Hi all

Wandered about Greeley-area today.

   - Crom Lake: American Avocet (2); Say's Phoebe
   - CR 31/80 Pond: Snow Goose (12)
   - CR 59 Marsh: Bill Fink, Baird's Sandpiper (7), American Avocet (2-3), 
   Black-necked Stilt (2); Lesser Yellowlegs; Greater Yellowlegs (2); 
   - CR 48 Marsh: Greater Yellowlegs (3); American Avocet, Wilson's Snipe 
   group (3)
   - Beebe Draw: Burrowing Owl (pair) CR 44 btw 43/47 on north by three 
   50-gallon barrels; Swainson's Hawk, Barn Swallow (5); White-crowned Sparrow 
   (5); Greater Yellowlegs (3)
   - Stewart's Pond full of birds no time to scan
   - Cozzens Lake is dry

Thanks, Gary Lefko, Nunn
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