Re: Simple Swift question

2015-06-30 Thread Kevin Meaney
Also the nifty new defer statement works well along with multiple guards if you 
need to do any cleanup when exiting the scope. The combination is great.


 On 29 Jun 2015, at 23:43, Rick Mann wrote:
 On Jun 29, 2015, at 15:35 , Jens Alfke wrote:
 The unsightly nesting of the if-lets can be avoided with the nifty new 
 ‘guard’ statement in Swift 2.
 Ah, yes, that's what I should be using. Thanks!
 Rick Mann
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Re: UIPageViewController not resizing its child view controllers on rotation

2015-06-30 Thread Ben Kennedy
 On 30 Jun 2015, at 7:30 am, Devarshi Kulshreshtha wrote:
 Though pagination control has resized properly, view of added view
 controller has not resized properly.

You haven't said so, but I presume that the UIPageControl belongs to your root 
view, and not pagesContainerViewController's view?

If so, the evidence suggests that autolayout is working correctly for the 
former but not the latter.  And presuming that is the case, then my suspicion 
lies with this line:

self.view.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = NO;

It is unusual to specify translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints on oneself, 
since it is almost always one's parent who is responsible for one's 
positioning. And absent any other constraints, this will remove its 
autoresizing with respect to its superview.

Hence, my guess is that the pagesContainerViewController's view has no 
constraints, and thus is getting unspecified layout (as manifest by its child 
UIPageViewController's view positioning).

What happens if you delete that line?



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Re: Would you pay for a better table view?

2015-06-30 Thread Ben Kennedy
 On 30 Jun 2015, at 4:10 pm, Michael David Crawford 
 Cocoa Touch's table view works for simple things but it is painful for
 anything fancy.

Have you checked out UICollectionView, or as of this month, UIStackView?

 Were I to write a better table view, would any of you fine folks be into
 licensing it for your own apps?

That's a rather tough question to answer a priori, especially without knowing 
anything of its goals or what problems it tries to solve.  But why don't you 
post some initial work to GitHub and see what develops?

 I once made what appeared to be a Mac OS List Manager list work with three
 billion items.

Good for you.  I also wrote a pretty sweet tree view control for MacZoop back 
in the Classic days -- unfortunately before I had the wisdom of proper and 
regular backups (seemingly no evidence remains).



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Window Update Problem

2015-06-30 Thread Dave

***Cross posted as it relates to both technologies***

I’ve asked this question before, but no one seems to know the answer. I’ve been 
hacking around with this both in an AppleScript and from Objective-C using the 
Scripting Bridge as well as the AppleScriptObjC Bridge, but nothing I’ve tried 
works, so if anyone has *any* idea how to make this work I’d be so happy to 
hear from you,

on run
tell application id

set myTrickFlag to false --Set to true to close and open the 

set myWindow to the front window
if class of myWindow is not draft window then
return Error not Draft Window
end if

save myWindow

set myObjectID to the id of (object of myWindow)
set myContent to the plain text content of message id myObjectID
set myContent to myContent  return  Line Added  return
set the plain text content of (message id myObjectID) to 

--  Doing this is the only way I can find to make the update 
appear in the window
if myTrickFlag = true then
close myWindow without saving
open message id myObjectID
end if

end tell
end run

When I run this with myTrickFlag = false, you can see the message get updated 
in the Main Outlook Message Browser Window, but the Draft window that contains 
the text is NOT updated. If the user saves the window at this point, the 
updated content is lost. 

Under normal circumstances (e.g. not running a Script), Outlook would I 
suppose, would copy the window to the message at the appropriate point, so, if 
I could do the operation on the window version of the data, I suppose this 
stands a good chance of getting into the content, or I could just change both.

I suppose I could keystroke into the content field, but I’ve been avoiding 
doing that as this is running in a time critical part of the code and I want 
the best performance as possible. I am assuming that keystroking is way more 
time consuming that just setting the data, please correct me if I’m wrong.

I’ve also got the Scripting Bridge setup, so I can poke directly at the exposed 
properties, so if anyone can think of an event I could send that would do the 
trick please let me know.

The other thing that occurs to me is that I can get the Global Window ID, so 
could drop into CF/CG if necessary.

From my experimenting, I added this SB Code:

myObjectPropertiesDictionary =;
//Equivalent of myDraftObject - the”object” property of the Draft Window in the 
above AS
NSLog(@%@,[myObjectPropertiesDictionary allKeys]);

myContentString = [myObjectPropertiesDictionary 
[myDraftObject setValue:myNewContentString forKey:@plainTextContent”];

When I run this code, I get the following properties logged, but it crashes on 
the setValue:forKey statement as the class is not key-code compliant. Is there 
a way I can make use these properties to set a new value?


Anyway, if anyone has anything that they think might stand a chance of working, 
please let me know!

Thanks a lot,
All the Best


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Re: Subclassing a Subclass of SBApplication

2015-06-30 Thread Jean-Daniel Dupas
Using class extension is probably a safe way to extends such classes.

@interface SXPhotoshopApplication (MyExtension)

- (void)myWrapper;


 Le 29 juin 2015 à 13:54, Dave a écrit :
 I’m using the Scripting Bridge, and I was wondering if it ok to subclass 
 SBXXX classes. Basically, I have a header file generated by the “sdp” tool 
 with definitions as below:
 And I’d like to subclass this to add some extra wrapping to hide some of the 
 nastiness from the rest of the app and provide a tighter integration with the 
 current app handling. I remember reading somewhere that these classes 
 shouldn’t be subclassed, but I can’t seem to find it again now.
 Thanks a lot
 @interface SXPhotoshopApplication : SBApplication
 - (SBElementArray *) documents;
 - (SBElementArray *) fonts;
 - (SBElementArray *) notifiers;
 @property (copy, readonly) NSNumber *bestType;  // the best type for the 
 object's value
 @property (copy, readonly) NSNumber *defaultType;  // the default type for 
 the object's value
 @property (copy) NSDictionary *properties;  // all of this object's 
 properties returned in a single record
 @property (copy) SXPhotoshopColorValue *backgroundColor;
 @property (copy, readonly) NSString *build;  // the build number of Adobe 
 Photoshop application
 @property (copy) id colorSettings;  // name of selected color settings' set
 @property (copy) SXPhotoshopDocument *currentDocument;  // the frontmost 
 @property SXPhotoshopE050 displayDialogs;  // controls whether or not 
 Photoshop displays dialogs
 @property (copy) SXPhotoshopColorValue *foregroundColor;
 @property (readonly) double freeMemory;  // the amount of unused memory 
 available to Adobe Photoshop
 @property (readonly) BOOL frontmost;  // is Photoshop the frontmost 
 @property (copy, readonly) NSString *locale;  // language locale of 
 @property (copy, readonly) NSArray *macintoshFileTypes;  // list of file 
 image types Photoshop can open
 @property (copy, readonly) NSString *name;  // the application's name
 @property BOOL notifiersEnabled;  // enable or disable all notifiers
 @property (copy, readonly) id preferencesFolder;  // full path to the 
 preferences folder
 @property (copy, readonly) NSArray *recentFiles;  // files in the recent file 
 @property (copy, readonly) NSString *scriptingBuildDate;  // the build date 
 of the scripting interface
 @property (copy, readonly) NSString *scriptingVersion;  // the version of the 
 Scripting interface
 @property (copy, readonly) SXPhotoshopSettingsObject *settings;  // 
 preference settings
 @property (copy, readonly) NSString *systemInformation;  // system 
 information of the host application and machine
 @property (copy, readonly) NSString *version;  // the version of Adobe 
 Photoshop application
 @property (copy, readonly) NSArray *windowsFileTypes;  // list of file image 
 extensions Photoshop can open
 - (void) AETEScriptsScriptsJavaScriptNameName:(NSString *)JavaScriptNameName 
 JavaScriptFileFile:(NSString *)JavaScriptFileFile 
 JavaScriptTextText:(NSString *)JavaScriptTextText 
 JavaScriptMessageMessage:(NSString *)JavaScriptMessageMessage;  // Photoshop 
 scripting support plug-in
 - (void) open:(id)x as:(SXPhotoshopOpAs)as 
 withOptions:(SXPhotoshopOpenOptions *)withOptions 
 showingDialogs:(SXPhotoshopE050)showingDialogs smartObject:(BOOL)smartObject; 
  // open the specified document file(s)
 - (void) print:(id)x sourceSpace:(SXPhotoshopE945)sourceSpace 
 printSpace:(NSString *)printSpace intent:(SXPhotoshopE130)intent 
 blackpointCompensation:(BOOL)blackpointCompensation;  // print the specified 
 - (void) quit;  // quit the application
 - (NSArray *) PhotoshopOpenDialog;  // use the Photoshop open dialog to 
 select files
 - (NSString *) batch:(NSString *)x fromFiles:(NSArray *)fromFiles 
 from:(NSString *)from withOptions:(SXPhotoshopBatchOptions *)withOptions;  // 
 run the batch automation routine
 - (NSString *) createPDFPresentationFromFiles:(NSArray *)fromFiles 
 toFile:(id)toFile withOptions:(SXPhotoshopPresentationOptions *)withOptions;  
 // create a PDF presentation file
 - (NSString *) createContactSheetFromFiles:(NSArray *)fromFiles 
 withOptions:(SXPhotoshopContactSheetOptions *)withOptions;  // create a 
 contact sheet from multiple files
 - (NSString *) createPhotoGalleryFromFolder:(id)fromFolder 
 toFolder:(id)toFolder withOptions:(SXPhotoshopGalleryOptions *)withOptions;  
 // Creates a web photo gallery
 - (NSString *) createPhotoMergeFromFiles:(NSArray *)fromFiles;  // 
 DEPRECATED. Merges multiple files into one, user interaction required.
 - (NSString *) createPicturePackageFromFiles:(NSArray *)fromFiles 
 withOptions:(SXPhotoshopPicturePackageOptions *)withOptions;  // create a 
 picture package from multiple files
 - (BOOL) featureEnabledName:(NSString 

Re: File Permissions - NSFileManager Swift

2015-06-30 Thread Arved von Brasch
 On 30 Jun 2015, at 02:29, Jens Alfke wrote:
 It always helps people answer questions if you post the exact error you get.
 Generally when there are mysteriously un-deletable files, it has something to 
 do with filesystem extended attributes like ‘immutable’. You can display 
 these by using “ls -l@“.

Thank you for replying.  I was reporting the error I got back from the NSError, 
which doesn’t give much detail.  Here’s the result of ls -l@:

drwxrwxrwx+ 2 arved  staff   68 30 Jun 15:13

From the Get Info window, there appears to be custom Access Control that 
NSFileManager.setAttributes() doesn’t alter. I don’t see anything else in the 
list of attributes that would alter the custom access. So, how do I change the 
permissions on the application (or any generic file) to have permission to 
delete it?

Here’s a test application that is barebones what I’m trying to do:

import Cocoa

class AppDelegate: NSObject, NSApplicationDelegate {

let store: NSURL
var item: NSURL?

override init() {
store = 
 inDomains: NSSearchPathDomainMask.UserDomainMask)[0] as! NSURL

@IBAction func addAppPackage(sender: AnyObject) {
let op = NSOpenPanel()
op.treatsFilePackagesAsDirectories = false
op.allowsMultipleSelection = false
op.canChooseDirectories = false
op.canChooseFiles = true
op.canCreateDirectories = false
op.resolvesAliases = true
op.allowedFileTypes = [public.executable]
op.prompt = Add Application
completionHandler: { returnCode in
if returnCode == NSModalResponseOK {
var error: NSError? = nil
for pathURL in op.URLs {
self.item =

NSFileManager.defaultManager().copyItemAtURL(pathURL as! NSURL, toURL: 
self.item!, error: error)
if error != nil {
modalForWindow: NSApp.mainWindow!!, delegate: nil, didPresentSelector:  nil, 
contextInfo: nil)

@IBAction func removeAppPackage(sender: AnyObject) {
let alert = NSAlert()
alert.messageText = Delete Application
alert.informativeText = Are you sure?
alert.alertStyle = NSAlertStyle.CriticalAlertStyle
completionHandler: { returnCode in
if returnCode == NSAlertSecondButtonReturn {
var error: NSError? = nil

NSFileManager.defaultManager().setAttributes([NSFilePosixPermissions: 0o777], 
ofItemAtPath: self.item!.path!, error: error)

NSFileManager.defaultManager().removeItemAtPath(self.item!.path!, error: error)
if error != nil {
modalForWindow: NSApp.mainWindow!!, delegate: nil, didPresentSelector: nil, 
contextInfo: nil) // Error - Don’t have permission to remove file


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Re: Cheating a synchronous call on the main thread

2015-06-30 Thread Dave

I do something like this which works really well but NOT on the Main Thread, on 
a background thread. 

-(NSData*) performSyncRequest

//**Create and Enter a Dispatch Group
myDispatchGroup = dispatch_group_create();

[self doSomethingWithCompletionHandler:
^(NSError* theErrorInfo)

//**Signal Response Received

//**Wait for the Response  - Check for Time-Out Error
myTimeOutStatus = 
if (myTimeOutStatus != 0)

//**Handle Request Completed - Perform any delegate methods
NSData* myRequestData = [self getData];


return myRequestData;


 On 29 Jun 2015, at 17:14, Gavin Eadie wrote:
 It’s standard knowledge that any operation which causes an app’s main thread 
 to wait is bad, and that diverting such delays off the main thread allows the 
 app to remain optimally responsive to external events.  That diversion can 
 happen via a couple of mechanisms: ‘callbacks’  (delegation and closures) 
 that are inherent in an API; and explicit transfer via GCD (or NSOperation at 
 a more abstract level).
 My question for the list originates with a friend who is updating an app in 
 which previously synchronous call needs to be replaced by asynchronous one (a 
 Image Capture Core method, using a delegate).  Leaving aside, if possible, 
 the reasons for this, he has retained an apparent synchronous nature of the 
 original call by wrapping the new ‘requestSend..’ method and its 
 corresponding ‘didSend..’ delegate so that the wrapper appears to block its 
 thread while actually allowing the main run loop to execute.
 The intent is to have code of the form:
  .. before
   after ..
  where, though “fakeSyncrony” is actually internally asynchronous, 
 “after” is not executed till after the its delegate action completes.
 This works well if the above code executes off the main thread because any 
 waiting inside “fakeSyncrony” can happen in the main run-loop and 
 responsiveness is retained.
 It does not work if that code is on the main thread because there’s no way to 
 put the waiting on the, now already occupied, main thread, and that’s where 
 the question lies.  While it seems clear to me and my friend that this in an 
 inescapable fact of life, we have a counterexample in the form of the Canon 
 ED-SDK, which somehow does accomplish this.
 Can anyone, with more knowledge than we have, suggest a trick that allows an 
 apparently synchronous call on the main thread without impacting performance?
 PS: If I was answering this question, I’d suggest getting off the main thread 
 and not playing tricks.  So the answer “Don’t do this!” is already very high 
 on the list .. another answer, regardless of nastiness, does exist but it’s 
 beyond my skill to devise, but there are much smarter people than I on this 
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Re: Subclassing a Subclass of SBApplication

2015-06-30 Thread Dave
Hi and Thanks, yes a much better option.

All the Best
 On 30 Jun 2015, at 14:19, Jean-Daniel Dupas wrote:
 Using class extension is probably a safe way to extends such classes.
 @interface SXPhotoshopApplication (MyExtension)
 - (void)myWrapper;
 Le 29 juin 2015 à 13:54, Dave a écrit :
 I’m using the Scripting Bridge, and I was wondering if it ok to subclass 
 SBXXX classes. Basically, I have a header file generated by the “sdp” tool 
 with definitions as below:
 And I’d like to subclass this to add some extra wrapping to hide some of the 
 nastiness from the rest of the app and provide a tighter integration with 
 the current app handling. I remember reading somewhere that these classes 
 shouldn’t be subclassed, but I can’t seem to find it again now.
 Thanks a lot
 @interface SXPhotoshopApplication : SBApplication
 - (SBElementArray *) documents;
 - (SBElementArray *) fonts;
 - (SBElementArray *) notifiers;
 @property (copy, readonly) NSNumber *bestType;  // the best type for the 
 object's value
 @property (copy, readonly) NSNumber *defaultType;  // the default type for 
 the object's value
 @property (copy) NSDictionary *properties;  // all of this object's 
 properties returned in a single record
 @property (copy) SXPhotoshopColorValue *backgroundColor;
 @property (copy, readonly) NSString *build;  // the build number of Adobe 
 Photoshop application
 @property (copy) id colorSettings;  // name of selected color settings' set
 @property (copy) SXPhotoshopDocument *currentDocument;  // the frontmost 
 @property SXPhotoshopE050 displayDialogs;  // controls whether or not 
 Photoshop displays dialogs
 @property (copy) SXPhotoshopColorValue *foregroundColor;
 @property (readonly) double freeMemory;  // the amount of unused memory 
 available to Adobe Photoshop
 @property (readonly) BOOL frontmost;  // is Photoshop the frontmost 
 @property (copy, readonly) NSString *locale;  // language locale of 
 @property (copy, readonly) NSArray *macintoshFileTypes;  // list of file 
 image types Photoshop can open
 @property (copy, readonly) NSString *name;  // the application's name
 @property BOOL notifiersEnabled;  // enable or disable all notifiers
 @property (copy, readonly) id preferencesFolder;  // full path to the 
 preferences folder
 @property (copy, readonly) NSArray *recentFiles;  // files in the recent 
 file list
 @property (copy, readonly) NSString *scriptingBuildDate;  // the build date 
 of the scripting interface
 @property (copy, readonly) NSString *scriptingVersion;  // the version of 
 the Scripting interface
 @property (copy, readonly) SXPhotoshopSettingsObject *settings;  // 
 preference settings
 @property (copy, readonly) NSString *systemInformation;  // system 
 information of the host application and machine
 @property (copy, readonly) NSString *version;  // the version of Adobe 
 Photoshop application
 @property (copy, readonly) NSArray *windowsFileTypes;  // list of file image 
 extensions Photoshop can open
 - (void) AETEScriptsScriptsJavaScriptNameName:(NSString *)JavaScriptNameName 
 JavaScriptFileFile:(NSString *)JavaScriptFileFile 
 JavaScriptTextText:(NSString *)JavaScriptTextText 
 JavaScriptMessageMessage:(NSString *)JavaScriptMessageMessage;  // Photoshop 
 scripting support plug-in
 - (void) open:(id)x as:(SXPhotoshopOpAs)as 
 withOptions:(SXPhotoshopOpenOptions *)withOptions 
 smartObject:(BOOL)smartObject;  // open the specified document file(s)
 - (void) print:(id)x sourceSpace:(SXPhotoshopE945)sourceSpace 
 printSpace:(NSString *)printSpace intent:(SXPhotoshopE130)intent 
 blackpointCompensation:(BOOL)blackpointCompensation;  // print the specified 
 - (void) quit;  // quit the application
 - (NSArray *) PhotoshopOpenDialog;  // use the Photoshop open dialog to 
 select files
 - (NSString *) batch:(NSString *)x fromFiles:(NSArray *)fromFiles 
 from:(NSString *)from withOptions:(SXPhotoshopBatchOptions *)withOptions;  
 // run the batch automation routine
 - (NSString *) createPDFPresentationFromFiles:(NSArray *)fromFiles 
 toFile:(id)toFile withOptions:(SXPhotoshopPresentationOptions *)withOptions; 
  // create a PDF presentation file
 - (NSString *) createContactSheetFromFiles:(NSArray *)fromFiles 
 withOptions:(SXPhotoshopContactSheetOptions *)withOptions;  // create a 
 contact sheet from multiple files
 - (NSString *) createPhotoGalleryFromFolder:(id)fromFolder 
 toFolder:(id)toFolder withOptions:(SXPhotoshopGalleryOptions *)withOptions;  
 // Creates a web photo gallery
 - (NSString *) createPhotoMergeFromFiles:(NSArray *)fromFiles;  // 
 DEPRECATED. Merges multiple files into one, user interaction required.
 - (NSString *) createPicturePackageFromFiles:(NSArray *)fromFiles 

Re: Cheating a synchronous call on the main thread

2015-06-30 Thread Dave

This code (or the basis of it) was actually given to me by a Cocoa developer 
from this list.

 On 30 Jun 2015, at 15:19, Andreas Grosam wrote:
 This kind of approach doesn't make sense and introduces a lot of issues.

It does make sense for certain kinds of problems and in the context in which is 
was used, it made sense to do it this way.

 You occupy a thread which just waits for a result of a task (and  thus merely 

The thread does other processing before and after this, and in the context it 
is used to it works fine with no or little noticeable difference.

 You doesn't cancel the async task properly  when a timeout occurs.

This is just sample the code, that I cut and pasted quickly, there are some 
bits missing, it the OP is interested I can send off list.

 And additionally you introduce a potential data race. 

It works fine in the context its used in.

 You could avoid all that by simply following asynchronous patterns: just 
 implement the continuation (completion handler) of the already given 
 asynchronous method. 

Unfortunately, In the real world that’s not always possible or desirable.



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Re: Cheating a synchronous call on the main thread

2015-06-30 Thread Andreas Grosam
This kind of approach doesn't make sense and introduces a lot of issues. You 
occupy a thread which just waits for a result of a task (and  thus merely 
blocks). You doesn't cancel the async task properly  when a timeout occurs. And 
additionally you introduce a potential data race. 

You could avoid all that by simply following asynchronous patterns: just 
implement the continuation (completion handler) of the already given 
asynchronous method. 


 Am 30.06.2015 um 12:20 schrieb Dave
 I do something like this which works really well but NOT on the Main Thread, 
 on a background thread. 
 -(NSData*) performSyncRequest
 //**Create and Enter a Dispatch Group
 myDispatchGroup = dispatch_group_create();
 [self doSomethingWithCompletionHandler:
^(NSError* theErrorInfo)

 //**Signal Response Received
 //**Wait for the Response  - Check for Time-Out Error
 myTimeOutStatus = 
 if (myTimeOutStatus != 0)
 //**Handle Request Completed - Perform any delegate methods
 NSData* myRequestData = [self getData];

 return myRequestData;
 On 29 Jun 2015, at 17:14, Gavin Eadie wrote:
 It’s standard knowledge that any operation which causes an app’s main thread 
 to wait is bad, and that diverting such delays off the main thread allows 
 the app to remain optimally responsive to external events.  That diversion 
 can happen via a couple of mechanisms: ‘callbacks’  (delegation and 
 closures) that are inherent in an API; and explicit transfer via GCD (or 
 NSOperation at a more abstract level).
 My question for the list originates with a friend who is updating an app in 
 which previously synchronous call needs to be replaced by asynchronous one 
 (a Image Capture Core method, using a delegate).  Leaving aside, if 
 possible, the reasons for this, he has retained an apparent synchronous 
 nature of the original call by wrapping the new ‘requestSend..’ method and 
 its corresponding ‘didSend..’ delegate so that the wrapper appears to block 
 its thread while actually allowing the main run loop to execute.
 The intent is to have code of the form:
 .. before
  after ..
 where, though “fakeSyncrony” is actually internally asynchronous, 
 “after” is not executed till after the its delegate action completes.
 This works well if the above code executes off the main thread because any 
 waiting inside “fakeSyncrony” can happen in the main run-loop and 
 responsiveness is retained.
 It does not work if that code is on the main thread because there’s no way 
 to put the waiting on the, now already occupied, main thread, and that’s 
 where the question lies.  While it seems clear to me and my friend that this 
 in an inescapable fact of life, we have a counterexample in the form of the 
 Canon ED-SDK, which somehow does accomplish this.
 Can anyone, with more knowledge than we have, suggest a trick that allows an 
 apparently synchronous call on the main thread without impacting performance?
 PS: If I was answering this question, I’d suggest getting off the main 
 thread and not playing tricks.  So the answer “Don’t do this!” is already 
 very high on the list .. another answer, regardless of nastiness, does exist 
 but it’s beyond my skill to devise, but there are much smarter people than I 
 on this list!
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Window Update Problem

2015-06-30 Thread Dave

***Cross posted as it relates to both technologies***

I’ve asked this question before, but no one seems to know the answer. I’ve been 
hacking around with this both in an AppleScript and from Objective-C using the 
Scripting Bridge as well as the AppleScriptObjC Bridge, but nothing I’ve tried 
works, so if anyone has *any* idea how to make this work I’d be so happy to 
hear from you,

on run
tell application id

set myTrickFlag to false --Set to true to close and open the 

set myWindow to the front window
if class of myWindow is not draft window then
return Error not Draft Window
end if

save myWindow

set myObjectID to the id of (object of myWindow)
set myContent to the plain text content of message id myObjectID
set myContent to myContent  return  Line Added  return
set the plain text content of (message id myObjectID) to 

--  Doing this is the only way I can find to make the update 
appear in the window
if myTrickFlag = true then
close myWindow without saving
open message id myObjectID
end if

end tell
end run

When I run this with myTrickFlag = false, you can see the message get updated 
in the Main Outlook Message Browser Window, but the Draft window that contains 
the text is NOT updated. If the user saves the window at this point, the 
updated content is lost. 

Under normal circumstances (e.g. not running a Script), Outlook would I 
suppose, would copy the window to the message at the appropriate point, so, if 
I could do the operation on the window version of the data, I suppose this 
stands a good chance of getting into the content, or I could just change both.

I suppose I could keystroke into the content field, but I’ve been avoiding 
doing that as this is running in a time critical part of the code and I want 
the best performance as possible. I am assuming that keystroking is way more 
time consuming that just setting the data, please correct me if I’m wrong.

I’ve also got the Scripting Bridge setup, so I can poke directly at the exposed 
properties, so if anyone can think of an event I could send that would do the 
trick please let me know.

The other thing that occurs to me is that I can get the Global Window ID, so 
could drop into CF/CG if necessary.

From my experimenting, I added this SB Code:

myObjectPropertiesDictionary =;
//Equivalent of myDraftObject - the”object” property of the Draft Window in the 
above AS
NSLog(@%@,[myObjectPropertiesDictionary allKeys]);

myContentString = [myObjectPropertiesDictionary 
[myDraftObject setValue:myNewContentString forKey:@plainTextContent”];

When I run this code, I get the following properties logged, but it crashes on 
the setValue:forKey statement as the class is not key-code compliant. Is there 
a way I can make use these properties to set a new value?


Anyway, if anyone has anything that they think might stand a chance of working, 
please let me know!

Thanks a lot,
All the Best


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UIPageViewController not resizing its child view controllers on rotation

2015-06-30 Thread Devarshi Kulshreshtha
I am trying to use UIPageViewController with view controllers added to it,
problem is if I launch the app in portrait mode it appears perfectly like

but if I rotate the device to landscape mode it appears like this:

Though pagination control has resized properly, view of added view
controller has not resized properly.

Below is the code which I have used to add respective view controller as
root view controller in AppDelegate:

pagesContainerViewController = [[RWPagesContainerViewController alloc]
initWithNibName:@RWPagesContainerViewController bundle:nil];
[pagesContainerViewController loadPaginationControlAtIndex:0];
self.window.rootViewController = pagesContainerViewController;

Here is the implementation of loadPaginationControlAtIndex method:

- (void)loadPaginationControlAtIndex:(RWPaginationView)viewIndex {
_pageController = [[UIPageViewController alloc]

FirstViewController *firstViewController = [[FirstViewController
alloc] initWithNibName:@FirstViewController bundle:nil];
SecondViewController *secondViewController = [[SecondViewController
alloc] initWithNibName:@SecondViewController bundle:nil];
ThirdViewController *thirdViewController = [[ThirdViewController
alloc] initWithNibName:@ThirdViewController bundle:nil];

_subviewControllers = @[firstViewController, secondViewController,

direction:UIPageViewControllerNavigationDirectionForward animated:YES

[self addChildViewController:self.pageController];
[[self view] addSubview:[self.pageController view]];

UIView *insertedView = self.pageController.view;
insertedView.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = NO;
self.view.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = NO;

[self.view addConstraints:[NSLayoutConstraint



[self.view addConstraints:[NSLayoutConstraint




[self.view layoutIfNeeded];

self.pageController.dataSource = self;

Am I missing anything? Please suggest.



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Re: Cheating a synchronous call on the main thread

2015-06-30 Thread Jack Brindle
Well, actually not quite true. Pthreads has that mechanism with the join 
facility. I like pthreads (er.. did before I began to grok GCD), but personally 
have no use for pthread-join, and definitely don’t recommend its use, but it 
does exactly this - waits for another thread to exit before continuing. 
Pthreads have been in OS X for a very long time…

Now let me repeat. pthread_join is evil, bad, not to be used. There are much 
better ways of doing things, even in pthreads.
And definitely not to be used in the main thread…

- Jack Brindle

 On Jun 29, 2015, at 2:41 PM, Quincey Morris wrote:
 On Jun 29, 2015, at 13:50 , Gavin Eadie wrote:
 The main thread is not involved in the above, but the idea of an 
 “asynchronous-that-waits” == “apparently synchronous” call is demonstrated.
 Yes, but you achieved that by blocking a background thread. It works because 
 you don’t care that the thread is blocked.
 Incidentally, this sort of thing will break GCD. If the background thread was 
 allocated to your block by GCD and it blocks, GCD will start another thread 
 to do the next thing in the same queue. In a situation where this can happen 
 repeatedly, you can end up with unlimited numbers of threads in flight 
 simultaneously — unlimited until the system crashes, that is.
 OS X (and iOS) have *never* had a thread “yield” mechanism other than 
 returning to the main event loop. That means that your only valid reply to 
 the code’s author is, “There’s no way to do what you want.”
 The only exception to this statement — one that it’s really a bad idea to 
 even present, since it reflects old-fashioned Cocoa design principles from 
 the 1980s — is the idea of running the run loop modally, which is what 
 buttons (e.g.) do when you click on them.
 But the real question is, what is the downside of re-factoring the code in 
 the way Jens suggested? Has the code author tried? That’s what’s frustrating 
 — after all this discussion, there’s a good chance that re-factoring will 
 fall out problem-free with about 5 minutes of effort.
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Re: Window Update Problem

2015-06-30 Thread Britt Durbrow
I’m not an AppleScript expert (well, not anymore - I used to know quite a bit, 
but that was ages ago) so I can’t really tell you if you’re going wrong, but… 
can I ask a kinda’ basic question?

It appears that you are trying to send an email… can you talk to the server 
directly, instead of going thru Outlook?

Would something like help? (I’ve never used that myself, 
it’s just the first result that popped up in Google).

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NSTableView row heights with auto layout and bindings

2015-06-30 Thread Jonathan Guy
Im trying to fix a problem with dynamic row heights with auto layout and 
bindings which was working fine in an older build of Xcode but which now no 
longer works. So my new attempt for the most part works but about 30% of my row 
heights are not correctly calculated. Basically I create a reference 
NSTableCellView, set my model object as the objectValue which then updates the 
bindings, set the frame width of the reference cell to the column width then 
work out the height from there by setting preferredMaxLayoutWidth on the 
wrapping text field. Here's the code to do the calculation

1   - (CGFloat)tableView:(NSTableView *)tableView heightOfRow:(NSInteger)row
2   {
3   static NSTableCellView *cellView = nil;
5   if (cellView == nil) {
6   NSDictionary *nibs = [tableView registeredNibsByIdentifier];
7   NSNib *nib = nibs[@MainCellView];
8   NSArray *topLevelObjects = nil;
10  [nib instantiateWithOwner:nil topLevelObjects:topLevelObjects];
12  for (id object in topLevelObjects) {
13  if ([object isKindOfClass:[NSTableCellView class]]) {
14  cellView = object;
15  break;
16  }
17  }
18  }
20  LogEntryNode *node = self.logEntryNodes[row];
22  cellView.objectValue = node;
24  NSTableColumn *tc = tableView.tableColumns[0];
25  NSSize size = NSMakeSize(tc.width, 43.0);
27  [cellView setFrameSize:size];
28  [cellView setNeedsLayout:YES];
29  [cellView layoutSubtreeIfNeeded];
31  cellView.textField.preferredMaxLayoutWidth = 
33  CGFloat height = cellView.textField.intrinsicContentSize.height;
34  CGFloat padding = cellView.frame.size.height - 
36  height += padding;  
38  return (height  43.0) ? 43.0 : height;  
39  }

This seems to be the way Corbin Dunn recommends but that was without using auto 
layout. The calculated heights are usually out by anything from 2 to 5 rows of 
text. Has anyone had any success doing it this way? Is there something I'm 
missing? Any help would be appreciated.

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Re: File Permissions - NSFileManager Swift

2015-06-30 Thread Jens Alfke

 On Jun 30, 2015, at 6:26 AM, Arved von Brasch wrote:
 Thank you for replying.  I was reporting the error I got back from the 
 NSError, which doesn’t give much detail.

Every NSError has an error domain and code, which is what I was asking for. 
Often there’s other useful metadata in the userInfo dictionary. From the 
debugger the “po” command will output a description of the error.

 drwxrwxrwx+ 2 arved  staff   68 30 Jun 15:13

Those are just the attributes of the app directory itself. There’s probably 
some file inside there that can’t be deleted; you’ll have to use -R (or is it 
-r?) to recurse.

 So, how do I change the permissions on the application (or any generic file) 
 to have permission to delete it?

The system call removexattr, probably. See the man page.



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Re: Back-to-back NSOpenPanel runModal blocking each other

2015-06-30 Thread Quincey Morris
On Jun 30, 2015, at 12:55 , Sean McBride wrote:
 However, the panel itself doesn't always actually get visually removed from 
 the screen before my loop spins around again and displays another open panel.

In the dialog APIs that have a completion handler, there’s a free ‘orderOut:’ 
after the handler returns, if it didn’t do that already. I’d assume that this 
is is what’s internally causing the ‘orderOut:’ to happen later than you wish, 
and of course you have no direct control over this.

Possible workarounds:

1. Don’t use a loop, but rather than a chain of dispatches. That is, put the 
prompt code in a block that takes some parameters, and at the end of the block 
do a dispatch_async (dispatch_get_main_queue (), …) of the block with some new 
parameters. This should queue your next dialog after a block that’s been queued 
to do the ‘orderOut:’, which will defer the new dialog until the old one is 
gone. (This is basically your ‘sleep’ workaround, but without any delay.)

2. Use ‘beginWithCompletionHandler:’ instead of ‘runModal’. The only downside 
is that it’s not modal, so the dialog could get hidden by other windows of your 
app, if the user clicks on the wrong thing.


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Re: Back-to-back NSOpenPanel runModal blocking each other

2015-06-30 Thread Sean McBride
On Tue, 30 Jun 2015 20:17:29 +, Quincey Morris said:

In the dialog APIs that have a completion handler, there’s a free
‘orderOut:’ after the handler returns, if it didn’t do that already. I’d
assume that this is is what’s internally causing the ‘orderOut:’ to
happen later than you wish, and of course you have no direct control
over this.

Calling orderOut: myself (right after runModal) doesn't actually order the 
window out either. :(

Possible workarounds:

1. Don’t use a loop, but rather than a chain of dispatches. That is, put
the prompt code in a block that takes some parameters, and at the end of
the block do a dispatch_async (dispatch_get_main_queue (), …) of the
block with some new parameters. This should queue your next dialog after
a block that’s been queued to do the ‘orderOut:’, which will defer the
new dialog until the old one is gone. (This is basically your ‘sleep’
workaround, but without any delay.)

2. Use ‘beginWithCompletionHandler:’ instead of ‘runModal’. The only
downside is that it’s not modal, so the dialog could get hidden by other
windows of your app, if the user clicks on the wrong thing.

Thanks for the suggestions.  The difficulty will be that this old code really 
requires the synchronous nature of runModal, as the found NSURL must be 
returned up to the calling function.  Really I should get around to cleaning it 
all up one day... :)



Sean McBride, B. Eng
Mac Software Developer  Montréal, Québec, Canada


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Re: Back-to-back NSOpenPanel runModal blocking each other

2015-06-30 Thread Quincey Morris
On Jun 30, 2015, at 13:41 , Sean McBride wrote:
 Calling orderOut: myself (right after runModal) doesn't actually order the 
 window out either. :(

Is this app sandboxed? If so, I wouldn’t expect that to do anything, since 
that’s not the window that’s onscreen. It’s in another process.

 this old code really requires the synchronous nature of runModal

'sleep (1)' sounds good.


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2015-06-30 Thread David Grant
I want to become more familiar with best practices using this delegate, and 
when not to use it. Can anyone point me in the right direction? Tutorials, 
etc.? Thanks.

Sent from my iPad

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Back-to-back NSOpenPanel runModal blocking each other

2015-06-30 Thread Sean McBride
Hi all,

Should I be able to display one NSOpenPanel after another using runModal?

Basically, I have a loop where I prompt users to manually find files when 
alias/bookmark resolution fails.  I use the synchronous API runModal which 
displays a modal NSOpenPanel and returns only when the user has pressed 
OK/Cancel.  However, the panel itself doesn't always actually get visually 
removed from the screen before my loop spins around again and displays another 
open panel.  When that occurs, the new one gets shown *under* the old one, but 
the old one can't be interacted with and the new one is thus blocked.  If I 
throw in a sleep(1) before showing a second one, things work as desired.

Should what I'm trying to do work?



Sean McBride, B. Eng
Mac Software Developer  Montréal, Québec, Canada


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Re: Back-to-back NSOpenPanel runModal blocking each other

2015-06-30 Thread Sean McBride
On Tue, 30 Jun 2015 20:50:06 +, Quincey Morris said:

On Jun 30, 2015, at 13:41 , Sean McBride wrote:
 Calling orderOut: myself (right after runModal) doesn't actually order
the window out either. :(

Is this app sandboxed?


If so, I wouldn’t expect that to do anything,
since that’s not the window that’s onscreen. It’s in another process.

Maybe these days it's even in another process for non-sandboxed apps...

 this old code really requires the synchronous nature of runModal

'sleep (1)' sounds good.

Oh rather: good enough. :)



Sean McBride, B. Eng
Mac Software Developer  Montréal, Québec, Canada


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Re: Swift and parameter names

2015-06-30 Thread Quincey Morris
On Jun 29, 2015, at 15:42 , Rick Mann wrote:
 Here's an example (and this is what I frequently encounter) where requiring 
 parameter names adds nothing but clutter:
let config = WKWebViewConfiguration()
self.webView = WKWebView(frame: self.webViewContainer.frame, 
 configuration: config);

I’ve been thinking about this since yesterday, and while I don’t particularly 
agree that the parameter names are extraneous in *this* case, I can think of a 
couple of special cases:

1. If the function/method being called has extremely well-known parameters, 
then I think I’d prefer the function to have a form that omits the names. In 
particular, CGRect, CGPoint and CGSize:

   let rect = CGRect (x: 0, y: 0, width: 10, height: 10) // vs:
   let rect = CGRect (0, 0, 10, 10)

The point here is that the parameter semantics are known from the *name* of the 
function, not from the actual parameters. We have this convention already, in 
the default behavior where the first keyword to a regular function/method is 

   doSomethingWithRect (someRect)

This is similar to the CGRect initializer case, in that we know from the name 
what the parameter is (because it tells us, in this case, not necessarily 
because we knew it in advance).

2. There’s common situation where a variable name very often *is* a parameter 
keyword. For example:

   init (frame: CGRect, configuration: WKWebViewConfiguration) {
   super.init (frame: frame, configuration: configuration)

In this case, the name of the variable in the ‘super’ call *is* the same as the 
keyword, because that’s a syntactic default in Swift. Under these 
circumstances, I could see this being allowed:

   init (frame: CGRect, configuration: WKWebViewConfiguration) {
   super.init (frame, configuration)

It may or may not be desirable to require that the keywords are all omitted or 
all retained, or that this would only work for parameter variables (which have 
a natural relationship to their keyword).

What do you think? This wouldn’t eliminate all the cases you’ve set your sights 
on, but it would probably remove the most egregious ones. If there’s some 
consensus here, I’ll file radars.


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Re: Swift and parameter names

2015-06-30 Thread Quincey Morris
On Jun 30, 2015, at 15:10 , Charles Srstka wrote:
 This may be true for some cases, but I disagree with this particular example.

Yes, you’re right. I simply zoned out when making up that name. I really meant 
something like ‘animateWithFrame’.

However this example wasn’t to suggest anything new. I was just pointing out 
that we *already* omit the first keyword because by convention we know what it 
is from the method name.


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Would you pay for a better table view?

2015-06-30 Thread Michael David Crawford
My own app would benefit from a better table view were I to write one from

Cocoa Touch's table view works for simple things but it is painful for
anything fancy.

Were I to write a better table view, would any of you fine folks be into
licensing it for your own apps?

I once made what appeared to be a Mac OS List Manager list work with three
billion items.


Michael David Crawford, Consulting Software Engineer

   Available for Software Development in the Portland, Oregon Metropolitan

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Re: Swift and parameter names

2015-06-30 Thread Charles Srstka
On Jun 30, 2015, at 4:46 PM, Quincey Morris wrote:
 1. If the function/method being called has extremely well-known parameters, 
 then I think I’d prefer the function to have a form that omits the names. In 
 particular, CGRect, CGPoint and CGSize:
  let rect = CGRect (x: 0, y: 0, width: 10, height: 10) // vs:
  let rect = CGRect (0, 0, 10, 10)
 The point here is that the parameter semantics are known from the *name* of 
 the function, not from the actual parameters. We have this convention 
 already, in the default behavior where the first keyword to a regular 
 function/method is omitted:
  doSomethingWithRect (someRect)
 This is similar to the CGRect initializer case, in that we know from the name 
 what the parameter is (because it tells us, in this case, not necessarily 
 because we knew it in advance).

This may be true for some cases, but I disagree with this particular example. 
It is not at all clear what the parameters should be, simply by the name tells 
us it should be a rect. After all, there are multiple ways to define a rect 
with four numbers — the four parameters the classic Mac OS used to define a 
rect, for instance, were the positions of the top, left, bottom, and right 
edges. I’d say CGRect is definitely an instance where it seems intuitive 
because we’ve all been using NSMakeRect and the like for all these years, and 
we’re used to it.


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Re: Would you pay for a better table view?

2015-06-30 Thread Charles Srstka
On Jun 30, 2015, at 6:10 PM, Michael David Crawford 
 My own app would benefit from a better table view were I to write one from
 Cocoa Touch's table view works for simple things but it is painful for
 anything fancy.
 Were I to write a better table view, would any of you fine folks be into
 licensing it for your own apps?
 I once made what appeared to be a Mac OS List Manager list work with three
 billion items.

I don’t really have anything against NSTableView, and I assume Cocoa Touch’s 
table view is similar enough to that that I’d probably consider it quite good 

Now, if someone were to offer a better NSTreeController… that might be tempting.



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Re: Back-to-back NSOpenPanel runModal blocking each other

2015-06-30 Thread Charles Srstka
On Jun 30, 2015, at 2:55 PM, Sean McBride wrote:
 Hi all,
 Should I be able to display one NSOpenPanel after another using runModal?
 Basically, I have a loop where I prompt users to manually find files when 
 alias/bookmark resolution fails.  I use the synchronous API runModal which 
 displays a modal NSOpenPanel and returns only when the user has pressed 
 OK/Cancel.  However, the panel itself doesn't always actually get visually 
 removed from the screen before my loop spins around again and displays 
 another open panel.  When that occurs, the new one gets shown *under* the old 
 one, but the old one can't be interacted with and the new one is thus 
 blocked.  If I throw in a sleep(1) before showing a second one, things work 
 as desired.
 Should what I'm trying to do work?

How about [NSAnimationContext currentContext].completionHandler = ^{ // do 
something }; ?

Disclaimer: haven’t tested it myself, so I don’t know if it will do what you 
want, but it’s worth trying.


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