[cobirds] Black and Chimney Swifts, Montezuma

2018-06-09 Thread David Tønnessen
Hello from the west slope,

This evening at Bauer Reservoir I found myself amidst a spectacular display of 
feeding swallows (over 100), promptly joined by Black Swifts, which hurled in 
and out like boomerangs on the strong breeze. Amidst the swifts was a single 
Chimney, which I took as a surprise in this part of the state and documented 
it. I observed the sort of "feeding frenzy" for over two hours from my position 
on the "Creek 41" road, and noted that the swifts would periodically leave all 
at once and head east up into the hills (likely breeding nearby!), returning 
after maybe 10 minutes. Just after 7:15 pm is when the huge swarm of, well, 
everything suddenly disappeared and failed to reappear for the rest of my stay 
there. A pair of Purple Martins was another noteable species that composed this 
flock. eBird does not show previous records of either Black Swift or Chimney 
Swift for Montezuma County.
My eBird account of this event:

Happy Summer,
David Tonnessen
La Plata Co for now

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[cobirds] Cottonwood Marsh

2018-06-09 Thread Charles Hundertmark
Both previously reported herons left Cottonwood Marsh
Chuck Hundertmark

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[cobirds] Tricolored Heron Cottonwood Marsh, Boulder

2018-06-09 Thread Charles Hundertmark
Still present. Little Blue Heron here 2 hours ago but haven’t relocated
Chuck Hundertmark

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[cobirds] May 2018 Birds, Woodland Park Area and Beyond

2018-06-09 Thread joe...@betterbirdwatching.com
May 2018 Birds, Woodland Park Area and Beyond

It was a Finchapalooza month in the yard area this month featuring good 
numbers of Pine Siskin (lots), Evening Grosbeak and Cassin’s Finch and also 
House Finch, Lesser Goldfinch, American Goldfinch and Red Crossbill. By 
early June the event had ended with only a few siskins and House Finches 
hanging around.

Blue-winged Teal- Highline Canal Trail in Englewood on 5-13

Wood Duck- Highline Canal Trail in Englewood on 5-13

Osprey- FOS along S Platte River near Lake George on 5-19, Crystal 
Reservoir near Pikes Peak on 5-25

Bald Eagle- 1 adult along South Platte River near Lake George on 5-2, 
nesting at Nature Center Area at Standley Lake Park in Westminster on 5-12

American Kestrel- 1 along 6 mile section of Colorado Trail N of Deckers on 
5-6, at Nature Center Area at Standley Lake Park in Westminster on 5-12

Peregrine Falcon- flyover at Nature Center Area at Standley Lake Park in 
Westminster on 5-12

Wild Turkey- Pikes Peak Highway on 5-28

Spotted Sandpiper- FOS along S Platte River near Lake George on 5-23

California Gull- 1 along South Platte River near Lake George on 5-8

Belted Kingfisher- along South Platte River near Lake George on 5-2, 5-8

Mourning Dove- Mating on 5-15

Eurasian Collared-Dove- 1 on 5-18, 2 on 5-23

Broad-tailed Hummingbird- F on 5-6, M courtship displays on 5-7
along 6 mile section of Colorado Trail N of Deckers on 5-6, Highline Canal 
Trail in Englewood on 5-13, Parent’s House in Englewood on 5-27, above 
treeline at over 12,000 feet at Almagre Peaks area on 5-31

Downy Woodpecker- Seen a few times a week all month

Lewis’ Woodpecker- Report from Divide area in mid-May

Red-naped Sapsucker- 1F on 5-2,  1M on 5-7, 1 on 5-18, 5-26
1 calling along 6 mile section of Colorado Trail N of Deckers on 5-6, along 
South Platte River near Lake George on 5-8, Lovell Gulch in Woodland Park 
on 5-17

Williamson’s Sapsucker- calling, drumming, courtship displays along the 
Colorado Trail N of Deckers on 5-20

Northern Three-toed Woodpecker- 2 along the Colorado Trail N of Deckers on 
5-20, sign along Lovell Ridge Trail

Western Wood-Pewee- FOS singing along the S. Platte near Lake George on 5-19

Eastern Kingbird- at Nature Center Area at Standley Lake Park in 
Westminster on 5-12

Cordilleran Flycatcher- FOS, singing on 5-24
FOS singing at Lake George area and Dome Rock SWA S of Divide on 5-23

Hammond’s Flycatcher- Singing along the Colorado Trail N of Deckers on 5-20

Tree Swallow- at Nature Center Area at Standley Lake Park in Westminster on 

Violet-green Swallow- along 6 mile section of Colorado Trail N of Deckers 
on 5-6, FOS on 5-9

Plumbeous Vireo- 1 FOS singing along 6 mile section of Colorado Trail N of 
Deckers on 5-6, singing along the Colorado Trail N of Deckers on 5-20

Warbling Vireo- FOS, singing on 5-24
FOS singing along the Colorado Trail N of Deckers on 5-20, a couple singing 
along North Almagre Peak Trail on 5-31

Black-billed Magpie- 4 on 5-18

Clark’s Nutcracker- 5-16 FOS, last seen on Oct. 23, 5-17, 5-18, 3 on 5-24, 
at water feature on 5-22, 5-26, 5-31
2 along North Almagre Peak Trail on 5-31

Common Raven- Feeding on squirrel remains on 5-25
Courtship displays along the Colorado Trail N of Deckers on 5-20

American Crow- 3 along the Colorado Trail N of Deckers on 5-20

Bushtit- Dome Rock SWA near Divide on 5-8, Highline Canal Trail in 
Englewood on 5-13

Ruby-crowned Kinglet- FOS 5-17, singing
Dome Rock SWA S of Divide on 5-2, 5-8, 2 singing along 6 mile section of 
Colorado Trail N of Deckers on 5-6, singing at Lovell Gulch in Woodland 
Park on 5-17, singing along the S. Platte near Lake George on 5-19, singing 
along the Colorado Trail N of Deckers on 5-20, a few singing along North 
Almagre Peak Trail on 5-31

Golden-crowned Kinglet- singing at Lovell Gulch in Woodland Park on 5-17, 
singing along the Colorado Trail N of Deckers on 5-20

Western Bluebird- A few around all month
2, MF, along the Colorado Trail N of Deckers on 5-20

Mountain Bluebird- 2 along 6 mile section of Colorado Trail N of Deckers on 
5-6, 1 along North Almagre Peak Trail on 5-31

Hermit Thrush- on 5-20, at water feature
4 singing and calling along 6 mile section of Colorado Trail N of Deckers 
on 5-6, singing at Lovell Gulch in Woodland Park on 5-17, singing along the 
S. Platte near Lake George on 5-19, singing and calling along the Colorado 
Trail N of Deckers on 5-20, a few singing along North Almagre Peak Trail on 

American Robin- nest building on 5-9

Townsend’s Solitaire- at water feature on 5-6, 5-15
Singing along the Colorado Trail N of Deckers on 5-20, 2, singing North 
Almagre Peak Trail on 5-31

Northern Mockingbird- at Nature Center Area at Standley Lake Park in 
Westminster on 5-12

House Wren- FOS on 5-11 singing
2 singing along 6 mile section of Colorado Trail N of Deckers on 5-6, along 
South Platte River near Lake George on 5-8, 5-19, 5-23, at Nature Center 
Area at Standley Lake Park in Westminster on 5-12

[cobirds] Triple Herons and an Egret

2018-06-09 Thread Bob Fiehweg
The tricolored and little blue herons, along with a couple of great blues 
and two snowy egrets continued at Cottonwood Marsh through 1:15 today, as 
well as a Virginia rail calling from the marsh next to the path.   Several 
observers marveled at having the tricolored and little blue in the same 
field of view!  Finished off with bobolinks on the east side of Cherryvale 
opposite Boulder's OSMP headquarters.  Pretty good day, despite the heat.

Bob Fiehweg

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[cobirds] Re: Blue Grosbeak, Louisville, Boulder County

2018-06-09 Thread Leif S
Saw a blue grosbeak June 8 along the Cottonwoods Trail in Boulder.  This was on 
a lone treetop in the open area ca. 5-10 minutes from the start.  In past 
couple summers, I have seen them further north on this trail, past the bridge.


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[cobirds] Dickcissel, Jefferson Cty 6/9

2018-06-09 Thread Eric DeFonso
Hi folks,

On my way back home late this morning from a week of field surveys I
stopped by Plainview Road just off Hwy 72 heading into Coal Creek Canyon,
and was treated to a Dickcissel perched atop some low oak shrubs about 1.6
mi in from the highway. Not sure how chaseable this bird is, but I thought
I'd get the word out.


Eric DeFonso
Coal Creek Canyon, Jefferson County, CO (at exactly 8,000' ASL)

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[cobirds] Cottonwood Marsh goodies Boulder

2018-06-09 Thread Joyce Takamine
Currently almost noon at Cottonwood Marshthere are Tri.colored Heron,
Little Blue Heron,and Snpwy Egret.

Joyce Takamine

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[cobirds] Tricolored Heron- Boulder

2018-06-09 Thread John Vanderpoel
I’m looking at a Tricolored Heron at Cottonwood Marsh in Walden/Sawhill. Found 
by Brian and Kim from Arvada.


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[cobirds] Colorado Rare Bird Alert, 9 June 2018

2018-06-09 Thread Joyce Takamine
Compiler:   Joyce Takamine
Date:June 9, 2018
e-mail:  RBA AT cobirds.org

This is the Rare Bird Alert for Saturday, June 9 sponsored by Denver Field
Ornithologists and the Bird Conservancy of the Rockies.

Highlight species include: (* indicates new information on this species)

NOTE:  The RBA is now using the new AOU checklist and the order of families
has changed.
Snow Goose (Washington)
Cackling Goose (*Denver)
Trumpeter Swan (Mesa)
Hooded Merganser (Adams, Boulder)
Northern Bobwhite (Weld)
Yellow-billed Cuckoo (Washington, Weld)
Black Swift (Pueblo)
Rufous Hummingbird (*Jefferson, *Larimer)
Black Rail (Weld)
Sandhill Crane (Larimer, *Weld)
Upland Sandpiper (Logan)
Long-billed Curlew (Larimer)
Least Sandpiper (Weld)
Pectoral Sandpiper (Weld)
Long-billed Dowitcher (Las Animas, Weld)
Willet (Alamosa, Jackson, Weld)
Red-necked Phalarope (Larimer)
Franklin’s Gull (*Delta)
Black Tern (Prowers)
Snowy Egret (Archuleta)
Little Blue Heron (*Boulder)
Mississippi Kite (*El Paso, Kiowa)
Lewis’s Woodpecker (Mesa)
Red-headed Woodpecker (Logan, Washington, Weld)
Red-bellied Woodpecker (Logan)
Williamson’s Sapsucker (Teller)
Ladder-backed Woodpecker (Pueblo)
American Three-toed Woodpecker (Teller)
Northern Flicker (Yellow-shafted) *Lincoln)
Willow Flycatcher (Adams, Logan)
Least Flycatcher (*Boulder, Eagle, Garfield)
Hammond’s Flycatcher (Weld)
Gray Flycatcher (Gunnison)
Cordilleran Flycatcher (*Arapahoe)
Black Phoebe (*Delta)
Eastern Phoebe (Boulder)
Ash-throated Flycatcher (El Paso)
Great Crested Flycatcher (Washington, Weld)
Cassin’s Kingbird (Arapahoe, Douglas, Logan, Pueblo)
Purple Martin (Gunnison)
Bushtit (Adams)
Red-breasted Nuthatch (*Arapahoe)
White-eyed Vireo (Boulder)
Bell’s Vireo (Pueblo)
Yellow-throated Vireo (Weld)
Cassin’s Vireo (*Boulder, Larimer)
Blue-headed Vireo (*El Paso)
Red-eyed Vireo (Weld)
Gray Jay (Teller)
Pinyon Jay (El Paso)
Clark’s Nutcracker (Teller)
Eastern Bluebird (El Paso, Larimer)
Swainson’s Thrush (*Montezuma)
Curve-billed Thrasher (El Paso)
Red Crossbill (Arapahoe)
McCown’s Longspur (Jackson, *Larimer)
Chipping Sparrow (Logan, Montezuma)
Clay-colored Sparrow (Weld)
Brewer’s Sparrow (Jefferson)
Field Sparrow (Larimer, Weld)
Lark Sparrow (El Paso)
Black-throated Sparrow (*Delta)
Fox Sparrow (Mesa)
White-throated Sparrow (Weld)
Yellow-breasted Chat (Broomfield)
Bobolink (Douglas, Mesa)
Orchard Oriole (Broomfield)
Baltimore Oriole (Otero, Prowers, Weld)
Ovenbird (*El Paso)
American Redstart (Kiowa)
Northern Parula (Boulder, Pueblo)
Chestnut-sided Warbler (Jefferson)
Black-throated Blue Warbler (Weld)
Yellow-throated Warbler (Pueblo)
Grace’s Warbler (Gunnison, *Montezuma, *Ouray)
Summer Tanager (El Paso)
Northern Cardinal (Boulder)
Lazuli Bunting (*Adams)
Indigo Bunting (Boulder, *Delta, Logan)
Dickcissel (Logan, Yuma)

---On June 3 at McKay Lake, Matt Hofeditz reported 3 Bushtit.
---On June 4  at Barr Lake SP Bird Conservancy of Rockies office area and
below dam, Colin Woolley reported ad f Hooded Merganser.
---On June 7 at Rocky Mountain Arsenal NWRD, Burke Angstman and Audubon
Society of Greater Denver group reported 3 Lazuli Bunting and Willow

---On June 3 at Richmil Ranch OS, David Hill and Cynthia Madsen reported 2
Cassin’s Kingbirds.
---On June 4 on Little Dry Creek Trail Isaac Becker reported Red-breasted
---On June 7 at High Line Canal Trail—S University Blvd to E Orchard Rd,
Jared Del Rosso reported 2 Cordilleran Flycatchers and Red-breasted
---On June 7 at Chapel Hil Memorial Gardens, Jared Del Rosso reported Red
---On June 8 at Lower Ridgewood Park, David Suddjian reported Cordilleran
---On June 8 at St Mary’s Catholic Church, David Suddjian reported 2
Red-breasted Nuthatch.
---On June 8 at Littleton Cemetery, David Suddjian reported Red-breasted

---On June 4 on San Juan River Walk in Pagosa Springs, Ben Bailey reported
Snowy Egret.

---On June 3 on High Line Canal Trail—S University Blvd to E Orchard, Jared
Del Rosso reported Cordilleran Flycatcher.

---On June 6 at Hecla Lake, Jack Bushong and Ted Floyd reported m Hooded
---On June 3 at Boulder Creek at 75th St, Dan Zmolek and Leslie S reported
2 Eastern Phoebe flycatching near a White Barn.
---On June 4 on Old S St Vrain Road, Sue Riffe reported singing m Northern
---On June 4 on CR 67 which turns S from Eldorado Springs Rd after South
Mesa and Dowdy Draw Trailheads, Paula Hansley reported a White-eyed Vireo
in bushes after first switchback.
---On June 4 in Boulder below Dakota Ridge, Thomas Heinrich reported
singing Indigo Bunting and Northern Cardinal.  Take the Goat Trail from 3rd
and Forest or park at end of Hawthorn and hike.  John Malenich reported a
pair of Indigo Bunting at the location described by Heinrich.
---On June 4 at Walden Ponds/Cottonwo