Re: NSArrayController design/usage question

2009-09-08 Thread mmalc Crawford

On Sep 6, 2009, at 10:00 AM, Steven Degutis wrote:

For instance, if you have 2 genuine properties on your Person
entity called firstName and lastName then you can create a fullName  

on your Person class, and when firstName or lastName change, call
-willChangeValueForKey: and -didChangeValueForKey: on fullName and  
have your -fullName method return a concatenation of the first and  


This is at best misleading.

In this situation, you should typically not invoke the change  
notification methods yourself; instead, you should set up dependent  
keys as described in 



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2009-09-08 Thread Angelica Grace Tanchico

I just want to ask, how can I access/add in my app (if possible) the 
Favorites list on the iPhone Phone app?
I saw an application that has synchronized Favorites list with theiPhone Phone 
app. Is it possible to access the Favorites list and be able to modify the list?
Thanks in advance!


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Meta Package in 10.5 to support 10.3 problem

2009-09-08 Thread Sparta

I am building a meta package on 10.5 that supports 10.3 (Install

I have two packages as:
1. Package 1: works on 10.6 onwards: (Gestalt ­ sysv = 0x01060)
2. Package 2: works on 10.3, 10.4 and 10.5 (Gestalt ­ sysv  0x01060)

Both the packages work fine independently.

I have checked system version with Gestalt as shown above in the
requirements section for individual addition. The meta-package installs
desired files on 10.4, 10.5 and 10.6. Thus Gestalt check works fine on 10.4,
10.5 and 10.6.
But on Panther (10.3) when I try to install this meta-package, both the
packages are read one by one. Package-2 passes the check and shows the
installation screen. But immediately the screen shows  ³Package-1 can not be
installed on this computer² message. Thus ending with only ³close² button
left to select.

Changing the sequence of packages addition has no effect on this result.

Does anyone has seen such problem before?
Please suggest me how should I proceed with the package maker.

Thanks and Regards,


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NSPDFImageRep Memory Leak?

2009-09-08 Thread DairyKnight
Hi all,

I'm trying to rasterize a PDF document using PDFKit, but it seems NSPDFImageRep
has a terrible memory leak, which
crashes my whole application. This is the simple test code I used:

for (int i = 0; i  [pdfDoc pageCount]; i++)


 NSLog(@Processing page %d/%d, i, [pdfDoc pageCount]);

NSAutoreleasePool *localPool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];

 PDFPage *page = [pdfDoc pageAtIndex:i];

NSRect mb = [page boundsForBox:kPDFDisplayBoxMediaBox];

NSRect cb = CalcCropBox(mb, 40, 60, 18, 18);

[page setBounds:cb forBox:kPDFDisplayBoxMediaBox];

NSPDFImageRep *pdfImgRep = [[NSPDFImageRep alloc] initWithData:[page

 [pdfImgRep release];

[localPool drain];


In the code, pdfDoc is a preloaded PDFDocument object. As seen from above,
I've released everything allocated, but in Instruments, this app keeps on
consuming memory.

So is this a bug in PDFKit? Or I'm not supposed to use it in this way?




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Re: Meta Package in 10.5 to support 10.3 problem

2009-09-08 Thread Rob Keniger

On 08/09/2009, at 9:17 PM, Sparta wrote:

I am building a meta package on 10.5 that supports 10.3 (Install

This is the wrong list. You want Installer-dev:

Rob Keniger


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2009-09-08 Thread Luke the Hiesterman

Mind if I ask what is the app that you saw doing this?


On Sep 8, 2009, at 3:44 AM, Angelica Grace Tanchico wrote:

I just want to ask, how can I access/add in my app (if possible) the  
Favorites list on the iPhone Phone app?
I saw an application that has synchronized Favorites list with  
theiPhone Phone app. Is it possible to access the Favorites list and  
be able to modify the list?

Thanks in advance!


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Re: Application main menu title behavior change in 10.6

2009-09-08 Thread Jim Turner
On Fri, Sep 4, 2009 at 9:03 PM, Peter wrote:

 Hi Jim,

 First let me thank you for checking the release notes.  However, that
 particular issue is unrelated, confusingly enough.

 Here's what's going on.  The first menu item in the main menu (or more
 precisely, its submenu) is magic, in that when it becomes the first item,
 its title is ignored and instead the application name is used.  This is why
 you do not have to update your MainMenu.nib every time you change your
 application name.  In Leopard, there was a bug that caused this to be
 applied inconsistently.  It sounds like your application was benefiting from
 this bug.

 You can change the title of the application menu, after you set the main
 menu, like so:

 NSApp mainMenu] itemAtIndex:0] submenu] setTitle:@New Title]

 Hope this helps,

Indeed it does help, Peter. I now see why I was so confused with the
behavior I was encountering when I tried setTitle: initially.
setTitle: does its business only if the new title is different than
the current title. We are building a new main menu with the new
application's name already in place.

Doing the following sets the menu's title correctly when the title is
already set to New Title:

NSApp mainMenu] itemAtIndex:0] submenu] setTitle:@]
NSApp mainMenu] itemAtIndex:0] submenu] setTitle:@New Title]

Always appreciative of the help, Peter. Thanks!


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2009-09-08 Thread Roland King
That's not the iTunes store app right, the pipe game called Siphone,   
it's something unauthorized? I don't know of an official API which  
lets you do what you want and a documentation search didn't throw one  
up. You may not be able to do that with the released APIs (if you can  
I'd love to know how too).

On 08-Sep-2009, at 10:29 PM, Angelica Grace Tanchico wrote:

The application is Siphon


Mind if I ask what is the app that you saw doing this?


On Sep 8, 2009, at 3:44 AM, Angelica Grace Tanchico wrote:

I just want to ask, how can I access/add in my app (if possible) the
Favorites list on the iPhone Phone app?
I saw an application that has synchronized Favorites list with
theiPhone Phone app. Is it possible to access the Favorites list and
be able to modify the list?
Thanks in advance!


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Re: KVO on Distributed Objects with exception handling.

2009-09-08 Thread Edward Chan
I've just tested it on Snow Leopard (10a380), and it works as expected.

Do you happen to remember the technical reasons why KVO on DOs would fail?


On Mon, Sep 7, 2009 at 11:55 PM, Scott wrote:
 In spite of the fact that it might be working, it isn't supported.

 When I talked to engineering about this, this is what I was told. He was a
 bit shocked it worked at all, and it isn't tested as part of releases.

 On Sep 7, 2009, at 3:02 PM, Edward Chan wrote:


 I'm using KVO on a Distributed Object, and I am binding my UI controls
 based on the observer.

 For example:

 MonkeyViewController.isEatingABanana - Binded to a UI checkbox.


 @propery (readwrite, assign) BOOL isEatingABanana;

 -(id)init {
 [MonkeyBrainDOObject addObserver:self
                options:(NSKeyValueObservingOptionNew |


 - (void)observeValueForKeyPath:(NSString *)keyPath
                       change:(NSDictionary *)change
                      context:(void *)context
  if ([keyPath isEqualToString:@banana]) {
     [self willChangeValueForKey:@isEatingABanana];
     isEatingABanana = [change objectForKey:NSKeyValueChangeNewKey]
     [self didChangeValueForKey:@isEatingABanana];

 - (void)setIsEatingABanana:(BOOL)flag
    [MonkeyBrainDOObject setBanana:flag];
    isEatingABanana = flag;

 This indeed works, and we save some hassles of sending NSNotifications and

 So, what I'm wondering is if the following code is sufficient enough
 for the IPC exception handling?
 Instead of having to manually write @try/@catch wherever I doing some
 IPC, I create a wrapper object around the DO to handle the exceptions.
 This wrapper class is simply an NSObject, and will call the methods
 methodSignatureForSelector, and forwardInvocation when I try to use
 MonkeyBrainDOObject methods (since the wrapper does not understand
 them). I can then insert a @try/@catch when I forward the invokations
 to the actual DO object.

 MonkeyBrainWrapper.m : NSObject

 - (NSMethodSignature *)methodSignatureForSelector:(SEL)selector
   return [MonkeyBrainDOObject methodSignatureForSelector:selector];
   // maybe I can use extra code to make sure MonkeyBrainDOObject
 responds to the selector.

 - (void)forwardInvocation:(NSInvocation *)invocation
 �...@try {
     [invocation invokeWithTarget:MonkeyBrainDOObject];
  } @catch (NSException *e) {
      // Oh no! some went wrong with the IPC. But it's ok, I caught you..

 So, instead of calling directly on the MonkeyBrainDOObject in my
 MonkeyViewController, I would now call my MonkeyBrainWrapper object,
 which has explicit exception handling rather than the one handle by
 the NSApplication.

 Should that be enough for exception handling on both ends of the IPC?
 Or do I need some explicit exception handling on the other end? It
 seems when I tested it out, my other end never threw anything when the
 connection broke.
 Also, is there maybe a better approach to all of this? My old code had
 a bunch of NSNotifications being sent/received whenever something
 needed updating on the UI, and I found this approach to be a lot


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[iPhone] : How to customize Phonepad ?

2009-09-08 Thread Dan Ribe
Hi All,
I am looking for a way to customize the Phonepad provided by the iPhone for
my application use. Here is the list I am interested in :

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Re: [iPhone] : How to customize Phonepad ?

2009-09-08 Thread Eric E. Dolecki
Then I would say you have very little to do ;)

On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 10:34 AM, Dan Ribe wrote:

 Hi All,
 I am looking for a way to customize the Phonepad provided by the iPhone for
 my application use. Here is the list I am interested in :

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Interactive design and development

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Re: NSPDFImageRep Memory Leak?

2009-09-08 Thread Jens Alfke

On Sep 8, 2009, at 5:08 AM, DairyKnight wrote:

In the code, pdfDoc is a preloaded PDFDocument object. As seen from  
I've released everything allocated, but in Instruments, this app  
keeps on

consuming memory.

I can't find anything wrong with your code. Have you tried checking  
for leaks? I'm not sure how to do it with Instruments; I generally use  
the old-fashioned leaks command (man 1 leaks). Turn on the  
environment variable MallocStackLogging in your app to get  
backtraces in the output.


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2009-09-08 Thread Angelica Grace Tanchico

OK. Thanks for the response Jeff.
I appreciate it :)


 Subject: Re:
 Date: Tue, 8 Sep 2009 10:39:53 -0400
 Siphon (the SIP/VoiP app, not the game) 
 siphon/  can be run as a developer installed app.
 My previous answer that there is no approved way to get favorites  
 from the Phone app stands.
 The favorites in the phone app are sandboxed and no other app can  
 access that data
 On Sep 8, 2009, at 10:29 AM, Angelica Grace Tanchico wrote:
  The application is Siphon
  Mind if I ask what is the app that you saw doing this?
  On Sep 8, 2009, at 3:44 AM, Angelica Grace Tanchico wrote:
  I just want to ask, how can I access/add in my app (if possible) the
  Favorites list on the iPhone Phone app?
  I saw an application that has synchronized Favorites list with
  theiPhone Phone app. Is it possible to access the Favorites list and
  be able to modify the list?
  Thanks in advance!
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[iPhone] : How to customize Phonepad ?

2009-09-08 Thread Dan Ribe
Sorry for my last mail ... It got sent while I was typing !

Hi All,
I am looking for a way to customize the Phonepad provided by the iPhone for
my application use. Here is the list I am interested in :

- Want to show it at the middle of the screen.
- Want to change caption of the button to Call.
- Want to change the color/size of the Phonepad.
- Also want to customize the keys which will be available to the users (hide
special characters other than '+'  '#').

Can anyone give me some pointers on this. Any help on this is highly

Cheers !

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Re: Crash on SL in after using NSOpenPanel

2009-09-08 Thread Corbin Dunn

On Sep 7, 2009, at 5:25 AM, Markus Spoettl wrote:

On Sep 7, 2009, at 1:31 PM, Thomas Clement wrote:

Looks like an Apple bug.

That doesn't seem to be the problem with that user's machine as the  
files are local.

It is more than likely that it is the same problem.

Please report bugs like this using -- especially  
when you believe the problem may be in a system framework.



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2009-09-08 Thread Angelica Grace Tanchico

The application is Siphon


 Mind if I ask what is the app that you saw doing this?
 On Sep 8, 2009, at 3:44 AM, Angelica Grace Tanchico wrote:
  I just want to ask, how can I access/add in my app (if possible) the  
  Favorites list on the iPhone Phone app?
  I saw an application that has synchronized Favorites list with  
  theiPhone Phone app. Is it possible to access the Favorites list and  
  be able to modify the list?
  Thanks in advance!
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[MEET] Chicago CocoaHeads Tuesday Sept. 8

2009-09-08 Thread Bob Frank
The Chicago CocoaHeads / Chicago Cocoa and WebObjects User Group is  
holding our next meeting Tuesday, September 8th, at 7:00 PM at the  
Apple Store on Michigan Ave.

- Book Report
- What's new in Snow Leopard Under the Covers
- adjournment to O'Toole's

Tuesday, September 8th, 7:00 PM

Apple Store Michigan Avenue
679 North Michigan Ave. (at the corner of Huron  Michigan Ave.)
Chicago, IL 60611   (Google Maps URL)

- Bob

Tonight I will talk about new technologies in Snow Leopard and  
Snow Leopard Server.

- O'Tooles

	We will continue our discussions at our local watering hold Timothy  
O'Toole's at 622 Fairbanks (2 blocks east of the store).

We also wish to thank the folks who run the theater space at the Apple  
store for letting us have our meetings there, and Jonathan 'Wolf'  
Rentzsch for helping out so often.  Thanks all.

Also, if you are working on a project and would like to talk about it   
briefly / promote it, I think it would be fun for people to hear  
about  other people's projects. Please email me off line and you can  
talk at  a future meeting or would like a book to review we would  
welcome that too.

Future meetings dates and tentative topics: 10/13/09, 11/10/09

CAWUG Resources

Mail list:
Google Site:
RSS feed:

Cocoa Heads web site:

Hope to see you at the meeting.



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Re: [iPhone] : How to customize Phonepad ?

2009-09-08 Thread Luke the Hiesterman
You can't customize the phone pad, which is really just an instance of  
a keyboard. For the stuff you want to do, you should write your own  
custom view that behaves as you desire.


On Sep 8, 2009, at 7:48 AM, Dan Ribe wrote:

Sorry for my last mail ... It got sent while I was typing !

Hi All,
I am looking for a way to customize the Phonepad provided by the  
iPhone for

my application use. Here is the list I am interested in :

- Want to show it at the middle of the screen.
- Want to change caption of the button to Call.
- Want to change the color/size of the Phonepad.
- Also want to customize the keys which will be available to the  
users (hide

special characters other than '+'  '#').

Can anyone give me some pointers on this. Any help on this is highly

Cheers !

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Re: Strangest UITable bug

2009-09-08 Thread Development

I should have posted the code sorry.
I deleted all the code out of the app for table view delegation. I  
then pasted it back in one method at a time (except for the required  
ones) and compiled then ran the app and now it works. I have no idea  
why that fixed it but it did.

On Sep 7, 2009, at 6:41 PM, Hank Heijink (Mailinglists) wrote:

Do you want help guessing or help solving? If you're after the  
latter, you should post your code.


On Sep 7, 2009, at 9:10 PM, Development wrote:

Ok I have the weirdest UITableViewBug..
I've set up the delegate, datasource, etc. My data appears  
correctly in the table. HOWEVER, when I click the table once, it  
ignores the first click. Then, if I click it again on a different  
cell, it shows that I clicked the previous cell. In fact each  
subsequent touch shows that I clicked the cell just previous to it.  
I have no clue how I managed to screw up a tableview like this but  
does any one have any idea how I might have done this?


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NSTextView resizeability and scrolling

2009-09-08 Thread Stamenkovic Florijan

Hi all,

I am trying to make a user interface in which there is a view that  
contains multiple subviews, one of which is an NSTextView. The parent  
view should be embedded in an NSScrollView. The idea is that when the  
NSTextView is typed in, and possibly resizes as a consequence, it's  
parent view should resize, scroll bars should appear etc.

The effect would be similar to what you get in address book when  
typing in the notes field. If the notes field gets too big, you get to  
scroll all of the contact info, not only the view. Googling indicates  
however that this is done differently, I am not searching for a way to  
imitate this exact behavior, just using it as an example of what I  
want to achieve visually.

I've googled for a solution, found nothing. I tried making it by  
observing the NSViewFrameChangedNotification of the NSTextView from  
it's parent, and resizing, but this is more tricky then I imagined.

As as side question, it seems that an NSTextView has some margins that  
separate the text from it's outer edges. This makes sense when the  
NSTextView is in an NSScrollView, but makes it difficult to align the  
text view when it is not. I can't find any documented API on  
controlling this. Is it possible?

Perhaps I am going about this the wrong way. I am open to suggestions  
on how to accomplish this some other way.


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Sheets positioning.

2009-09-08 Thread Brent Smith

I have a new file dialog that pops up as a sheet, hwoever on the first  
popup of this sheet, Its not positioned below the titlebar

But if I hit cancel, and then open the dialog again, Its perfect.

Any idea what Im doing wrong?

Heres the code that initiates the sheet. Its loaded in from a xib
- (IBAction)add:sender
if (myWindow == nil)
NSBundle *myBundle = [NSBundle bundleForClass:[self class]];
		NSNib *nib = [[NSNib alloc] initWithNibNamed:@addFile  

BOOL success = [nib instantiateNibWithOwner:self 
[nib release];

if (success != YES)
// should present error
[[self titleField] setStringValue:@];
[[self pathField] setStringValue:@];
[NSApp beginSheet:myWindow modalForWindow:documentWindow  
modalDelegate:self didEndSelector:@selector 
(newObjectSheetDidEnd:returnCode:contextInfo:) contextInfo:NULL];



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Re: Anti-aliasing in Snow Leopard (10.6) PDFView

2009-09-08 Thread Kyle Sluder
If you haven't gotten a response the first time, don't resend your
message without checking and to make
sure it went through.  If you don't see it there, then fire away.

--Kyle Sluder

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Re: NSImage with multiple representation sizes

2009-09-08 Thread Ken Ferry
On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 10:30 AM, Benjamin Rister wrote:

 Hi Ken,

 Thanks for your response.

  The size of an image is the default size of the rect in which it's drawn
 when the person drawing it doesn't have any more specific information.
  That's a concept that there can only be one of for the entire image, so
 it's confusing if the -size for contained reps doesn't match that of the
 image itself.

 I'm not concerned/confused about the results of -[NSImage size], I know
 it'll draw wherever I ask it to in whatever space that is.

  The -size is unrelated to the number of pixels in a rep.  The ratio
 determines resolution.  Reps can definitely have different numbers of

 The issue/question comes from tiffutil's explicit warning that NSImage
 doesn't like it or may be confused if the net sizes of the different
 representations in the tiff are different.  So the reps can have different
 numbers of pixels, but if the dpi is the same across the different reps,
 they have different real sizes, and man tiffutil says that that is a

  So it's perfectly fine to pack in different representations with different
 numbers of pixels.  What the docs encourage is setting the metadata so that
 the -size of each representation is the same.

 man tiffutil says that NSImage may not be able to successfully choose the
 right size image out of the generated TIFF file.  That sounds much stronger
 to me than encouraging it so that -size isn't potentially confusing to a
 programmer calling it.

 I'm not questioning whether what you say about the frameworks is true, just
 making sure we're on the same page, because you said the doc says one thing
 and that's not what I read in it. =)

 So to be clear: if I create a TIFF image, with tiffutil -cat, that has
 9x...@72dpi, 16x1...@72dpi, 32x3...@72dpi:
 - This is an entirely supported configuration, despite what man tiffutil
 says and the warning it generates.

No, these reps would not have the same -size.   If you set the DPI metadata
for the reps to 72, 128, and 256 respectively, then each rep would have
-size 9x9.

This is what I meant above.  It's fine to have different pixel sizes, but
it's best to set the metadata so that the -size is consistent.

 - NSImage will correctly choose and draw representations now and in the
 future when drawn at different sizes, and both at 1.0 and non-1.0 scale
 factors.  For instance, it will use the 32x3...@72dpi rep to fill a
 16x16pt space at scale 2.0, even though the 16x1...@72dpi is the one that
 matches the physical size, despite the NSImage docs only giving rules based
 on color space, dpi, and bit depth for choosing representations.

 Is this correct, and something I can safely rely upon?

 Benjamin Rister


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Continuous NSTextField not updating bound value continuously?

2009-09-08 Thread Doug Knowles
I have a text field (two, actually) bound to a string value in a controller
object, and I'd like to validate the value on each keystroke so that I can
enable other controls appropriately depending on the content of the field.
The text fields are set to continuous updating in IB, and I have confirmed
this by checking the fields' isContinuous in the code. However, the bound
value is not updated on every keystroke, but only when the field loses key

The only thing that I can think is different between this case and most
other uses is that the window is application modal, but I can't think of why
that would affect continuous updating.

Any thoughts of something else I might be missing?

Doug K;

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Re: NSImage with multiple representation sizes

2009-09-08 Thread Benjamin Rister

Hi Ken,

Thanks for your response.

The size of an image is the default size of the rect in which it's  
drawn when the person drawing it doesn't have any more specific  
information.  That's a concept that there can only be one of for the  
entire image, so it's confusing if the -size for contained reps  
doesn't match that of the image itself.

I'm not concerned/confused about the results of -[NSImage size], I  
know it'll draw wherever I ask it to in whatever space that is.

The -size is unrelated to the number of pixels in a rep.  The ratio  
determines resolution.  Reps can definitely have different numbers  
of pixels.

The issue/question comes from tiffutil's explicit warning that NSImage  
doesn't like it or may be confused if the net sizes of the different  
representations in the tiff are different.  So the reps can have  
different numbers of pixels, but if the dpi is the same across the  
different reps, they have different real sizes, and man tiffutil  
says that that is a problem.

So it's perfectly fine to pack in different representations with  
different numbers of pixels.  What the docs encourage is setting the  
metadata so that the -size of each representation is the same.

man tiffutil says that NSImage may not be able to successfully choose  
the right size image out of the generated TIFF file.  That sounds  
much stronger to me than encouraging it so that -size isn't  
potentially confusing to a programmer calling it.

I'm not questioning whether what you say about the frameworks is true,  
just making sure we're on the same page, because you said the doc says  
one thing and that's not what I read in it. =)

So to be clear: if I create a TIFF image, with tiffutil -cat, that has  
9x...@72dpi, 16x1...@72dpi, 32x3...@72dpi:
- This is an entirely supported configuration, despite what man  
tiffutil says and the warning it generates.
- NSImage will correctly choose and draw representations now and in  
the future when drawn at different sizes, and both at 1.0 and non-1.0  
scale factors.  For instance, it will use the 32x3...@72dpi rep to  
fill a 16x16pt space at scale 2.0, even though the 16x1...@72dpi is  
the one that matches the physical size, despite the NSImage docs only  
giving rules based on color space, dpi, and bit depth for choosing  

Is this correct, and something I can safely rely upon?

Benjamin Rister

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Re: KVO on Distributed Objects with exception handling.

2009-09-08 Thread Scott Anguish

On Sep 8, 2009, at 10:38 AM, Edward Chan wrote:

I've just tested it on Snow Leopard (10a380), and it works as  

Perhaps. But as I said, unsupported, untested internally, and could  
break at any time.

Do you happen to remember the technical reasons why KVO on DOs would  

None given, other than the above.


On Mon, Sep 7, 2009 at 11:55 PM, Scott  

In spite of the fact that it might be working, it isn't supported.

When I talked to engineering about this, this is what I was told.  
He was a
bit shocked it worked at all, and it isn't tested as part of  

On Sep 7, 2009, at 3:02 PM, Edward Chan wrote:


I'm using KVO on a Distributed Object, and I am binding my UI  

based on the observer.

For example:

MonkeyViewController.isEatingABanana - Binded to a UI checkbox.


@propery (readwrite, assign) BOOL isEatingABanana;

-(id)init {
[MonkeyBrainDOObject addObserver:self
   options:(NSKeyValueObservingOptionNew |


- (void)observeValueForKeyPath:(NSString *)keyPath
  change:(NSDictionary *)change
 context:(void *)context
 if ([keyPath isEqualToString:@banana]) {
[self willChangeValueForKey:@isEatingABanana];
isEatingABanana = [change objectForKey:NSKeyValueChangeNewKey]
[self didChangeValueForKey:@isEatingABanana];

- (void)setIsEatingABanana:(BOOL)flag
   [MonkeyBrainDOObject setBanana:flag];
   isEatingABanana = flag;

This indeed works, and we save some hassles of sending  
NSNotifications and


So, what I'm wondering is if the following code is sufficient enough
for the IPC exception handling?
Instead of having to manually write @try/@catch wherever I doing  
IPC, I create a wrapper object around the DO to handle the  

This wrapper class is simply an NSObject, and will call the methods
methodSignatureForSelector, and forwardInvocation when I try to use
MonkeyBrainDOObject methods (since the wrapper does not understand
them). I can then insert a @try/@catch when I forward the  

to the actual DO object.

MonkeyBrainWrapper.m : NSObject

- (NSMethodSignature *)methodSignatureForSelector:(SEL)selector
  return [MonkeyBrainDOObject methodSignatureForSelector:selector];
  // maybe I can use extra code to make sure MonkeyBrainDOObject
responds to the selector.

- (void)forwardInvocation:(NSInvocation *)invocation
 @try {
[invocation invokeWithTarget:MonkeyBrainDOObject];
 } @catch (NSException *e) {
 // Oh no! some went wrong with the IPC. But it's ok, I caught  


So, instead of calling directly on the MonkeyBrainDOObject in my
MonkeyViewController, I would now call my MonkeyBrainWrapper object,
which has explicit exception handling rather than the one handle by
the NSApplication.

Should that be enough for exception handling on both ends of the  

Or do I need some explicit exception handling on the other end? It
seems when I tested it out, my other end never threw anything when  

connection broke.
Also, is there maybe a better approach to all of this? My old code  

a bunch of NSNotifications being sent/received whenever something
needed updating on the UI, and I found this approach to be a lot


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Re: Sheets positioning.

2009-09-08 Thread Jason Foreman

On Sep 8, 2009, at 12:53 PM, Brent Smith wrote:

I have a new file dialog that pops up as a sheet, hwoever on the  
first popup of this sheet, Its not positioned below the titlebar

But if I hit cancel, and then open the dialog again, Its perfect.

Any idea what Im doing wrong?

You very likely have the Visible at Launch property of your sheet  
window turned on.  Turn this property off in the nib and it should  
show at the correct location the first time.


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Re: NSPDFImageRep Memory Leak?

2009-09-08 Thread John Calhoun

On Sep 8, 2009, at 5:08 AM, DairyKnight wrote:

NSPDFImageRep *pdfImgRep = [[NSPDFImageRep alloc] initWithData:[page

Check [page dataRepresentation] above.

Pre-SnowLeopard the NSData returned was not autoreleased and so needed  
to be released by the caller.  This was not consistent with other  
AppKit -[xxx dataRepresentation] calls.

In SnowLeopard, -[PDDPage dataRepresentation] is properly auto- 
released.  SnowLeopard PDF Kit though checks the compiler and  
continues the non-auto-prelease behavior for apps compiled before  

The above applies to -[PDFDocument dataRepresentation] as well.

Check the PDFXxx headers, the behavior change is documented there.

John Calhoun—___

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Re: Continuous NSTextField not updating bound value continuously?

2009-09-08 Thread Jason Foreman

On Sep 8, 2009, at 1:05 PM, Doug Knowles wrote:

I have a text field (two, actually) bound to a string value in a  
object, and I'd like to validate the value on each keystroke so that  
I can
enable other controls appropriately depending on the content of the  
The text fields are set to continuous updating in IB, and I have  
this by checking the fields' isContinuous in the code. However,  
the bound
value is not updated on every keystroke, but only when the field  
loses key


The only thing that I can think is different between this case and  
other uses is that the window is application modal, but I can't  
think of why

that would affect continuous updating.

Any thoughts of something else I might be missing?

It sounds like you've set the Continuous property of the text  
field.  When using bindings, you need to set the Continuously Updates  
Value property of the binding in order to get the effect you're  
looking for.  Can you verify that you've set the property on the  
binding and not just the text field?


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Re: Anti-aliasing in Snow Leopard (10.6) PDFView

2009-09-08 Thread John Calhoun

On Sep 7, 2009, at 3:50 PM, Duncan McGregor wrote:

It used to be that PDFView anti-aliased nicely. Now it doesn't, at
least not for some files. Text and scans rendered in both the
PDKKitViewer and PDFLinker2 samples are horrible in 10.6.

Can you point to a specific PDF that shows this behavior?

John Calhoun—___

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Re: Sheets positioning.

2009-09-08 Thread Brent Smith

Ahh, the visible at launch was the issue. Thanks!
On Sep 8, 2009, at 11:07 AM, Jason Foreman wrote:

On Sep 8, 2009, at 12:53 PM, Brent Smith wrote:

I have a new file dialog that pops up as a sheet, hwoever on the  
first popup of this sheet, Its not positioned below the titlebar

But if I hit cancel, and then open the dialog again, Its perfect.

Any idea what Im doing wrong?

You very likely have the Visible at Launch property of your sheet  
window turned on.  Turn this property off in the nib and it should  
show at the correct location the first time.



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Re: Continuous NSTextField not updating bound value continuously?

2009-09-08 Thread Doug Knowles
Sigh. I so should have known.
That's it. Many thanks for the quick reply, and for your time.

On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 2:18 PM, Jason Foreman wrote:

 It sounds like you've set the Continuous property of the text field.
  When using bindings, you need to set the Continuously Updates Value
 property of the binding in order to get the effect you're looking for.  Can
 you verify that you've set the property on the binding and not just the text



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Re: NSImage with multiple representation sizes

2009-09-08 Thread Benjamin Rister
So to be clear: if I create a TIFF image, with tiffutil -cat, that  
has 9x...@72dpi, 16x1...@72dpi, 32x3...@72dpi:
- This is an entirely supported configuration, despite what man  
tiffutil says and the warning it generates.

No, these reps would not have the same -size.   If you set the DPI  
metadata for the reps to 72, 128, and 256 respectively, then each  
rep would have -size 9x9.

This is what I meant above.  It's fine to have different pixel  
sizes, but it's best to set the metadata so that the -size is  

Okay, take 2 then.  If I do the same thing, with 9x...@72dpi,  
16x1...@128dpi, and 32x3...@256dpi (so the tiffutil warning isn't  
applicable anymore), will NSImage correctly use the more detailed  
image when drawing into a 16x16pt space?  As I mentioned, Cocoa  
Drawing Guide  Images  How an Image Representation Is Chosen gives  
rules to be applied in the order of color space, dpi, bit depth.  All  
have the same color space, the 9x...@72dpi matches dpi (when at 1.0  
scale factor) and the others don't, so according to the docs it's the  
one that would be chosen, with poor results.

Benjamin Rister

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NSURLDownload delegate methods seperate thread

2009-09-08 Thread Colin Deasy

Is anyone aware of a way to receive NSURLDownload's delegate methods on a 
separate thread, i.e. not the main one? I am using an NSOperationQueue to 
manage them but at the moment I need to use the performSelectorOnMainThread 
method to get it too work. The problem with this is that it drives the kernel 
task crazy reaching about 30% of CPU cycles. Curiously this has only happened 
since upgrading to SL, when NSOperationQueue changed behaviour (not that I am 
dissing it, GCD rocks!)

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Re: Anti-aliasing in Snow Leopard (10.6) PDFView

2009-09-08 Thread Kyle Sluder
Oops!  Didn't realize you had not reposted, but instead posted it
elsewhere!  Gmail did not indicate this.


--Kyle Sluder

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Re: NSURLDownload delegate methods seperate thread

2009-09-08 Thread Randall Meadows

On Sep 8, 2009, at 1:03 PM, Colin Deasy wrote:

Is anyone aware of a way to receive NSURLDownload's delegate methods  
on a separate thread, i.e. not the main one?

Delegate messages will be sent on the thread which calls this method.

So, start your NSURLDownload on whichever thread you want the delegate  
methods to be called on.


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RE: NSURLDownload delegate methods seperate thread

2009-09-08 Thread Colin Deasy

Spot on, thanks man.
Fixed it using:[[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] runUntilDate:[NSDate distantFuture]];
while ([self isDownloading] );

So just blocks until finished the download. If I take away the while loop it 
doesn't run.Is there a better way?
 Subject: Re: NSURLDownload delegate methods seperate thread
 Date: Tue, 8 Sep 2009 12:55:33 -0700
 On Sep 8, 2009, at 12:36 PM, Colin Deasy wrote:
  Well I did try that but there were no callbacks. That is I initiated  
  the download in the start method of an NSOperation.
 You likely have no run loop running on the thread. You need that for  
 NSURLConnection to do its work.
 Dave Carrigan
 Seattle, WA, USA

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Re: NSURLDownload delegate methods seperate thread

2009-09-08 Thread Kyle Sluder
On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 1:43 PM, Colin wrote:
 So just blocks until finished the download. If I take away the while loop it 
 doesn't run.Is there a better way?

Then why are you running in a separate thread at all?  Why not just
run asynchronously on the main thread?

--Kyle Sluder

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Re: NSURLDownload delegate methods seperate thread

2009-09-08 Thread Dave Carrigan

On Sep 8, 2009, at 12:36 PM, Colin Deasy wrote:

Well I did try that but there were no callbacks. That is I initiated  
the download in the start method of an NSOperation.

You likely have no run loop running on the thread. You need that for  
NSURLConnection to do its work.

Dave Carrigan
Seattle, WA, USA

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Re: [[NSHost currentHost] name] blocking on 10.6 ?

2009-09-08 Thread Jean-Daniel Dupas

Le 8 sept. 2009 à 22:15, a écrit :

I am not sure if this is a problem unique to me or not but under  
10.5 [[NSHost currentHost] name] or [[[NSProcessInfo] processInfo]  
hostname] were quick and easy ways to get an mDNS friendly hostname  
such as imac-2.local

On 10.6 I find that both these combinations block badly  
(NSProcessInfo merely defers to NSHost I think).

The list has a few references to the possibility of these blocking  
but I never encountered it until now.
According to a stack sample getnameinfo() seems to be the library  
call that is blocking.

_mdns_query_mDNSResponder seems to be the actual blocking call.

Anyone else seeing this behaviour?

It's a system wide problem (try to launch OpenGL Profiler for  
instance, it take hours).

But it occurs only with some specifics networks configuration.

Do you have Internet Sharing enabled ?  That's what causing the  
issue on my machine.

-- Jean-Daniel


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Re: NSURLDownload delegate methods seperate thread

2009-09-08 Thread Dave Carrigan

On Sep 8, 2009, at 1:43 PM, Colin Deasy wrote:

Spot on, thanks man.

Fixed it using:
[[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] runUntilDate:[NSDate distantFuture]];
while ([self isDownloading] );

This will work, but you won't be able to know if your  
NSInvocationQueue wants to cancel. If that's important, then this  
would be better:

while ([self isDownloading]  ![self isCancelled]) {
	[[NSRunLook currentRunLoop] runUntilDate:[NSDate  


This assumes that your object inherits from NSOperation. You might  
also want to cancel the NSURLConnection if the operation gets cancelled.

Dave Carrigan
Seattle, WA, USA

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RE: NSURLDownload delegate methods seperate thread

2009-09-08 Thread Colin Deasy

Well I did try that but there were no callbacks. That is I initiated the 
download in the start method of an NSOperation.

 Subject: Re: NSURLDownload delegate methods seperate thread
 Date: Tue, 8 Sep 2009 13:17:55 -0600
 On Sep 8, 2009, at 1:03 PM, Colin Deasy wrote:
  Is anyone aware of a way to receive NSURLDownload's delegate methods  
  on a separate thread, i.e. not the main one?
 Delegate messages will be sent on the thread which calls this method.
 So, start your NSURLDownload on whichever thread you want the delegate  
 methods to be called on.

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Re: [[NSHost currentHost] name] blocking on 10.6 ?

2009-09-08 Thread

On 8 Sep 2009, at 22:24, Jens Alfke wrote:

On Sep 8, 2009, at 1:15 PM, wrote:

I am not sure if this is a problem unique to me or not but under  
10.5 [[NSHost currentHost] name] or [[[NSProcessInfo] processInfo]  
hostname] were quick and easy ways to get an mDNS friendly hostname  
such as imac-2.local

On 10.6 I find that both these combinations block badly  
(NSProcessInfo merely defers to NSHost I think).

This has always been a blocking API — as you saw, it calls into the  
low-level synchronous DNS function getnameinfo().

I only started poking into it when it started to cause an issue. It  
was certainly news to me that it could block.

And it doesn't necessarily return an mDNS-style .local hostname,  
either. If there's a regular DNS hostname entry for your machine,  
you'll get that instead, although in my experience it's usually  
something uninteresting like

Thanks for that. I had presumed otherwise.

If you really want the locally-set 'sharing name', the  
SCDynamicStore call seems like a good bet.

(Follow-ups should probably go to the macnetworkprog or bonjour-dev  
lists, as this isn't really a Cocoa question.)
True. But hopefully a useful Cocoa posting too for anyone else using  
NSHost whose app exhibits narcolepsy on 10.6

Thanks for the reply.


Jonathan Mitchell



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Re: NSImage with multiple representation sizes

2009-09-08 Thread Ken Ferry
On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 11:42 AM, Benjamin Rister wrote:

 So to be clear: if I create a TIFF image, with tiffutil -cat, that has
 9x...@72dpi, 16x1...@72dpi, 32x3...@72dpi:
 - This is an entirely supported configuration, despite what man tiffutil
 says and the warning it generates.

 No, these reps would not have the same -size.   If you set the DPI metadata
 for the reps to 72, 128, and 256 respectively, then each rep would have
 -size 9x9.

 This is what I meant above.  It's fine to have different pixel sizes, but
 it's best to set the metadata so that the -size is consistent.

 Okay, take 2 then.  If I do the same thing, with 9x...@72dpi,
 16x1...@128dpi, and 32x3...@256dpi (so the tiffutil warning isn't
 applicable anymore), will NSImage correctly use the more detailed image when
 drawing into a 16x16pt space?  As I mentioned, Cocoa Drawing Guide  Images
  How an Image Representation Is Chosen gives rules to be applied in the
 order of color space, dpi, bit depth.  All have the same color space, the
 9x...@72dpi matches dpi (when at 1.0 scale factor) and the others don't,
 so according to the docs it's the one that would be chosen, with poor

On 10.6 and later, yes, you can count on it choosing 16x16 pixel
representation.  We're not looking at resolution anymore, only number of
pixels in rep vs number of pixels to be filled.

I'm pretty sure it would on previous OSes too, but not 100% positive.


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Re: [[NSHost currentHost] name] blocking on 10.6 ?

2009-09-08 Thread Brent Gulanowski
While I don't speak for Apple, we ran into this with Daylite Server, and
found out that you shouldn't be using those calls.
Basically, your computer is NOT the authority on your computer's host name.
The DNS system is the authority. So these calls tend to trigger DNS lookups,
at which point you're at the mercy of DNS, especially badly configured DNS,
or DNS servers that are down, or what-have-you.

Beyond that, I haven't worked out all the intricacies. But I believe that
gethostname() gets a cached host name that gets set at system startup, and
is in no way authoritative (it is I think the C API which underlies the
hostname command, and has a complementary sethostname command). That old
way of doing stuff is pretty much obsolete.

Mac OS X always tries to discover its name from DNS first, and falls back to
the mDNS if there is no good response from DNS. Or that seems to be what's
going on. The Apple engineers at WWDC were appalled by the very idea of
NSHost -currentHost and anything related to it, and basically said that if
you're using them, you've got problems in your design.

Not making any judgements, just relating my (now somewhat fuzzy) experience.

On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 4:15 PM, wrote:

 I am not sure if this is a problem unique to me or not but under 10.5
 [[NSHost currentHost] name] or [[[NSProcessInfo] processInfo] hostname] were
 quick and easy ways to get an mDNS friendly hostname such as imac-2.local

 On 10.6 I find that both these combinations block badly (NSProcessInfo
 merely defers to NSHost I think).

 The list has a few references to the possibility of these blocking but I
 never encountered it until now.
 According to a stack sample getnameinfo() seems to be the library call that
 is blocking.
 _mdns_query_mDNSResponder seems to be the actual blocking call.

 Anyone else seeing this behaviour?

 There seem to be two alternatives:

 NSString *name = NSMakeCollectable(SCDynamicStoreCopyLocalHostName(NULL));

 This gives the correct mDNS friendly hostname but omits the local pseudo

 Otherwise this seems suitable:

 char hostname[_POSIX_HOST_NAME_MAX + 1];
 gethostname(hostname, _POSIX_HOST_NAME_MAX);
 name = [NSString stringWithCString:hostname encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];

 Jonathan Mitchell



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Brent Gulanowski

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Re: [[NSHost currentHost] name] blocking on 10.6 ?

2009-09-08 Thread

On 8 Sep 2009, at 22:37, Jean-Daniel Dupas wrote:

Le 8 sept. 2009 à 22:15, a écrit :

I am not sure if this is a problem unique to me or not but under  
10.5 [[NSHost currentHost] name] or [[[NSProcessInfo] processInfo]  
hostname] were quick and easy ways to get an mDNS friendly hostname  
such as imac-2.local

On 10.6 I find that both these combinations block badly  
(NSProcessInfo merely defers to NSHost I think).

The list has a few references to the possibility of these blocking  
but I never encountered it until now.
According to a stack sample getnameinfo() seems to be the library  
call that is blocking.

_mdns_query_mDNSResponder seems to be the actual blocking call.

Anyone else seeing this behaviour?

It's a system wide problem (try to launch OpenGL Profiler for  
instance, it take hours).

But it occurs only with some specifics networks configuration.
I had thought that there had to be some local configuration aspect to  
it. Connecting to other .local machines is none too swift on occasion.

Do you have Internet Sharing enabled ?  That's what causing the  
issue on my machine.

Yes I do - though I don't recall enabling it or needing it.
The machine was upgraded from 10.5 and the blocking behaviour before  
went completely unnoticed.
Switching to SCDynamicStoreCopyLocalHostName() has greatly reduced the  
apps launch time.

-- Jean-Daniel

Jonathan Mitchell



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scaleUnitSquareToSize strange behavior Scaling a UI

2009-09-08 Thread Joshua Strickon
I am trying to build a ui where I have an NSView with a variety of  
subviews that are programatically added from nib files similar to the  
CocoaSlides demo.  I need to be able to zoom in and out.  Essentially  
I have little boxes of cocoa controls.   I have tried all sorts of  
solutions with ambiguous results.  It seems that when I call  
scaleUnitSquareToSize there are strange results.

My first attempt was to scale the frame of the main view and then  
planned on calling scaleUnitSquareToSize and have everything trickle  
down.  That did not work.  I then started doing everything manually by  
turning off autoresizing of subviews for the main view.  I can scale  
the frame but scaleUnitSquareTosize again causes problems on the  
controls of the nib.

I also did a test of just building a window cocoa app with a nib to  
confirm that I can successfully scale buttons, sliders and such and  
that works.  Those objects are subviews of the main window.  I also  
encapsulated controls in a box and it all works with  

I found this old email thread which sounds very similar.  I don't  
think a solution was ever proposed though.

Any help would be appreciated.




Thanks for the insight. Regarding your statement:

The resizing behavior pertains to the frame, and not the bounds. Once  
you've scaled the bounds, if the frame changes, the view may appear to  
move in unexpected ways depending on the view's own coordinate space  
(it may be inverted, for example).

Is it possible to programmatically prevent this resizing behavior when  
scaling and then resizing the frame to display the entire bounds of  
the view ?

Thanks again,

On Feb 19, 2005, at 9:28 PM, John C. Randolph wrote:

On Feb 18, 2005, at 7:03 AM, Robert Miller wrote:


Has anyone had in depth experience with the  
'scaleUnitSquareToSize' call vs. the resulting frame size of the  
receiver ? I'm working on an application that has movable /  
resizable custom subviews that are also scalable. I've done some  
research and have discovered some very useful examples on scaling  
using the scaleUnitSquareToSize' call and understand it's use and  
how the bounds rectangle of a view is affected by this call.  The  
call does not affect the frame rectangle as would be expected  
however, I want to be able to display the entire scaled bounds in  
the NSView after scaling.

The frame of a view is the view's location and size in its  
superview's coordinate space.  -scaleUnitSquareToSize: affects the  
bounds, not the frame of a view.

I've added some code which effectively readjusts the frame  
rectangle to do this. The real issue is that once a view is scaled  
it seems that any subviews within that view seem to have lost their  
auto resize mask. (even though diagnosis has shown that they  
haven't) The behavior of subviews when a previously scaled view is  
subsequently resized appears as if they have. Example. A custom  
view is created and displayed, the custom view contains sub views  
whose 'spring' settings include NSViewMinYMargin and  
NSViewMaxXMargin which cause the subviews to 'stick' to the top  
left corner of the view when the view is resized such that its  
width and height are increased. After the view is scaled the  
subviews no longer behave as if the previously mentioned resize  
settings are in effect. (even though as previously stated the  
values for resizing have not changed). In other words when the view  
is resized after a scale is applied the subviews now move and no  
longer stick to the top left corner. Is this some strange anomaly  
with scaling and resizing mask behaviors internal to NSView. Does  
my example make sense ?

The resizing behavior pertains to the frame, and not the bounds.  
Once you've scaled the bounds, if the frame changes, the view may  
appear to move in unexpected ways depending on the view's own  
coordinate space (it may be inverted, for example).



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[[NSHost currentHost] name] blocking on 10.6 ?

2009-09-08 Thread
I am not sure if this is a problem unique to me or not but under 10.5  
[[NSHost currentHost] name] or [[[NSProcessInfo] processInfo]  
hostname] were quick and easy ways to get an mDNS friendly hostname  
such as imac-2.local

On 10.6 I find that both these combinations block badly (NSProcessInfo  
merely defers to NSHost I think).

The list has a few references to the possibility of these blocking but  
I never encountered it until now.
According to a stack sample getnameinfo() seems to be the library call  
that is blocking.

_mdns_query_mDNSResponder seems to be the actual blocking call.

Anyone else seeing this behaviour?

There seem to be two alternatives:

NSString *name = NSMakeCollectable(SCDynamicStoreCopyLocalHostName 

This gives the correct mDNS friendly hostname but omits the local  
pseudo domain.

Otherwise this seems suitable:

char hostname[_POSIX_HOST_NAME_MAX + 1];
gethostname(hostname, _POSIX_HOST_NAME_MAX);
name = [NSString stringWithCString:hostname  

Jonathan Mitchell



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Re: [[NSHost currentHost] name] blocking on 10.6 ?

2009-09-08 Thread

On 8 Sep 2009, at 22:44, Brent Gulanowski wrote:

While I don't speak for Apple, we ran into this with Daylite Server,  
and found out that you shouldn't be using those calls.

Basically, your computer is NOT the authority on your computer's  
host name. The DNS system is the authority. So these calls tend to  
trigger DNS lookups, at which point you're at the mercy of DNS,  
especially badly configured DNS, or DNS servers that are down, or  
That's true. Perhaps the problem here lies in the interaction between  
DNS and mDNS. I really just want my local mDNS name, nothing more.

Beyond that, I haven't worked out all the intricacies. But I believe  
that gethostname() gets a cached host name that gets set at system  
startup, and is in no way authoritative (it is I think the C API  
which underlies the hostname command, and has a complementary  
sethostname command). That old way of doing stuff is pretty much  

That is my take on it too.

Mac OS X always tries to discover its name from DNS first, and falls  
back to the mDNS if there is no good response from DNS. Or that  
seems to be what's going on. The Apple engineers at WWDC were  
appalled by the very idea of NSHost -currentHost and anything  
related to it, and basically said that if you're using them, you've  
got problems in your design.

I sent in a documentation request that some sort of caveat/danger sign  
be attached to [NSHost currentHost].

Not making any judgements, just relating my (now somewhat fuzzy)  

On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 4:15 PM, 
I am not sure if this is a problem unique to me or not but under  
10.5 [[NSHost currentHost] name] or [[[NSProcessInfo] processInfo]  
hostname] were quick and easy ways to get an mDNS friendly hostname  
such as imac-2.local

On 10.6 I find that both these combinations block badly  
(NSProcessInfo merely defers to NSHost I think).

The list has a few references to the possibility of these blocking  
but I never encountered it until now.
According to a stack sample getnameinfo() seems to be the library  
call that is blocking.

_mdns_query_mDNSResponder seems to be the actual blocking call.

Anyone else seeing this behaviour?

There seem to be two alternatives:

NSString *name = NSMakeCollectable(SCDynamicStoreCopyLocalHostName 

This gives the correct mDNS friendly hostname but omits the local  
pseudo domain.

Otherwise this seems suitable:

char hostname[_POSIX_HOST_NAME_MAX + 1];
gethostname(hostname, _POSIX_HOST_NAME_MAX);
name = [NSString stringWithCString:hostname  

Jonathan Mitchell



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Brent Gulanowski

Jonathan Mitchell



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Re: Framework versioning and handling multiple OS SDK's?

2009-09-08 Thread Kyle Sluder
On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 3:25 PM, Brent wrote:
 For classes, you can check whether NSClassFromString(@Classname) returns a

This might return incompatible private versions of some classes.  For
example, NSClassFromString(@QLPreviewPanel) will return a class with
a very different API on 10.5 than it does on 10.6.

 For selectors, you can check whether NSSelectorFromString(@selector)
 returns a selector.

This is untrue.  NSSelectorFromString always returns a selector.

 Usually that's enough. In fact, if you pick a representative class that was
 introduced in the OS release of your choice, you can use that as a short cut
 to check for the OS version. Or you can check the version major and minor
 values using Gestalt for accurate version info:

Do not use NSClassFromString to check for OS versions.  There is
absolutely no guarantee it will work.

--Kyle Sluder

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Re: Framework versioning and handling multiple OS SDK's?

2009-09-08 Thread Greg Parker

On Sep 8, 2009, at 3:25 PM, Brent Gulanowski wrote:

For selectors, you can check whether NSSelectorFromString(@selector)
returns a selector.

That won't do what you want. NSSelectorFromString() always returns a  
selector; it creates one itself if that name has not been used yet.  
(And not used yet differs from does not exist anyway; the runtime  
manipulates selectors as lazily as it can.)

Try these instead:
[NSClassFromString(@SomeClass) respondsToSelector:@selector 

Greg Parker Runtime Wrangler


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Re: [[NSHost currentHost] name] blocking on 10.6 ?

2009-09-08 Thread Marc Krochmal

Hi Brent,

I may have been one of those appalled Apple engineers.  In general,  
[NSHost currentHost] is the worst API on the system and people should  
avoid it like the plague.

Jonathan, just use SCDynamicStoreCopyLocalHostName instead.   
gethostname probably isn't going to do what you want.


On Sep 8, 2009, at 2:44 PM, Brent Gulanowski wrote:

While I don't speak for Apple, we ran into this with Daylite Server,  

found out that you shouldn't be using those calls.
Basically, your computer is NOT the authority on your computer's  
host name.
The DNS system is the authority. So these calls tend to trigger DNS  
at which point you're at the mercy of DNS, especially badly  
configured DNS,

or DNS servers that are down, or what-have-you.

Beyond that, I haven't worked out all the intricacies. But I believe  
gethostname() gets a cached host name that gets set at system  
startup, and
is in no way authoritative (it is I think the C API which underlies  
hostname command, and has a complementary sethostname command).  
That old

way of doing stuff is pretty much obsolete.

Mac OS X always tries to discover its name from DNS first, and falls  
back to
the mDNS if there is no good response from DNS. Or that seems to be  
going on. The Apple engineers at WWDC were appalled by the very idea  
NSHost -currentHost and anything related to it, and basically said  
that if

you're using them, you've got problems in your design.

Not making any judgements, just relating my (now somewhat fuzzy)  

On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 4:15 PM, wrote:

I am not sure if this is a problem unique to me or not but under 10.5
[[NSHost currentHost] name] or [[[NSProcessInfo] processInfo]  
hostname] were
quick and easy ways to get an mDNS friendly hostname such as  

On 10.6 I find that both these combinations block badly  

merely defers to NSHost I think).

The list has a few references to the possibility of these blocking  
but I

never encountered it until now.
According to a stack sample getnameinfo() seems to be the library  
call that

is blocking.
_mdns_query_mDNSResponder seems to be the actual blocking call.

Anyone else seeing this behaviour?

There seem to be two alternatives:

NSString *name = NSMakeCollectable(SCDynamicStoreCopyLocalHostName 

This gives the correct mDNS friendly hostname but omits the local  


Otherwise this seems suitable:

char hostname[_POSIX_HOST_NAME_MAX + 1];
gethostname(hostname, _POSIX_HOST_NAME_MAX);
name = [NSString stringWithCString:hostname  

Jonathan Mitchell



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Brent Gulanowski

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Re: Framework versioning and handling multiple OS SDK's?

2009-09-08 Thread Brent Gulanowski
For classes, you can check whether NSClassFromString(@Classname) returns a
For selectors, you can check whether NSSelectorFromString(@selector)
returns a selector.

Usually that's enough. In fact, if you pick a representative class that was
introduced in the OS release of your choice, you can use that as a short cut
to check for the OS version. Or you can check the version major and minor
values using Gestalt for accurate version info:


enum {
= 'sysv'
= 'sys1',
= 'sys2',
= 'sys3'

(Those symbols should link right into the file in your docs.)

Now, that's pretty awkward because you won't be able to instantiate a class
without converting from the classname or send a message without converting
the method sig and calling -performSelector: so I'd think the right way
would be to build two different versions of your framework and ship them
separately, making sure to version them so they can co-exist if necessary.
Not that hardly anyone does that.

On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 12:24 AM, aaron smith wrote:

 Hey All,

 I've got a framework (GDKit) that I maintain - started writing it on
 10.5. I'm running into something I'm not sure how to handle.

 -So far, everything I've been writing in GDKit links against 10.5, and
 applications I've been writing link against GDKit, and 10.5.
 -I have some new classes I want to add to the framework, but some of
 the API's are in 10.6 only.
 -The new classes and features in my framework are optional - because
 they require 10.6, but I don't want to have to change all of my
 applications to require 10.6.

It is possible to build a framework against a different version of the OS
than an application that depends on it. Although you have to be careful
about setting up dependencies in Xcode which might push build settings from
the app down to the framework, if you use that feature of Xcode.

 What I'm trying to figure out is how to keep the framework compiling
 for 10.5, but optionally including the new features/classes when it's
 compiling for 10.6.

 There's just a few things I'm unclear of..

 -When it's compiling for 10.5, can I completely exclude files from
 compiling (the 10.6 features)? Is that the right way to exclude

Well it seems you're definitely going to have to build two versions of the
framework (probably by creating two different build configurations) -- in
the 10.5, yes, you won't compile/link those classes which require 10.6.

 -When I link against GDKit from an application, how can I have the app
 link against GDKit that include only the 10.5 features? Or optionally
 link against the build that includes the 10.6 features?

The linking is done dynamically. If you want the same compiled version of
your app to use different features of your framework depending on where it
is and what's available, it will have to explicitly check for the existence
of those things. Your app should just link against the framework, not a
specific version of it (if you choose to use versions).

If it all becomes too onerous to access 10.6-only classes/methods using
NSStringFrom... (or, in the case of Carbon/C, some other approach), you
would be better off building separate versions of your app.

 I've been reading about framework versioning, and what they recommend
 is creating a new major version. But that doesn't really help my
 problem - as creating a new major version would require the 10.6 SDK.
 Hopefully that makes sense.

 Does anyone know of any blog posts or tutorials about this particular

 Any ideas would be sweet.

I'm no expert in targetting 

Re: [[NSHost currentHost] name] blocking on 10.6 ?

2009-09-08 Thread Keith Duncan
While I don't speak for Apple, we ran into this with Daylite Server,  
and found out that you shouldn't be using those calls.

I got a similar response, I had been using NSHost previously and  
hadn't noticed any delay so assumed it was using a local backing  
store. I ran the same code on the network at WWDC and observed one  
minute plus delays as it waited for a multicast response.

This gave rise to my new rule, test all network applications under  
WWDC network conditions, there's no replacement.

Basically, your computer is NOT the authority on your computer's  
host name. The DNS system is the authority. So these calls tend to  
trigger DNS lookups, at which point you're at the mercy of DNS,  
especially badly configured DNS, or DNS servers that are down, or  

That's true. Perhaps the problem here lies in the interaction  
between DNS and mDNS. I really just want my local mDNS name, nothing  

Perhaps it's worth noting that in 10.6 the DNS responder and  
mDNSResponder are one in the same. It's now the system wide lookup  
demon so that there's one authoritative local cache.

You haven't mentioned what you need the machine name for; as a  
miscellaneous networking example you can pass NULL for the host  
parameter to DNSServiceRegister which registers it for the current  
host and tracks changes; depending on wether you need it to pass to  
another API or if you need to display/otherwise use it you might get  
away with nil/NULL.


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NSUserDefaults synchronization in Foundation tools

2009-09-08 Thread Sidney San Martín
The docs for NSUserDefaults have this to say regarding - 
[NSUserDefaults synchronize]:

Because this method is automatically invoked at periodic intervals,  
use this method only if you cannot wait for the automatic  
synchronization (for example, if your application is about to exit)

NSUserDefaults seems to be hooked into -[NSApplication terminate:],  
since I can store a value and immediately terminate the application  
and the value is stored to disk. NSUserDefaults does not have the same  
behavior when used with a Foundation tool, since there's no Foundation- 
provided runloop and indeed no Foundation-provided way to exit your  

Will NSUserDefaults ever synchronize itself itself in an app without  
an NSApplication? If so, when and how? If not, the docs need to be  


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Re: NSUserDefaults synchronization in Foundation tools

2009-09-08 Thread Greg Parker

On Sep 8, 2009, at 4:24 PM, Jens Alfke wrote:

On Sep 8, 2009, at 4:13 PM, Sidney San Martín wrote:
Because this method is automatically invoked at periodic  
intervals, use this method only if you cannot wait for the  
automatic synchronization (for example, if your application is  
about to exit)

To my knowledge that's always been incorrect — the only time  
NSUserDefaults synchronizes automatically is upon quit. The app can  
change a default, stay running for days, then crash; and the default  
won't have been written to disk so the change is lost. So I've  
always ended up calling -synchronize myself, either immediately or  
using a perform-after-delay.

Automatic synchronization of changes to NSUserDefaults was added in  
Leopard. CFPreferences may behave differently.

Greg Parker Runtime Wrangler


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Re: [[NSHost currentHost] name] blocking on 10.6 ?

2009-09-08 Thread Jayson Adams

On Sep 8, 2009, at 3:31 PM, Marc Krochmal wrote:

Hi Brent,

I may have been one of those appalled Apple engineers.  In general,  
[NSHost currentHost] is the worst API on the system and people  
should avoid it like the plague.

Hi Marc,

Can you tell why this is so?



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Re: NSUserDefaults synchronization in Foundation tools

2009-09-08 Thread Jens Alfke

On Sep 8, 2009, at 4:13 PM, Sidney San Martín wrote:

Because this method is automatically invoked at periodic intervals,  
use this method only if you cannot wait for the automatic  
synchronization (for example, if your application is about to exit)

To my knowledge that's always been incorrect — the only time  
NSUserDefaults synchronizes automatically is upon quit. The app can  
change a default, stay running for days, then crash; and the default  
won't have been written to disk so the change is lost. So I've always  
ended up calling -synchronize myself, either immediately or using a  


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usb notification

2009-09-08 Thread Chris Carson
Hi all,

Can't get a simple example working. AppearedNotificationHandler() should be 
called in the code below when a USB device (any device for now) is plugged in. 
I see the NSLog(@registerDeviceCallbackHandler) message appear in the console 
when I start the application, but never see the 
NSLog(@AppearedNotificationHandler) message when I plug in a device. What am 
I missing?

Note: The project's MainMenu.nib Interface Builder file has an NSObject whose 
class is USBDriver.

static void AppearedNotificationHandler (void * refCon, io_iterator_t iterator);

@interface USBDriver(Private)
- (void) registerDeviceCallbackHandler;

@implementation USBDriver(Private)

- (void) registerDeviceCallbackHandler
CFRunLoopSourceRef  runLoopSource;
CFMutableDictionaryRef  matchingDict = IOServiceMatching 

// Create the port on which we will receive notifications. We'll wrap 
it in a runLoopSource
// which we then feed into the runLoop for async event notifications.
deviceNotifyPort = IONotificationPortCreate (kIOMasterPortDefault);
if (deviceNotifyPort == NULL)

// Get a runLoopSource for our mach port.
runLoopSource = IONotificationPortGetRunLoopSource (deviceNotifyPort);

matchingDict = (CFMutableDictionaryRef) CFRetain (matchingDict);

kernErr = IOServiceAddMatchingNotification (deviceNotifyPort,
(void *) self,

kernErr = IOServiceAddMatchingNotification (deviceNotifyPort,

(void *) self,

// Get our runLoop
runLoop = [[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] getCFRunLoop];

// Add our runLoopSource to our runLoop
CFRunLoopAddSource (runLoop, runLoopSource, kCFRunLoopDefaultMode);



@implementation USBDriver

- (id) init
[super init];

if (self) {
deviceNotifyPort= IO_OBJECT_NULL;
deviceAppearedIterator  = 0;

[self registerDeviceCallbackHandler];

return self;


static void AppearedNotificationHandler (void * refCon, io_iterator_t iterator)

Any help is much appreciated.




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Re: NSUserDefaults synchronization in Foundation tools

2009-09-08 Thread Ken Ferry
Hi Jens,

On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 4:24 PM, Jens Alfke wrote:

 On Sep 8, 2009, at 4:13 PM, Sidney San Martín wrote:

  Because this method is automatically invoked at periodic intervals, use
 this method only if you cannot wait for the automatic synchronization (for
 example, if your application is about to exit)

 To my knowledge that's always been incorrect — the only time NSUserDefaults
 synchronizes automatically is upon quit. The app can change a default, stay
 running for days, then crash; and the default won't have been written to
 disk so the change is lost. So I've always ended up calling -synchronize
 myself, either immediately or using a perform-after-delay.

No, it does actually behave as documented.  In 10.6 I know it syncs after 15

I cannot find the bug where it was added, but it's been true since at least

Will NSUserDefaults ever synchronize itself itself in an app without an
 NSApplication? If so, when and how? If not, the docs need to be ammended.

Yes, it's NSTimer based.  Your app must be running the run loop for the
synchronization to occur.


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Core Data fetch with to-many relationship

2009-09-08 Thread Alex Reynolds
I am having trouble fetching results with a to-many relationship and  
would like to ask for advice.

I have two NSManagedObject subclasses: Owner and Book. There is a one- 
to-many relationship between Owner and Book (an Owner can be  
associated with many Books).

@interface Owner :  NSManagedObject {

@property (nonatomic, retain) NSString * ownerId;
@property (nonatomic, retain) NSString * displayName;
@property (nonatomic, retain) NSSet* Book;

@interface Owner (CoreDataGeneratedAccessors)
- (void)addBookObject:(Book *)value;
- (void)removeBookObject:(Book *)value;
- (void)addBook:(NSSet *)value;
- (void)removeBook:(NSSet *)value;

@interface Book :  NSManagedObject  {

@property (nonatomic, retain) NSNumber * type;
@property (nonatomic, retain) NSString * name;
@property (nonatomic, retain) NSDate * creationDate;
@property (nonatomic, retain) Owner * Owner;

I first create the Owner managed object instance:

Owner *ownerMO = (Owner *)[NSEntityDescription  
insertNewObjectForEntityForName:@Owner inManagedObjectContext:moc];

[ownerMO setOwnerId:[libraryOwner _id]];
[ownerMO setDisplayName:[libraryOwner _displayName]];
NSError *error;
[moc save:error];

I then loop through my Books and add them:

for (LibraryBook *libraryBook in libraryBooks) {
	Book *bookMO = (Book *)[NSEntityDescription  

[bookMO setName:[libraryBook _name]];
[bookMO setCreationDate:[libraryBook _creationDate]];
[ownerMO addBucketObject:bookMO];
NSError *error;
[moc save:error];

So far, so good (I think).

Let's say, in my example, I populate the store with one Owner:

Owner  123456 | username 

and multiple Books, some of which have names that start with myPrefix.

When I go to search the Owner entities for Books that start with  
myPrefix, I get an error message when I try to look at the results:

NSArray *testFetchResults = [managedObjectContext  
fetchObjectsForEntityName:@Owner withPredicate:[NSString  
stringWithFormat:@ANY like 'myPrefix*']];

NSLog(@testFetchResults - \n%d...@\n%@, [testFetchResults count],  
[testFetchResults description], [(Book *)[(Owner *)[testFetchResults  
objectAtIndex:0] Book] description]);

Here's the error:

Relationship fault for (NSRelationshipDescription: 0x3d1b2b0), name  
Book, isOptional 1, isTransient 0, entity Owner, renamingIdentifier  
Book, validation predicates (

), warnings (
), versionHashModifier (null), destination entity Book,  
inverseRelationship Owner, minCount 0, maxCount 0 on Owner  123456 |  

Is the following NSPredicate incorrect for doing a to-many lookup:

@ANY like 'myPrefix*' 

Or did I go about adding new Book and Owner managed objects  
incorrectly, in that the relationship between Book objects and Owner  
was not established correctly?

Sorry if this is a noob Core Data question. Thanks for your advice.


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2009-09-08 Thread David Riggle
I've been experimenting with an NSDockTilePlugIn. The documentation is  
a bit sparse. It looks like the plug-in needs to be 32-bit/64-bit GC  
supported. The plug-in gets called successfully in the release build  
of my app, but it does not get called in the debug build. Instead, I  
get this error message printed to the system log:

Dock[88]: _DESCRegisterDockExtraClient failed 5

I wondered if anybody knew what that error meant before I go and  
twiddle every permutation of the build settings to find out the culprit.


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Re: NSImage with multiple representation sizes

2009-09-08 Thread Rob Keniger

On 09/09/2009, at 6:20 AM, Ken Ferry wrote:

On 10.6 and later, yes, you can count on it choosing 16x16 pixel
representation.  We're not looking at resolution anymore, only  
number of

pixels in rep vs number of pixels to be filled.

I'm pretty sure it would on previous OSes too, but not 100% positive.

It works this way on 10.5. It's easy to test, dump a multi-resolution  
TIFF into an NSImageView set to resize with the window and scale the  
window up and down. If the TIFF contains different images at each  
resolution (say the number 16 for a 16x16px rep, and the number 128  
for a 128x128px rep) then you'll see the various representations drawn  
as you resize.

Rob Keniger


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Re: usb notification

2009-09-08 Thread Kyle Sluder
On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 5:47 PM, Chris wrote:
        IOReturn                kernErr;

You never seem to check for errors.  Please ensure your calls are
succeeding by checking the value of this variable.  If they're
failing, use macerror(1) to look up the error number.

 - (id) init
        [super init];

        if (self) {

This is not the correct initializer pattern.  You need to assign to self here.

--Kyle Sluder

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Re: NSPDFImageRep Memory Leak?

2009-09-08 Thread DairyKnight
Thanks. That's the problem. By releasing the NSData PDFPage returns, the
program now consumes half the memory.

But still, the memory it consumes keeps increasing and yet I cannot
figure out why...

On Wed, Sep 9, 2009 at 2:17 AM, John Calhoun wrote:

 On Sep 8, 2009, at 5:08 AM, DairyKnight wrote:

 NSPDFImageRep *pdfImgRep = [[NSPDFImageRep alloc] initWithData:[page

 Check [page dataRepresentation] above.

 Pre-SnowLeopard the NSData returned was *not* autoreleased and so needed
 to be released by the caller.  This was not consistent with other AppKit
 -[xxx dataRepresentation] calls.

 In SnowLeopard, -[PDDPage dataRepresentation] is properly auto-released.
  SnowLeopard PDF Kit though checks the compiler and continues the
 non-auto-prelease behavior for apps compiled before SnowLeopard.

 The above applies to -[PDFDocument dataRepresentation] as well.

 Check the PDFXxx headers, the behavior change is documented there.

 *John Calhoun—*


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Re: Core Data fetch with to-many relationship

2009-09-08 Thread Melissa J. Turner

On Sep 8, 2009, at 18:03, Alex Reynolds wrote:

Relationship fault for (NSRelationshipDescription: 0x3d1b2b0),  
name Book, isOptional 1, isTransient 0, entity Owner,  
renamingIdentifier Book, validation predicates (

), warnings (
), versionHashModifier (null), destination entity Book,  
inverseRelationship Owner, minCount 0, maxCount 0 on Owner  123456  
| username 

That's not an error, it's an unfired to-many relationship fault. If  
you call a method on it (say [testFetchResults valueForKey:@name])  
it will fire and look more like what you're expecting.

BTW, it's generally a bad idea to use uppercase key names. The ivar  
'Book' should probably be 'books', and 'Owner' should be 'owner' (the  
class names are fine the way they are).



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Re: Does Mac OS X support interior pointers?

2009-09-08 Thread John Engelhart
On Sun, Sep 6, 2009 at 9:20 PM, Quincey Morris

 On Sep 6, 2009, at 17:36, John Engelhart wrote:

  So, since the Mac OS X documentation uses the term interior pointer in a
 totally non-standard way, and I can't find anything wrt/ to what I'm looking
 for, my question is:

 Does the Mac OS X garbage collector support interior pointers (as defined
 at )?


 You know it doesn't. You've beaten up on GC before, with reference to
 *both* senses of interior pointer.

To my recollection, I have never discussed this problem on the list.  I have
discussed the following: (both related to

1) The problems of Mac OS X Interior pointers, in so far that the pointer
from [data bytes] does not keep 'data' live.
2) The compiler, in GC mode, generates code that is violates C99 section
6.2.4: Storage duration of objects.

Point 1 is not contested by anyone (in so far as I know). The only point of
contention is the degree that this causes problems.

Point 2 is not up for debate- One can write an example test case of
objective-c code that when compiled with -fobjc-gc, the assembly output from
the compiler can be checked to see if it violates section 6.2.4.  Whether or
not the assembly output violates 6.2.4 is unambiguous and not open to
interpretation.  The referenced Mac OS X GC section essentially says this is
what happens.  In fact, the referenced section effectively says that point 1
and 2 happen.

The problem I've brought up is neither point 1 or point 2.

  I certainly hope this isn't the case because this essentially means that
 it is fundamentally impossible to write programs that execute in a
 deterministic fashion when using GC.  It is basically impossible to write
 code that guarantees that the base pointer remains visible to the collector,
 particularly when __weak and/or the optimizer is used.  Things work the vast
 majority of the time because there is (usually) a very small window of time
 where it could actually cause a problem and one of two things are true:  1)
 When the compiler generates code that, as a side effect, only uses interior
 pointers (this happens much, much more frequently than you would think),
 there's something that covers this fundamental error with a base pointer.
  This is invariably due to a happy set of coincidences and rarely the
 explicit, intentional result of the programmer. 2) The collector is not
 collecting during the window of vulnerability.

 You also know that no one else on this list agrees with you on this
 subject, so I don't understand why you're asking about it.

Well, since point 1 is (assumed) uncontested, that leaves point 2.

Those who disagree with me implicitly acknowledge

A) The compiler is generating code that violates the C standard.
B) Because of this, it significantly complicates writing code that uses
garbage collection.

... and I gotta say, hats off to those folks!  Even if you put A aside, that
still leaves the effects of B.  The dedication to make your life harder and
your programming more difficult just to 'be right' is impressive.  Garbage
collection is supposed to make things simpler and easier, after all.

 *Of course* every programmer explicitly and intentionally ensures that the
 lifetimes of base pointers continue for as long as derived or interior
 pointers need to be valid. That's the Mac OS X garbage collection
 architecture, for now.

From this statement I'm going to assume that you have very little experience
with the back ends of compilers.  Either that or you didn't bother to read
my message before you responded.

You don't seem to understand that what you've just asserted is, for all
practical purposes (and especially once the optimizer kicks in), *IMPOSSIBLE
*.  For example:

// Assume that 'data' is a NSData that is a ASCII string of text.

NSData *data;
const char *cString = [data bytes];
size_t length = strlen(cString);
char cStringCopy[length];

for(NSUInteger x = 0UL; x  length; x++) { cStringCopy[x] = cString[x]; }

The non-declaration usage of '[]' is a pointer operator in C.  The use of
'cStringCopy' after the declaration is equivalent to '(cStringCopy[0])'- a
pointer to the first (index 0) element of the array.  This means the for
loop is equivalent to:

for(NSUInteger x = 0UL; x  length; x++) { *(cStringCopy + x) = *(cString +
x); }

It's useful to note that both 'cStringCopy' and 'cString' are loop
invariant, usually a prime target for optimization.  Once the optimizer
gets ahold of this, it will transform the code in to something like:

char *p = cStringCopy;
for(NSUInteger x = 0UL; x  length; x++) { *p++ = *cString++; }

Do you understand what the problem is?  It is extremely difficult to keep
the base pointer 'live' for arbitrary pointer types, particularly those that

Core Data SQLite I/O error on 10.6

2009-09-08 Thread Seven Lakes Software


I updated my Mac from 10.5 to 10.6 yesterday.
Using the app I developed under 10.5 with a Core Data SQLite store  
created under 10.5 I get the following error under 10.6:
I/O error for database at /Users/norbert/Library/Application Support/ 
Grosshandel/Grosshandel.grosshandelstore.  SQLite error code:1, 'no  
such column: t1.Z_75PERSONALACCOUNTS1'

This error does NOT occur when I create a new Core Data SQLite store  
with the same app under 10.6.

I didn NOT edit the store with SQLite directly, of course.

The Entitiy names affected may be PersonalAccount and  
PersonalAccountRebateGroup which are related with an optional many-to- 
many relationship named personalAccountRebateGroups /  

Seems to be a problem deeply in Core Data. I have no idea how to  
resolve this. I will get a HUGE problem when my existing customers  
update from 10.5 to 10.6.


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NSTableView doesn't increase the number of elements in table?

2009-09-08 Thread Rui Pacheco
Hi all,
I've an NSTableView that uses the controller object for the NIB being
displayed as the data source. I implement the NSTableView informal protocol.

This NSTableView gets its values from Core Data. I startup the application,
load all values I have in XML and then display them.

My problem is, the NSTableView doesn't seem to add any new rows to the end
of the table. If I start the application with no values in permanent storage
and add another one (adding values works as I can see them being saved to
XML), the table view simply ignores the new value.

If I add a value I know will go to the end of the table (the contents are
organized alphabetically), I won't see the new value.

If I and a value that I know won't go to the end of the table, the value
will be added, I will see it on the table, but the last value on the table
will be pushed out and become invisible.

Has anyone encountered something like this? Any clues to what might be?

Best regards,
Rui Pacheco

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Re: [iPhone] : How to customize Phonepad ?

2009-09-08 Thread Chunk 1978
you can customize the phone pad, or any of the UIKeyboards by creating
and drawing your own buttons/views over them.  it's a hack, but it can
work quite nicely if you're interested in some minimal customization
(for example:  changing the Go or Done button to display Login
or Save).  best results will require some photoshop skill.  keep in
mind that some buttons change shape and position depending on which
international keyboard settings the user chooses.

here's a tutorial to get you started:

if you really want to customize everything from top to bottom, i
suggest you roll your own keyboard.

good luck!

On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 11:53 AM, Luke the wrote:
 You can't customize the phone pad, which is really just an instance of a
 keyboard. For the stuff you want to do, you should write your own custom
 view that behaves as you desire.


 On Sep 8, 2009, at 7:48 AM, Dan Ribe wrote:

 Sorry for my last mail ... It got sent while I was typing !

 Hi All,
 I am looking for a way to customize the Phonepad provided by the iPhone
 my application use. Here is the list I am interested in :

 - Want to show it at the middle of the screen.
 - Want to change caption of the button to Call.
 - Want to change the color/size of the Phonepad.
 - Also want to customize the keys which will be available to the users
 special characters other than '+'  '#').

 Can anyone give me some pointers on this. Any help on this is highly

 Cheers !

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Garbage collection and about windows

2009-09-08 Thread Ben Haller
  Hi all.  I'm just getting into my first garbage collected Cocoa  
project, and I'm a bit mystified by the behavior I'm seeing.  I'm just  
trying to make a custom about panel.  I put this method in my  
application delegate:

- (IBAction)orderFrontAboutPanel:(id)sender
if (!aboutController)
		aboutController = [[AKAboutPanelController alloc]  

[aboutController showWindow:nil];

  I put this declaration of aboutController in my app delegate header:

__weak AKAboutPanelController *aboutController;

And then I implemented AKAboutPanelController like so:

@interface AKAboutPanelController : NSWindowController


@implementation AKAboutPanelController
- (void)finalize
NSLog(@AKAboutPanelController finalize);
[super finalize];

  My idea — perhaps being too clever for my own good — was that as  
long as the about window was open, the window would be referenced by  
the window list, and so the window and its controller would stick  
around.  Choosing the About menu item a second time would therefore  
just call showWindow: on the controller again, ordering the window to  
the front if it had gotten buried.  As soon as the window was closed,  
I figured it and its controller would be garbage collected, and the  
weak reference to it in the app delegate would zero out, so then  
choosing About would create a new controller and reload the nib.

  But this is not what happened.

  Instead, the about window sticks around for as long as it is the  
key window (presumably the window is strong-referenced by AppKit or  
somebody at a lower level than the Kit).  As soon as it is not the key  
window (click on a different window in the app) it gets garbage  
collected immediately, even though it is still open!  Now maybe this  
is intended behavior, but it sure isn't what I expected; it seemed  
intuitive to me that an open window, visible to the user, would not be  
garbage collected. Is there a reason that the window list uses weak  
references for visible windows?

  So.  I can think of any number of ways to fix this, of course, but  
they all seem a little bit gross since they involve either tweaking  
the garbage collector (CFRetain, for example) or making the reference  
to the window controller in the app delegate strong, in which it  
doesn't automatically zero and I have to set up a way for the  
windowcontroller to tell the app delegate that it's no longer needed.   
There must be a better pattern; I imagine I'm just not used to  
thinking in garbage-collection terms yet.  So what's the right way to  
do this?


Ben Haller
Stick Software


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Re: Framework versioning and handling multiple OS SDK's?

2009-09-08 Thread Brent Gulanowski
Of course. I wasn't thinking straight. Sorry for the misinformation.

On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 6:33 PM, Greg Parker wrote:

 On Sep 8, 2009, at 3:25 PM, Brent Gulanowski wrote:

 For selectors, you can check whether NSSelectorFromString(@selector)
 returns a selector.

 That won't do what you want. NSSelectorFromString() always returns a
 selector; it creates one itself if that name has not been used yet. (And
 not used yet differs from does not exist anyway; the runtime manipulates
 selectors as lazily as it can.)

 Try these instead:
[NSClassFromString(@SomeClass) respondsToSelector:@selector
[NSClassFromString(@SomeClass) instancesRespondToSelector:@selector

 Greg Parker Runtime Wrangler

Brent Gulanowski

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Re: Strangest UITable bug

2009-09-08 Thread Alan Duncan
Hard to know sans code ... are you calling  
dequeReusableCellWithIdentifier in your cellForRowAtIndexPath: method?

On Sep 7, 2009, at 8:10 PM, Development wrote:

Ok I have the weirdest UITableViewBug..
I've set up the delegate, datasource, etc. My data appears correctly  
in the table. HOWEVER, when I click the table once, it ignores the  
first click. Then, if I click it again on a different cell, it shows  
that I clicked the previous cell. In fact each subsequent touch  
shows that I clicked the cell just previous to it. I have no clue  
how I managed to screw up a tableview like this but does any one  
have any idea how I might have done this?


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Alan K Duncan
Cocoa, Cocoa Touch development:
Twitter: N201LJ


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KVO can be unsafe in -init?

2009-09-08 Thread John Chang
Hi all,
Question: is it unsafe for some reason to be adding yourself as a KVO
observer during -init?

We have a singleton with an -init that looks something like this:
- (id)init

if ((self = [super init]))

_foo = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
_bar = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];

[[XYZManager sharedManager] addObserver:self forKeyPath:@allObjects
options:NSKeyValueObservingOptionInitial context:NULL];

return self;

This code is running on iPhone OS. On some devices (we haven't been to
narrow this down), the last line of code is throwing an exception:

Sun Sep  6 13:41:26 unknown MyApp[1609] Error: *** Terminating app due to
uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '***
-[NSCFDictionary setObject:forKey:]: attempt to insert nil key'

We know that [XYZManager sharedManager] can't be nil, since otherwise
-addObserver: would not be getting called, and the first line if ((self =
[super init])) ensures that self can't be nil. We're pretty sure
that [XYZManager sharedManager].allObjects is not nil, but even if it were
nil, that shouldn't cause an exception. -allObjects is a synthesized getter
with no dependent keys. No other threads are involved here.

So we're stumped as to why KVO is throwing an exception. The only theory is
that the NSKeyValueObservingOptionInitial option is causing KVO to do
something with self immediately, but self isn't fully set up yet. Though
it's unclear why in this particular usage that would be unsafe, or why it
would make any difference. Can anyone provide any insight?

Stockholm, Sweden

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NSOutlineView with multiple Core Data entities

2009-09-08 Thread Matthew Lindfield Seager
My goal is to have an NSOutlineView (Source List style) that contains group
items at it's root with each group item corresponding to a Core Data entity
type (which I'll hard code, it doesn't need to automatically adapt to new
entity types). I'd then like those group items to contain leaves for every
instance of the corresponding entity in my object graph. For example:
Foos [hard coded group item]
  - Foo 1
  - Foo 2
Bars [hard coded group item]
  - Bar 1
  - Bar 2

I've found numerous threads on similar topics but so far every approach I've
tried has tripped me up at some point.

I tried making my entities inherit from an abstract leaf entity and using an
NSTreeController in entity mode with that entity. I hesitate to continue
down that path because I don't like having to change my model just to get
the view working.

I also tried rolling my own data source for NSOutlineView based on the data
source example at CocoaDev. Each node (group or leaf) is an
NSMutableDictionary but I stumbled when it came to adding the entities.
Creating a new object with a given title is fine but how do I obtain the
actual entity instance from that title? Should I add the entity as a value
in the dictionary item?

I've also tried having a separate model for the NSTreeController but again I
couldn't quite figure out how to map a leaf node to the entity instance I
actually care about. Do I add a binary data attribute to my Leaf entity and
somehow map that to an entity instance? Do I merge the models at runtime and
add a relationship from one model to the other?

I get the feeling all three approaches will work but I don't know for sure.
I'd really appreciate a gentle steer towards a single approach or some help
with the aforementioned tripping points!

Thanks in advance,

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Re: KVO on Distributed Objects with exception handling.

2009-09-08 Thread Graham Lee

On Sep 7, 2009, at 21:45 , Edward Chan wrote:


How long ago did you ask the Apple engineers? I haven't tried this
piece of code with Snow Leopard actually...

This was back in February, I was probably testing on Leopard. The  
difference between what you and I tried was that I used - 
bind:toObject:withKeyPath:options: instead of - 

Did they explain why they didn't want to support it?

No, but then the discussion was over Twitter DMs, with all the  
terseness that entails :-). I do remember eventually sending some  
sample code to someone in Apple who I seem to recall is on this list,  
hopefully he is and will be able to explain engineering's reservations  
more completely.


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Malloc error: GC operation on unregistered thread...

2009-09-08 Thread Andrew Madsen
I'm working on an app that uses Audio Queue Services for recording  
audio.  I have the following lines in my code:

OSStatus err;
UInt32 propertySize;
AudioQueueRef myQueue = [self audioQueue];
err = AudioQueueGetPropertySize(myQueue,  
kAudioQueueProperty_MagicCookie, propertySize);

I'm calling AudioQueueGetPropertySize in preparation for calling  
AudioQueueGetProperty() to get the magic cookie from the audio queue  
so I can save it as a property in my audio file.  However, I get the  
following error when the line above is executed:

malloc: *** auto malloc[861]: error: GC operation on unregistered  
thread. Thread registered implicitly. Break on  
auto_zone_thread_registration_error() to debug.

Breaking on auto_zone_thread_registration_error shows me the following  
stack trace:

#0  0x9567a0c3 in auto_zone_thread_registration_error
#1  0x95675116 in auto_zone_allocate_object
#2  0x91749791 in CFAllocatorAllocate
#3  0x917494b3 in _CFRuntimeCreateInstance
#4  0x9177e362 in __CFRunLoopCreate
#5  0x9177e24f in _CFRunLoopGet0
#6  0x9177df1d in CFRunLoopGetCurrent
#7  0x20390e86 in AVS::AVCDeviceController::AVCDeviceController
#8  0x20391478 in AVS::DestroyAVCDeviceController
#9  0x9050cfe1 in _pthread_start
#10 0x9050ce66 in thread_start

My app doesn't crash, and everything seems to work OK, but I'm trying  
to figure out what this means.  This is my first garbage collected  
app, so I'm guessing there's something about the intricacies of  
actually using garbage collection that I'm missing.  Any pointers?

Andrew Madsen

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Re: KVO on Distributed Objects with exception handling.

2009-09-08 Thread Graham Lee

On Sep 7, 2009, at 20:02 , Edward Chan wrote:


I'm using KVO on a Distributed Object, and I am binding my UI controls
based on the observer.


not much of constructive help from me I'm afraid, just a warning. I  
also did the same thing once, and the reaction from Apple engineers  
went through denial, shock and fear, but never got as far as  
acceptance. In fact I was told that combining KVO with DO is not  
supported and if it does work now, don't expect it to work in the  



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Re: Finding nearby places

2009-09-08 Thread Alan Duncan
Find a web service that reverse geocodes what you want and use their  
api's.  If you're still unsure there are books on the market that will  
walk you through the concepts.

Some research for you:

Alan K Duncan
Cocoa, Cocoa Touch development:
Twitter: N201LJ

On Sep 7, 2009, at 4:48 AM, Mahaboob wrote:

I get the latitude and longitude from the iPhone using coreLocation
framework. Now I need to show the nearby hotels, restaurants etc.

Which api I need to use for this?
I'm using iPhone OS 2.2

Thanks in advance


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How to remove the Special Characters... menu item?

2009-09-08 Thread H David Goering
XCode automatically adds the Special Characters... menu item to  
applications, but mine doesn't need it, so I'd like to leave it off.

Mac OS X Developer Release Notes: Cocoa Application Framework (10.5  
and Earlier) contains the following
AppKit now adds Special Characters... menu item to the Edit menu  
if an item with -orderFrontCharacterPalette: action is not found in  
the menu. To prevent the behavior, you can set the  
NSDisabledCharacterPaletteMenuItem preference setting to YES.
which does not accurately describe behavior under OSX 10.5 and XCode  

I've made these attempts to suppress the Special Characters... menu  
item added by AppKit:

1. Set NSDisabledCharacterPaletteMenuItem. I do not find this setting,  
or anything relevant, in XCode.

2. Create and hide my own menu item.  It's easy enough to create a  
functional Special Characters... menu item in Interface builder  
(create the item and link it to the orderFrontCharacterPalette:  
received action of the NSApplication instance), but contrary to the  
claim of the release note above, this does not prevent AppKit from  
adding another.

3. Programmatically remove the item after the application has  
launched.  The menu's array of items does not include the item added  
by AppKit, so NSMenu's methods cannot access it.

What else can I try?

Incidentally, can anyone explain why this particular menu item is  




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Re: KVO can be unsafe in -init?

2009-09-08 Thread Roland King

John Chang wrote:

Hi all,
Question: is it unsafe for some reason to be adding yourself as a KVO
observer during -init?

We have a singleton with an -init that looks something like this:
- (id)init

if ((self = [super init]))

_foo = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
_bar = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];

[[XYZManager sharedManager] addObserver:self forKeyPath:@allObjects
options:NSKeyValueObservingOptionInitial context:NULL];

return self;

This code is running on iPhone OS. On some devices (we haven't been to
narrow this down), the last line of code is throwing an exception:

Sun Sep  6 13:41:26 unknown MyApp[1609] Error: *** Terminating app due to
uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '***
-[NSCFDictionary setObject:forKey:]: attempt to insert nil key'

We know that [XYZManager sharedManager] can't be nil, since otherwise
-addObserver: would not be getting called, and the first line if ((self =
[super init])) ensures that self can't be nil. We're pretty sure
that [XYZManager sharedManager].allObjects is not nil, but even if it were
nil, that shouldn't cause an exception. -allObjects is a synthesized getter
with no dependent keys. No other threads are involved here.

So we're stumped as to why KVO is throwing an exception. The only theory is
that the NSKeyValueObservingOptionInitial option is causing KVO to do
something with self immediately, but self isn't fully set up yet. Though
it's unclear why in this particular usage that would be unsafe, or why it
would make any difference. Can anyone provide any insight?

I don't see anything wrong with what you're attempting to do, as long as 
you're a little careful.

Your NSKeyValueObservingOptionInitial isn't being magically intercepted, 
I'm quite sure. However that will cause your KVO handler to be executed 
immediately to give you the initial value, before the registration 
method returns, are you fully set-up to receive it at that point, is it 
really the last line before you return self? What happens if your class 
has been subclassed and that subclass has its own 
observeValueForKeyPath:ofObject:change:context: method, I'm not entirely 
sure which one would be called, but I think it would be your subclasses, 
and your subclass initializer hasn't yet been called.

One thing to note, you're using a context of NULL, which I used to do 
all the time until I got badly bitten. Don't do that, set a context for 
your observations and check it, the pattern is in the documentation and 
XCode will even generate a stub for it. You must check the context, you 
must call the superclass implementation. That would save you by the way 
in the case you have been subclassed and the subclass method has been 
called as the contexts wouldn't match and the subclass would pass the 
observation back up to you.


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How to set the media box for a CGPDFPageRef?

2009-09-08 Thread DairyKnight
Hi all,

I'm trying to convert my program with PDFKit to CGPDF to get better
performance. I'm trying to crop a page, with PDFPage I can simply do:
[PDFPage setBounds: forBox:kPDFDisplayMediaBox];

But for CGPDFPageRef, there seems to be only a CGPDFPageGetBoxRect
available. I wonder if I can simply change the mediabox with a function?



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Re: KVO can be unsafe in -init?

2009-09-08 Thread Stephen J. Butler
On Mon, Sep 7, 2009 at 9:36 AM, John wrote:
 This code is running on iPhone OS. On some devices (we haven't been to
 narrow this down), the last line of code is throwing an exception:

 Sun Sep  6 13:41:26 unknown MyApp[1609] Error: *** Terminating app due to
 uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '***
 -[NSCFDictionary setObject:forKey:]: attempt to insert nil key'

Why do you think registering the observer is causing this exception?
There's nothing KVO related in this message.

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Re: Malloc error: GC operation on unregistered thread...

2009-09-08 Thread Bill Bumgarner

On Sep 7, 2009, at 3:35 PM, Andrew Madsen wrote:

My app doesn't crash, and everything seems to work OK, but I'm  
trying to figure out what this means.  This is my first garbage  
collected app, so I'm guessing there's something about the  
intricacies of actually using garbage collection that I'm missing.   
Any pointers?

Yes.  File a bug with pretty much exactly what you posted to cocoa-dev.

When an application causes something to happen on a thread that GC  
needs to be aware of, but that thread is not registered with the  
collector, the collector will implicitly register the thread while  
spewing a note to the console.

As Nick said, the behavior change between Leopard and Snow Leopard was  
to actually log when this happens.  In Leopard, the collector just  
registered the thread, didn't tell you that it registered the thread,  
and everything kept working just fine.

The behavior was changed because some developers were surprised to  
find collector activity on their threads.  Thus, the collector now  
logs to mitigate surprise.   (Of course, some developers were then  
surprised by the log message. But... but... but... my code cannot  
possibly run under the garbage collector!!, they said.   Well...  
that's funny... your code has been running under the garbage collector  
for 18 months and you only noticed it when the collector started  
telling you.  Are you saying your code has been broken for all of that  
time?, was the response.)

As Nick said, as well, if your code is spawning the thread, call  
objc_registerThreadWithCollector().  If Audio Queue Services entirely  
controls that particular backtrace, then file a bug via 
 as mentioned above.



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Re: Garbage collection and about windows

2009-09-08 Thread Bill Bumgarner

On Sep 8, 2009, at 6:45 PM, Ben Haller wrote:

 My idea — perhaps being too clever for my own good — was that as  
long as the about window was open, the window would be referenced by  
the window list, and so the window and its controller would stick  
around. Choosing the About menu item a second time would therefore  
just call showWindow: on the controller again, ordering the window  
to the front if it had gotten buried.  As soon as the window was  
closed, I figured it and its controller would be garbage collected,  
and the weak reference to it in the app delegate would zero out, so  
then choosing About would create a new controller and reload the  

Panels -- NSPanel subclasses -- don't show up in the window list (and  
aren't visible in the Windows menu on the menu bar, either) and, thus,  
you'll see the behavior you do.

Unless your about panel is ridiculously large  complex, make the  
aboutController __strong and forget about it.  It'll only take up  
memory if a user brings it up -- which will be rare -- and, once that  
happens, the memory is minimal.



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NSArray EXEC_BAD_ACCESS when initalized with strings

2009-09-08 Thread Devraj Mukherjee
Hi all,

I have two arrays initalized as follows, the first works fine and I
can work with elements in the Array

NSArray *majorScaleQuestions = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects:@1,
@2, @b3, @3, @4, @5, @b6, @6, @7, nil];

the second throws up an EXEC_BAD_ACCESS and the application obviously stops

NSArray *newToneNotes = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects:@C, @C#,
@D, @D#, @E, @F, @F#, @G, @G#, @A, @A#, @B, nil];

if the same array is initalized as

NSArray *newToneNotes = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects:@C, @C#,
@D, nil];

the applications starts up, but if I add @D# and initalize it as follows

NSArray *newToneNotes = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects:@C, @C#,
@D, @D#, nil];

it fails. Can anyone see what I might be doing wrong?


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Re: NSTableView doesn't increase the number of elements in table?

2009-09-08 Thread Steven Degutis
Generally you don't use the data source method of filling up an
NSTableView when you use Core Data. Doing so would require you to observe
changes to the Managed Object Context, and reload the table manually.
Instead, you would usually use an NSArrayController in your NIB instead, and
use bindings. This is explained in more detail in Aaron Hillegass's book, a
great one and one that I recommend for beginners, called something about
starting with Mac OS X development, or something. It's pretty famous around
these here parts, I'm sure you can find it somewhere. But remember, use
NSArrayController, not manual bindings, when using Core Data. (Usually.)

Steven Degutis

On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 9:55 AM, Rui Pacheco wrote:

 Hi all,
 I've an NSTableView that uses the controller object for the NIB being
 displayed as the data source. I implement the NSTableView informal

 This NSTableView gets its values from Core Data. I startup the application,
 load all values I have in XML and then display them.

 My problem is, the NSTableView doesn't seem to add any new rows to the end
 of the table. If I start the application with no values in permanent
 and add another one (adding values works as I can see them being saved to
 XML), the table view simply ignores the new value.

 If I add a value I know will go to the end of the table (the contents are
 organized alphabetically), I won't see the new value.

 If I and a value that I know won't go to the end of the table, the value
 will be added, I will see it on the table, but the last value on the table
 will be pushed out and become invisible.

 Has anyone encountered something like this? Any clues to what might be?

 Best regards,
 Rui Pacheco

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Re: How to remove the Special Characters... menu item?

2009-09-08 Thread Kyle Sluder

On Sep 7, 2009, at 6:54 PM, H David Goering wrote:

Incidentally, can anyone explain why this particular menu item is  

Because it's the only way to enter certain characters. If I want to  
turn on certain ligatures or drop math symbols into a text field, I  
have to use the Special Characters panel. Why do you want to get rid  
of it?

Incidentally, I can just open it from the Language  Text menu extra.  
Or open in it another app and switch to yours. Removing the Special  
Characters menu item is not going to preclude the user from using the  

--Kyle Sluder

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Re: [iPhone] : How to customize Phonepad ?

2009-09-08 Thread Kyle Sluder
On Sep 8, 2009, at 8:00 PM, Luke the Hiesterman  

That is an EXTREMELY fragile approach. Chunk mentioned the  
international keyboard issue, but there's also the issue of software  
updates. Keyboards are subject to change with new releases. You  
should never overlay views on top of the built-in keyboard. If you  
really want custom stuff, write your own keyboard.

And file a bug so Apple knows how many of us might like to do the same  
thing. :)

--Kyle Sluder

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Re: KVO can be unsafe in -init?

2009-09-08 Thread Graham Cox

On 08/09/2009, at 12:36 AM, John Chang wrote:

Hi all,
Question: is it unsafe for some reason to be adding yourself as a KVO
observer during -init?

We have a singleton with an -init that looks something like this:
- (id)init

if ((self = [super init]))

_foo = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
_bar = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];

[[XYZManager sharedManager] addObserver:self forKeyPath:@allObjects
options:NSKeyValueObservingOptionInitial context:NULL];

NSKeyValueObservingInitial will trigger an immediate send of the KVO  
notification to self. Since you're still inside -init I wouldn't have  
thought that was generally safe, though it may be in certain cases.

Sun Sep  6 13:41:26 unknown MyApp[1609] Error: *** Terminating app  
due to

uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '***
-[NSCFDictionary setObject:forKey:]: attempt to insert nil key'

So we're stumped as to why KVO is throwing an exception.

Because you're trying to use a nil key with a dictionary. Why not set  
a breakpoint on objc_exception_throw and see where that is being  

The only theory is
that the NSKeyValueObservingOptionInitial option is causing KVO to do
something with self immediately

It is.

, but self isn't fully set up yet. Though
it's unclear why in this particular usage that would be unsafe

true, it's unclear. But debugging the exception should show you what's  



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Re: Framework versioning and handling multiple OS SDK's?

2009-09-08 Thread aaron smith
Hey Brent, thanks that helps. This leads me to one more question.

Let's say I build my framework with two versions, A and B - A is the
base and B includes only the 10.6 features.

Is there a way in xcode to specifically tell the linker that it's it's
linking against A or B? The reason I ask is because in xcode when you
link against a framework you just tell it to link against a
.framework folder. But How can tell the loader to load a specific
version (A or B) without having to modify the current symlink in the
.framework folder?

If I can accomplish this, then I can create two build targets. Each
just building either A or B, but then when I link against the
framework I can have it link A or B. Does that make sense?


On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 3:25 PM, Brent wrote:
 For classes, you can check whether NSClassFromString(@Classname) returns a
 For selectors, you can check whether NSSelectorFromString(@selector)
 returns a selector.
 Usually that's enough. In fact, if you pick a representative class that was
 introduced in the OS release of your choice, you can use that as a short cut
 to check for the OS version. Or you can check the version major and minor
 values using Gestalt for accurate version info:

 enum {
gestaltSystemVersion = 'sysv'
gestaltSystemVersionMajor = 'sys1',
gestaltSystemVersionMinor = 'sys2',
gestaltSystemVersionBugFix = 'sys3'

 (Those symbols should link right into the file in your docs.)
 Now, that's pretty awkward because you won't be able to instantiate a class
 without converting from the classname or send a message without converting
 the method sig and calling -performSelector: so I'd think the right way
 would be to build two different versions of your framework and ship them
 separately, making sure to version them so they can co-exist if necessary.
 Not that hardly anyone does that.

 On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 12:24 AM, aaron smith wrote:

 Hey All,

 I've got a framework (GDKit) that I maintain - started writing it on
 10.5. I'm running into something I'm not sure how to handle.

 -So far, everything I've been writing in GDKit links against 10.5, and
 applications I've been writing link against GDKit, and 10.5.
 -I have some new classes I want to add to the framework, but some of
 the API's are in 10.6 only.
 -The new classes and features in my framework are optional - because
 they require 10.6, but I don't want to have to change all of my
 applications to require 10.6.

 It is possible to build a framework against a different version of the OS
 than an application that depends on it. Although you have to be careful
 about setting up dependencies in Xcode which might push build settings from
 the app down to the framework, if you use that feature of Xcode.

 What I'm trying to figure out is how to keep the framework compiling
 for 10.5, but optionally including the new features/classes when it's
 compiling for 10.6.

 There's just a few things I'm unclear of..

 -When it's compiling for 10.5, can I completely exclude files from
 compiling (the 10.6 features)? Is that the right way to exclude

 Well it seems you're definitely going to have to build two versions of the
 framework (probably by creating two different build configurations) -- in
 the 10.5, yes, you won't compile/link those classes which require 10.6.

 -When I link against GDKit from an application, how can I have the app
 link against GDKit that include only the 10.5 features? Or optionally
 link against the build that includes the 10.6 features?

 The linking is done dynamically. If you want the same compiled version of
 your app to use different features of your framework depending on where it
 is and what's available, it will have to explicitly check for the existence
 of those things. Your app should just link against the framework, not a
 specific version of it (if you choose to use versions).
 If it all becomes too onerous to access 10.6-only classes/methods using
 NSStringFrom... (or, in the case of Carbon/C, some other approach), you
 would be better off building separate versions of your app.

 I've been reading about framework versioning, and what they recommend
 is creating a new major version. But that doesn't really help my
 problem - as creating a new major version would require the 10.6 SDK.
 Hopefully that makes sense.

 Does anyone know of any blog posts or tutorials about this particular

 Any ideas would be sweet.

 I'm no expert in targetting multiple OS versions simultaneously, but these
 are the strategies we use here. Hopefully this will help. (If I've made any
 errors, I expect they'll get corrected.)


Re: KVO can be unsafe in -init?

2009-09-08 Thread Ken Ferry
Hi John,
Since you're passing NSKeyValueObservingOptionInitial,
-observeValueForKeyPath: is going to be invoked on your object immediately,
before the method even returns.

Is your -observeValueForKeyPath: safe to be called with a partially set up

Do you have any subclasses of your object?  If so, -observeValueForKeyPath:
is getting called on them before they've done their work in init.


On Mon, Sep 7, 2009 at 7:36 AM, John Chang wrote:

 Hi all,
 Question: is it unsafe for some reason to be adding yourself as a KVO
 observer during -init?

 We have a singleton with an -init that looks something like this:
 - (id)init

 if ((self = [super init]))

 _foo = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
 _bar = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];

 [[XYZManager sharedManager] addObserver:self forKeyPath:@allObjects
 options:NSKeyValueObservingOptionInitial context:NULL];

 return self;

 This code is running on iPhone OS. On some devices (we haven't been to
 narrow this down), the last line of code is throwing an exception:

 Sun Sep  6 13:41:26 unknown MyApp[1609] Error: *** Terminating app due to
 uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '***
 -[NSCFDictionary setObject:forKey:]: attempt to insert nil key'

 We know that [XYZManager sharedManager] can't be nil, since otherwise
 -addObserver: would not be getting called, and the first line if ((self =
 [super init])) ensures that self can't be nil. We're pretty sure
 that [XYZManager sharedManager].allObjects is not nil, but even if it were
 nil, that shouldn't cause an exception. -allObjects is a synthesized getter
 with no dependent keys. No other threads are involved here.

 So we're stumped as to why KVO is throwing an exception. The only theory is
 that the NSKeyValueObservingOptionInitial option is causing KVO to do
 something with self immediately, but self isn't fully set up yet. Though
 it's unclear why in this particular usage that would be unsafe, or why it
 would make any difference. Can anyone provide any insight?

 Stockholm, Sweden

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Re: usb notification

2009-09-08 Thread Chris Carson
 You never seem to check for errors.  Please ensure
 your calls are
 succeeding by checking the value of this variable.  If
 failing, use macerror(1) to look up the error number.

IOServiceAddMatchingNotification() returns no errors (0).

  - (id) init
 [super init];
 if (self) {
 This is not the correct initializer pattern.  You need
 to assign to self here.
 --Kyle Sluder

Changed this to self = [super init];

However, the issue still persists.




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Re: NSArray EXEC_BAD_ACCESS when initalized with strings

2009-09-08 Thread Steven Degutis
For some reason, I really doubt that the creation of the NSArray is causing
this exception. Have you run this through the debugger and verified this is
the exact line that throws the exception? And is that the exact line of
Steven Degutis

On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 10:13 PM, Devraj Mukherjee wrote:

 Hi all,

 I have two arrays initalized as follows, the first works fine and I
 can work with elements in the Array

 NSArray *majorScaleQuestions = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects:@1,
 @2, @b3, @3, @4, @5, @b6, @6, @7, nil];

 the second throws up an EXEC_BAD_ACCESS and the application obviously stops

 NSArray *newToneNotes = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects:@C, @C#,
 @D, @D#, @E, @F, @F#, @G, @G#, @A, @A#, @B, nil];

 if the same array is initalized as

 NSArray *newToneNotes = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects:@C, @C#,
 @D, nil];

 the applications starts up, but if I add @D# and initalize it as follows

 NSArray *newToneNotes = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects:@C, @C#,
 @D, @D#, nil];

 it fails. Can anyone see what I might be doing wrong?


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Re: How to remove the Special Characters... menu item?

2009-09-08 Thread Graham Cox

On 08/09/2009, at 11:54 AM, H David Goering wrote:

1. Set NSDisabledCharacterPaletteMenuItem. I do not find this  
setting, or anything relevant, in XCode.

This means you need to add this to your application's preferences  
(user defaults). I just tried that and it works.



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Re: Malloc error: GC operation on unregistered thread...

2009-09-08 Thread Nick Zitzmann

On Sep 7, 2009, at 4:35 PM, Andrew Madsen wrote:

My app doesn't crash, and everything seems to work OK, but I'm  
trying to figure out what this means.  This is my first garbage  
collected app, so I'm guessing there's something about the  
intricacies of actually using garbage collection that I'm missing.   
Any pointers?

It's caused by a change made to Snow Leopard. In Leopard, if you  
created a thread outside of NSThread or NSOperationQueue (e.g. with  
the pthread functions), then the thread would quietly be implicitly  
registered for GC. In Snow Leopard, it's still registered implicitly,  
but now the runtime whines to you about it.

There's a function you can call that gets rid of the whine, called  
objc_registerThreadWithCollector(). However, the function is only  
present in the 10.6 SDK AFAICT, so this may not be an option if you  
still need to target Leopard. If you do, then just ignore the warning,  
or create the thread with NSThread if that would be possible.

Nick Zitzmann


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Re: usb notification

2009-09-08 Thread Dave Keck
Not really a Cocoa question, and it's answered in the docs on
IOServiceAddMatchingNotification :)

The notification is armed when the iterator is emptied by calls
to IOIteratorNext - when no more objects are returned, the
notification is armed. Note that the notification is not armed when
first created.

while (IOIteratorNext(deviceAppearedIterator));

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Re: How to remove the Special Characters... menu item?

2009-09-08 Thread Nick Zitzmann

On Sep 7, 2009, at 7:54 PM, H David Goering wrote:

XCode automatically adds the Special Characters... menu item to  
applications, but mine doesn't need it, so I'd like to leave it off.

That menu item cannot be turned off.

Nick Zitzmann


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Re: [iPhone] : How to customize Phonepad ?

2009-09-08 Thread Luke the Hiesterman
That is an EXTREMELY fragile approach. Chunk mentioned the  
international keyboard issue, but there's also the issue of software  
updates. Keyboards are subject to change with new releases. You should  
never overlay views on top of the built-in keyboard. If you really  
want custom stuff, write your own keyboard.


On Sep 8, 2009, at 9:35 AM, Chunk 1978 wrote:

you can customize the phone pad, or any of the UIKeyboards by creating
and drawing your own buttons/views over them.  it's a hack, but it can
work quite nicely if you're interested in some minimal customization
(for example:  changing the Go or Done button to display Login
or Save).  best results will require some photoshop skill.  keep in
mind that some buttons change shape and position depending on which
international keyboard settings the user chooses.

here's a tutorial to get you started:

if you really want to customize everything from top to bottom, i
suggest you roll your own keyboard.

good luck!

On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 11:53 AM, Luke the 
You can't customize the phone pad, which is really just an instance  
of a
keyboard. For the stuff you want to do, you should write your own  

view that behaves as you desire.


On Sep 8, 2009, at 7:48 AM, Dan Ribe wrote:

Sorry for my last mail ... It got sent while I was typing !

Hi All,
I am looking for a way to customize the Phonepad provided by the  

my application use. Here is the list I am interested in :

- Want to show it at the middle of the screen.
- Want to change caption of the button to Call.
- Want to change the color/size of the Phonepad.
- Also want to customize the keys which will be available to the  

special characters other than '+'  '#').

Can anyone give me some pointers on this. Any help on this is highly

Cheers !

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Re: How to remove the Special Characters... menu item?

2009-09-08 Thread Graham Cox

On 09/09/2009, at 2:11 PM, H David Goering wrote:

I'm new with XCode.  I don't find application preferences or user  
defaults in the XCode UI, the project, or the documentation.  I  
don't find anything that looks relevant in the XCode preferences or  
in the project setting.

It's got little to do with Xcode, your project or build settings.

Look up NSUserDefaults in the documentation. That's where you need to  
add this setting.

I find it surprising that you are new to Xcode/Cocoa and yet the first  
thing you think you need to do is strip out this menu. Isn't this  
trying to run before you can walk?



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