As Libby pointed out yesterday, reports from folks yards are fun, and with the 
current situation forcing more backyard birding, some great stuff is being 
seen...Summer AND Scarlet Tanagers, Black and Whites, ...come on seriously, 
great birds!  Our most recent new yard bird came last night (11 May'20) around 
10:30pm as a female COMMON POORWILL flew through the back yard (Huston Park 
area, Denver Co.) and dropped over the fence into the alley.  Put the dogs in, 
grabbed my wife and a flashlight, then ventured into the alley for what 
probably looked like some nefarious behavior (guess it kind of was).  Anyway, 
there sat the Poorwill in the alley just in the dark near a street light 
probably hunting insects attracted by its light.  Guess I shouldn't have been 
so surprised and excited as an alley in essentially central Denver is perfect 
habitat for these guys.
The Poorwill wasn't our only Covid Avid of the day, as a couple of BREWER'S 
SPARROWs showed up in the yard during daylight hours.  Had one last year up at 
the park, but these guys were a first for the yard proper (Yard List, 
subsection 1c).  

Please keep the yard posts coming as the vicarious birding through your 
experiences helps break the monotony.
Good Birding,DougDenver
11 May 2020  HustonPark (Athmar neighborhood), Denver, Denver Co., COCanada 
Goose – 2Mallard – 1m 1f (still hunting a place to nest in someone’sgarden)Rock 
Pigeon – 10Eurasian Collard-Dove – 3Morning Dove - 2COMMON POORWILL – 
1fBroad-tailed Hummingbird – 1m hoNorthern Flicker – 3 “Red-shafted”Blue Jay – 
5American Crow – 2Black-capped Chickadee – 2European Starling – 3American Robin 
– 4House Sparrow – 2House Finch – 10BREWER’S SPARROW – 2Chipping Sparrow – 
5White-crowned Sparrow – 1a “Gamble’s”Red-winged Blackbird – 5Common Grackle – 
10Yellow-rumped Warbler – 1 ho “Audubon’s”

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