Hey, all.

When Adrianna Nelson and Hannah Floyd and I started iNatting this gloomy
Saturday morning, Sept. 10, 2022, at the Havana Ponds Parking Lot at Rocky
Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge, Adams Co., it was 8° Celsius
with a cold drizzle, and I confess that I muttered to myself, "*Why are we
doing this again?*" A couple minutes later, as we were walking south toward
the ponds, the answer was evident: The fields were full of *Say phoebes,*
the skies aflutter with swallows, and the trail directly ahead swarming
with sparrows.

Our first two hours out there were dazzling, the next four solidly good.

Best of all were the sparrows. Migrants included 1 late *grasshopper,* 30+
*chipping* (almost all juveniles), 2 *clay-colored,* 10+ *Brewer,* 12
*lark,* 75+ *vesper,* and 20+ *savannah.* Also 10+ *lark **buntings* still
hanging on.

Warblers were so-so, highlighted by 1 *Townsend.* Cardinalids included
a *lazuli
bunting* and a couple of *western tanagers.*

Shorebirds were poor, all things considered, but an *upland sandpiper*
overflying Lake Ladora was magnus.

Nice falcon show, including a *merlin* and 2 *peregrine falcons.*

Miscellany: 1 *woody* and 2 *hoodies,* a lost *common nighthawk,* 2 *soras,*
2 *burrowing owls,* 1 *gray flycatcher,* 1 *blue-gray gnatsnatcher,* at
least *5 rock wrens,* 1 *marsh wren,* 1 *gray catbird,* and 1 *sage

We somehow missed Canada goose, and wound up with 89 species during our
time at The Arsenal.

The insects--and insect photography--were outrageous. See Hannah's content
at Facebook's "Arthropods Colorado & Wyoming" group.

Ted Floyd
Lafayette, Boulder Co.

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