NSDictionary mutability test

2008-12-08 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
There are a number of posts detailing with the ethics of the issue of  
determining an object's mutability.

eg: http://www.cocoabuilder.com/archive/message/cocoa/2004/7/7/73
Does anyone have a current informed pragmatic opinion on how to deal  
with the following example?

I am not trying to determine program flow by determining mutability,  
merely trying to limit the number of self inflicted injuries.
The following never seems to assert, regardless of whether dict is  
mutable or not.

 NSAssert([dict isKindOfClass:[NSMutableDictionary class]], @dict is  
not mutable);

I know that it is my responsibility to remain aware of an object's  
allocated class but sometimes I find myself wanting.

Jonathan Mitchell

Central Conscious Unit


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Re: NSDictionary mutability test

2008-12-08 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

On 8 Dec 2008, at 18:53, Sherm Pendley wrote:

On Dec 8, 2008, at 12:38 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I am aware of why the assertion is never applied but the thread I  
referenced was several years old and I was hoping that there had  
been some progress on this.

Your use of the word progress implies that something is broken and  
needs to be fixed. That is not the case.

I cannot see the harm in requesting if anyone has new insights into  
old issues.

I was using this assertion (written some time ago in ignorance) and  
wasted an afternoon tracking down the fact that it didn't work.

It does work - it does the job it's designed to do.

Maybe the only solution is to set up an exception handler.

No, the solution is to not try to test for mutability. Such tests  
don't work because they're not *supposed* to work - code that tries  
to do such things is broken as designed. And no, it's not an  
ethical issue. Writing broken code isn't a question of good and  
evil, it's simply a question of what works and doesn't work.

I would disagree. I see nothing wrong with the logically necessity of  
testing for mutability. It's just a property.


Jonathan Mitchell

Central Conscious Unit


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Re: NSDictionary mutability test

2008-12-08 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

On 8 Dec 2008, at 19:05, I. Savant wrote:

I was using this assertion (written some time ago in ignorance)  
and wasted

an afternoon tracking down the fact that it didn't work.

It does work - it does the job it's designed to do.

 I'll join the fray on this one. :-) I agree with you, Sherm, to a
point. It works (does what it's designed to do), but because of the
special case of class clusters, it'd be handy in some cases to be able
to ask an object if it -isMutable.


Maybe the only solution is to set up an exception handler.

No, the solution is to not try to test for mutability. Such tests  
don't work
because they're not *supposed* to work - code that tries to do such  
is broken as designed. And no, it's not an ethical issue. Writing  
code isn't a question of good and evil, it's simply a question of  
what works

and doesn't work.

 This is the most salient point. Either you (the developer) created
the dictionary or it was handed to you. If you created it, you should
know whether it is mutable. If you did not, the documentation (if it
exists) and the method signature should tell you all you need to know.
The only thing you could consider broken is if the method promises
an immutable object but gives you a mutable one (or vice-versa).

 If there's ever an ambiguous situation and you need to enforce one
or the other, make a -copy or -mutableCopy of the object to be sure,
and rid yourself of the worry.

This is all fine and dandy but the original post makes it clear that  
the mutability test is being applied in an NSAssert().

We are testing for broken promises and faulty assumptions.

Jonathan Mitchell

Central Conscious Unit


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Re: NSDictionary mutability test

2008-12-08 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thanks for the lateral insight.
Ran a quick test and it looks as if  the defective

NSAssert([dict isKindOfClass:[NSMutableDictionary class]], @dict is  
not mutable);

can be recomposed as

NSAssert([dict classForCoder] == [NSMutableDictionary class], @dict  
is not mutable);

The recomposed assert catches the fault condition that the original  

Very useful, but given the nature of this I would hesitate to cook up  
an -isMutable category method.

By the way, putting isKindOfClass: NSMutableDictionary class into  
google code search implies that everyone is at it.

This is explained in the thread you referenced. All NSDictionary  
objects are instances of NSCFDictionary. Thus the only way to check  
if they are mutable through public API is to try mutating them and  
see if Cocoa throws a hissy fit.

You can use -classForCoder and that will give you either NSDictionary
or NSMutableDictionary. This is a public API but the result is not
documented to be useful in this manner, so don't use this in any
shipping app. (Although given the need for archives to remain
backwards compatible I would not expect it to ever change.) However it
could be handy for debugging purposes.


Jonathan Mitchell

Central Conscious Unit


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Re: NSDictionary mutability test

2008-12-08 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

On 8 Dec 2008, at 21:25, Bill Bumgarner wrote:

On Dec 8, 2008, at 11:53 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I would disagree. I see nothing wrong with the logically necessity  
of testing for mutability. It's just a property.

The AppKit and Foundation were designed with the decision to not  
allow for differentiation between mutable and immutable versions of  
a class cluster at runtime.

This decisions was purposeful, explicit, and intentional.
I find this an interesting point. Why was such a decision made? It  
seems counter intuitive.

Thus, any code that tries to influence behavior based upon detecting  
mutable vs. immutable instances will be counter to the design  
patterns of the AppKit and Foundation.

And it will be problematic.   As has been noted, the AppKit/ 
Foundation APIs are written such that a method declared as returning  
(NSDictionary*) will not have said dictionary modified after the  
fact.  Writing code that detects mutability and then mutates, if  
possible, would violate this contract and will cause unpredictable,  
potentially crashy, behavior.

If the intention is to only use this for debugging purposes and to  
never influence at runtime behavior based on the mutability of an  
object, then the intention is more reasonable.  However, this is  
still problematic specifically because many classes may return a  
mutable object as the result of calling a method that is declared as  
returning an instance of the immutable parent.

Thus, such code can really only be reliable when limited to testing  
the objects produced by your own code.  Potentially valuable, but  
only of a limited nature.


Jonathan Mitchell

Central Conscious Unit


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Re: NSDictionary mutability test

2008-12-08 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thanks for the insight into this. Some subtle stuff here.

On 8 Dec 2008, at 21:54, Bill Bumgarner wrote:

On Dec 8, 2008, at 1:43 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

This decisions was purposeful, explicit, and intentional.
I find this an interesting point. Why was such a decision made? It  
seems counter intuitive.


An NSMutableDictionary instance can be returned from a method  
declared as returning (NSDictionary*) without risk that the client  
is going to go and change the contents behind your back.  If test  
for mutability were common, then all kinds of methods across the  
'kits would have to -copy the return value and, potentially, deeply.

Is this a bit like the emperor's new clothes?
As long as everyone says its an NSDictionary then it matters not if  
its an NSMutableDictionary!

A sort of mutually agreed insurance.


What does mutable even mean in the case of a collection?  If an  
NSArray of NSDictionaries is mutable, does that also mean the  
NSDictionaries contained within are mutable?   The current design  
point is that pretty much everything is immutable unless (a) you  
specifically created a mutable data structure or (b) the 'kit  
explicitly returned a mutable data structure.
This reminds me of the memory retain/release rules (if you alloc it  
you release it etc).
If these points aren't already in the docs already then they wouldn't  
be out of place there.


Having lots of if (mutable) this else that decision points would  
reduce the reliability of code in that it would increase the testing  
load.Example:  Unit tests would have to explicitly test the code  
for both the immutable vs. mutable variants.  And that doesn't  
consider the mutable container vs. immutable contents potential  
myriad of combinations.


Jonathan Mitchell

Central Conscious Unit


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NSTreeController, NSOutlineView, and a leak?

2008-12-07 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
i've got an outline bound via a tree controller to a mutable set of 
my own proxy objects. when i create a new real object, i create a 
new proxy object and add it to the mutable set via the kvo compliant 
addObject: and all works well, and then i proceed to select the new 
object (line in the outline view). this all works as expected and the 
new object shows up properly in the outline view.

if i then undo the creation, i remove the proxy object from my 
mutable set via the kvo compliant removeObject. and this works 
fine... visually. however, my proxy object is not released and thus 
not deallocated.

i discovered (after about a day and a half of debuging) that the tree 
controller was holding a reference to my proxy object as part of its 
selection, even tho the object had been removed from its bound set. 
i've been able to solve this by calling the tree controller's 
-setSelectedIndexPath: nil, prior to my removing my proxy from the 
bound set.

is this expected behavior? or is this a bug that i should report via radar?


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MDQuery and searching within application package

2008-12-06 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
My app has a number of document templates stored within the  
application package.
The app adds these document templates to the metadata store itself via  

Spotlight correctly locates and identifies the document UTI.

When querying these documents with MDQuery - setSearchScopes: [NSArray  
arrayWithObjects:appPath, nil] I get zero results.
Experimenting with Spotlight and mdfind -onlyin seems to suggest that  
even if data exists within the store you cannot query the package  

However, results can be obtained by querying the applications  
enclosing folder.

Is there a way to query the package and its subfolders directly?

I have come across the com.apple.package UTI but am not certain if it  
is of any relevance to this situation.

Jonathan Mitchell

Central Conscious Unit


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Re: Writing Array of Dictionaries to Defaults (CFPreferences)

2008-12-03 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I will begin by saying that I figured this out at about 9:30 last night.

On Dec 1, 2008, at 7:08 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

// Notifies of change of data in table view.  Make sure to reflect  
changes in datasource.
- (void)tableView:(NSTableView *)aTableView setObjectValue: 
(id)anObject forTableColumn:(NSTableColumn *)aTableColumn row: 

NSString *columnID = [aTableColumn identifier];
	NSMutableArray *scheduleArray = [NSMutableArray  

	// If deactivate time was edited, we create a new schedule with  
just that changed.

if ([columnID isEqualToString:kScheduleDeactivateString]) {
NSLog(@Deactivate anObject = %@, anObject);
		[[scheduleArray objectAtIndex:rowIndex] setDeactivate:(NSNumber *) 
[anObject intValue]];

What are you doing here?  You have an object (anObject).  Presumably  
you think it's an NSNumber.  Then, you ask for its intValue, which  
returns... an int.  An int is _not_ an object, of course.  You then  
cast that int to an NSNumber*, which is almost certainly wrong.  You  
then pass it to some method which is probably expecting a pointer to  
an actual object, not an int posing as a pointer.

The reason for the undefined object here (anObject) is that this  
method is actually a delegate method of NSTableView.  I was under the  
impression that the delegate methods must be used as is (the prototype  
anyway) because that's the message NSTableView is going to send to the  
delegate.  Depending on what table column was edited (as per the  
aTableColumn parameter) I need the object (presumably an NSString*  
since all of the table fields are text fields) to be either an  
NSString* or an NSNumber*.  I know intValue returns an int, and I'm  
perfectly aware that an int is not an object, that's obvious.  I did  
think there was some bridging in place, however, for NSNumber, but you  
are right, there isn't.  What I really needed was:

[NSNumber numberWithInt:[anObject intValue]]

After changing that part of the line, this part of the method worked  
without incident.

	// If activate time was edited, we create a new schedule with just  
that changed.

else if ([columnID isEqualToString:kScheduleActivateString]) {
NSLog(@Activate anObject = %@, anObject);
		[[scheduleArray objectAtIndex:rowIndex] setActivate:(NSNumber *) 
[anObject intValue]];

You do the same here.

	// If name was edited, we create a new schedule with just that  

else if ([columnID isEqualToString:kScheduleNameString]) {
NSLog(@Title anObject = %@, anObject);
		[[scheduleArray objectAtIndex:rowIndex] setTitle:(NSString  


	// Iterate through the array to create a new one of  
NSDictionaries, not schedules.

NSMutableArray *tmpArray;

You have declared a pointer, but you haven't set it to point to  
anything, let alone anything meaningful.  It just contains garbage  
at this point.

for (Schedule *schedules in scheduleArray) {
[tmpArray addObject:[schedules toDictionary]];

You're calling methods on an uninitialized pointer.  This will  
probably crash.  If you're unlucky, the bug will be hidden by  
happenstance (tmpArray may happen to be nil because that's what was  
left on the stack).

You needed to initialize tmpArray to point to an actual  

NSMutableArray* tmpArray = [NSMutableArray array];

NSLog(@Adding this to array %@, [schedules toDictionary]);

// Write the array to preferences in /Library/Preferences.
	CFPreferencesSetValue(ScheduleKey, (CFArrayRef)tmpArray,  
ApplicationID, kCFPreferencesAnyUser, kCFPreferencesCurrentHost);

Again, tmpArray doesn't contain anything meaningful.  So, attempting  
to write it out will have undefined results -- probably the crash  
you're seeing.

	CFPreferencesSynchronize(ApplicationID, kCFPreferencesAnyUser,  


The pref pane runs fine.  I can add items which calls my  
addSchedule method and just adds a blank item to the array.  When I  
edit the title, it appears to work fine from the gui, but nothing  
is written to the plist.  If I edit the activate or deactivate  
fields then I get the following error and System Preferences crashes.

12/1/08 6:39:59 PM System Preferences[2301] Adding this to array {
  activate = 100;
  deactivate = 1130;
  name = New Schedule;
12/1/08 6:39:59 PM System Preferences[2301] *** -[NSCFString  
stringValue]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x16e63740

Does anyone have any insight about writing array's of dicts to  

You were also right about the array, I forgot those two little  
keywords, a simple oversight.  Instead of going through the mess of  
making an NSMutableArray and casting as a CFArrayRef, I decided to  
just make a CFArrayRef from the get go and ended

Writing Array of Dictionaries to Defaults (CFPreferences)

2008-12-02 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hey All-

I'm working on a Preference Pane for my app (System Preferences  
plugin) and need to write an array of dictionaries pulled from my  
NSTableView to defaults.  I don't want to serialize it as data since I  
would like it to be editable from the command line as well (for easy  
network administration).  I'm using CFPreferences because the  
preferences need to be read by the plugin, my daemon which runs as  
root, and a helper app the the daemon fires off for gui interaction  
and I therefore want the plist to be located in /Library/Preferences/.

I've got strings and boolean values being written there just fine, but  
I can't seem to create this array of dicts and have it put anything in  
the plist.

Here's my code:

// Notifies of change of data in table view.  Make sure to reflect  
changes in datasource.
- (void)tableView:(NSTableView *)aTableView setObjectValue: 
(id)anObject forTableColumn:(NSTableColumn *)aTableColumn row: 

NSString *columnID = [aTableColumn identifier];
	NSMutableArray *scheduleArray = [NSMutableArray  

	// If deactivate time was edited, we create a new schedule with just  
that changed.

if ([columnID isEqualToString:kScheduleDeactivateString]) {
NSLog(@Deactivate anObject = %@, anObject);
		[[scheduleArray objectAtIndex:rowIndex] setDeactivate:(NSNumber *) 
[anObject intValue]];

	// If activate time was edited, we create a new schedule with just  
that changed.

else if ([columnID isEqualToString:kScheduleActivateString]) {
NSLog(@Activate anObject = %@, anObject);
		[[scheduleArray objectAtIndex:rowIndex] setActivate:(NSNumber *) 
[anObject intValue]];

// If name was edited, we create a new schedule with just that changed.
else if ([columnID isEqualToString:kScheduleNameString]) {
NSLog(@Title anObject = %@, anObject);
		[[scheduleArray objectAtIndex:rowIndex] setTitle:(NSString  


	// Iterate through the array to create a new one of NSDictionaries,  
not schedules.

NSMutableArray *tmpArray;
for (Schedule *schedules in scheduleArray) {
[tmpArray addObject:[schedules toDictionary]];
NSLog(@Adding this to array %@, [schedules toDictionary]);

// Write the array to preferences in /Library/Preferences.
	CFPreferencesSetValue(ScheduleKey, (CFArrayRef)tmpArray,  
ApplicationID, kCFPreferencesAnyUser, kCFPreferencesCurrentHost);
	CFPreferencesSynchronize(ApplicationID, kCFPreferencesAnyUser,  


The pref pane runs fine.  I can add items which calls my addSchedule  
method and just adds a blank item to the array.  When I edit the  
title, it appears to work fine from the gui, but nothing is written to  
the plist.  If I edit the activate or deactivate fields then I get the  
following error and System Preferences crashes.

12/1/08 6:39:59 PM System Preferences[2301] Adding this to array {
activate = 100;
deactivate = 1130;
name = New Schedule;
12/1/08 6:39:59 PM System Preferences[2301] *** -[NSCFString  
stringValue]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x16e63740

Does anyone have any insight about writing array's of dicts to  


Ryan Harter

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Re: Writing Array of Dictionaries to Defaults (CFPreferences)

2008-12-02 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thanks Steven-

That's a helpful example, but does not work in my example.

From my research of Apple's docs, NSUserDefaults, and the  
SharedDefaultsController can only save defaults to ~/Library/ 
Preferences and for the app that is running it (in your example case  
com.yourcompany.dictInDefaults, in mine  
com.ryanharter.speakermutepref), but since this is running from System  
Preferences, and the preferences are actually for a different  
application (my daemon and helper, com.ryanharter.speakermute and  
com.ryanharter.speakermutehelper respectively) and the defaults need  
to be stored in /Library/Preferences since they are not user specific  
I need to use CFPreferences.

That's why I'm not using NSUserDefualts, but please let me know if my  
information is inaccurate.

Any other thoughts?


On Dec 2, 2008, at 9:08 AM, Steven Riggs wrote:

Here's an example of how to do it with no code...


Good luck,
  Steven Riggs

On Dec 1, 2008, at 8:08 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hey All-

I'm working on a Preference Pane for my app (System Preferences  
plugin) and need to write an array of dictionaries pulled from my  
NSTableView to defaults.  I don't want to serialize it as data  
since I would like it to be editable from the command line as well  
(for easy network administration).  I'm using CFPreferences because  
the preferences need to be read by the plugin, my daemon which runs  
as root, and a helper app the the daemon fires off for gui  
interaction and I therefore want the plist to be located in / 

I've got strings and boolean values being written there just fine,  
but I can't seem to create this array of dicts and have it put  
anything in the plist.

Here's my code:

// Notifies of change of data in table view.  Make sure to reflect  
changes in datasource.
- (void)tableView:(NSTableView *)aTableView setObjectValue: 
(id)anObject forTableColumn:(NSTableColumn *)aTableColumn row: 

NSString *columnID = [aTableColumn identifier];
	NSMutableArray *scheduleArray = [NSMutableArray  

	// If deactivate time was edited, we create a new schedule with  
just that changed.

if ([columnID isEqualToString:kScheduleDeactivateString]) {
NSLog(@Deactivate anObject = %@, anObject);
		[[scheduleArray objectAtIndex:rowIndex] setDeactivate:(NSNumber *) 
[anObject intValue]];

	// If activate time was edited, we create a new schedule with just  
that changed.

else if ([columnID isEqualToString:kScheduleActivateString]) {
NSLog(@Activate anObject = %@, anObject);
		[[scheduleArray objectAtIndex:rowIndex] setActivate:(NSNumber *) 
[anObject intValue]];

	// If name was edited, we create a new schedule with just that  

else if ([columnID isEqualToString:kScheduleNameString]) {
NSLog(@Title anObject = %@, anObject);
		[[scheduleArray objectAtIndex:rowIndex] setTitle:(NSString  


	// Iterate through the array to create a new one of  
NSDictionaries, not schedules.

NSMutableArray *tmpArray;
for (Schedule *schedules in scheduleArray) {
[tmpArray addObject:[schedules toDictionary]];
NSLog(@Adding this to array %@, [schedules toDictionary]);

// Write the array to preferences in /Library/Preferences.
	CFPreferencesSetValue(ScheduleKey, (CFArrayRef)tmpArray,  
ApplicationID, kCFPreferencesAnyUser, kCFPreferencesCurrentHost);
	CFPreferencesSynchronize(ApplicationID, kCFPreferencesAnyUser,  


The pref pane runs fine.  I can add items which calls my  
addSchedule method and just adds a blank item to the array.  When I  
edit the title, it appears to work fine from the gui, but nothing  
is written to the plist.  If I edit the activate or deactivate  
fields then I get the following error and System Preferences crashes.

12/1/08 6:39:59 PM System Preferences[2301] Adding this to array {
  activate = 100;
  deactivate = 1130;
  name = New Schedule;
12/1/08 6:39:59 PM System Preferences[2301] *** -[NSCFString  
stringValue]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x16e63740

Does anyone have any insight about writing array's of dicts to  


Ryan Harter

Cocoa-dev mailing list (Cocoa-dev@lists.apple.com)

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propblems w/ outline view delegate and notifications

2008-11-20 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

given the following sequence of events:

1) load a window (NSWindow subclass) from a nib using an 
NSWindowController subclass
2) the window contains an NSOutlineView, and the delegate of the 
outline view is the window

3) in the window's awakeFromNib call:
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver: self
selector: @selector(gotTableColSizeChanged:)
name: NSOutlineViewColumnDidResizeNotification
object: outline];
4) later on in awakeFromNib, set the outline's delegate to nil

i've discovered, via breakpoints in the debugger and via the fact 
that my notification selector isn't called, that step 4 is removing 
my observer!

and while now that i know this is happening, its been easy enough to 
work around, but i'm wondering if this is expected behavior? and if 
so, is it documented anywhere? if not, can anyone comment as to 
whether or not it is a bug (personally, i think it probably is, but i 
could be talked out of this). i will report this via radar if 


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Re: Regex

2008-11-18 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

NSPredicate can handle ICU standard regex matches.
More info in the NSPredicate docs.
The following snippet validates a UUID.


 is UUID

 see http://www.stiefels.net/2007/01/24/regular-expressions-for-nsstring/

	NSString *regex = @^(([0-9a-fA-F]){8}-([0-9a-fA-F]){4}-([0-9a-fA-F]) 

// supported non standard regex format is at 
	NSPredicate *regextest = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@SELF  
MATCHES %@, regex];

return [regextest evaluateWithObject:self];

Jonathan Mitchell

Central Conscious Unit


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Re: Cocoa-dev Digest, Vol 5, Issue 1904

2008-11-06 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

At 12:02 PM -0800 11/6/08, ic  wrote:

Date: Thu, 6 Nov 2008 14:20:08 -0500
Subject: Re: A finished moving notification for a window?
To: Cocoa Dev cocoa-dev@lists.apple.com
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; format=flowed; delsp=yes

On Nov 6, 2008, at 1:52 PM, Eric Gorr wrote:

 It looks like the only way to get the behavior I want is to subclass 
 NSWindow and override the mouse movement functions for the 

Well, this just got a little more complicated.

The window does not mouseDown or mouseUp events if the user clicks in 
the title bar.

I found an old thread:


related to this issue, but there was no solution posted to the mailing 

i manage this with a subclass of nswindow as follows:
register to receive the NSWindowWillMoveNotification notification
upon receiving this notification, set an iVar windowIsMoving
override send event as follows:

- (void) sendEvent: (NSEvent*) theEvent {
[super sendEvent: theEvent];
if ([self windowIsMoving])
if ([theEvent type] == NSLeftMouseUp)
[self endMove];

(don't forget to turn off windowIsMoving in endMove)


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Re: A finished moving notification for a window?

2008-11-06 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

At 4:35 PM -0500 11/6/08, Eric Gorr wrote:

On Nov 6, 2008, at 3:29 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

At 12:02 PM -0800 11/6/08, ic  wrote:

Date: Thu, 6 Nov 2008 14:20:08 -0500
Subject: Re: A finished moving notification for a window?
To: Cocoa Dev cocoa-dev@lists.apple.com
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; format=flowed; delsp=yes

On Nov 6, 2008, at 1:52 PM, Eric Gorr wrote:

It looks like the only way to get the behavior I want is to 
subclass  NSWindow and override the mouse movement functions for 
the  NSResponder.

Well, this just got a little more complicated.

The window does not mouseDown or mouseUp events if the user clicks 
in the title bar.

I found an old thread:


related to this issue, but there was no solution posted to the mailing list.

i manage this with a subclass of nswindow as follows:
register to receive the NSWindowWillMoveNotification notification
upon receiving this notification, set an iVar windowIsMoving
override send event as follows:

How, exactly, did you do this?

I have tried a couple of different things, but nothing seems to be 
working. If it matters (and I don't see why it should), I actually 
have a NSPanel.

In my delegate for the NSPanel, as a test, I tried defining:

- (void)windowWillMove:(NSNotification *)notification
  NSLog( @windowWillMove );

but this never gets called. I also defined windowDidMove and that 
gets called without any trouble. Any idea why windowWillMove would 
not get called?

Next, in the awakeFromNib method in my controller, I tried calling:

[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:myWindow 
name:NSWindowWillMoveNotification object:nil];

but, the selector paletteWindowWillMove: in the subclass of my 
NSPanel, never gets called. Any idea why?

from my NSWindow subclass's awakeFromNib:

[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver: self selector: 
@selector(beginMove:) name: NSWindowWillMoveNotification object: 

i have no idea if this will work with panel's, but i would think it 
would as a panel is a subclass of a window, but you would obviously 
have to subclass NSPanel instead of NSWindow.



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Re: A finished moving notification for a window?

2008-11-06 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

At 5:25 PM -0500 11/6/08, Eric Gorr wrote:
Apparently, NSPanel's don't get NSWindowWillMoveNotification's - at 
least I am not getting them in 10.5.

Perhaps a bug?

don't know. file a radar bug and see what response you get.


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Code signing validation

2008-10-28 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hello list

Having implemented code signing for my app I wanted to be able to do a  
quick visual check that things were as they should be.
I used the following to display a code signing validation  message in  
the app About window for both the application bundle and a couple of  
auxiliary executables.

Has anyone else done anything similar, or hopefully, better?
It would probably be a good idea to also check the signing identity.

#import Cocoa/Cocoa.h

typedef enum {
CodesignUnrecognised = -2,
CodesignError = -1,
CodesignOkay = 0,
CodesignFail = 1,
CodesignInvalidArgs = 2,
CodesignFailedRequirement = 3,
} CodesignResult;

@interface MGSCodeSigning : NSObject {
NSString *_resultString;

@property (copy) NSString *resultString;

- (CodesignResult)validateExecutable;
- (CodesignResult)validatePath:(NSString *)path;
- (CodesignResult)validateApplication;


#import MGSCodeSigning.h
#include dlfcn.h

@implementation MGSCodeSigning

@synthesize resultString = _resultString;


 validate executable

- (CodesignResult)validateExecutable
Dl_info info;   
int errDlAddr = dladdr( (const void *)__func__, info );
if(errDlAddr == 0) {
return CodesignError;
char *exec_path = (char *)(info.dli_fname);

	NSString *path = [NSString stringWithCString:exec_path  

return [self validatePath:path];

 validate this application

- (CodesignResult)validateApplication
return [self validatePath:[[NSBundle mainBundle] bundlePath]];

 validate path

- (CodesignResult)validatePath:(NSString *)path
self.resultString = nil;
int status = CodesignError;

@try {
		NSArray *arguments = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: @--verify, path,   

NSTask *task = [[NSTask alloc] init];

[task setArguments:arguments];
[task setLaunchPath:@/usr/bin/codesign];
[task setStandardOutput:[NSFileHandle 
[task setStandardError:[NSFileHandle 
[task launch];
[task waitUntilExit];
status = [task terminationStatus];

switch (status) {
case CodesignOkay:
self.resultString = NSLocalizedString(@Valid, 
@Codesign okay.);

case CodesignFail:
self.resultString = NSLocalizedString(@Invalid, @Codesign  


case CodesignInvalidArgs:
self.resultString = NSLocalizedString(@Invalid arguments,  
@Codesign invalid arguments);


case CodesignFailedRequirement:
self.resultString = NSLocalizedString(@Failed requirement,  
@Codesign failed requirement.);


self.resultString = NSLocalizedString(@Unrecognised response,  
@Codesign unrecognised response.);

status = CodesignUnrecognised;


if (status != CodesignOkay) {
NSLog(@codesign failure: %@, self.resultString);

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (NSException *e) {
NSLog(@Exception launching codesign: %@, [e reason]);
return CodesignError;

return status;



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. Re: Code signing validation

2008-10-28 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I am aware of the -o kill flag but I am not sure that killing my code  
stone dead is what I require in this case.

Any resource change, even a removed localisation would then be fatal.
For me a string representation of the code signing is more of a sanity  

I just pass the -o kill flags to codesign. That way if the app has  
been tampered with it won't launch. Make sure you are using Xcode  
3.1 or later so the codesigning is done after the stripping.


Jonathan Mitchell

Central Conscious Unit


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Re: performSelectorOnMainThread and exceptions

2008-10-28 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

At 6:51 PM -0500 10/27/08, Ken Thomases wrote:

On Oct 27, 2008, at 4:05 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

if i call -[anObject performSelectorOnMainThread:aSelector 
withObject:nil waitUntilDone:NO] and then later throw an exception 
(of my own), which i catch, the deferred execution of aSelector 
never happens. note that the performSelectonOnMainThread, and the 
throw and catch are all in the same run of the run loop and are all 
in the main thread.

is this a bug (seems like it to me) or proper/expected behavior. if 
i didn't catch the exception, i could understand this, but as i 
said, i am catching it. if this is proper behavior, can anyone 
offer me an explanation as to why?

Sounds like a bug to me.  File it with Apple http://bugreport.apple.com.

Out of curiosity, since you're only trying to defer a message and 
everything's on the main thread, does it still happen with [anObject 
performSelector:aSelector withObject:nil afterDelay:0]?

for the archives.

so i built a very simple test application in preparation to filing a 
bug report and to try  [anObject performSelector:aSelector 
withObject:nil afterDelay:0]. and lo and behold, my deferred method 
was executed using either deferred variants!

so i revisited the issue in my app, and sure enough it is now working 
as i expected, ie, the deferred method is invoked, even when an 
exception is thrown. musta been brain freeze the first time around! 




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performSelectorOnMainThread and exceptions

2008-10-27 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
if i call -[anObject performSelectorOnMainThread:aSelector 
withObject:nil waitUntilDone:NO] and then later throw an exception 
(of my own), which i catch, the deferred execution of aSelector never 
happens. note that the performSelectonOnMainThread, and the throw and 
catch are all in the same run of the run loop and are all in the main 

is this a bug (seems like it to me) or proper/expected behavior. if i 
didn't catch the exception, i could understand this, but as i said, i 
am catching it. if this is proper behavior, can anyone offer me an 
explanation as to why?



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Re: performSelectorOnMainThread and exceptions

2008-10-27 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

At 6:51 PM -0500 10/27/08, Ken Thomases wrote:

On Oct 27, 2008, at 4:05 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

if i call -[anObject performSelectorOnMainThread:aSelector 
withObject:nil waitUntilDone:NO] and then later throw an exception 
(of my own), which i catch, the deferred execution of aSelector 
never happens. note that the performSelectonOnMainThread, and the 
throw and catch are all in the same run of the run loop and are all 
in the main thread.

is this a bug (seems like it to me) or proper/expected behavior. if 
i didn't catch the exception, i could understand this, but as i 
said, i am catching it. if this is proper behavior, can anyone 
offer me an explanation as to why?

Sounds like a bug to me.  File it with Apple http://bugreport.apple.com.

will do/

Out of curiosity, since you're only trying to defer a message and 
everything's on the main thread, does it still happen with [anObject 
performSelector:aSelector withObject:nil afterDelay:0]?

i didn't try that. however, i've since re-architected somewhat and 
can't easily test in my app. i may try that before filing a bug 




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Re: table bindings, value transformer per row?

2008-10-18 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

thanx for this.

i've been using the willDisplayCell: delegate method to swap 
formatters as necessary, but i'd never thought of using it to swap 
the cell's value! i will add this to my bag o' tricks for possible 
future use.

for my current situation, i removed the use of the value transformer 
from my binding, and bound the column to different data in my model 
and apply appropriate formatter's as necessary. note that going this 
way doesn't impact sorting.


At 6:26 PM -0700 10/17/08, Ron Lue-Sang wrote:

Nope. No way to swap out the valuetransformer of the binding per row.

You can use part of Keary's suggestion tho. Don't set a 
valuetransformer at all in the binding for the column. Use the 
willDisplayCell: delegate method to take the value out of the cell, 
apply your own value transformations based on the row or whatever, 
and then set the new value on the cell.

Unfortunately, this setup will defeat the sorting behaviour Cocoa 
Bindings gives you for free. Our automatic support for sorting, for 
this column, will be wrong. I'd only suggest doing this for a column 
that's not sortable/filterable. Otherwise, you should really just 
add accessors to your model objects if you can (or create wrappers 
for them if you have to) that give you the transformed properties.


On Oct 16, 2008, at 4:59 PM, 

i was asking about the value transformer that is specified for 
the binding. i am aware that it is quite easy to change formatters.

thanx anyway,

At 5:49 PM -0600 10/16/08, Keary Suska wrote:

On Oct 15, 2008, at 7:35 PM, 

i've got a bound table view. is it possible to use a different 
value transformer based on which row of the table is being 
displayed/edited? and if so, how?

Yes, you can. The formatter is a property of the cell, and not the 
column, per se. You need an object that is the tableview's 
delegate, then implement 
-tableView:willDisplayCell:forTableColumn:row:. NSCell has a 
-setFormatter: method for your convenience. I have used this 
successfully without error, but I haven't performance tested it. I 
don't suspect that it is much slower.


Keary Suska

Esoteritech, Inc.

Demystifying technology for your home or business


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Re: table bindings, value transformer per row?

2008-10-16 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
i was asking about the value transformer that is specified for the 
binding. i am aware that it is quite easy to change formatters.

thanx anyway,

At 5:49 PM -0600 10/16/08, Keary Suska wrote:

On Oct 15, 2008, at 7:35 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

i've got a bound table view. is it possible to use a different 
value transformer based on which row of the table is being 
displayed/edited? and if so, how?

Yes, you can. The formatter is a property of the cell, and not the 
column, per se. You need an object that is the tableview's delegate, 
then implement -tableView:willDisplayCell:forTableColumn:row:. 
NSCell has a -setFormatter: method for your convenience. I have used 
this successfully without error, but I haven't performance tested 
it. I don't suspect that it is much slower.


Keary Suska
Esoteritech, Inc.
Demystifying technology for your home or business


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table bindings, value transformer per row?

2008-10-15 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
i've got a bound table view. is it possible to use a different value 
transformer based on which row of the table is being 
displayed/edited? and if so, how?


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Changing system volume

2008-10-05 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]@ßĦ

Is there a method in Cocoa that I could use to set the system
volume? I would use SetDefaultOutputVolume, but it is deprecated in


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Re: Problem redirecting NSLog() output to stderr

2008-08-18 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thanks for the suggestions Mike.
I had an intuition that my core Unix knowledge was wanting here.

It turns out that a call to ftruncate(STDERR_FILENO, 0) does indeed do  
the job.


You can't detect that the stderr stream is no longer valid in these
cases because, in fact, it *is* still valid.

In UNIX, when you delete a file which some process still has open,
that file doesn't actually go away. It remains on disk, and that
process's file descriptor to it remains valid. Writes and reads
continue to work as expected. Once the file descriptor is closed (or
the process terminates, or the computer reboots, etc.) the file is
finally removed from the disk.

Rather than delete the file, it may work if you simply truncate it.
New writes should then go to the end of the newly truncated file.

If you really need to function after deletes (for example if you don't
control the code that deletes the file, or you want to continue to
function after the user trashes it from the Finder or something) then
you can use kqueue to find out when something happens to the file, or
even just poll it every few seconds if you can't rely on kqueue to be
available on the filesystem in question.

 Hello List

 My app consists of a GUI process, a daemon and a number of worker  
 Each of these processes has their stderr redirected via freopen()  
to the

 same log file.
 For the purposes of simple logging this arrangement works  

 There is a thread on why this should be:

 The user may however delete the shared log from the GUI.
 After this the daemon and worker process log output is lost.
 In those cases can I detect that the stderr stream is no longer  

 I have tried fcntl(), fileno(), fstat(), ftell() and feof()  
without success.

 My actual call to NSLog() is wrapped in a generic logging class.
 My only solution so far is to issue freopen(logfile, a, stderr)  
prior to

 each and every call to NSLog().
 But this seems brutal.


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Problem redirecting NSLog() output to stderr

2008-08-17 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hello List

My app consists of a GUI process, a daemon and a number of worker  
Each of these processes has their stderr redirected via freopen() to  
the same log file.

For the purposes of simple logging this arrangement works acceptably.
There is a thread on why this should be: 

The user may however delete the shared log from the GUI.
After this the daemon and worker process log output is lost.
In those cases can I detect that the stderr stream is no longer valid?

I have tried fcntl(), fileno(), fstat(), ftell() and feof() without  

My actual call to NSLog() is wrapped in a generic logging class.
My only solution so far is to issue freopen(logfile, a, stderr)  
prior to each and every call to NSLog().

But this seems brutal.


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Re: Threading problem using AsyncSocket (Matthew Youney)

2008-08-14 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I don't know about your threading problem but surely the whole point  
of AsyncSocket is the Async bit.
It is designed to attach itself to the runloop and remove the need for  
blocking sockets etc on threads.

I use AsyncSocket extensively within the main thread and it can handle  
multiple connection without any problem.

Hello list,
This is my first attempt at threading with Cocoa, and I am having  

with my classes that use AsyncSocket.  I am using  

to detach my =91worker=92 thread, and I am instantiating my class  
that us=

AsyncSocket from within this thread.  The problem is that the  

delegates are never called.  This class works just fine from the main

- (IBAction)RunTestButtonPressed:(id)sender
   [NSThread detachNewThreadSelector:  

toTarget: self withObject: recipe];

- (void) threadFunction:(BeverageRecipe*)recipe
ClassContainingAsyncSocket* foo;
int i=3D0;

   while (stuffTodo)
NSAutoreleasePool* autoReleasePool=3D[[NSAutoreleasePool alloc]init];

   foo=3D[[ ClassContainingAsyncSocket alloc]init];

   i=3D[foo readRegister:0];  //none of the AsyncSocket  


   [autoReleasePool release];

do more stuff=85.


Does anyone have any idea what I am missing?  Something fundamentally  

Thanks in advance for any and all assistance.


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Re: NSTextField Bug? Can't be!

2008-08-12 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Seems to me that this might be more to do with the responder chain.
The NSTextField will update its stringValue when it resigns as first  
An NSButton does not accept first responder status so the NSTextField  
never gets to resign first responder status.
If you are using NSViewController call -commitEditing in your button  
click method. This will commit any pending edits.
Otherwise send -makeFirstResponder: to the view's window with the  
window itself as the argument. Similar effect.
This situation happens frequently. It's one good reason to always use  
Check out NSEditor (Informal Protocol) and NSEditorRegistration  
(Informal Protocol) for the low down.


FROM : Seth Willits
DATE : Tue Aug 12 10:28:30 2008

Right. I figure though that asking for stringValue grabs the text from
the field editor, so why doesn't setEnabled do the same to commit
current editing? Seems logical to me. I can't imagine a situation
where you'd want text the user typed into a field to be ignored after
they already typed it.

Seth Willits

On Aug 11, 2008, at 10:40 PM, Graham Cox wrote:

 I suspect it's because of the Field Editor. The text isn't really
 in the field, it's in the shared field editor. If the field is
 disabled, it won't be updated from the field editor because disabled
 means refuse input. Also, it may be that when a control that is
 using the field editor is disabled, it disconnects from the field
 editor and clears its contents.

 You could try calling -validateEditing on the field prior to
 disabling it, which should copy over the text content from the field
 editor so that the field indeed does have this value.


 cheers, Graham

 On 12 Aug 2008, at 3:31 pm, Seth Willits wrote:

 If a text field has focus, you type blah blah blah into it, and
 then click a button which asks for its string value and disables
 the text field, you get blah blah blah back.

 If a text field has focus, you type blah blah blah into it, and
 then click a button which disables the text field first and then
 asks for its string value, you get an empty string...

 I can make up some reasoning in my head for why that'd make sense,
 but it just doesn't sit well with me. If the text is *IN THE FIELD*
 before the field is disabled, then clearly it should be considered
 its string value. I can't imagine this being a bug simply because
 *somebody* would have noticed and fixed it by now, but I can't
 understand why this would be desirable behavior.


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Using performSelector: on super

2008-08-05 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hello list

My superclass (SuperSocket) provides a private method -close.
My subclass overrides this private method as follows:

- (void)close
SEL closeSelector = @selector(close);

if ([SuperSocket instancesRespondToSelector:closeSelector]) {   
[super performSelector:closeSelector];  // seems to send to self
} else {
NSAssert (NO, @SuperSocket no longer responds to close 

// subclass additional code

If I am not mistaken this code appears to send the close selector to  
the self object.
If [super performSelector:closeSelector] is replaced by [super close]  
then the super object receives the close message as expected.

I know that [super respondsToSelector: closeSelector] is equivalent to  
[self respondsToSelector: closeSelector] as the methods tests the  
object as a whole (see NSObject Protocol Reference entry for  

So is that the story here?
Or am I on the wrong page entirely.


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Re: Using performSelector: on super

2008-08-05 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sorry for the inaccuracy.

I am well aware that there is no such thing as a true private method   
in Objective-C, though it seems generally common to refer to such  
contraptions (A, B and Y's Cocoa Programming contains such usage,  
page 81).

I of course mean that the SuperSocket class responds to the -close  
method but does not declare it in its interface file.
-close is indeed declared as a method on a SuperSocket category  
defined within SuperSocket.m

I was using performSelector: merely to keep the compiler content.
Declaring a further accessible category on SuperSocket to announce the  
existence of -close accomplished the same thing.

At least my initial lassitude in declaring that category ultimately  
decreased the sum total of my ignorance.

No more super self confusion for me!

On 5 Aug 2008, at 21:39, I. Savant wrote:

On Tue, Aug 5, 2008 at 4:31 PM, James Bucanek  

The OP did override -close in their subclass and were attempting to  
[super close] from the subclass' -close method. The OP stated that  
couldn't simply use [super close] because -close was private,  
which didn't

make any sense to me.

 Yes, I was ignoring that part because I assumed it was just poorly
phrased (and later corrected). Perhaps, Jonathan, you could elaborate
on what leads you to believe the -close method is private?



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Re: Using performSelector: on super

2008-08-05 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

On 5 Aug 2008, at 23:38, James Bucanek wrote:

(Tuesday, August 5, 2008 2:19 PM +0100):

Sorry for the inaccuracy.

No problem.

I of course mean that the SuperSocket class responds to the -close
method but does not declare it in its interface file. -close is  

declared as a method on a SuperSocket category defined within

I was using performSelector: merely to keep the compiler content.
Declaring a further accessible category on SuperSocket to announce  

existence of -close accomplished the same thing.

Then let me make two points and one suggestion.

In your original code, you had

   SEL closeSelector = @selector(close);
   if ([SuperSocket instancesRespondToSelector:closeSelector]) {

This does not, as I think you believe, test to see if an object of  
the class SuperSocket responds to the -close message. In fact, it  
tests to see if the class object for SuperSocket responds to the  
+close message. SuperSocket is a reference to the single Class  
object defined for SuperSocket, it it not a proxy for an instance of  
the SuperSocket class.

Are you sure about that James?

The NSObject class reference for  + instancesRespondToSelector: says:

Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether instances of the  
receiver are capable of responding to a given selector.

To ask the class whether it, rather than its instances, can respond to  
a particular message, send to the class instead the NSObject protocol  
instance method respondsToSelector:.

The NSObject Protocol Reference for respondsToSelector: also chips in  
upon the subject:

You cannot test whether an object inherits a method from its  
superclass by sending respondsToSelector: to the object using the  
super keyword. This method will still be testing the object as a  
whole, not just the superclass’s implementation. Therefore, sending  
respondsToSelector: to super is equivalent to sending it to self.  
Instead, you must invoke the NSObject class method  
instancesRespondToSelector: directly on the object’s superclass, as  
illustrated in the following code fragment.

if ([MySuperclass instancesRespondToSelector:@selector(aMethod)]) {

[super aMethod];


But I have been wrong before!

To determine if an instance of an object SuperSocket responds to a  
particular method, I believe that you'd have to use SuperSocket's  
Class object reference and use class_getInstanceMethod to determine  
if it actually implements a -close method. If you wanted to find out  
if any of its superclass' implemented it, you'd have to walk of the  
chain of parent Class objects until you hit NSObject.

As for the compiler warning, that could easily be suppressed with  
(believe it or not)

   [(id)super close];  // superclass assumed to implement close

Now that really would have saved everyone a lot of typing. I often  
cast to a specific object type, casting with id never occurred to me.

If you really want your code to dynamically alter execution  
depending on whether the close method is implemented by the  
superclass, I would suggest something like

   [(id)super close];  // call superclass' -close, if implemented
   if (method not implemented exception)
   // code that gets called if superclass doesn't implement -close
Exception handling might be a bit excessive here I think. If I recall  
correctly It's quite a heavyweight object in Objective-C.

James Bucanek


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Re: NSTableView NSTrackingArea and mouse clicks

2008-07-25 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

hi corbin,
i understand ur explanation and it makes sense. and i see that the 
fix works in PhotoSearch. unfortunately, it doesn't solve all my 
problems. but at this point, i believe i may have a draw problem as 
i'm seeing the highlight being drawn twice.


ps. i used the term toolbox because i wasn't sure if this was 
foundation or appkit, and just used an old term wrongly. sorry.

At 1:42 PM -0700 7/25/08, Corbin Dunn wrote:

Hi ken,

It took me a minute to realize it, but what you describe below makes 
sense. Let me clarify what preparedCellAtColumn:row: does; this is 
the main funnel point that NSTableView uses to get a cell to do any 
operations (ie: drawing, type selection, etc). NSTableView's 
implementation gives you a cell set up with the correct state (ie: 
selected, etc).

Now, what does the TrackableOutlineView app do? It *copies* this 
cell (and any state it had), and returns that copy in 
preparedCellAtColumn:row:. So, you mouse in, it copies the cell and 
starts returning that cell. If you click down, well, NSTableView 
never gets a chance to set the state, since you override 

Make sense? It is working correctly; it's not a bug in PhotoSearch 
or the framework (also -- we use the term AppKit or framework, but 
toolbox refers to another framework).

Of course, you want it to not work that way. You want it to reflect 
the state that NSTableView sets. So, a quick hack:

- (NSCell *)preparedCellAtColumn:(NSInteger)column row:(NSInteger)row {
// We check if the selectedCell is nil or not -- the 
selectedCell is a cell that is currently being edited or tracked. We 
don't want to return our override if we are in that state.
if ([self selectedCell] == nil  (row == iMouseRow)  (column 
== iMouseCol)) {

NSCell *superCell = [super preparedCellAtColumn:column row:row];
[iMouseCell setHighlighted:[superCell isHighlighted]];
return iMouseCell;
} else {
return [super preparedCellAtColumn:column row:row];


thanx for the reply. i was pretty sure it wasn't my drawing code 
and after some more playing around i'm convinced of that.

i've narrowed down my problem (and i can reproduce it in the 
PhotoSearch demo -- see below).

the -[NSCell setHighlighted:] message does NOT get sent to a cell 
if a click occurs inside an NSTrackingArea for the cell/view.

to see this problem in the PhotoSearch demo app, add the following 
3 lines to the bottom of -[ImagePreviewCell 
addTrackingAreasForView:inRect:withUserInfo:mouseLocation:] :

cellFrame.size.width /=  2;
	NSTrackingArea *area2 = [[NSTrackingArea alloc] 
initWithRect:cellFrame options:options owner:controlView 

[controlView addTrackingArea:area2];
[area2 release];

also add an override of setHighlighted as follows:

- (void) setHighlighted: (BOOL) value
NSLog(@%s:   %d, __func__, value);

[super setHighlighted: value];

you can verify that the new tracking area is working because if you 
move the mouse into it, the info button changes. but if u click in 
this second tracking area, your override of setHighlighted does NOT 
get called.

offhand, i would say that this doesn't sound like a bug in 
PhotoSearch, but rather a bug in the toolbox. would you agree? if 
you think this is a bug in PhotoSearch, can you suggest a solution? 
if this is in fact a toolbox bug, let me know and i'll report in 
radar; and also, could you suggest a work-around?


At 7:44 AM -0700 7/25/08, Corbin Dunn wrote:

On Jul 24, 2008, at 6:16 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

i have an NSTableView that uses a data source (no bindings, but i 
don't think this is relevant). one column uses a custom cell that 
is actually a subclass of NSTokenFieldCell (but i don't think 
this is relevant either). i draw this cell differently depending 
on whether or not the row it is in is the table's selected row. 
(and i only allow one row at a time to be selected.)

if i don't use any NSTrackingAreas, everything works as i want/expect.

however, if i set up some tracking rects for my custom cell, then 
things don't work properly. i am using the techniques from the 
sample PhotoSearch app. by don't work properly, what i mean is 
that if i select a row by clicking in one of the NSTrackingAreas, 
the cell draws as if the row isn't selected. if i don't click 
inside one of the tracking rects, but click elsewhere in the row, 
then my custom cell draws properly, ie in its highlighted state.

since this is my first use of NSTrackingArea, i wouldn't be 
surprised if its something i'm doing. are there known 
interactions between NSTrackingArea a clicks in the tracking 
area? can anyone suggest how i can proceed?

No; none --- it is probably something wrong with your cell drawing 
code. Can you post it here? I'll take a look at it.

corbin (I wrote that demo -- note, I think there are a few bugs in 
the tracking area code

bug in PhotoSearch

2008-07-25 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

i think there is another bug in PhotoSearch. in TrackableOutlineView 
mouseEntered, the call to [iMouseCell mouseEntered:] should be 
outside the if block that sets iMouseCell if needed.

also, is there a specific reason for caching the cell in iMouseCell? 
i've done away with the caching in my app (and thus also don't have 
to override preparedCellAtColumn:row:), and now all my problems have 
gone away? my guess is that u were caching the cell for performance 
reasons... is that correct? or am i opening myself up for a future 



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NSTableView NSTrackingArea and mouse clicks

2008-07-24 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
i have an NSTableView that uses a data source (no bindings, but i 
don't think this is relevant). one column uses a custom cell that is 
actually a subclass of NSTokenFieldCell (but i don't think this is 
relevant either). i draw this cell differently depending on whether 
or not the row it is in is the table's selected row. (and i only 
allow one row at a time to be selected.)

if i don't use any NSTrackingAreas, everything works as i want/expect.

however, if i set up some tracking rects for my custom cell, then 
things don't work properly. i am using the techniques from the sample 
PhotoSearch app. by don't work properly, what i mean is that if i 
select a row by clicking in one of the NSTrackingAreas, the cell 
draws as if the row isn't selected. if i don't click inside one of 
the tracking rects, but click elsewhere in the row, then my custom 
cell draws properly, ie in its highlighted state.

since this is my first use of NSTrackingArea, i wouldn't be surprised 
if its something i'm doing. are there known interactions between 
NSTrackingArea a clicks in the tracking area? can anyone suggest how 
i can proceed?

thanx for any suggestions,

ps. this is on 10.5.4 with xcode 3.1 linked against the 10.5 sdk.

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Re: NSPredicateEditorRowTemplate and ANY predicate

2008-07-23 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]


On Jul 22, 2008, at 12:05 PM, Frédéric Testuz wrote:


 Is it possible to prepare a row template for a NSPredicateEditor in  
 IB for a predicate like ANY keyPath == 'aValue' ?

I'm not sure I understand your question.  How is this different than  
just a normal OR type compound predicate?

My question was too general. My model have is like this :

Book --- Role --- Author

A book can have many authors, an author can be on many books. The reason of the 
Role is that for a book, an author 
can be a writer, a drawer, a colourist, etc.
So, to find the books with at least an author is John, I have this sort of 
predicate :

ANY roles.author.name CONTAINS 'John'

It works pretty well. But now I want a NSPredicateEditor to give me this sort 
of predicate. I don't find a way to do 
it in IB without subclassing NSPredicateEditorRowTemplate. Perhaps I have not 
see it.

For info, I tried the subclassing and it works.


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Re: [NSString stringWithContentsOfURL:...], threads, and 10.5.4, xcode 3.1

2008-07-22 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

At 7:50 AM -0400 7/22/08, Kyle Sluder wrote:

On Mon, Jul 21, 2008 at 5:02 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

NSString* csvString = [NSString stringWithContentsOfURL: lookupURL
 encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding error: lookupError];

This line right here requires an autorelease pool.  Have you created
one for your thread?

It's apparent that you have a memory management issue somewhere in
your code.  Can you post more context?

--Kyle Sluder

thanx for the reply. yes, i do have an autorelease pool in place. i 
agree that it looks like some kind of memory management problem. the 
bothersome aspect is that this code used to work without any 
problems. and yes, i know thread problems aren't always reproducible, 
but the code has been in use problem free for sometime, probably 
going back as far as 10.5.3 or earlier. but i can't figure out what 
CFURL/NSURL is causing the problem. i'm not sure exactly what 
additional code is worth posting. given (what i believe is the 
relavent code):

NSURL* lookupURL = [[NSURL alloc] initWithString: urlLookupString];
NSError* lookupError = nil;
	NSString* csvString = [NSString stringWithContentsOfURL: 
lookupURL encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding error: lookupError];

[lookupURL release];

the error occurs during the processing of stringWithContentsOfURL; i 
would assume that it would retain the passed in url as long as it 
needs it; and i retain it (alloc init) before making the call and 
don't release the url until after my call to stringWithContentsOfURL.


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GetDblTime, 64-bit, and cocoa

2008-07-22 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
i need to set a timer when i get a first mouse click and perform 
something if i don't get another click within the double click time. 
i found this old thread (from 2003) in the archives:

from that thread, it would appear that the best solution may be to 
use GetDblTime. but this is a 32-bit only solution. is there a 
documented (cocoa) way to do this that may be future/64-bit safe?


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[NSString stringWithContentsOfURL:...], threads, and 10.5.4, xcode 3.1

2008-07-21 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
i have been using +[NSString stringWithContentsOfURL:encoding:error:] 
in my app to obtain stock quotes from yahoo. i issue this in one (or 
more) threads to get values for one (or more) stocks. i'm not quite 
sure when this stopped working successfully, but it is definitely not 
working reliably on 10.5.4 with xcode 3.1 and with NO garbage 

by not reliably i mean that i will quite frequently (but not always) 
get the following message on the console:

*** -[CFURL _cfurl]: message sent to deallocated instance 0x290180d0

and the relevant stack trace is:

#0  0x95ae3907 in ___forwarding___
#1  0x95ae3a12 in __forwarding_prep_0___
#2  0x95ab5d42 in CFURLCopyPath
#3  0x92350d4e in createNotificationName
#4  0x9235113c in __PrivateCookieStorageDeallocate
#5  0x95a66788 in _CFRelease
#6  0x923510d6 in __CFHTTPCookieStorageDeallocate
#7  0x95a66788 in _CFRelease
#8  0x92306c2d in _CFURLRequestDeallocate
#9  0x95a66788 in _CFRelease
#10 0x9230ac1b in __CFCachedURLResponse::SetRequest
#11 0x9230ab0e in AddCacheTask
#12 0x92308603 in __CFURLCache::CopyResponseForRequest
#13 0x92307b38 in _CFURLConnectionSendCallbacks
#14 0x92307573 in muxerSourcePerform
#15 0x95a64615 in CFRunLoopRunSpecific
#16 0x95a64cf8 in CFRunLoopRunInMode
#17 0x9232ab42 in CFURLConnectionSendSynchronousRequest
#18	0x952ac80b in +[NSURLConnection 

#19 0x9537afab in -[NSString initWithContentsOfURL:encoding:error:]
#20 0x9537a51f in +[NSString stringWithContentsOfURL:encoding:error:]
#21	0x00147f00 in +[StockSupport_Yahoo(PrivateUtilities) 
historicStockValue:asOfDate:error:] at StockSupport_Yahoo.mm:296

and the relevant snippet of my code is:

NSURL* lookupURL = [[NSURL alloc] initWithString: urlLookupString];
NSError* lookupError = nil;
	NSString* csvString = [NSString stringWithContentsOfURL: 
lookupURL encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding error: lookupError];

[lookupURL release];

i've worked around it for the time being by actually calling 
+[NSString stringWithContentsOfURL:encoding:error:] from my main 
thread, but not only does this slow down the app (since requests are 
now sequential), but it also prevents the user from aborting the 
requests (since the main/ui thread is now busy).

can anyone explain the above error? can anyone indicate whether or 
not +[NSString stringWithContentsOfURL...] is thread safe? (i was 
under the impression that the foundation classes NSString, NSURL, and 
NSData were all thread safe, and as i said above, this used to work.)

thanx for any help/answers/advice/etc.


ps. it would take a fairly significant restructuring to use 
asynchronous NSURLConnection requests, so i'd like to avoid that if 
possible... especially since i had thought i had solved this problem 
by performing the requests in threads.


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debugging runaway allocations under gc

2008-07-07 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
We have an out of memory crasher in a gc app that we are trying 
debug, but I'm having a bit of difficulty bringing the correct tools 
to bear on the problem.

I suspect that either we have some kind of runaway loop that's 
allocating us into oblivion, or we're outrunning the collector (I 
suspect the latter because the crash is never in exactly the same 
place, and no long processes are in progress).  I have a reproducible 
case where we basically hammer the app with the same command over and 
over again (via script_, and memory usage does indeed increase 
(albeit slowly) over time, but at some stage it reaches a tipping 
point where the allocation just runs away quickly, and in the course 
of a couple seconds consumes all available resources and crashes.

I tried running heap to see what was actually allocated and where, 
but after two hours pegging one of my four cores, heap is still 
churning.  I tried using MallocDebug, but it's not compatible with gc 
(apparently).  I tried using ObjectAlloc in instruments, but it 
generates so much data that instruments itself chokes on all the data 
and starts the machine churning (I was hoping for a windowed time 
facility as in Shark).  I even tried conditional breakpoints on 
malloc to try to catch large allocations, but I don't think I've got 
the syntax of the condition right (I did manage to get it working 
using a debugger command for the breakpoint, but after a while it 
stops working).

So now I'm looking for pointers on where I should be poking to try to 
get more data.  What are good strategies to try and see if I'm 
outrunning the collector?  Can I detect a low resource situation (for 
debug purposes only) and wait it out a bit and see if the collector 
catches up? (how?)  What's the best way to find large malloc 
allocations that doesn't involve instruments collapsing under the 
load of data?  (it can take 10 minutes or more to reach the failure 
point).  All pointers appreciated.


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NSTextFieldCell subclass template image inversion

2008-06-26 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hello list

My NSTextFieldCell subclass is based on ImageAndTextCell.m from the  
SourceView sample.

This displays text and images in a single cell.

My difficult is in getting system media template images to invert when  
the cell is highlighted.

The documentation for NSImage - setTemplate states:

You can mark an image as a “template image” to notify clients who care  
that the image contains only black and clear content.

Yes, I detect that an image is a template, but how do I initiate  

My feeble attempts at getting my client to care have firstly been to  
try and invert the NSImageRep of the template, but this fails as the  
image rep is the undocumented NSCoreUIImageRep and not a  

My second attempt was along the following lines:

[cell setHighlighted:YES];
[cell setState:NSOnState];
NSImage *image = [cell preparedImage];

A modified - duller - image is returned, but not an inverted one.
I think that this is more along the right track. But something's  
missing (brains probably).

Any enlightenment would be welcome.



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Re: What's the NSMailDelivery replacement for Leopard and Beyond?

2008-06-04 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
for simple email, i've used +[NSURL URLWithString:] to create a 
mailto: url:  mailto://[EMAIL PROTECTED] and then open the url. u 
can also add parameters such as subject and body but i forget the 
details at the moment (i think its something like ?subject=...)


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core data: awakeFromFetch, awakeFromInsert, didTurnIntoFault

2008-06-02 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
in a couple of my classes subclassed from NSManagedObject, i provide 
the methods: awakeFromFetch, awakeFromInsert,  didTurnIntoFault. in 
the awake messages, after calling the appropriate super methods, i 
establish some observers like:

[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver: self ...];

and in the didTurnIntoFault method, i remove myself as an observer. i 
just noticed that if i create a new one of these entities and then 
undo it, the sequence of events is as expected:

however, if i then redo the action, neither awakeFromFetch nor 
awakeFromInsert is called, and thus i'm left without my observing in 

should i be handling this some other way? if so, how? (pointers to 
documentation would be sufficient). if this is the proper approach, 
how do i re-establish my observing?


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Re: Set view in bottom right corner of NSTableView

2008-05-17 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The PlacardScrollView subclass at http://cocoa.karelia.com/AppKit_Classes/PlacardScrollView__.m 
 demonstrates this technique well.

On 16 May 2008, at 18:15, Kyle Sluder wrote:

On Fri, May 16, 2008 at 10:49 AM, Stéphane [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
This might not be that easily possible as the positions of the  
views inside
the scrollview are recomputed quite often and your bottom corner  
view would
be ignored by this code. So this would require subclassing some  
code in
NSScrollView. Not impossible but not easy and this part of the  
AppKit does

not work the same way between OS versions.

Actually, it's not that hard.  Subclass NSScrollView and override - 

--Kyle Sluder


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Re: NSDictionaryController with NSTableView and sorting of numeric data

2008-05-16 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thanks For the reply Kyle

On 16 May 2008, at 06:43, Kyle Sluder wrote:

On Thu, May 15, 2008 at 5:30 PM,  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

It would seem that NSDictionaryController keys have to be strings.

Yes.  It is very common that, despite NSDictionary accepting any
object as a key, you must use NSString keys.

So the sorting of numeric string keys is always going to be  

Not true.  See -[NSString compare:options:] with the NSNumericSearch  

Good to be directed towards this method. I had missed the  
NSNumericSearch option.

My solution was to discard NSDictionaryController and create a  
proxy object

containing two properties:

I would instead suggest subclassing NSDictionaryController and
overriding -arrangedObjects.  The naive implementation would call
super's implementation and return a sorted version of the result.  The
published interface says that -arrangedObjects returns id, but the
documentation says that it returns an array, so I would feel
reasonably safe treating the return value as an NSArray.

That's a much more classy solution than my proxy object array kludge.

--Kyle Sluder


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Re: NSDictionaryController with NSTableView and sorting of numeric data

2008-05-16 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thanks for the reply Shawn

One of the big attractions of the bindings technology is that the  
sorting behaviour is automatic and normally pretty satisfactory.
But I agree that in this case manually manipulating the sort  
descriptors could be a good solution.


On 16 May 2008, at 07:05, Shawn Erickson wrote:

Consider using the built in sort facility...





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Set view in bottom right corner of NSTableView

2008-05-16 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hello List

I have been using NSTableView -setCornerView: to provide additional  
drag thumb image views for tables embedded in splitviews.

Has anyone found it possible to do the same thing in the bottom right  
hand corner of a table as opposed to the top?
Obviously there is no NSTableView -setBottomCornerView: method but I  
thought it might be possible by manually adding a subview to the  
enclosing NSScrollView.

Any help would be appreciated.



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Re: Set view in bottom right corner of NSTableView

2008-05-16 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Once again Kyle, thanks.
This looks like just the ticket.

On 16 May 2008, at 18:15, Kyle Sluder wrote:

On Fri, May 16, 2008 at 10:49 AM, Stéphane [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
This might not be that easily possible as the positions of the  
views inside
the scrollview are recomputed quite often and your bottom corner  
view would
be ignored by this code. So this would require subclassing some  
code in
NSScrollView. Not impossible but not easy and this part of the  
AppKit does

not work the same way between OS versions.

Actually, it's not that hard.  Subclass NSScrollView and override - 

--Kyle Sluder


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NSDictionaryController with NSTableView and sorting of numeric data

2008-05-13 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hello list

I have bound an NSDictionaryController to an NSTableView.
The keys in my bound dictionary are numeric strings 1... n
The dictionary keys and values display okay but the sorting of the key  
column is not numeric but alphabetic.

The value column sorts fine for objects of type NSNumber.
I have tried using NSNumber keys and an NSValueTransformer subclass  
but the controller seems to need an NSString key.

I know I am being dumb here. Please put me out of my misery.




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command-period doesn't close NSComboBox popup window

2008-05-08 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
by subclassing NSComboBox and providing a subclass of NSTextView as 
its field editor, i am able to support the home/end/page down/page up 
keys in the popped up window. (i'm surprised this isn't the default 

however, i haven't been able to figure out how to support 
command-period (to be equivalent to the escape key and i'm even more 
surprised that this doesn't just work).

any suggestions?


ps to avoid any/lots of requests for code, here is what i do. my 
field editor overrides/provides methods for scrollPageDown, 
scrollPageUp, scrollToEndOfDocument, scrollToBeginningOfDocument and 
passes this on to its delegate--my NSComboBox subclass. MyComboBox 
keeps track of whether or not the popup window (by using the 
appropriate notifications) is up, and if so acts accordingly. all 
very straight-forward.


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Re: Check box cell in NSTableView

2008-03-11 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I recently put together a sequence of interlinked NSTableViews using  
checkbox cells.

It displays the mixed state without problem. So no bug I think.

I used a datasource in this case, as below.

- (id)tableView:(NSTableView *)aTableView
objectValueForTableColumn:(NSTableColumn *)aTableColumn row: 


// for the checkbox column

if ([scriptHandler count] == [scriptHandler publishedCount]) {
state = NSOnState;
} else if ([scriptHandler publishedCount]  0) {
state = NSMixedState;
} else {
state = NSOffState;

return [NSNumber numberWithInt:state];


It doesn't matter if I do the

[myCheckBox setState:NSMixedState];

the result is the same, the checkbox is shown as checked.

If I however use the same code (or even click all the three states) in
an ordinary check box (not cell), everything works as I expect it to  

This makes me suspect this to be a bug.


Den 11. mars. 2008 kl. 14:42 skrev Stephane Sudre:

 On Mar 11, 2008, at 13:15, Ivan C Myrvold wrote:

 I can not get my check boxes in an NSTableColumn to show the mixed
 The first time I click an empty check box, it shows as if it is
 checked, it should have been mixed.

 A mixed state can not be determined by a click.

 What a click should do:

 Unchecked - Checked

 Mixed - Checked

 Checked - Unchecked


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Detecting resolution changes?

2008-03-09 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I want to detect when a screen's resolution has changed, so I can  
resize and re-center my main window.  Does  
NSWindowDidChangeScreenProfileNotification do what i want?  If the  
user moves the window (into a differently-sized widow, causing a  
change), it looks like I could trap/check at  
NSWindowDidChangeScreenNotification.  What I wasn't clear about is  
whether a screen's profile included the resolution.



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Re: Intel mac required for iPhone development

2008-03-06 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I'm just curious but why?
Well, since various Apple people have already pointed out discussing  
the iPhone SDK is part of an NDA, so there's no way you'll get an  

I'm sure it revolves around the fact that limiting the sw and hw  
supported reduces the development effort for that team, but we'll  
never know exactly…


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