Re: Can an use introspection to determine if its a production app from the App Store?

2014-10-31 Thread Torsten Curdt
I just hope that was meant with a wink. If not...

Why would the library itself need to be in swift?

Just use it from swift.

On Thu, Oct 30, 2014 at 7:38 PM, David Hoerl wrote:

 Looks great, but I cannot read Objective C anymore - where is the Swift

 On 10/30/14, 2:28 PM, Torsten Curdt wrote:

 You could also inspect the provisioning profile:


 On Thu, Oct 30, 2014 at 6:44 PM, David Brittain wrote:

 The following seems to work from experimentation...

 For an application installed through TestFlight Beta the receipt file
 is named StoreKit\sandboxReceipt vs the usual StoreKit\receipt. Using
 [NSBundle appStoreReceiptURL] you can look for sandboxReceipt at the
 end of the URL.

 NSURL *receiptURL = [[NSBundle mainBundle] appStoreReceiptURL];
 NSString *receiptURLString = [receiptURL path];
 BOOL isRunningTestFlightBeta =  ([receiptURLString
 rangeOfString:@sandboxReceipt].location != NSNotFound);

 sandboxReceipt is also the name of the receipt file when running
 builds locally.

 On Thu, Oct 30, 2014 at 10:38 AM, David Hoerl wrote:
   Can an iOS app examine some property to determine if its been
 installed as a
   development style app (ie Test Flight, or Xcode, etc), or was
 installed via
   the App Store.
   [I support a library where the app is suppose to pass a flag, but
   are making errors...]
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Re: Can an use introspection to determine if its a production app from the App Store?

2014-10-31 Thread Charles Jenkins
My day job is programming in C# for Windows computers. I was really excited 
when Swift came out because it’s so similar to other languages I know well and 
use and admire.

But it turns out that for me, the language is not at all the hurdle for 
learning Cocoa programming. Apple’s incredibly frustrating UI objects such as 
NSTableView are the same no matter what language you use. (Frustrating for 
newbies, at least. I’m sure there are those among you who have no trouble 
getting tables to do what you want…) Even buying Xamarin so I could code in my 
familiar C# would do nothing to make creating my app any easier.

Switching from Obj-C to Swift only added new frustrations for me because Swift 
optionals proved to be a great pain, and the way Xcode admonishes you that an 
argument name is extraneous if you type it in but missing if you leave it off 
is comically annoying. The IDE will get better and hopefully the language will 
change to make optionals less of a burden. But for now it seems to me that 
coding in Swift just adds more friction to an already difficult task.

(It’s easy to see that the things which make Swift painful for me are necessary 
for interoperation with Objective-C. If Apple gets to the point they can leave 
Obj-C behind and banish it from all libraries, optionals and named arguments 
could be deprecated and Swift would then be an easier and better language to 
use. That’s going to be Apple’s challenge, to get “everybody” to use Swift 
instead of Obj-C despite the rough edges caused by legacy Obj-C.)


Charles Jenkins

On Thursday, October 30, 2014 at 18:57, Graham Cox wrote:

 On 31 Oct 2014, at 5:38 am, David Hoerl 
 ( wrote:
  Looks great, but I cannot read Objective C anymore - where is the Swift 
 Obj-C isn't going anywhere soon, and Swift isn't yet ready for hardcore 
 commercial use. I can't see the transition taking any less than five years, 
 so what are you going to do in that time? Just twiddle your thumbs, or get on 
 with building your apps?


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Re: When I rotate the MKMapView with transform, setCenter not working.

2014-10-31 Thread
I have solved this problem.
Do not change the frame of map view when it’s transform does not equal to 

Best Regards,
Sunny Lee

 在 2014年10月31日,上午12:54, 写道:
 Hi all,
 I rotate the MKMapView with setting the rotation transform. When I use 
 setCenter method to change the center coordinate of the map, the location of 
 this coordinate not in the center. Does anyone know what happened, and how to 
 solve this problem? Below is the code snipt.
 - (void)viewDidLoad {
 [super viewDidLoad];
 // Do any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.
 static CLLocationCoordinate2D aircraftCoordinate = {22.531474, 
 CGFloat width = self.view.bounds.size.width;
 CGFloat height = self.view.bounds.size.height;
CGFloat newSize = sqrt(width* width + height * height);
 UIView *tmpView = [[UIView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, width, 
 [self.view insertSubview:tmpView atIndex:0];
 self.containorView = tmpView;
 MKMapView *tmpMapView = [[MKMapView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, 
 newSize, newSize)];
 [self.containorView addSubview:tmpMapView];
 self.mapView = tmpMapView;
 self.annotation = [[DJITestAnnotation alloc] init];
 _annotation.coordinate =  aircraftCoordinate;
 [self.mapView addAnnotation:self.annotation];
 self.mapView.delegate = self;
 [self.mapView setTransform:CGAffineTransformMakeRotation(90 * M_PI_4 / 
 - (IBAction)location:(id)sender { = _annotation.coordinate;
 Best Regards,
 Sunny Lee


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Re: When I rotate the MKMapView with transform, setCenter not working.

2014-10-31 Thread Mike Abdullah

 On 31 Oct 2014, at 11:43, wrote:
 I have solved this problem.
 Do not change the frame of map view when it’s transform does not equal to 

This is a general rule about UIView. Once the transform is anything other than 
identity, .frame becomes undefined and should be left alone.


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Re: Can an use introspection to determine if its a production app from the App Store?

2014-10-31 Thread Andreas Mayer

 Am 31.10.2014 um 12:40 schrieb Charles Jenkins
 optionals and named arguments could be deprecated and Swift would then be an 
 easier and better language to use.

Even though it doesn't look like it, I really hope you were joking ...


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Re: Can an use introspection to determine if its a production app from the App Store?

2014-10-31 Thread Fritz Anderson
On 31 Oct 2014, at 6:40 AM, Charles Jenkins wrote:
 My day job is programming in C# for Windows computers. I was really excited 
 when Swift came out because it’s so similar to other languages I know well 
 and use and admire.

I’ll take this as the root theme of your message.

Many of your objections amount to being unhappy that Cocoa, OS X, and their 
tools are not C# on Windows. C# and Windows are worth knowing, but most things 
that are worth knowing are neither C# nor Windows. They are that way for 
thoughtful reasons, and not as duct tape over their falling short of being C#.

Even if you never use any other tool or environment again, knowing about others 
will make you a better C# developer.

Named arguments and strict typing are found in many modern languages. Smart 
people differ on the merits, but many smart people think they are good ideas.

An out-of-band value for “no result” has been a feature of programming 
languages since SQL’s NULL at least; as late as the 1980s, the biggest horror 
stories of computing centered on collection proceedings for utility bills of 
$99,999.99. Some such languages use it inconsistently, and stick developers 
with the pain of debugging it.

It is rational to provide an out-of-band value; to make it uniform; to take 
advantage of modern computers’ ability to detect fatal errors in its use; and 
to force developers, the only ones able to abate such errors, to abate them. 
The compiler pelts you with ! and ? gotchas precisely because you hadn’t 
noticed the pitfalls.

I infer you don’t like the Delegate design pattern used in (NS|UI)TableView and 
elsewhere. The Delegate pattern has been documented as sound OO practice for 
twenty years, and not just in ObjC/NeXTStep. Even critics allow it is one of 
Cocoa’s strengths. It will never go away. See Wikipedia.

“Banish[ing] Objective-C from all libraries” would be like superseding every C# 
library with a total redesign: conceivable, pointless, will never happen.

On the other side:

When I am feeling especially cynical, it seems Swift syntax has a lot of sugar 
that makes it less intimidating in a 30-minute presentation, but harder to 
write.* The impedance mismatch with Cocoa is artfully minimized and is 
improving, but it makes Swift much more complicated. The error messages are 
often inscrutable, or can be scruted only by reference to API that for now is 
mostly unpublished.** Welcome to tech. What can get better has been getting 

* (For some of this — maybe most — I’m held back because I haven’t developed 
the instincts I have for ObjC and Ruby. Bang-suffixed types and `??` are sugar 
for things that could be clearer if expanded, but I wouldn’t give them up.)

** (Unless you add `import swift` to a .swift file and command-click `swift`. I 
wish I could properly credit the humanitarian I learned this from — NSHipster?)

— F


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Re: Can an use introspection to determine if its a production app from the App Store?

2014-10-31 Thread Angela Brett

Sent from my iPad

 On 31 oct. 2014, at 18:22, Fritz Anderson wrote:
 On 31 Oct 2014, at 6:40 AM, Charles Jenkins wrote:
 My day job is programming in C# for Windows computers. I was really excited 
 when Swift came out because it’s so similar to other languages I know well 
 and use and admire.
 An out-of-band value for “no result” has been a feature of programming 
 languages since SQL’s NULL at least;

And of course, C#'s Nullable, which seems similar enough to Swift optionals 
(apart from only being necessary for value types) that I'm quite curious to 
know what makes optionals more objectionable. I also use C# in my day job and 
was happy to see Swift had some of its nicer features (nullables included) 
although I have to admit that part of the reason I liked C# in the first place 
was that it had some Objective-C-like features I liked.

Is the problem just that when working with Objective-C frameworks, you have to 
use optionals more often than you usually would? Or is it that you have to 
explicitly state when reference types are Nullable, whereas in C# they always 

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NSStatusItem launches twice when checking launch at login

2014-10-31 Thread Lorenzo Thurman
I have an NSStatusItem app that I’ve had to migrate to a sandboxed app for 
release in the MAS. In its preferences window, there is a checkbox for “Launch 
at login”. If I launch the app with no preferences set (i.e. defaults delete 
my.bundle.identifier, rm ~/Library/Container/my.bundleIdentifier), open the 
preferences and check the login checkbox. the app behaves as expected in that 
the checkbox gets checked and if I logout/login, the app is launched. If I open 
the app’s preferences now, the checkbox is checked as it should be, but if I 
uncheck it and then check it again, I get a second instance of my app in the 
menu bar. Clearing the preferences again, starts the cycle over. The really odd 
thing is that I’ve only noticed this on a brand new MB Pro 15”. I also have an 
iMac that is ~2010 and another MB Pro ~2008, neither of which exhibit this 
behavior. All machines are running Yosemite. I’ve yet to test this on older 
OS’s. I never get more than two instances no matter how many times I 
uncheck/check the checkbox.  Now there are actually two separate processes, Top 
shows two different PID’s.  I thought Launch Services was supposed to prevent 
this. Since this is a sandboxed app, I added a helper app to the project which 
launches the app depending on if the checkbox was checked. I’ve added code to 
that helper to check if the app is already running. (look through 
NSRunningApplications and check for my bundle identifier). This doesn’t prevent 
the second instance from occurring. So anyone have any ideas why this might be 

On a side note. how does one debug the helper app within the context of the 
main application? I can launch the helper app through its subproject and step 
through it with the debugger. If I have the main app already running when I do 
this, the helper quits without attempting to launch another instance of the 
main app. But I don’t even get NSLogs from the helper when its running from the 
main app.

Here is the code in the window controller for the preferences window:


CFStringRef)@“my.bundle.Identifier, (BOOL)[sender state])){

Here is the code for the helper app:
- (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(NSNotification *)aNotification {

NSString * path;

BOOL alreadyRunning = NO;
NSArray *running = [[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] runningApplications];

for (NSRunningApplication *app in running) {
if ([[app bundleIdentifier] 
isEqualToString:@“my.bundle.Identifier]) {
alreadyRunning = YES;

path = [[NSBundle mainBundle] bundlePath] 



[[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] launchApplication:path];

[NSApp terminate:nil];

(And a slight rant:
The LSSharedFileList method worked just perfectly to create a startup 
item. Such a shame I had to dump perfectly good working code because of 



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Re: Can an use introspection to determine if its a production app from the App Store?

2014-10-31 Thread Charles Jenkins
On Friday, October 31, 2014 at 13:22, Fritz Anderson wrote:
 On 31 Oct 2014, at 6:40 AM, Charles Jenkins 
 ( wrote:
  My day job is programming in C# for Windows computers. I was really excited 
  when Swift came out because it’s so similar to other languages I know well 
  and use and admire.
 I’ll take this as the root theme of your message.
 Many of your objections amount to being unhappy that Cocoa, OS X, and their 
 tools are not C# on Windows. C# and Windows are worth knowing, but most 
 things that are worth knowing are neither C# nor Windows. They are that way 
 for thoughtful reasons, and not as duct tape over their falling short of 
 being C#.

This is not my position at all, and what follows in your message are straw-man 
arguments in response to assertions I never made. I get paid well to screw 
around with Windows, but I switched to the Mac back in 2000 and I prefer it 
over Windows in every way. I don’t want you to lead anyone to think I’m a 
Windows apologist come to cast aspersions on the Mac platform.  

If I were complaining that Swift isn’t C#, why would I feel that Obj-C offers 
less friction to me as a Cocoa newbie even though it is far more different from 
C# than Swift?

For one thing, I love out-of-band values. Receiving a clear null-reference 
exception at the point in your code where something should have a value but 
doesn’t is a very, very good thing. Swift encourages using the ? operator to 
hide bugs and make the eventual failure harder to correct; or cluttering your 
code with nested “if let” statements which probably have the same effect unless 
you go to the trouble of adding even more code to create an exception in the 
“else”; or adding the noise of ! operators.

Let’s say I have a variable called “phoneNumber” which may have a value or be 
nil. I’d like to be able to write code like phoneNumber?.dial() or if let pn = 
phoneNumber { pn.dial() } in areas where I don’t care whether phoneNumber is 
nil, where the rest of the code can continue working. But where it matters and 
phoneNumber must not be nil, I want to write code like phoneNumber.dial() and 
receive an exception. Adding ! is just noise, and in cases where execution 
shouldn’t continue, ? or if let are noise that can make things worse. But the 
choice which in my personal opinion is best is not allowed by the compiler.

And as for the table view, isn’t it notoriously difficult for noobs to learn 
and work with? I’m merely stating what I think is a known fact. That’s not the 
same as complaining about delegation or any other Cocoa pattern.


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Re: Can an use introspection to determine if its a production app from the App Store?

2014-10-31 Thread David Duncan

 On Oct 31, 2014, at 12:50 PM, Charles Jenkins wrote:
 On Friday, October 31, 2014 at 13:22, Fritz Anderson wrote:
 On 31 Oct 2014, at 6:40 AM, Charles Jenkins 
 ( wrote:
 My day job is programming in C# for Windows computers. I was really excited 
 when Swift came out because it’s so similar to other languages I know well 
 and use and admire.
 I’ll take this as the root theme of your message.
 Many of your objections amount to being unhappy that Cocoa, OS X, and their 
 tools are not C# on Windows. C# and Windows are worth knowing, but most 
 things that are worth knowing are neither C# nor Windows. They are that way 
 for thoughtful reasons, and not as duct tape over their falling short of 
 being C#.
 This is not my position at all, and what follows in your message are 
 straw-man arguments in response to assertions I never made. I get paid well 
 to screw around with Windows, but I switched to the Mac back in 2000 and I 
 prefer it over Windows in every way. I don’t want you to lead anyone to think 
 I’m a Windows apologist come to cast aspersions on the Mac platform.  
 If I were complaining that Swift isn’t C#, why would I feel that Obj-C offers 
 less friction to me as a Cocoa newbie even though it is far more different 
 from C# than Swift?
 For one thing, I love out-of-band values. Receiving a clear null-reference 
 exception at the point in your code where something should have a value but 
 doesn’t is a very, very good thing. Swift encourages using the ? operator to 
 hide bugs and make the eventual failure harder to correct; or cluttering your 
 code with nested “if let” statements which probably have the same effect 
 unless you go to the trouble of adding even more code to create an exception 
 in the “else”; or adding the noise of ! operators.
 Let’s say I have a variable called “phoneNumber” which may have a value or be 
 nil. I’d like to be able to write code like phoneNumber?.dial() or if let pn 
 = phoneNumber { pn.dial() } in areas where I don’t care whether phoneNumber 
 is nil, where the rest of the code can continue working. But where it matters 
 and phoneNumber must not be nil, I want to write code like phoneNumber.dial() 
 and receive an exception.

I think this is your real philosophical issue, and has little to do with Obj-C 
vs Swift, since in both cases the answer in these languages is “check for nil 
before calling dial”.

As a rule Apple frameworks choose to use exceptions for programmer errors only, 
not for runtime errors or flow control. Thats an issue entirely orthogonal to 
optionals, and why they would likely still exist in Swift even without Obj-C 
having come before.

 Adding ! is just noise, and in cases where execution shouldn’t continue, ? or 
 if let are noise that can make things worse. But the choice which in my 
 personal opinion is best is not allowed by the compiler.
 And as for the table view, isn’t it notoriously difficult for noobs to learn 
 and work with? I’m merely stating what I think is a known fact. That’s not 
 the same as complaining about delegation or any other Cocoa pattern.
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David Duncan


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Re: Can an use introspection to determine if its a production app from the App Store?

2014-10-31 Thread Graham Cox

On 1 Nov 2014, at 6:50 am, Charles Jenkins wrote:

 as for the table view, isn’t it notoriously difficult for noobs to learn and 
 work with?

Just to pick up on this point, I think the answer, unenlighteningly, is it 
depends. When I was a Cocoa noob, I found NSTableView to be straightforward to 
use for straightforward needs (e.g. simple lists). Coming from the classic Mac 
OS and the dreadful List Manager, it was a breath of fresh air. As time has 
passed, NSTableView has become very complicated. But I think it has remained 
true to its original purpose - easy enough for simple needs. You can ignore all 
the added stuff if you want.

I would have preferred NSTableView to have devolved into multiple classes, 
maybe NSViewTableView, but because it is subclassed for NSOutlineView, I can 
see that would lead to further complications keeping the two classes in step 



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Re: NSStatusItem launches twice when checking launch at login

2014-10-31 Thread Jerry Krinock
Sorry I’m not helping with your main question.  Just a couple comments on 
sideshow issues.

 On 2014 Oct 31, at 15:07, Lorenzo Thurman wrote:
 Now there are actually two separate processes, Top shows two different PID’s. 
  I thought Launch Services was supposed to prevent this.

No, it only does that if you doubleclick a document.

 But I don’t even get NSLogs from the helper when its running from the main 

Look in the system console by running /Applications/Utilities/


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