Hi all

Explored a lot of north central Weld over weekend hoping to find signs of 
spring. I did. Still only Horned Larks and raptors on shortgrass, no summer 
longspurs seen/heard. Other item of interest is new wooden double-post 
power-lines going in along Hwy 77 on east in and around CR 116 Playa-new 
raptor perches at least.

Most waters open and fully occupied in most instances.

   - CR 124/122 ponds (open and full) geese and ducks
   - Cozzens Lake (open) tons of geese
   - Stewart's Lake (open) geese and ducks
   - Latham Reservoir (partial) geese and ducks
   - CR 48 marsh has flooded fields (no birds)
   - Crom Lake (open) geese and ducks)
   - CR 61/74 Ponds frozen
   - CR 40 marsh-area on north is new large burn scar (looks like a local 
   burn by the shape)
   - CR 59 and Loloff Reservoir (partial)

Spring birds seen ...

   - Greater Yellowlegs - 1 (CR 59 Marsh)
   - Killdeer - 1 (CR 59 Marsh)
   - American White Pelican - 20+ (Cozzens Lake)
   - Mountain Bluebird - 12+ (several CPER roads north of Nunn)
   - Double-crested Cormorant - 20+ [Hwy 392 Pond [Galeton]--full of birds!]
   - 13 expected duck species

Other notable birds ...

   - Gray-crowned Rosy Finch - 18+ (CR 128)
   - Greater White-fronted Goose - 1 (Crom Lake)
   - Northern Shrike -1 (Briggsdale Work Center)

Photos at first URL below (first 11 posts).

Thanks, Gary Lefko, Nunn

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