Re: Objective-C Question

2013-03-13 Thread Dave

On 12 Mar 2013, at 21:34, Graham Cox wrote:

On 13/03/2013, at 6:53 AM, Dave wrote:

If that is the case, then how do you signal to the compiler/ 
analyzer that you are returning a retained object?

In general you shouldn't return a retained object (unless it's  
temporarily retained and will be autoreleased of course)

Why? Where does it say this? And Autorelease is evil and should never  
be used if it can be avoided!

. If you are routinely doing this then your design is flawed. The  
reason it's hard to signal to the compiler that you're returning a  
retained object is that you shouldn't be doing it. When you have to  
do it, use the word 'new' in the method.

How many years experience do you have writing applications and OS  
level software? I've been doing it since that late 70's. And, in all  
that time, I have never (well rarely it's a long time!) heard a more  
silly statement then  If you are routinely doing this then your  
design is flawed. (this meaning returning a retained object). In  
that case Unix, MacOS X and most software on the market has a flawed  
design according to this logic! I've never seen anything about this  
written down in any Apple document. In fact see below - Apple seems  
to disagree with you!

The reason it's hard to signal to the compiler that you're  
returning a retained object is that you shouldn't be doing it. When  
you have to do it, use the word 'new' in the method.

So, the design is flawed because it's hard to signal to the compiler  
that you are retuning a retain object? Do you realize how silly that  
sounds? How can a compiler option/feature affect a design? Also, are  
you saying that ARC is a flawed design? With ARC you do nothing BUT  
return retained objects!

So lets say we have a number of fairly complex (non ARC) iPad  
Applications that work wonderfully with no memory leaks. The code is  
well written, commented and easy to understand and maintain, but  
these Apps contained methods that routinely return retained objects.  
Would you then say these apps have a Flawed Design simply for this  

The fact of the matter is that this *is* routinely done in many  
commercial applications that I have worked on and by many developers,  
both on the Mac and iOS. Originally, I don't think there was a new  
prefix, so older code has lots of methods beginning with alloc. The  
new was added later to make it easier to signal to the compiler the  
the method is returning a retained object. Most developers I worked  
with think that using new as a prefix when returning a retained  

Besides all this, it isn't hard to signal to the compiler you are  
returning a retained object, you just prefix the name with new,  
alloc, retain  etc.  As per:

Unless there is another prefix to use, they I am going to continue  
ignore it too!

Again, no offence intended but when a person doesn't follow a rule  
because they think it doesn't apply to them, it's just a sign of  
inexperience and/or lack of understanding. Sorry, but there it is.

I don't think the rule doesn't apply to just me, I think it's  
doesn't apply to *anyone* and that it either isn't a rule and you are  
mistaken or if it is a rule, it's a stupid one and I don't follow  
stupid rules.

The only reason you have given me is that this is bad is that hard  
to signal to the compiler that you're returning a retained object  
but it isn't hard, you just prefix with new. If there are other  
reasons, then please do let me know and I will consider what you say,  
but so far you've not given one reference to an Apple doc that  
categorically states this and no real reason why its bad apart from  
it's hard to signal the compiler what you are doing, which is isn't!  
So, pardon me if I take no notice of what you say!

There are loads of rules in life that no one pays any attention to!  
There are load of rules that Apple have made that are routinely  
broken. A few that spring to mind are, using _ in iVar names, have  
getters/setters with non-standard names,

For instance, there is a law in England that dates back hundreds of  
year that states that a Male may urinate on the public highway as  
long as he alerts people to this fact uses the offside of his cab to  
shield passers by from this unsightly spectacle! How many men do you  
hear announcing in Oxford street that that are going to Urinate and  
then doing it against the offside of their car! Not Many!

There is another that says perambulated baby carriages much be  
wheeled off the pavement and on the road! How many people do you see  
wheeling their offspring along the slow lane side of the A40? Not many.

However, according to you, these rules must be obeyed! So next time  
you need to relieve yourself while wheeling your baby buggy along a  
public highway, just announce the fact that you are about to urinate  

Re: Another Gnarly Objective-C Question!

2013-03-13 Thread Jean-Daniel Dupas

Le 13 mars 2013 à 01:55, Wim Lewis a écrit :

 On 12 Mar 2013, at 2:08 AM, Graham Cox wrote:
 in a + method, [self class] === self. Once you've got that, you've got it.
 You're overthinking this.
 A class method is just an instance method of the class object. No magic at 
 all. So all this confusion you've caused yourself about [super class] and so 
 on is wholly unnecessary to correctly use class methods.
 To be very slightly pedantic, the only magic here is 'super' --- sending a 
 message to super (which you can only do from a method implementation) is 
 special syntax that searches for the method starting with the 
 implementation's class's superclass, rather than at the receiver's actual 
 class. Everything else is non-magic. (In general, that's been one of the 
 strengths of ObjC: very little magic.)

To be ever more pedantic, there is other magic involved when sending a message 
to a class.
If there is no class method that matches the selector, the runtime will then 
search for instance methods of the root class. So you can use NSObject instance 
(like performSelector:) method on all NSObject subclasses.

-- Jean-Daniel


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Re: Objective-C Question

2013-03-13 Thread Markus Spoettl

On 3/13/13 9:36 AM, Dave wrote:

On 12 Mar 2013, at 21:34, Graham Cox wrote:

On 13/03/2013, at 6:53 AM, Dave wrote:

If that is the case, then how do you signal to the compiler/analyzer that you
are returning a retained object?

In general you shouldn't return a retained object (unless it's temporarily
retained and will be autoreleased of course)

Why? Where does it say this?

And Autorelease is evil and should never be used if it can be avoided!


Markus Spoettl

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Re: Objective-C Question

2013-03-13 Thread Dave

On 12 Mar 2013, at 21:25, Graham Cox wrote:

On 13/03/2013, at 2:41 AM, Dave wrote:

So, what is it? Wind up merchant or Moron?

I don't think there's any need for this. If I caused offence, it  
was unintended (I sometimes have trouble anticipating how others  
might receive statements I make, that's just something I have to  
live with).

The further discussion doesn't really convince me that you've  
really understood it, but if you have, great. Personally I have no  
stake in whether you succeed or not, so if you choose to ignore  
advice or insult the adviser, it makes no difference to me.

Look, you made a number of silly and wild comments, all I did was to  
ask you do back them up. Perhaps I could have been kinder, but to be  
honest, from your comments it showed you didn't even bother to read  
the original post and the code contained therein, so again:

@interface BaseClass
+(NSMutableDictionary*) newDict;

@implementation BaseClass

+(NSMutableDictionary*) newDict
return [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];

@class NewClass;

@interface NewClass : BaseClass
+(NSMutableDictionary*) newDict;

#import BaseClass.h
@implementation NewClass

+(NSMutableDictionary*) newDict

myDict = [[super class] newDict];   
//** bug
[myDict setObject:@Some Data forKey:@someKey];

return myDict;  

You said of this code:

Why not state you goals instead of give us a lump of incoherent code?

How is the above code incoherent? The text from that email:

I had assumed (and I thought I'd done something like this before)  
that the:

myDict = [[super class] newDict];

statement would call newDict in BaseClass Instead it calls the  
version in NewClass and goes into an infinite loop!!

How is this not stating my goals?

The attempts you made show a clear lack of understanding about  
inheritance, which is what others were trying to tell you.

In what way does the above code show a clear lack of understanding  
about inheritance ? To me and many others on this list, it just  
showed a typeo/bug in one line of newly added code.

Then you post some other code, that was slower and didn't even do the  
same job! Then you argued that it did do the same job and made light  
of the fact that is was slower and even questioned the fact that it  
might be slower. From that I could have said the attempts you made,  
showed a clear lack of understanding abut memory management and how  
container objects work in Cocoa.

The fact of the matter is that allocating a read-only array and then  
copying it's contents into a mutable array is slower, but worse than  
this, doesn't do the same thing at all. When I pointed out how it's  
different, you went quiet and then had a go about something else!

The latest post really takes the cake though:

In general you shouldn't return a retained object (unless it's  
temporarily retained and will be autoreleased of course). If you  
are routinely doing this then your design is flawed. The reason  
it's hard to signal to the compiler that you're returning a  
retained object is that you shouldn't be doing it. When you have to  
do it, use the word 'new' in the method.

According to you, many, many Apps have design flaws because they  
contain methods that return retained objects! What a croc! rofl!

So, lets explore this stupidity a little!  This is the Non-ARC case,  
obviously. I need to create an Object that has a different class type  
than the class I am working in. I want to retain the object locally  
in the current method. Normally I would write

-(Obj*) newObject

myObj = [[Obj alloc] init];

// setup some fields in myObj

return myObj;

//  Calling method:


myObj = [self newObj];

// use myObj

[myObj release];

You are saying that this is a flawed design? Worse than that, you  
seem to be saying that:

-(Obj*) getObject

myObj = [[Obj alloc] init];

// setup some fields in myObj

return [myOb autorelease]j;

//  Calling method:


myObj = [self getObject];
[myObj retain];

// use myObj

[myObj release];

Is a better design? Is this really what you are saying? Because if it  
is, I don't care about what any rule says. the second example is  
Flawed over the first for obvious reasons. If you really do think  
this, then justify it and I don't mean point me to some Apple Doc of  
rules that was written years ago and has no real relevance to the  
real world. Tell me in technical terms why example 2 is better than  
example 1 or come up with a better way altogether.

So far AFAIAC you have been wrong on most of what you have said. I've  
pointed out the reasons why I think you are wrong but you just ignore  
them and pick on something else to be wrong about.

If you don' justify your reasoning, then regardless of 

Moderator - Re: Objective-C Question

2013-03-13 Thread Scott Anguish

I've had a number of complaints about this thread.

This thread has gone beyond all reasonable value and the behavior is not 

Nobody has a requirement to read and answer questions. The questions have been 
answered politely by posters who have a long history on the list of helping 

Do not respond to this on the list.


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how to implement iphoto like animation while doing drag and drop on custom listview

2013-03-13 Thread Muthulingam Ammaiappan
Hi Friends,

i had developed the custom list view which is having NSView as a cell with
variable sizes to represent the video clips in the timeline.

and i had implemented the drag and drop for reordering functionality...
that is working as per the expectation...

but i wanted to add the animation while doing the drag and drop like in

(when user drag the item if the mouse co-ords enters the in between region
then the corresponding elements will animate... and animation will end and
it comeback its original position once the mouse left the coords)

here i am including the drag and drop code please help me how i can
implement the above mentioned animation while doing drag and drop...

Thanks  Regards,

- (NSDragOperation)draggingEntered:(id NSDraggingInfo)sender


NSDragOperation theOperation = NSDragOperationNone;

  self.highlightForDragAcceptance = YES;

BOOL dropHighlight = _highlightForDragAcceptance;

 downLocation = [self convertPoint: [sender draggingLocation] fromView:
[self superview]];

dropindex = [self indexOfCellAtPoint:downLocation];

  theOperation = [timelineViewController validateDrop:sender proposedCell:

 proposedDropHighlight: dropHighlight];

 return theOperation;


- (NSDragOperation)draggingUpdated:(id NSDraggingInfo)sender


NSDragOperation theOperation = NSDragOperationNone;

  self.highlightForDragAcceptance = YES;

BOOL dropHighlight = _highlightForDragAcceptance;

currentLocation = [self convertPoint: [sender draggingLocation] fromView:
[self superview]];

NSUInteger _numberOfCells = [[timelineViewController collection] count];

NSArray * sprites = [timelineViewController collection];

dropindex = [self indexOfCellAtPoint:currentLocation];

theOperation = [timelineViewController validateDrop:sender proposedCell:

  proposedDropHighlight: dropHighlight];

return theOperation;


- (void)draggingExited:(id NSDraggingInfo)sender


#pragma unused(sender)

 self.highlightForDragAcceptance = NO;


- (BOOL)prepareForDragOperation:(idNSDraggingInfo)sender


sender.animatesToDestination = YES;

return YES;


- (BOOL)performDragOperation:(id NSDraggingInfo)sender


BOOL highlight = _highlightForDragAcceptance;

BOOL accepted = [timelineViewController acceptDrop:sender cellindex:
dropindex dropHighlight:highlight];

  self.highlightForDragAcceptance = NO;

return accepted;


- (void)concludeDragOperation:(id NSDraggingInfo)sender


#pragma unused(sender)


- (void)draggingEnded:(id NSDraggingInfo)sender


#pragma unused(sender)

 self.highlightForDragAcceptance = NO;

 [self deselectSelectedObjects];


- (BOOL)wantsPeriodicDraggingUpdates


return YES;


- (BOOL)writeCellsWithIndexes:(NSIndexSet*)indexes toPasteboard:(
NSPasteboard *)dragPasteboard


[dragPasteboard declareTypes: [NSArray arrayWithObjects:
NSStringPboardType, nil] owner: self];

[dragPasteboard setString: @Just Testing forType: NSStringPboardType];

 return YES;


- (NSDragOperation)validateDrop:(id NSDraggingInfo)info proposedCell:(



return NSDragOperationCopy;


- (BOOL)acceptDrop:(id NSDraggingInfo)info cellindex:(NSUInteger)index


NSLog(@Accept Drop);

NSLog(@selection index:%i,[spritesController selectionIndex]);

NSLog(@drop index:%i,index);

MVSprite *temp = [collection objectAtIndex: [spritesController

[spritesController removeObjectAtArrangedObjectIndex:[spritesController

[spritesController insertObject:temp atArrangedObjectIndex:index];

NSArray * sprites = [self collection];

 int count = [sprites count];

//layout the subviews

for (int i=0; icount; i++)


MVSprite * current = [sprites objectAtIndex:i];

if(i == 0)


current.start = 0;

current.end = current.start + current.duration;

[current setAnimate:YES];

[current.spriteView setSpriteViewFrame];


MVSprite * previous = [sprites objectAtIndex:i-1];

current.start = previous.end;

current.end = current.start + current.duration;

[current setAnimate:YES];

[current.spriteView setSpriteViewFrame];




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Re: Snapping windows while moving

2013-03-13 Thread Tamas Nagy
I'm using this:

- (void)windowDidMove:(NSNotification *)notification

NSEnumerator *e;
NSWindow *theWindow;
id edgeObject;
NSArray *frames = NSApp windows] copy] autorelease]  
arrayByAddingObjectsFromArray:[NSScreen screens]];
//Edit 7 October 2004: this prefers window edges. change the above line to:
//NSArray *frames = [[NSScreen screens] 
arrayByAddingObjectsFromArray:[NSApp windows]];
//to give snapping priority to screen edges.

NSRect frame, myFrame;
BOOL hDidChange = NO, vDidChange = NO;
float gravity = 3;

theWindow = [notification object];
myFrame = [theWindow frame];
e = [frames objectEnumerator];

if ([[NSApp currentEvent] modifierFlags]  NSAlternateKeyMask) return;

while ((edgeObject = [e nextObject]))
if ( (edgeObject != theWindow 
respondsToSelector:@selector(isVisible)]  [edgeObject isVisible]))
|| [edgeObject isKindOfClass:[NSScreen class]] )
// leave out the following if clause and just set frame 
to [edgeObject frame] 
//if you want windows to snap behind the dock
if ([edgeObject isKindOfClass:[NSScreen class]])
frame = [edgeObject visibleFrame];
frame = [edgeObject frame];
/* code continues here with */ /* horizontal magnet */
//NSLog(@%f %f, NSMinX(frame) - NSMinX(myFrame), 
NSMinY(frame) - NSMinY(myFrame));
if (!hDidChange  fabs(NSMinX(frame) - 
NSMinX(myFrame)) = gravity)
//NSLog(@NSMinX(frame) - NSMinX(myFrame));
myFrame.origin.x = frame.origin.x;
hDidChange = YES;
if (!hDidChange  fabs(NSMinX(frame) - 
NSMaxX(myFrame)) = gravity)
//NSLog(@NSMinX(frame) - NSMaxX(myFrame));
myFrame.origin.x += NSMinX(frame) - 
hDidChange = YES;
if (!hDidChange  fabs(NSMaxX(frame) - 
NSMinX(myFrame)) = gravity)
//NSLog(@NSMaxX(frame) - NSMinX(myFrame));
myFrame.origin.x = NSMaxX(frame);
hDidChange = YES;
if (!hDidChange  fabs(NSMaxX(frame) - 
NSMaxX(myFrame)) = gravity)
//NSLog(@NSMaxX(frame) - NSMaxX(myFrame));
myFrame.origin.x += NSMaxX(frame) - 
hDidChange = YES;
/* vertical magnet */
if (!vDidChange  fabs(NSMinY(frame) - 
NSMinY(myFrame)) = gravity)
//NSLog(@NSMinY(frame) - NSMinY(myFrame));
myFrame.origin.y = frame.origin.y;
vDidChange = YES;
if (!vDidChange  fabs(NSMinY(frame) - 
NSMaxY(myFrame)) = gravity)
//NSLog(@NSMinY(frame) - NSMaxY(myFrame));
myFrame.origin.y += NSMinY(frame) - 
vDidChange = YES;
if (!vDidChange  fabs(NSMaxY(frame) - 
NSMinY(myFrame)) = gravity)
//NSLog(@NSMaxY(frame) - NSMinY(myFrame));
myFrame.origin.y = NSMaxY(frame);
vDidChange = YES;
if (!vDidChange  fabs(NSMaxY(frame) - 
NSMaxY(myFrame)) = gravity)
//NSLog(@(NSMaxY(frame) - NSMaxY(myFrame));
myFrame.origin.y += NSMaxY(frame) - 
vDidChange = YES;
//if (v_isChanged  h_isChanged) break;

if ([[theWindow screen] isEqualTo:[NSScreen mainScreen]]) {

if ((myFrame.size.height+myFrame.origin.y)([[NSScreen mainScreen] 
frame].size.height-20)) {
myFrame.origin.y = [[NSScreen mainScreen] 

Re: Objective-C Question

2013-03-13 Thread Dave

On 13 Mar 2013, at 09:24, Markus Spoettl wrote:

On 3/13/13 9:36 AM, Dave wrote:

On 12 Mar 2013, at 21:34, Graham Cox wrote:

On 13/03/2013, at 6:53 AM, Dave wrote:

If that is the case, then how do you signal to the compiler/ 
analyzer that you

are returning a retained object?

In general you shouldn't return a retained object (unless it's  

retained and will be autoreleased of course)

Why? Where does it say this? 

And Autorelease is evil and should never be used if it can be  


Obviously, it isn't evil, but from experience of working on 5 or more  
major iOS applications, I've found most bugs were caused as a  
consequence of autorelease, that's why I avoid it if possible. I  
don't have a problem with memory management, it's simple as long as  
you follow the rules.

Avoiding autorelease makes it run faster anyway and makes the whole  
app more robust in general. Autorelease in the wrong hands can cause  
massive inefficiencies that you'd never code otherwise, here are some  
examples of what I mean:

-(NSString*) processString:(NSString*) theString
NSString*   myWorkString;

myWorkString = [theString stringByReplacingOccurencesOfSting:@/b  
with:@BOLD]; 	//1
myWorkString = [theString stringByReplacingOccurencesOfSting:@/i  
with:@ITALICS];	//2
myWorkString = [theString stringByReplacingOccurencesOfSting:@/u  
with:@UNDERLINE];			//3
myWorkString = [theString stringByReplacingOccurencesOfSting:@*  
myWorkString = [theString stringByReplacingOccurencesOfSting:@  
with:@AMPERSAND];			//5
myWorkString = [theString stringByReplacingOccurencesOfSting:@$  

and so on

return myWorkString;

This code creates 5 strings that are not needed and will clog up  
memory until the runloop is called or the pool is drained. Imagine  
there were 30 such replacements going on and the initial theString is  
large ( 100K) and there are 100's of these strings.

You don't need a degree in applied meta physics to see where this is  
going. It's not the fault of autorelease I know, it's the fault on  
inexperienced developers or people that blindly follow rules.

The underlying problem is that it makes the above method data  
dependent without really drawing much attention to this fact. I  
actually had a bug that was caused by this. I worked on an iPad app  
for an International Newspaper. The App was working ok, until one day  
it crashed a 5 AM when the new edition was published and the iPad  
client software downloaded and processed it. When it got to the  
sports section a method similar to the above (although a lot more  
complex with a LOT more autorealsed objects) crashed. I got in a 6 AM  
and it took me a good while to figure out what was wrong. On that  
particular day, the paper published the football (soccer) league  
tables for the whole of the UK. Apart from there being a loads of  
data, it was also heavily attrubuted, bold, italics, colours etc.  
Well it was too much for the method and when it had built up around  
80 to 100 MB of useless autoreleased strings, it crashed!!

There are loads of other problems I come across as a side effect of  
junior (and sometimes senior) developers using autorelease, but I  
think the above described above was the worst.

That's why I say it's evil and I avoid it with a vengeance. So why  
do you think it's a force for good?

Besides all this, is it really so hard to add:

[ release];

It's less typing than autorelease anyway!!!

All the Best


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Re: Snapping windows while moving

2013-03-13 Thread Steve Mills
And you're seeing that getting called for every single movement of the mouse?

Steve Mills
office: 952-818-3871
home: 952-401-6255
cell: 612-803-6157

On Mar 13, 2013, at 00:11:50, Tamas Nagy wrote:

 - (void)windowDidMove:(NSNotification *)notification


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Re: Snapping windows while moving

2013-03-13 Thread Tamas Nagy

On Mar 13, 2013, at 1:56 PM, Steve Mills wrote:

 And you're seeing that getting called for every single movement of the mouse?
 Steve Mills
 office: 952-818-3871
 home: 952-401-6255
 cell: 612-803-6157
 On Mar 13, 2013, at 00:11:50, Tamas Nagy wrote:
 - (void)windowDidMove:(NSNotification *)notification
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Re: Snapping windows while moving

2013-03-13 Thread Ken Thomases
On Mar 12, 2013, at 3:11 PM, Steve Mills wrote:

 What's the best way to go about snapping windows to screens and other windows 
 while dragging the window? I've tried catching it in windowDidMove (only when 
 the mouse is down), but that isn't called for every single movement of the 
 mouse. I haven't been able to find anything equivalent to the old 
 kEventWindowBoundsChanging with kWindowBoundsChangeUserDrag, which was 
 exactly what was needed to do this. It needs to be available in 10.7 on up.

The Window Server moves most windows entirely without involving the app (until 
the move is completed).  If you want to change how windows get moved, I think 
you have to take over the whole process.  You do [window setMovable:NO] to make 
the Window Server not move your windows itself.  Instead, you get the relevant 
mouse events and you write typical mouse drag code and change the window frame 
manually.  See the docs for -[NSWindow isMovable].



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Re: how to implement iphoto like animation while doing drag and drop on custom listview

2013-03-13 Thread Jens Alfke

On Mar 6, 2013, at 10:28 PM, Muthulingam Ammaiappan 

 here i am including the drag and drop code please help me how i can
 implement the above mentioned animation while doing drag and drop...

This is too broad and vague. What you’re asking is something for a paid 
consultant, not mailing-list volunteers.


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Re: how to implement iphoto like animation while doing drag and drop on custom listview

2013-03-13 Thread Chuck Soper
Take a look at the MultiPhotoFrame sample source:

The dragged images are animated as they enter/exit views by tracking the
mouse using this NSDraggingSource Protocol method:
- (void)draggingSession:(NSDraggingSession *)session

Also, check out the following WWDC 2011 video. It explains how to change
drag images in flight.

I'm writing similar code at the moment.


On 3/6/13 11:28 PM, Muthulingam Ammaiappan

Hi Friends,

i had developed the custom list view which is having NSView as a cell with
variable sizes to represent the video clips in the timeline.

and i had implemented the drag and drop for reordering functionality...
that is working as per the expectation...

but i wanted to add the animation while doing the drag and drop like in

(when user drag the item if the mouse co-ords enters the in between region
then the corresponding elements will animate... and animation will end and
it comeback its original position once the mouse left the coords)

here i am including the drag and drop code please help me how i can
implement the above mentioned animation while doing drag and drop...

Thanks  Regards,

- (NSDragOperation)draggingEntered:(id NSDraggingInfo)sender


NSDragOperation theOperation = NSDragOperationNone;

  self.highlightForDragAcceptance = YES;

BOOL dropHighlight = _highlightForDragAcceptance;

 downLocation = [self convertPoint: [sender draggingLocation]
[self superview]];

dropindex = [self indexOfCellAtPoint:downLocation];

  theOperation = [timelineViewController validateDrop:sender proposedCell:

 proposedDropHighlight: dropHighlight];

 return theOperation;


- (NSDragOperation)draggingUpdated:(id NSDraggingInfo)sender


NSDragOperation theOperation = NSDragOperationNone;

  self.highlightForDragAcceptance = YES;

BOOL dropHighlight = _highlightForDragAcceptance;

currentLocation = [self convertPoint: [sender draggingLocation]
[self superview]];

NSUInteger _numberOfCells = [[timelineViewController collection]

NSArray * sprites = [timelineViewController collection];

dropindex = [self indexOfCellAtPoint:currentLocation];

theOperation = [timelineViewController validateDrop:sender

  proposedDropHighlight: dropHighlight];

return theOperation;


- (void)draggingExited:(id NSDraggingInfo)sender


#pragma unused(sender)

 self.highlightForDragAcceptance = NO;


- (BOOL)prepareForDragOperation:(idNSDraggingInfo)sender


sender.animatesToDestination = YES;

return YES;


- (BOOL)performDragOperation:(id NSDraggingInfo)sender


BOOL highlight = _highlightForDragAcceptance;

BOOL accepted = [timelineViewController acceptDrop:sender cellindex:
dropindex dropHighlight:highlight];

  self.highlightForDragAcceptance = NO;

return accepted;


- (void)concludeDragOperation:(id NSDraggingInfo)sender


#pragma unused(sender)


- (void)draggingEnded:(id NSDraggingInfo)sender


#pragma unused(sender)

 self.highlightForDragAcceptance = NO;

 [self deselectSelectedObjects];


- (BOOL)wantsPeriodicDraggingUpdates


return YES;


- (BOOL)writeCellsWithIndexes:(NSIndexSet*)indexes toPasteboard:(
NSPasteboard *)dragPasteboard


[dragPasteboard declareTypes: [NSArray arrayWithObjects:
NSStringPboardType, nil] owner: self];

[dragPasteboard setString: @Just Testing forType: NSStringPboardType];

 return YES;


- (NSDragOperation)validateDrop:(id NSDraggingInfo)info proposedCell:(



return NSDragOperationCopy;


- (BOOL)acceptDrop:(id NSDraggingInfo)info cellindex:(NSUInteger)index


NSLog(@Accept Drop);

NSLog(@selection index:%i,[spritesController selectionIndex]);

NSLog(@drop index:%i,index);

MVSprite *temp = [collection objectAtIndex: [spritesController


[spritesController insertObject:temp atArrangedObjectIndex:index];

NSArray * sprites = [self collection];

 int count = [sprites count];

//layout the subviews

for (int i=0; icount; i++)


MVSprite * current = [sprites objectAtIndex:i];

if(i == 0)


current.start = 0;

current.end = current.start + current.duration;

[current setAnimate:YES];

[current.spriteView setSpriteViewFrame];


MVSprite * previous = [sprites objectAtIndex:i-1];

current.start = 

Re: Another Gnarly Objective-C Question!

2013-03-13 Thread John McCall
On Mar 13, 2013, at 2:13 AM, Jean-Daniel Dupas wrote:
 Le 13 mars 2013 à 01:55, Wim Lewis a écrit :
 On 12 Mar 2013, at 2:08 AM, Graham Cox wrote:
 in a + method, [self class] === self. Once you've got that, you've got it.
 You're overthinking this.
 A class method is just an instance method of the class object. No magic at 
 all. So all this confusion you've caused yourself about [super class] and 
 so on is wholly unnecessary to correctly use class methods.
 To be very slightly pedantic, the only magic here is 'super' --- sending a 
 message to super (which you can only do from a method implementation) is 
 special syntax that searches for the method starting with the 
 implementation's class's superclass, rather than at the receiver's actual 
 class. Everything else is non-magic. (In general, that's been one of the 
 strengths of ObjC: very little magic.)
 To be ever more pedantic, there is other magic involved when sending a 
 message to a class.
 If there is no class method that matches the selector, the runtime will then 
 search for instance methods of the root class.

Note that this isn't magic really;  it's a quirk of the type system (both 
formal and dynamic).  The root metaclass is a subclass of the root class.

This can be problematic if you really want your root class to have a layout 
that's bigger than just an isa field, because the ABI and runtime just hardcode 
the layout of classes and there is no room for extra fields there — thus you 
need to be sure that anything using your extra fields is never invoked on a 
class object.


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KeyboardType for an iOS searchBar.

2013-03-13 Thread Alex Zavatone
Hopefully, this will be a more constructive question for the list.

On iOS in Xcode 4.2, I've put a storyboard scene together with a tableView and 
a searchBar.

The searchBar searches the tableView just fine, but my problem is how and when 
the storyboard defaults are applied to the searchBar and the resulting 
keyboard?  I ask, because it appears that it's only possible to override the 
storyboard defaults to set the keyboardType within the searchBar:textDidChange: 
method and this seems really clunky.

I'm using the methods below and I've tried setting the keyboardType on the 
viewController's viewDidLoad, viewDidAppear, after notification from 
UIKeyboardDidShowNotification, nothing works to override the setting used in 
the storyboard except for searchBar:textDidChange:, which is not acceptable.

[searchBar setKeyboardType:UIKeyboardTypeNumbersAndPunctuation];
[searchBar reloadInputViews];

I'm extending the interface to use the UISearchBarDelegate.  Is there anything 
obvious here that I might be missing?

- Zav

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Re: Another Gnarly Objective-C Question!

2013-03-13 Thread Jean-Daniel Dupas

Le 13 mars 2013 à 18:13, John McCall a écrit :

 On Mar 13, 2013, at 2:13 AM, Jean-Daniel Dupas wrote:
 Le 13 mars 2013 à 01:55, Wim Lewis a écrit :
 On 12 Mar 2013, at 2:08 AM, Graham Cox wrote:
 in a + method, [self class] === self. Once you've got that, you've got it.
 You're overthinking this.
 A class method is just an instance method of the class object. No magic at 
 all. So all this confusion you've caused yourself about [super class] and 
 so on is wholly unnecessary to correctly use class methods.
 To be very slightly pedantic, the only magic here is 'super' --- sending a 
 message to super (which you can only do from a method implementation) is 
 special syntax that searches for the method starting with the 
 implementation's class's superclass, rather than at the receiver's actual 
 class. Everything else is non-magic. (In general, that's been one of the 
 strengths of ObjC: very little magic.)
 To be ever more pedantic, there is other magic involved when sending a 
 message to a class.
 If there is no class method that matches the selector, the runtime will then 
 search for instance methods of the root class.
 Note that this isn't magic really;  it's a quirk of the type system (both 
 formal and dynamic).  The root metaclass is a subclass of the root class.

Yes, nothing is magic if the magician reveals its tricks, that's why he should 
not do that  ;-)

 This can be problematic if you really want your root class to have a layout 
 that's bigger than just an isa field, because the ABI and runtime just 
 hardcode the layout of classes and there is no room for extra fields there — 
 thus you need to be sure that anything using your extra fields is never 
 invoked on a class object.

I usually avoid this kind of issue by not writing root class. The extra fields 
issue is not the only one that a root class can have. Even methods that do not 
access ivars should take care of the Class case (retain/release/autorelease for 

-- Jean-Daniel


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2013-03-13 Thread koko
I have seen some popovers that have a wider frame with text information.

I cannot find how to specify this style and text an am asking for a pointer to 
the documentation for this feature.



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Re: UIPopoverController

2013-03-13 Thread Alex Zavatone
Do you have a sample so we can see what you mean?

I've been doing a few popovers recently that are completely independent from a 
UISplitViewController.  It can be a little challenging getting a grip on how 
you should set things up.  Generally, I'll programmatically set the popover's 
viewController with initWithContentViewController like so:

PopoverContentViewController *popoverContent = 
[[PopoverContentViewController alloc] init];

// Setup the popover for use from the navigation bar.
infoPopoverController = [[UIPopoverController alloc] 
infoPopoverController.popoverContentSize = CGSizeMake(320.0, 244.0);
infoPopoverController.delegate = self;

So, you can make the content as wide as you want within the 
PopoverContentViewController view controller.

Then when a button is tapped, I'll call this:

- (IBAction)InfoButtonPressed:(id)sender {
// Set the sender to a UIBarButtonItem.
UIBarButtonItem *tappedButton = (UIBarButtonItem *)sender;

// If the master list popover is showing, dismiss it before presenting 
the popover from the bar button item.
if (infoPopoverController != nil) {
[infoPopoverController dismissPopoverAnimated:YES];

// If the popover is already showing from the bar button item, dismiss 
it. Otherwise, present it.
if (infoPopoverController.popoverVisible == NO) {
permittedArrowDirections:UIPopoverArrowDirectionAny animated:YES];  
else {
[infoPopoverController dismissPopoverAnimated:YES];


Hope this helps.

On Mar 13, 2013, at 4:09 PM, koko wrote:

 I have seen some popovers that have a wider frame with text information.
 I cannot find how to specify this style and text an am asking for a pointer 
 to the documentation for this feature.
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Setting the position of new windows

2013-03-13 Thread Steve Mills
I've spent most of the day researching and coding this, but still don't have it 
perfect. I need to position our new document windows so they aren't covered by 
palettes that might be visible. I've done this in my window controller's 
windowDidLoad method, as was suggested somewhere. I'm able to calculate the new 
frame and set it with setFrame. This works on the first window. But if I create 
a 2nd window, it is going through what looks like the default cascading code, 
mostly ignoring the setFrame I just did (the size is right, but it moves it 

Am I going about this in the wrong place, or do I have to do a whole bunch more 
stuff to make this work, like subclassing NSWindow and overriding 
cascadeTopLeftFromPoint or some such thing?

Steve Mills
office: 952-818-3871
home: 952-401-6255
cell: 612-803-6157


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Re: Setting the position of new windows

2013-03-13 Thread Kevin Perry
I think you want to use -setShouldCascadeWindows:NO.

On Mar 13, 2013, at 2:20 PM, Steve Mills wrote:

 I've spent most of the day researching and coding this, but still don't have 
 it perfect. I need to position our new document windows so they aren't 
 covered by palettes that might be visible. I've done this in my window 
 controller's windowDidLoad method, as was suggested somewhere. I'm able to 
 calculate the new frame and set it with setFrame. This works on the first 
 window. But if I create a 2nd window, it is going through what looks like the 
 default cascading code, mostly ignoring the setFrame I just did (the size is 
 right, but it moves it around).
 Am I going about this in the wrong place, or do I have to do a whole bunch 
 more stuff to make this work, like subclassing NSWindow and overriding 
 cascadeTopLeftFromPoint or some such thing?
 Steve Mills
 office: 952-818-3871
 home: 952-401-6255
 cell: 612-803-6157
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Re: Setting the position of new windows

2013-03-13 Thread Seth Willits
On Mar 13, 2013, at 2:20 PM, Steve Mills wrote:

 I've spent most of the day researching and coding this, but still don't have 
 it perfect. I need to position our new document windows so they aren't 
 covered by palettes that might be visible. I've done this in my window 
 controller's windowDidLoad method, as was suggested somewhere. I'm able to 
 calculate the new frame and set it with setFrame. This works on the first 
 window. But if I create a 2nd window, it is going through what looks like the 
 default cascading code, mostly ignoring the setFrame I just did (the size is 
 right, but it moves it around).
 Am I going about this in the wrong place, or do I have to do a whole bunch 
 more stuff to make this work, like subclassing NSWindow and overriding 
 cascadeTopLeftFromPoint or some such thing?

If you don't want the cascading, you can turn that off in the window controller 

Seth Willits


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Re: Setting the position of new windows

2013-03-13 Thread Steve Mills
On Mar 13, 2013, at 16:29:36, Kevin Perry wrote:

 I think you want to use -setShouldCascadeWindows:NO.

That's an idea. I was hoping there was some way to say this is the frame for 
the first new window, but all others should respect it AND then go ahead and 
cascade down from there, because I'd still like to cascade the windows from 
that calculated position but hopefully without having to write all the code 
that Apple already wrote to cascade windows and ensure that they's still 100% 
onscreen in the first place.

Steve Mills
office: 952-818-3871
home: 952-401-6255
cell: 612-803-6157


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Re: KeyboardType for an iOS searchBar.

2013-03-13 Thread Diederik Meijer | Ten Horses
Maybe I'm missing the point, but you can set the keyboard type in the 
storyboard settings for it.. Or do you need to change it programmatically for 
some particular reason?

Op Mar 13, 2013, om 6:51 PM heeft Alex Zavatone het volgende 

 Hopefully, this will be a more constructive question for the list.
 On iOS in Xcode 4.2, I've put a storyboard scene together with a tableView 
 and a searchBar.
 The searchBar searches the tableView just fine, but my problem is how and 
 when the storyboard defaults are applied to the searchBar and the resulting 
 keyboard?  I ask, because it appears that it's only possible to override the 
 storyboard defaults to set the keyboardType within the 
 searchBar:textDidChange: method and this seems really clunky.
 I'm using the methods below and I've tried setting the keyboardType on the 
 viewController's viewDidLoad, viewDidAppear, after notification from 
 UIKeyboardDidShowNotification, nothing works to override the setting used in 
 the storyboard except for searchBar:textDidChange:, which is not acceptable.
   [searchBar setKeyboardType:UIKeyboardTypeNumbersAndPunctuation];
   [searchBar reloadInputViews];
 I'm extending the interface to use the UISearchBarDelegate.  Is there 
 anything obvious here that I might be missing?
 - Zav
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Re: KeyboardType for an iOS searchBar.

2013-03-13 Thread Alex Zavatone
Yeah, that's the point. I know you can set it a la the storyboard, but once it 
is set (once it's on the scene, the default is what is set) it's really hard to 

I have cases where the data the searchBar will be searching will all start with 
numbers and other cases where it will all start with letters.

Based on the data, I would like to display the default keyboard, or the 
UIKeyboardTypeNumbersAndPunctuation keyboard.

In any case, it appears to be very difficult to change the keyboard of the 
searchBar when it is created by placing it in a scene in a storyboard.  

If you know how to do it, I'd sure like to know how.  Also, why is it so hard 
to override these UISearchBar properties defined by a storyboard setting?  I've 
run into other cases where it's really difficult to enable/disable the cancel 
button + other settings of a UISearchBar.

Thanks Diederik.

On Mar 13, 2013, at 5:42 PM, Diederik Meijer | Ten Horses wrote:

 Maybe I'm missing the point, but you can set the keyboard type in the 
 storyboard settings for it.. Or do you need to change it programmatically for 
 some particular reason?
 Op Mar 13, 2013, om 6:51 PM heeft Alex Zavatone het volgende 
 Hopefully, this will be a more constructive question for the list.
 On iOS in Xcode 4.2, I've put a storyboard scene together with a tableView 
 and a searchBar.
 The searchBar searches the tableView just fine, but my problem is how and 
 when the storyboard defaults are applied to the searchBar and the resulting 
 keyboard?  I ask, because it appears that it's only possible to override the 
 storyboard defaults to set the keyboardType within the 
 searchBar:textDidChange: method and this seems really clunky.
 I'm using the methods below and I've tried setting the keyboardType on the 
 viewController's viewDidLoad, viewDidAppear, after notification from 
 UIKeyboardDidShowNotification, nothing works to override the setting used in 
 the storyboard except for searchBar:textDidChange:, which is not acceptable.
  [searchBar setKeyboardType:UIKeyboardTypeNumbersAndPunctuation];
  [searchBar reloadInputViews];
 I'm extending the interface to use the UISearchBarDelegate.  Is there 
 anything obvious here that I might be missing?
 - Zav
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Re: Setting the position of new windows

2013-03-13 Thread Seth Willits
On Mar 13, 2013, at 2:38 PM, Steve Mills wrote:

 I think you want to use -setShouldCascadeWindows:NO.
 That's an idea. I was hoping there was some way to say this is the frame for 
 the first new window, but all others should respect it AND then go ahead and 
 cascade down from there, because I'd still like to cascade the windows from 
 that calculated position but hopefully without having to write all the code 
 that Apple already wrote to cascade windows and ensure that they's still 100% 
 onscreen in the first place.

The exact behavior you describe is the behavior I see when simply setting the 
window frame in windowDidLoad.

Seth Willits


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Re: Snapping windows while moving

2013-03-13 Thread Seth Willits
On Mar 12, 2013, at 1:54 PM, Steve Mills wrote:

 Pretty sure you want to subclass and override constrainFrameRect:toScreen: 
 but I can't recall off the top of my head whether this is called live for 
 every movement. I believe it is. 
 Nope. It only seems to be called when the window is being created and *after* 
 the mouse has been released during a move.

Oh I see. I was thinking of the -windowWillResize:toSize: delegate method which 
is called live for resizes. 

On Mar 13, 2013, at 6:06 AM, Tamas Nagy wrote:

 And you're seeing that getting called for every single movement of the mouse?

I definitely do not. I suspect Tamas misinterpreted the question?

On Mar 13, 2013, at 8:34 AM, Ken Thomases wrote:

 The Window Server moves most windows entirely without involving the app 
 (until the move is completed).

Minor detail…  while the window is being moved the app has no idea it's 
happening, but after the movement stops for some brief time (the mouse button 
can *still be held down*) the window's frame is changed. That is, while the 
mouse button is held down, the window frame *does* update, but only after the 
mouse has stopped moving for some short amount of time. The frame change 
happens transparently though — no calls to any setFrame method is made (and no 
notifications happen etc).  So it's still useless, but it's interesting.

 If you want to change how windows get moved, I think you have to take over 
 the whole process.  You do [window setMovable:NO] to make the Window Server 
 not move your windows itself.  Instead, you get the relevant mouse events and 
 you write typical mouse drag code and change the window frame manually.  See 
 the docs for -[NSWindow isMovable].

I too think this the only option.

-- Seth

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