Re: makeKeyAndOrderFront (not working)

2013-04-15 Thread Uli Kusterer
On 14.04.2013, at 20:20, Pax wrote:
 [[NSApplication sharedApplication] activateIgnoringOtherApps : YES];
 Thanks for the suggestion.  If it breaks something else I'll be sure you let 
 you know.

 Cool, it'd be appreciated!

-- Uli Kusterer


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Re: Followup - Re: Is there a pattern for creating an object with global scope?

2013-04-15 Thread Tom Davie

On 15 Apr 2013, at 00:25, Graham Cox wrote:

 On 14/04/2013, at 2:08 PM, YT wrote:
 My struggle is partially due to my lack of experience in OOP. I just have 
 not written enough OO code as of yet.  AND I'm very new to Objective-C. 
 Hence my lack of experience and working knowledge of Objective-C.
 extern int gFoobar;
 I understand that solution and its working for me right now.
 I understand how tempting it is to go with whatever you can get working, 
 especially when you're new to something.
 But in this case I believe you should resist the temptation and try and gain 
 a little more understanding before you get too far down this road.
 GLOBALS ARE BAD NEWS. That is a pretty good rule and well worth sticking to. 
 If you can get rid of globals (and you always can) then you should avoid 
 them. There is NO problem in application programming that requires a global 
 to solve it. Singletons are a much safer and more predictable means of 
 achieving something that has global scope but prevents the hidden 
 state/parameters problem that globals bring with them.

Wow, I really can't get my head around this one.  You make bold statements like 
GLOBALS ARE BAD NEWS (which I 100% agree with), but then follow up with 
effectively use singletons instead.  Singletons bring with them 95% of the 
problems globals bring.  They still break any attempts at threading, they still 
break any attempts at testing, they still break separation of concerns, and 
they're always avoidable.  So I'd follow up with SINGLETONS ARE BAD NEWS TOO!  
In 95% of cases where you have a singleton, you should almost certainly be 
using dependancy injection instead, or some other method of avoiding it.

Note also – simply using your app delegate as a store for things that aren't 
singletons, but only one of them is pointed at by your app delegate is also 
horrific – you're just substituting one singleton for another.


Tom Davie

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Re: UITableCellView width decreases when scrolling

2013-04-15 Thread Koen van der Drift

On Apr 15, 2013, at 12:01 AM, Glenn L. Austin wrote:

 You can't have the full 320 pixels in width and still have the disclosure 
 indicator.  Well, you can, but you won't be happy with the result (and likely 
 won't get it past Apple's reviewers).

I see, thanks.

It doesn't have to be 320, 300 is fine too, as long as it doesn't change when I 
scroll the table. I'll make the subView 300 wide and see what happens.

- Koen.

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Re: UITableCellView width decreases when scrolling

2013-04-15 Thread Koen van der Drift

On Apr 15, 2013, at 1:27 AM, Luke Hiesterman wrote:

 In general, if you want to put custom stuff in a cell, you should do it by 
 adding views - like labels, image views, etc. Only if you find a scrolling 
 performance problem and only if via profiling analysis you can show that the 
 performance problem is related to having too many views should you think 
 about flattening the view hierarchy by using -drawRect.
 If you stick to this strategy your life will likely be much simpler.

The reason I was using drawRect is that my cell contains some text, plus a 
small graph (a few changing lines, so I cannot use an static image) at the 
bottom. Therefore I was using CoreGraphics, and I decided then to also draw the 
strings that way.  

Even if I use labels for the strings (which I agree is much easier and 
customizable), then I still would need a subview for the bottom half of my 
contentView to draw in the graph. Unless there is another solution?

- Koen.

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Re: Core Data grinds for 30 min saving SQLite. 10.6 Bug?

2013-04-15 Thread Nick Zitzmann

On Apr 14, 2013, at 6:25 PM, Jerry Krinock wrote:

 Has anyone ever seen any behavior like this?  (More data follows below.)

Yes. I haven't checked to see if this was addressed in later cats, but I did 
notice that CoreData is a memory hog in Snow Leopard. Specifically, it 
allocates up to twice the size of the managed object when updating or deleting 
(!) the object, so if you have an object that is a few hundred megabytes in 
size and the process is running in 32-bit mode, then it may not be able to 
update/delete the object.

Nick Zitzmann


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Re: Core Data grinds for 30 min saving SQLite. 10.6 Bug?

2013-04-15 Thread Jerry Krinock

On 2013 Apr 15, at 10:54, Nick Zitzmann wrote:

 Yes. I haven't checked to see if this was addressed in later cats, but I did 
 notice that CoreData is a memory hog in Snow Leopard. Specifically, it 
 allocates up to twice the size of the managed object when updating or 
 deleting (!) the object, so if you have an object that is a few hundred 
 megabytes in size and the process is running in 32-bit mode, then it may not 
 be able to update/delete the object.

Thank you, Nick.  These are some interesting clues.  But there must be 
something else going on in this case, because this store contains only several 
dozen small objects.  The size of the .sql file, before and after saving, is 
only 112 KB.

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Re: Restoring unsaved docs does wrong thing

2013-04-15 Thread Steve Mills
On Apr 12, 2013, at 16:16:53, Quincey Morris wrote:

 You can just override autosavesInPlace to return NO, to turn off the new 
 It's also possible that just overriding autosavesDrafts to return NO might 
 disable the untitled document behavior, if that's all you need, but the 
 drafts behavior is a bit hard to follow from the documentation.

I don't see an autosavesDrafts method anywhere. Ah, I just found it in 
NSDocument. Strange that searching for that term in the help window didn't find 

I have the following overrides in my NSDocument subclass:

+(BOOL) preservesVersions
return NO;

+(BOOL) autosavesDrafts
return NO;

- (BOOL)hasUnautosavedChanges
// We don't do Cocoa autosaving - we do our own:
return NO;

- (NSString*)autosavingFileType
// Another way to prevent Cocoa's autosaving:
return nil;

Note in my original message I said kill not quit. I meant if I kill the app 
from the debugger or force quit. In this case, if I had an dirty untitled 
document open, the system will create new empty documents when I launch again. 
How can I prevent this? The data was never saved anywhere, so opening a new 
document is the wrong thing for the OS to do. The stack is shown below. I don't 
see any method I can override to prevent this. I could install my own event 
handler for kAEOpenApplication, but I don't know everything the default handler 
does for this event, so I'd probably lose lots of standard behavior, and it 
seems like overkill.

#0  0x027b237a in -[FCMacDocumentController 
#1  0x99ed1998 in -[NSDocumentController 
_openUntitledDocumentOfType:andDisplay:error:] ()
#2  0x99ed9834 in -[NSDocumentController 
_restorePersistentDocumentWithState:completionHandler:] ()
#3  0x99eda17c in __block_global_27 ()
#4  0x99ed1ea6 in -[NSDocumentController 
_waitForAsyncOpeningOrPrintingToFinishThenContinue:] ()
#5  0x99ed9ea3 in __76+[NSDocumentController 
restoreWindowWithIdentifier:state:completionHandler:]_block_invoke_0 ()
#6  0x99b7cfee in -[NSApplication _whenReopeningIsAllowedDo:] ()
#7  0x99ed9dec in +[NSDocumentController 
restoreWindowWithIdentifier:state:completionHandler:] ()
#8  0x99ac641d in -[NSApplication(NSPersistentUISupport) 
restoreWindowWithIdentifier:state:completionHandler:] ()
#9  0x99ac5d3a in -[NSApplication(NSPersistentUISupport) 
_restoreWindowWithRestoration:handler:] ()
#10 0x99ac48cd in -[NSPersistentUIManager 
restoreAllPersistentStateRegisteringAsReadyWhenDone:completionHandler:] ()
#11 0x99b7af28 in -[NSApplication 
#12 0x99b7adf5 in -[NSApplication(NSAppleEventHandling) 
_reopenWindowsIfNecessaryWithAppleEvent:completionHandler:] ()
#13 0x99b7acfa in -[NSApplication(NSAppleEventHandling) 
_handleAEOpenEvent:] ()
#14 0x99b7a824 in -[NSApplication(NSAppleEventHandling) 
_handleCoreEvent:withReplyEvent:] ()
#15 0x915b1628 in -[NSObject performSelector:withObject:withObject:] ()
#16 0x92f2c73a in __76-[NSAppleEventManager 
setEventHandler:andSelector:forEventClass:andEventID:]_block_invoke_0 ()
#17 0x92f2c291 in -[NSAppleEventManager 
dispatchRawAppleEvent:withRawReply:handlerRefCon:] ()
#18 0x92f2c08e in _NSAppleEventManagerGenericHandler ()
#19 0x90523a35 in aeDispatchAppleEvent(AEDesc const*, AEDesc*, unsigned 
long, unsigned char*) ()
#20 0x904f8fbe in dispatchEventAndSendReply(AEDesc const*, AEDesc*) ()
#21 0x904f8e7d in aeProcessAppleEvent ()
#22 0x90170c58 in AEProcessAppleEvent ()
#23 0x99b76d4d in _DPSNextEvent ()
#24 0x99b761dc in -[NSApplication 
nextEventMatchingMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] ()
#25 0x99b6c63c in -[NSApplication run] ()
#26 0x99b0f666 in NSApplicationMain ()
#27 0x01309368 in main

Steve Mills
office: 952-818-3871
home: 952-401-6255
cell: 612-803-6157


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Re: Restoring unsaved docs does wrong thing

2013-04-15 Thread Andy Lee
On Apr 15, 2013, at 4:49 PM, Steve Mills wrote:
 I don't see an autosavesDrafts method anywhere. Ah, I just found it in 
 NSDocument. Strange that searching for that term in the help window didn't 
 find it.

It might be that your Xcode doc window is searching the 10.7 docset. The 
autosavesDrafts method is 10.8-only.

In the search field in Xcode doc window, hit the little magnifying glass and 
select Show Find Options. There will be a Find in popup menu showing which 
docsets are being searched.



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Re: Restoring unsaved docs does wrong thing

2013-04-15 Thread Peter Ammon
Hi Steve,

On Apr 12, 2013, at 1:10 PM, Steve Mills wrote:

 If I have an unsaved doc open in my app (I mean one that has never been saved 
 to disk), and I kill the app, upon relaunch, the OS attempts to restore that 
 document, but it does so incorrectly. First of all, the data was never saved 
 by the new Cocoa autosaving mechanism (we have our own and must use it for 
 now). Second, it creates a new untitled doc by calling our document 
 controller's openUntitledDocumentAndDisplay method. Why would it do that? A 
 new untitled doc with nothing in it has *nothing* to do with what might've 
 been an untitled doc with user changes in it.

If the app unexpectedly crashed or was killed, the system will make a 
best-effort to restore state. If the document was never saved, the best it can 
do is recreate an Untitled document.

 Also, what should I be overriding and returning in my document subclass to 
 ensure that the OS autosaving never happens and prevent it from trying to 
 create new docs on launch like this?

You can mark a window as not restorable in the xib, or by calling [window 

Hope that helps,

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Re: Restoring unsaved docs does wrong thing

2013-04-15 Thread Steve Mills
On Apr 15, 2013, at 16:06:51, Andy Lee

 On Apr 15, 2013, at 4:49 PM, Steve Mills wrote:
 I don't see an autosavesDrafts method anywhere. Ah, I just found it in 
 NSDocument. Strange that searching for that term in the help window didn't 
 find it.
 It might be that your Xcode doc window is searching the 10.7 docset. The 
 autosavesDrafts method is 10.8-only.

Ah, that explains it. Thanks.

Steve Mills
office: 952-818-3871
home: 952-401-6255
cell: 612-803-6157


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Re: Restoring unsaved docs does wrong thing

2013-04-15 Thread Quincey Morris
On Apr 15, 2013, at 13:49 , Steve Mills wrote:

 I have the following overrides in my NSDocument subclass:


You didn't mention autosavesInPlace. This is the one to override if you don't 
want any (new-style) autosaving.

 The data was never saved anywhere, so opening a new document is the wrong 
 thing for the OS to do.

No, that's not true when autosavesInPlace is YES. In that case, if the app 
has a window open when it quits, it should and will open a window when it 
re-starts. If autosave has never completed, it'll be a new, untitled window.

Having said that, things get a bit more complicated when you kill the app 
during debugging. It's a bit unpredictable what restorable state has been 
saved, and whether it'll successfully restore. You can turn off the Launch 
application without state restoration option in the Run action of the scheme, 
which make help you out during debugging, though that of course won't prevent 
the behavior in normal usage for your users.


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Re: Core Data grinds for 30 min saving SQLite. 10.6 Bug?

2013-04-15 Thread Nick Zitzmann

On Apr 15, 2013, at 2:22 PM, Jerry Krinock wrote:

 Yes. I haven't checked to see if this was addressed in later cats, but I did 
 notice that CoreData is a memory hog in Snow Leopard. Specifically, it 
 allocates up to twice the size of the managed object when updating or 
 deleting (!) the object, so if you have an object that is a few hundred 
 megabytes in size and the process is running in 32-bit mode, then it may not 
 be able to update/delete the object.
 Thank you, Nick.  These are some interesting clues.  But there must be 
 something else going on in this case, because this store contains only 
 several dozen small objects.  The size of the .sql file, before and after 
 saving, is only 112 KB.

Okay, that's pretty bizarre and I haven't seen that happen before. I don't 
suppose your user could use Instruments' object allocation instrument to figure 
out what's going on…? That would require installing Xcode from the App Store.

Nick Zitzmann


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Re: makeKeyAndOrderFront (not working)

2013-04-15 Thread Lee Ann Rucker

On Apr 15, 2013, at 3:36 AM, Uli Kusterer wrote:

 On 14.04.2013, at 20:20, Pax wrote:
 [[NSApplication sharedApplication] activateIgnoringOtherApps : YES];
 Thanks for the suggestion.  If it breaks something else I'll be sure you let 
 you know.
 Cool, it'd be appreciated!

We've been doing that for years now in Fusion for the stub apps that represent 
Windows apps in a virtual machine, some of which are UIElement=YES, and 
nothing's broken so far :)

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Re: Core Data grinds for 30 min saving SQLite. 10.6 Bug?

2013-04-15 Thread Jerry Krinock

On 2013 Apr 15, at 14:20, Nick Zitzmann wrote:

 Okay, that's pretty bizarre and I haven't seen that happen before. I don't 
 suppose your user could use Instruments' object allocation instrument to 
 figure out what's going on…?

Oh, I don't need the user.  I've reproduced the problem on an old Mac Mini that 
actually has some Xcode 3.x installed on it.  I do recall, though, that 
performance usually made Instruments unusable on that Mac.  The timeline would 
advance at about 1/10 real time or something like that.

The Sample I pasted in to the bottom of my original post indicates clearly that 
Core Data is going crazy.  Could Instruments give me any more useful 
information than that?

It would be worth a Technical Support Incident if I could get Apple to confirm 
that this is their bug in 10.6, but I think DTS would probably reject any 
incident which required them to actually fire up a 10.6 Mac.


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Re: Followup - Re: Is there a pattern for creating an object with global scope?

2013-04-15 Thread Graham Cox

On 15/04/2013, at 8:44 PM, Tom Davie wrote:

 Wow, I really can't get my head around this one.  You make bold statements 
 like GLOBALS ARE BAD NEWS (which I 100% agree with), but then follow up 
 with effectively use singletons instead.  Singletons bring with them 95% of 
 the problems globals bring.  They still break any attempts at threading, they 
 still break any attempts at testing, they still break separation of concerns, 
 and they're always avoidable.  So I'd follow up with SINGLETONS ARE BAD NEWS 
 TOO!  In 95% of cases where you have a singleton, you should almost certainly 
 be using dependancy injection instead, or some other method of avoiding it.
 Note also – simply using your app delegate as a store for things that aren't 
 singletons, but only one of them is pointed at by your app delegate is also 
 horrific – you're just substituting one singleton for another.

I'm not suggesting you use singletons all over the place, but judicious use of 
singletons is a reasonable and straightforward way to solve the global scope 
problem without directly using globals. Sometimes you need something with 
global scope, and the OP's use-case of preferences is a common example. Other 
things are a natural fit too, such as NSApplication.

I agree that they can bring many of the same problems with them, but some of 
the things you mention are not inherently a problem with singletons as long as 
you're aware of the issues. Threading for example, is easily taken care of. Are 
they a solution for every situation? No, I'm not suggesting they are, but I 
don't think they bring 95% of the same problems as globals. I don't know what 
you mean by dependency injection, it's not a term I've heard of, but it's 
like anything - there are good and correct solutions to a problem and there are 
others which work but are non-optimal. The craftsman needs to be aware of the 
tools at his disposal and use the appropriate one for the task at hand. Globals 
are never required, singletons occasionally. Something else altogether usually.



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Re: Followup - Re: Is there a pattern for creating an object with global scope?

2013-04-15 Thread Graham Cox

On 16/04/2013, at 10:18 AM, Graham Cox wrote:

  I don't know what you mean by dependency injection, it's not a term I've 
 heard of

OK, I looked it up. I hadn't heard the term but I'm very familiar with the 
concept it refers to. Sometimes the service or dependent entity should be a 
singleton... I don't see that it's a substitutable solution, but one orthogonal 
to the existence of singletons.



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Re: Followup - Re: Is there a pattern for creating an object with global scope?

2013-04-15 Thread Uli Kusterer
On 15.04.2013, at 12:44, Tom Davie wrote:
 Note also – simply using your app delegate as a store for things that aren't 
 singletons, but only one of them is pointed at by your app delegate is also 
 horrific – you're just substituting one singleton for another.

If it were only that! At least singletons only pull in dependencies from their 
problem domain into any module that uses them. If you instead implement them in 
the app delegate, all that code not only bloats the app delegate, its 
dependencies also make all these singletons recompile whenever only one of them 

-- Uli Kusterer
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