread out on apparent territories. Two territories included the trail (a 
dirt two-track) so we got close looks at two birds teed up singing. We had 
scopes for even better views. We did not witness evidence of confirmed 
breeding. For those of you who make the trip to this remote location near the 
Wyoming border, be sure to carry sufficient water (easy hike, not steep), stay 
on the trail (natural area regulations), and report evidence of confirmed 
breeding to eBird or Cobirds. We also had at least a dozen McCown's Longspurs 
along the hike. 

Specific directions to reach this concentration of Baird's Sparrow: 1. park at 
entrance station lot
2. Hike connector trail east from entrance kiosk 0.8 mi. 
3. Go east 2.2 mi on Pronghorn Loop trail (do not go north)
4. At turnoff to Plover Trail, continue north on Pronghorn Loop at least a half 
mile. You will note the moist meadow on the left. 

Good luck,
Nick Komar
Fort Collins CO

Sent from my iPhone

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[cobirds] Colorado Rare Bird Alert, 13 July 2016

2016-07-13 Thread Joyce Takamine
Compiler:  Joyce Takamine
e-mail:RBA AT cobirds.org
Date:  July 13, 2016
This is the Rare Bird Alert for Wednesday, July 13, 2016, sponsored by
Denver Field
Ornithologists and the Bird Conservancy of the Rockies.

Highlight species include: (* indicates new information on this species)

Barrow's Goldeneye (Clear Creek, Larimer)
Chukar (Delta)
Gunnison Sage-Grouse (Gunnison)
Sharp-tailed Grouse (Logan, Washington, Weld)
Red-throated Loon (Bent)
Pacific Loon (El Paso)
Common Loon (*Bent, *Mesa)
Green Heron (Boulder, Delta, Larimer)
Glossy Ibis (Kiowa)
Snowy Plover (*Bent)
Piping Plover (Bent)
Mountain Plover (Weld)
Upland Sandpiper (*Logan)
WESTERN GULL (*Alamosa, Washington)
Thayer's Gull (Washington)
Lesser Black-backed Gull (Washington)
Least Tern (*Bent)
Caspian Tern (*Bent, Weld)
White-winged Dove (Kiowa, Weld)
Greater Roadrunner (Otero)
Black Swift (Boulder)
Red-headed Woodpecker (El Paso, *Logan, Washington)
Red Bellied Woodpecker (Logan)
American Three-toed Woodpecker (Boulder, Clear Creek)
Least Flycatcher (Eagle, Jefferson, Weld)
Gray Flycatcher (Gunnison, Mesa, Montezuma)
Black Phoebe (Delta, Garfield)
Great Crested Flycatcher (*Lincoln)
Cassin's Kingbird (*Lincoln, Weld)
Scissor-tailed Flycatcher (*Lincoln, Weld)
Bell's Vireo (*Logan)
Purple Martin ((Delta, Dolores, *Mesa)
Pacific Wren (Boulder)
Bewick's Wren (Montezuma)
Curve-billed Thrasher (El Paso)
Chestnut-collared Longspur (El Paso, Weld)
McCown's Longspur (El Paso, Lincoln, Weld)
Black-and-white Warbler (Douglas, Montrose)
Lucy's Warbler (Montezuma)
Yellow-throated Warbler (Pueblo)
Grace's Warbler (Montezuma)
Field Sparrow (Logan)
Black-throated Sparrow (Mesa, Montezuma)
Summer Tanager (Montezuma)
Bobolink (Boulder, Douglas, Fremont, Jefferson)
Baltimore Oriole (Logan, Washington)
Brown-capped Rosy-Finch (Clear Creek)

*For locations you are not familiar with (e.g. "Lower Latham"), please
refer to CFO's Colorado County Birding site for directions:

---On July 11, John Rawinski reported that the WESTERN GULL is still at
Blanca Wetlands on Pond #115.  Blanca Wetlands is closed
to birders until July 16.

---On July 11 at John Martin Reservoir, Steve Mlodinow reported 3 Snowy
Plovers, 3 Least Terns, and 4 Caspian Terns and 3 Common Loons in basic
---On July 2 Ira Sanders reported 3 Loons at John Martin Reservoir on the N
side at SWA.  Ira now reports that he thinks that all
3 loons were Red-throated Loons.  On July 8 John Vanderpoel reported 3
Red-throated Loons at John Martin (1 ad, 2 juv).  On July 8,m John
Vanderpoel reported 3 Red-throated Loons (1 ad, 2 juv)
---On July 8, John Vanderpoel reported Piping Plover, Snowy Plover and
Least Tern were see at John Martin.  If you would like
to see these birds, contact Duane Nelson at dnelson1 AT century tel.net.
On July 10, Tom  Behnfield and Art Hudak reported 3 Red-throated Loons, 2
Piping Plovers, and Least Tern at John Martin Reservoir.

---On July 2 a m Bobolink was reported by Robin Byers near city of Boulder
Parks and Open Space Office west of Cherryvale.
---On June 26 a Green Heron was reported by Dan Zmolek at Walden/Sawhill
Ponds in Boulder.  On July 1, Jeff Parks reported Green Heron and young
Moose at Walden Ponds.  On July 3, Steve Frye reported Green Heron at
Walden/Sawhill Ponds.
---On June 24 a singing stub-tailed wren (Winter/Pacific) was reported by
Steve Mlodinow in Wild Basin of Rocky Mt NP just N of bridge that leads
away from Calypso Cascade towards Ouzel Falls.  On June 28, a Pacific Wren
was reported by Bill Rowe just below Calypso Cascades in Wild Basin of
Rocky Mt NP.  On July 4, Kathy Mihm Dunning reported Pacific Wren at
Calypso Cascades in Wild Basin of Rocky Mt NP.  On July 9 at Wild Basin in
Rocky Mt NP, David Dowell reported Pacific Wren, Black Swift on nest, 2
American Three-toed Woodpeckers.

---On July 5, an American Three-toed Woodpecker was reported by Bea Weaver
at Echo Lake.
---On July 3, 12 Barrow's Goldeneyes were reported by David Alpeter, David
and Tammy McQuade at Echo Lake.  There were 2 adults and 10 young.  On July
8, at Echo Lake Bob Andrews reported 2 f Barrow's Goldeneys.  One of the
females had 11 young down chicks.  They were in the SW corner of the lake.
---On July 1, 8 Brown-capped Rosy-Finch were reported by Barry Marsh at Mt.

---On July 8, Dennis Garrison reported 10 active Purple Martin nests at
Muddy Guard Station in Gunnison NF.
---On July 7, Tom McConnell reported 2 Black Phoebe nests downsteam from
Escalante Rim Road.
---On July 7 a Green Heron was reported by Tom McConnell at Fruitgrowers
---On July 7, 15+ Chukars were reported by Tom and Kay McConnell in
Escalante Canyon.

---On July 11 a YELLOW-CR