Re: Modal dialog without NSApplication

2008-09-20 Thread brodhage


thank you very much for your answer, Rob.

 I am successfully using modal Cocoa windows in a plugin inside a  
Carbon application.

This statement and your code gave me the final hint that it must work  
- and that the problem must be found somewhere else.

Using your code nothing changed at all. In fact it would surprise me  
if using a loop with a session would be different to calling  
runModalWithWindow (concerning my problem I mean).

So I again looked at the documentation - and here we are: do not send  
makeKeyAndOrderFront: to aWindow.

But I called makeKeyAndOrderFront and you too.

I removed the makeKeyAndOrderFront call in my old code - and  
everything works correct.

No - there is still one minor problem: if I hide the carbon  
application and activate it again then my modal window is updated.  
But not the current modal dialog of the carbon application (which  
calls my modal dialog via user action).

Yes - I know. It is not good practice to show two modal dialogs. But  
this is the way the carbon application is doing it. And I can not  
change this.

Any ideas how I can send a update to the carbon application?
The problem here is that the NSApplication will receive the event -  
and will not update the carbon modal dialog.

Martin Brodhage

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Re: Core Data adding new instance - creating relationship to existing instance

2008-09-20 Thread Amy Heavey

Thank You, and I am very sorry for being so dim,

I'm working on an app that accessing an existing file that Definitely  
has the Categories, but I'd forgotten that I'd been working on an  
empty file to make it easier to see changes I was making!

Many Thanks


On 19 Sep 2008, at 19:23, Jamie Hardt wrote:


Your fetch request isn't finding any Categories, and the array  
returning from executeFetchRequest is empty.  Before doing the  
setValue:forKey:, you should test the returned array from  
executeFetchRequest to make sure it contains 0 categories, and  
handle the situation appropriately if it doesn't.  You should also,  
by-the-by, be passing an NSError pointer to executeFetchRequest:  
and testing that after it returns to make sure an error didn't occur.

On Sep 19, 2008, at 10:47 AM, Amy Heavey wrote:

-[NSCFArray objectAtIndex:]: index (0) beyond bounds (0)


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Re: how to set Document type and its icon programatically

2008-09-20 Thread Jean-Daniel Dupas

Le 19 sept. 08 à 11:22, Nick Rogers a écrit :

My cocoa app is not a document based app, but saves a binary file to  
the disk.
I can set this file's name and extension and icon by going to the  
Target properties and adding a new document type there.

It was working fine and the resulting saved file was given the  
required icon.

But then I had to embed my app into another app directory, since  
then its not working (no icon is associated now).

The directory structure is now:
So the inner app's saved file now doesn't display the required icon.

Will this problem be resolved if I set the icon programatically?
How to go about this?


Look like LaunchServices does not find you application and does not  
register it.
You may try to register it manually at first launch in you outer app  
using: LSRegisterURL((CFURLRef)myInnerAppNSUrl, false);


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Re: Constant NSArray Count

2008-09-20 Thread Alex Mills


I have started looking at Key Value Observing but I'm having trouble  
working out how to observe the changes within an Array.

Is there some place I can find example code on this to help wrap my  
head around it?

Alex Mills

On Sep 20, 2008, at 6:50 AM, Nick Zitzmann wrote:

On Sep 19, 2008, at 9:15 AM, Alex Mills wrote:

I have this working as an IBAction but I want it to run all the  
time so that it will control the tabs whenever the selection count  
of the Array changes, how can I do this?

You can use KVO to call a method when the selectedObjects value  
changes. Check the KVO documentation and the archives for more  

Nick Zitzmann


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Re: Utility/Floating window with titlebar on left side

2008-09-20 Thread Dave Jewell

On Thu, 18 Sep 2008 17:30:27 -0700, Nick Beadman said:

Interface Builder  does have Side Title checkbox in the Appearance
section of the window attributes inspector when working on Carbon
window. IB2 is slightly more intelligent in that it knows it should
only be enabled for certain window types (e.g. utility windows).

I would still be interested in sample code showing a sub-class of
NSWindow or NSPanel

Hi Nick.  If you want to pursue this, there is an undocumented style  
bit which gives you a left-edged titlebar.  As you mention, IB is  
smart enough to stop you doing what doesn't make sense, but its  
possible to override the sanity. ;-)  If you subclass your window/ 
panel, you can then override  
initWithContentRect:styleMask:backing:defer inside your subclass, and  
OR the existing stylemask with (19) before calling the super method.

The code below shows how (without IB) to do this programmatically:

NSWindow * weirdWindow = [[NSWindow alloc] initWithContentRect:  
NSMakeRect (50, 50, 500, 300) styleMask: NSTitledWindowMask | (1  9)  
backing: NSBackingStoreBuffered defer: NO];

[weirdWindow orderFront: self];

However, as others have pointed out, it's not that simple.  In the  
above code, for example, I've not made the window closable (no close  
box) 'cos if you try, the close box will end up half on and half off  
the vertical titlebar!  Not great!  If you really want to do this, and  
make it look good then (a) it's probably quite a bit of work and (b)  
you'll very likely need to give your window a custom frame class.



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Re: Constant NSArray Count

2008-09-20 Thread Alex Mills


Yeah I have been reading through a bit of it. At the moment I have an  
NSArrayController setup in IB to access a Core Data Entity. A table  
view is then connected to that Array Controller to display the  
contents of it. This is all done without any code written by myself so  
I'm pretty new to working with these objects programatically. I need  
code that will recognize when the selection count of my table view  
changes, if that count is 0 it will display tab 1, if the selection  
count is 1 or more it will display tab 2. Right now I have an IBAction  
that will do this but requires me to press a button for the count  
check to be performed, what do you think would be the best way to  
implement this idea?

This is the IBAction:

-(IBAction)checkCount: sender;
NSArray *selectedObjects = [propertyTableController selectedObjects];
NSUInteger count = [selectedObjects count];
if (count == 0)
[newTabView selectTabViewItemWithIdentifier:@2];
[newTabView selectTabViewItemWithIdentifier:@1];

Alex Mills

On Sep 20, 2008, at 5:41 PM, Jason Coco wrote:

On Sep 20, 2008, at 05:05 , Alex Mills wrote:


I have started looking at Key Value Observing but I'm having  
trouble working out how to observe the changes within an Array.

Is there some place I can find example code on this to help wrap my  
head around it?

I'm pretty sure that you can't do KVO directly on arrays, just on  
the relationships that the array holds, but to get started, here is

a link to the Key-Value Observing guide from Apple: 

You might also want to do a full-text search for KVO and Key-Value  
Observing in the search window in Xcode.

HTH, Jason


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Cocoa debug/release setting

2008-09-20 Thread René v Amerongen

Hi List,

I have a small irritating problem.
If I use debug as configuration I cant use breakpoints.
If I select release then my breakpoints are working.

I dont see what I did change compared with my former project and cant  
find any particulair in my settings.

Of course maybe I did overlook something.

Does someone knows what the setting are to change this.

Any help is appropiated.



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Re: Cocoa debug/release setting

2008-09-20 Thread Fritz Anderson

On 20 Sep 2008, at 8:33 AM, René v Amerongen wrote:

I have a small irritating problem.
If I use debug as configuration I cant use breakpoints.
If I select release then my breakpoints are working.

I dont see what I did change compared with my former project and  
cant find any particulair in my settings.

Of course maybe I did overlook something.

Does someone knows what the setting are to change this.

What version of Xcode are you using, and on what version of Mac OS X?

In the Preferences window, Debugging pane, Symbol Loading Options:  
Load symbols lazily, uncheck that box. Try debugging.

With the configuration set to Debug, and the problem target active,  
select Project  Edit Active Target, then select the Build tab of the  
resulting Target Info window. Type debug into the search field at  
the upper-right.

Debug Information Format should be set to DWARF.
Strip Debug Symbols During Copy should not be checked.
Generate Debug Symbols should be checked.
Level of Debug Symbols should be Default.
Optimization Level should be set to None [-O0]

Do you still have that former project?

For the problem project, click in that list of settings in the Build  
Tab, Edit  Select All, and drag the list into an empty text window.

Do the same for the former project, into another empty text window.

Do a file comparison between the files, using the command-line diff  
command if you don't have any other means.

The comparison will probably tell you something.

— F

Fritz Anderson -- Xcode 3 Unleashed: Now in its second printing -- 


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Re: Modal dialog without NSApplication

2008-09-20 Thread Eric Schlegel

On Sep 19, 2008, at 11:55 PM, brodhage wrote:

No - there is still one minor problem: if I hide the carbon  
application and activate it again then my modal window is updated.  
But not the current modal dialog of the carbon application (which  
calls my modal dialog via user action).

Yes - I know. It is not good practice to show two modal dialogs. But  
this is the way the carbon application is doing it. And I can not  
change this.

Any ideas how I can send a update to the carbon application?

Probably the Carbon app is using the older classic Mac OS style of  
handling updates for its Carbon dialog, rather than the modern Carbon  
events style. If that's the case, there's really nothing you can do.  
If the Carbon app used Carbon event handlers then this should just  
work automatically.



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Re: Finding other apps' paths - deterministically!

2008-09-20 Thread Tommy Nordgren

On Sep 18, 2008, at 8:47 PM, Jerry Krinock wrote:

The methods for finding applications,

  -[NSWorkspace fullPathForApplication:]
  -[NSWorkspace absolutePathForAppBundleWithIdentifier:]
  AppleScript's  'path to application'

all return only ONE result.  If there is more than installation of  
the application, which often happens out here in real life, the  
above methods will often pick different installations, and even if  
you run the same methods several minutes apart I sometimes get  
different answers.

Is there any way to make these methods behave deterministically?  If  
not, what's a better way?  Do I have to do a Spotlight search?  I  
know that unix 'find' would be way too slow.


Jerry Krinock

Use NSTask with the command line find -x /  -name '*.app'
Do this on a separate thread, and cache the result.


What is a woman that you forsake her, and the hearth fire and the home  
to go with the old grey Widow Maker.  --Kipling, harp song of the Dane  

Tommy Nordgren


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How to create a new window initially zoomed to the maximal size?

2008-09-20 Thread Oleg Krupnov
What I want to achieve is that when a new window is created, it has
the maximal size allowed by the screen, menu and the dock, exactly
like if someone clicked the green zoom button in the window's title
bar. I don't want any resizing animation or flickering though.

It should be something very basic, like a checkbox in the IB, but I
can't seem to find it...

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Re: How to create a new window initially zoomed to the maximal size?

2008-09-20 Thread Benjamin Stiglitz
 What I want to achieve is that when a new window is created, it has
 the maximal size allowed by the screen, menu and the dock, exactly
 like if someone clicked the green zoom button in the window's title
 bar. I don't want any resizing animation or flickering though.

Before ordering the window onto the screen, you can set its frame to
fill the screen by calling -[NSWindow zoom:]. Alternatively, you can set
its frame to [[window screen] defaultFrame], which is the same frame
that -zoom: will use, subtracting space for any visible drawers.


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Re: How to create a new window initially zoomed to the maximal size?

2008-09-20 Thread j o a r

On Sep 20, 2008, at 11:02 AM, Oleg Krupnov wrote:

What I want to achieve is that when a new window is created, it has
the maximal size allowed by the screen, menu and the dock, exactly
like if someone clicked the green zoom button in the window's title
bar. I don't want any resizing animation or flickering though.

You would have to resize the window manually. To find out how to size  
and position it, ask NSScreen for the appropriate frame. To avoid  
flickering, do this in awakeFromNib or similar, before the window is  
put on screen.

j o a r


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NSImage above scroll view content

2008-09-20 Thread Peter Alshuth
Hi all,
I have a window with a scroll view that displays an image. I would like to
have a centered symbol (another image) on top of this view independently of
the slider positions and movements. Do I have to create another window with
a transparent background and sync it with the movements of the other window
in order to create a new layer?


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Re: How to create a new window initially zoomed to the maximal size?

2008-09-20 Thread j o a r

On Sep 20, 2008, at 11:11 AM, Benjamin Stiglitz wrote:

Alternatively, you can set its frame to [[window screen]  
defaultFrame], which is the same frame

that -zoom: will use, subtracting space for any visible drawers.

I think that should be:

-[NSScreen visibleFrame]

j o a r


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Re: NSImage above scroll view content

2008-09-20 Thread Quincey Morris

On Sep 20, 2008, at 11:26, Peter Alshuth wrote:

I have a window with a scroll view that displays an image. I would  
like to
have a centered symbol (another image) on top of this view  
independently of
the slider positions and movements. Do I have to create another  
window with
a transparent background and sync it with the movements of the other  

in order to create a new layer?

There are easier ways than that, although it's going to depend a  
little bit the behavior you want when you (say) click on either of the  

The easiest way is probably to make the scroll view's document view a  
custom view, and in the custom view's drawRect: method, draw the  
scrollable image first (positioned relative to the custom view  
bounds), then draw the symbol image on top (centered on the custom  
view's visibleRect).

Or subclass the view that's displaying the image, and in a drawRect:  
override call [super drawRect:] then draw the symbol image centered on  
the visibleRect.

Or use a custom view with two image subviews, and reposition the  
symbol image subview whenever the custom view scrolls. (You can  
monitor the clip view's bounds changes to detect when scrolling  

When doing this kind of thing, make sure you turn off the copy on  
scroll checkbox for the scroll view.


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Re: How to create a new window initially zoomed to the maximal size?

2008-09-20 Thread Benjamin Stiglitz
On Sat, Sep 20, 2008 at 12:22:52PM -0700, j o a r wrote:
 Alternatively, you can set its frame to [[window screen]  
 defaultFrame], which is the same frame
 that -zoom: will use, subtracting space for any visible drawers.

 I think that should be:

   -[NSScreen visibleFrame]

Yes, that’s correct—my mistake.


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cocoa, Iphone and NDA

2008-09-20 Thread Bruno Sanz Marino

Rules are rules...

We can not talk about cocoa things related to the iphone in this list...

Neither in any other list

Lets Ask Apple to change the NDA and all the app store stuff

Why dont we just open one page to ask Apple to change the NDA and allow 
us to talk about it?

Why dont just we all sign on this page

IT could be easy to make more noise on the papers at this way

I think most of us would want Apple to change this Rule.

Probably most of us make things with the Iphone SDK


Lets move all together!

If someone has one idea or agree with me in creatin on public page askin 
for a change, tell me via email



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Re: Cocoa debug/release setting

2008-09-20 Thread René v Amerongen


Thank you for your reply.

They are for the debug settings the same as the former project settings.
The debug setting where the same as you provided.
In the release version, the Generate Debug Symbols was checked.

BTW, nice Idea about the select all and drag and drop. Didn't use that  

In the release mode the breakpoint did finally stop for now (to).
I will close down and start fresh tomorrow, maybe it works out well.



Op 20 sep 2008, om 16:56 heeft Fritz Anderson het volgende geschreven:

On 20 Sep 2008, at 8:33 AM, René v Amerongen wrote:

I have a small irritating problem.
If I use debug as configuration I cant use breakpoints.
If I select release then my breakpoints are working.

I dont see what I did change compared with my former project and  
cant find any particulair in my settings.

Of course maybe I did overlook something.

Does someone knows what the setting are to change this.

What version of Xcode are you using, and on what version of Mac OS X?

In the Preferences window, Debugging pane, Symbol Loading Options:  
Load symbols lazily, uncheck that box. Try debugging.

With the configuration set to Debug, and the problem target active,  
select Project  Edit Active Target, then select the Build tab of  
the resulting Target Info window. Type debug into the search field  
at the upper-right.

Debug Information Format should be set to DWARF.
Strip Debug Symbols During Copy should not be checked.
Generate Debug Symbols should be checked.
Level of Debug Symbols should be Default.
Optimization Level should be set to None [-O0]

Do you still have that former project?

For the problem project, click in that list of settings in the Build  
Tab, Edit  Select All, and drag the list into an empty text window.

Do the same for the former project, into another empty text window.

Do a file comparison between the files, using the command-line  
diff command if you don't have any other means.

The comparison will probably tell you something.

— F

Fritz Anderson -- Xcode 3 Unleashed: Now in its second printing -- 


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[Moderator] Re: cocoa, Iphone and NDA

2008-09-20 Thread CocoaDev Admins

On 20-Sep-08, at 3:36 PM, Bruno Sanz Marino wrote:

Rules are rules...

We can not talk about cocoa things related to the iphone in this  

Yet, you do it anyways.

Do not talk about the iPhone SDK here. Period.

You signed an agreement that you would keep it confidential. Abide by  

Users who discuss it here will be moderated.



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Re: Core Data migration

2008-09-20 Thread Paul Collins
Back on March 29 2008, Mr. Wilson reported a problem with migration  
that I seem to be having now. To wit, a core data model that includes  
an abstract entity and entity inheritance fails to be migrated on OS X  

I'm getting different errors than he reported. I created a mapping  
model from the previous to the new data model. Finding, as Mr. Wilson  
did, a empty property mapping involving an abstract entity, I created  
a mapping for the abstract entity and related the property mapping to  

When I attempt automatic migration  
(NSMigratePersistentStoresAutomaticallyOption), I get Persistent  
store migration failed, missing mapping model. Alternatively, when I  
manually select the mapping model, NSMappingModel  
mappingMOdelFromBundles:forSourceModes:destinationModel: does give me  
my mapping model, but migrateStoreFromURL returns an NSError:  
Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=134110 UserInfo=0x80e25b0 An error  
occured during persistent store migration.

If there's a workaround for this, I'd sure love to hear it.

Best regards,

Paul Collins
Gracion Software


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Re: cocoa, Iphone and NDA

2008-09-20 Thread Conrad Taylor
Hi, you need to look at it from Apple's point of view.  For example,  
there might be some legal and/or patent pending issues that need to be  
resolved before the NDA is lifted.  Thus, everyone needs to remain  
patient.  In short, Apple needs to do what's in the best interest of  
their company.


Sent from my iPhone

On Sep 20, 2008, at 12:36 PM, Bruno Sanz Marino [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Rules are rules...

We can not talk about cocoa things related to the iphone in this  

Neither in any other list

Lets Ask Apple to change the NDA and all the app store stuff

Why dont we just open one page to ask Apple to change the NDA and  
allow us to talk about it?

Why dont just we all sign on this page

IT could be easy to make more noise on the papers at this way

I think most of us would want Apple to change this Rule.

Probably most of us make things with the Iphone SDK


Lets move all together!

If someone has one idea or agree with me in creatin on public page  
askin for a change, tell me via email



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Re: Constant NSArray Count

2008-09-20 Thread Nathan Kinsinger

On Sep 20, 2008, at 4:53 AM, Alex Mills wrote:


Yeah I have been reading through a bit of it. At the moment I have  
an NSArrayController setup in IB to access a Core Data Entity. A  
table view is then connected to that Array Controller to display the  
contents of it. This is all done without any code written by myself  
so I'm pretty new to working with these objects programatically. I  
need code that will recognize when the selection count of my table  
view changes, if that count is 0 it will display tab 1, if the  
selection count is 1 or more it will display tab 2. Right now I have  
an IBAction that will do this but requires me to press a button for  
the count check to be performed, what do you think would be the best  
way to implement this idea?

This is the IBAction:

-(IBAction)checkCount: sender;
NSArray *selectedObjects = [propertyTableController selectedObjects];
NSUInteger count = [selectedObjects count];
if (count == 0)
[newTabView selectTabViewItemWithIdentifier:@2];
[newTabView selectTabViewItemWithIdentifier:@1];

Alex Mills

You might want to look at the tableViewSelectionDidChange: delegate  
method of NSTableView. 



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escaping a string

2008-09-20 Thread Sandro Noel


i'm playing around with the torrent specification. and i'm trying to  
talk to a tracker.

for that i need to generate an info_hash
acording to the protocol definition the string needs to be escaped.

The 20 byte sha1 hash of the bencoded form of the info value from the  
metainfo file. Note that this is a substring of the metainfo file.  
This value will almost certainly have to be escaped.

my question here, if anyone has done that in the past, in cocoa, how  
was it done.
and if you have any pointers on escaping a string in cocoa, any  
information would be usefull..

i've tried
torrentString = [torrentString  

torrentString = [torrentString  

they both produce a null string, so obviously this is not it...
if it can help this is the string I have to escape.

start here--
[VTV].avi12:piece lengthi1048576e6:pieces7020:‹Olz;hBfï/k	 

eƒÎûÍCH	˙¥¸û∆Â, œ6Pn˙¡‡¯| 
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¤Nu'[¥˘áπÙÁ2ñ€ç! ŒDRê8M„«x≈≈qfi•GÌèÙK,d  

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end HERE--

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Re: Finding other apps' paths - deterministically!

2008-09-20 Thread Michael Ash
On Sat, Sep 20, 2008 at 12:57 PM, Tommy Nordgren
Use NSTask with the command line find -x /  -name '*.app'
 Do this on a separate thread, and cache the result.

I highly recommend against this approach. One problem is that it will
fail badly if any of the returned paths contain the \n character,
which is a perfectly legal path character. For another it will fail if
the new process would exceed the user's process limit, a limit which
tends to be much lower than most other resource limits and thus much
easier to encounter in realistic situations.

For the original problem, I'd recommend using something like
LSCopyApplicationURLsForURL() if it's at all possible. Of course maybe
you have data that isn't good for that, but if you can use it then
that's the way to go.

If you must search the disk, use Spotlight if you can. It will be
vastly faster than anything else. The downside is that it won't work
if indexing is disabled or if the desired application is in an
excluded directory.

If you must search the whole disk without Spotlight, use
NSDirectoryEnumerator. Or if you're the sort who likes to use
unsupported private functions, you may be interested in the discussion
near the bottom of


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Re: escaping a string

2008-09-20 Thread Michael Ash
On Sat, Sep 20, 2008 at 10:53 PM, Sandro Noel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 i'm playing around with the torrent specification. and i'm trying to talk to
 a tracker.
 for that i need to generate an info_hash
 acording to the protocol definition the string needs to be escaped.

 The 20 byte sha1 hash of the bencoded form of the info value from the
 metainfo file. Note that this is a substring of the metainfo file. This
 value will almost certainly have to be escaped.

This is an assumption which happens not to be true.

Your problem is in thinking of a .torrent file as a string. It is not.
It is a plain old sequence of bytes, with no encoding. The sha1 hash
data is embedded raw, right in the file. No escaping is done, because
there is no need: the length of the data is given in the file.

Note that documentation which discusses bencode generally talks about
strings. But don't be confused. They correspond to NSData, not to

I also want to point out that your question, aside from not applying
to the given situation, is also somewhat ill-founded. The reason for
this is that string escaping is a very vague concept that is not
well defined. The escaping used for URLs is completely different from
the escaping used for C constant strings, and that in turn is
different from the escaping used for passing arguments to a command in
the shell, and all of those are different from the escaping needed for
regular expressions. (And the necessary escaping can depend on what
flavor of regex!) There are so many different ways to escape strings
that it makes little sense to just choose one arbitrarily in an
attempt to make things work. Find out exactly what kind of escaping is
needed by the protocol or format you're using, and then use *that*
kind of escaping. Or in this case, don't use any.


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Re: escaping a string

2008-09-20 Thread Sandro Noel

Mike, thank you for the explanation,
I am using NSData to unbencode the torrent file.
ans sucessfully store it to a NSDictionary, plist so i can read it  
outside the software.

that works just fine...

The sha1 hash data is embedded raw, right in the file.
No escaping is done, because there is no need: the length of the  
data is given in the file.

The Data that needs to be used to create the SHA1 Hash is the data of  
the info key in raw bencoded form.

How would you go about extracting just that part of the data, if  
converting it to string is not the right way to go.

This is how i do it :  but obviously this does not work.

NSData *torrentData = [[NSData alloc]initWithContentsOfURL:[NSURL  

if (0  [torrentData length]){
	NSString *torrentString = [[[NSString alloc]initWithData:torrentData  

// find the range of the info section.
	NSRange infoRange = [torrentString rangeOfString:@4:info  
	torrentString = [torrentString substringFromIndex:(infoRange.location  
+ infoRange.length)];
	torrentString = [torrentString substringToIndex:[torrentString  

NSString *infoHash = [torrentString sha1HexHash];

sorry Honestly I had no clue that string escaping was so broad, if i  
did, i'd never chosen that subject :)
thanks for explaining, there is no mention on the documentation on  
what type of escaping that need to be done

on the torrent data.

Thank you for your help.

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