IOHIDManagerRegisterDeviceMatchingCallback called twice when device pluggedin

2009-12-22 Thread Symadept

I am using New IOHIDManager APIs, IOHIDManagerRegisterDeviceMatchingCallback
and IOHIDManagerRegisterDeviceRemovalCallback to get notified for Pluggedin
and Removed. Whenever I pluggin the device, I found that the
DeviceMatchingCallback method called twice always. May I know what could be
the reason?

My HIDUtilities methods goes like this. and its usage is given below.

- (BOOL)connectHIDDeviceWithVendorId:(long)vendorID
BOOL tResult = NO;
mHIDManagerRef = [HIDUtilities
if(mHIDManagerRef) {
mDeviceRef = [HIDUtilities findDevice:mHIDManagerRef
vendorId:vendorID productId:productID];
tResult = (mDeviceRef != NULL);
return tResult;

+ (IOHIDManagerRef)createHIDManager:(IOHIDDeviceCallback)inPluggedInCallback
IOHIDManagerRef managerRef = NULL;
IOReturn tIOReturn = kIOReturnSuccess;

managerRef = IOHIDManagerCreate( kCFAllocatorDefault,
kIOHIDOptionsTypeNone );
IOHIDManagerScheduleWithRunLoop( managerRef, CFRunLoopGetCurrent(),
kCFRunLoopDefaultMode );
inPluggedInCallback, NULL);
IOHIDManagerRegisterDeviceRemovalCallback(managerRef, inRemovalCallback,

tIOReturn = IOHIDManagerOpen( managerRef, kIOHIDOptionsTypeNone );

if ( kIOReturnSuccess != tIOReturn ) {
[HIDUtilities closeHIDManager:managerRef];
managerRef = NULL;
return managerRef;

+ (void)closeHIDManager:(IOHIDManagerRef)inHIDManagerRef
IOHIDManagerRegisterDeviceMatchingCallback( inHIDManagerRef, NULL, NULL
IOHIDManagerRegisterDeviceRemovalCallback( inHIDManagerRef, NULL, NULL
IOHIDManagerUnscheduleFromRunLoop( inHIDManagerRef, CFRunLoopGetCurrent(
), kCFRunLoopDefaultMode );
IOHIDManagerClose( inHIDManagerRef, kIOHIDOptionsTypeNone );

+ (IOHIDDeviceRef)findDevice:(IOHIDManagerRef)inHIDManagerRef
vendorId:(long)vendorId productId:(long)productId
IOHIDDeviceRef theDevice = NULL;

// setup dictionary
CFMutableDictionaryRef deviceIdentity =
CFDictionaryCreateMutable(kCFAllocatorDefault, 0,
kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks, kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks);

CFNumberRef cfVendorId = CFNumberCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault,
kCFNumberLongType, vendorId);
CFStringRef cfVendorSt = CFStringCreateWithCString(kCFAllocatorDefault,
kIOHIDVendorIDKey, kCFStringEncodingUTF8);
CFDictionaryAddValue(deviceIdentity, cfVendorSt, cfVendorId);

CFNumberRef cfProductId = CFNumberCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault,
kCFNumberLongType, productId);
CFStringRef cfProductSt = CFStringCreateWithCString(kCFAllocatorDefault,
kIOHIDProductIDKey, kCFStringEncodingUTF8);
CFDictionaryAddValue(deviceIdentity, cfProductSt, cfProductId);

//CFMutableDictionaryRef dictionary =
CFDictionaryCreateMutable(kCFAllocatorDefault, 0,
kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks, kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks);
//CFDictionaryAddValue(dictionary, CFSTR(kIOPropertyMatchKey),

// look for devices matching criteria
IOHIDManagerSetDeviceMatching(inHIDManagerRef, deviceIdentity);
CFSetRef foundDevices = IOHIDManagerCopyDevices(inHIDManagerRef);
CFIndex foundCount = 0;
if(foundDevices) {
foundCount = CFSetGetCount(foundDevices);

NSLog(@FoundCount:[%d], foundCount);
if(foundCount  0) {

// get first matching device
IOHIDDeviceRef *deviceRefs = malloc(sizeof(IOHIDDeviceRef *) *
CFSetGetValues(foundDevices, (const void **)deviceRefs);
theDevice = deviceRefs[0];


return theDevice;

Mustafa Shaik

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Re: Interfacing cocoa/obj-c within a C plug-in API

2009-12-22 Thread Graham Cox

On 22/12/2009, at 10:22 AM, Rich E wrote:

 I am new to Cocoa and Objective-C both, but I need the two in order to get
 tablet functionality into one of my favorite applications (Puredata) on Mac
 OS X. First off, I know that you can get tablet event data through the
 Carbon API, but I have ran into enough problems (along with no 64-bit
 support) that I think trying it with Cocoa is worth a shot.  Puredata has an
 API for writing plug-in's in C and I hear that it is possible to write the
 entire plug-in in Obj-C but leave the host callback functions in standard C,
 yet I still don't understand how to embark.
 I learn best by examples, does anyone know of any existing C applications
 that make use of Cocoa or Objective-C?  Else, any advice on how to combine
 these two with a host written in C?

The Carbon Event stuff is available in 64-bit, as far as I'm aware. Cocoa is 
built on it, so these lower-level parts of Carbon are very likely to remain 
available in 64-bit. It's mostly the higher level stuff, such as UI and legacy 
managers that are unavailable.

Objective-C is a strict superset of C, so it may be freely intermixed with C 
code with few special considerations. Source files containing any Objective-C 
would end in .m, whereas pure C would end in .c, but you can put whatever C 
code you want into a .m file and it will be compiled as you'd expect. So for a 
plug-in with a pure C application interface that can remain as normal, but if 
you want to call Obj-C methods internally just make the source files .m instead 
and link against the usual Cocoa frameworks, and it should work.



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Re: Interfacing cocoa/obj-c within a C plug-in API

2009-12-22 Thread Jean-Daniel Dupas

Le 22 déc. 2009 à 10:56, Graham Cox a écrit :

 On 22/12/2009, at 10:22 AM, Rich E wrote:
 I am new to Cocoa and Objective-C both, but I need the two in order to get
 tablet functionality into one of my favorite applications (Puredata) on Mac
 OS X. First off, I know that you can get tablet event data through the
 Carbon API, but I have ran into enough problems (along with no 64-bit
 support) that I think trying it with Cocoa is worth a shot.  Puredata has an
 API for writing plug-in's in C and I hear that it is possible to write the
 entire plug-in in Obj-C but leave the host callback functions in standard C,
 yet I still don't understand how to embark.
 I learn best by examples, does anyone know of any existing C applications
 that make use of Cocoa or Objective-C?  Else, any advice on how to combine
 these two with a host written in C?
 The Carbon Event stuff is available in 64-bit, as far as I'm aware. Cocoa is 
 built on it, so these lower-level parts of Carbon are very likely to remain 
 available in 64-bit. It's mostly the higher level stuff, such as UI and 
 legacy managers that are unavailable.

The fact that Cocoa uses a technology internally does not mean that it will 
remain an API. Most of Carbon event is SPI on 64 bits.

 Objective-C is a strict superset of C, so it may be freely intermixed with C 
 code with few special considerations. Source files containing any Objective-C 
 would end in .m, whereas pure C would end in .c, but you can put whatever C 
 code you want into a .m file and it will be compiled as you'd expect. So for 
 a plug-in with a pure C application interface that can remain as normal, but 
 if you want to call Obj-C methods internally just make the source files .m 
 instead and link against the usual Cocoa frameworks, and it should work.

-- Jean-Daniel


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Re: Interfacing cocoa/obj-c within a C plug-in API

2009-12-22 Thread Graham Cox

On 22/12/2009, at 9:16 PM, Jean-Daniel Dupas wrote:

 The Carbon Event stuff is available in 64-bit, as far as I'm aware. Cocoa is 
 built on it, so these lower-level parts of Carbon are very likely to remain 
 available in 64-bit. It's mostly the higher level stuff, such as UI and 
 legacy managers that are unavailable.
 The fact that Cocoa uses a technology internally does not mean that it will 
 remain an API. Most of Carbon event is SPI on 64 bits.

Ok, but the header CarbonEvents.h contains extensive commentary on its use with 
64-bit. That suggests to me that most of it will remain available. Where 
unsupported, the APIs are marked as such.


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Re: Interfacing cocoa/obj-c within a C plug-in API

2009-12-22 Thread Uli Kusterer
On 22.12.2009, at 00:22, Rich E wrote:
 I learn best by examples, does anyone know of any existing C applications
 that make use of Cocoa or Objective-C?  Else, any advice on how to combine
 these two with a host written in C?

 As Graham said, since Objective C is based on plain C (even more so than C++, 
which, among other things, applies name mangling to functions unless you 
explicitly mark them as 'extern C'), it's fairly straightforward. Just make 
sure that the C functions the host application calls in your plug-in only take 
C types as parameters. But the plugin protocols usually do that already, so no 

 If you need to export a header to some C-only caller, you can use # if 
__OBJC__ to make sure it doesn't see any of your ObjC constructs (just like you 
would use #if __cplusplus to hide C++ constructs).

 The only issues you may have are Carbon/Cocoa integration issues, where the 
frameworks have different ways of doing things. E.g. it's not easy to put Cocoa 
sheets on Carbon windows or vice versa. You may want to look into Apples 
documentation, to make sure you take care of the staples, like

- Call NSApplicationLoad()
- catch any ObjC exceptions so they don't waltz through the C code
- Create the requisite autorelease pools

-- Uli Kusterer
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Re: NSTabView Bindings

2009-12-22 Thread Quincey Morris
On Dec 21, 2009, at 22:02, Gerriet M. Denkmann wrote:

 I am trying to bind editable of an NSTableColumn to ObjectController 
 (The tab view has two items: Read and Edit. When the first item is selected, 
 my table column should not be editable).
 But I am told:
 [NSTabView 0x10027d010 valueForUndefinedKey:]: this class is not key value 
 coding-compliant for the key selectedIndex.
 On the other hand, the Cocoa Bindings Reference for NSTabView says: 
 An integer value that specifies the index of the selected item in the 
 NSTabView. When the selection changes in the NSTabView, this value is updated 
 with the index of the newly selected item.
 So: what is going on? 
 And: how do I make my table column editable if and only if the first tab view 
 item is selected?

selectedIndex is a binding, not a property. There is no NSTabView property 
that makes the selected tab index available directly.

The simplest way to do this is probably to create an isFirstTabSelected 
property in your window controller (tracking changes to the tab view state), 
and bind the table column's editable binding to that property.


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Re: Core Data _NSFaultingMutableSet Exception

2009-12-22 Thread Gerriet M. Denkmann

On 22 Dec 2009, at 16:20, Jerry Krinock wrote:

 On 2009 Dec 21, at 21:05, Gerriet M. Denkmann wrote:
 But when I use:
 [ arrayController1 setFilterPredicate: aValue BEGINSWITH[n] a AND ANY 
 theBs.bValue == xx];
 I get an exeption:
 HIToolbox: ignoring exception '[_NSFaultingMutableSet 0x1001f5d00 
 addObserver:forKeyPath:options:context:] is not supported. Key path: bValue' 
 that raised inside Carbon event dispatch
 I believe I've seen this message when I try to observe the many end of a 
 to-many relation using KVO.  That's against the law.  (And I do remember 
 reading that one in the documentation, mmalc!)  Probably it was in the KVO 
 Programming guide??
 Bindings uses KVO.  Clue: Look at any bindings hanging on that array 

Well, this was an idea I had already. Because the old (working) app did just 
have an array controller, but the new app (the one throwing exceptions) had 
another array controller bound to the selection of the first one.

So I did [ secondArrayController unbind: @contentSet ] - but no success.
Then I removed the secondArrayController from the nib - no success either.

Now, after reading your mail, I deleted the first array controller, dragged a 
new one into the nib - and everything works!

Obviously the old firstArrayController had some memory of having its content 
bound to by some other controller; a memory persisting regardless of this 
binding having been unbound, or the binder having disappeared.

I am not qualified to call this a bug. But it has cost me more than a day of 
pointless struggle.
Is this persistent memory of NSArrayControllers somewhere documented?
And is there a way (programmatically) to clear this unwanted memory?

Thanks for your help!

Kind regards,



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__CFServiceControllerBeginPBSLoadForLocalizations timed out

2009-12-22 Thread Jerry Krinock
The last few days, I've seen this message in the console when I launch an app 
I'm working on:

__CFServiceControllerBeginPBSLoadForLocalizations timed out while talking to pbs

The message also sometimes appears again a few minutes later.  It appears in 
the regular Console Messages in, not just in Xcode.

Searching list archives shows other such reports in the last couple months, and 
a postulate that pbs means pasteboard server.  So, I retested some of the 
inter-app drag/drop and copy/paste functions of the app but it all appears to 
still be working.

Google Chrome has the same problem:

No resolution is given.  I just tested this in my 3-week old Google Chrome and, 
yes, it still does it.

I also found a few reports in support forums of other apps.  And this person 
has got all of their Apple apps doing it…

So, apparently it's a bug in Snow Leopard.  No hits when searching for this on :(  Can anyone postulate a workaround or, more importantly, 
is it possibly indicating that something that I missed in my testing is not 


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Re: Menu shortcuts without modifiers?

2009-12-22 Thread Uli Kusterer
On 22.12.2009, at 02:35, Peter Ammon wrote:
 To get Carbon's notion of the focus, you can do this:
HIViewRef focusedView = NULL;
HIViewGetFocus(GetUserFocusWindow(), focusedView, NULL);
 To get Cocoa's notion, you would write:
NSResponder *fr = [[NSApp keyWindow] firstResponder]
 The question of who really has the focus is a little complicated, because 
 it depends on who is dispatching events.  If you have a Carbon window in a 
 Cocoa app, HIViewGetFocus() will normally give you a NULL view if a Cocoa 
 window is focused, so you might start by checking with Carbon, and then 
 checking with Cocoa if the Carbon focus is not a text field.

 Thank you! That seems to work pretty well. Now I only have to figure out a way 
to nicely disable the shortcut. Of course, I could remove it from the menu 
item, but it would be a little confusing to users if they don't see the 
shortcut.I'd be open for any suggestions.

-- Uli Kusterer
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Re: UIImage and shadows, WAS: Re: Please if some one knows

2009-12-22 Thread Development
Thanks alot, this got me started in the right direction. I still have fine 
tuning I need to do to get the size and draw point perfect but with some 
adjustments to the code I have it mostly working.

if any one wants to see I can post the new code.

On Dec 21, 2009, at 10:23 PM, Henry McGilton (Boulevardier) wrote:

 On Dec 21, 2009, at 8:02 PM, Development wrote:
 Then I don't understand how to do this.
 Do I create the context at this larger size? because that's what I did.
 Do I drawInRect the image at it's original size? Because that's what I did. 
 As near as I can tell, no matter what I do, the image itself, not accounting 
 for the shadow, is drawn in the upper left corner. this causes a negative 
 shadow, or one to the upper left, to be cut off by the edge of the context. 
 I have attempted using drawAtPoint, and accounting for the negative shadow 
 by moving the point an amount that should accommodate the shadow. It did not 
 Now if the shadow is to the lower right, the adjustments I make work 
 perfectly every time and the shadow is exactly what it should be. 
 I think the point is that I do not understand the context drawing. I thought 
 I did but it should be painfully obvious from this thread that I do not.
 Are you aware that the  context you get from   UIGraphicsBeginImageContext  
 has its origin
 at upper left ?
 In any case, I have posted a mini example that *appears* to do what you want, 
 but based
 on the descriptions, I might have misunderstood, in which case please excuse 
 me for
 wasting bandwidth . . .
 The project is here:
 . . . . . . . .Henry
 On Dec 21, 2009, at 8:45 PM, Graham Cox wrote:
 On 22/12/2009, at 1:49 PM, Development wrote:
 however what I am getting now is a larger image, offset in the view and 
 still cutting off the shadow. So I honestly do not know how I am suppose 
 to draw this shadow. I would really be grateful for some additional 
 Try thinking instead of flailing about throwing code at it.
 You need a bigger image to accommodate the shadow. But the image you want 
 to composite on top is the same size as it always was. So you need to keep 
 its original size around so you can draw it at that size but into the 
 larger image context. If you draw it at the new size you are back at square 
 one, but larger.
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Re: UIImage and shadows, WAS: Re: Please if some one knows

2009-12-22 Thread David Duncan

On Dec 21, 2009, at 8:02 PM, Development wrote:

 As near as I can tell, no matter what I do, the image itself, not accounting 
 for the shadow, is drawn in the upper left corner. this causes a negative 
 shadow, or one to the upper left, to be cut off by the edge of the context. 
 I have attempted using drawAtPoint, and accounting for the negative shadow by 
 moving the point an amount that should accommodate the shadow. It did not 
 Now if the shadow is to the lower right, the adjustments I make work 
 perfectly every time and the shadow is exactly what it should be. 
 I think the point is that I do not understand the context drawing. I thought 
 I did but it should be painfully obvious from this thread that I do not.

I highly suspect that your drawing is just fine, but since your not drawing to 
a view, but extracting an image that you are assigning to a UIImageView, your 
conditions are likely different from drawing to a typical view. A UIImageView, 
by default, centers its content. This means that if you have a UIImageView that 
is 20x20 in size, but you assign a 30x30 image to it, then (unless 
clipToBounds=YES) the image will still be displayed at 30x30 centered on the 

A plain UIView by default resizes its content. Normally this does not matter 
because you don't set the contents of a UIView's layer. But it does mean that 
you would typically resize the UIView in order to have it display more content, 
and thus you would still avoid the issue.

Overall, this is one of those situations where, as others have commented, you 
need to figure out where things are going wrong before anyone can really help 
you. There are lots of ways to debug this, but especially the simulator can 
make this very convenient since it is much easier to get files off. Typically 
when debugging offscreen drawing the standard approach is to dump images of 
that drawing to disk periodically to see what is going on. In the simulator you 
can easily just grab a PNG representation and drop it at the root of your hard 
disk or home folder (whereas on hardware you have to put it in your documents 
folder and then download it). Doing so would tell you if your drawing is doing 
what you want and help you figure out where the actual problem is.
David Duncan
Apple DTS Animation and Printing


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Re: UIImage and shadows, WAS: Re: Please if some one knows

2009-12-22 Thread Development
I think I've gotten on the right track. Two issues. One I needed to add the 
spread * pi to the height and width. That made a huge difference. Thank you for 
the direction it helped a lot. Given the time to fine tune it exactly I think i 
might finally have this. I kind of didn't really realize it but you are 
actually working in side of a circle because the shadow offsets from the center 
of the image. Anyway that realization made a lot of difference.

On Dec 22, 2009, at 8:28 AM, David Duncan wrote:

 On Dec 21, 2009, at 8:02 PM, Development wrote:
 As near as I can tell, no matter what I do, the image itself, not accounting 
 for the shadow, is drawn in the upper left corner. this causes a negative 
 shadow, or one to the upper left, to be cut off by the edge of the context. 
 I have attempted using drawAtPoint, and accounting for the negative shadow 
 by moving the point an amount that should accommodate the shadow. It did not 
 Now if the shadow is to the lower right, the adjustments I make work 
 perfectly every time and the shadow is exactly what it should be. 
 I think the point is that I do not understand the context drawing. I thought 
 I did but it should be painfully obvious from this thread that I do not.
 I highly suspect that your drawing is just fine, but since your not drawing 
 to a view, but extracting an image that you are assigning to a UIImageView, 
 your conditions are likely different from drawing to a typical view. A 
 UIImageView, by default, centers its content. This means that if you have a 
 UIImageView that is 20x20 in size, but you assign a 30x30 image to it, then 
 (unless clipToBounds=YES) the image will still be displayed at 30x30 centered 
 on the view.
 A plain UIView by default resizes its content. Normally this does not matter 
 because you don't set the contents of a UIView's layer. But it does mean that 
 you would typically resize the UIView in order to have it display more 
 content, and thus you would still avoid the issue.
 Overall, this is one of those situations where, as others have commented, you 
 need to figure out where things are going wrong before anyone can really help 
 you. There are lots of ways to debug this, but especially the simulator can 
 make this very convenient since it is much easier to get files off. Typically 
 when debugging offscreen drawing the standard approach is to dump images of 
 that drawing to disk periodically to see what is going on. In the simulator 
 you can easily just grab a PNG representation and drop it at the root of your 
 hard disk or home folder (whereas on hardware you have to put it in your 
 documents folder and then download it). Doing so would tell you if your 
 drawing is doing what you want and help you figure out where the actual 
 problem is.
 David Duncan
 Apple DTS Animation and Printing


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Inspect Core Graphics Object

2009-12-22 Thread Richard Somers

How do you inspect or print the description of a Core Graphics object?



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iPhone: Autorotation for a subview

2009-12-22 Thread Eric E. Dolecki
I have a view which controls it's UI when rotated. However, if there is a
subView in place, it rotates and I'd like to control it's UI too. In my
subView the willAnimateRotationToInterfaceOrientation doesn't get fired. I
set up the shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation. Does my main view need to
call something in my subView to get this to work? I'd think the subView
would get the event too but it doesn't.


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Re: Localization strategies?

2009-12-22 Thread Ricky Sharp
Thank you all for the replies.

Here's my final plan:

(1) Have separate nibs for each language.  I agree with those that say you 
cannot have a one-size-fits-all layout.  Each nib will thus carry layout, font 
size, style, etc. that makes sense for a particular language.

I've already pseudo-localized the nibs to hopefully address 90% plus of any 
truncation issues.

(2) Externalize all strings from the nibs and put them into 
Localizable.strings.  This allows me to have a single file to hand off to 
translators.  I can also group like-items together and fill in nice contextual 

Nibs will still contain text for buttons, etc. but will all be in the form {s} 
(a string wrapped in curly braces).

(3) For runtime creation of fonts (e.g. boldSystemFontOfSize), call into my 
special Font factory.  I ended up creating a fonts.plist localized file.  
Each version will contain two attributes per key (font size and whether or not 
its bold).  At runtime, I now read in the appropriate plist and gather the 
metrics for the fonts I need to create.

(4) Leverage my existing automated-test infrastructure to do a full product 
walkthrough (setting up proper data along the way) and generating screen-shots. 
 Such screen shots can now be viewed by the localization company's QA team to 
ensure all text is valid within its context.

Furthermore, the walkthrough script will mine all text on the screen and look 
for curly braces.  That will mean that either an outlet isn't connected or its 
localized string key is either missing or malformed.

The walkthrough script will also be generating HTML files (which will provide 
links to all screenshots).  This will allow everyone to view screenshots 
side-by-side (comparing original English to a second language)

Finally, here's some other things I have already done to ensure translation 
will be as smooth as possible:

* No plural forms (while allowing plurals can be handled, it's not worth the 
effort IMO)
* No fragmented sentences (i.e. pieces of sentences across multiple UI elements)
* No hardcoded ordering of parameters.  i.e. template strings like Blah {0} 
blah {1}. may be {1} blah blah {0} in other languages.  Each placeholder is 
always matched to the appropriate vararg argument.

Ricky A. Sharp
Instant Interactive(tm)


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Re: iPhone: Autorotation for a subview

2009-12-22 Thread Development
What I have always had to do is rotate the new subview manually when it is 
added to the main view. I don't know if it's the right answer but it is what 
I've done.

On Dec 22, 2009, at 10:51 AM, Eric E. Dolecki wrote:

 I have a view which controls it's UI when rotated. However, if there is a
 subView in place, it rotates and I'd like to control it's UI too. In my
 subView the willAnimateRotationToInterfaceOrientation doesn't get fired. I
 set up the shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation. Does my main view need to
 call something in my subView to get this to work? I'd think the subView
 would get the event too but it doesn't.
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Re: iPhone: Autorotation for a subview

2009-12-22 Thread Hank Heijink (Mailinglists)
On Dec 22, 2009, at 12:51 PM, Eric E. Dolecki wrote:

 I have a view which controls it's UI when rotated. However, if there is a
 subView in place, it rotates and I'd like to control it's UI too. In my
 subView the willAnimateRotationToInterfaceOrientation doesn't get fired. I
 set up the shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation. Does my main view need to
 call something in my subView to get this to work? I'd think the subView
 would get the event too but it doesn't.

I assume you mean -willAnimateRotationToInterfaceOrientation:duration: which is 
a method on UIViewController, not UIView. If not, your signature is wrong and 
that method would never be called.

You'll need to manage your subviews from the controller when it receives the 
message. That's what the controller is for: views themselves are not aware of 



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Re: iPhone: Autorotation for a subview

2009-12-22 Thread Eric E. Dolecki
Well - the subView is really a settings view - so it can be called up at
any time. And of course the user can rotate the device around while it's
already being viewed. So I suppose I can call a method in my subview from
the willAnimateRotationToInterfaceOrientation:duration in the
UIViewController to have it lay itself out as needed. My subView is a view
controller too.


On Tue, Dec 22, 2009 at 1:04 PM, Hank Heijink (Mailinglists) wrote:

 On Dec 22, 2009, at 12:51 PM, Eric E. Dolecki wrote:

  I have a view which controls it's UI when rotated. However, if there is a
  subView in place, it rotates and I'd like to control it's UI too. In my
  subView the willAnimateRotationToInterfaceOrientation doesn't get fired.
  set up the shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation. Does my main view need
  call something in my subView to get this to work? I'd think the subView
  would get the event too but it doesn't.

 I assume you mean -willAnimateRotationToInterfaceOrientation:duration:
 which is a method on UIViewController, not UIView. If not, your signature is
 wrong and that method would never be called.

 You'll need to manage your subviews from the controller when it receives
 the message. That's what the controller is for: views themselves are not
 aware of rotations.


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Re: iPhone: Autorotation for a subview

2009-12-22 Thread Eric E. Dolecki
Ok - I am doing this in my view controller which works better:

- (IBAction) displayInfo:(id)sender {

myInfoView = [[InfoViewController alloc] initWithNibName:@InfoViewController
bundle:[NSBundle mainBundle]];

myInfoView.view.autoresizingMask = (UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleLeftMargin |
UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleRightMargin | UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleTopMargin
| UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleBottomMargin);

[self.view addSubview:myInfoView.view];


But there is a button I'd like to move in the subView (in portrait its near
the bottom, in Landscape it needs to move up into view). What's the best way
of doing that?

On Tue, Dec 22, 2009 at 1:05 PM, Eric E. Dolecki wrote:

 Well - the subView is really a settings view - so it can be called up at
 any time. And of course the user can rotate the device around while it's
 already being viewed. So I suppose I can call a method in my subview from
 the willAnimateRotationToInterfaceOrientation:duration in the
 UIViewController to have it lay itself out as needed. My subView is a view
 controller too.


 On Tue, Dec 22, 2009 at 1:04 PM, Hank Heijink (Mailinglists) wrote:

 On Dec 22, 2009, at 12:51 PM, Eric E. Dolecki wrote:

  I have a view which controls it's UI when rotated. However, if there is
  subView in place, it rotates and I'd like to control it's UI too. In my
  subView the willAnimateRotationToInterfaceOrientation doesn't get fired.
  set up the shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation. Does my main view
 need to
  call something in my subView to get this to work? I'd think the subView
  would get the event too but it doesn't.

 I assume you mean -willAnimateRotationToInterfaceOrientation:duration:
 which is a method on UIViewController, not UIView. If not, your signature is
 wrong and that method would never be called.

 You'll need to manage your subviews from the controller when it receives
 the message. That's what the controller is for: views themselves are not
 aware of rotations.


 Interactive design and development

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Re: iPhone and GC

2009-12-22 Thread John Engelhart
On Mon, Dec 21, 2009 at 10:37 PM, Michael Ash wrote:

 On Tue, Dec 22, 2009 at 8:54 AM, Lorenzo Thurman
  Why can't iPhone apps use GC? Is it resources? Performance? Some
  of the two or other reasons altogether?
  Just curious, thanks.

 I know that this will be unsatisfying, but the real reason that iPhone
 apps can't use GC is because Apple has not yet made GC available for
 the iPhone.

 Anything further would be pure speculation, because Apple doesn't talk
 about things like that.

Actually, the documentation is quite specific on the subject.

iPhone OS Note: For performance reasons, garbage collection is not allowed
in Cocoa applications running on iPhone OS.

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NSRecursiveLock problems

2009-12-22 Thread PCWiz
Lately I've been getting errors like these with my app:

2009-12-21 13:07:48.420 TwitMenu[2512:a0f] *** -[NSRecursiveLock unlock]: lock 
(NSRecursiveLock: 0x20069d980 '(null)') unlocked when not locked
2009-12-21 13:07:48.420 TwitMenu[2512:a0f] *** Break on _NSLockError() to debug.
2009-12-21 13:07:48.437 TwitMenu[2512:4103] *** -[NSRecursiveLock finalize]: 
lock (NSRecursiveLock: 0x20069dca0 '(null)') finalized while still in use
2009-12-21 13:07:48.437 TwitMenu[2512:4103] *** Break on _NSLockError() to 

As Greg Parker suggested in an earlier question, instead of putting a 
breakpoint on NSLockError (which doesn't work) I put a breakpoint on NSLog. And 
this is what the debugger looks like:

I dont see how any code in there has a connection to NSRecursiveLock.

Independent Cocoa Developer, Macatomy Software


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Re: NSRecursiveLock problems

2009-12-22 Thread PCWiz
Scrap that, I managed to find where the problem is happening. Debugger:

I didn't know that NSInvocationOperation used NSRecursiveLock. But this still 
doesn't really help me understand *why* I'm getting these errors. The use of 
NSInvocationOperation seems quite simple, so I'm not seeing where this is going 
wrong. You can see the code where I invoke the operation in the screenshot.

Independent Cocoa Developer, Macatomy Software

On 2009-12-22, at 11:49 AM, PCWiz wrote:

 Lately I've been getting errors like these with my app:
 2009-12-21 13:07:48.420 TwitMenu[2512:a0f] *** -[NSRecursiveLock unlock]: 
 lock (NSRecursiveLock: 0x20069d980 '(null)') unlocked when not locked
 2009-12-21 13:07:48.420 TwitMenu[2512:a0f] *** Break on _NSLockError() to 
 2009-12-21 13:07:48.437 TwitMenu[2512:4103] *** -[NSRecursiveLock finalize]: 
 lock (NSRecursiveLock: 0x20069dca0 '(null)') finalized while still in use
 2009-12-21 13:07:48.437 TwitMenu[2512:4103] *** Break on _NSLockError() to 
 As Greg Parker suggested in an earlier question, instead of putting a 
 breakpoint on NSLockError (which doesn't work) I put a breakpoint on NSLog. 
 And this is what the debugger looks like:
 I dont see how any code in there has a connection to NSRecursiveLock.
 Independent Cocoa Developer, Macatomy Software


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NSRuleEditor: Criteria for new row

2009-12-22 Thread Houdah - ML Pierre Bernard
When I hit the + button on a row in NSRuleEditor, a new row is created. How 
can I take influence on the criteria used for that row.

It seems NSRuleEditor defaults to selecting the first criterion sequentially 
from the list of possible values. I would much rather have the new row match 
the row where the + was clicked.


- - -
Houdah Software s. à r. l.

HoudahGeo: One-stop photo geocoding
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Re: passing a method name?

2009-12-22 Thread Matt Neuburg
On Tue, 22 Dec 2009 09:56:33 +1100, Graham Cox
Regarding the use of different completion methods based on manipulating some
common root name, I think that's a bit strange, misguided even.

But when the kind of situation that calls for it arises, it might seem very
natural and elegant. I'm just suggesting that we not condemn an architecture
out of hand merely because we've no experience of it. m.

matt neuburg, phd =,
A fool + a tool + an autorelease pool = cool!
AppleScript: the Definitive Guide - Second Edition!


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Re: Core Data _NSFaultingMutableSet Exception

2009-12-22 Thread Kyle Sluder
Do you have an old, unfixed version of your nib in version control  
somewhere? (The answer should be yes; if not, you might want to  
reconsider your approach to version control for the sake of your own  

If so, do the same thing you did, confirm that it causes the same  
problem, and send the old and new versions of the nib off to Apple in  
a bug. There have been instances of this before, where objects simply  
weren't written to anticipate a property changing more than once in  
the lifespan of that object. These cases are definitely bugs.

--Kyle Sluder

On Dec 22, 2009, at 7:56 AM, Gerriet M. Denkmann wrote:

On 22 Dec 2009, at 16:20, Jerry Krinock wrote:

On 2009 Dec 21, at 21:05, Gerriet M. Denkmann wrote:

But when I use:
[ arrayController1 setFilterPredicate: aValue BEGINSWITH[n] a  
AND ANY theBs.bValue == xx];

I get an exeption:

HIToolbox: ignoring exception '[_NSFaultingMutableSet  
0x1001f5d00 addObserver:forKeyPath:options:context:] is not  
supported. Key path: bValue' that raised inside Carbon event  

I believe I've seen this message when I try to observe the many  
end of a to-many relation using KVO.  That's against the law.  (And  
I do remember reading that one in the documentation, mmalc!)   
Probably it was in the KVO Programming guide??

Bindings uses KVO.  Clue: Look at any bindings hanging on that  
array controller.

Well, this was an idea I had already. Because the old (working) app  
did just have an array controller, but the new app (the one throwing  
exceptions) had another array controller bound to the selection of  
the first one.

So I did [ secondArrayController unbind: @contentSet ] - but no  
Then I removed the secondArrayController from the nib - no success  

Now, after reading your mail, I deleted the first array controller,  
dragged a new one into the nib - and everything works!

Obviously the old firstArrayController had some memory of having its  
content bound to by some other controller; a memory persisting  
regardless of this binding having been unbound, or the binder having  

I am not qualified to call this a bug. But it has cost me more than  
a day of pointless struggle.

Is this persistent memory of NSArrayControllers somewhere documented?
And is there a way (programmatically) to clear this unwanted memory?

Thanks for your help!

Kind regards,



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Re: Autorotation for a subview

2009-12-22 Thread Matt Neuburg
On Tue, 22 Dec 2009 12:51:35 -0500, Eric E. Dolecki
I have a view which controls it's UI when rotated. However, if there is a
subView in place, it rotates and I'd like to control it's UI too. In my
subView the willAnimateRotationToInterfaceOrientation doesn't get fired. I
set up the shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation. Does my main view need to
call something in my subView to get this to work? I'd think the subView
would get the event too but it doesn't.

This sounds like a good time for the view to post an NSNotification. The
subview can then respond to it. m.

matt neuburg, phd =,
A fool + a tool + an autorelease pool = cool!
AppleScript: the Definitive Guide - Second Edition!


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Re: NSRecursiveLock problems

2009-12-22 Thread Chris Backas


NSAttributedString has proven to be unsafe in many ways for use on a  
secondary thread in our own applications. We were trying to do much  
the same thing, get the size of a string from it. But it turns out  
(obviously in retrospect) that it needs to use the font/GUI systems to  
do this, which don't seem to be safe for use on secondary threads.

My guess is that it's accessing locks in the Layout manager that  
aren't intended to be accessed from the non-main thread and causing  
this error. Unless someone else has more insight than I do, you'll  
have to come up with an alternative way to architect this - we had to  
do all our string measuring on the main thread. (We were actually  
getting occasional crashes from doing this on a secondary thread,  
maybe once every 30K strings or so)

Hope that helps some,
Chris Backas

On Dec 22, 2009, at 1:49 PM, PCWiz wrote:

Lately I've been getting errors like these with my app:

2009-12-21 13:07:48.420 TwitMenu[2512:a0f] *** -[NSRecursiveLock  
unlock]: lock (NSRecursiveLock: 0x20069d980 '(null)') unlocked  
when not locked
2009-12-21 13:07:48.420 TwitMenu[2512:a0f] *** Break on  
_NSLockError() to debug.
2009-12-21 13:07:48.437 TwitMenu[2512:4103] *** -[NSRecursiveLock  
finalize]: lock (NSRecursiveLock: 0x20069dca0 '(null)') finalized  
while still in use
2009-12-21 13:07:48.437 TwitMenu[2512:4103] *** Break on  
_NSLockError() to debug.

As Greg Parker suggested in an earlier question, instead of putting  
a breakpoint on NSLockError (which doesn't work) I put a breakpoint  
on NSLog. And this is what the debugger looks like:

I dont see how any code in there has a connection to NSRecursiveLock.

Independent Cocoa Developer, Macatomy Software


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Re: NSRecursiveLock problems

2009-12-22 Thread PCWiz
Yeah sounds like the exact same problem I'm having. The problems aren't 
consistent at all, it just happens once every few thousand strings.

Is there any easy way to execute a portion of code on the main thread without 
going through the mess of delegates and selectors?

Independent Cocoa Developer, Macatomy Software

On 2009-12-22, at 12:06 PM, Chris Backas wrote:

 NSAttributedString has proven to be unsafe in many ways for use on a 
 secondary thread in our own applications. We were trying to do much the same 
 thing, get the size of a string from it. But it turns out (obviously in 
 retrospect) that it needs to use the font/GUI systems to do this, which don't 
 seem to be safe for use on secondary threads.
 My guess is that it's accessing locks in the Layout manager that aren't 
 intended to be accessed from the non-main thread and causing this error. 
 Unless someone else has more insight than I do, you'll have to come up with 
 an alternative way to architect this - we had to do all our string measuring 
 on the main thread. (We were actually getting occasional crashes from doing 
 this on a secondary thread, maybe once every 30K strings or so)
 Hope that helps some,
 Chris Backas


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Re: passing a method name?

2009-12-22 Thread glenn andreas

On Dec 22, 2009, at 12:58 PM, Matt Neuburg wrote:

 On Tue, 22 Dec 2009 09:56:33 +1100, Graham Cox
 Regarding the use of different completion methods based on manipulating some
 common root name, I think that's a bit strange, misguided even.
 But when the kind of situation that calls for it arises, it might seem very
 natural and elegant. I'm just suggesting that we not condemn an architecture
 out of hand merely because we've no experience of it. m.

And isn't even that uncommon - consider all the various kvc methods based on 
common name (as an example of manipulating a common root name for multiple 

And I've written menu validation code that manipulates the selector to figure 
out the name of the method to actually handle the validation (which is more of 
the completion method style thing - dynamically figure out what to call based 
on the SEL passed in)...

Glenn Andreas wicked fun!
Mad, Bad, and Dangerous to Know


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Re: Autorotation for a subview

2009-12-22 Thread glenn andreas

On Dec 22, 2009, at 1:01 PM, Matt Neuburg wrote:

 On Tue, 22 Dec 2009 12:51:35 -0500, Eric E. Dolecki
 I have a view which controls it's UI when rotated. However, if there is a
 subView in place, it rotates and I'd like to control it's UI too. In my
 subView the willAnimateRotationToInterfaceOrientation doesn't get fired. I
 set up the shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation. Does my main view need to
 call something in my subView to get this to work? I'd think the subView
 would get the event too but it doesn't.
 This sounds like a good time for the view to post an NSNotification. The
 subview can then respond to it. m.

Or just mark the subview as needing layout and then have the subview figure 
things out in layoutSubviews.

Glenn Andreas wicked fun!
Mad, Bad, and Dangerous to Know


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Re: NSRecursiveLock problems

2009-12-22 Thread Bill Bumgarner

On Dec 22, 2009, at 11:19 AM, PCWiz wrote:

 Is there any easy way to execute a portion of code on the main thread without 
 going through the mess of delegates and selectors?

Delegates have *nothing* to do with main thread execution.   Selectors a bit 
orthogonal, too.

If you want to execute something on the main thread, I would suggest using 
NSOperationQueue's notion of main queue and enqueuing an operation with a block:

- (void)addOperationWithBlock:(void (^)(void))block

Quite straightforward.


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Re: NSRecursiveLock problems

2009-12-22 Thread PCWiz
Well what I meant by delegates and selectors was like the secondary thread 
calls a selector on the main thread (using performSelectorOnMainThread) but I 
guess I got a little confused there :)

I would like to use blocks, however I'm using the 10.5 SDK so as far as I know 
blocks cannot be used. Is there a way to get performSelectorOnMainThread to 
return a value? That would solve my issue, because I could pass on the 
NSAttributedString to a method on the main thread that figures out the size and 
all, then returns the value.

Independent Cocoa Developer, Macatomy Software

On 2009-12-22, at 12:22 PM, Bill Bumgarner wrote:

 On Dec 22, 2009, at 11:19 AM, PCWiz wrote:
 Is there any easy way to execute a portion of code on the main thread 
 without going through the mess of delegates and selectors?
 Delegates have *nothing* to do with main thread execution.   Selectors a bit 
 orthogonal, too.
 If you want to execute something on the main thread, I would suggest using 
 NSOperationQueue's notion of main queue and enqueuing an operation with a 
 - (void)addOperationWithBlock:(void (^)(void))block
 Quite straightforward.


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Re: NSRecursiveLock problems

2009-12-22 Thread Greg Guerin

PCWiz wrote:

I would like to use blocks, however I'm using the 10.5 SDK so as  
far as I know blocks cannot be used. Is there a way to get  
performSelectorOnMainThread to return a value? That would solve my  
issue, because I could pass on the NSAttributedString to a method  
on the main thread that figures out the size and all, then returns  
the value.

Give performSelectorOnMainThread an object that has space for a  
result value.  In olden days this was called a parameter block.

  -- GG


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Re: NSRecursiveLock problems

2009-12-22 Thread PCWiz
So for example I could do performSelectorOnMainThread with an NSMutableArray, 
for example, then have the method add the result object to the array and return 

Independent Cocoa Developer, Macatomy Software

On 2009-12-22, at 1:29 PM, Greg Guerin wrote:

 I would like to use blocks, however I'm using the 10.5 SDK so as far as I 
 know blocks cannot be used. Is there a way to get 
 performSelectorOnMainThread to return a value? That would solve my issue, 
 because I could pass on the NSAttributedString to a method on the main 
 thread that figures out the size and all, then returns the value.
 Give performSelectorOnMainThread an object that has space for a result value. 
  In olden days this was called a parameter block.
  -- GG


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Re: NSRecursiveLock problems

2009-12-22 Thread Greg Guerin

PCWiz wrote:

So for example I could do performSelectorOnMainThread with an  
NSMutableArray, for example, then have the method add the result  
object to the array and return it?

As long as no other threads were doing anything with that array, I  
think that would work.

Or define a very simple class with a couple of properties.  The  
obvious advantage is that a class gives you precise control over  
mutability, thread-safety, types, etc.

  -- GG


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Re: Autorotation for a subview

2009-12-22 Thread Boulevardier

On Dec 22, 2009, at 11:01 AM, Matt Neuburg wrote:

 On Tue, 22 Dec 2009 12:51:35 -0500, Eric E. Dolecki
 I have a view which controls it's UI when rotated. However, if there is a
 subView in place, it rotates and I'd like to control it's UI too. In my
 subView the willAnimateRotationToInterfaceOrientation doesn't get fired. I
 set up the shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation. Does my main view need to
 call something in my subView to get this to work? I'd think the subView
 would get the event too but it doesn't.
 This sounds like a good time for the view to post an NSNotification. The
 subview can then respond to it. m.

Sounds like overkill --- swatting mosquitoes with sledgehammers.

A potentially better way to approach this is to look at the different roles and
responsibilities of View Controllers and Views, and gain a clearer understanding
of which class of objects does which job . . .

Think of a View Controller as a View *Manager*.The dominant paradigm for
presenting screens of content to users on the iPhone platform consists of a
View Controller managing a single enclosing View which, including all of
its sub-views, represents that screen of content.

In general, try to have your UIViews perform just two responsibilities.
and by far the most important, is drawing their content.   Second is acting as
a container into which other Views may be added as sub-views.A very
distant third (which is why I said 'two' even though it makes me look as if I
can't count) is handling events, which task is frequently better managed in the
View Controller.

The View Controller implements methods to manage rotation, so
doing the work of View hierarchy layout and sub-view re-positioning and
re-sizing in the View Controller makes more sense than pushing the
job down into the sub-views. 

If the View Controller knows about its view's sub-views, it will then know
about their positions and sizes, and can perform simple re-positioning
and re-sizing to accomplish the job.

Finally, please try to use naming schemes where names of objects
bear at least a passing resemblance to what those objects actually are.I
refer to the line of code that reads:

myInfoView = [[InfoViewController alloc]

The code leads one to believe that the class named  InfoViewController  is a
sub-class of UIViewController.The variable name  myInfoView  leads one
to believe on casual inspection (and without adequate context) that the variable
references something that's a sub-class of UIView.Which is it ? List 
many of whom are trying to help, would be less confused if reasonable naming
schemes were employed.   The statement in an earlier message:

My subView is a view controller too.

Can not possibly be the case.A sub-view implies it's a UIView, and a UIView
can not be a UIViewController --- the two classes are on different branches of 
class hierarchy, and neither of them even define protocols that the other 
could adopt . . .

We had a thread on this list a couple of months ago where even some of
the more high-powered members of the list had tied themselves in knots and
were arguing at cross purposes because a poster asking for help had allocated
a UIImageView but called it an image . . .If you're asking for help, please 
try to
write code readable and understandable by other busy people . . .

. . . . . . . .Henry

iPhone App Developer Education --- visit


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Are views active or inactive?

2009-12-22 Thread Rick Mann
Hi. I realize this is a basic Cocoa question, but now that I need to know, I 
can't find the answer in the NSView or NSResponder docs.

Do NSViews have the notion of being active or inactive? My app architecture 
requires that I be able to differentiate, at draw time, between a (custom) view 
that is in the frontmost window (and technically, has focus), and a similar 
custom view that is in a non-frontmost window.

In my case, I have Tool objects (think of a line tool or rectangle tool in a 
drawing program). These are singleton objects in the app, and hence a line tool 
is shared among all document views. If the frontmost view is in the middle of a 
tool operation, and one of the inactive views updates its view, it shows the 
current tool drawing state (Tool objects get a chance to draw).

I'd like for my custom view to not give the Tool an opportunity to draw when it 
is not focussed/frontmost.




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Re: passing a method name?

2009-12-22 Thread Graham Cox

On 23/12/2009, at 6:20 AM, glenn andreas wrote:

 But when the kind of situation that calls for it arises, it might seem very
 natural and elegant. I'm just suggesting that we not condemn an architecture
 out of hand merely because we've no experience of it. m.
 And isn't even that uncommon - consider all the various kvc methods based on 
 common name (as an example of manipulating a common root name for multiple 
 And I've written menu validation code that manipulates the selector to figure 
 out the name of the method to actually handle the validation (which is more 
 of the completion method style thing - dynamically figure out what to call 
 based on the SEL passed in)...

Yes, but this is still talking about something different from what the OP was 
(or appeared to be) suggesting. It's fine to CALL one of n methods based on a 
e.g. rootname + suffix(n), say. That's just a variation on table-based dispatch.

What isn't fine is to pass (my own method name) to another method and have that 
single method take different branches according to it. That's just setting up 
an unnecessary dependency between two separate pieces of code that a) doesn't 
need to be there b) will make it difficult to debug and c) difficult to 
document. It's completely avoidable by factoring the code in a more logical 
way. If you find yourself needing to do this, it's simply telling you that the 
place where you decided to factor your code was badly chosen, or that you need 
to parameterise it more sensibly.

This is exactly the sort of code smell we were always on the look out for at 
code reviews, and it was always avoidable. In every case, the revised code was 
more elegant, maintainable and straightforward. I don't believe there is a 
genuine case where it would be more natural and elegant to do this than to 
take a more conventional approach. I'm also unaware of any part of Cocoa doing 

Going back to the OP's post, he says: currently, i'm passing a string object 
so the called method will know which method had called it. That's not 
table-based dispatch, that's just bad programming. If he's not also passing a 
target, this doesn't sound like a completion method or callback, unless the 
target is implied to be the object's delegate or some other implied target. 
Until the OP clarifies what he meant, I'm taking it at face value, and this is 
a no-no.



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Re: __CFServiceControllerBeginPBSLoadForLocalizations timed out

2009-12-22 Thread Peter Ammon

On Dec 22, 2009, at 6:20 AM, Jerry Krinock wrote:

 The last few days, I've seen this message in the console when I launch an app 
 I'm working on:
 __CFServiceControllerBeginPBSLoadForLocalizations timed out while talking to 
 The message also sometimes appears again a few minutes later.  It appears in 
 the regular Console Messages in, not just in Xcode.
 Searching list archives shows other such reports in the last couple months, 
 and a postulate that pbs means pasteboard server.  So, I retested some of 
 the inter-app drag/drop and copy/paste functions of the app but it all 
 appears to still be working.
 Google Chrome has the same problem:
 No resolution is given.  I just tested this in my 3-week old Google Chrome 
 and, yes, it still does it.
 I also found a few reports in support forums of other apps.  And this person 
 has got all of their Apple apps doing it…
 So, apparently it's a bug in Snow Leopard.  No hits when searching for this 
 on :(  Can anyone postulate a workaround or, more 
 importantly, is it possibly indicating that something that I missed in my 
 testing is not working?'

pbs is used for Services and isn't related to drag and drop or copy and paste.

Can you see if the pbs process is running?  If so, what does sample show it's 

If not, what happens if you run it directly: /System/Library/CoreServices/pbs ? 
 Does it crash or complete successfully?

Do you have any apps installed that attempt to modify Services (e.g. Service 

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Re: Autorotation for a subview

2009-12-22 Thread Matt Neuburg

On Dec 22, 2009, at 2:15 PM, Henry McGilton (Boulevardier) wrote:

This sounds like a good time for the view to post an  
NSNotification. The

subview can then respond to it. m.

Sounds like overkill --- swatting mosquitoes with sledgehammers.

An NSNotification is not a sledgehammer. And letting interested  
listeners know that a certain key moment in the lifetime of the  
application has been reached, is not a mosquito. Indeed, this is why  
something like UIApplicationDidFinishLaunchingNotification *is* a  
notification. Sometimes the delegate or subclass instance is not the  
only interested party; the moment where  
didRotateFromInterfaceOrientation: arrives might be such a case.


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Re: NSRuleEditor: Criteria for new row

2009-12-22 Thread Peter Ammon

On Dec 22, 2009, at 10:57 AM, Houdah - ML Pierre Bernard wrote:

 When I hit the + button on a row in NSRuleEditor, a new row is created. How 
 can I take influence on the criteria used for that row.
 It seems NSRuleEditor defaults to selecting the first criterion sequentially 
 from the list of possible values. I would much rather have the new row match 
 the row where the + was clicked.

Sorry, this isn't possible right now.


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Re: __CFServiceControllerBeginPBSLoadForLocalizations timed out

2009-12-22 Thread Jerry Krinock

On 2009 Dec 22, at 15:37, Peter Ammon wrote:

 Can you see if the pbs process is running?  If so, what does sample show 
 it's doing?

Yes it is, and, not doing too much.  I took this sample while my app was 
launching.  It looked the same if sampled at another time, except 2765 samples 
instead of 2747.

Sampling process 22608 for 3 seconds with 1 millisecond of run time between 
Sampling completed, processing symbols...
Analysis of sampling pbs (pid 22608) every 1 millisecond
Call graph:
2747 Thread_287412   DispatchQueue_1:  (serial)
  2747 0x1cf5
2747 0x4b8d
  2747 0x3ea5
2747 0x532e
  2747 -[NSCondition wait]
2747 pthread_cond_wait$UNIX2003
  2747 _pthread_cond_wait
2747 __semwait_signal
2747 Thread_287432   DispatchQueue_2:  
  2747 start_wqthread
2747 _pthread_wqthread
  2747 _dispatch_worker_thread2
2747 _dispatch_queue_invoke
  2747 _dispatch_mgr_invoke
2747 kevent

Total number in stack (recursive counted multiple, when =5):

Sort by top of stack, same collapsed (when = 5):

 Do you have any apps installed that attempt to modify Services (e.g. Service 

Hmmm.  Not that I know of.  Searched startup volume for Scrubber with Path 
Finder and didn't find any apps.  But I do have lots of apps installed :)


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Re: Inspect Core Graphics Object

2009-12-22 Thread Graham Cox

On 23/12/2009, at 4:33 AM, Richard Somers wrote:

 How do you inspect or print the description of a Core Graphics object?

Core Graphics objects don't really have descriptions. You can do a 'po the 
object' in gdb as usual, but you get just the class name and address, and no 

What do you need to know?



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Re: Autorotation for a subview

2009-12-22 Thread Eric E. Dolecki
Thanks all for the insight so far. I'm calling methods into the view - but I
think I need to redo how it works. I am interested in NSNotification as I
haven't used that yet.

On Tue, Dec 22, 2009 at 6:37 PM, Matt Neuburg wrote:

 On Dec 22, 2009, at 2:15 PM, Henry McGilton (Boulevardier) wrote:

  This sounds like a good time for the view to post an NSNotification. The
 subview can then respond to it. m.

 Sounds like overkill --- swatting mosquitoes with sledgehammers.

 An NSNotification is not a sledgehammer. And letting interested listeners
 know that a certain key moment in the lifetime of the application has been
 reached, is not a mosquito. Indeed, this is why something like
 UIApplicationDidFinishLaunchingNotification *is* a notification. Sometimes
 the delegate or subclass instance is not the only interested party; the
 moment where didRotateFromInterfaceOrientation: arrives might be such a



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Re: Autorotation for a subview

2009-12-22 Thread mmalc Crawford

On Dec 22, 2009, at 3:37 pm, Matt Neuburg wrote:

 This sounds like a good time for the view to post an NSNotification. The
 subview can then respond to it. m.
 Sounds like overkill --- swatting mosquitoes with sledgehammers.
 An NSNotification is not a sledgehammer. And letting interested listeners 
 know that a certain key moment in the lifetime of the application has been 
 reached, is not a mosquito. Indeed, this is why something like 
 UIApplicationDidFinishLaunchingNotification *is* a notification. Sometimes 
 the delegate or subclass instance is not the only interested party; the 
 moment where didRotateFromInterfaceOrientation: arrives might be such a case.
Using a notification per se is not a sledgehammer.
Setting up your own view to post notifications for this situation, however, 
almost certainly is (*insofar as it's possible to determine the OP's 
requirements, given the confused problem description...*).
There is already a perfectly good mechanism for communicating changes about a 
device's orientation through an object that's in the best place to respond to 
such changes -- UIView*Controller*'s 
willAnimateRotationToInterfaceOrientation... et al. methods.

On Dec 22, 2009, at 4:25 pm, Eric E. Dolecki wrote:
 I am interested in NSNotification as I haven't used that yet.

It's not clear if you're trying to solve a problem or learn about iPhone OS 
programming in general.
Unthinkingly chasing interesting API is not a particularly useful strategy 
for solving a problem.
Per Henry's reply, you should properly describe what the task is you're trying 
to accomplish using terminology and conventions that will best help those 
trying to help you.  

Hint; this:
 - (IBAction) displayInfo:(id)sender {
 myInfoView = [[InfoViewController alloc] initWithNibName:@InfoViewController
 bundle:[NSBundle mainBundle]];
 myInfoView.view.autoresizingMask = (UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleLeftMargin |
 UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleRightMargin | UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleTopMargin
 | UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleBottomMargin);
 [self.view addSubview:myInfoView.view];
makes almost no sense.

Using a view controller to instantiate a view to add as a subview of another 
view that is presumably managed by another view controller is not a supported 
pattern.  You're also ignoring basic memory management guidelines, and will 
almost certainly be leaking both the view controller and its accompanying view. 
 Adding notifications to this scenario will not end prettily.



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Re: __CFServiceControllerBeginPBSLoadForLocalizations timed out

2009-12-22 Thread Peter Ammon

On Dec 22, 2009, at 3:52 PM, Jerry Krinock wrote:

 On 2009 Dec 22, at 15:37, Peter Ammon wrote:
 Can you see if the pbs process is running?  If so, what does sample show 
 it's doing?
 Yes it is, and, not doing too much.  I took this sample while my app was 
 launching.  It looked the same if sampled at another time, except 2765 
 samples instead of 2747.
 Sampling process 22608 for 3 seconds with 1 millisecond of run time between 
 Sampling completed, processing symbols...
 Analysis of sampling pbs (pid 22608) every 1 millisecond
 Call graph:
2747 Thread_287412   DispatchQueue_1:  (serial)
  2747 0x1cf5
2747 0x4b8d
  2747 0x3ea5
2747 0x532e
  2747 -[NSCondition wait]
2747 pthread_cond_wait$UNIX2003
  2747 _pthread_cond_wait
2747 __semwait_signal
2747 Thread_287432   DispatchQueue_2:  
  2747 start_wqthread
2747 _pthread_wqthread
  2747 _dispatch_worker_thread2
2747 _dispatch_queue_invoke
  2747 _dispatch_mgr_invoke
2747 kevent
 Total number in stack (recursive counted multiple, when =5):

Thanks, this seems like a bug in pbs or in something underneath it.

You should be able to get the annoying log messages to stop by just running pbs 
directly: /System/Library/CoreServices/pbs .  It should exit within a second or 
so and the log messages should be gone.

Hope this helps,

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Re: Autorotation for a subview

2009-12-22 Thread Eric E. Dolecki
I already stated (I believe) that I needed to redo the way this application
is being constructed. In this way I'll have more direct access to subviews.
I originally created another view controller with it's own nib and I was
indeed loading it and using it as a subview to my main view. No leaks since
it's removed itself from superview.

In regards to the NSNotification, I look at that as a learning opportunity
and not merely a way of throwing some code at a problem hoping it will make
it work. I haven't ever used it before - I've only been part-timing iPhone
apps for about 7 months now. It's fascinating and exciting and humbling when
you're trying to do something and were unaware of the proper framework or
methods to use.


On Tue, Dec 22, 2009 at 7:37 PM, mmalc Crawford wrote:

 On Dec 22, 2009, at 3:37 pm, Matt Neuburg wrote:

  This sounds like a good time for the view to post an NSNotification.
  subview can then respond to it. m.
  Sounds like overkill --- swatting mosquitoes with sledgehammers.
  An NSNotification is not a sledgehammer. And letting interested listeners
 know that a certain key moment in the lifetime of the application has been
 reached, is not a mosquito. Indeed, this is why something like
 UIApplicationDidFinishLaunchingNotification *is* a notification. Sometimes
 the delegate or subclass instance is not the only interested party; the
 moment where didRotateFromInterfaceOrientation: arrives might be such a
 Using a notification per se is not a sledgehammer.
 Setting up your own view to post notifications for this situation, however,
 almost certainly is (*insofar as it's possible to determine the OP's
 requirements, given the confused problem description...*).
 There is already a perfectly good mechanism for communicating changes about
 a device's orientation through an object that's in the best place to respond
 to such changes -- UIView*Controller*'s
 willAnimateRotationToInterfaceOrientation... et al. methods.

 On Dec 22, 2009, at 4:25 pm, Eric E. Dolecki wrote:
  I am interested in NSNotification as I haven't used that yet.

 It's not clear if you're trying to solve a problem or learn about iPhone OS
 programming in general.
 Unthinkingly chasing interesting API is not a particularly useful
 strategy for solving a problem.
 Per Henry's reply, you should properly describe what the task is you're
 trying to accomplish using terminology and conventions that will best help
 those trying to help you.

 Hint; this:
  - (IBAction) displayInfo:(id)sender {
  myInfoView = [[InfoViewController alloc] initWithNibName:@
  bundle:[NSBundle mainBundle]];
  myInfoView.view.autoresizingMask = (UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleLeftMargin
  UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleRightMargin |
  | UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleBottomMargin);
  [self.view addSubview:myInfoView.view];
 makes almost no sense.

 Using a view controller to instantiate a view to add as a subview of
 another view that is presumably managed by another view controller is not a
 supported pattern.  You're also ignoring basic memory management guidelines,
 and will almost certainly be leaking both the view controller and its
 accompanying view.  Adding notifications to this scenario will not end



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Re: Autorotation for a subview

2009-12-22 Thread mmalc Crawford

On Dec 22, 2009, at 5:09 pm, Eric E. Dolecki wrote:

 I already stated (I believe) that I needed to redo the way this application 
 is being constructed. In this way I'll have more direct access to subviews. I 
 originally created another view controller with it's own nib and I was indeed 
 loading it and using it as a subview to my main view. No leaks since it's 
 removed itself from superview. 
If you're using the code as shown, I can almost guarantee you will be leaking.
You don't show any code for releasing any previous instance of the view 
controller, so you'll be leaking that and so also its view.
Please review:,
 and in particular Using Accessor Methods at
  And again, this is not how view controllers are intended to be used -- see

 In regards to the NSNotification, I look at that as a learning opportunity 
 and not merely a way of throwing some code at a problem hoping it will make 
 it work. I haven't ever used it before - I've only been part-timing iPhone 
 apps for about 7 months now. It's fascinating and exciting and humbling when 
 you're trying to do something and were unaware of the proper framework or 
 methods to use.
A desire to learn is certainly an admirable trait.  Given that the actual 
problem is still ill-specified, however, focussing on solving that issue would 
seem a more profitable strategy for now...



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Re: __CFServiceControllerBeginPBSLoadForLocalizations timed out

2009-12-22 Thread Jerry Krinock

On 2009 Dec 22, at 17:07, Peter Ammon wrote:

 You should be able to get the annoying log messages to stop by just running 
 pbs directly: /System/Library/CoreServices/pbs .  It should exit within a 
 second or so and the log messages should be gone.

Indeed, after doing this, I launched my app several times and no message was 

However, with Google Chrome, actually it's helper, I got what seems like an 
even worse message --

09/12/22 17:21:09   [0x0-0x1c58c57][18055]
2009-12-22 17:21:09.188 Google Chrome Helper[18069:107] 
__CFServiceControllerBeginPBSLoadForLocalizations received error 1100 from 

Still, re-launching my app, it's quiet.  And I presume from Peter's reply that 
this message does not predict any bad behavior in my app.  So if anyone 
complains I'll tell them to just ignore it or run 

Maybe if someone from Google is this they can do some work on this in their 
20% time :)


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Re: NSRecursiveLock problems

2009-12-22 Thread PCWiz
I think I have actually found a one line solution for this problem.

The issue class in my case is NSLayoutManager. I dug through the docs for 
NSLayoutManager and read the section on thread safety. There were 2 steps to 
achieving thread safety with NSLayoutManager. First, if the NSLayoutManager 
belonged to an NSTextView, then the text view must not be displayed while a 
secondary thread is making changes using its layout manager. The second part 
was to turn off background layout for the NSLayoutManager.

In my case the layout manager was not tied to a text view (I was just using it 
to get the size of an attributed string) so all I had to do was this:

[layoutManager setBackgroundLayoutEnabled:NO];

And that seemed to cure it. I'm not 100% sure if the problem is gone yet, but 
I've left it running for about an hour, and the issue would have usually 
appeared by now. I'll post back if it goes wrong again.

Independent Cocoa Developer, Macatomy Software

On 2009-12-22, at 2:19 PM, Greg Guerin wrote:

 PCWiz wrote:
 So for example I could do performSelectorOnMainThread with an 
 NSMutableArray, for example, then have the method add the result object to 
 the array and return it?
 As long as no other threads were doing anything with that array, I think that 
 would work.
 Or define a very simple class with a couple of properties.  The obvious 
 advantage is that a class gives you precise control over mutability, 
 thread-safety, types, etc.
  -- GG
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Core Data registered editors?

2009-12-22 Thread Rick Mann
I noticed that NSPersistentDocument's docs for isDocumentEdited talks about 
editors registered with the managed object context.

Is there something that explains what a registered editor is?



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Re: Core Data registered editors?

2009-12-22 Thread Jim Correia
On Tue, Dec 22, 2009 at 9:33 PM, Rick Mann wrote:
 I noticed that NSPersistentDocument's docs for isDocumentEdited talks about 
 editors registered with
 the managed object context.

 Is there something that explains what a registered editor is?

See the docs about NSEditorRegistration protocol:

- Jim

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Re: Core Data registered editors?

2009-12-22 Thread Rick Mann

On Dec 22, 2009, at 19:13:50, Jim Correia wrote:

 On Tue, Dec 22, 2009 at 9:33 PM, Rick Mann wrote:
 I noticed that NSPersistentDocument's docs for isDocumentEdited talks about 
 editors registered with
 the managed object context.
 Is there something that explains what a registered editor is?
 See the docs about NSEditorRegistration protocol:



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Re: passing a method name?

2009-12-22 Thread Kyle Sluder
On Tue, Dec 22, 2009 at 5:22 PM, Graham Cox wrote:
 This is exactly the sort of code smell we were always on the look out for at 
 code reviews, and it was always avoidable. In every case, the revised code 
 was more elegant, maintainable and straightforward. I don't believe there is 
 a genuine case where it would be more natural and elegant to do this than 
 to take a more conventional approach. I'm also unaware of any part of Cocoa 
 doing this.

See -[NSControl tag] for an example of where it's done in Cocoa.

--Kyle Sluder

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Re: passing a method name?

2009-12-22 Thread Kyle Sluder
On Tue, Dec 22, 2009 at 9:28 PM, Kyle Sluder wrote:
 See -[NSControl tag] for an example of where it's done in Cocoa.

Didn't finish my sentence. Specifically it is done with the tag by
-[NSTextView performFindPanelAction:]. It's not quite using the
caller's selector, but it is funneling quite a few different code
paths through the same method.  Personally, I don't like it at all. I
wish they were just separate methods.

--Kyle Sluder

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Re: Are views active or inactive?

2009-12-22 Thread Kyle Sluder
On Tue, Dec 22, 2009 at 4:16 PM, Rick Mann wrote:
 Do NSViews have the notion of being active or inactive? My app 
 architecture requires that I be able to differentiate, at draw time, between 
 a (custom) view that is in the frontmost window (and technically, has focus), 
 and a similar custom view that is in a non-frontmost window.

Listen for NSWindowDidBecomeMainNotification. -viewDidMoveToWindow is
a good time to start, and -viewWillMoveToWindow: is a good time to

--Kyle Sluder

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Re: Are views active or inactive?

2009-12-22 Thread Rick Mann

On Dec 22, 2009, at 19:41:06, Kyle Sluder wrote:

 On Tue, Dec 22, 2009 at 4:16 PM, Rick Mann wrote:
 Do NSViews have the notion of being active or inactive? My app 
 architecture requires that I be able to differentiate, at draw time, between 
 a (custom) view that is in the frontmost window (and technically, has 
 focus), and a similar custom view that is in a non-frontmost window.
 Listen for NSWindowDidBecomeMainNotification. -viewDidMoveToWindow is
 a good time to start, and -viewWillMoveToWindow: is a good time to

I'm listening for that notification. Sure is a clunky way to do things. I've 
never used a view framework that didn't tell views when they became 

I'm not sure viewDidMoveToWindow works here. I'm using it already for something 
else, and it gets called 3 times when my window is created, but never when 



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Re: Are views active or inactive?

2009-12-22 Thread Jim Correia
On Dec 22, 2009, at 10:45 PM, Rick Mann wrote:

 I'm listening for that notification. Sure is a clunky way to do things. I've 
 never used a view framework that didn't tell views when they became 

AppKit views don’t have a native active/inactive status like carbon HIToolbox 

For views which alter their appearance based on whether or not they are first 
responder, or in a key/main window, you must track this state yourself.

 I'm not sure viewDidMoveToWindow works here. I'm using it already for 
 something else, and it gets called 3 times when my window is created, but 
 never when activated.

You can use viewWill/DidMoveToWindow to stop observing notifications on your 
preview window (if any) and start observing notifications on your new container 
window (if any), not for the tracking of the “active” state itself.

- Jim


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Re: Are views active or inactive?

2009-12-22 Thread Kyle Sluder
On Tue, Dec 22, 2009 at 9:45 PM, Rick Mann wrote:
 I'm listening for that notification. Sure is a clunky way to do things. I've 
 never used a view framework that didn't tell views when they became 

Views don't become (in)active, windows do. Since there are plenty of
things that might be interested in that (Window menu, controllers,
views…), it's done as a notification so all interested parties can
listen for it.

 I'm not sure viewDidMoveToWindow works here. I'm using it already for 
 something else, and it gets called 3 times when my window is created, but 
 never when activated.

This surprises you? It's called -viewDidMoveToWindow after all. You
would start listening for all window change notifications there, and
then your view's notification handler would check to see if its window
is the one being notified about and update its drawing accordingly.

--Kyle Sluder

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Re: Are views active or inactive?

2009-12-22 Thread Rick Mann

On Dec 22, 2009, at 19:48:53, Jim Correia wrote:

 On Dec 22, 2009, at 10:45 PM, Rick Mann wrote:
 I'm listening for that notification. Sure is a clunky way to do things. I've 
 never used a view framework that didn't tell views when they became 
 AppKit views don’t have a native active/inactive status like carbon HIToolbox 
 For views which alter their appearance based on whether or not they are first 
 responder, or in a key/main window, you must track this state yourself.


 I'm not sure viewDidMoveToWindow works here. I'm using it already for 
 something else, and it gets called 3 times when my window is created, but 
 never when activated.
 You can use viewWill/DidMoveToWindow to stop observing notifications on your 
 preview window (if any) and start observing notifications on your new 
 container window (if any), not for the tracking of the “active” state itself.

Problem still remains that it gets called 3 times. I just found out I was 
creating 3 tracking areas. Not sure if the willMoveToWindow is called in 



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Re: Are views active or inactive?

2009-12-22 Thread Rick Mann

On Dec 22, 2009, at 19:51:03, Kyle Sluder wrote:

 On Tue, Dec 22, 2009 at 9:45 PM, Rick Mann wrote:
 I'm listening for that notification. Sure is a clunky way to do things. I've 
 never used a view framework that didn't tell views when they became 
 Views don't become (in)active, windows do. Since there are plenty of
 things that might be interested in that (Window menu, controllers,
 views…), it's done as a notification so all interested parties can
 listen for it.

I'm not against the notification, I just think NSView should have an active 
property. Views do become inactive (look at any well-designed control).


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Re: Localization strategies?

2009-12-22 Thread Kyle Sluder
On Tue, Dec 22, 2009 at 11:54 AM, Ricky Sharp wrote:
 (1) Have separate nibs for each language.  I agree with those that say you 
 cannot have a one-size-fits-all layout.  Each nib will thus carry layout, 
 font size, style, etc. that makes sense for a particular language.

Luckily this isn't always necessary. But there's no substitute for when it is.

 (2) Externalize all strings from the nibs and put them into 
 Localizable.strings.  This allows me to have a single file to hand off to 
 translators.  I can also group like-items together and fill in nice 
 contextual comments.

This shouldn't be necessary; see man ibtool for arguments you can use
to generate strings files from your nibs automatically.

 (3) For runtime creation of fonts (e.g. boldSystemFontOfSize), call into my 
 special Font factory.  I ended up creating a fonts.plist localized file.  
 Each version will contain two attributes per key (font size and whether or 
 not its bold).  At runtime, I now read in the appropriate plist and gather 
 the metrics for the fonts I need to create.


 (4) Leverage my existing automated-test infrastructure to do a full product 
 walkthrough (setting up proper data along the way) and generating 
 screen-shots.  Such screen shots can now be viewed by the localization 
 company's QA team to ensure all text is valid within its context.

 Furthermore, the walkthrough script will mine all text on the screen and 
 look for curly braces.  That will mean that either an outlet isn't connected 
 or its localized string key is either missing or malformed.

Also enteresting.

 * No plural forms (while allowing plurals can be handled, it's not worth the 
 effort IMO)

Don't cop out with text like One or more items… or There are 5
document(s) open. That looks unprofessional and very un-Mac.

 * No fragmented sentences (i.e. pieces of sentences across multiple UI 

Is this going to work in Preference panes? If you're already going the
multiple-nib route, does doing this really pose a problem?

 * No hardcoded ordering of parameters.  i.e. template strings like Blah {0} 
 blah {1}. may be {1} blah blah {0} in other languages.  Each placeholder 
 is always matched to the appropriate vararg argument.

NSString has support for this with the syntax Blah %1$@ blah %2$@.
Bizarrely, it starts at 1, not 0.

My $0.02.

--Kyle Sluder

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Re: Core Data Migration

2009-12-22 Thread Chaitanya Pandit
Oh sorry, forgot to 'reply all'
my bad.

Chaitanya Pandit
Expersis Software Inc.

On Dec 22, 2009, at 7:12 PM, Jerry Krinock wrote:

 On 2009 Dec 21, at 23:16, Chaitanya Pandit wrote:
 Hi jerry,
 I think what i'll have to do is if the user closes the doc without saving, 
 just replace the new someDoc with ~someDoc and delete the ~someDoc so that 
 it can still be opened by the older app,
 So you are getting the tilde docs.  That's good.
 as my older app doesn't know how to deal with the ~ thing
 I'm disappointed that Apple did not build that ingelligence in, as I had 
 On Dec 22, 2009, at 7:26 AM, Jerry Krinock wrote:
 Also, I've never tried to open such a migrated document with an earlier app 
 version, but it would make sense that the earlier version would look for 
 and automatically load the old tilde document if it couldn't load the 
 current document due to model changed.
 I don't see why it wouldn't do that for you.  You should file a bug.  

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Re: Inspect Core Graphics Object

2009-12-22 Thread Henry McGilton (Boulevardier)

On Dec 22, 2009, at 9:33 AM, Richard Somers wrote:

 How do you inspect or print the description of a Core Graphics object?

There's no analogue to the  -description  method of Objective-C frameworks.

Many of the specific Core Graphics types like CGColor and CGColorSpace and
CGImage and CGFont have various 'Get . . .' function calls that provide sundry 
information about 
the object (CGColorGetComponents on CGColor, for instance).For CGPath, 
a CGPathApply by which you can play back the elements of the path, and so on.   
have to look at the stuff on a case-by-case basis . . .

   . . . . . . . .Henry

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storing ivars in core data docs

2009-12-22 Thread Rainer Standke


is there a way to store regular ivars in docs of a core data doc-based  


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Re: Are views active or inactive?

2009-12-22 Thread Joar Wingfors

On 22 dec 2009, at 19.45, Rick Mann wrote:

 Do NSViews have the notion of being active or inactive? My app 
 architecture requires that I be able to differentiate, at draw time, 
 between a (custom) view that is in the frontmost window (and technically, 
 has focus), and a similar custom view that is in a non-frontmost window.
 Listen for NSWindowDidBecomeMainNotification. -viewDidMoveToWindow is
 a good time to start, and -viewWillMoveToWindow: is a good time to
 I'm listening for that notification. Sure is a clunky way to do things. I've 
 never used a view framework that didn't tell views when they became 

Lot's of interesting advice in this thread...   :-)

You don't have to listen to any notifications to achieve this. You will be 
asked to draw when the state of the window changes, and when you become or 
resign first responder status.

So, you don't have to figure out *when* to draw, but you do have to figure out 
*how* to draw.

Here are two things that you're often interested in taking into account:

* Is your window the key window

([NSApp keyWindow] == [self window])

* Are you the first responder of that window

([[self window] firstResponder] == self)

You can of course also track the state of these properties at all times using 
notifications and overrides of methods from your superclasses, but there is - 
like I said earlier - in general no need to.

j o a r


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Modal Windows

2009-12-22 Thread Joaquín Sánchez
Hello, I'm new here.

I have a problem.

I have two window, main window, and another window call NSWindow 
 when I would like to see them, press a bottom there, and it's no problem:

if (piezaSeleccionada-1) {
float f;
int i=0;
for(Hormigon *h in 
if (i==piezaSeleccionada) {

[fckString setFloatValue:f];
[NSApp beginSheet:cargaCaracteristicasHormigon
   modalForWindow:[inPinta window]



this is ok.

but when I would like  to get this window make a click in a view I have the 
follow error:

2009-12-23 00:08:10.482 Secciones[1682:a0f] *** Assertion failure in 
2009-12-23 00:08:10.483 Secciones[1682:a0f] Modal session requires modal window

the code that I try is this:

-(void)mouseDown:(NSEvent *)theEvent{
if (pintarRectangulo) {

if (inicio) {
path=[[NSBezierPath alloc] init];
puntoInicial=[theEvent locationInWindow];
[path moveToPoint:[theEvent locationInWindow]];
}else {
puntoFinal=[theEvent locationInWindow];
[path lineToPoint:NSMakePoint(puntoFinal.x, 
[path lineToPoint:puntoFinal];
[path lineToPoint:NSMakePoint(puntoInicial.x, 
[path lineToPoint:puntoInicial];
Hormigon *h=[[Hormigon alloc] initWithFck:30.0];
NSString *s=[[NSString alloc] init];

[NSApp beginSheet:cargaCaracteristicasHormigon
   modalForWindow:[inPinta window]

[armadoPrincipal.geometriaPrincipal addGeometria:path 
tipoDeGeometria:s claseDeHormigon:h];


}else {

[self setNeedsDisplay:YES];


Could help me anybody?, Please.___

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NSViewAnimationFadeInEffect broken in Snow Leopard?

2009-12-22 Thread Kevin Wojniak
NSViewAnimationFadeInEffect doesn't seem to be working like it was in Leopard.

Here's an older project (not mine) to test:

When fading from one view to another, the fade out works, but the fade in 
doesn't. The view just shows immediately.

Here's my own test project that is as simple as I can get:

Works fine in Leopard, but not in Snow Leopard.

Any ideas? Yes, I could use Core Animation but would rather not change all my 
code at this point.


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Virtual Folders in Mac

2009-12-22 Thread Akash Nemani
Hi All,

Is there a way to get a virtual folder in mac? Something like the win 7
library folder? Basically I am trying to create a folder in which if a file
is copied or dragged, it creates a  link to the original file into the
folder instead of copying the file. I saw that Burn folder is something
similar. But I dont want the burn button in it and would like to create
symbolic link instead of alias in the folder since I can access the path of
the original file using readlink or stat functions.

Akash Nemani
Computer Engineering
School of Computing
National University of Singapore

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Releasing Objects

2009-12-22 Thread Michael Craig
Hi folks,
   I'm new to Cocoa but I think I have a passable understanding of Obj-C.
I'm learning Cocoa for a part of an undergraduate comp-sci independent

I'm working through the Cocoa Application Tutorial, found here:

At the point where the tutorial discusses garbage collection (end of ch. 5),
I decided to implement the deallocation of the Converter objects created by
ConverterController's convert: method. I want the deallocation to happen
inside convert:. To test it, I'm using [converter retainCount], thinking
that after the object is deallocated, that call will cause an error.

First I tried [converter release], which didn't work. My code for convert:
looks like this:

-(IBAction) convert: (id) sender {
float amount;
converter = [[Converter alloc] init];
[converter setSourceCurrencyAmount: [dollarField floatValue]];
[converter setRate: [rateField floatValue]];
amount = [converter convertCurrency];

[rateField selectText: self];   // autorelease ineff. if b4 this
line. hmmm.
[amountField setFloatValue: amount];

NSLog(@Reference count: %lx, (unsigned long) [converter retainCount]);
[converter release];
NSLog(@Reference count: %lx, (unsigned long) [converter retainCount]);

Everything else is the same as is given in the tutorial. The console shows
that the reference count of converter is 1 both before and after the
release. Why?

Next I tried using an autorelease pool inside the convert method. My code
for convert: looks like this:

-(IBAction) convert: (id) sender {
NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
float amount;
converter = [[Converter alloc] init];
[converter setSourceCurrencyAmount: [dollarField floatValue]];
[converter setRate: [rateField floatValue]];
amount = [converter convertCurrency];

[amountField setFloatValue: amount];
[rateField selectText: self];

[converter autorelease];
NSLog(@Reference count: %lx, (unsigned long) [converter retainCount]);
[pool drain];
NSLog(@Reference count: %lx, (unsigned long) [converter retainCount]);

Once again, everything else is the same. Now it works: and the console shows
that the ref count is 1 before the pool drain and then there's an error
(EXC_BAD_ACCESS). HOWEVER: If the [converter autorelease] call is moved up
so it happens anywhere prior to the [rateField selectText: self] call, it
doesn't work. The console now shows a ref count of 1 both before and after
the pool drain. Once again, why?

If I'm missing some key concept here, just point me in the right direction
and I'll go learn it. If it's something more specific, fill me in!

Michael S Craig

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Re: Modal Windows

2009-12-22 Thread Seth Willits
On Dec 22, 2009, at 3:21 PM, Joaquín Sánchez wrote:

 2009-12-23 00:08:10.483 Secciones[1682:a0f] Modal session requires modal 

This happens when in IB you drop in an NSWindow instance, and then change the 
class to NSPanel, versus creating an NSPanel instance in the first place. My 
guess (I didn't bother to check) is that this is because IB didn't set - 
[NSPanel setWorksWhenModal:YES].

Just add that, or recreate the window in IB as an NSPanel to begin with and you 
should be fine.

Seth Willits


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Re: NSViewAnimationFadeInEffect broken in Snow Leopard?

2009-12-22 Thread Seth Willits
On Dec 22, 2009, at 4:58 PM, Kevin Wojniak wrote:

 NSViewAnimationFadeInEffect doesn't seem to be working like it was in Leopard.
 Works fine in Leopard, but not in Snow Leopard.

I had this same problem recently but didn't go back to Leopard to verify it. 
Fade out worked fine, but fade in was broken. Seems like I'm not the only one 
who had that problem :-\

Seth Willits


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Re: NSViewAnimationFadeInEffect broken in Snow Leopard?

2009-12-22 Thread Gideon King
I just tried doing that the other day, and it just appeared suddenly, so I 
assumed I was doing something wrong. In the end I needed to program it 
differently because I needed to reverse the showing/hiding animation part way 
through the animation, so I never really looked into it in depth, but as a data 
point, it did appear to be broken to me.


On 23/12/2009, at 10:58 AM, Kevin Wojniak wrote:

 NSViewAnimationFadeInEffect doesn't seem to be working like it was in Leopard.

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Re: NSViewAnimationFadeInEffect broken in Snow Leopard?

2009-12-22 Thread Gideon King
Hmmm - seems as if there really is a bug there. One thing that surprised me in 
the documentation is that it explicitly says that the Hidden property is only 
set to false at the end of the animation. 

If the effect is to fade in an initially hidden view and the end frame is 
non-empty, the view is unhidden at the end.

If the animation is done using an animation backing and setAlphaValue:, and 
setHidden:NO is only called at the end of the animation, then that would 
explain the bug. You could try setAlphaValue:0.0f and setHidden:NO before 
calling the animation and seeing whether that works around it.

 I had this same problem recently but didn't go back to Leopard to verify it. 
 Fade out worked fine, but fade in was broken. Seems like I'm not the only one 
 who had that problem :-\


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Re: Releasing Objects

2009-12-22 Thread Bill Bumgarner

On Dec 22, 2009, at 9:40 PM, Michael Craig wrote:

NSLog(@Reference count: %lx, (unsigned long) [converter retainCount]);
[converter release];
NSLog(@Reference count: %lx, (unsigned long) [converter retainCount]);

If the -release is going to deallocate converter, then the subsequent 
-retainCount's behavior is undefined.



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Re: Releasing Objects

2009-12-22 Thread Franck Zoccolo
On 23/12/2009 06:40, Michael Craig wrote:
 Everything else is the same as is given in the tutorial. The console shows
 that the reference count of converter is 1 both before and after the
 release. Why ?
You said that you're using garbage collection. When using GC retain and
release messages do nothing, and the retain count is not used to
determine when an objet can be freed from memory.


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