Granted, this is the first spring I've been home every day, and the yard 
has been good for birds all along, but this year is so crazy, I have to 
pinch myself.

Nearly 40 species in the last 4 days, including new yard-list birds every 

Just now:

Plumbeous Vireo
Black and white Warbler
Wilson's Warbler
Swainson's Thrush
Empidonax sp. (wouldn't vocalize, so I'll never know).

5 warbler species just this week.  Lazuli Buntings.  Tanagers.  Still 
trying to get a photo of the female Northern Cardinal.  I was able to glean 
some blurry still shots out of a couple seconds of bad video of her flying 
through the brush.  The pics will never make National Geographic, but might 
stand in a court of law!  :  )  

Dave Cameron

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