Date: Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Email: RBA  AT

Compiler:  Patrick O’Driscoll, patodrisk AT

Phone:  303-885-6955


The Colorado Rare Bird report is an informational service.

Because of statewide coronavirus “Safer at Home” orders,* this report is
meant to keep homebound readers abreast of rare bird sightings across the
state during spring migration. It does NOT endorse or encourage travel to
see or "chase" rare birds beyond your local area.*

We urge readers to respect state and local restrictions on non-critical
travel and limits on outdoor activities that include birding.

To ensure the safety of yourself and others while birding, please practice
physical distancing, wear face masks and follow all other Covid-19


Birders have been helpful by reporting updates to COBirds. Thanks!

CAPITAL LETTERS denote very rare species, as listed by the Colorado Bird
Records Committee at the CFO website.

(*) indicates new information on a species.

For more information on birds seen today, go to and scroll to
the bottom for “Recent eBird Sightings.”


*Spring migration notes: *

Either this has been an exceptional migration, or “stay local” has its
benefits, as recent sightings attest. Certain birds we would all be proud
to find or see seem to be everywhere. In an attempt to limit an
already-overlong daily report, these recently listed species are being

*White-eyed Vireo, Yellow-throated Vireo, Chestnut-sided Warbler, Tennessee
Warbler, Black-and-white Warbler, Nashville Warbler, Palm Warbler,
Blackpoll Warbler, Northern Parula, and Summer Tanager.*

Please continue, however, to report these birds on COBIRDS.


Rare birds and some out-of-place or out-of-season birds include:

Trumpeter Swan (Las Animas)

Long-tailed Duck (*Arapahoe)


Ruby-throated Hummingbird (Park, Pueblo)

Whimbrel (Delta)

Short-billed Dowitcher (Bent, *Weld)

Red-necked Phalarope (*Denver)

Least Tern (*Mesa)

Caspian Tern (*Weld)

Common Tern (Montezuma, *Washington)

Arctic Tern (Jackson)

Reddish Egret (Mesa)

Yellow-crowned Night-Heron (Arapahoe, Denver)

Neotropic Cormorant (Bent)

Glossy Ibis (*Boulder)

Mississippi Kite (Arapahoe)

Red-tailed Hawk (Adams)

Vermilion Flycatcher (*Las Animas, *Otero)

Scissor-tailed Flycatcher (Jefferson, *Las Animas, *Otero, Weld)

Gray Vireo (Teller)

Philadelphia Vireo (Cheyenne, Jefferson)

Winter Wren (Larimer)

Gray-cheeked Thrush (Baca, Bent, *Prowers)

Varied Thrush (Arapahoe)

Bohemian Waxwing (Boulder)

Common Redpoll (Gunnison)

Field Sparrow (*Adams, Boulder, Broomfield, El Paso, Larimer)

Sagebrush Sparrow (Denver)

Canyon Towhee (Routt, Teller)

Baltimore Oriole (Boulder, Eagle, *Larimer, *Otero)

Worm-eating Warbler (Kiowa)

Golden-winged Warbler (*Jefferson)

Blue-winged Warbler (Baca, *El Paso, *Fremont, Otero)

Prothonotary Warbler (Chaffee, *Jefferson, LaPlata, Larimer)

LUCY’S WARBLER (Mesa, *San Miguel)

Mourning Warbler (Bent, *Prowers)

Kentucky Warbler (*Chaffee, *Prowers)

Hooded Warbler (*Chaffee, Jefferson, Larimer)

Cape May Warbler (Baca, Bent, Prowers)

Pine Warbler (Prowers)

Yellow-throated Warbler (Broomfield, Jefferson, Pueblo)

Magnolia Warbler (Boulder, Jefferson, *Larimer, Mesa)

Bay-breasted Warbler (Larimer, Pueblo)

Black-throated Blue Warbler (Jefferson, Kiowa, Pueblo)


Black-throated Green Warbler (Jefferson)

Scarlet Tanager (Fremont, Rio Grande)

Northern Cardinal (Arapahoe, Boulder)

Painted Bunting (Baca, *Otero)



—On May 11 a Field Sparrow was reported at Barr Lake by Daniel Maynard.

—On May 9 a Krider’s Red-tailed Hawk was reported at Rocky Mountain Arsenal
NWR (Prairie Trail) by Cathy Sheeter.


—On May 11 the continuing, very late Long-tailed Duck was reported by
Quincy Reservoir by G Stacks, who first reported the bird.

- Quincy Reservoir, Arapahoe, Colorado

—On May 10 a Northern Cardinal was heard and reported at Platte River
Park-Northern Wildlife Area by Brian Johnson.

—On May 10 a Varied Thrush was reported “at feeders for last 3 days” at a
private residence in Greenwood Village by Ann Coe. See eBird report.

—On May 9 a Yellow-crowned Night-Heron was reported at Cherry Creek
Ecological Park by Rajkumar Manikandan.

—On May 8 a Mississippi Kite was seen above Littleton Cemetery by David


—On May 10 a female Painted Bunting was re-found below Two Buttes Reservoir
dam. Two were first reported May 8 by Joey Kellner.

—On May 8 a Blue-winged Warbler and a Gray-cheeked Thrush also were
reported below Two Buttes Reservoir dam by Joey Kellner.

—On May 5 a Cape May Warbler was heard and reported high in the trees below
Two Buttes Reservoir dam by Steve Mlodinow.

—On May 5 a Gray-cheeked Thrush was reported at Turk’s Pond SWA by Steve


—On May 10 a Neotropic Cormorant was reported at Lake Hasty below John
Martin Reservoir Dam by Duane Nelson, who first found the bird on March 31.

—On May 10 two Short-billed Dowitchers were reported with a small flock of
Long-billed Dowitchers at John Martin Reservoir by John Haycroft and Donna

—On May 10 a Gray-cheeked Thrush was re-found at Melody Tempel Grove. It is
one of two first reported May 6 by the Phenegers.

—On May 9 a Cape May Warbler was re-found at Melody Tempel Grove by
numerous birders. First reported May 6 by Brandon Percival.

—On May 8 a Mourning Warbler was reported at Melody Tempel Grove by Glenn

—On May 5 a Hermit Warbler was reported at Melody Tempel Grove (west of
CR35 bridge) by the Phenegers.


—On May 11 a Glossy Ibis was reported at Pella Crossing Open Space by
Richard Klassen.

—On May 9 a male Baltimore Oriole was at a private residence on Apple
Valley Road. First reported May 8 by Sue Riffe.

—On May 9 a small flock of Bohemian Waxwings was reported at Thorne Nature
Experience, Boulder by Duwayne Worthington and Andy Angstrom. A rare
species along the Front Range, the flock flew off but should be looked for
in the area.

—On May 9 a Magnolia Warbler was reported at Garden Acres Park, Longmont by
Bryan Guarente.

—On May 9 a continuing Northern Cardinal was reported at the Linden Avenue/
21st Street stakeout location in Boulder.

—On May 8 a Field Sparrow was reported at Waneka Lake/Greenlee Preserve,
Lafayette by Art Reisman.


—On May 6 a Field Sparrow was reported at Big Dry Creek and Willow Run Open
Space by Jason Cole.


—On May 11 a Hooded Warbler was re-found on the Arkansas River north and
west of Sands Lake by Sally Waterhouse and Cole Sites. First reported May 5
at Sands Lake SWA by Tyler Wilson.

—On May 11 a Kentucky Warbler was reported at Sands Lake SWA. First
reported May 8 by Jeff Guy.

—On May 6 a Prothonotary Warbler was reported at Sands Lake SWA by Tyler


—On May 8 a Philadelphia Vireo was reported at Mitchek Ranch (private; bird
from road) by Donna Stump. Location is site of famed Golden-crowned Warbler
sighting in 2018.


—On May 7 a Whimbrel was reported at Fruit Growers Reservoir, Orchard City
by Martha Springer.


—On May 11, Red-necked Phalaropes were reported at Westerly Wetlands by
Jake Shorty and Elaine Wagner.

—On May 8 a Yellow-crowned Night-Heron was reported at First Creek at Green
Valley Ranch (Dunkirk and 53rd). First reported May 6 by John Breitsch.

—On May 5 a Sagebrush Sparrow was reported at Westerly Creek Park by Jason


—On May 5, a Baltimore Oriole was reported at private bird feeders on
Tennessee Pass north of Leadville by Marjorie Westermann. See eBird report.


—On May 10 a Blue-winged Warbler was reported at Clear Spring Ranch by
Tyler Stewart.

—On May 6 a Field Sparrow was banded at Clear Spring Ranch by Steven Brown.

*—County note: Chico Basin Ranch is closed to the public*, except to
dues-paying members of the birding, hunting and fishing clubs. Posts about
birds seen there are being omitted from this report at the ranch’s request.


—On May 11 a MEXICAN WHIP-POOR-WILL was re-heard on Oak Creek Grade 6 miles
south of Cañon City (continuation of 4th Street south of town, becoming 143
Road and Oak Creek Grade) (38.305, -105.255). First heard May 6 by Jerry
DeBoer. *Because of high interest in this bird, PLEASE refrain from playing
birdsong recordings.*

—On May 11 a Blue-winged Warbler was reported between Sell Lake and
Raynolds Avenue on the Cañon City Riverwalk. First reported May 9 by Jerry

—On May 9 a male Scarlet Tanager was reported along the Cañon City
Riverwalk between Sell Lake and Raynolds Avenue by Mark Peterson.

—On May 9 a male Scarlet Tanager was reported and photographed at a feeder
in Lincoln Park (private residence) by SeEtta Moss.


—On May 10 a Common Redpoll was reported by Drew Kelly as he hiked in
Raggeds Wilderness Area on Daisy Pass en route to Mineral Point, about 7
miles NW of Crested Butte.


—On May 9 an Arctic Tern was reported at Walden Reservoir by Steve Mlodinow.


—On May 11 a Prothonotary Warbler was re-found at Tucker Gulch. First
reported May 9 by Michael Lester.

—On May 10 a Hooded Warbler was re-found at Tucker Gulch in Golden and seen
by many. First reported May 9 by Bill Eley.

—On May 10 a Golden-winged Warbler was re-found at Tucker Gulch. First
reported May 7 by Terrance Wells.

—On May 8 a Black-throated Blue Warbler was re-found at Tucker Gulch, First
reported May 2 by Michael Lester.

—On May 7 a Magnolia Warbler was reported at Tucker Gulch by Timo Mitzen.

*NOTE:  Red Rocks Park is closed* indefinitely because of the Covid-19


—On May 9 a Black-throated Blue Warbler was reported at Upper Queens
Reservoir (Neeskah), west end of CR C. First reported May 7 by Brandon

—On May 9 a Worm-eating Warbler was re-found at Upper Queens Reservoir by
numerous birders. First reported by Brandon Percival.


—On May 6 a Prothonotary Warbler was seen at Pastorius Reservoir. First
reported May 4 by David Dunford.


—On May 11 a Baltimore Oriole was reported at Reservoir Ridge NA by Rob

—On May 11 a Magnolia Warbler was reported at Boyd Lake by Nick Komar.
Another Magnolia Warbler was reported May 10 at Seven Lakes Park, Loveland.

—On May 10 a Winter Wren was reported at Sheldon Lake in City Park, Fort
Collins by E.J. Raynor. Location: vegetation tangle in dry ditch at
southwest corner.

—On May 10 a Hooded Warbler was re-found on CR5 between Rd 82 and Rd 92.
First reported May 9 by Nick Komar and Caleb Alons.

—On May 10 a Summer Tanager was reported in the northwest corner of the
Environmental Learning Center, Fort Collins. First reported May 9 by Rob

—On May 9 a Field Sparrow was reported at Mariana Buttes NA, Loveland by
Christine Sparks.

—On May 9 a Bay-breasted Warbler was re-found at Morey Wildlife Reserve,
Loveland, near bridge off Cedar Valley Road. First reported May 5 by Nick

—On May 8 a Prothonotary Warbler was reported at Prospect Ponds NA . First
reported  May 5 by Joshua Keller.

—On May 7 a Field Sparrow was reported at Greyrock Commons in NW Fort
Collins by Doug Schwarz.

—On May 6 a Piping Plover was reported flying on north side of Cobb Lake by
Josh Bruening.


—On May 10 a Scissor-tailed Flycatcher and a Vermilion Flycatcher were
reported on Colorado 109 about 20 miles south of La Junta by by David
Tønnessen and Will Anderson.

—On May 7 a Trumpeter Swan was reported at Piñon Lake Reservoir by John


—On May 11 a Least Tern was reported on the Colorado River Trail in Grand
Junction by Denise and Mark Vollmar.

—On May 9 a LUCY’S WARBLER was re-found at “Gateway Cottonwoods” hotspot
west of Gateway, CO. First reported April 26 by Kathleen McGinley. *Because
this bird may be nesting, PLEASE refrain from playing birdsong records.*

—On May 9 a Magnolia Warbler was reported at Horsethief Canyon SWA near the
kiosk by Carol Ortenzio.

—On May 5 a white morph Reddish Egret was reported among other white wader
species at Redlands Parkway Ponds west of Grand Junction by Carol Ortenzio.


—On May 9 a Common Tern was reported at McPhee Reservoir west end by Glen


—On May 11 a Painted Bunting, a Vermilion Flycatcher and a Scissor-tailed
Flycatcher were reported on Higbee Valley Road (Otero CR 804) by Christine
Alexander, Renee Casias and Ben Sampson.

—On May 10 a Baltimore Oriole was reported on Higbee Valley Road (Otero CR
804) south of La Junta By David Tønnessen and Will Anderson.

—On May 7 a Vermilion Flycatcher, a Blue-winged Warbler and a Summer
Tanager were reported along Higbee Valley Road south of La Junta by the


—On May 10 a Ruby-throated Hummingbird was reported at a private feeder in
Pueblo by Chuck Telotte. See eBird report.


—On May 11 a Kentucky Warbler was reported in a farm yard south of Lamar by
Jane Stulp.

—On May 10 a Cape May Warbler was reported in Willow Creek Park, Lamar by
Brandon Percival.

—On May 10 a Pine Warbler was reported at Fairmount Cemetery, Lamar by
Brandon Percival.

—On May 10 a Mourning Warbler was reported in the Lamar Community College
Woods by Brandon Percival and others. One was also reported in a farm yard
south of Lamar by Jane Stulp.

—On May 10 a Gray-cheeked Thrush was reported in a farm yard south of Lamar
by Jane Stulp. On May 9, one was reported at Lamar Community College.


—On May 10 a Ruby-throated Hummingbird was reported at a private feeder
in Pueblo by Alanna Fenlon. See eBird report.

—On May 10 a Yellow-throated Warbler was re-found at Roselawn Cemetery,
Pueblo. First reported May 7 by Evan Carlson.

—On May 7 a Black-throated Blue Warbler was reported below Pueblo Reservoir
dam by Chris Knight. Location: Rock Creek area, north side of Arkansas

*—County note: Chico Basin Ranch is closed to the public*, except to
dues-paying members of the birding, hunting and fishing clubs. Posts about
birds seen there are being omitted from this report at the ranch’s request.


—On May 7 a Scarlet Tanager was reported at Home Lake SWA by John Rawinski.


—On May 9 a Canyon Towhee was reported and photographed at the Yampa River
Preserve by Noah Brinkman. This pioneering find is one of the northernmost
records of the species in CO.

—On May 9 a Nashville Warbler was reported at Yampa River Preserve by Noah


—On May 9 a LUCY’S WARBLER was reported at Gypsum Valley (Dolores River
boat launch to bridge) by Eric Hynes.

*TELLER COUNTY:                                          *

—On May 9 a Gray Vireo was reported (among many Plumbeous Vireos) on the
Shelf Road 4WD route by Scott Schaum.

—On May 9 a Canyon Towhee was reported on Shelf Road at Keyhole Rock by
Scott Schaum.


—On May 9, 15 Common Terns were reported at Prewitt Reservoir by Norm Lewis.


—On May 10 a Scissor-tailed Flycatcher was reported and photographed in
Frederick near Frederick Skate Park (still under construction) by Kristen
Davis. Location: between CR11 and CR13 north of Godding Hollow (40.118,

—On May 10 three Short-billed Dowitchers were reported at Weld CR59
wetlands by Jack Bushong.

—On May 10 a Magnolia Warbler was reported at Poudre Ponds by Ryan and Jack

—On May 10 two Caspian Terns were reported at Poudre Ponds by Ryan and Jack
Bushong. Two continuing Caspian Terns also were reported May 8 at Pelican
Lakes by Ryan Graves.

*—County note: Crow Valley Campground is closed *to all human activity (per
USFS district office).


*PLEASE NOTE:* Because of the Covid-19 pandemic, Denver Field
Ornithologists and other CO birding clubs have suspended all field trips
scheduled for May and June, including the annual Colorado Field
Ornithologists convention in Pueblo (reset for May 2021).

Please share interesting and/or unusual birds and behavior observations on
COBirds <>.

Good birding,

Patrick O’Driscoll

Denver, CO

patodrisk AT


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