Re: Transparent Image with Tint Color

2013-09-30 Thread dangerwillrobinsondanger

Sent from my iPhone

 On 2013/09/30, at 11:37, Paul Scott wrote:
 On Sep 29, 2013, at 6:54 PM, Kyle Sluder wrote:
 How do I get an image rendered in the tint color?
 Start a bitmap context, set your template image as the image mask, set the 
 full color to the appropriate tintColor, and fill the bounds of the context.
 Construct a data URI out of the image you get by closing the bitmap context.
 That works. Thanks. I was already heading down that path, since it seemed 
 kind of obvious after thinking about it. Nevertheless, there are some strange 
 and non-obvious dependencies that exist with various Cocoa and CG objects 
 that aren't particularly well documented, such as [colorObject setFill]; I 
 mean, what kind of magic happens there? Normally, I'd expect an instance 
 method to operate on the receiver; but by this incantation the graphics 
 context is involved.
Yes this is unusual in Cocoa and Cocoa touch. I thought the same thing the 
first time. 

These are actually Objective-C wrappers around Core Graphics (Quartz) functions.
They mainly make sense when you learn about how CG works and that these are 
actually setting parameters of the graphics state of the current graphics 
context in Quartz. 

Unfortunately it's a winding road to learn and know this. 
I recommend highly the dates but still VERY well explained book 
Programming With Quartz: 2D and PDF Graphics in Mac OS X

 Yes, I've got some learning ahead of me.
 In any case, for anyone who cares, this code (in the webViewDidFinishLoad: 
 method) worked:
   UIImage *image = [controller.infoIcon.image 
   CGContextRef context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext();
   CGRect rect = CGRectMake(0, 0, image.size.width, image.size.height);
   CGContextSetBlendMode(context, kCGBlendModeNormal);
   CGContextDrawImage(context, rect, image.CGImage);
   CGContextSetBlendMode(context, kCGBlendModeColor);
   [[webView tintColor] setFill];
   CGContextFillRect(context, rect);
   CGContextSetBlendMode(context, kCGBlendModeDestinationIn);
   CGContextDrawImage(context, rect, image.CGImage);
   image = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext();
   NSString *data = [UIImagePNGRepresentation(image) 
   [webView stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString:
   [NSString stringWithFormat:@%@%@%@,
   @( function() {
   @var x = document.getElementById('infoIcon');
   @if ( !! x ) { 
   @x.src = 'data:image/png;base64,, data, @';

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Efficient UITableViewCell usage

2013-09-30 Thread Koen van der Drift

I have a custom UITableViewCell with several labels of which the size needs to 
be calculated based on the content.  Some of the content is also constructed on 
the fly, since I am generating an attributed string, and don't want to store 
these in my model objects.

The frame is calculated in heightForRowAtIndexPath: and layoutSubviews of my 
custom cell.  The attributed string is calculated in heightForRowAtIndexPath: 
and cellForRowAtIndexPath:

I put in some logs to see the order in which these methods are called, see 
below.  Surprisingly (at least for me), heightForRowAtIndexPath is called for 
every row first, even the ones that are not yet visible. So when my data array 
is really large, this could take up some time, and I can see that when the 
table is drawn.

There must be a more clever way to do this?

- Koen.

2013-09-30 09:50:30.674 MyApp[23200:a0b] heightForRowAtIndexPath
2013-09-30 09:50:30.675 MyApp[23200:a0b] heightForRowAtIndexPath
2013-09-30 09:50:30.676 MyApp[23200:a0b] heightForRowAtIndexPath
2013-09-30 09:50:30.677 MyApp[23200:a0b] heightForRowAtIndexPath
2013-09-30 09:50:30.677 MyApp[23200:a0b] heightForRowAtIndexPath
2013-09-30 09:50:30.678 MyApp[23200:a0b] heightForRowAtIndexPath
2013-09-30 09:50:30.679 MyApp[23200:a0b] heightForRowAtIndexPath
2013-09-30 09:50:30.680 MyApp[23200:a0b] heightForRowAtIndexPath
2013-09-30 09:50:30.680 MyApp[23200:a0b] heightForRowAtIndexPath
2013-09-30 09:50:30.681 MyApp[23200:a0b] heightForRowAtIndexPath
2013-09-30 09:50:30.682 MyApp[23200:a0b] heightForRowAtIndexPath
2013-09-30 09:50:30.683 MyApp[23200:a0b] heightForRowAtIndexPath
2013-09-30 09:50:30.683 MyApp[23200:a0b] heightForRowAtIndexPath
2013-09-30 09:50:30.684 MyApp[23200:a0b] heightForRowAtIndexPath
2013-09-30 09:50:30.685 MyApp[23200:a0b] heightForRowAtIndexPath
2013-09-30 09:50:30.686 MyApp[23200:a0b] heightForRowAtIndexPath
2013-09-30 09:50:30.686 MyApp[23200:a0b] heightForRowAtIndexPath
2013-09-30 09:50:30.687 MyApp[23200:a0b] heightForRowAtIndexPath
2013-09-30 09:50:30.688 MyApp[23200:a0b] heightForRowAtIndexPath
2013-09-30 09:50:30.688 MyApp[23200:a0b] heightForRowAtIndexPath
2013-09-30 09:50:30.689 MyApp[23200:a0b] heightForRowAtIndexPath
2013-09-30 09:50:30.690 MyApp[23200:a0b] heightForRowAtIndexPath
2013-09-30 09:50:30.691 MyApp[23200:a0b] heightForRowAtIndexPath
2013-09-30 09:50:30.691 MyApp[23200:a0b] heightForRowAtIndexPath
2013-09-30 09:50:30.692 MyApp[23200:a0b] heightForRowAtIndexPath
2013-09-30 09:50:30.693 MyApp[23200:a0b] heightForRowAtIndexPath
2013-09-30 09:50:30.693 MyApp[23200:a0b] heightForRowAtIndexPath
2013-09-30 09:50:30.694 MyApp[23200:a0b] heightForRowAtIndexPath
2013-09-30 09:50:30.695 MyApp[23200:a0b] heightForRowAtIndexPath
2013-09-30 09:50:30.696 MyApp[23200:a0b] heightForRowAtIndexPath
2013-09-30 09:50:30.697 MyApp[23200:a0b] heightForRowAtIndexPath
2013-09-30 09:50:30.697 MyApp[23200:a0b] heightForRowAtIndexPath
2013-09-30 09:50:30.698 MyApp[23200:a0b] heightForRowAtIndexPath
2013-09-30 09:50:30.699 MyApp[23200:a0b] heightForRowAtIndexPath
2013-09-30 09:50:30.700 MyApp[23200:a0b] heightForRowAtIndexPath
2013-09-30 09:50:30.701 MyApp[23200:a0b] heightForRowAtIndexPath
2013-09-30 09:50:30.701 MyApp[23200:a0b] heightForRowAtIndexPath
2013-09-30 09:50:30.702 MyApp[23200:a0b] heightForRowAtIndexPath
2013-09-30 09:50:30.703 MyApp[23200:a0b] heightForRowAtIndexPath
2013-09-30 09:50:30.704 MyApp[23200:a0b] heightForRowAtIndexPath
2013-09-30 09:50:30.704 MyApp[23200:a0b] heightForRowAtIndexPath
2013-09-30 09:50:30.705 MyApp[23200:a0b] heightForRowAtIndexPath
2013-09-30 09:50:30.706 MyApp[23200:a0b] heightForRowAtIndexPath
2013-09-30 09:50:30.707 MyApp[23200:a0b] heightForRowAtIndexPath
2013-09-30 09:50:30.707 MyApp[23200:a0b] heightForRowAtIndexPath
2013-09-30 09:50:30.708 MyApp[23200:a0b] heightForRowAtIndexPath
2013-09-30 09:50:30.709 MyApp[23200:a0b] heightForRowAtIndexPath
2013-09-30 09:50:30.709 MyApp[23200:a0b] heightForRowAtIndexPath
2013-09-30 09:50:30.727 MyApp[23200:a0b] cellForRowAtIndexPath
2013-09-30 09:50:30.729 MyApp[23200:a0b] cellForRowAtIndexPath
2013-09-30 09:50:30.731 MyApp[23200:a0b] cellForRowAtIndexPath
2013-09-30 09:50:30.732 MyApp[23200:a0b] cellForRowAtIndexPath
2013-09-30 09:50:30.734 MyApp[23200:a0b] cellForRowAtIndexPath
2013-09-30 09:50:30.735 MyApp[23200:a0b] cellForRowAtIndexPath
2013-09-30 09:50:30.737 MyApp[23200:a0b] cellForRowAtIndexPath
2013-09-30 09:50:30.738 MyApp[23200:a0b] layoutsubviews
2013-09-30 09:50:30.739 MyApp[23200:a0b] layoutsubviews
2013-09-30 09:50:30.740 MyApp[23200:a0b] layoutsubviews
2013-09-30 09:50:30.741 MyApp[23200:a0b] layoutsubviews
2013-09-30 09:50:30.741 MyApp[23200:a0b] layoutsubviews
2013-09-30 09:50:30.742 MyApp[23200:a0b] layoutsubviews
2013-09-30 09:50:30.743 MyApp[23200:a0b] layoutsubviews
2013-09-30 09:50:30.754 MyApp[23200:a0b] layoutsubviews


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Re: Efficient UITableViewCell usage

2013-09-30 Thread Mike Abdullah

On 30 Sep 2013, at 15:47, Koen van der Drift wrote:

 I have a custom UITableViewCell with several labels of which the size needs 
 to be calculated based on the content.  Some of the content is also 
 constructed on the fly, since I am generating an attributed string, and don't 
 want to store these in my model objects.
 The frame is calculated in heightForRowAtIndexPath: and layoutSubviews of my 
 custom cell.  The attributed string is calculated in heightForRowAtIndexPath: 
 and cellForRowAtIndexPath:
 I put in some logs to see the order in which these methods are called, see 
 below.  Surprisingly (at least for me), heightForRowAtIndexPath is called for 
 every row first, even the ones that are not yet visible. So when my data 
 array is really large, this could take up some time, and I can see that when 
 the table is drawn.
 There must be a more clever way to do this?

The table has to know how high each row is in order to know how tall it is in 
total. That information is needed for the scroll indicator.

I believe iOS 7 introduces the concept of an estimated height, allowing you to 
give it a quicker calculation, which later gets refined.


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Re: Efficient UITableViewCell usage

2013-09-30 Thread Koen van der Drift

On Sep 30, 2013, at 11:06 AM, Steve Christensen wrote:

 For performance, you could calculate and cache the cell heights in an array 
 managed by your view controller, then just return the cached values.

Thanks, I thought about that too. Problem is I have multiple sections, and am 
using a search bar, so I think I cannot use a straightforward array. I'll look 
into it.

- Koen.

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Re: Efficient UITableViewCell usage

2013-09-30 Thread Steve Christensen
The table view needs to call -heightForRowAtIndexPath: for each cell in the 
table, at the very least, so that it knows how tall the table is so that it can 
set -contentSize on it's underlying scroll view.

For performance, you could calculate and cache the cell heights in an array 
managed by your view controller, then just return the cached values. If you 
calculate them in your view controller's -viewWillLayoutSubviews method then 
you can adjust the heights when the screen rotation changes.

Sent from my iPhone

 On Sep 30, 2013, at 7:47 AM, Koen van der Drift 
 I have a custom UITableViewCell with several labels of which the size needs 
 to be calculated based on the content.  Some of the content is also 
 constructed on the fly, since I am generating an attributed string, and don't 
 want to store these in my model objects.
 The frame is calculated in heightForRowAtIndexPath: and layoutSubviews of my 
 custom cell.  The attributed string is calculated in heightForRowAtIndexPath: 
 and cellForRowAtIndexPath:
 I put in some logs to see the order in which these methods are called, see 
 below.  Surprisingly (at least for me), heightForRowAtIndexPath is called for 
 every row first, even the ones that are not yet visible. So when my data 
 array is really large, this could take up some time, and I can see that when 
 the table is drawn.
 There must be a more clever way to do this?
 - Koen.
 2013-09-30 09:50:30.674 MyApp[23200:a0b] heightForRowAtIndexPath
 2013-09-30 09:50:30.675 MyApp[23200:a0b] heightForRowAtIndexPath
 2013-09-30 09:50:30.676 MyApp[23200:a0b] heightForRowAtIndexPath
 2013-09-30 09:50:30.677 MyApp[23200:a0b] heightForRowAtIndexPath
 2013-09-30 09:50:30.677 MyApp[23200:a0b] heightForRowAtIndexPath
 2013-09-30 09:50:30.678 MyApp[23200:a0b] heightForRowAtIndexPath
 2013-09-30 09:50:30.679 MyApp[23200:a0b] heightForRowAtIndexPath
 2013-09-30 09:50:30.680 MyApp[23200:a0b] heightForRowAtIndexPath
 2013-09-30 09:50:30.680 MyApp[23200:a0b] heightForRowAtIndexPath
 2013-09-30 09:50:30.681 MyApp[23200:a0b] heightForRowAtIndexPath
 2013-09-30 09:50:30.682 MyApp[23200:a0b] heightForRowAtIndexPath
 2013-09-30 09:50:30.683 MyApp[23200:a0b] heightForRowAtIndexPath
 2013-09-30 09:50:30.683 MyApp[23200:a0b] heightForRowAtIndexPath
 2013-09-30 09:50:30.684 MyApp[23200:a0b] heightForRowAtIndexPath
 2013-09-30 09:50:30.685 MyApp[23200:a0b] heightForRowAtIndexPath
 2013-09-30 09:50:30.686 MyApp[23200:a0b] heightForRowAtIndexPath
 2013-09-30 09:50:30.686 MyApp[23200:a0b] heightForRowAtIndexPath
 2013-09-30 09:50:30.687 MyApp[23200:a0b] heightForRowAtIndexPath
 2013-09-30 09:50:30.688 MyApp[23200:a0b] heightForRowAtIndexPath
 2013-09-30 09:50:30.688 MyApp[23200:a0b] heightForRowAtIndexPath
 2013-09-30 09:50:30.689 MyApp[23200:a0b] heightForRowAtIndexPath
 2013-09-30 09:50:30.690 MyApp[23200:a0b] heightForRowAtIndexPath
 2013-09-30 09:50:30.691 MyApp[23200:a0b] heightForRowAtIndexPath
 2013-09-30 09:50:30.691 MyApp[23200:a0b] heightForRowAtIndexPath
 2013-09-30 09:50:30.692 MyApp[23200:a0b] heightForRowAtIndexPath
 2013-09-30 09:50:30.693 MyApp[23200:a0b] heightForRowAtIndexPath
 2013-09-30 09:50:30.693 MyApp[23200:a0b] heightForRowAtIndexPath
 2013-09-30 09:50:30.694 MyApp[23200:a0b] heightForRowAtIndexPath
 2013-09-30 09:50:30.695 MyApp[23200:a0b] heightForRowAtIndexPath
 2013-09-30 09:50:30.696 MyApp[23200:a0b] heightForRowAtIndexPath
 2013-09-30 09:50:30.697 MyApp[23200:a0b] heightForRowAtIndexPath
 2013-09-30 09:50:30.697 MyApp[23200:a0b] heightForRowAtIndexPath
 2013-09-30 09:50:30.698 MyApp[23200:a0b] heightForRowAtIndexPath
 2013-09-30 09:50:30.699 MyApp[23200:a0b] heightForRowAtIndexPath
 2013-09-30 09:50:30.700 MyApp[23200:a0b] heightForRowAtIndexPath
 2013-09-30 09:50:30.701 MyApp[23200:a0b] heightForRowAtIndexPath
 2013-09-30 09:50:30.701 MyApp[23200:a0b] heightForRowAtIndexPath
 2013-09-30 09:50:30.702 MyApp[23200:a0b] heightForRowAtIndexPath
 2013-09-30 09:50:30.703 MyApp[23200:a0b] heightForRowAtIndexPath
 2013-09-30 09:50:30.704 MyApp[23200:a0b] heightForRowAtIndexPath
 2013-09-30 09:50:30.704 MyApp[23200:a0b] heightForRowAtIndexPath
 2013-09-30 09:50:30.705 MyApp[23200:a0b] heightForRowAtIndexPath
 2013-09-30 09:50:30.706 MyApp[23200:a0b] heightForRowAtIndexPath
 2013-09-30 09:50:30.707 MyApp[23200:a0b] heightForRowAtIndexPath
 2013-09-30 09:50:30.707 MyApp[23200:a0b] heightForRowAtIndexPath
 2013-09-30 09:50:30.708 MyApp[23200:a0b] heightForRowAtIndexPath
 2013-09-30 09:50:30.709 MyApp[23200:a0b] heightForRowAtIndexPath
 2013-09-30 09:50:30.709 MyApp[23200:a0b] heightForRowAtIndexPath
 2013-09-30 09:50:30.727 MyApp[23200:a0b] cellForRowAtIndexPath
 2013-09-30 09:50:30.729 MyApp[23200:a0b] cellForRowAtIndexPath
 2013-09-30 09:50:30.731 MyApp[23200:a0b] cellForRowAtIndexPath
 2013-09-30 09:50:30.732 MyApp[23200:a0b] cellForRowAtIndexPath
 2013-09-30 09:50:30.734 MyApp[23200:a0b] cellForRowAtIndexPath
 2013-09-30 09:50:30.735 

Re: Efficient UITableViewCell usage

2013-09-30 Thread Michael Starke
Just a small note: The height is called for all the data to determine 
the scroller size.

On 30.09.2013 16:47, Koen van der Drift wrote:


I have a custom UITableViewCell with several labels of which the size needs to 
be calculated based on the content.  Some of the content is also constructed on 
the fly, since I am generating an attributed string, and don't want to store 
these in my model objects.

The frame is calculated in heightForRowAtIndexPath: and layoutSubviews of my 
custom cell.  The attributed string is calculated in heightForRowAtIndexPath: 
and cellForRowAtIndexPath:

I put in some logs to see the order in which these methods are called, see 
below.  Surprisingly (at least for me), heightForRowAtIndexPath is called for 
every row first, even the ones that are not yet visible. So when my data array 
is really large, this could take up some time, and I can see that when the 
table is drawn.

There must be a more clever way to do this?

- Koen.

2013-09-30 09:50:30.674 MyApp[23200:a0b] heightForRowAtIndexPath
2013-09-30 09:50:30.675 MyApp[23200:a0b] heightForRowAtIndexPath
2013-09-30 09:50:30.676 MyApp[23200:a0b] heightForRowAtIndexPath
2013-09-30 09:50:30.677 MyApp[23200:a0b] heightForRowAtIndexPath
2013-09-30 09:50:30.677 MyApp[23200:a0b] heightForRowAtIndexPath
2013-09-30 09:50:30.678 MyApp[23200:a0b] heightForRowAtIndexPath
2013-09-30 09:50:30.679 MyApp[23200:a0b] heightForRowAtIndexPath
2013-09-30 09:50:30.680 MyApp[23200:a0b] heightForRowAtIndexPath
2013-09-30 09:50:30.680 MyApp[23200:a0b] heightForRowAtIndexPath
2013-09-30 09:50:30.681 MyApp[23200:a0b] heightForRowAtIndexPath
2013-09-30 09:50:30.682 MyApp[23200:a0b] heightForRowAtIndexPath
2013-09-30 09:50:30.683 MyApp[23200:a0b] heightForRowAtIndexPath
2013-09-30 09:50:30.683 MyApp[23200:a0b] heightForRowAtIndexPath
2013-09-30 09:50:30.684 MyApp[23200:a0b] heightForRowAtIndexPath
2013-09-30 09:50:30.685 MyApp[23200:a0b] heightForRowAtIndexPath
2013-09-30 09:50:30.686 MyApp[23200:a0b] heightForRowAtIndexPath
2013-09-30 09:50:30.686 MyApp[23200:a0b] heightForRowAtIndexPath
2013-09-30 09:50:30.687 MyApp[23200:a0b] heightForRowAtIndexPath
2013-09-30 09:50:30.688 MyApp[23200:a0b] heightForRowAtIndexPath
2013-09-30 09:50:30.688 MyApp[23200:a0b] heightForRowAtIndexPath
2013-09-30 09:50:30.689 MyApp[23200:a0b] heightForRowAtIndexPath
2013-09-30 09:50:30.690 MyApp[23200:a0b] heightForRowAtIndexPath
2013-09-30 09:50:30.691 MyApp[23200:a0b] heightForRowAtIndexPath
2013-09-30 09:50:30.691 MyApp[23200:a0b] heightForRowAtIndexPath
2013-09-30 09:50:30.692 MyApp[23200:a0b] heightForRowAtIndexPath
2013-09-30 09:50:30.693 MyApp[23200:a0b] heightForRowAtIndexPath
2013-09-30 09:50:30.693 MyApp[23200:a0b] heightForRowAtIndexPath
2013-09-30 09:50:30.694 MyApp[23200:a0b] heightForRowAtIndexPath
2013-09-30 09:50:30.695 MyApp[23200:a0b] heightForRowAtIndexPath
2013-09-30 09:50:30.696 MyApp[23200:a0b] heightForRowAtIndexPath
2013-09-30 09:50:30.697 MyApp[23200:a0b] heightForRowAtIndexPath
2013-09-30 09:50:30.697 MyApp[23200:a0b] heightForRowAtIndexPath
2013-09-30 09:50:30.698 MyApp[23200:a0b] heightForRowAtIndexPath
2013-09-30 09:50:30.699 MyApp[23200:a0b] heightForRowAtIndexPath
2013-09-30 09:50:30.700 MyApp[23200:a0b] heightForRowAtIndexPath
2013-09-30 09:50:30.701 MyApp[23200:a0b] heightForRowAtIndexPath
2013-09-30 09:50:30.701 MyApp[23200:a0b] heightForRowAtIndexPath
2013-09-30 09:50:30.702 MyApp[23200:a0b] heightForRowAtIndexPath
2013-09-30 09:50:30.703 MyApp[23200:a0b] heightForRowAtIndexPath
2013-09-30 09:50:30.704 MyApp[23200:a0b] heightForRowAtIndexPath
2013-09-30 09:50:30.704 MyApp[23200:a0b] heightForRowAtIndexPath
2013-09-30 09:50:30.705 MyApp[23200:a0b] heightForRowAtIndexPath
2013-09-30 09:50:30.706 MyApp[23200:a0b] heightForRowAtIndexPath
2013-09-30 09:50:30.707 MyApp[23200:a0b] heightForRowAtIndexPath
2013-09-30 09:50:30.707 MyApp[23200:a0b] heightForRowAtIndexPath
2013-09-30 09:50:30.708 MyApp[23200:a0b] heightForRowAtIndexPath
2013-09-30 09:50:30.709 MyApp[23200:a0b] heightForRowAtIndexPath
2013-09-30 09:50:30.709 MyApp[23200:a0b] heightForRowAtIndexPath
2013-09-30 09:50:30.727 MyApp[23200:a0b] cellForRowAtIndexPath
2013-09-30 09:50:30.729 MyApp[23200:a0b] cellForRowAtIndexPath
2013-09-30 09:50:30.731 MyApp[23200:a0b] cellForRowAtIndexPath
2013-09-30 09:50:30.732 MyApp[23200:a0b] cellForRowAtIndexPath
2013-09-30 09:50:30.734 MyApp[23200:a0b] cellForRowAtIndexPath
2013-09-30 09:50:30.735 MyApp[23200:a0b] cellForRowAtIndexPath
2013-09-30 09:50:30.737 MyApp[23200:a0b] cellForRowAtIndexPath
2013-09-30 09:50:30.738 MyApp[23200:a0b] layoutsubviews
2013-09-30 09:50:30.739 MyApp[23200:a0b] layoutsubviews
2013-09-30 09:50:30.740 MyApp[23200:a0b] layoutsubviews
2013-09-30 09:50:30.741 MyApp[23200:a0b] layoutsubviews
2013-09-30 09:50:30.741 MyApp[23200:a0b] layoutsubviews
2013-09-30 09:50:30.742 MyApp[23200:a0b] layoutsubviews
2013-09-30 09:50:30.743 MyApp[23200:a0b] layoutsubviews
2013-09-30 09:50:30.754 MyApp[23200:a0b] layoutsubviews

Dealing with the iOS 7 status bar

2013-09-30 Thread Rick Mann
I had to go through some gymnastics to get a UIToolbar at the top of the screen 
to play nicely with the status bar in an app I'm working on.

In a sample app I'm trying to build for a bug report, I'm having the same 
issue, and it seems like I must be doing something wrong.

I created a single-view iPad app, and put a UIToolbar at the top of the view. 
Running this results in a status bar that overlaps elements on the toolbar. 
There is no obvious setting in IB to correct this.

Is this only solvable by setting up a UIToolbar delegate and implementing 
-positionForBar: (or some other programmatic means)?


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Re: Dealing with the iOS 7 status bar

2013-09-30 Thread Kyle Sluder
On Mon, Sep 30, 2013, at 12:21 PM, Rick Mann wrote:
 Is this only solvable by setting up a UIToolbar delegate and implementing
 -positionForBar: (or some other programmatic means)?

The documentation for UIBarPositioning sure implies that this is how you
accomplish your goal:

In particular, note that it works by _extending the background_. That
means you should still align the top of your toolbar to the top layout
guide, not to the top of the screen.

--Kyle Sluder

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Re: Dealing with the iOS 7 status bar

2013-09-30 Thread Rick Mann
Thanks, Kyle.

On Sep 30, 2013, at 12:29 , Kyle Sluder wrote:

 On Mon, Sep 30, 2013, at 12:21 PM, Rick Mann wrote:
 Is this only solvable by setting up a UIToolbar delegate and implementing
 -positionForBar: (or some other programmatic means)?
 The documentation for UIBarPositioning sure implies that this is how you
 accomplish your goal:
 In particular, note that it works by _extending the background_. That
 means you should still align the top of your toolbar to the top layout
 guide, not to the top of the screen.
 --Kyle Sluder
 Cocoa-dev mailing list (
 Please do not post admin requests or moderator comments to the list.
 Contact the moderators at cocoa-dev-admins(at)
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Re: Dealing with the iOS 7 status bar

2013-09-30 Thread Rick Mann
On Sep 30, 2013, at 12:29 , Kyle Sluder wrote:

 On Mon, Sep 30, 2013, at 12:21 PM, Rick Mann wrote:
 Is this only solvable by setting up a UIToolbar delegate and implementing
 -positionForBar: (or some other programmatic means)?
 The documentation for UIBarPositioning sure implies that this is how you
 accomplish your goal:
 In particular, note that it works by _extending the background_. That
 means you should still align the top of your toolbar to the top layout
 guide, not to the top of the screen.

I can't figure out how to set this constraint in IB.


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