Re: [cobirds] Re: No bird seed allowed at BCLP? No fair! How dare they!

2012-11-23 Thread Holly Reinhard
Hello birders,

I am no longer in Colorado, but haven't unsubscribed from the list yet. I
have been following this thread with interest, and I have to say I am in
absolute 100% agreement with those who say that breaking a rule that you
feel is stupid, just to have better chances to see a bird, is certainly
not on par with civil disobedience, such as sit-ins to end injustices
against whole groups of people.

I also entirely agree with those who say that we as birders want to portray
ourselves in the most positive light possible. Breaking a stupid rule is
not going to endear ourselves to anyone, and in addition to fostering
resentful feelings against birders at this park and/or other areas where
birders break the rules in order to add to their lists, news of this sort
of thing will spread. When I worked at a grocery store a while back, we had
a training in which they told us something along the lines of that you must
provide outstanding customer service about 10 times in order for one person
to tell his/her friends, but if you provide crummy customer service once,
the person will tell 10 other people. My point is, unfortunately, people
are more likely to share bad news than good news, and negative feelings and
experiences more than positive.

Sure we've all made mistakes. But let's try to respect rules and also not
encourage others to break them, and by doing, risk offending those who are
playing host to this special bird.


Holly Reinhard
Laredo, TX (formerly Hayden [Routt county], Colorado)

On Fri, Nov 23, 2012 at 2:49 PM, Jim Dandy wrote:

 Not specifically.  But I guess what you're saying is, because it's ok to
 feed birds according to the ABA, it's ok to ignore the park rules.  Or by
 extension property owner rules.   It may be a silly rule, but it's one that
 is levied by the park, for reasons unknown to you.

 So you can either ignore the rule or abide by it, but the hypocrisy of
 abiding by an ABA rule of ethics in the face of disregard for the
 property owner rules, should be recognized for what it is.  And trying to
 skirt your way around it  is just goofy

 And please... to elevate any of this to the level of civil disobedience,
 especially in having nuns do it for you (!!!) is not only ludicrous, but is
 also an afront to those people that have given up everything in the name of
 social justice.

 I'm appalled by listers, time and again.  This the last I'll say on the

 On Fri, Nov 23, 2012 at 11:55 AM, Ira Sanders zroadrunne...@gmail.comwrote:

 I'm unclear here. Is Jim equating putting out seed for the birds at Bear
 Creek with killing a small dog of a property owner?
 Someone correct me if I'm wrong but I'm not aware that putting out seed
 for birds is a violation of the ABA code of ethics. Harassing birds is
 clearly against the code of ethics but that isn't happening here.  I'm not
 aware of anyone stalking this bird when in fact bicycle riders and hikers
 are constantly traversing the bridge where the bird is seen.
 I certainly abide by the ABA code of ethics but when a rule is silly, it
 should be seen for what it really is.  Dumb.

 Ira Sanders
 Golden, CO

 and yes, 1 of the requirements of this list serve is to sign your name.

 *Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE DROID*

 Jim Dandy wrote:

 Situational ethics alive and well.  Civil disobedience is standing up for
 what you believe to be unjust to society.  It's not breaking the rules just
 so that you can add a bird to your life list. Nor is it asking nuns to do
 your dirty work for you.

 I see lots of posts here and on other birding lists along the lines of
 Please, if  you come to see XYZ, respect the property owner and don't
 trample his grass or kill his small barking dog.  But I guess if it's a
 good bird, say goodbye to the dog!

 What is the CFO position on this?

 I've lurked here for years and joined this list specifically to post
 this.  I hope the list owners don't see fit to terminate me for this; that
 would say a lot in and of itself.

 On Friday, November 23, 2012 11:03:01 AM UTC-7, Joe Roller wrote:

 Dismayed at the officiousness of the Bear Creek Lake Park rangers, I
 worked up my indignation and managed to find a work-around.

 After many phone-calls and emails, I established contact with the three
 nuns (Sister Anne Marie, Sister Elizabeth and Sister Bernadette) who
 visited the Park the other day. They agreed
 to take a big bag of birdseed to the Brambling hangout tomorrow. Too
 busy today. Others will have to sneak some (seed, not nuns) into the park
 on other days.
 If you missed rebelling in the sixties and did not burn your draft card,
 here is your chance to step
 forward into the exciting world of civil disobedience!

 Three of us are signed up so far to either go your bail or visit you in

 Joe Roller,

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[cobirds] Thanks for birding help, etc.

2012-10-21 Thread Holly Reinhard
Hello birders,

I hope this is an okay thing to post, and not too off-topic. I wanted to
say a very sincere thank you to the birders I met during my summer in
Hayden (near Steamboat) in Colorado. I would especially like to thank Peter
Gent, David and Tresa Moulton,  Nancy Merrill, Jeff and Liz Gordon, and
Forrest Luke. Each of these folks helped me find various birds/birding
sites, and were very friendly and hospitable. Peter Gent showed me a few
life birds when I was down in Boulder, as well!

I am now at a new job down in Laredo, Texas, working as a Park Interpreter
at a State Park here. If anyone on this listserv finds him/herself down in
the south Texas area, please don't hesitate to drop me an email; I would
love to show you some of the local birds (by then I will hopefully be
better acquainted with the area, as I just moved here a few weeks ago).

Again, I'm sorry if this is not appropriate for the listserv; I felt it
better than just dropping off the face of the earth in terms of the CO
birds list. :) I did check the guidelines for posting and did not see
anything that seemed to indicate this type of thanks/farewell is

Good birding,

Holly Reinhard
Laredo, TX (formerly Hayden, CO; and before that: Corvallis, Oregon)

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[cobirds] CCM Pond, etc., Craig (Moffat County)

2012-09-13 Thread Holly Reinhard
Hello birders,

I checked out the CCM pond in Craig today (Moffat county) after reading
Forrest Luke's post the other day. I actually first visited there Tuesday
afternoon, but the rain was not terribly conducive to pleasant birding.
This afternoon was much better. I had:

2 Great Egrets
5 Pectoral Sandpipers
1 probable Baird's Sandpiper (Forrest Luke had one the other day; this
individual bird was a little smaller than a Killdeer, with a very buffy,
plain breast that did not have any patterning or hood the way Leasts and
Pecs do, a downcurved bill, and overall quite plain but looked right  for
Baird's on the back, with slight scaly appearance (but hard to tell
because it was far through my scope))
2 Peeps
1 Phalarope, I am assuming Wilson's.
GW Teal
American Wigeon
DC Cormorant
Barn Swallows
and a female Wood Duck

Great place for some migration action; I am so glad that Forrest Luke told
me about it! And thanks to Tresa Moulton for detailed directions.

I also birded the nature/interpretive trail at Loudy-Simpson park, also in
Craig, but found it quite dead, with only plenty of Wilson's Warblers and a
White-breasted Nuthatch being the only birds of note.

I did have an American White Pelican flying south at sunset, seen from the
Safeway parking lot in Craig! Glad I was able to grab my binoculars out of
the car trunk quickly to verify!

Good birding,

Holly Reinhard
Hayden, CO

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[cobirds] Yampa River State Park and nearby birds (Routt county)

2012-08-25 Thread Holly Reinhard
Hello all,

I have done a little bit of birding the past few days around the Hayden

last Monday, August 20th, I went up north of Hayden near California Park
(Routt county). I had the following of note:

Gnatcatcher (I'm assuming Blue-gray)
Spotted Towhee

then that evening I checked out the Yampa River Preserve, also in Routt
co.  It was extremely birdy, but extremely mosquito-y as well, so I didn't
stay long.

I did have a bunch of Yellow Warblers there, and both types of Kingbird
(Eastern and Western), in addition to the usual suspects.

Today was very birdy at my park (Yampa River State Park, near Hayden, Routt

I had

1 MacGillivray's warbler
1 Wilson's Warbler
1 probable Northern Waterthrush. Believe me, this was very frustrating. I
was out without my binoculars, not intending to bird, but saw a warbler
that looked like a Wilson's. I went to go get a closer look and then came
across this other bird. It looked streaky like a sparrow, but it was
bobbing its tail like Waterthrush do. Also seemed to have the right shape
for Waterthrush...sadly, once I ran inside to get my binoculars, I could
not refind the bird, which was very frustrating. I did get a good look with
binoculars at the Wilson's Warbler and the Mac Warbler.

This evening around 7:20 pm, some campers and I spotted about 10 or 15
Common Nighthawks swooping around in the sky above us. This seemed like a
lot to me to see at once!

Good birding,

Holly Reinhard
Hayden, CO (formerly Corvallis, OR)

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[cobirds] Re: Shorebirds, etc, Jackson County. Also, ID help: passerine

2012-08-17 Thread Holly Reinhard
Hello again birders,

Thanks very much for the many replies I got about my mystery bird (and
the comments about the Cassin's/Purple finches, which people said were
almost certainly Cassin's). The overwhelming consensus was that my mystery
bird is a female Lark Bunting. :)

Good birding,

Holly Reinhard
Hayden, CO (formerly Corvallis, OR)

On Tue, Aug 14, 2012 at 4:50 PM, Holly Reinhard holly.reinh...@gmail.comwrote:

 Hello birders,

 I would like to extend a great thanks to those of you on the Western Slope
 Birding Network email listserve who replied to my RFI for where to go
 shorebirding in this part of Colorado. I just returned from a two-day trip,
 in which I visited Arapaho National Wildlife Refuge, Walden Reservoir, and
 State Forest State Park. Here are some highlights:

 State Forest State Park, Moose Visitor Center near Gould has at least one
 female PINE GROSBEAK coming to its feeders now. I had heard this was a
 place to pick up P. Grosbeaks, but when I visited there in early June, the
 Grosbeaks were not there. Well, looks like at least one is back, possibly

 Also at the Visitor Center:

 - 1 male Black-headed Grosbeak
 as well as the usual goodies. (DE Juncos, Pine Siskin, Red-winged
 Blackbird, Cassin's/Purple Finches (I have a hard time telling those two
 and a Hairy Woodpecker came and drank nectar from one of the hummingbird

 Walden Reservoir:

 - a fair amount of Wilson's Phalaropes
 - Western Grebe
 - Eared Grebes (probably at least 8), and 3 fluffy chicks. They were great
 fun to watch.
 - Am. White Pelicans
 - Pied-billed Grebe
 - MANY ducks (hard to ID as to species because of their eclipse plumage)
 - Killdeer
 - American Avocet

 Arapaho NWR Driving Tour proved very productive today, and especially
 yesterday evening. Notable birds included:

 - Willet
 - American Avocets
 - some peeps
 - a fair amount of Wilson's Phalaropes here as well
 - some raptors, whose identities have yet to be determined.
 - a very interesting passerine (at least it was to me), whose photos can
 be found in the public link below.

 I photographed this bird today at Arapaho NWR. As you can see in the
 photos, its bill is thick, like a Lark Sparrow's, and it has similar facial
 markings to a Lark Sparrow. However, its shoulders were white when it
 flew, and it had white on its outer tail feathers. I am wondering if it
 could be a young Lark Bunting? However, in Sibley, male non-breeding Lark
 Bunting has a distinct lack of any warmth. This bird I photographed had
 an almost rufous-y crown.

 Any thoughts or feedback would be greatly appreciated!

 Good birding,

 Holly Reinhard
 Hayden, CO (formerly Corvallis, OR)

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[cobirds] Shorebirds, etc, Jackson County. Also, ID help: passerine

2012-08-14 Thread Holly Reinhard
Hello birders,

I would like to extend a great thanks to those of you on the Western Slope
Birding Network email listserve who replied to my RFI for where to go
shorebirding in this part of Colorado. I just returned from a two-day trip,
in which I visited Arapaho National Wildlife Refuge, Walden Reservoir, and
State Forest State Park. Here are some highlights:

State Forest State Park, Moose Visitor Center near Gould has at least one
female PINE GROSBEAK coming to its feeders now. I had heard this was a
place to pick up P. Grosbeaks, but when I visited there in early June, the
Grosbeaks were not there. Well, looks like at least one is back, possibly

Also at the Visitor Center:

- 1 male Black-headed Grosbeak
as well as the usual goodies. (DE Juncos, Pine Siskin, Red-winged
Blackbird, Cassin's/Purple Finches (I have a hard time telling those two
and a Hairy Woodpecker came and drank nectar from one of the hummingbird

Walden Reservoir:

- a fair amount of Wilson's Phalaropes
- Western Grebe
- Eared Grebes (probably at least 8), and 3 fluffy chicks. They were great
fun to watch.
- Am. White Pelicans
- Pied-billed Grebe
- MANY ducks (hard to ID as to species because of their eclipse plumage)
- Killdeer
- American Avocet

Arapaho NWR Driving Tour proved very productive today, and especially
yesterday evening. Notable birds included:

- Willet
- American Avocets
- some peeps
- a fair amount of Wilson's Phalaropes here as well
- some raptors, whose identities have yet to be determined.
- a very interesting passerine (at least it was to me), whose photos can be
found in the public link below.

I photographed this bird today at Arapaho NWR. As you can see in the
photos, its bill is thick, like a Lark Sparrow's, and it has similar facial
markings to a Lark Sparrow. However, its shoulders were white when it
flew, and it had white on its outer tail feathers. I am wondering if it
could be a young Lark Bunting? However, in Sibley, male non-breeding Lark
Bunting has a distinct lack of any warmth. This bird I photographed had
an almost rufous-y crown.

Any thoughts or feedback would be greatly appreciated!

Good birding,

Holly Reinhard
Hayden, CO (formerly Corvallis, OR)

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[cobirds] Gunnison (and Grand Junction) area birds

2012-08-07 Thread Holly Reinhard
Hello birders,

My parents, visiting from Oregon, and I just returned from a four-day trip
to the Gunnison area. Here are some birds that I found interesting:

- Virginia's Warbler: at Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park
Campground (life bird for me!), also I think another  today at Corn Lake
near Grand Junction area. (Is that normal for this area? It's a cottonwood
ecosystem along a lake and a river)

- Evening Grosbeaks also at Black Canyon of the Gunnison NP campground. I
am unsure if this is normal for there or not this time of year; I was
entering data on eBird the other night when it malfunctioned on me and I
have yet to re-check it.

- There were LOADS of both flavors of Towhees (Green-tailed and Spotted)
all over Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park, especially at the
campground. I saw a fair amount of young birds, too.

- MacGillivray's Warbler at Neversink Trail, near Blue Mesa Reservoir near
the town of Gunnison.

Also, on a non-bird note (I hope this is allowed, as an addendum to the
bird sightings!), I got two new life mammals this trip: a Long-tailed
Weasel at Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park, and Gunnison Prairie
Dogs in (surprise) Gunnison! I now have all three Prairie Dog species that
occur in Colorado. :)

Good birding and mammaling (?),

Holly Reinhard
Hayden, Routt County, Colorado

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[cobirds] Birding Grand Junction Mon/Tues

2012-06-24 Thread Holly Reinhard
Hello birders,

I am thinking of going to Grand Junction, CO National Monument, and
vicinity tomorrow (Monday) and Tuesday. I would be very interested in
meeting up with any birders around that area. Please email me or call me.

Holly Reinhard
Hayden, CO
cell: 541 579 0594

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[cobirds] Boulder-area birds (Yellow-throated Vireo, Plumbeous Vireo)

2012-06-05 Thread Holly Reinhard

Peter Gent and I birded around the Boulder area yesterday, Monday 4 June.
First we went down to Chatfield Reservoir to look for the *Plumbeous x
Yellow-throated Vireo* nest, which we were able to locate, with the help of
some directions that some fellow birders had printed out. These were both
life birds for me, and we got great views of the Yellow-throated female,

We then went to an area near El Dorado Canyon State Park; I believe the
area was called Doudy Draw, to see a Plumbeous Vireo nest that Peter had
found recently.

Other birds of note include:

Cordilleran Flycatcher
Western Wood-Pewee
YB Chats
Downy Woodpecker
as well as the usual suspects (we did look for YB Cuckoo, as well as
American Redstart, but no luck with either)

Doudy Draw:
Lazuli Bunting
in addition to the regular birds

Good birding,

Holly Reinhard
Hayden, Routt County, CO

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[cobirds] Pawnee National Grasslands Trip Report

2012-05-10 Thread Holly Reinhard
Hello Birders,

I spent almost all day yesterday at the Pawnee National Grasslands. I got
some excellent tips from Peter Gent. Actually, to call them tips is an
understatement; they were more like directions of  precise places to look
for my target species. Thanks so much, Peter!

I saw the following:

1 Chestnut-collared Longspur
7 (or so) McCown's Longspurs, including some that were displaying. There is
no other way to describe this except to say their display is simply lovely
and wonderful.
a plethora of Horned Larks
plenty of Lark Buntings
a few Vesper Sparrows
2 Chipping Sparrows
W. Meadowlarks
W. Kingbirds
2 Burrowing Owls at a prairie dog town

at a grove of trees off some road whose number eludes me (I can look up if
anyone is interested):
Brown Thrasher
2 Swainson's Thrush
1 Yellow-rumped Warbler
1 Eastern Kingbird
1 House Wren
1 Lincoln's Sparrow
1 Say's Phoebe
2 White-crowned Sparrows
C. Grackles
W. Kingbirds (no shortage of those!)

I checked various locations for Mt. Plover (including the spot off county
roads 100 and 37), but with no luck.

at Crow Valley CG, I had the following of note:

1 Orange-crowned Warbler
2 Downy/Hairy Woodpeckers (sorry, I didn't get a very long look)
2 Brown Thrashers
1 American Kestrel

On the way back home, near Walden, I think it was Walden Lake (the sign on
the road I was on was for Walden Lake, but I don't know; this was about 1
mile down the road in all the water):
3 Am. Avocets
American White Pelicans
1 pair of Cinnamon Teal
Clark's/Western Grebe types (far away/I was too tired/lazy to set up scope)
many Coots

I was absolutely thrilled with the McCown's and Chestnut-collared
Longspurs; they were both lifers for me and it was just terrific to see
them on their breeding grounds. Thanks again, Peter!

It was a terrific trip, full of terrific birds.

Thanks and good birding,

Holly Reinhard
Hayden, CO

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[cobirds] Introduction, RFI

2012-05-07 Thread Holly Reinhard
Hello birders,

I am a native Oregonian and recent Oregon State University college
graduate. I am now (as of a few days ago!) living near Hayden, CO (Routt
County) for a seasonal job. I am very interested in not only learning good
birding locations, but also meeting up with other birders. I also have a
wish list of birds I would like to get over the summer. All of these
would be life birds:

Pine Grosbeak
White-tailed Ptarmigan
Cassin's Sparrow
ANY Longspurs
Plumbeous Vireo

I do own the Birding Colorado falcon guide (which I am finding very
useful already), and am aware of the Colorado Field Ornithologists website.
However, there's nothing quite like talking to a real person, and
especially birding with a fellow bird lover! That is what I most hoping
for: making some birding connections in this new state.

I have my own vehicle, and this week I do not work until Friday, so I have
a bunch of days that I would love to travel and meet up with some other
birders. I can travel pretty far this week, since I don't need to be back
in Hayden until late Thursday afternoon/early evening.

Although slightly off-topic, I am also extremely interested in herps
(reptiles/amphibians), and while I know that herpers don't like to give out
specific locations of snakes/lizards/salamanders, I would be very
interested in some general information, such as Pawnee is great for ,
or You don't generally see lizards around Hayden, as its elevation is too
high (I have learned this!)

Please feel free to email me, or better yet, call me, as I only have
internet here at the Hayden library and won't be able to check it more than
once a day.

Thank you, and good birding!

Holly Reinhard
Hayden, Routt County, CO (formerly Corvallis, OR)
(541) 579-0594 (cell)

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