Hi all

Hearty souls braved the 15-25 mph winds on Saturday--I woke up to 5mph 
winds but that quickly changed in an hour or so. Need less to say raptor 
numbers low but got variety!

   - Red-tailed Hawk - 5
   - Ferruginous Hawk - 3
   - Bald Eagle - 3
   - Unk raptor - 1 (distance)
   - Prairie Falcon - 2 (one seen on way to meet team, second on way home 
   after trip)
   - Merlin - 1 (greeted me in my driveway as I returned home)

Others: Northern Shrike, ton of ducks (Crom Lake, mostly Mallard, 
Bufflehead, Northern Shoveler), Canada and Cackling Goose, Pronghorn


Thanks, Gary Lefko, Nunn

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