Re: Reading in dictionary from txt file: options for speed

2009-04-17 Thread Greg Guerin

Miles wrote:

I'm creating a game for where the dictionary file will never get  

so I'm not really worried about that.

I was pretty sure the dictionary was read-only, but that doesn't mean  
it's always error-free.  I was actually thinking of production  
errors, where the dictionary file accidentally has its final null  
lost or removed.

Such things have been known to happen, and from small errors grave  
disorder follows unless you code defensively.  Sometimes a good  
design isn't just defending against user mistakes, it's also  
defending against your own mistakes.

Yes, the original suggestion to use strstr().

Not strnstr?

It is slow, for a word that's
never found it takes 0.704 seconds on the device. Definitely too long.

So what do you think would be fast enough.  For example, if it were  
twice as fast, would that suffice?  10 times faster? 100 times?   
Remember, it doesn't have to be As Fast As Possible.  It only has to  
be Fast Enough.

Next, think about the minimum work needed to achieve the desired  
speedup.  Given a search function and a dictionary, what is the  
simplest way to make that search function finish in half the time?

The first thing that comes to mind for me is to cut the dictionary in  
half.  Boom, the same search function now finishes in half the time.   
Or cut the dictionary to 1/10 its original size, and the same search  
function finishes in 1/10 the time.  Or 1/100.  Or whatever.

Now think about multi-volume encyclopedias, the physical book kind.

It's impossible to make a single book large enough to hold all the  
content, because physical books have physical limits.  Instead, the  
material is broken into equal-sized sections purely for physical  
convenience, and that section is put into a single book or volume.   
Within each volume, the content is ordered alphabetically.  On the  
spine of each volume is a short label idnetifying the range it  
covers, such as a single letter of the alphabet, or portions of the  
first and last item-names in that volume.  If there were only one  
label on a volume's spine, it should be the first item in a volume,  
because you can just look at the first item of the next volume to  
deduce the last possible item in the current volume.

Finally, consider the steps needed to search the entire encyclopedia  
for a single given term.  The first step is to identify which volume  
to use, by looking at the spine labels, then you open only one volume  
and search it for the term of interest.  You gain enormous speed by  
simply eliminating most of the material, without ever having to open  
those volumes or even take them off the bookshelf.

NSString *filePath = [[NSBundle mainBundle]
  pathForResource: @dictionary
  ofType: @txt];

stringFileContents = [[NSData alloc]

Does stringFileContents have a null-terminator or not?  If not, then  
re-read what the arguments to strstr() need to be.  Does  
[stringFileContents bytes] provide data in the format strstr() needs  
to work correctly?  Small errors; grave disorder.

  -- GG

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Re: Cocoa program without xib file

2009-04-17 Thread Bill Bumgarner

On Apr 16, 2009, at 11:26 PM, Dave Geering wrote:

On Fri, Apr 17, 2009 at 1:31 PM, Bill Bumgarner wrote:

What are you trying to do?

Building a Cocoa program without a MainMenu.xib [or MainMenu.nib] is
possible, but it is not recommended, supported, or at all standard/ 


Objective-C-based command-line utilities that use only Foundation
framework would be classified as Cocoa, wouldn't they?

The OP was asking explicitly about creating a Cocoa application  
without using a XIB file.  I read that as the OP asking about building  
a GUI application.

In general, command line utilities are called Foundation Tools;  see  
the Xcode templates.   Though they aren't really limited to just  
Foundation and lower in that you can, say, pull in Core Data and,  
even, AppKit (though this is rife with danger).



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Re: Setting up an auxiliary task for use with Distributed Objects

2009-04-17 Thread Ken Thomases

On Apr 16, 2009, at 11:12 PM, Oleg Krupnov wrote:


with something like:

   while ([vendedObj shouldKeepRunning])
   [[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop]  

beforeDate:[NSDate distantFuture]];

I think I've seen this code somewhere in the docs, but I haven't and I
still don't understand how it can terminate the run loop, if the
beforeDate specifies distant future? The shouldKeepRunning flag seems
to be checked once at the beginning and never again. Could you explain
how it's supposed to work?

The -[NSRunLoop runMode:beforeDate:] method returns after processing a  
single firing of an input source.  So, it _can_ block until the date  
provided if nothing is happening, but if a message comes in via D.O.  
it will be processed and then control will return to the while loop.

Have you considered reversing the roles of the two processes, in  
terms of

which is the server and which the client?

You can have the main task register a connection under a known  
name.  It
will vend an object with which the auxiliary task will register.   
It will
start the auxiliary task.  The auxiliary task will obtain the  
vended object
from the main task using the known name.  The auxiliary task will  
create a

worker object.  It will pass that worker object to the main task in a
check-in message.  It will then run the run loop in the manner  
above.  The main task will passively receive a reference (proxy)  
for the
auxiliary task's worker object.  It can then invoke methods of that  

just as it would in the design you were working with.

It's a smart idea, but I don't see how it could help to block the main
process until the aux process is initialized. As I understood, the
advantage of this approach is that there's a way to notify the main
process asynchronously from the aux process that the latter is ready
to work. (So, the main process should temporarily switch into a
waiting mode until the notification arrives, right?)

I don't know if your main task is a GUI application or not.  If it is,  
then you wouldn't block, you'd just let the main event loop (i.e. run  
loop) run.  When the check-in message arrives (asynchronously), you'd  
do whatever you want at that time in the implementation of the check- 
in method.

If your main task isn't already running a run loop, you can run it  
manually in a waiting mode if you like.

However, I'm
not sure that passing the worker object to the main task will work as
you designed. I'm afraid that instead of the proxy, the main task will
receive a copy of the worker object, because the worker object is not
vended. Isn't it what vending is for - to obtain proxies instead of
copies? An explanation would be appreciated.

No, vending an object and passing objects by reference/proxy are two  
independent concepts.  It's true that the vended object is always  
passed by reference and thereby the client receives a proxy.  But  
other objects may also be passed by reference, and the receiver gets a  
proxy.  In fact, pass-by-reference is the default in most cases in D.O.

See this article of the Objective-C 2.0 guide, in particular the part  
about Proxies and Copies:

So, if the aux task passes its worker object to the main task's check- 
in method, then the main task will actually get a proxy for that  
worker object.  When the main task then invokes methods on the proxy,  
the work will be carried out in the aux task.  (If you want the main  
task to be able to continue to do other things while the aux task  
works, those methods on the worker object should probably be oneway  



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Need to simulate iphone camera application

2009-04-17 Thread developers mac
I need to simulate the camera of iphone through code. I know its possible.
But I am not sure on how to perform that action. can some one help me on

Thanks in Advance!

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Re: Advice on server-side web service technology

2009-04-17 Thread Alexander Spohr

Am 17.04.2009 um 00:06 schrieb Russell Cook:

I am working on a custom Obj-C framework that I need to expose  
through web

services on an Xserve.  I am finding a serious lack of support for
server-side web services in the Cocoa frameworks.  My searching has  
up little from others following this same path.  From what I have  

these are my options:

- WebObjects (Java, is this still recommended for use? still  
supported and


This is your best option. Apple uses it throughout their web services.

And you will find at home if you already know Cocoa because Foundation  
is there. CoreData is a lightweight EOF so that is a known part also.  
The WO-framework is a logical extension.
And it is portable as it is pure Java. Can be deployed standalone, no  
other appserver (e.g. Tomcat) needed but sill possible.

I used it since version 0.9 and tried lots of other application  
servers. I still think it is the best thing out there - but I do have  
a strong WO/Cocoa bias anyway, as I work with that stuff since 1991 ;)



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Re: -viewDidMoveToWindow without subclassing? NSViewController?

2009-04-17 Thread John C. Randolph
On a general note, if you want something to happen later than - 
awakeFromNib, you can always send - 
performSelector:withObject:afterDelay:cancelPrevious:.  If you pass a  
delay of zero, it will happen the next time through the event loop.   
I've used this many times to deal with situations similar to what  
Jerry described.


This is not a book to be tossed aside lightly. Rather, it should be  
hurled with great force. -Dorothy Parker


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Re: Create Library of Media File

2009-04-17 Thread I. Savant

On Apr 16, 2009, at 10:58 PM, Bright wrote:

   What's the principle of creating the Library? And,how to  
implement it?

  This question is far too broad to answer in an e-mail response.  
It's better if you break the problem down and ask more pointed  
questions so we don't have to write an entire book in an e-mail to  
cover all the possible facets of what you could be asking.

  This document details a good way to approach a mailing list with  
your query:



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Re: Reading in dictionary from txt file: options for speed

2009-04-17 Thread Michael Ash
On Thu, Apr 16, 2009 at 10:52 PM, Marcel Weiher wrote:

 On Apr 16, 2009, at 18:59 , Michael Ash wrote:

 On Thu, Apr 16, 2009 at 2:47 PM, WT wrote:

 since he'll be dealing with the string's raw bytes, won't Miles have to
 manually add a null byte to terminate the search string?

 The strnstr() function takes a length, and can thus be safely used on
 buffers which contain no NUL byte.

 As far as I can tell it only takes one length, and that's for the string to
 be searched, so he will have to NULL-terminate the search string (which is
 what WT was talking about as far as I can tell).  Well that would be the
 case if strnstr() were actually useful for him, which I guess it isn't.

Yes, my bad. I thought he meant the string to be searched.

I like the terminology needle and haystack for these things. Hard
to get mixed up that way, and it seems to be nearly standard usage.

Anyway, carry on.


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Re: Setting up an auxiliary task for use with Distributed Objects

2009-04-17 Thread Michael Ash
On Fri, Apr 17, 2009 at 3:10 AM, Ken Thomases wrote:
 On Apr 16, 2009, at 11:12 PM, Oleg Krupnov wrote:


 with something like:

       while ([vendedObj shouldKeepRunning])
               [[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] runMode:NSDefaultRunLoopMode
 beforeDate:[NSDate distantFuture]];

 I think I've seen this code somewhere in the docs, but I haven't and I
 still don't understand how it can terminate the run loop, if the
 beforeDate specifies distant future? The shouldKeepRunning flag seems
 to be checked once at the beginning and never again. Could you explain
 how it's supposed to work?

 The -[NSRunLoop runMode:beforeDate:] method returns after processing a
 single firing of an input source.  So, it _can_ block until the date
 provided if nothing is happening, but if a message comes in via D.O. it will
 be processed and then control will return to the while loop.

A much simpler technique would be to simply have the DO
quit-this-process method call exit(), which will terminate the program
directly without having to fall back through the runloop.


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Re: Advice on server-side web service technology

2009-04-17 Thread Alexander Hartner
I had the same issue and found gsoap. It uses C++, but can be  
integrated nicely in a mm file.

Sent from my iPhone

On 17 Apr 2009, at 09:23, Alexander Spohr wrote:

Am 17.04.2009 um 00:06 schrieb Russell Cook:

I am working on a custom Obj-C framework that I need to expose  
through web

services on an Xserve.  I am finding a serious lack of support for
server-side web services in the Cocoa frameworks.  My searching has  
up little from others following this same path.  From what I have  

these are my options:

- WebObjects (Java, is this still recommended for use? still  
supported and


This is your best option. Apple uses it throughout their web services.

And you will find at home if you already know Cocoa because  
Foundation is there. CoreData is a lightweight EOF so that is a  
known part also. The WO-framework is a logical extension.
And it is portable as it is pure Java. Can be deployed standalone,  
no other appserver (e.g. Tomcat) needed but sill possible.

I used it since version 0.9 and tried lots of other application  
servers. I still think it is the best thing out there - but I do  
have a strong WO/Cocoa bias anyway, as I work with that stuff since  
1991 ;)



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free_garbage and underflow errors when using GC in Cocoa app with SetControlData() and/or HIViewSetText() calls

2009-04-17 Thread Nikita Zhuk


I'm writing a Cocoa application which is running under Mac OS X 10.5.6  
and it's using garbage collection. The application is compiled in gc- 
supported mode (I'm aware that gc-only apps are the recommended  
practice instead of gc-supported ones). The application uses a Carbon  
view (HIViewRef) to display some textual information (in my situation  
I'm forced to use Carbon views instead of Cocoa views for couple of  
specific reasons).

I've been seeing the following errors in the console when the  
application is run:

malloc: free_garbage: garbage ptr = 0x1bb9a60, has non-zero refcount = 2
malloc: free_garbage: garbage ptr = 0x1af55d0, has non-zero refcount = 1
malloc: free_garbage: garbage ptr = 0x1b5d740, has non-zero refcount = 3
malloc: *** free() called with 0x1bba4a0 with refcount 0
malloc: reference count underflow for 0x1bba4a0, break on  
auto_refcount_underflow_error to debug.

malloc: free_garbage: garbage ptr = 0x1f43820, has non-zero refcount = 1
malloc: free_garbage: garbage ptr = 0x1f43990, has non-zero refcount = 1
malloc: *** free() called with 0x1b5e0a0 with refcount 0
malloc: reference count underflow for 0x1b5e0a0, break on  
auto_refcount_underflow_error to debug.
malloc: *** error for object 0x1f437e0: Non-aligned pointer being  
freed (2)

By setting a breakpoint to auto_refcount_underflow_error I've been  
able to find out that these errors occur inside the -[NSCFString  
finalize] method. By printing values on stack in gdb and using tools  
like MallocStackLoggingNoCompact, malloc-history,  
AUTO_RECORD_REFCOUNT_STACKS and auto_print_refcount_stacks() function  
I've been able to deduce that the string which is being finalized is  
created and used for the last time here:

NSString *string = [anObjCObject aMethodCreatingNSString]; // 'string'  
is a local variable. 'aMethodCreatingNSString' is basically just  
return [NSString stringWithFormat:...];
OSStatus status = SetControlData(control, kControlEntireControl,  
kControlStaticTextCFStringTag, sizeof(CFStringRef), string); // The  
ControlKind of 'control' is kControlKindStaticText)

// 'string' is not referenced after these lines.

These errors do not occur every time this code is run - quite  
contrary, to reproduce these errors I have to run this code usually  
several hundreds times to get the first underflow or free_garbage error.

Documentation of SetControlData says that the passed-in data (i.e.  
'string') is copied by this function, so the caller doesn't have to  
retain it. I've tried replacing SetControlData() with HIViewSetText(),  
with the same results. The code is compiled without optimizations, so  
the local 'string' variable shouldn't be collected by GC even if GC  
doesn't follow the void* argument of SetControlData() function in  
which 'string' is passed.

By examining the refcount stacks printed by the  
auto_print_refcount_stacks() function I can see that the refcount of  
'string' is 1 right after it has been created by  
CFAllocatorAllocate(), then it drops to 0 when CFMakeCollectible() is  
called (by the Foundation framework), and then it goes up to 1 again  
when it's passed to the SetControlData() function which calls  
CFStringCreateCopy(), so everything seems correct here. But I'm still  
getting those refcount underflows and free_garbage errors.

This problem seems to go away if I add CFRetain(string) and  
CFRelease(string) around those two lines of code. However, since I  
can't see why I should be using those functions here I'm feeling that  
they're only masking the problem instead of fixing it.

Are there some issues I've not taken into account? Are there some GC- 
incompatibility issues with Carbon I should be aware of? Which  
debugging techniques should I use to investigate this further?

Best regards,
Nikita Zhuk


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Mac Error Reporting

2009-04-17 Thread Filip van der Meeren

Good afternoon,

I have noticed that every time I let an exception slip from my app I  
get the Problem Reporter from Apple that enables me to send data about  
the error to them. Is there any way for me to view the errors my users  
are sending; or should I implement such a function myself.

I ask this question because MS (the evil stepbrother) gives the  
developers access to the committed exceptions: 


Filip van der Meeren


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How to: continue tracking mouse-drag event even after cursor moves out of the movie....

2009-04-17 Thread rajesh

Hi All,

I have two views aligned side by side in parent view (All being  
NSView's )

I am overriding
-(void)mouseDown:(NSEvent *)event
- (void)mouseDragged:(NSEvent *)theEvent for some custom  
drawing in child view subclass

To be specific, I draw some rectangle boxes during mouse drag in child  

Problem:  when cursor moves out of the child view( during mouse  
drag ) , obviously, I am not able to track the event and hence I  
cannot resize the rectangle.
I am looking something like autoScroll for NSScrollView , which tracks  
the mouse movements even outside the application window...

Is there any obvious or complex way to achieve this.

Thanks in Advance



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Re: How to: continue tracking mouse-drag event even after cursor moves out of the movie....

2009-04-17 Thread Graham Cox

On 18/04/2009, at 12:02 AM, rajesh wrote:

I am looking something like autoScroll for NSScrollView , which  
tracks the mouse movements even outside the application window...

Is there any obvious or complex way to achieve this.

Use NSScrollView? It doesn't have to have visible scrollbars.



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Customizing IKImageBrowserView

2009-04-17 Thread Srinivasa Prabhu


We are developing a project in which we have a view showing matrix of  
images ( a common theme). As an enhancement,
we would like to support some animations while performing operations  
like adding, removing, reloading images to this view . As an example  
we could consider

Apple's  Preview 4.0.

Though we might have to change our existing implementation to some  
extent, we think switching to IKImageBrowserView is a good option.  
With this

change we can support most of the animations mentioned above.

However there are a few things where we think we might run into trouble.

1. We need to customize the selection of the item as in iTunes.

2. We might in the future customize the individual thumbnails.

3.  Editing title of the thumbnail.

Considering the above 3 requirements we found that IKImageBrowserView  
is not so flexible. We think
it is not  possible for us to customize individual images. We tried by  
overriding drawrect : of   IKImageBrowserView. However, we discovered  

if drawrect : is overridden in IKImageBrowserView, it displays nothing.

So our question boils down to the following:

1. Are we right in our approach of using IKImageBrowserView?
2.  If so, how could be achieve the above requirements by leveraging  
   2a. Please let us know if there is any workaround for customizing  
individual images in IKImageBrowserView.
  2b. Is there a method to edit text displayed in
IKImageBrowserView by clicking on the text area.

Thank you.

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Re: Mac Error Reporting

2009-04-17 Thread Scott Ribe
 Is there any way for me to view the errors my users
 are sending; or should I implement such a function myself.

Two general approaches:

- SmartCrashReporter, which is easy  convenient for you since it's
prepackaged. Also somewhat controversial since it injects code into every
app launched. (Hint: disclose its use, and make the install optional if you
want to avoid criticism.)

- On launch, check for new crash reports and send them to yourself
(~/Library/Logs/CrashReporter/...) Note that 10.4 appends new reports to a
single file per application, while 10.5 creates one file per crash, with
different naming conventions.

And a variant of that second one:

- If you're really ambitious, launch a background helper process to monitor
for crash reports as soon as they happen--probably way overkill for most

Scott Ribe
(303) 722-0567 voice


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Re: Mac Error Reporting

2009-04-17 Thread Filip van der Meeren

Thank you,

I think I am going for the second choice, with the helper (An  
directoryobserver that runs in a runloop should do the trick? Right?).
If I go without the helperthread, then you do not have any control  
over when the error will be submitted. The user might never ever try  
to run the app again...

Filip van der Meeren

On 17 Apr 2009, at 16:21, Scott Ribe wrote:

Is there any way for me to view the errors my users
are sending; or should I implement such a function myself.

Two general approaches:

- SmartCrashReporter, which is easy  convenient for you since it's
prepackaged. Also somewhat controversial since it injects code into  
app launched. (Hint: disclose its use, and make the install optional  
if you

want to avoid criticism.)

- On launch, check for new crash reports and send them to yourself
(~/Library/Logs/CrashReporter/...) Note that 10.4 appends new  
reports to a
single file per application, while 10.5 creates one file per crash,  

different naming conventions.

And a variant of that second one:

- If you're really ambitious, launch a background helper process to  
for crash reports as soon as they happen--probably way overkill for  


Scott Ribe
(303) 722-0567 voice


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Re: How to: continue tracking mouse-drag event even after cursor moves out of the movie....

2009-04-17 Thread rajesh
Child views being dynamically created and placed in the parent view ,  
so I tried this in my child view's subclass

self = [super initWithFrame:frame];  //NSView
if (self) {
		NSSize frameSize = [NSScrollView frameSizeForContentSize:frame.size  

hasVerticalScroller:YES borderType:NSLineBorder];
NSRect scrollFrame = frame;
scrollFrame.size = frameSize;
		NSScrollView *scrollers = [[NSScrollView alloc]  
		[scrollers setAutoresizingMask:NSViewWidthSizable |  

[scrollers setDocumentView:self];

return self;

but that didn't rescue me
am I missing anything ?

should I be placing NSScrollView in the parent view ? I think its no  
different then what I am doing by above code

Begin forwarded message:

From: rajesh
Date: April 17, 2009 4:02:16 PM GMT+02:00
To: cocoa-dev Dev
Subject: How to: continue tracking mouse-drag event even after  
cursor moves out of the movie

Hi All,

I have two views aligned side by side in parent view (All being  
NSView's )

I am overriding
-(void)mouseDown:(NSEvent *)event
- (void)mouseDragged:(NSEvent *)theEvent for some custom  
drawing in child view subclass

To be specific, I draw some rectangle boxes during mouse drag in  
child view's.

Problem:  when cursor moves out of the child view( during mouse  
drag ) , obviously, I am not able to track the event and hence I  
cannot resize the rectangle.
I am looking something like autoScroll for NSScrollView , which  
tracks the mouse movements even outside the application window...

Is there any obvious or complex way to achieve this.

Thanks in Advance



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Begin forwarded message:

From: Graham Cox
Date: April 17, 2009 4:05:26 PM GMT+02:00
To: rajesh
Cc: cocoa-dev Dev
Subject: Re: How to: continue tracking mouse-drag event even after  
cursor moves out of the movie

On 18/04/2009, at 12:02 AM, rajesh wrote:

I am looking something like autoScroll for NSScrollView , which  
tracks the mouse movements even outside the application window...

Is there any obvious or complex way to achieve this.

Use NSScrollView? It doesn't have to have visible scrollbars.



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Re: Cocoa program without xib file

2009-04-17 Thread Sherm Pendley
On Fri, Apr 17, 2009 at 2:26 AM, Dave Geering wrote:

 On Fri, Apr 17, 2009 at 1:31 PM, Bill Bumgarner wrote:
  What are you trying to do?
  Building a Cocoa program without a MainMenu.xib [or MainMenu.nib] is
  possible, but it is not recommended, supported, or at all

 Objective-C-based command-line utilities that use only Foundation
 framework would be classified as Cocoa, wouldn't they?

Of course, but such tools don't use Nibs to begin with, so asking how to
build them without one wouldn't make much sense. The OP is obviously asking
about building a GUI app.


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starting point for screen-sharing

2009-04-17 Thread Stefan Schütz


i'm need some kind of screen or window sharing for my application.
many questions are unsolved, e.g. share the whole screen or the content
of a window only (a window/view from any other application),
or capture and share the screen as a picture if the view has  
changed, ...

After hours of searching i doesn't have any starting point and have no  
idea or approach nor

what to try or where to look. (which framework, quartz, OpenGL, etc.)

Can anybody give me a hint what's generally possible and/or where i  
can search?

Thanks in advance.

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Undo (UI Concept)

2009-04-17 Thread K . Darcy Otto
I am writing a program which has a two-column table.  The user can  
fill in the table with whatever he or she wishes, but sometimes it is  
possible to determine what should be displayed in the left column by  
looking at what is displayed in the right column.  I have set up the  
program so that a user can turn on an inference function, so if the  
user has:

Column 1: Blank
Column 2: X

Then the program will automatically fill in A for column 1 (because  
there is no other possibility, given the X in column 2).  So the  
table now looks like this:

Column 1: A
Column 2: X

Now, the question is, how to implement undo.  There are at least two  

(1) Undo returns column 2 to its previous state, before X was  
entered.  An additional undo is required to revert column 1 to blank.

(2) Undo returns column 2 to its previous state, and column 1 to blank.

I'm not sure what is best, from the perspective of designing a UI.  I  
have currently implemented (2), but I have a sneaking suspicion (1)  
might be more appropriate.  Note that the A in column 1 is inferred,  
but there is nothing wrong or odd with it standing alone.


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Re: Core Data Fetches + Transient Properties + NSPredicateEditor = Sadness

2009-04-17 Thread Keary Suska

On Apr 16, 2009, at 9:01 PM, Jerry Krinock wrote:

The fact that Core Data cannot fetch using a predicate based on  
transient properties [1] seems to greatly limit the utility of the  
NSPredicateEditor view, and makes me very sad.

For example, say that my objects are student test results with a  
'score' attribute and two dozen other properties.  I could give the  
user an NSPredicateEditor and let them have oodles of fun  
constructing complex predicates.

But what if I need the user to be able to set a predicate with a  
left-side-expression of letter grade and a right-side-expression  
popup menu showing 'A' - 'F'.  If I could fetch based on a transient  
'letterGrade' attribute, I could implement some custom accessors  
which would calculate 'letterGrade' from 'score' as needed, the  
predicate emitted from the NSPredicateEditor would just work, and  
life would be sweet.

But since I can't use transient properties in my predicate,  
providing a popup like that in NSPredicateEditor seems to mean that  
I'm going to have to somehow deconstruct the compound predicate  
which Apple put so many man-years of engineering into, have Core  
Data do sub-fetches, then do my own filtering and put the results  
back together.  I fear that writing bug-free code to handle the  
general compound predicate would be very time-consuming, and also it  
would be MVC hell with my NSPredicateEditor subclass (view) code  
wanting to have model logic such as if score  93, letterGrade =  

I am not really up to speed on NSPredicateEditor, but could you use - 
ruleEditor:predicatePartsForCriterion:withDisplayValue:inRow: to  
convert the display case of grade = A-F to a predicate that is  
actually grade = = score range? I imagine you would need to  
construct a compound predicate with subpredicates (sub-rows). Either  
that or use the BETWEEN operator.


Keary Suska
Esoteritech, Inc.
Demystifying technology for your home or business


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Re: starting point for screen-sharing

2009-04-17 Thread Scott Ribe

Scott Ribe
(303) 722-0567 voice


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Re: Undo (UI Concept)

2009-04-17 Thread Clark Cox
IMHO, if the user performed a single action to get to the current
state, then it shouldn't take more than one undo to get to the
previous state. So, as a user, I'd prefer #2.

On Fri, Apr 17, 2009 at 9:26 AM, K.Darcy Otto wrote:
 I am writing a program which has a two-column table.  The user can fill in
 the table with whatever he or she wishes, but sometimes it is possible to
 determine what should be displayed in the left column by looking at what is
 displayed in the right column.  I have set up the program so that a user can
 turn on an inference function, so if the user has:

 Column 1: Blank
 Column 2: X

 Then the program will automatically fill in A for column 1 (because there
 is no other possibility, given the X in column 2).  So the table now looks
 like this:

 Column 1: A
 Column 2: X

 Now, the question is, how to implement undo.  There are at least two

 (1) Undo returns column 2 to its previous state, before X was entered.  An
 additional undo is required to revert column 1 to blank.
 (2) Undo returns column 2 to its previous state, and column 1 to blank.

 I'm not sure what is best, from the perspective of designing a UI.  I have
 currently implemented (2), but I have a sneaking suspicion (1) might be more
 appropriate.  Note that the A in column 1 is inferred, but there is
 nothing wrong or odd with it standing alone.

Clark S. Cox III

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Re: Undo (UI Concept)

2009-04-17 Thread K . Darcy Otto
Yes, I was thinking this too, at first.  But then I started to look  
around to see if I could find analogous situations.  The closest I can  
come is when Pages has a table - let's say 2x2.  When the user is in  
the bottom right cell, and presses tab, two things happen  
simultaneously: the data is accepted in that cell, and a new line is  
added to the bottom of the table.  When it comes to undoing, the undo  
add line is first, then undo typing is second.   I know this isn't  
exactly the same, but it does seem to be two undos for one action –  
and it would be strange for it not to be (that is, to lose the new  
line, and the typing, all at once).

On 17-Apr-09, at 9:33 AM, Clark Cox wrote:

IMHO, if the user performed a single action to get to the current
state, then it shouldn't take more than one undo to get to the
previous state. So, as a user, I'd prefer #2.

On Fri, Apr 17, 2009 at 9:26 AM, K.Darcy Otto wrote:
I am writing a program which has a two-column table.  The user can  
fill in
the table with whatever he or she wishes, but sometimes it is  
possible to
determine what should be displayed in the left column by looking at  
what is
displayed in the right column.  I have set up the program so that a  
user can

turn on an inference function, so if the user has:

Column 1: Blank
Column 2: X

Then the program will automatically fill in A for column 1  
(because there
is no other possibility, given the X in column 2).  So the table  
now looks

like this:

Column 1: A
Column 2: X

Now, the question is, how to implement undo.  There are at least two

(1) Undo returns column 2 to its previous state, before X was  
entered.  An

additional undo is required to revert column 1 to blank.
(2) Undo returns column 2 to its previous state, and column 1 to  

I'm not sure what is best, from the perspective of designing a UI.   
I have
currently implemented (2), but I have a sneaking suspicion (1)  
might be more

appropriate.  Note that the A in column 1 is inferred, but there is
nothing wrong or odd with it standing alone.

Clark S. Cox III


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C numerical libraries for integrating with Cocoa

2009-04-17 Thread Chris Goedde


I'm looking for suggestions for C numerical libraries to integrate  
with a Cocoa app. Either freeware or commercial is okay, I'm looking  
for something that will compile under Leopard and integrate with Xcode  
without too much fiddling around. I don't need anything too fancy,  
solving sets of odes and solving nonlinear equations (in one variable)  
mostly. Maybe some eigenvalue computations or matrix decomposition  
down the line.

I've been doing some googling, but thought maybe someone here would  
have some suggestions.


Chris Goedde


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Re: Undo (UI Concept)

2009-04-17 Thread Alex Kac
I would not use Pages as a model for undo. There are quite a few areas  
where its undo are horrific and wrong and have caused me to lose data.

On Apr 17, 2009, at 11:48 AM, K.Darcy Otto wrote:

Yes, I was thinking this too, at first.  But then I started to look  
around to see if I could find analogous situations.  The closest I  
can come is when Pages has a table - let's say 2x2.  When the user  
is in the bottom right cell, and presses tab, two things happen  
simultaneously: the data is accepted in that cell, and a new line is  
added to the bottom of the table.  When it comes to undoing, the  
undo add line is first, then undo typing is second.   I know  
this isn't exactly the same, but it does seem to be two undos for  
one action – and it would be strange for it not to be (that is, to  
lose the new line, and the typing, all at once).

On 17-Apr-09, at 9:33 AM, Clark Cox wrote:

IMHO, if the user performed a single action to get to the current
state, then it shouldn't take more than one undo to get to the
previous state. So, as a user, I'd prefer #2.

On Fri, Apr 17, 2009 at 9:26 AM, K.Darcy Otto  
I am writing a program which has a two-column table.  The user can  
fill in
the table with whatever he or she wishes, but sometimes it is  
possible to
determine what should be displayed in the left column by looking  
at what is
displayed in the right column.  I have set up the program so that  
a user can

turn on an inference function, so if the user has:

Column 1: Blank
Column 2: X

Then the program will automatically fill in A for column 1  
(because there
is no other possibility, given the X in column 2).  So the table  
now looks

like this:

Column 1: A
Column 2: X

Now, the question is, how to implement undo.  There are at least two

(1) Undo returns column 2 to its previous state, before X was  
entered.  An

additional undo is required to revert column 1 to blank.
(2) Undo returns column 2 to its previous state, and column 1 to  

I'm not sure what is best, from the perspective of designing a  
UI.  I have
currently implemented (2), but I have a sneaking suspicion (1)  
might be more
appropriate.  Note that the A in column 1 is inferred, but there  

nothing wrong or odd with it standing alone.

Clark S. Cox III


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Alex Kac - President and Founder
Web Information Solutions, Inc.

You cannot build a reputation on what you intend to do.
-- Liz Smith


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Re: C numerical libraries for integrating with Cocoa

2009-04-17 Thread Kevin Cathey
Check out the Accelerate framework. It includes standard libraries  
like LAPACK, BLAS, vDSP, and vImage:


Kevin Cathey

On 17 Apr 2009, at 11:56, Chris Goedde wrote:


I'm looking for suggestions for C numerical libraries to integrate  
with a Cocoa app. Either freeware or commercial is okay, I'm looking  
for something that will compile under Leopard and integrate with  
Xcode without too much fiddling around. I don't need anything too  
fancy, solving sets of odes and solving nonlinear equations (in one  
variable) mostly. Maybe some eigenvalue computations or matrix  
decomposition down the line.

I've been doing some googling, but thought maybe someone here would  
have some suggestions.


Chris Goedde


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Re: Undo (UI Concept)

2009-04-17 Thread Jean-Daniel Dupas
The problem with the 2 undo approach is when you start to think about  

What append if you undo twice and redo once.
- You restore only one value, and get a state that should not be  
possible as the inference function would have complete the last row if  
it was done by the user.
- You restore both rows, and that's odd, as you either have one redo  
that will do nothing, or don't have more redo, but the user will  
probably expect one as he undo twice.

My policy in this case is 'one event = one undo'.

Le 17 avr. 09 à 18:48, K.Darcy Otto a écrit :

Yes, I was thinking this too, at first.  But then I started to look  
around to see if I could find analogous situations.  The closest I  
can come is when Pages has a table - let's say 2x2.  When the user  
is in the bottom right cell, and presses tab, two things happen  
simultaneously: the data is accepted in that cell, and a new line is  
added to the bottom of the table.  When it comes to undoing, the  
undo add line is first, then undo typing is second.   I know  
this isn't exactly the same, but it does seem to be two undos for  
one action – and it would be strange for it not to be (that is, to  
lose the new line, and the typing, all at once).

On 17-Apr-09, at 9:33 AM, Clark Cox wrote:

IMHO, if the user performed a single action to get to the current
state, then it shouldn't take more than one undo to get to the
previous state. So, as a user, I'd prefer #2.

On Fri, Apr 17, 2009 at 9:26 AM, K.Darcy Otto  
I am writing a program which has a two-column table.  The user can  
fill in
the table with whatever he or she wishes, but sometimes it is  
possible to
determine what should be displayed in the left column by looking  
at what is
displayed in the right column.  I have set up the program so that  
a user can

turn on an inference function, so if the user has:

Column 1: Blank
Column 2: X

Then the program will automatically fill in A for column 1  
(because there
is no other possibility, given the X in column 2).  So the table  
now looks

like this:

Column 1: A
Column 2: X

Now, the question is, how to implement undo.  There are at least two

(1) Undo returns column 2 to its previous state, before X was  
entered.  An

additional undo is required to revert column 1 to blank.
(2) Undo returns column 2 to its previous state, and column 1 to  

I'm not sure what is best, from the perspective of designing a  
UI.  I have
currently implemented (2), but I have a sneaking suspicion (1)  
might be more
appropriate.  Note that the A in column 1 is inferred, but there  

nothing wrong or odd with it standing alone.

Clark S. Cox III


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Re: starting point for screen-sharing

2009-04-17 Thread Greg Guerin

Stefan Schütz wrote:

i'm need some kind of screen or window sharing for my application.

Why not use the system-supplied screen-sharing?

On Leopard, launch System Preferences and click Sharing.  Select  
Screen Sharing in the Service list, then configure and enable it.  Go  
to the other machine and browse the Network for the machine that's  
sharing its screen.  Double-click to connect (authorization may occur  
here), then click the Share Screen button after you're connected.

BTW, screen sharing uses the VNC protocol, so you can use other VNC  
clients to connect to the shared screen.

  -- GG


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What is this error: error: expected specifier-qualifier-list

2009-04-17 Thread Greg Robertson
I have done a substantial amount of re-coding and now I am getting a
compile error:

error: expected specifier-qualifier-list before 'mySubClass'

What does this mean?

Also is there a reference for XCode compiler error messages?



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Re: What is this error: error: expected specifier-qualifier-list

2009-04-17 Thread Greg Guerin

Greg Robertson wrote:

I have done a substantial amount of re-coding and now I am getting a
compile error:

error: expected specifier-qualifier-list before 'mySubClass'

What does this mean?

Google the invariant text of your error message.

Suggested keywords:
  expected specifier-qualifier-list before

  -- GG


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Re: What is this error: error: expected specifier-qualifier-list

2009-04-17 Thread Drew Lawson
According to Greg Robertson:

 I have done a substantial amount of re-coding and now I am getting a
 compile error:
 error: expected specifier-qualifier-list before 'mySubClass'
 What does this mean?

The examples I see from Google seem mostly to be that your code is
using a user defined type that is not fully defined at that point
(usually self-reference in typedefed structs).

Hard to say more without seeing the code that gets the error.

A specifier-qualifier-list is what you might think of as a type in
a declaration.  The qualifier part is mostly const or * in
various arangements.

Drew Lawson| I'd like to find your inner child
   | and kick its little ass

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Re: C numerical libraries for integrating with Cocoa

2009-04-17 Thread WT

Hi Chris,

there's Numerical Recipes...

I have the 2nd C edition of the book (there's now a 3rd edition, in C+ 
+, with lots of new material) and have used their code in the past,  
with great success.


On Apr 17, 2009, at 6:56 PM, Chris Goedde wrote:


I'm looking for suggestions for C numerical libraries to integrate  
with a Cocoa app. Either freeware or commercial is okay, I'm looking  
for something that will compile under Leopard and integrate with  
Xcode without too much fiddling around. I don't need anything too  
fancy, solving sets of odes and solving nonlinear equations (in one  
variable) mostly. Maybe some eigenvalue computations or matrix  
decomposition down the line.

I've been doing some googling, but thought maybe someone here would  
have some suggestions.


Chris Goedde


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How does a new app learn about its menu?

2009-04-17 Thread Darren Minifie
Hi everyone.

I have what I think is a pretty straight forward question about an app's
main menu.  When creating a new Cocoa app in xCode, the final build seems to
just know about how to load its menu.  there doesn't seem to be any mention
of the NSMenu object in the info.plist, the sourcecode, or a connection in
interface builder.  I'm curious to know how NSApplication first finds and
sets its main menu.  The reason I ask is, I would like to learn how to build
applcations using a plugin approach (kindof like eclipse / osgi) and it
would be great to be able to dynamically add new menu entries based on what
plugins are loaded at runtime.  thank you for your help.
Darren Minifie
Graduate Studies: Computer Science

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Problem: sqlite3 and .sqlite-journal files

2009-04-17 Thread Тимофей Даньшин


As I wrote earlier, in my application a user can open a database or  
create a new one, and then perform some tasks, the results of which  
are stored in the said database.

However, a strange thing happens: when the user _creates_ a database,  
everything is stored as hoped. But when the user _opens_ an existing  
database, nothing is stored in it, and a new file gets created, which  
name coincides with the name of the database the user opened with - 
journal in the extension. (I did read about that on the sqlite3 site,  
but it didn't seem to help).

The most puzzling thing about this is that when a database gets  
created, it is first created with a different name (from the one the  
user wants it to have), then my app, specifically, a class called  
DatabaseCreator, creates the necessary tables, populates them with  
initial data and closes the database. After that that, if a database  
with the name specified by the user for the new one already exists, it  
is moved to trash, and the newly created db with the temporary name is  
renamed to the name given by the user. And after that the class called  
DatabaseManager, which is a singleton, opens that database the same  
way it would if the user wanted to open a pre-existing database.

I am continuing my search for the possible reason for such a strange  
behavour, but i would be very grateful for any thoughts in that regard.

Thank you in advance.

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SQLite 3 crash report - debugging help needed

2009-04-17 Thread Jon C. Munson II

I'm not sure that this is the correct list to post this.

My app is done in Cocoa though, with a sqlite 3 backend using CoreData to
access/manage it.

Here's the short version of the crash log (the whole log can be provided,
but I didn't want to clutter this email with what may be useless over-info):

Exception Type:  EXC_BAD_ACCESS (SIGBUS) Exception Codes:
KERN_PROTECTION_FAILURE at 0x0048 Crashed Thread:  0

Thread 0 Crashed:
0   libsqlite3.0.dylib  0x95a677a5 sqlite3VdbeExec + 2821
1   libsqlite3.0.dylib  0x95a72ea2 sqlite3Step + 386
2   libsqlite3.0.dylib  0x95a7355d sqlite3_step + 29
3  0x905166c8 _execute + 56
4  0x90515f88 -[NSSQLiteConnection  
execute] + 632
5  0x90511e3b  
newFetchedRowsForFetchPlan_MT + 907
6  0x9050aa10 -[NSSQLCore  
objectsForFetchRequest:inContext:] + 304
7  0x9050a88d -[NSSQLCore  
executeRequest:withContext:] + 461
8  0x9050997a - 
executeRequest:withContext:] + 522
9  0x9050705b -[NSManagedObjectContext

executeFetchRequest:error:] + 587
10 -[_NSManagedProxy  
fetchObjectsWithFetchRequest:error:] + 147
11 - 
_performFetchWithRequest:merge:error:] + 76
12 - 
fetchWithRequest:merge:error:] + 209
13 - 
_executeFetch:didCommitSuccessfully:actionSender:] + 106
_NSSendCommitEditingSelector + 66
15 -[NSController  
_controllerEditor:didCommit:contextInfo:] + 197
16 __invoking___ + 29
17 -[NSInvocation invoke] +


I haven't been able to track this down to anything specific - it doesn't
happen with any regularity or frequency, nor does it occur anywhere on my
development machine that will allow me to track it down.  In short, it seems
to just happen.

Anyone have any idea how to address this problem???

Thanks in advance!

Peace, Love, and Light,

/s/ Jon C. Munson II


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Re: mouseDragged: with NSTableView

2009-04-17 Thread Corbin Dunn

On Apr 17, 2009, at 1:56 PM, Ben Lachman wrote:

Does anyone know of a way to get a mouseDragged event for a  
tableview?  I've sub-classed NSTableView and it's enclosing  
scrollview to no effect (doesn't even hit -mouseDragged:).  My guess  
is that it is being eaten by the clip view, but there isn't an easy  
way to sub-class that from what I can tell.  Anyone have any thoughts? can't. NSTableView uses the mouse tracking approach  
instead of the three method approach (which you would want in order  
to subclass).


In short; what are you trying to do?

You'll probably have to override mouseDown:, determine if you should  
call super or not, and if not, write your own mouse-tracking loop as  
seen above.



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printer user friendly paper name to internal paper name?

2009-04-17 Thread
my app is fully recordable and scriptable. when the user changes the 
page setup, i am able to successfully record it and indicate the 
paper name chosen via -[NSPrintInfo localizedPaperName].

however, if the user attemps to write a script (either directly or by 
modifying a previously recorded script), i need to validate any paper 
name the user has specified. i don't see how to go from a user 
specified paper name to an internal name such that i can call 
-[NSPrintInfo setPaperName:].

have i missed something?



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