Dear Cobirders,

I too have recently observed similar behavior to Marilyn's observation.  A
couple weeks ago I was getting the oil changed in my car and while I was
sitting outside waiting I observed about eight or so American Crows
congregating in some pines and locusts at the edge of a McDonald's parking
lot.  A juvenile Sharp-shinned Hawk flew in and made a run at the crows.
The "targeted" crow tucked and rolled out of harms way when the Sharpie was
on top of it, but two other crows were above the Sharpie mobbing it at the
same time.  All the participants settled in the trees with two of the crows
in the tree above the Sharpie vocalizing and making pecking attempts at it
as well.  The Sharpie would then take wing again and target a different crow
with the same results.  There were many iterations of this that played out
for a good ten minutes before the Sharpie headed south.  It was quite
entertaining to watch.

Good Birding,
Steve Stachowiak
Highlands Ranch, CO

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