[cobirds] Kiowa County 10/20

2018-10-21 Thread David Tønnessen
Evening folks,

Apologies for a late posting, but yesterday David Dowell and I birded Kiowa 
county's larger reservoirs and discovered much activity. The entire day was 
cloudless and temperatures started in the 30s but rose swiftly into the low 
70s Fahrenheit. Starting pre-dawn at Neenoshe Reservoir, we amassed large 
numbers of waterfowl of good diversity from the south peninsula. Most 
notable waterbirds here proved to be 2 *Common Loons* and 11 *White-winged 
Scoters* that Dowell spotted amongst a raft of Aythya ducks, the largest 
single group of this species that either of us had encountered in Colorado. 
Shorebirds were present in small numbers at the main reservoir, and we 
found much larger numbers at the disjunct southeast pond. An apparent 
Dowitcher* called its high 3-note "tu-tu-tu" around dawn at the south 
peninsula of the main reservoir, and other shorebirds present included 
*Greater* and *Lesser Yellowlegs*, *Long-billed Dowitchers* in the 
hundreds, over a hundred *Stilt Sandpipers*, 2 very late *Wilson's 
Phalaropes*, *Least Sandpipers*, *Pectoral Sandpipers* and a *Baird's 
Sandpiper*. However, the highlight of our visit to this reservoir was 
surely the sheer numbers of sparrows present; highly vocal *White-crowned 
Sparrows* had invaded almost every patch of brush between the peninsula and 
the southwest parking lot, and it would not surprise me if a few thousand 
were present around this body of water total. Mixed in we found multitudes 
of *Lincon's* and *Song Sparrows*, plus 3 *Swamp Sparrows*, 9 *White-throated 
Sparrows*, 6 *Harris's Sparrows*, and 2 *Field Sparrows,* the most of any 
of these species I have personally ever encountered at once in the state. 
Non-sparrows of note while in the woods and brush included fly-by *Eastern*
 and *Mountain Bluebirds*, a *Winter Wren*, a *Rock Wren*, *Orange-crowned*
, *Myrtle* and *Audubon's Warblers*, and a beautiful iridescent *Rusty 
Blackbird*. Small groups of *Snow Geese* including a single *Ross's* were 
flying over calling throughout, as were longspurs composed mainly of 
*Chestnut-collared* but also a few *McCown's* and a *Lapland *or two. They 
forage in the post-agricultural fields to the south heavily.

We birded Neegronda and the two Queens Reservoirs briefly, and found 
nothing quite as extraordinary. A *Lesser Black-backed Gull* was on Upper 
Queens, but to be fair, there is always a Lesser Black-backed Gull at Upper 
Queens no matter the season (or so it seems).

Because time was allowing, Dave Dowell and I also drove out to Adobe Creek 
Reservoir and found some interesting presence there. An extremely late *Piping 
Plover* (eBird says latest by a month) and *Snowy Plover *stood together 
indolently on the east side of the res, just barely in Kiowa County. A 
Loon* and 4 *Red-breasted Mergansers *were also notable birds on the Kiowa 
County side. South of here, in the Bent County portion of the reservoir, 3 
Plovers* and a *Sanderling* among Baird's Sandpipers added to the list of 
slight peculiars.

Good Fork-tailed Flycatcher-chasing,
David Tonnessen
Colorado Springs, CO

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[cobirds] Kiowa County, 10/20

2018-10-21 Thread David Tønnessen
Evening folks,

Apologies for a late posting, but yesterday David Dowell and I birded Kiowa 
county's larger reservoirs and discovered much activity. Starting pre-dawn 
at Neenoshe Reservoir, we amassed large numbers of waterfowl of good 
diversity from the south peninsula. Most notable waterbirds here proved to 
be 2 *Common Loons* and 11 *White-winged Scoters* that Dowell spotted 
amongst a raft of Aythya ducks, the largest single group of this species 
that either of us had encountered in Colorado. Shorebirds were present in 
small numbers at the main reservoir, and we found much larger numbers at 
the disjunct southeast pond. An apparent *Short-billed Dowitcher* called 
its high 3-note "tu-tu-tu" around dawn at the south peninsula of the main 
reservoir, and other shorebirds present included *Greater* and *Lesser 
Yellowlegs*, *Long-billed Dowitchers* in the hundreds, over a hundred *Stilt 
Sandpipers*, 2 very late *Wilson's Phalaropes*, *Least Sandpipers*, *Pectoral 
Sandpipers* and a *Baird's Sandpiper*. However, the highlight of our visit 
to this reservoir was surely the sheer numbers of sparrows present; highly 
vocal *White-crowned Sparrows* had invaded almost every patch of brush 
between the peninsula and the southwest parking lot, and it would not 
surprise me if a few thousand were present around this body of water total. 
Mixed in we found multitudes of *Lincon's* and *Song Sparrows*, plus 3 *Swamp 
Sparrows*, 9 *White-throated Sparrows*, and 6 *Harris's Sparrows*, and 2 *Field 
Sparrows* the most of any of these species I have personally ever 
encountered at once in the state. Non-sparrows of note while in the woods 
and brush included fly-by *Eastern* and *Mountain Bluebirds*, a *Winter 
Wren*, a *Rock Wren*, *Orange-crowned*, *Myrtle* and *Audubon's Warblers*, 
and a beautiful iridescent *Rusty Blackbird*. Small groups of *Snow Geese* 
including a single *Ross's* were flying over calling throughout, as were 
longspurs composed mainly of *Chestnut-collared* but also a few *McCown's* 
and a *Lapland *or two. They forage in the post-agricultural fields to the 
south heavily.

We birded Neegronda and the two Queens Reservoirs briefly, and found 
nothing quite as extraordinary. A *Lesser Black-backed Gull* was on Upper 
Queens, but to be fair, there is always a Lesser Black-backed Gull at Upper 
Queens no matter the season (or so it seems).

Because time was allowing, Dave Dowell and I also drove out to Adobe Creek 
Reservoir and found some interesting presence there. An extremely late *Piping 
Plover* (eBird says latest by a month) and *Snowy Plover *stood together 
indolently on the east side of the res, just barely in Kiowa County. A 
Loon* and 4 *Red-breasted Mergansers *were also notable birds on the Kiowa 
County side. South of here, in the Bent County portion of the reservoir, 3 
Plovers* and a *Sanderling* among Baird's Sandpipers added to the list of 
slightly peculiars.

Good Fork-tailed Flycatcher-chasing,
David Tonnessen
Colorado Springs, CO

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