Re: Tracking the retain count

2015-05-19 Thread Britt Durbrow
 On May 18, 2015, at 8:59 PM, Quincey Morris wrote:
 Let me try and summarize where we are, in response to the several recent 

Close, but not quite:

I have several apps which are built on an existing, fully functional data 
management layer that was originally built for a full desktop virtual-memory 
environment (FWIW, it pre-dates the existence of Core Data). I now need to move 
some of this to run under iOS. I also don’t want to make changes to this data 
management layer that would require widespread changes to my other apps that 
rely on it.

The objects in question are document model objects; and retrieving them from 
file storage is indeed non-trivial; and so should be minimized when possible. 
It is not, however, the end of the world if some of them gets evicted from RAM, 
and then has to be later reloaded (such is life on iOS).

Because these are document model objects, they must be unique in RAM and in 
file storage; and maintain their identity across RAM/file-storage transitions. 
If an object is evicted from RAM, it’s contents are written to it’s file 
storage first, and then later when it is recreated in RAM those contents are 
reloaded from the file. I am using the UUID of each object to establish the 
object’s identity across these transitions. However, the object graph while in 
RAM references other in-memory objects by pointer, not UUID (changing this 
basic fact of the system would require wide-spread rewrites of all the 
applications that use this data management system; and I thusly consider it 

 In addition, because of the overhead of managing the uniqueness of the UUIDs, 
 it’s too expensive to create new objects regularly on demand. The purpose of 
 the cache is to extend the lifetime of otherwise unreferenced objects so that 
 they can be reused rather than reincarnated. It does this by taking ownership 
 of (retaining, keeping a strong reference to, however you want to think of 
 it) every object in the cache.

It’s not maintaining the UUIDs as unique that makes for the expense, it’s the 
loading and unloading of the document model objects that does so; and to a 
lesser extent, keeping the object graph coherent. The objects in the system are 
not interchangeable or reusable; each one must maintain it’s identity even if 
it’s in-memory pointer address changes over time. The file storage system also 
enforces this identity by storing and retrieving objects by UUID.

 This means that objects can exist in memory in one of these states:

The way I see it, any given object can be in one of these states:

* Not in RAM at all; only in file storage (and stored under it’s UUID)

* In RAM as a fault object. Faults are (like as in Core-Data) proxys for 
objects in file storage, that reserve RAM for the object, but don’t have any of 
the object’s contents loaded yet. Because they don’t have any contents, they 
also don’t store any links to other objects in RAM. When any message is sent to 
a fault object, it causes the object’s contents to be loaded from file storage, 
and the class to be swizzled back to it’s actual class (this may in turn cause 
the creation of other fault objects in RAM for objects that are not in RAM but 
referenced by the fault’s contents).

* In RAM as a fully “inflated” object. This is a regular Objective-C object, 
with ivars, pointers, methods, and all the associated stuff.

Additionally, the objects in RAM (fault or inflated) can be in one of these 

* Referenced. This is as you stated - something has a strong link to it (be it 
in the graph of document objects, or some other object in the system, or some 
variable on the stack someplace).

* Unreferenced. Also as you stated… except:

I’m not drawing a distinction between Referenced and Inaccessible. If there is 
a link to it somewhere in the system, my reasoning goes, that the object pool 
controller shouldn’t let it go yet.

Obviously, if a given object is not in RAM, it falls in the Unreferenced 
category, as there can’t be any links to it, strong or weak. :-) 

 I don’t have any other plausible housekeeping reasons, but I do know that “No 
 one else should be using this object right now” is a common prelude to a 
 self-inflicted injury.

I am aware of the fact that if I do use a retainCount based system, I’m aiming 
a ray-gun at my foot and trying to shoot between my toes, without vaporizing 
them… :-)

 The easiest solution to conceptualize is to give the cache both a strong 
 (owning) and a weak reference to each object. Then, to purge the cache of 
 unreferenced objects, all that’s necessary is to nil the strong references. 
 Thereafter the unreferenced objects will, we hope, become deallocated, though 
 some may remain merely inaccessible. In particular, any objects referred to 
 by an autorelease pool won’t get deallocated until the pool is drained. Once 
 that’s done, as far as the app’s concerned there should be no 

Keyboard notifications triggered unnecessarily upon showing UIAlertview on iOS8.3

2015-05-19 Thread Devarshi Kulshreshtha

We are observing unusual behaviour with respect to Keyboard willshow  will
hide notification on iOS 8.3.

The viewcontroler (listenig to keyboard notifications) has a textfiled and
upon clicking and upon tapping the submit button, the method first resigns
the first responder from textfield, and shows an alert to inform warning.
Everything works fine, it dismisses the keyboard and shows up the alert as
expected. (calls the UIKeyboardWillHideNotification method too).

However, on 8.3, after tapping OK/Cancel on Alertview delegate, it
dismisses the alert and it calls up UIKeyboardWillShowNotification 
UIKeyboardWillHideNotification respectively, though it was not supposed to
be called! This was not expected, as the keyboard was already dismissed
before dispalying the alert!

Here is the code snippet, that we are trying:

- (void)viewDidLoad {

[super viewDidLoad];

// Do any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.

[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self
selector:@selector(keyboardWillHide:) name:UIKeyboardWillHideNotification

[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self
selector:@selector(keyboardWillShow:) name:UIKeyboardWillShowNotification


- (IBAction)ShowAlert:(id)sender {

[self.TxtField resignFirstResponder];

 //This woudln't make any diff either :(
[self.view endEditing:YES];

  [self ShowAlertForTest];



UIAlertView *theAlertView= [[UIAlertView alloc]initWithTitle:@Title





   [theAlertView show];

- (void)alertView:(UIAlertView *)alertView
 NSLog(@buttonIndex = %ld,buttonIndex);

- (void)keyboardWillShow:(NSNotification *)aNotification

- (void)keyboardWillHide:(NSNotification *)aNotification

This behaviour is causing issues in our app, when there are cascading
alerts triggered from the previous alertview'd delegate - bringing up the
keyboard in unneeded situations.

Any help /advice is greatly appreciated!



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Re: Tracking the retain count

2015-05-19 Thread Quincey Morris
On May 19, 2015, at 20:37 , Graham Cox wrote:
 I think what the OP says he wants is that the cache can only release when it 
 knows nobody else has a reference to an object as well

My answer on this to Britt is that this is unknowable in general. *That* (or so 
I claim) is why it’s not safe to reason about retain counts. If Britt could be 
said to be wrong about anything, I’d say it’s this, the idea that “nobody else 
has a reference” is a meaningful concept. For all practical purposes it isn’t**.

— It’s unknowable in general. Various parts of the system frameworks may have a 
need to reference your object for some reason that you don’t know and don’t 
care about. One sort of trivial example would be when zombies are enabled. In 
that case, there’s a strong reference to every object ever created. A more 
practical (though hypothetical) example might be if your object is retained by 
a NSInvocation that’s already been used for some purpose, but is itself cached 
somewhere in the frameworks and won’t be purged until some future time you 
can’t control.

— The state of the memory management system may not be internally consistent at 
every single moment in time. For example, an object that’s in the process of 
being freed may for a short while still have an actual retain count of 1 even 
though there are no strong references to it anywhere. (It’s not the same thing 
really, but I seem to recall that due to serial nil’ing of weak references in 
ARC there can be short timing windows during dealloc where a weak reference is 
still non-nil but the object it refers to is gone. The runtime prevents you 
from using it, but it still has some very weird consequences. I think this came 
up on cocoa-dev about a year ago.)

— There may be implementation details that you can’t take into account. What if 
(hypothetically) there were two different retain counters for every object — 
say a Cocoa retain count and a CF retain count? What could you then conclude 
from [someObject retainCount] alone? Nothing at all, really.

** Nor does Britt’s app need it to be. All that’s necessary is that old objects 
be inaccessible. The existing code ensures that.


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Collection Views Breaking

2015-05-19 Thread Luther Baker
I've got a simple iOS project consisting of 2 collection view controllers
and a navigation controller.

Tapping any item in the first collection view simply pushes the second
collection view on the stack.

Problem is, when I tap  Back and then manually scroll up ... the app
crashes with a EXC_BAD_ACCESS error in main.

Nothing is logged ... and the stack in the thread looks something like

0 objc_msgSend
16 UIApplicationMain
17 main
18 start
19 start

with 17 main highlighted.


In the code, FirstViewController and SecondViewController are almost
identical save for one line. I am specifically looking at what line 24 in
SecondViewController does to the push transition.

self.useLayoutToLayoutNavigationTransitions = YES;

Upon running, the collection view push animation looks fine - and the 
Back button actually works ... but once I get back to FirstViewController,
the original colors never come back. In addition, when I scroll up, I get
the error listed above.

I've thrown together a small project to demonstrate:

Thoughts? It feels like I'm not referencing something I should be ...


PS: I think you may ignore this but note that when you initially select an
item in the FirstViewController and push - the console spits lots and
lots of

*Snapshotting a view that has not been rendered results in an empty
snapshot. Ensure your view has been rendered at least once before
snapshotting or snapshot after screen updates.*
which I assume is simply a bug or non-relevant logging accidentally left in
the framework.

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Re: NSFontPanel swamping the responder chain (and crashing)

2015-05-19 Thread Ken Thomases
On May 19, 2015, at 9:26 PM, Graham Cox wrote:

 Just to be clear: it crashes when there is no involvement of my code at all - 
 this is the stack trace without the override, but with zombies enabled:
 Crashed Thread:0  Dispatch queue:
 Exception Codes:   0x0002, 0x
 Thread 0 Crashed:: Dispatch queue:
 0  0x7fff91e9fd20 ___forwarding___ + 
 1  0x7fff91e9f998 
 _CF_forwarding_prep_0 + 120
 2  0x7fff8cdf23c7 -[NSWindow 
 supplementalTargetForAction:sender:] + 240
 3  0x7fff8cdf1f74 
 _objectFromResponderChainWhichRespondsToAction + 227
 4  0x7fff8cdf1ac0 
 _NSTargetForSendAction + 2861
 5  0x7fff8cdf0e3e -[NSApplication 
 targetForAction:to:from:] + 329
 6  0x7fff8d07b102 -[NSFontPanel 
 _canShowEffects] + 44
 7  0x7fff8d07b0bb -[NSFontPanel 
 _showEffects] + 31
 8  0x7fff8d07a675 -[NSFontPanel 
 windowDidUpdate:] + 537
 9  0x7fff91f1345c 
 10  0x7fff91e03634 _CFXNotificationPost 
 + 3140
 11  0x7fff975a59d1 
 -[NSNotificationCenter postNotificationName:object:userInfo:] + 66
 12  0x7fff91e88d80 -[NSArray 
 makeObjectsPerformSelector:] + 496
 13  0x7fff8ccac5ea 
 -[NSApplication(NSWindowCache) _updateWindowsUsingCache] + 495
 14  0x7fff8ccac399 -[NSApplication 
 updateWindows] + 70
 15  0x7fff8d0a181f __38-[NSApplication 
 setWindowsNeedUpdate:]_block_invoke2510 + 76
 16  0x7fff91e73127 
 17  0x7fff91e73080 
 __CFRunLoopDoObservers + 368
 18  0x7fff91e65188 __CFRunLoopRun + 872
 19  0x7fff91e64bd8 CFRunLoopRunSpecific 
 + 296
 20   0x7fff9729656f 
 RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 235
 21   0x7fff972961ee 
 ReceiveNextEventCommon + 179
 22   0x7fff9729612b 
 _BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInModeWithFilter + 71
 23  0x7fff8ccaa9bb _DPSNextEvent + 978
 24  0x7fff8cca9f68 -[NSApplication 
 nextEventMatchingMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 346
 25  0x7fff8cc9fbf3 -[NSApplication run] 
 + 594
 26  0x7fff8cc1c354 NSApplicationMain + 
 At line 2, it’s clearly trying to access a NSWindow zombie.

I'm not sure that's true.  I think if the window were the zombie, the crash 
would not show a frame in an NSWindow method, it would occur at the point where 
that method was called.  I suspect the problem is that the window is trying to 
check with its delegate/controller to see if it might respond to the action and 
the delegate/controller is the zombie.  If I'm right, the problem could 
probably be solved by clearing the window's delegate property in the -dealloc 
of the delegate/controller object.

There should be a log message written which will clarify.  It might or might 
not get included in the crash report, but it should be in the console log.  
What does that say?

 I’m pretty sure this is the window I just closed that closed the document. 
 It’s hard to be 100% certain because the same result does not arise in the 
 debugger - I have to export a complete app to see the problem, so I can’t 
 examine the window’s address directly.

Exporting a complete app is not mutually exclusive of running the app under the 
debugger.  You can tell Xcode to run the exported app when debugging by mucking 
with the scheme.  Or, you can directly run it using lldb from the command line.

Does the problem also not happen if you run the app under Instruments with the 
Zombies template?  If it does happen, that will help identify the history of 
the zombie.

If you're just using NSZombieEnabled=YES and running from the command line, you 
can also use MallocStackLoggingNoCompact=1.  When the breakpoint/trap occurs, 
you can use the malloc_history tool to examine the history of the address of 
the zombie object.



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Re: NSFontPanel swamping the responder chain (and crashing)

2015-05-19 Thread Graham Cox

 On 20 May 2015, at 12:15 pm, Graham Cox wrote:
 'd start by looking at frame #4.
 The only code of mine involved is at line 4 which is where I overrode 
 targetForAction:to:from to see what was being called from where, and then 
 calls super.

Just to be clear: it crashes when there is no involvement of my code at all - 
this is the stack trace without the override, but with zombies enabled:

Crashed Thread:0  Dispatch queue:

Exception Codes:   0x0002, 0x

Thread 0 Crashed:: Dispatch queue:
0 ___forwarding___ + 
_CF_forwarding_prep_0 + 120
2 -[NSWindow 
supplementalTargetForAction:sender:] + 240
_objectFromResponderChainWhichRespondsToAction + 227
_NSTargetForSendAction + 2861
5 -[NSApplication 
targetForAction:to:from:] + 329
6 -[NSFontPanel 
_canShowEffects] + 44
7 -[NSFontPanel 
_showEffects] + 31
8 -[NSFontPanel 
windowDidUpdate:] + 537
10 _CFXNotificationPost 
+ 3140
-[NSNotificationCenter postNotificationName:object:userInfo:] + 66
12 -[NSArray 
makeObjectsPerformSelector:] + 496
-[NSApplication(NSWindowCache) _updateWindowsUsingCache] + 495
14 -[NSApplication 
updateWindows] + 70
15 __38-[NSApplication 
setWindowsNeedUpdate:]_block_invoke2510 + 76
__CFRunLoopDoObservers + 368
18 __CFRunLoopRun + 872
19 CFRunLoopRunSpecific 
+ 296
20 0x7fff9729656f 
RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 235
21 0x7fff972961ee 
ReceiveNextEventCommon + 179
22 0x7fff9729612b 
_BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInModeWithFilter + 71
23 _DPSNextEvent + 978
24 -[NSApplication 
nextEventMatchingMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 346
25 -[NSApplication run] 
+ 594
26 NSApplicationMain + 

At line 2, it’s clearly trying to access a NSWindow zombie. I’m pretty sure 
this is the window I just closed that closed the document. It’s hard to be 100% 
certain because the same result does not arise in the debugger - I have to 
export a complete app to see the problem, so I can’t examine the window’s 
address directly. However, this is the only window that has ever closed in the 
entire run.

So, NSApplication has a stale reference to a closed window which it accesses in 

How is that possible?



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Re: NSFontPanel swamping the responder chain (and crashing)

2015-05-19 Thread Graham Cox

 On 20 May 2015, at 12:09 pm, Kyle Sluder wrote:
 On Tue, May 19, 2015, at 07:22 PM, Graham Cox wrote:
 -[NSApplication targetForAction:to:from:] + 329
 4 0x000105a3103a 0x1059ba000 +
 5 -[NSFontPanel
 _canShowEffects] + 44
 I'd start by looking at frame #4.

 The only code of mine involved is at line 4 which is where I overrode 
 targetForAction:to:from to see what was being called from where, and then 
 calls super.



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Re: Tracking the retain count

2015-05-19 Thread Graham Cox

 On 20 May 2015, at 1:04 pm, Quincey Morris wrote:
 I don’t think you’ve misunderstood anything at all.

Kind of you to say so - I’m not so sure :)

 So, we look at two possible solutions. [Spoiler: Both solutions are 100% 
 correct, because both solutions are 100% identical, as far as memory 
 management is concerned.]
 Solution A: We create an additional strong reference to each object in the 
 cache, kept in (say) a Cocoa collection. That allows us to selectively mark 
 objects purgeable by removing some or all of these strong references. 
 Drawback: We’re wasting memory for storing the additional strong references.
 Solution B: We retain each object as it enters the cache. That allows us to 
 selectively mark objects purgeable by releasing them again. Drawbacks: None.
 The end.

I think what the OP says he wants is that the cache can only release when it 
knows nobody else has a reference to an object as well, hence the temptation to 
peek at the retain count. In other words it must be the “last owner”, for some 

The cache may have good reasons for requiring that it be the “last owner” of a 
cached object, but that seems orthogonal to retain/release. If the argument is 
that the cache assigns the UUIDs to the objects so it must be the “last owner” 
in order that these be unique, I think that’s possibly where the reasoning is 
flawed. A UUID is unique by definition, isn’t it? So there’s no need to do 
extra work to ensure uniqueness.

Or it may have other reasons altogether, and the reasoning might not be flawed. 
It’s in that case that NSDicardableContent (or something akin to it) might be 
useful, because it provides something that looks like retain/release in 
principle but is outside of, and unaffected by it. It would allow the cache to 
know when any object it owns is not being accessed, even if that object were, 
from a memory management point of view, owned by something else as well. This 
is where using retain/release is bad, because an object can’t know if it’s the 
“last owner” without peeking, and as we know as peeking isn’t reliable, we have 
to rule it out. There are different ways to solve this - for example, maybe the 
cache provides an interface for vending and devending objects that it knows 
about such that it will only discard unvended objects, but in effect, that’s 
identical to the NSDiscardableContent pattern, just centralised awkwardly.

I think the solution to this must come from a really good explanation from the 
OP as to why the cache MUST be the “last owner”. It’s that requirement that is 
forcing the issue, but it’s not that clear why that is a requirement.



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NSFontPanel swamping the responder chain (and crashing)

2015-05-19 Thread Graham Cox
I’m noticing something odd. When NSFontPanel is visible, it calls 
-[NSApplication targetForAction:to:from:] excessively often - in fact on every 
movement of the mouse. The action is -validModesForFontPanel: and the target is 
nil, so this is being pushed up the responder chain all of the time.

This seems to me a huge waste of time and CPU cycles, though it may have its 

Why it’s a problem is that I’m experiencing a crash after I close a document 
due to this invocation - before the document is fully torn down, NSFontPanel 
sends this message and the responder chain appears to have, at that point, a 
stale reference to something in my doc*, so it crashes.

*this is the theory I’m working on, though it’s hard to be sure. Note that 
turning on NSZombies doesn’t show what the original target of the call was - it 
still crashes in the same way.

The stack trace is:

Crashed Thread:0  Dispatch queue:

Exception Codes:   KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS at 0x0018

Application Specific Information:
objc_msgSend() selector name: respondsToSelector:

Thread 0 Crashed:: Dispatch queue:
0   libobjc.A.dylib 0x7fff909040dd objc_msgSend + 29
_objectFromResponderChainWhichRespondsToAction + 227
_NSTargetForSendAction + 2861
3 -[NSApplication 
targetForAction:to:from:] + 329
4 0x000105a3103a 0x1059ba000 + 487482
5 -[NSFontPanel 
_canShowEffects] + 44
6 -[NSFontPanel 
_showEffects] + 31
7 -[NSFontPanel 
windowDidUpdate:] + 537
9 _CFXNotificationPost 
+ 3140
-[NSNotificationCenter postNotificationName:object:userInfo:] + 66
11 -[NSArray 
makeObjectsPerformSelector:] + 496
-[NSApplication(NSWindowCache) _updateWindowsUsingCache] + 495
13 -[NSApplication 
updateWindows] + 70
14 __38-[NSApplication 
setWindowsNeedUpdate:]_block_invoke2510 + 76
__CFRunLoopDoObservers + 368
17 __CFRunLoopRun + 872
18 CFRunLoopRunSpecific 
+ 296
19 0x7fff99fd556f 
RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 235
20 0x7fff99fd51ee 
ReceiveNextEventCommon + 179
21 0x7fff99fd512b 
_BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInModeWithFilter + 71
22 _DPSNextEvent + 978
23 -[NSApplication 
nextEventMatchingMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 346
24 -[NSApplication run] 
+ 594
25 NSApplicationMain + 

The only code of mine involved is at line 4 which is where I overrode 
targetForAction:to:from to see what was being called from where, and then calls 

Anyone else noticed this, and what can be done about it? I need to make sure 
this doesn’t crash at the very least, but it also seems to indicate a deeper 
bug in that NSFontPanel is being extremely wasteful and suboptimal.



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Re: Tracking the retain count

2015-05-19 Thread Quincey Morris
On May 19, 2015, at 15:50 , Graham Cox wrote:
 I may have misunderstood the problem such that this is a poor ot for other 
 reasons, but I’m not seeing it. I’m also not sure why there seems to be a 
 tacit resistance to it - seems logical to me.

I don’t think you’ve misunderstood anything at all.

I’ve hung back from replying for a bit, because I was not sure what to say 
next. Yesterday, I tried to retreat to firm ground and proceed from there, but 
apparently I didn’t do that very well. I’m going to try the same strategy one 
more time, to see if I can get onto even firmer ground, and stay there.

I want to go back to Roland’s scenario, since it’s simple and contains the 
essence of what Britt wants to do. Let’s say we implement a cache as a 
strong-to-weak NSMapTable. That allows objects that are unreferenced 
(un-strong-referenced) elsewhere in our code to be purged. However, this is not 
the complete solution, because we want unreferenced objects to persist as long 
as they can, and a mere weak reference won’t achieve that.

So, we look at two possible solutions. [Spoiler: Both solutions are 100% 
correct, because both solutions are 100% identical, as far as memory management 
is concerned.]

Solution A: We create an additional strong reference to each object in the 
cache, kept in (say) a Cocoa collection. That allows us to selectively mark 
objects purgeable by removing some or all of these strong references. Drawback: 
We’re wasting memory for storing the additional strong references.

Solution B: We retain each object as it enters the cache. That allows us to 
selectively mark objects purgeable by releasing them again. Drawbacks: None.

The end.

Note that there’s no objection (in either solution) on the basis of shaky 
reasoning about retain counts, because retain counts don’t enter into the 
correctness of what we’re doing. It’s always legal to retain an object, and 
it’s always legal to release an object we retained.

Why are the solutions the same? Because in A, there’s an implicit retain 
associated with storing a strong reference, and that’s what makes it strong. 
The reference itself (the 4- or 8-byte pointer) is irrelevant to memory 
management. In A, it’s merely overhead. In B, we keep the retain, and eliminate 
the overhead.

So, as Graham says, it’s hard to see where the tacit resistance to B comes 
from. No one seems to be unhappy about A, apart from the waste of memory, and B 
*is* A without the waste of memory.

[Bonus sermon: Of course, if GC were being used, it’s the 4- or 8-byte pointer 
itself that makes the reference strong. Or, more exactly, its the reachability 
of the pointer that makes the reference strong. Under GC, you’d either have to 
use solution A, or invent custom reference counting. Which brings us back to 
NSDiscardableContent. It was introduced with 10.6, which IIRC makes it pre-ARC, 
in an era when GC was trying to be dominant. In those terms, it doesn’t seem so 
weird that a new style of reference counting was introduced, since it didn’t 
really duplicate anything you could do in GC. I just don’t see it as providing 
extra value any more.]


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Re: NSFontPanel swamping the responder chain (and crashing)

2015-05-19 Thread Graham Cox

 On 20 May 2015, at 10:22 am, Graham Cox wrote:
 *this is the theory I’m working on, though it’s hard to be sure. Note that 
 turning on NSZombies doesn’t show what the original target of the call was - 
 it still crashes in the same way.

This is wrong - NSZombies does make it crash differently, by throwing the usual 
zombies exception. The zombie in this case is NSWindow, being the window that 
just got closed.

The crash does not happen in the debugger/running from Xcode, only when 
exported as an app. That’s making it more difficult to track down the problem 
of course.



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Re: NSFontPanel swamping the responder chain (and crashing)

2015-05-19 Thread Kyle Sluder
On Tue, May 19, 2015, at 07:22 PM, Graham Cox wrote:
 -[NSApplication targetForAction:to:from:] + 329
 4 0x000105a3103a 0x1059ba000 +
 5 -[NSFontPanel
 _canShowEffects] + 44

I'd start by looking at frame #4.

--Kyle Sluder

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Plugin bundle with Javascript

2015-05-19 Thread Georg Seifert

I hope this it the right place to ask, if not can you point me the right 

Is it possible to build plugin bundles using Javascript? I know how to to that 
with ObjectiveC and python (with py2app) but could’n find anything about 



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Re: Tracking the retain count

2015-05-19 Thread Steve Christensen
I just finished catching up on the discussion and keep coming back to the 
fragile nature of relying on retainCount. For now you do, indeed, have the 
option to vaporize your toes; later you may not have access to a ray gun if 
Apple decides that it's in the best interests of all concerned that they retain 
their toes, not their objects.

I don't know what your app architecture looks like, but was wondering if you 
could build in a supportable method of managing what's in the cache without 
having to do other than a few localized changes.

One thought I had was to base all your cacheable objects on a class whose sole 
function is to notify the cache when the last reference goes away, i.e., when 
dealloc is called. If the cache kept track of all cached objects using a 
NSMapTable with weak references then the cache itself wouldn't affect the 
retain count, so you'd never have to be looking at that. Reads from and writes 
to the NSMapTable would need to be protected for consistency.

Does this sound like it could work?

 On May 19, 2015, at 12:55 AM, Britt Durbrow wrote:
 On May 18, 2015, at 8:59 PM, Quincey Morris wrote:
 Let me try and summarize where we are, in response to the several recent 
 Close, but not quite:
 I have several apps which are built on an existing, fully functional data 
 management layer that was originally built for a full desktop virtual-memory 
 environment (FWIW, it pre-dates the existence of Core Data). I now need to 
 move some of this to run under iOS. I also don’t want to make changes to this 
 data management layer that would require widespread changes to my other apps 
 that rely on it.
 The objects in question are document model objects; and retrieving them from 
 file storage is indeed non-trivial; and so should be minimized when possible. 
 It is not, however, the end of the world if some of them gets evicted from 
 RAM, and then has to be later reloaded (such is life on iOS).
 Because these are document model objects, they must be unique in RAM and in 
 file storage; and maintain their identity across RAM/file-storage 
 transitions. If an object is evicted from RAM, it’s contents are written to 
 it’s file storage first, and then later when it is recreated in RAM those 
 contents are reloaded from the file. I am using the UUID of each object to 
 establish the object’s identity across these transitions. However, the object 
 graph while in RAM references other in-memory objects by pointer, not UUID 
 (changing this basic fact of the system would require wide-spread rewrites of 
 all the applications that use this data management system; and I thusly 
 consider it infeasible).
 In addition, because of the overhead of managing the uniqueness of the 
 UUIDs, it’s too expensive to create new objects regularly on demand. The 
 purpose of the cache is to extend the lifetime of otherwise unreferenced 
 objects so that they can be reused rather than reincarnated. It does this by 
 taking ownership of (retaining, keeping a strong reference to, however you 
 want to think of it) every object in the cache.
 It’s not maintaining the UUIDs as unique that makes for the expense, it’s the 
 loading and unloading of the document model objects that does so; and to a 
 lesser extent, keeping the object graph coherent. The objects in the system 
 are not interchangeable or reusable; each one must maintain it’s identity 
 even if it’s in-memory pointer address changes over time. The file storage 
 system also enforces this identity by storing and retrieving objects by UUID.
 This means that objects can exist in memory in one of these states:
 The way I see it, any given object can be in one of these states:
 * Not in RAM at all; only in file storage (and stored under it’s UUID)
 * In RAM as a fault object. Faults are (like as in Core-Data) proxys for 
 objects in file storage, that reserve RAM for the object, but don’t have any 
 of the object’s contents loaded yet. Because they don’t have any contents, 
 they also don’t store any links to other objects in RAM. When any message is 
 sent to a fault object, it causes the object’s contents to be loaded from 
 file storage, and the class to be swizzled back to it’s actual class (this 
 may in turn cause the creation of other fault objects in RAM for objects that 
 are not in RAM but referenced by the fault’s contents).
 * In RAM as a fully “inflated” object. This is a regular Objective-C object, 
 with ivars, pointers, methods, and all the associated stuff.
 Additionally, the objects in RAM (fault or inflated) can be in one of these 
 * Referenced. This is as you stated - something has a strong link to it (be 
 it in the graph of document objects, or some other object in the system, or 
 some variable on the stack someplace).
 * Unreferenced. Also as you stated… except:
 I’m not drawing a distinction 

Re: Plugin bundle with Javascript

2015-05-19 Thread Maxthon Chan
If you can find a way to get the plugin plugged into your code then it is 
doable. JS can be considered as resources and some custom Info.plist keys can 
be introduced to index the required files.

 On May 19, 2015, at 20:21, Georg Seifert wrote:
 I hope this it the right place to ask, if not can you point me the right 
 Is it possible to build plugin bundles using Javascript? I know how to to 
 that with ObjectiveC and python (with py2app) but could’n find anything about 
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Re: Tracking the retain count

2015-05-19 Thread Steve Christensen
On May 19, 2015, at 8:52 AM, Britt Durbrow wrote:
 On May 19, 2015, at 7:20 AM, Steve Christensen wrote:
 I just finished catching up on the discussion and keep coming back to the 
 fragile nature of relying on retainCount. For now you do, indeed, have the 
 option to vaporize your toes; later you may not have access to a ray gun if 
 Apple decides that it's in the best interests of all concerned that they 
 retain their toes, not their objects.
 Restating a previous concern of mine:
 However, it’s not actually something that’s likely to get deprecated; and by 
 paying very careful attention to the rules, it should be OK to use in this 
 very narrow circumstance?
 If this is wrong - please (hopefully someone from Apple) correct me!
 Yes, I am a bit concerned that it could become deprecated. I suppose that I 
 could just override retain and release in that case; and track the retain 
 count myself; although I seriously doubt that that functionality will be 
 deprecated/removed as there’s too much oddball stuff that depends on it… but 
 uggg… that’s nasty. To borrow a phrase from a lolcat, “DO! NOT! WANT!” :-)

I'm not saying that retain/release management would go away entirely, just that 
could be made private to the compiler's management of ARC, for example, if 
Apple decides that ARC, Son of Arc, etc., is the only way to manage object 

 I don't know what your app architecture looks like, but was wondering if you 
 could build in a supportable method of managing what's in the cache without 
 having to do other than a few localized changes.
 One thought I had was to base all your cacheable objects on a class whose 
 sole function is to notify the cache when the last reference goes away, 
 i.e., when dealloc is called. If the cache kept track of all cached objects 
 using a NSMapTable with weak references then the cache itself wouldn't 
 affect the retain count, so you'd never have to be looking at that. Reads 
 from and writes to the NSMapTable would need to be protected for consistency.
 Does this sound like it could work?
 Um… that’s just a weak link? And the only way for an instance to know that 
 it’s got a reference to it outstanding is to override retain and release?

Yes, the cache would be keeping a weak link to each of the in-memory objects it 
manages via a NSMapTable so that it doesn't affect the retain count of the 
current actual users of individual objects. By overriding dealloc in a 
cacheable object base class then you know for a fact that there are no more 
references to the object since that's the only time that dealloc will be 
called. Once that dealloc method notifies the cache to remove the object from 
its NSMapTable then the cache should be in a consistent state.

The other benefit of creating this base class (assuming that you don't already 
have one) is that you don't have to be modifying code all over the place, just 
creating the common dealloc method and modifying the @interface statements in 
some headers so that the objects inherit.

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Re: Tracking the retain count

2015-05-19 Thread Graham Cox

 On 20 May 2015, at 12:20 am, Steve Christensen wrote:
 One thought I had was to base all your cacheable objects on a class whose 
 sole function is to notify the cache when the last reference goes away, i.e., 
 when dealloc is called

This is what NSDiscardableContent is able to do, though the method names it 
uses are not ‘retain’, ‘release’ and 'retainCount'. As it’s a protocol, not an 
object, you can implement it however you like.

I disagree (with Quincey) that you may as well use retain/release/retainCount 
because the point is that those things are called behind your back at times you 
do not control, which surely is why this is looking like such a difficult 
problem? Instead, if objects that access the cached objects are forced to use 
‘beginContentAccess’ and ‘endContentAccess’ then you have a very definite way 
to find out when nobody is accessing the objects that cannot be interfered with 
by memory management in any way.

I may have misunderstood the problem such that this is a poor ot for other 
reasons, but I’m not seeing it. I’m also not sure why there seems to be a tacit 
resistance to it - seems logical to me.


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Re: Tracking the retain count

2015-05-19 Thread Britt Durbrow
 On May 19, 2015, at 7:20 AM, Steve Christensen wrote:
 I just finished catching up on the discussion and keep coming back to the 
 fragile nature of relying on retainCount. For now you do, indeed, have the 
 option to vaporize your toes; later you may not have access to a ray gun if 
 Apple decides that it's in the best interests of all concerned that they 
 retain their toes, not their objects.

Restating a previous concern of mine:

 However, it’s not actually something that’s likely to get deprecated; and by 
 paying very careful attention to the rules, it should be OK to use in this 
 very narrow circumstance?
 If this is wrong - please (hopefully someone from Apple) correct me!

Yes, I am a bit concerned that it could become deprecated. I suppose that I 
could just override retain and release in that case; and track the retain count 
myself; although I seriously doubt that that functionality will be 
deprecated/removed as there’s too much oddball stuff that depends on it… but 
uggg… that’s nasty. To borrow a phrase from a lolcat, “DO! NOT! WANT!” :-)

 I don't know what your app architecture looks like, but was wondering if you 
 could build in a supportable method of managing what's in the cache without 
 having to do other than a few localized changes.
 One thought I had was to base all your cacheable objects on a class whose 
 sole function is to notify the cache when the last reference goes away, i.e., 
 when dealloc is called. If the cache kept track of all cached objects using a 
 NSMapTable with weak references then the cache itself wouldn't affect the 
 retain count, so you'd never have to be looking at that. Reads from and 
 writes to the NSMapTable would need to be protected for consistency.
 Does this sound like it could work?

Um… that’s just a weak link? And the only way for an instance to know that it’s 
got a reference to it outstanding is to override retain and release?


 On May 19, 2015, at 2:07 AM, wrote:

 But I'm curious if Instruments tells you anything about where to optimize. 

Yeah, I’m gonna have to do some profiling to see if my intuitive suspicions are 
anywhere near accurate… (premature optimization being the hazard that it is)

 A model that's 12 years old should surely have had memory issues on 12 year 
 old computers as much as on a modern iOS device. 

Document sizes were smaller then… and the engine has been adapted to new 
projects since it started out in life.

 If there's some kind of relationship to a virtual machine there must be a way 
 to give it virtual limits. 

It’s not a virtual machine that I was referring to (like the Java virtual 
machine, or like VirtualBox) but the operating system’s virtual memory support, 
aka swapping-to-disk. The engine was originally designed to just keep all the 
objects in RAM, and if physical RAM ran out, the OS would page out less used 
objects to swap space.

iOS does not do that; which is why I need to manage the memory myself.


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