network volume names changing etc.

2011-06-26 Thread Chris Idou
I've noticed that Mac OS sometimes silently changes the UNIX mount name of 
network volumes. For example, if I mount a network volume of Media, it would 
normally be /Volumes/Media, but sometimes it isn't. For example, if another 
on the same machine mounts Media first, then you might end up having it mounted 
as /Volumes/Media-1 or some such.

Is there any document that discusses it? And what is the recommended way to 
store paths in this case? I don't know if its right, but I'm in the habit of 
storing UNIX paths, but this doesn't work very well for network shares because 
the UNIX path keeps changing because of the above. How can I store a path and 
get it back in a way that takes into account the above?

Also as an aside, is there a way to have network volumes mounted for all users 
at once instead of just one user at a time?


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Bindings don't work with cut and paste

2011-06-19 Thread Chris Idou

I have a NSTextView's value bound to an object. I do not have Continuous 
update turned on. The binding works when I type into the field and exit the 
field. However if I *paste* text into the field, then exit the field, the 
binding set: method is never called.

What am I missing?

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encoding of file names

2011-05-23 Thread Chris Idou

If I take a string from an NSTextField with an accented character: café and I 
make this into a file name and write a file, then I read that file name back in 
(using NSFileManager contentsOfDirectoryAtPath), then the string read back in, 
still looks the same: an accented café, but the strings don't compare anymore. 
The one in the text field was unichars: 99,97,102,233 and the one in the file 
name is now99,97,102,101,769.

What does it mean, and how can I make sure I get them both the same and 

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App Store code signing

2010-11-18 Thread Chris Idou

Is this the right forum to ask about the whole business of verifying signatures 
etc for apps in the app store for Mac? I've been trying to get the code to 
but I'm stumped.


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Joining App Developer Program

2010-11-02 Thread Chris Idou
Sorry if this is a little off topic, but I don't know who to ask and I can't 
any sense out of Apple.

I attempted to join the Mac dev program the day Steve Jobs announced it. A 
couple of days later I was asked to submit some company documents, which I did, 
and which was acknowledged. Now I've been waiting a week with no word, and I'm 
eager to start making any necessary changes to my app to support the app store. 
 When I go to the site it says we are trying to contact the legal 
representative of your company, which kind of contradicts a separate email 
which says they are processing my documentation. How long should this process 
take? When should I get worried? Is there any way to get access to technical 
documentation without waiting? Is there any way to contact Apple since they 
don't answer emails?


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Multiple instances of [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]

2010-10-23 Thread Chris Idou

I'm printing out the address of [NSUserDefaultsstandardUserDefaults] in several 
places in my app, and getting a different result! This is causing me problems.

I'm using a plugin architecture, so I'm guessing this has something to do with 
it, but even so, I haven't seen anything like this happen before as far as 
multiple instances of global variables.

Has anyone got any thoughts?


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Re: Multiple instances of [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]

2010-10-23 Thread Chris Idou

Well, I've got some code, which I presume used to work, which relies on 
observing a value in the user defaults. The observer isn't getting triggered, 
I am guessing it is because they are separate instances. Both should be on the 
main thread.

- Original Message 
From: Dave Keck
To: Chris Idou
Sent: Sat, 23 October, 2010 10:05:01 PM
Subject: Re: Multiple instances of [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]

 Has anyone got any thoughts?

I wouldn't be surprised if there's a separate NSUserDefaults instance
for each thread. Regardless though, it's an implementation detail that
shouldn't be relied on unless the docs guarantee certain behavior.

Could you explain why you need to rely on NSUserDefaults returning the
same instance on each invocation of -standardUserDefaults?


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Re: Multiple instances of [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]

2010-10-23 Thread Chris Idou

Some stuff on the net seems to indicate that NSUserDefaults does support KVO. 
it doesn't, how would NSUserDefaultsController accurately notify of all changes 
to NSUserDefaults? Or maybe one has to always access it 
through NSUserDefaultsController to get consistent notifications? In which 
it kind of seems pointless that they are two separate classes.

- Original Message 
From: Dave Keck
To: Chris Idou
Sent: Sat, 23 October, 2010 10:48:01 PM
Subject: Re: Multiple instances of [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]

 Well, I've got some code, which I presume used to work, which relies on
 observing a value in the user defaults. The observer isn't getting triggered, 
 I am guessing it is because they are separate instances. Both should be on the
 main thread.

Are you observing an instance of NSUserDefaults or
NSUserDefaultsController? NSUD doesn't support KVO – perhaps that's
the problem?

Also, for testing at least, you might as well allocate your own
NSUserDefaultsController instance and stick it in an ivar. That way,
pointer comparison in -observeValueForKeyPath: should always work as
expected if different instances are indeed being returned by the
convenience constructor.


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configurePersistentStoreCoordinatorForURL:ofType: modelConfiguration: storeOptions:error

2010-06-30 Thread Chris Idou

According to the doco, the above method is used to customise creation of the 
persistent store especially with regards to the store type. So I've been using 
the below code, which works perfectly fine for NSBinaryStoreType and 
NSXMLStoreType, but with NSSQLiteStoreType I get lots of merge errors when 
saving documents that I don't get if I completely remove the below code and let 
the framework handle it. Apparently I'm doing something subtlety wrong. Does 
anyone know what? At times like this I wish Apple would make their source code 
visible to developers.

- (BOOL)configurePersistentStoreCoordinatorForURL:(NSURL *)url ofType:(NSString 
*)fileType modelConfiguration:(NSString *)configuration 
storeOptions:(NSDictionary *)storeOptions error:(NSError **)error; {
if(![[[selfmanagedObjectContext] persistentStoreCoordinator] 
NSMigratePersistentStoresAutomaticallyOption, [NSNumbernumberWithBool:YES], 
NSInferMappingModelAutomaticallyOption, nil] error:error]){
[[NSApplicationsharedApplication] presentError:*error];
} else {


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core data could not merge changes

2010-06-25 Thread Chris Idou

I've done a lot of core data development, but all using the XML file format.

Now I'm trying to work with sqlite. I've got an app that was working, but when 
I change to sqllite I get errors. I've got a really basic application, nothing 
particularly special about it as far as I see, and when I change something and 
hit save, I get the sheet The document blah etc could not be saved. Could 
not merge changes..

The documentation talks about this happening with multiple managed object 
contexts, but I only have one, the default one created by the guts of core data 
document based infrastructure.

I know NSManagedObjectContext has some methods to do with conflict resolving, 
but I'm reluctant to go to those until I understand what is going on and if I'm 
doing something wrong. Has anyone got any advice?


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accessing core data sqlite from utility

2010-06-24 Thread Chris Idou

I've got a core data database in sqlite format, and I thought I'd download a 
utility to look inside it. But I've downloaded about 4 utilities that purport 
to be able to open sqlite databases and none of them can open it, they give 
errors along the lines of it being encrypted and needing a password. Can anyone 
enlighten me about the situation?


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Re: accessing core data sqlite from utility

2010-06-24 Thread Chris Idou
OK, my stupidity, I was looking at a NSBinaryStoreType and not sqlite.

Next question: is there any utility for looking inside a NSBinaryStoreType?

- Original Message 
From: Jens Alfke
To: Chris Idou
Sent: Fri, 25 June, 2010 10:35:10 AM
Subject: Re: accessing core data sqlite from utility

On Jun 24, 2010, at 5:02 PM, Chris Idou wrote:

 I've got a core data database in sqlite format, and I thought I'd download a 
 utility to look inside it. But I've downloaded about 4 utilities that purport 
 to be able to open sqlite databases and none of them can open it, they give 
 errors along the lines of it being encrypted and needing a password. Can 
 anyone enlighten me about the situation?

Umm … that’s weird. I thought they were just regular sqlite databases. I’m 
pretty certain they’re not encrypted, as encryption isn’t supported in the 
version of sqlite built into the OS.

Try using the command-line tool. Enter “sqlite3 /path/to/file”, then at the 
prompt type “pragma integrity_check;” including the semicolon at the end. If 
that doesn’t give errors, try entering “.schema” (without a semicolon!) to 
check the db schema, or your favorite SQL command.



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Re: Notification of window visible?

2010-06-06 Thread Chris Idou

Is it? Can't a window become visible without becoming key?

- Original Message 
From: Reinhard Segeler
To: Chris Idou
Sent: Fri, 4 June, 2010 4:18:03 PM
Subject: Re: Notification of window visible?

The notification NSWindowDidBecomeKeyNotification will do it for you.

-- Reinhard

Am 04.06.2010 um 07:11 schrieb Chris Idou:

 How does one get notification that a window has become visible? I  
 can see notifications for most every type of window event except  
 this most obvious one.


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Notification of window visible?

2010-06-03 Thread Chris Idou

How does one get notification that a window has become visible? I can see 
notifications for most every type of window event except this most obvious one.


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Re: Stealing settings from

2010-06-01 Thread Chris Idou


I personally use as my server, so I think you need to add that.

As far as I see, [ rangeOfString:@mac].location would be a 
wrong match. I think you need to look for
[hostName] || [hostName]

Right now I'm using to send mails.

Does your framework have any benefits over that one?

- Original Message 
From: Dante Palacios
To: Chris
Sent: Tue, 1 June, 2010 1:38:04 PM
Subject: Re: Stealing settings from

Hi Chris,

There's no bug in the code, so far as I know (I can be wrong), the smtp server 
for a MobileMe account remains The userName must be the user name 
only E.g with John Doe or John Doe as the full 
email address, would be jdoe and the hostName would be

I made a small framework (free and open source) for sending emails that do what 
you want to do and a little more...

On May 31, 2010, at 8:35 PM, Chris wrote:

 Thanks, it was the iTools bit I needed. But looks like there is a bug in this 
 code it won't notice and could wrongly think say is 
 mobile me. But thanks, it gives me what I needed.
 On 31/05/2010, at 8:11 PM, Dante Palacios wrote:
 NSString *GetPassword(NSString *userName, NSString *hostName) {
   if (!hostName.length || !userName.length) return nil;
   const char *serviceName = [hostName UTF8String];
   const char *serviceUserName = [userName UTF8String];
   const char *path = ;
   UInt32 passwordLength = 0;
   char *pass = nil;
   OSStatus status = noErr;
   SecKeychainItemRef itemRef;
   if ([hostName rangeOfString:@mac].location != NSNotFound) {
   serviceName = iTools; //= note this
   status = SecKeychainFindGenericPassword(NULL,
   (void **)pass,
   }else {
   status = SecKeychainFindInternetPassword(NULL,

(void **)pass,
   if (status != noErr) {
   CFStringRef errMess = SecCopyErrorMessageString(status, NULL);
   NSLog(@%@, (NSString *)errMess);
   return nil;
   return [[[NSString alloc] initWithBytes:pass length:passwordLength 
 encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding] autorelease];
 On May 31, 2010, at 12:11 AM, Jn wrote:
 Would you have the API code to retrieve it?  Not sure what to pass to get the 
 mobile me password.
 On 31/05/2010, at 2:43 AM, Jens Alfke wrote:
 On May 30, 2010, at 12:55 AM, Chris Idou wrote:
 OK, I see. So is Mobile-Me the only special case, or is there a more general 
 rule about other places to find smtp server passwords?
 AFAIK it’s the only special case. In general, an SMTP server’s password is 
 stored under that server name in the keychain, as you’d expect.
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 All the best,

All the best,


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Re: Stealing settings from

2010-06-01 Thread Chris Idou

BTW, what exactly are the downsides of sending the mail to local machine 


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Re: Stealing settings from

2010-05-30 Thread Chris Idou

OK, I see. So is Mobile-Me the only special case, or is there a more general 
rule about other places to find smtp server passwords?

- Original Message 
From: Greg Guerin
To: list-cocoa-dev
Sent: Sat, 29 May, 2010 2:37:30 AM
Subject: Re: Stealing settings from

Chris Idou wrote:

 I've got an app that needs to send out emails. I'm trying to import mail 
 settings from For some reason my keychain has passwords for, but not for

AFAIK, there is only the one MobileMe password for all uses.

Double-click your MobileMe password in Keychain and look at its 
Access Control tab.  Note that is always granted access by default.

  -- GG


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Stealing settings from

2010-05-28 Thread Chris Idou

I've got an app that needs to send out emails. I'm trying to import mail 
settings from For some reason my keychain has passwords for, but not for Does anyone know where stores 
other passwords? Or why my keychain has passwords, but not 
passwords for other smtp servers I have setup in


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NSTableView delete row with key?

2010-04-21 Thread Chris Idou

What would be the appropriate way to have an NSTableView notice that you hit 
the delete key and delete the current row?


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NSTableView Key Value Observing performance pickle

2010-04-08 Thread Chris Idou

I seem to have got myself into some pickle with key value observing whereby 
things to do with NSTableView are freezing up for minutes at a time. Every time 
I pause the program there are things to do with adding and removing observers, 
but all of it is in Apple's code, so I'm not quite sure what I've done to cause 
this problem.

#00x7fff8453d06b in append_referrer_no_lock
#10x7fff8453ea58 in weak_register
#20x7fff845366e2 in auto_assign_weak_reference
#30x7fff81d6a36e in -[NSConcretePointerArray arrayGrow:]
#40x7fff81c64cdd in -[NSConcretePointerArray addPointer:]
#50x7fff81c6aa99 in -[NSKeyValueObservationInfo _initWithObservances:count:]
#60x7fff81c70399 in _NSKeyValueObservationInfoCreateByRemoving
#70x7fff81c6fcfe in -[NSObject(NSKeyValueObserverRegistration) 
#80x7fff81c6fc3f in -[NSObject(NSKeyValueObserverRegistration) 
#90x7fff81c70522 in -[NSKeyValueNestedProperty 
#100x7fff81c7077f in -[NSKeyValueUnnestedProperty 
#110x7fff81c6fd5b in -[NSObject(NSKeyValueObserverRegistration) 
#120x7fff81c6fc3f in -[NSObject(NSKeyValueObserverRegistration) 
#130x7fff81c70522 in -[NSKeyValueNestedProperty 
#140x7fff81c7077f in -[NSKeyValueUnnestedProperty 
#150x7fff81c6fd5b in -[NSObject(NSKeyValueObserverRegistration) 
#160x7fff81c6fc3f in -[NSObject(NSKeyValueObserverRegistration) 
#170x7fff810e23c7 in -[_NSModelObservingTracker 
#180x7fff810e1a07 in -[_NSModelObservingTracker clearAllModelObjectObserving]
#190x7fff811bc4b3 in -[_NSModelObservingTracker 
#200x7fff811bc44c in -[NSArrayController _setObjects:]
#210x7fff81255d9f in -[NSArrayController 
#220x7fff811bc9ff in -[NSArrayController setContent:]
#240x7fff8125ad66 in -[NSArrayDetailBinder _refreshDetailContentInBackground:]
#250x7fff81c791a1 in -[NSObject(NSKeyValueObservingPrivate) 
#260x7fff810de96e in -[NSController _notifyObserversForKeyPath:change:]
#270x7fff811e8575 in -[NSArrayController 
#280x7fff811e894b in -[NSArrayController 
#290x7fff81c6f43d in -[NSObject(NSKeyValueCoding) setValue:forKey:]
#300x7fff81ccdf42 in -[NSObject(NSKeyValueCoding) setValue:forKeyPath:]
#310x7fff8126a3ed in -[NSBinder 
#320x7fff8126a2a5 in -[NSBinder setValue:forBinding:error:]
#330x7fff812655c8 in -[NSTableBinder tableView:didChangeToSelectedRowIndexes:]
#340x7fff81261e8f in -[_NSBindingAdaptor 
#350x7fff811368e2 in -[NSTableView _enableSelectionPostingAndPost]
#360x7fff811f8556 in -[NSTableView mouseDown:]
#370x7fff81199f1b in -[NSWindow sendEvent:]
#380x7fff810cf662 in -[NSApplication sendEvent:]


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Reordered columns and [tableView editColumn:0 row:ind withEvent:nil select:YES];

2010-04-07 Thread Chris Idou

I've got some code that uses editColumn:0 to force the user into edit mode on 
the first column.

But I've noticed that if user column reordering is allowed, this no longer 
edits the correct column. This seems odd to me because I thought Cocoa pretty 
much shielded the programmer from all the user reordering stuff.

Even more oddly, if the user puts a checkbox as the first column, the checkbox 
seems to start behaving like a text box, albeit with invisible characters. 
Could I be doing something wrong, or is this some kind of bug? And do I have to 
somehow translate column 0 to find out the real column? I know Java tables have 
methods to translate between model and view column numbers because of user 
reordering, but I haven't noticed such a thing in Cocoa.


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Tricky binding and continuous update problem

2010-04-06 Thread Chris Idou

I've got a problem that I had working, but my app suddenly seems broken, and 
I'm not sure if I did something or what. All I know is old versions of my app 
work, but now my code base doesn't.

I've got a UI with a NSTableView at the top, and some individual fields at the 
bottom. Typical UI where you click on a table row and it shows you the values 
in the fields.

Now one of the fields shown in the table is a derived value from the base 
fields. I have continuous update values set in the NSTextField at the bottom. 
So what I expect as you type in the field, the value in the table gets 
continuously updated also. (I'm using keyPathsForValuesAffecting etc for 
the derived field).

But what's happening is if I type in the lower field, the value gets sent to 
the derived field in the table, but then Text field gets immediately set back 
to the original value. So the effect is you type one character and it is lost 
as far as the lower field is concerned, but the derived value in the table is 
updated. You can only ever change one character. And also the lower text field 
loses focus.

I've put break points in all the setters and getters, and there seems like no 
reason for this odd behavior. I can't see how the field would get set back to 
the old value.

If I turn off Continuously  Update Value, it works sensibly, albeit not as nice 
since you've got to exit the field to have everything in synch.

Any thoughts?


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Re: Tricky binding and continuous update problem

2010-04-06 Thread Chris Idou

I am using an NSArrayController.

I don't know, it seems to me like having everything always in synch is nicer. 
The user can see immediately how changing one field is affecting the other. And 
it used to work.

- Original Message 
From: Jerry Krinock
To: Chris Idou
Sent: Wed, 7 April, 2010 10:24:18 AM
Subject: Re: Tricky binding and continuous update problem

On 2010 Apr 06, at 16:36, Chris Idou wrote:

 If I turn off Continuously  Update Value, it works sensibly,

Turn it off.  Look at any of Apple's Sample Code.  Also, Cocoa Design Rule #1: 
If something is off/on by default, don't change it unless you're knowingly 
doing something weird.

 albeit not as nice since you've got to exit the field to have everything in 

That's the way most apps work.

You did not mention using an array controller.  To insure data integrity in 
case user tabs out, abruptly closes the window, etc., do not bind directly to 
the model.  Instead, bind your text fields (detail views) to an 
NSArrayController to which the table columns are also bound.  As a matter of 
fact, if you didn't use an array controller, you'd better look at Apple's 
DepartmentAndEmployees sample code and be prepared for a little re-work.  There 
may be a way to make your design paradigm work, but why bother?

The way I understand it, the NSArrayController superclass NSObjectController 
fulfills the same purpose of data integrity if you can't bind to an array 
controller, for example if you have an Inspector in another nib.  
NSObjectController seems like a heavy weight for this purpose, but it works.  
For an example of this, in DepartmentAndEmployees's MyDocument.nib, look at the 
NSObjectController named 'Department Controller'.  It seems like it's useless 
but it's not.

Probably someone else can give a more in-depth explanation.


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Re: Tricky binding and continuous update problem

2010-04-06 Thread Chris Idou

How does it wreak havoc with undo? Undo seems to work still. In something like 
TextExpander, you change the textfield where your expansion goes, and the table 
in the left hand side changes as you type. That's what I was aiming for.

But I've found why it suddenly stopped working. I stumbled upon the URL below. 
Apparently the Automatically rearrange content for the NSArrayController 
makes this all go awry. It seems like I can choose between auto rearrange 
content, or continuously update values, but not both. Don't know if this is a 
bug or if there is some reason for it.

- Original Message 
From: Kyle Sluder
To: Chris Idou
Cc: Jerry Krinock;
Sent: Wed, 7 April, 2010 11:21:28 AM
Subject: Re: Tricky binding and continuous update problem

On Tue, Apr 6, 2010 at 5:28 PM, Chris Idou wrote:
 I don't know, it seems to me like having everything always in synch is nicer. 
 The user can see immediately how changing one field is affecting the other. 
 And it used to work.

That will wreak havoc with Undo. Continuously updating values is not
pretty, and it's not how text fields behave on the Mac. Rich text does
behave as you describe, but you can't use bindings for that.

Avoid fighting the framework. ;-)

--Kyle Sluder


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SetFrontProcessWithOptions and NSPanel

2010-01-31 Thread Chris Idou

I've got a NSPanel HUD that I need to be able to pop up above other 
applications, but I need to pop only the HUD, and not other windows in my 
application. So naturally I'm using:

SetFrontProcessWithOptions(psn, kSetFrontProcessFrontWindowOnly);

However, it still pops up all my windows, and not just the HUD panel. I notice 
this doesn't happen when it is a regular window. I notice the documentation 
says that kSetFrontProcessFrontWindowOnly only works for non-floating windows 
so I've set on the window:

[(NSPanel *)self.window setFloatingPanel:NO];

But to no avail.

Can anybody help?

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FSEventStreamCreate and File System Events Wierdness

2010-01-29 Thread Chris Idou

I'm trying to use the file system events api, but what I'm seeing seems wierd.

Firstly, the documentation as I read it says you can store the last event id, 
and pass that to FSEventStreamCreate next time to carry on where you left off. 
However what I'm seeing if I do that, is it immediately resends me that event. 
So lets say I process event 877921818. I store that and exit the program. Next 
time I pass 877921818 to FSEventStreamCreate and I immediately get another 
callback with event id 877921818, so I end up processing it again.

So I'm thinking to myself, maybe what it really wants is the lastevent+1. So I 
pass 877921819 to FSEventStreamCreate instead. But then what happens is I 
immediately get a callback with event 877921819. This despite that nothing has 
changed. (I'm actually monitoring an empty folder, and nothing is changing, not 
even so much as timestamps or anything). If I pass lastEvent+10 I immediately 
get a callback with that id, even though nothing has changed.

Interestingly, if I monitor multiple folders, it seems to only callback with 
whichever one is passed in first.

It seems like if you pass an explicit event id into FSEventStreamCreate in 
absolutely insists on giving you an immediate callback that something changed 
with whichever is the first folder in the list, even though in fact nothing has 
changed. It seems to be broken in a major way, but its hard to believe 
something like is is *that* broken.

Any comments?

OS-X 10.6.2

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Re: FSEventStreamCreate and File System Events Wierdness

2010-01-29 Thread Chris Idou

Firstly, I don't think that actually makes sense, given the whole point of the 

Secondly, it only does it for the first folder you pass in, so it isn't even 

But yes I guess one could compare and ignore.

From: Graham Cox
To: Chris Idou
Sent: Fri, 29 January, 2010 11:27:31 PM
Subject: Re: FSEventStreamCreate and File System Events Wierdness

Well, I have no experience of this API, but perhaps it's designed to do this so 
that when you restart a stream, you get an event that gives you a snapshot or 
starting point for the new session.

Seems to me it would be trivial to compare the event ID and if it's the one you 
just passed in, ignore it.


On 29/01/2010, at 11:22 PM, Chris Idou wrote:

 I'm trying to use the file system events api, but what I'm seeing seems wierd.
 Firstly, the documentation as I read it says you can store the last event id, 
 and pass that to FSEventStreamCreate next time to carry on where you left 
 off. However what I'm seeing if I do that, is it immediately resends me that 
 event. So lets say I process event 877921818. I store that and exit the 
 program. Next time I pass 877921818 to FSEventStreamCreate and I immediately 
 get another callback with event id 877921818, so I end up processing it again.
 So I'm thinking to myself, maybe what it really wants is the lastevent+1. So 
 I pass 877921819 to FSEventStreamCreate instead. But then what happens is I 
 immediately get a callback with event 877921819. This despite that nothing 
 has changed. (I'm actually monitoring an empty folder, and nothing is 
 changing, not even so much as timestamps or anything). If I pass lastEvent+10 
 I immediately get a callback with that id, even though nothing has changed.
 Interestingly, if I monitor multiple folders, it seems to only callback with 
 whichever one is passed in first.
 It seems like if you pass an explicit event id into FSEventStreamCreate in 
 absolutely insists on giving you an immediate callback that something changed 
 with whichever is the first folder in the list, even though in fact nothing 
 has changed. It seems to be broken in a major way, but its hard to believe 
 something like is is *that* broken.
 Any comments?

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Re: FSEventStreamCreate and File System Events Wierdness

2010-01-29 Thread Chris Idou

No, I'm not using FSEventStreamCreateRelativeToDevice, I'm using 
FSEventStreamCreate. What you quote is only relevant to 

From: Graham Cox
To: Chris Idou
Sent: Fri, 29 January, 2010 11:33:40 PM
Subject: Re: FSEventStreamCreate and File System Events Wierdness

I also note this in the documentation:

FSEventStreamGetLatestEventId() - Initially, this returns the sinceWhen value 
supplied when the stream was created; thereafter, it is updated with the 
highest-numbered event ID mentioned in the current batch of events just before 
invoking the client's callback. Clients can store this value persistently as 
long as they also store the UUID for the device (obtained via 
FSEventsCopyUUIDForDevice()). Clients can then later supply this event ID as 
the sinceWhen parameter to FSEventStreamCreateRelativeToDevice(), as long as 
its UUID matches what you stored. This works because the FSEvents service 
stores events in a persistent, per-volume database. In this regard,the stream 
of event IDs acts like a global, system-wide clock, but bears no relation to 
any particular timebase.

So, are you also storing the UUID and using 
FSEventStreamCreateRelativeToDevice? Sounds like you're not.


On 29/01/2010, at 11:22 PM, Chris Idou wrote:

 Firstly, the documentation as I read it says you can store the last event id, 
 and pass that to FSEventStreamCreate next time to carry on where you left 
 off. However what I'm seeing if I do that, is it immediately resends me that 
 event. So lets say I process event 877921818. I store that and exit the 
 program. Next time I pass 877921818 to FSEventStreamCreate and I immediately 
 get another callback with event id 877921818, so I end up processing it again.

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Re: Confused about setting selection in NSBrowser

2010-01-16 Thread Chris Idou

Yes, I'm doing 10.6. But I don't see anything about item based in 
NSBrowser.h, nor anything else that looks enlightening.

From: Corbin Dunn
To: Keary Suska
Cc: Chris Idou;
Sent: Sat, 16 January, 2010 3:17:00 AM
Subject: Re: Confused about setting selection in NSBrowser

On Jan 15, 2010, at 8:07 AM, Keary Suska wrote:

 On Jan 14, 2010, at 9:56 PM, Chris Idou wrote:
 I'm trying to set the selected item in an NSBrowser.
 I don't want to use setPath: because the items I'm storing in the browser 
 are not unique, so therefore paths are not unique.
 I'm trying to use setIndexPath: but when I try the program throws an 
 HIToolbox: ignoring exception 'setSelectionIndexPath: is not supported for 
 browsers with matrix delegates.' that raised inside Carbon event dispatch
 0   CoreFoundation  0x7fff80322444 
 __exceptionPreprocess + 180
 1   libobjc.A.dylib 0x7fff8055d0f3 
 objc_exception_throw + 45
 2   AppKit  0x7fff8378e252 -[NSBrowser 
 setSelectionIndexPath:] + 128
 I don't understand what this exception means.
 Are you building against 10.6 SDK?

Chris must be, otherwise he would have warnings.

Chris -- read up about the item based browser in the NSBrowser.h header.


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Confused about setting selection in NSBrowser

2010-01-14 Thread Chris Idou

I'm trying to set the selected item in an NSBrowser.

I don't want to use setPath: because the items I'm storing in the browser are 
not unique, so therefore paths are not unique.

I'm trying to use setIndexPath: but when I try the program throws an exception:

HIToolbox: ignoring exception 'setSelectionIndexPath: is not supported for 
browsers with matrix delegates.' that raised inside Carbon event dispatch
0   CoreFoundation  0x7fff80322444 
__exceptionPreprocess + 180
1   libobjc.A.dylib 0x7fff8055d0f3 objc_exception_throw 
+ 45
2   AppKit  0x7fff8378e252 -[NSBrowser 
setSelectionIndexPath:] + 128

I don't understand what this exception means.

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Re: Time to drop PowerPC support?

2010-01-14 Thread Chris Idou

Another factor to consider is that you will need to maintain PowerPC
hardware to test on.

--Kyle Sluder

I had a 50,000 line Cocoa program, and I thought about restricting it to Intel 
for that reason, but then I thought heck, I'll build it universal and throw it 
out there. Not a single bug reported due to PPC, and a few happy customers for 
my trouble.

I don't see the point in dropping PPC support, unless you have special issues.

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NSSpellChecker language guessing doesn't work

2009-12-14 Thread Chris Idou

I'm trying to use guessesForWordRange:inString:language:inSpellDocumentWithTag: 
and have it use automatic language guessing, but it doesn't seem to work.

At first I was just passing a word, and despite it being in Russian letters, I 
figured it didn't have enough context to guess. So I passed in a large document 
with the range of the word I want checked. But this didn't work either.

So then I thought, maybe this API isn't one that guesses. So I tried calling 
 immediately prior with a unique tag the same as what I pass to 
guessesForWordRange:inString:language:inSpellDocumentWithTag. But this didn't 
help at all either.

How can I force the spell checking to guess languages?

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core data and migration

2009-11-22 Thread Chris Idou

If I have versions of my model, A, B and C, do I only need a mapping model from 
A-B and B-C, and if someone wants to upgrade A-C is core data smart enough 
to do the two migrations, or do I need a separate mapping model from A-C ?

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Re: tiffs on pasteboard

2009-11-20 Thread Chris Idou

I thought the solution to big files was to use pasteboard promises... not to 
setup a pasteboard which is  conflicted about what item it is trying to store. 
At least that's what I find documented by Apple.

From: Alexander Spohr
To: Chris Idou
Cc: Jens Alfke;
Sent: Fri, 20 November, 2009 7:00:18 PM
Subject: Re: tiffs on pasteboard

Am 20.11.2009 um 03:04 schrieb Chris Idou:

 But what are the rules and conventions? Why would Finder put the icon in the 
 pasteboard on the assumption that is what the user wants, but TextEdit would 
 paste in the actual file on the assumption that is what the user wants? It 
 seems schizophrenic.

Yeah. Copying a 20MB image to the pasteboard would be what the user wants. Or 
better one Gig of video. I think not.
You think like a user (who would assume that the file is really on the 
pasteboard) and not like a developer (who should know that the pasteboard 
content has to be lightweight).

 I just want a list of rules of how to use the Pasteboard in a way that 
 conforms to what users expect. If I start ignoring the TIFF part of the 
 pasteboard in favor of the URL on the assumption that is what the user wants, 
 why is the tiff there anyway?

The TIFF is a preview. The URL is the meat.

 And will that get me into trouble in other cases?

That depends only on the pasteboard provider. There is no strict rule. The 
provider does not know the recipient and therefore puts everything on the 
pasteboard that will satisfy the task the provider offers.


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Re: asl_log aborts the program?

2009-11-20 Thread Chris Idou

I just noticed something I didn't see before, namely that the doco says to call 
asl_open once for each thread, which I'm not doing. I guess this most likely is 
the cause.

From: Jeremy Pereira
To: Chris Idou; Cocoa Forum
Cc: Jeremy Pereira
Sent: Fri, 20 November, 2009 9:35:01 PM
Subject: Re: asl_log aborts the program?

On 20 Nov 2009, at 06:33, Chris Idou wrote:

 I've got a report from a user of my program crashing.
 In the console they are getting this:
 11/19/09 3:08:46 PM[0x0-0x18a18a]Progname[8699]Progname(8699,0x1167b) 
 malloc: *** error for object 0x100563870: pointer being freed was not 
 11/19/09 3:08:46 PM[0x0-0x18a18a] Progname[8699]*** set a breakpoint in 
 malloc_error_break to debug
 Thread 2 Crashed:
 0   libSystem.B.dylib 0x7fff87a7784d usleep$NOCANCEL + 0
 1   libSystem.B.dylib 0x7fff87a96e3c abort + 93
 2   libSystem.B.dylib 0x7fff879ae155 free + 128
 3   libSystem.B.dylib 0x7fff879fa16e asl_set_query + 572
 4   libSystem.B.dylib 0x7fff87a16239 asl_send + 824
 5   libSystem.B.dylib 0x7fff87a15e56 asl_vlog + 570
 6   libSystem.B.dylib 0x7fff87a15c19 asl_log + 153
 7   Progname.CocoaTools0x000104567101 -[Log 
 vlogLevel:format:arguments:] + 270
 8   Progname.CocoaTools0x00010456730c -[Log notice:] + 164
 Does this look like an Apple bug? It looks to me like the asl subsystem is 
 freeing something it shouldn't and aborting the program.

Normally when I see crashes involving calls to methods with format strings, I 
immediately assume that the arguments following the the format string do not 
match the format specifiers in the format string. e.g. if -[Log notice:] is 
declared like this

-(void) notice: (NSString*) format, ...;

[log notice: @blah blah blah %@ %s, blah];

The above line has an NSObject missing from its argument list.  There's also

[log notice: someNSStringofIndeterminateOrigin];

which may crash if the string contains format specifiers e.g. if it is a URL 
with % escapes in it.

So you probably want to check your calls to -[Log notice:].

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Re: tiffs on pasteboard

2009-11-20 Thread Chris Idou

Well... now that in 10.6 the pasteboard types are UTI types, I'm not sure that 
one can say anymore that there is no mapping from files to pasteboard types. 
And 10.6 Finder puts a public.tiff into the pasteboard in this case, but I 
would argue it is the wrong tiff.

On Nov 20, 2009, at 1:35 AM, Chris Idou wrote:

 I thought the solution to big files was to use pasteboard promises... not to 
 setup a pasteboard which is  conflicted about what item it is trying to 
 store. At least that's what I find documented by Apple.

You're correct that promises would overcome some of the inefficiencies 
(although I can envision other situations where the size would be a problem.)

I suspect the real reason is that there isn't a straightforward mapping between 
file types and pasteboard types. There is not in general any table that says a 
file with extension .foo contains data that can be stored in a pasteboard 
using type 'FooPasteboardType'; so the Finder would not be able to decide in 
all cases what pasteboard type to use for the contents of the dragged/copied 

You could argue that images are a useful special case; but I suspect that the 
engineers responsible decided that it was better to remain consistent..

(And actually, it doesn't even work for all image types. The old Mac 'PICT' 
format is infamous for having a slightly different representation in memory 
than in a file, so you can't just slurp a PICT file into the pasteboard and 
have it be useable.)


* Especially for package file types that are actually directories; would the 
rule be to create a Zip archive? :-P

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Advice about crash requested

2009-11-19 Thread Chris Idou

I've got a user getting the following crash, and I don't know what to make of 
it because it all happens in Apple code. Has anyone got any advice?

Process: XXX [242]
Identifier:  XXX
Version: 1.19 (19)
Code Type:   X86-64 (Native)
Parent Process:  launchd [180]

Date/Time:   2009-11-15 23:34:52.052 -0500
OS Version:  Mac OS X 10.6.2 (10C540)
Report Version:  6

Exception Codes: KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS at 0x000b
Crashed Thread:  0  Dispatch queue:

Application Specific Information:
objc_msgSend() selector name: invalidate
objc[242]: garbage collection is ON

Thread 0 Crashed:  Dispatch queue:
0   libobjc.A.dylib   0x7fff85a4210a objc_msgSend + 22
1  0x7fff8169871e 
-[NSImageCell(NSPrivateAnimationSupport) _stopAnimation] + 43
2  0x7fff819b60c2 -[NSImageView finalize] + 
3   libobjc.A.dylib   0x7fff85a48f67 finalizeOneObject + 48
4   libauto.dylib 0x7fff85b113d5 
Auto::foreach_block_do(auto_zone_cursor*, void (*)(void*, void*), void*) + 85
5   libobjc.A.dylib   0x7fff85a48b5c batchFinalize + 64
6   libobjc.A.dylib   0x7fff85a48e00 batchFinalizeOnMainThread 
+ 87
7   libSystem.B.dylib 0x7fff879e3ce8 
_dispatch_call_block_and_release + 15
8   libSystem.B.dylib 0x7fff879c287a _dispatch_queue_drain + 251
9   libSystem.B.dylib 0x7fff879c3127 
_dispatch_queue_serial_drain_till_empty + 9
10  libSystem.B.dylib 0x7fff879f5e4c 
_dispatch_main_queue_callback_4CF + 37
11  0x7fff86c99b00 __CFRunLoopRun + 2560
12  0x7fff86c98c2f CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 575
13   0x7fff865b9a4e RunCurrentEventLoopInMode 
+ 333
14   0x7fff865b9853 ReceiveNextEventCommon + 
15   0x7fff865b970c 
BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInMode + 59
16  0x7fff815f31f2 _DPSNextEvent + 708
17  0x7fff815f2b41 -[NSApplication 
nextEventMatchingMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 155
18  0x7fff815b8747 -[NSApplication run] + 395
19  XXX 0x00010eea main + 76
20  XXX 0x00010e7c start + 52

Thread 1:  Dispatch queue:
0   libSystem.B.dylib 0x7fff879c0bba kevent + 10
1   libSystem.B.dylib 0x7fff879c2a85 _dispatch_mgr_invoke + 154
2   libSystem.B.dylib 0x7fff879c275c _dispatch_queue_invoke + 
3   libSystem.B.dylib 0x7fff879c2286 _dispatch_worker_thread2 + 
4   libSystem.B.dylib 0x7fff879c1bb8 _pthread_wqthread + 353
5   libSystem.B.dylib 0x7fff879c1a55 start_wqthread + 13

Thread 2:
0   libSystem.B.dylib 0x7fff879a7e3a mach_msg_trap + 10
1   libSystem.B.dylib 0x7fff879a84ad mach_msg + 59
2  0x7fff86c997a2 __CFRunLoopRun + 1698
3  0x7fff86c98c2f CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 575
4  0x7fff82021a24 -[NSRunLoop(NSRunLoop) 
runMode:beforeDate:] + 270
5 -[InfiniteThread main] + 
6   AutoFilerPlugin   0x00010352040c -[FilerExecutor main] + 72
7  0x7fff81fe6e99 __NSThread__main__ + 1429
8   libSystem.B.dylib 0x7fff879e0f8e _pthread_start + 331
9   libSystem.B.dylib 0x7fff879e0e41 thread_start + 13

Thread 3:  Dispatch queue: Garbage Collection Work Queue
0   libSystem.B.dylib 0x7fff879e29ee __semwait_signal + 10
1   libSystem.B.dylib 0x7fff879e67f1 _pthread_cond_wait + 1286
2   libobjc.A.dylib   0x7fff85a48cd8 batchFinalizeOnTwoThreads 
+ 250
3   libauto.dylib 0x7fff85b0b1e7 
Auto::Zone::invalidate_garbage(unsigned long, unsigned long const*) + 71
4   libauto.dylib 0x7fff85afbbd1 
auto_collect_internal(Auto::Zone*, unsigned int) + 481
5   libauto.dylib 0x7fff85afc16d 
auto_collection_work(Auto::Zone*) + 157
6   libSystem.B.dylib 0x7fff879e3ce8 
_dispatch_call_block_and_release + 15
7   libSystem.B.dylib 0x7fff879c287a _dispatch_queue_drain + 251
8   libSystem.B.dylib 0x7fff879c26dc _dispatch_queue_invoke + 57
9   libSystem.B.dylib 0x7fff879c2286 _dispatch_worker_thread2 + 
10  libSystem.B.dylib 0x7fff879c1bb8 _pthread_wqthread + 353

tiffs on pasteboard

2009-11-19 Thread Chris Idou

I'm trying to read a TIFF off the pasteboard, but it doesn't seem to work for 
me. What I'm doing is going into Finder, finding a TIFF file and Command-C it.

Among other types I then find on the pasteboard are:
NeXT TIFF v4.0 pasteboard type

If I take either of those from the pasteboard and write the NSData object to a 

[content writeToFile:@/tmp/foo.tiffatomically:YES];

or else if I make an NSImage from the data:
[[NSImagealloc] initWithData:content]

and display it in an NSImageView then I always see the generic TIFF icon, i.e. 
the one with a photo of a child scattered on the table, with a loupe on top of 

The same thing happens for JPEGs, GIFS and PNGs, but not for If 
I take the, it displays correctly.

What am I doing wrong?

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Re: Advice about crash requested

2009-11-19 Thread Chris Idou

Mainly stuff to do with examining files, and on the odd occasion it needs to do 
anything in the GUI it executes it on the main thread.

From: David Duncan
To: Chris Idou
Sent: Fri, 20 November, 2009 11:21:58 AM
Subject: Re: Advice about crash requested

On Nov 19, 2009, at 4:18 PM, Chris Idou wrote:

 I've got a user getting the following crash, and I don't know what to make of 
 it because it all happens in Apple code. Has anyone got any advice?

What are you doing on Thread 2 ([FilerExecutor main])?
David Duncan
Apple DTS Animation and Printing

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Re: tiffs on pasteboard

2009-11-19 Thread Chris Idou

I notice that at least works when I copy it from Preview, but it 
doesn't work when just copying from Finder.

But either way TextEdit seems to be able to get the right thing if I paste into 

From: Chris Idou
To: Kyle Sluder
Sent: Fri, 20 November, 2009 11:43:17 AM
Subject: Re: tiffs on pasteboard

If I double click the tiff in Finder, and open it in Preview, click it in 
Preview, Command-A, Command-C, the same thing happens.

From: Kyle Sluder
To: Chris Idou
Sent: Fri, 20 November, 2009 11:36:54 AM
Subject: Re: tiffs on pasteboard

On Thu, Nov 19, 2009 at 4:33 PM, Chris Idou wrote:
 I'm trying to read a TIFF off the pasteboard, but it doesn't seem to work for 
 me. What I'm doing is going into Finder, finding a TIFF file and Command-C it.

You've copied the file icon.  If you want to copy the file's data, you
need to open it in Preview and copy that.

--Kyle Sluder

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Re: Advice about crash requested

2009-11-19 Thread Chris Idou

This will help if I'm ever able to repeat it. Right now its just a user report 
and I can't repeat it.

From: Sean McBride
To: Jens Alfke; Chris Idou
Sent: Fri, 20 November, 2009 12:03:33 PM
Subject: Re: Advice about crash requested

On 11/19/09 4:54 PM, Jens Alfke said:

On Nov 19, 2009, at 4:18 PM, Chris Idou wrote:

 Thread 0 Crashed:  Dispatch queue:
 0   libobjc.A.dylib   0x7fff85a4210a objc_msgSend + 22
 1  0x7fff8169871e -[NSImageCell
(NSPrivateAnimationSupport) _stopAnimation] + 43
 2  0x7fff819b60c2 -[NSImageView
finalize] + 26

Looks like NSImageCell is calling a bogus object, probably one that's
already been freed. That's sort of unusual for a GC'd app -- usually this
indicates a ref-counting bug. You're not calling AppKit from a
background thread, are you?

Turning on NSZombieEnabled might help shed some light on this.

It won't, because NSZombieEnabled does nothing in GC apps. :(

There's a
So, You've Crashed In objc_msgsend FAQ out there on teh interwebz
somewhere that goes into more detail on troubleshooting.

It's here:


Sean McBride, B.
Mac Software Developer  Montréal, Québec, Canada

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Re: tiffs on pasteboard

2009-11-19 Thread Chris Idou

But what are the rules and conventions? Why would Finder put the icon in the 
pasteboard on the assumption that is what the user wants, but TextEdit would 
paste in the actual file on the assumption that is what the user wants? It 
seems schizophrenic. I just want a list of rules of how to use the Pasteboard 
in a way that conforms to what users expect. If I start ignoring the TIFF part 
of the pasteboard in favor of the URL on the assumption that is what the user 
wants, why is the tiff there anyway? And will that get me into trouble in other 

From: Jens Alfke
To: Chris Idou
Cc: Kyle Sluder;
Sent: Fri, 20 November, 2009 12:29:51 PM
Subject: Re: tiffs on pasteboard

On Nov 19, 2009, at 5:24 PM, Chris Idou wrote:

 But I'm still confused about one thing: If copying from Finder actually 
 copies the file icon, and not the actual tiff, how come it pastes ok into 

The Finder also puts the location of the file on the pasteboard, and I believe 
TextEdit sees that, recognizes that it's an image file, and reads the file into 
an image. You can do the same fairly easily.


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asl_log aborts the program?

2009-11-19 Thread Chris Idou

I've got a report from a user of my program crashing.

In the console they are getting this:

11/19/09 3:08:46 PM[0x0-0x18a18a]Progname[8699]Progname(8699,0x1167b) 
malloc: *** error for object 0x100563870: pointer being freed was not allocated
11/19/09 3:08:46 PM[0x0-0x18a18a] Progname[8699]*** set a breakpoint in 
malloc_error_break to debug

And in the crash report:

Process: Progname [11128]
Identifier:  Progname
Version: 1.19 (19)
Code Type:   X86-64 (Native)
Parent Process:  launchd [180]

Date/Time:   2009-11-19 17:40:42.570 -0500
OS Version:  Mac OS X 10.6.2 (10C540)
Report Version:  6

Exception Type:  EXC_CRASH (SIGABRT)
Exception Codes: 0x, 0x
Crashed Thread:  2

Application Specific Information:
abort() called
objc[11128]: garbage collection is ON

Thread 0:  Dispatch queue:
0   libSystem.B.dylib 0x7fff879a7e3a mach_msg_trap + 10
1   libSystem.B.dylib 0x7fff879a84ad mach_msg + 59
2  0x7fff86c997a2 __CFRunLoopRun + 1698
3  0x7fff86c98c2f CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 575
4   0x7fff865b9a4e RunCurrentEventLoopInMode 
+ 333
5   0x7fff865b9853 ReceiveNextEventCommon + 
6   0x7fff865b970c 
BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInMode + 59
7  0x7fff815f31f2 _DPSNextEvent + 708
8  0x7fff815f2b41 -[NSApplication 
nextEventMatchingMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 155
9  0x7fff815b8747 -[NSApplication run] + 395
10  Progname 0x00010eea main + 76
11  Progname 0x00010e7c start + 52

Thread 1:  Dispatch queue:
0   libSystem.B.dylib 0x7fff879c0bba kevent + 10
1   libSystem.B.dylib 0x7fff879c2a85 _dispatch_mgr_invoke + 154
2   libSystem.B.dylib 0x7fff879c275c _dispatch_queue_invoke + 
3   libSystem.B.dylib 0x7fff879c2286 _dispatch_worker_thread2 + 
4   libSystem.B.dylib 0x7fff879c1bb8 _pthread_wqthread + 353
5   libSystem.B.dylib 0x7fff879c1a55 start_wqthread + 13

Thread 2 Crashed:
0   libSystem.B.dylib 0x7fff87a7784d usleep$NOCANCEL + 0
1   libSystem.B.dylib 0x7fff87a96e3c abort + 93
2   libSystem.B.dylib 0x7fff879ae155 free + 128
3   libSystem.B.dylib 0x7fff879fa16e asl_set_query + 572
4   libSystem.B.dylib 0x7fff87a16239 asl_send + 824
5   libSystem.B.dylib 0x7fff87a15e56 asl_vlog + 570
6   libSystem.B.dylib 0x7fff87a15c19 asl_log + 153
7   Progname.CocoaTools0x000104567101 -[Log 
vlogLevel:format:arguments:] + 270
8   Progname.CocoaTools0x00010456730c -[Log notice:] + 164

Does this look like an Apple bug? It looks to me like the asl subsystem is 
freeing something it shouldn't and aborting the program.

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Of FontManagers and responder chains

2009-10-29 Thread Chris Idou

I am trying to implement choosing default fonts, as found in the OS-X 10.6 
version of TextEdit's Preferences dialog.

i.e., you press a button, and it brings up the Font Chooser, and you select a 
font and it shows the name of the font in the dialog.

Now I thought I had it all working, but the trouble is I have the option in 
System Preferences, Keyboard prefs called Full Keyboard Access to allow focus 
in all controls. When I turn that option off, nothing in my dialog has explicit 
focus, and so it seems, changeFont: is never called, presumably because my 
delegate object for the window is not in the responder chain. I've tried to 
explicitly make my window the first responder, and to make the button the first 
responder, but apparently no dice, they are not allowed to be first responder, 
or even in the responder chain, because they have no focusable objects.

I could change the action for NSFontManager, but this breaks things for other 
uses of the NSFontManager, and seems like a bad idea. I notice that TextEdit 
when you press a change font in TextEdit Preferences it explicitly makes the 
text fields to NOT be first responder, so it seems like it is also using the 
first responder mechanism to make it work. But I can't seem to.

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Odd window behavior LSUIElement=1

2009-10-27 Thread Chris Idou

I have an app running without dock icon, and it exhibits odd behavior.

Let's say I have existing applications running, A with a window on top of 
application B. My program pops up a window and forces it to the front. So I 
have MyApp on top of A on top of B. Now I click on Application A, 
bringing it to the front. Now I have A on top of MyApp on top of B. Now I 
quit A. As I quit A, MyApp suddenly pops behind B.

The same thing happens whether I programmatically forced MyApp to the front, 
or whether I bring it to the front by clicking on it. It doesn't happen when I 
run LSUIElement=0

Can anyone tell me what is going on?

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Re: Snow Leopard: unsupported PointerFunctions configuration was requested

2009-10-10 Thread Chris Idou

Below is the RegexKit code that causes the Snow Leopard error. After reading 
the doco, I don't feel very enlightened about what the unsupported 
configuration is, or what the solution might be. Can anyone give me a clue?

+ (void)load
  RKAtomicMemoryBarrier(); // Extra cautious
  if(RKCacheLoadInitialized== 1) { return; }
  if(RKAtomicCompareAndSwapInt(0, 1, RKCacheLoadInitialized)) {
if((cacheMapKeyCallBacks= dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, NSIntegerMapKeyCallBacks)) 
== NULL) { cacheMapKeyCallBacks= dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, NSIntMapKeyCallBacks); }

id garbageCollector = objc_getClass(NSGarbageCollector);

if(garbageCollector != NULL) {
  if([garbageCollector defaultCollector] != NULL) {
id pointerFunctions = objc_getClass(NSPointerFunctions);

RKCacheIntegerKeyPointerFunctions = [pointerFunctions 
RKCacheIntegerKeyPointerFunctions.acquireFunction = 
RKCacheIntegerKeyPointerFunctions.descriptionFunction = 
RKCacheIntegerKeyPointerFunctions.isEqualFunction = 
RKCacheIntegerKeyPointerFunctions.relinquishFunction  = 

RKCacheObjectValuePointerFunctions = [pointerFunctions 

[[garbageCollector defaultCollector] 
[[garbageCollector defaultCollector] 

From: Bill Bumgarner
To: Chris Idou
Sent: Thu, 24 September, 2009 12:36:04 PM
Subject: Re: Snow Leopard: unsupported PointerFunctions configuration was 

On Sep 23, 2009, at 7:09 PM, Chris Idou wrote:
Very early in application startup, even before main() is called, I get the 
following error:
 2009-09-24 12:07:11.462 MyApp[5534:a0f] *** An unsupported PointerFunctions 
 configuration was requested, probably for use by NSMapTable, NSHashTable, or 
 NSPointerArray.  The requested configuration fails due to integer personality 
 not using opaque memory
 It happens twice on startup, and below are the stack traces when it happens:
 What does it all mean?
 #00x7fff84b342f7 in NSLog
 #10x7fff84ac84d1 in +[NSConcretePointerFunctions 
 #20x7fff84aea796 in -[NSConcretePointerFunctions initWithOptions:]
 #30x7fff84aea74d in +[NSPointerFunctions pointerFunctionsWithOptions:]
 #40x10004b633 in +[RKCache load]

One change to the NSPointerFunction based collection classes (which support a 
number of things that NSArray  the like do not) between Leopard and Snow 
Leopard was to tighten up the validation of the pointer function validation 
such that a handful of non-sensical configurations are detected that weren't 

I.e. RKCache is trying to create a set of pointer functions that doesn't make 
sense (and for whose behavior is undefined).

As someone else pointed out, RK is most likely RegexKit and, thus, the source 
is available and can be fixed.  Given the relatively common use of RK*, please 
provide a patch to the author so it can be fixed upstream.


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Fw: Snow Leopard: unsupported PointerFunctions configuration was requested

2009-10-10 Thread Chris Idou

Below is the RegexKit code that causes the Snow Leopard error. After reading 
the doco, I don't feel very enlightened about what the unsupported 
configuration is, or what the solution might be. Can anyone give me a clue?

+ (void)load
  RKAtomicMemoryBarrier(); // Extra cautious
  if(RKCacheLoadInitialized== 1) { return; }
  if(RKAtomicCompareAndSwapInt(0, 1, RKCacheLoadInitialized)) {
if((cacheMapKeyCallBacks= dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, NSIntegerMapKeyCallBacks)) 
== NULL) { cacheMapKeyCallBacks= dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, NSIntMapKeyCallBacks); }

id garbageCollector = objc_getClass(NSGarbageCollector);

if(garbageCollector != NULL) {
  if([garbageCollector defaultCollector] != NULL) {
id pointerFunctions = objc_getClass(NSPointerFunctions);

RKCacheIntegerKeyPointerFunctions = [pointerFunctions 
RKCacheIntegerKeyPointerFunctions.acquireFunction = 
RKCacheIntegerKeyPointerFunctions.descriptionFunction = 
RKCacheIntegerKeyPointerFunctions.isEqualFunction = 
RKCacheIntegerKeyPointerFunctions.relinquishFunction  = 

RKCacheObjectValuePointerFunctions = [pointerFunctions 

[[garbageCollector defaultCollector] 
[[garbageCollector defaultCollector] 

From: Bill Bumgarner
To: Chris Idou
Sent: Thu, 24 September, 2009 12:36:04 PM
Subject: Re: Snow Leopard: unsupported PointerFunctions configuration was 

On Sep 23, 2009, at 7:09 PM, Chris Idou wrote:
Very early in application startup, even before main() is called, I get the 
following error:
 2009-09-24 12:07:11.462 MyApp[5534:a0f] *** An unsupported PointerFunctions 
 configuration was requested, probably for use by NSMapTable, NSHashTable, or 
 NSPointerArray.  The requested configuration fails due to integer personality 
 not using opaque memory
 It happens twice on startup, and below are the stack traces when it happens:
 What does it all mean?
 #00x7fff84b342f7 in NSLog
 #10x7fff84ac84d1 in +[NSConcretePointerFunctions 
 #20x7fff84aea796 in -[NSConcretePointerFunctions initWithOptions:]
 #30x7fff84aea74d in +[NSPointerFunctions pointerFunctionsWithOptions:]
 #40x10004b633 in +[RKCache load]

One change to the NSPointerFunction based collection classes (which support a 
number of things that NSArray  the like do not) between Leopard and Snow 
Leopard was to tighten up the validation of the pointer function validation 
such that a handful of non-sensical configurations are detected that weren't 

I.e. RKCache is trying to create a set of pointer functions that doesn't make 
sense (and for whose behavior is undefined).

As someone else pointed out, RK is most likely RegexKit and, thus, the source 
is available and can be fixed.  Given the relatively common use of RK*, please 
provide a patch to the author so it can be fixed upstream.


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NSDocumentController didCloseAllSelector

2009-09-30 Thread Chris Idou
The doco for closeAllDocumentsWithDelegate:didCloseAllSelector:contextInfo: 
says that it should call
the didCloseAllSelector. How would one do that? This is what I am doing:

[delegate performSelector:didCloseAllSelector withObject:(id)YES 

but I'm nervous about that typecast. Is that the way, or is there another way?

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Re: NSWindowController and GC

2009-09-30 Thread Chris Idou

The right way is to make sure something in your program retains a pointer to 
your window controller. Sometimes there will be an obvious place, like a member 
of the object that created the window controller. That is most typical. Worst 
case is you retain a pointer in some global variable or similar, but that also 
has a greater danger that you will forget to zero it out when you are finished 
with it, and it won't get collected. Some of my temporary dialog box 
controllers inherit from a class that puts itself in a global dictionary when 
created, and removes itself when the window closes.

From: Bryan Matteson
Sent: Thursday, 1 October, 2009 9:20:16 AM
Subject: NSWindowController and GC

I was just reminded of something. I use GC in my app, and unless I specifically 
disable collection for a window controller, it's destroyed as soon as it loses 
key. I solved it by setting the controller as the delegate of the window, 
disabling collection for the window controller in windowDidLoad, and 
re-enabling it in windowWillClose:. Is there another way?


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Re: Best Design Advice

2009-09-30 Thread Chris Idou
If it displays a window it should be an app. If its an app it should be in 
/Applications and it should be started from Login Items.

You can't install it automatically by security design. But once you get the 
user to install and run it, there are no permissions issues in adding it to 
login items (although asking the user is polite), and connecting to your web 

From: David Blanton
To: cocoa-dev List
Sent: Sunday, 15 November, 2009 4:21:31 AM
Subject: Best Design Advice

I need to create an app the is auto downloaded and installed from a web site 
when the user clicks a web page button.

The app needs to be installed so that it always runs when the user logs in.

The app needs to periodically (by user preference setting) connect to a web 

The app needs to display a window with information gleaned from its last web 
server connect.

1. Where should the app be installed.

2. Are there any permission issues.

3. Is this a background service or status like item.

4. Is it's periodic web connect fired by a timer or some other means.

5. Any other general tips / tricks.

Thanks in advance!



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Re: NSDocumentController didCloseAllSelector

2009-09-30 Thread Chris Idou

What I have is a document based app, but it automatically saves everything - I 
don't want to ask the user. So I'm saving all my documents in 
closeAllDocumentsWithDelegate. It's working pretty good, the only major hassle 
is the app doesn't die on machine shutdown, presumably because I wasn't calling 

I agree the whole setup is pretty confusing but after ponding it extensively, I 
think it is more or less sensible, given the need for the RunLoop and so on. 
(albeit, poorly documented).

I'm not sure what you mean you can invoke the method easily enough.

Maybe the right way to do it is with NSInvocation. But knowing what I know 
about objective-c, I can't see how setArgument:atIndex: would be able to know 
that the second argument is a BOOL which is one byte. Maybe it does know and it 
all just works.

From: Graham Cox
To: Chris Idou
Sent: Thursday, 1 October, 2009 11:42:05 AM
Subject: Re: NSDocumentController didCloseAllSelector

On 01/10/2009, at 11:00 AM, Chris Idou wrote:

 The doco for closeAllDocumentsWithDelegate:didCloseAllSelector:contextInfo: 
 says that it should call
 the didCloseAllSelector. How would one do that? This is what I am doing:

Chris, this stuff is a right old mess. No wonder you're confused.

It says *it* will call that method if all documents are closed. You don't 
necessarily have to call anything - looking at the byzantine interactions 
between all these methods all I can say is, if you can avoid it, do so!

What do you want to do? Unless you're overriding - 
shouldCloseSelector:(SEL)shouldCloseSelector contextInfo:(void *)contextInfo
to do something in a non-standard way there's nothing to do. If you are 
overriding it, you need to handle the whole kit-n-kaboodle, including 
presenting the alert to the user and saving the document to disk, and finally 
invoking the mysterious callback selector.

I can't actually see an easy way to invoke the callback selector with the 
signature as given - you need to pass it the document (self), a BOOL and the 
contextInfo. You can invoke the method directly on the delegate easily enough, 
but since you're supposed to use the callback supplied, that might not work. 
The only way I can see to do it is to create an NSInvocation with the selector, 
set each argument and call invokeWithTarget: passing the delegate.

Someone else might have a brighter idea - this seems very involved and badly 


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Snow Leopard, core data, read only and multiple threads

2009-09-27 Thread Chris Idou
I've got an app that worked on Leopard. I ported it to Snow Leopard SDK 10.6, 
and now it works on Snow Leopard, but it doesn't work correctly on Leopard 
anymore. I haven't changed anything that ought to affect this.

It's an app with a foreground gui that writes an XML coredata store. A 
background thread reads the repository and takes action. Both threads have the 
full core data stack with their own coordinators. As soon as I activate the 
background thread, the XML store gets set to zero bytes.

When I encountered the problem I read the doco and I added the 
NSReadOnlyPersistentStoreOption when calling addPersistentStoreWithType in the 
background thread, but that hasn't helped. It wasn't necessary before.

Has anyone got any thoughts?

And also, how am I going to debug this? Xcode 3.2 doesn't run on 10.5 does it? 
And is an Xcode 3.2 project now going to work with XCode 3.1?

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building and running on Snow Leopard

2009-09-23 Thread Chris Idou

If you build an application on Snow Leopard, but against the 10.5 deployment 
target, and then you run the program on Snow Leopard, do you get all the 
Leopard 10.5 bugs as if you ran it on Leopard, or do you get to benefit from 
Snow Leopard bug fixes only if you build against the 10.6 deplotment target?

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Re: building and running on Snow Leopard

2009-09-23 Thread Chris Idou

Ok, so if I don't desire bug for bug 10.5 compatibility, but I do want it to 
run on 10.5, then I select 10.6 SDK and 10.5 deployment target, is that right? 

I'm curious what happens if you use some external frameworks that were built 
against 10.5 SDK, yet your main app is 10.6 - I assume it will have to go with 
what your app says, I guess?

Also, since I'd like to take advantage of Snow Leopard bug fixes, but I don't 
want to blow up on Leopard, what is the correct way to test whether you are 
running on Leopard so that the code at runtime can implement Leopard specific 
work arounds?

From: Ken Thomases
To: Chris Idou
Sent: Wednesday, 23 September, 2009 5:37:01 PM
Subject: Re: building and running on Snow Leopard

On Sep 23, 2009, at 2:20 AM, Chris Idou wrote:

 If you build an application on Snow Leopard, but against the 10.5 deployment 
 target, and then you run the program on Snow Leopard, do you get all the 
 Leopard 10.5 bugs as if you ran it on Leopard, or do you get to benefit from 
 Snow Leopard bug fixes only if you build against the 10.6 deplotment target?

Not quite either.

At runtime, your app can only use the frameworks provided on the host system.  
Just because you linked against the 10.5 SDK doesn't change the fact that Snow 
Leopard only provides Snow Leopard's frameworks.

In general, your app will get the benefit of bug fixes in the Snow Leopard 
frameworks when running on Snow Leopard.  However, there are some bug fixes 
which Apple has determined would break backward compatibility with apps built 
and tested on Leopard or earlier.  For those fixes, they test which SDK the app 
was built against.  For those built against the pre-Snow Leopard SDK, they 
continue to provide the old, compatible-bug-buggy behavior.  This is documented 
in the release notes for the affected frameworks.

Note that this tests for the SDK that the app was built against.  You mentioned 
deployment target.  That's not the same thing.  If you build against the 10.6 
SDK but with a 10.5 deployment target, it is expected that you will be testing 
on both 10.6 and 10.5.  It is then your code's responsibility to handle both 
the old framework behavior the new behavior.  The Snow Leopard frameworks _do 
not_ go out of their way to maintain the old behavior in this case.


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Re: building and running on Snow Leopard

2009-09-23 Thread Chris Idou

From: Ken Thomases

Don't test whether you're running on Leopard.  Just write your code to cope 
with either behavior of the framework.  Read the release notes for the 
frameworks on which you rely for more guidance.  I think when you see the 
sorts of bugfixes which are special-cased in this way, it will be 
obvious how you should code in response.

Well I'm thinking of a particular bug on Leopard with MDItemCreate where you 
have to choose between your program crashing and leaking memory. Apple tells me 
it is fixed in Snow Leopard. On Leopard I choose to leak memory, but I'd rather 
not do that on Snow Leopard.

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Snow Leopard: unsupported PointerFunctions configuration was requested

2009-09-23 Thread Chris Idou
I'm porting an app to Snow Leopard. 

Very early in application startup, even before main() is called, I get the 
following error:

2009-09-24 12:07:11.462 MyApp[5534:a0f] *** An unsupported PointerFunctions 
configuration was requested, probably for use by NSMapTable, NSHashTable, or 
NSPointerArray.  The requested configuration fails due to integer personality 
not using opaque memory

It happens twice on startup, and below are the stack traces when it happens:

What does it all mean?

#00x7fff84b342f7 in NSLog
#10x7fff84ac84d1 in +[NSConcretePointerFunctions 
#20x7fff84aea796 in -[NSConcretePointerFunctions initWithOptions:]
#30x7fff84aea74d in +[NSPointerFunctions pointerFunctionsWithOptions:]
#40x10004b633 in +[RKCache load]
#50x7fff8764141b in call_load_methods
#60x7fff87641160 in load_images
#70x7fff5fc0315a in 
#80x7fff5fc0bcdd in 
#90x7fff5fc0bc9d in 
#100x7fff5fc0bda6 in 
#110x7fff5fc0210e in __dyld__ZN4dyld24initializeMainExecutableEv
#120x7fff5fc06981 in __dyld__ZN4dyld5_mainEPK12macho_headermiPPKcS5_S5_
#130x7fff5fc016d2 in __dyld__ZN13dyldbootstrap5startEPK12macho_headeriPPKcl
#140x7fff5fc01052 in __dyld__dyld_start

#00x7fff84b342f7 in NSLog
#10x7fff84aea7bd in -[NSConcretePointerFunctions initWithOptions:]
#20x7fff84aea74d in +[NSPointerFunctions pointerFunctionsWithOptions:]
#30x10004b633 in +[RKCache load]
#40x7fff8764141b in call_load_methods
#50x7fff87641160 in load_images
#60x7fff5fc0315a in 
#70x7fff5fc0bcdd in 
#80x7fff5fc0bc9d in 
#90x7fff5fc0bda6 in 
#100x7fff5fc0210e in __dyld__ZN4dyld24initializeMainExecutableEv
#110x7fff5fc06981 in __dyld__ZN4dyld5_mainEPK12macho_headermiPPKcS5_S5_
#120x7fff5fc016d2 in __dyld__ZN13dyldbootstrap5startEPK12macho_headeriPPKcl
#130x7fff5fc01052 in __dyld__dyld_start

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Re: Controlling Spaces and retrieving information about the current Space?

2009-09-23 Thread Chris Idou

 Secondly, is there any way in any of those environments to
 programmatically switch Spaces? [ ... ]

 No, there is no API (in Cocoa or otherwise) to control the active space.

But how does Spaces do it? Is it via an internal, private API that
people like us don't have access to?

There may not be any API, internal or otherwise. It might be all just built 
into the internal workings of the window manager process.

One would presume there is an internal API for switching to the grid view, 
since does that.

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Re: testing ppc on intel

2009-09-14 Thread Chris Idou

10.5.8. Now that I try, a new empty Cocoa app in XCode works. My app is just a 
one window Cocoa program that links with two frameworks (both of which are 
universal with ppc). arch -ppc works with /bin/cat, iTunes and so forth. Just 
not with my programs. I'm pretty sure I have no input managers, I cleared the 
contents of ~/Library/InputManagers and /Library/InputManagers, and I don't 
think I have kexts, I haven't installed those sort of programs, or any haxies.

If there is something wrong with my program, I'm not sure how to debug it.

From: Greg Guerin
To: list-cocoa-dev
Sent: Monday, 14 September, 2009 5:33:48 PM
Subject: Re: testing ppc on intel

Chris Idou wrote:

 Every program that I build universal but run on intel (OS 10.5) with arch 
 -ppc option, crashes with a report like the following, and I've tested quite 
 a few, even simple ones.

How simple is simple?  Hello world, or simpler?

What about programs you didn't write, such as /bin/cat?

Exactly which version of Leopard?  10.5 covers at least nine revisions.

Do you have any input managers, haxies, kexts, etc. active?

  -- GG


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testing ppc on intel

2009-09-13 Thread Chris Idou

Every program that I build universal but run on intel (OS 10.5) with arch 
-ppc option, crashes with a report like the following, and I've tested quite a 
few, even simple ones.

Is it unreasonable to try to test ppc programs on intel, or am I doing 
something wrong, or what?

Version: ??? (???)
Code Type:   PPC (Translated)
Parent Process:  bash [1652]

Interval Since Last Report:  83 sec
Crashes Since Last Report:   1
Per-App Interval Since Last Report:  0 sec
Per-App Crashes Since Last Report:   1

Date/Time:   2009-09-14 15:05:30.700 +1000
OS Version:  Mac OS X 10.5.8 (9L30)
Report Version:  6
Anonymous UUID:  FA165A8B-95AA-4C9A-9296-C70D9F3138FC

Exception Type:  EXC_CRASH (SIGTRAP)
Exception Codes: 0x, 0x
Crashed Thread:  2

Thread 0:
0   ???   0x816a5e28 0 + 2171231784

Thread 1:
0   ???   0x800bc286 0 + 2148254342
1   ???   0x800c3a7c 0 + 2148285052
2   translate 0xb818b6ea CallPPCFunctionAtAddressInt + 
3   ???   0x800ed155 0 + 2148454741
4   ???   0x800ed012 0 + 2148454418

Thread 2 Crashed:
0   ???   0x8019d402 0 + 2149176322
1   translate 0xb80b6b00 0xb800 + 748288
2   translate 0xb80b7007 0xb800 + 749575
3   translate 0xb80d49c0 0xb800 + 870848
4   translate 0xb813d75f spin_lock_wrapper + 4259
5   translate 0xb8011b64 0xb800 + 72548

Thread 2 crashed with X86 Thread State (32-bit):
  eax: 0x  ebx: 0xb80b6c78  ecx: 0xb009adcc  edx: 0x8019d402
  edi: 0xb8208980  esi: 0x0005  ebp: 0xb009adf8  esp: 0xb009adcc
   ss: 0x001f  efl: 0x0246  eip: 0x8019d402   cs: 0x0007
   ds: 0x001f   es: 0x001f   fs: 0x001f   gs: 0x0037
  cr2: 0xf00fffd0

Binary Images:
0xb800 - 0xb81d7fe7  translate ??? (???) /usr/libexec/oah/translate

Translated Code Information:

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Testing 32/64 bit and/or PPC

2009-08-28 Thread Chris Idou

If you have a universal binary, 32/64 and/or PPC, is there a way to force it to 

one way or the other for testing purposes?

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Confusion about custom UITableViewCell

2009-08-23 Thread Chris Idou
I'm trying to make a custom UITableViewCell, but the way I'm doing it, all the 
drawing of the table seems to be screwed up. The view seems to be working in 
some sense, because I can see the data, but only one row at the bottom can be 
seen and things are generally screwed up when scrolling. This is what I'm doing:

1) Create new Navigation based app.
2) Add a Table View Cell to the RootViewController.xib
3) Edit the TableViewCell in IB, add some Labels onto it.
4) Connect TableViewCell and Labels to outlets in RootViewController.h
5) modify tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath: so that it sets data in the UILabels 
and returns the TableViewCell from the Nib outlet.

Is there some reason this shouldn't work?

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2009-07-09 Thread Chris Idou
Use of these keys becomes optional: CFBundleTypeName
This key is required

What is the truth?

I'm trying to create a document by passing a type into 
makeDocumentWithContentsOfURL, but it doesn't seem to call the appropriate 
document handling class to create the document.


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Re: GC pros and cons

2009-06-28 Thread Chris Idou

From: James Gregurich

 3) I don't allow exceptions of any kind to propagate into alien 
 codeparticularly the cocoa runtime.

Given that Objective-C doesn't have declared exceptions (like Java), it seems 
more likely that you hope exceptions are not propagated into alien code.

Unless that is you are in the unusual situation that you use no third party 
libraries, or you have full and perfect knowledge of where and when they might 
throw an exception.

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Re: GC pros and cons

2009-06-26 Thread Chris Idou

From: James Gregurich

 I have read up on GC, and I don't like the idea of introducing 
 non-deterministic behavior into my code base. 

I would question the assertion that GC introduces non-deterministic behavior, 
unless you consider the time it takes for particular code to execute to be 

In which case standard malloc/free is not deterministic either, since 
algorithms for amalgamating free areas in the heap are not exactly predictable, 
and the time they take will not be constant across different calls.

That's why if you were controlling the space shuttle you wouldn't use 
malloc/free OR GC.

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Re: GC pros and cons

2009-06-25 Thread Chris Idou

From: Bill Bumgarner

Bill I don't know if this was discussed before, but could you discuss the 
lack of GC on the iPhone?

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Re: GC pros and cons

2009-06-25 Thread Chris Idou

I still use XCode in one location where I work on a core-solo Mini. Performance 
is good. No problems at all, no pauses.

From: Rob Keniger
To: cocoa-dev Dev
Sent: Friday, 26 June, 2009 12:20:48 PM
Subject: Re: GC pros and cons

On 26/06/2009, at 10:58 AM, Chris Idou wrote:

 Bill I don't know if this was discussed before, but could you discuss the 
 lack of GC on the iPhone?

I suspect it is for performance reasons. The Objective-C garbage collector is 
designed to run in a separate thread on the Mac, which means it can run on its 
own CPU core separate to the main thread.

In single-core systems, even on the Mac, performance of Garbage Collected code 
is very poor because the collector has to share CPU time with the main thread. 
When Xcode 3 (a GC app) was first released in the Leopard betas there were 
still quite a few people with single-CPU PowerPC laptops who found that Xcode 
could barely keep up with their typing. On dual-core machines it was fine.

The iPhone has a single-core CPU and a slow one at that, so while I am sure 
that GC could be turned on, it would probably make developers very unhappy.

Rob Keniger


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Re: GC pros and cons

2009-06-25 Thread Chris Idou

I guess the necessity to scan and page in memory is a legitimate downside for 
VM systems. It's possible I've seen xcode pause when switching apps, but never 
thought about it being related to GC scans, but just paging in the app. I'd 
probably forgotten that XCode is GC.

...of course, the iPhone does not have virtual memory, so its not an issue 

From: Adam R. Maxwell
To: cocoa-dev Dev
Sent: Friday, 26 June, 2009 1:32:51 PM
Subject: Re: GC pros and cons

On Jun 25, 2009, at 8:19 PM, Chris Idou wrote:

 I still use XCode in one location where I work on a core-solo Mini. 
 Performance is good. No problems at all, no pauses.

Interesting.  I found the Xcode editor to be unusably slow on a PowerBook G4 
when Leopard was released; in fact, contrary to Bill's statement, I found that 
it grew worse in the last few months of Leopard seeding.  I'm still sore about 
having to buy a MacBook Pro just to avoid beachballs while typing 
(rdar://problem/5572897).  Even said MacBook Pro needs 4 GB of RAM to avoid 
hanging when switching to Xcode, since the collector thread evidently causes 
paging in to scan memory (which caused a beachball and hiccups switching apps 
in Spaces).

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Re: GC pros and cons

2009-06-24 Thread Chris Idou

On Jun 24, 2009, at 09:14, Philip Aker wrote:

 Like Gwynne, I'm comfortable with the traditional reap what you sow 
 philosophy.  This has benefits in that the basic policy spills over into 
 other areas of programming and gradually, one 
learns as a matter of habit, to account for things all the time. This is good 
but can be lumped in with many other things learned from the school of hard 
knocks. With GC, the attitude is like one 
could fire a shotgun into a crowd and the walk away because the system will 
take responsibility for the consequences.  Maybe you could say that's a moral 
issue. But it's certainly not 
something children should be taught in school.

I think it depends what language you weaned yourself on. If you've used Lisp or 
some other functional language, manual reclamation is an unthinkable 
monstrosity. If you weaned yourself on C or similar languages, manual 
reclamation seems like the default state of play.

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Re: Confusion about NIB loading

2009-06-24 Thread Chris Idou
On 24/06/2009, at 11:20 PM, Chris Idou wrote:

 Since the doco for loadNibNamed:owner: says that it looks in the bundle 
 with the owner, I'm creating an object of a class that exists in the 
 subframework to pass as the owner.
 However, it doesn't find the NIB. Am I understanding correctly what it means
 for a bundle to be associated with a class?

To get the bundle for the class, you need to use [NSBundle 
bundleForClass:[YourClass class]]. You can then load the nib by calling 

But loadNibNamed:owner: is a class method, so I can't actually explicitly find 
the appropriate bundle, and call loadNibNamed: on it to find the right NIB.

The doco says that loadNibNamed:owner: will look in the bundle associated 
with the owner, but passing in an object of a class in the appropriate Bundle 
doesn't seem to work for me.

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Re: GC pros and cons

2009-06-24 Thread Chris Idou
On Jun 24, 2009, at 18:19, Jeff Laing wrote:

 we regularly cache hundreds of thousands of objects from a persistent 
 (relational) store and it is absolutely critical to us that the instant that 
 those objects aren't required, they give their 
 memory back - that's how we can run in a machine with only(?) 1 gig of ram.  
 So I'm one of those people I mentioned earlier that really really cares that 
 cleanup happens as soon as 
 possible, not 

That's the kind of scenario where an object database usually has the correct 
semantics. Objects are created in a pool, and usually you want them all freed 
when the transaction ends.

Still, I don't see why GC wouldn't also work. People seem to have a perception 
that GC programs must always be bloated and late in cleaning up. That's 
probably not a correct assumption.

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Re: Opinion on managed memory and garbage collection

2009-06-23 Thread Chris Idou

I've written a reasonably non-trivial app using GC and using a fairly wide 
range of APIs. I've found several GC bugs in the Apple frameworks, which 
naturally enough are pretty annoying (as all memory problems are), but I don't 
think the annoyance is still anywhere near that of having to write memory 
release code, and then hunt down memory leaks.

I haven't noticed GC pauses. It seems to me that the GC collects memory 
extremely quickly, relative to when it becomes unreachable. Given that it 
apparently does a lot of work in another thread, I wouldn't expect there to be 
much pausing in normal applications.

From: Michael Ash
To: cocoa-dev
Sent: Tuesday, 23 June, 2009 2:21:48 PM
Subject: Re: Opinion on managed memory and garbage collection

On Mon, Jun 22, 2009 at 10:58 AM, Phil wrote:
 Being relatively new to Cocoa and Objective-C, what is the consensus on
 using the new version 2.0 managed memory features (garbage collection).

 If you were writing a new Cocoa application from scratch, would garbage
 collection be the preferred method over the reference counting
 (retain/release) method.  Having spent years in Java I would prefer a GC'd
 approach but I have also seen the great improvement of GC in Java over the
 years.  Therefore, I am also curious on how the new Objective-C design for
 GC compares.

 The applications I have in mind are mostly graphic (Quartz 2D) oriented and
 likely also some OpenGL work.

 Thanks for your opinions and comments.

IMO there are three major reasons to avoid GC at this point:

1) In 10.5 there are still significant bugs in the GC and, more
importantly, the GC support in the system frameworks. The GC bugs are
generally obscure and hard to hit, the frameworks are much easier to
hit and harder to work around. If you search the list archives you'll
probably turn up various posts where Apple people tell developers that
you can't use this API under GC, or it has some huge speed hit, or the
only way to avoid a crash is to deliberately leak an object, etc.
Hopefully 10.6 is better, but as always, the people who know can't say
and the people who can say don't know.

2) The GC pauses your threads at nondeterministic intervals and for an
unknown amount of time in order to scan its stack. If this pause is
significant enough, it could cause occasional visible stutter in your
graphics output. I have no idea what the chances are of this causing
problems for you, but it's something to watch out for.

3) By its very nature of trying to coexist in a C-based language, the
GC doesn't cover everything. This is by design. The GC covers ObjC
objects (including bridged CoreFoundation objects allocated in the
default zone) and raw memory that you explicitly allocate with the
collector. Anything that's allocated with raw malloc/free stays
outside the garbage collector. This is a big advantage in that any raw
C code that you happen to have (or load) will almost certainly Just
Work in a garbage collected environment, which I'm sure is a big part
of why the Apple GC guys chose to make it work this way. The downside
is that your interactions with the collector often become more manual
than you might like if you drop out of the Ideal Pure Objective-C
World and into the guts of C. The code you write here will offset your
savings from not having to write retain/release code, and worse, this
code is usually much more complex and error-prone.

I have not done a lot of serious work with GC, although I have a
half-completed project and some toy projects that use it. My personal
impression is that if you're doing a conventional, straightforward OS
X program which never colors outside the lines, you're likely to have
a good experience with it. If you're after high performance or are
doing anything tricky then you're likely to run afoul of it and
perhaps wish that you had gone the other way.

Retain/release has a long history, is very well understood, and
doesn't really require much mental (or typing) overhead once you know
it. With GC you're much more like a test pilot at this stage in the
game, especially since there are a lot of frameworks deficiencies
under GC which are known to Apple but which they haven't actually put
into the documentation. (List archives are your friend here.) GC has
more risk and potentially more reward. If you can aim for 10.6+, the
risk/reward ratio is probably going to be quite a bit lower, although
that's just speculation. Obviously the ultimate choice is yours.


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Databases on Cocoa (was Re: Invoice program made in Objective c/Cocoa)

2009-05-18 Thread Chris Idou

The database situation on Cocoa is not great. Apple should spend some of that 
cash hoard building or buying an object database.

If anyone wants an interesting project, the db4o object database which is 
written in Java and GPLed comes with a program called Sharpen which translates 
Java into C#. It occurs to me that translating it into C or objective-c would 
be possible. Nobody would give a rip about core-data if there was a real object 
database available.

On another note, Versant which seems to now run db4o has a very nice object 
database with c bindings that would probably be really easy to write 
objective-c bindings for, but its commercial and much too heavy weight for most 
of our purposes.

From: Andreas Grosam
To: Cocoa-Dev List
Sent: Monday, 18 May, 2009 10:47:44 PM
Subject: Re: Invoice program made in Objective c/Cocoa

On May 18, 2009, at 4:01 AM, Michael Ash wrote:

 Perhaps you should have taken more than a first glance. For example, here:
 Core Data is not a relational database or a relational database
 management system (RDBMS).
This is unrelated to the problem. Mike, I think you are using a straw man 
argument - or you totally misunderstood me.
 Why would you think I had ever designed a database application or
 framework? All I know is, CoreData is *not* a database framework, so
 your whining about how it fails some fundamental requirement for
 database frameworks makes no sense.
I think you misunderstood me. Core Data could be a very useful *part* of a 
database application framework. But it is not, because it apparently lacks the 
ability to interface to other related parts of a database application framework 
(ORM, data access layer, storage management) - at least this is what I conclude 
from this discussion.

Again, to make this clear: I don't claim that Core Data should implement all 
these layers of a database application framework  (or even a RDBMS). And 
honestly, it should not! Rather it should provide a means to interface with 

And using your car example: having tires is certainly useful. But they become 
even more useful if you can mount them on your car. ;)



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Re: Databases on Cocoa (was Re: Invoice program made in Objective c/Cocoa)

2009-05-18 Thread Chris Idou

Core Data solves that through the use of a SQLite backing store.  SQL based 
data storage is the standard means of achieving incremental retrieval 
and storage of data in our industry.

If Core Data talked to standard databases like Oracle etc, then I can see that 
as a selling point. But since it doesn't, and since it tries to hide SQLite, 
it's hard to see how it is much of a selling point. That SQL is pervasive is 
irrelevant if you're hiding the existence of SQL. If you're going to make it 
look like an object database, but not talk to widely deployed SQL databases, 
then you really should make it an object database. I don't know how core-data 
handles inheritance, but all the ways of doing it with an SQL database make 
performance suck if you want to do anything serious, and they also make writing 
SQL queries intractable if one wanted to get some benefits of having an SQL 
back end. I guess some people don't want to use any inheritance because their 
problems are simple, and it *can* work for them, but having a proper object 
database with a query facility or SQL front to it could work for them too.

We're in an object world now, and SQL databases can't cut it for many many 
problems. Accounting style applications, yes they *can* work. But there are 
vast areas of computing where its just too inefficient. Goto the web site of an 
object database like Versant and look at the wide variety of customers they 
have. They don't buy it because they are geeky, but because SQL databases can't 
do it.

At that point, the choices are to fully document the schema and implement a 
whole bunch more code that tries to detect when someone has done 
something wrong in the database.   Combined with the need to provide some kind 
of a means of making access to many different vendor's databases 
transparent -- some of which have notoriously odd implementations of the SQL 
spec -- make implementing (3) extremely costly both in $$$ and 
engineering hours spent.

It's not *that* hard. Java tools like Hibernate do it. They still have the 
sucky performance implied by mapping object graphs to relational databases, but 
it at least gives you the ability to talk to any SQL database you want to, 
while still having a core-data like object access. Anybody else looking for an 
interesting project to work on could well port Hibernate to objective-c.

In the case of (3), the assumption would be that -- like with the SQLite 
database -- Core Data would manage the entire schema of the database on 
the server.  Certainly, that would be useful to a subset of developers, but 
how many?  In studying the problem, I come up with not that many.  In 
almost cases where I have looked at problems that required client/server 
database access, one of the requirements was to interface with some kind 
of a reporting engine, web service/server, or something else that wants to go 
trolling through the data store and, more likely, edit stuff.

Nobody wants multi-user access unless they can interface with some 3rd party 
report engine? Firstly, that's not even nearly true. Tons of companies are 
buying object databases, and a relatively small group of them actually use them 
with reporting engines. Secondly an object database has the ability to upload 
object schemas derived from the object source code to a server without any 
difficulty. This is easy stuff for an object database. Thirdly, any decent 
object database can offer a legacy SQL interface that 3rd party reporting 
engines can talk to.

So that brings up (4).  (4) is a really really really hard problem to solve. 

It's not even an issue for object databases, and it's not *that* hard to solve 
for SQL databases as Hibernate shows.

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menus within NSTable

2009-05-17 Thread Chris Idou
I've got an NSTable where I've made one column to have a NSPopupButtonCell as 
its contents.

Depending on the object that relates to a particular row, I only want two of 
four possible values to be selectable in each row. 

I tried to achieve this by setting the Enabled binding of each NSMenuItem in 
the cell to be bound to the Array Controller, with controller key 
arrangedObjects and a model key path to be a BOOL method on the objects in my 
table. However this blows up like this:

Unhandled Exception: Cannot create BOOL from object (
) of class NSCFArray

How would I make it work?

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Re: Packages vs bundles vs folders etc

2009-05-11 Thread Chris Idou

I'm surprised that frameworks act like folders in Finder, yet don't conform to 

To be more explicit, I'm writing some code that synchronises two folders. If 
directory A contains file X and directory B contains file Y, then synchronising 
them depends on what kind of directory it is. If it is a package, then a 
resulting package containing files X and Y would be wrong, it could be a 
corrupt package. Folders should be synchronised and have both X and Y. But I'm 
not sure about frameworks being neither a folder nor a package. What would 
users expect?

Hmm, I see that bundle, package and folder are the three decendents of framework conforms to bundle rather than package and appears 
in the finder like a folder. However applications descend from bundle and do 
NOT appear like folders.

Why does finder decide that frameworks appear like folders?

And which items does spotlight indexing delve into? Which items would iDisk 
synchronise atomically?

From: Peter Ammon
To: Chris Idou
Sent: Monday, 11 May, 2009 4:02:17 PM
Subject: Re: Packages vs bundles vs folders etc

On May 10, 2009, at 10:43 PM, Chris Idou wrote:

 Would it be fair to say that if a path is a directory, and if the 
 kMDItemContentType != public.folder then NSWorkspace.isFilePackageAtPath 
return YES?

No.  A non-package directory may not even conform to public.folder.  For 
example, volume mount points have the type ID public.volume, which does 
conform; but frameworks have the type ID public.framework, which does not 

But isn't a framework a package, thus making my statement correct? If a 
framework is not a package, then what specifically makes a package a package 
that a framework doesn't fit?

Frameworks are not packages.  A package is a directory that is presented as a 
single file to the user, but frameworks are shown as folders and are browsable 
like other folders.

You can check the UTI hierarchy in the UTCoreTypes.h header (try open -h 

Perhaps I should state my question more explicitly. I'm trying to figure out 
what things should be copied atomically. When a directory is really a bundle 
(is a bundle == package?), then it must be considered as one unit. If it's just 
a folder, then the files therein have their own unique reasons for existing. 
But I'm  not sure which API exactly will give me the distinction I want to make.

If you copy two folders, Finder reports the total number of items contained 
within them; but if you copy two applications, Finder reports only two items.  
Is that the sort of distinction you want to make?

If so, I think you're on the right track.  On Leopard, I would get the UTI of a 
file via -[NSWorkspace typeOfFile: error:], and then see if it conforms to 
kUTTypeFolder via -[NSWorkspace type:fileType conformsToType:(NSString 
*)kUTTypeFolder].  If it does NOT conform, it should be treated as a single 

If you need Tiger compatibility, you can do the same thing, except you would 
use LaunchServices functions like LSCopyItemAttribute().



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Re: Garbage collector related crash

2009-05-10 Thread Chris Idou

When you are saying it is broken on Leopard, what exactly do you say you know 
is broken? GC in general, or the __strong thing, or ?

From: Bill Bumgarner
To: Chris Idou
Sent: Saturday, 9 May, 2009 3:58:11 AM
Subject: Re: Garbage collector related crash

On May 8, 2009, at 12:47 AM, Chris Idou wrote:
 I've got an object that holds onto a CF ref:
 mdref= MDItemCreate(nil, (CFStringRef)path);
 [NSMakeCollectable(mdref) autorelease];
 I think I'm doing the right thing in the class declaration:
 @interface MetadataItem : NSObject {
 But every now and then:
 CFTypeRefres = MDItemCopyAttribute(mdref, (CFStringRef)key);
 this makes it crash horribly. It's got to have something to do with garbage 
 collection, but it seems like I'm doing things right. Any thoughts?

It is broken on Leopard (and fixed in a future release);  please file a bug and 
send me the bug #.   Attach your binary to the bug with steps to reproduce.

One workaround for now -- not a very good workaround, but a workaround -- is to 
CFRetain the mdref as soon as you create it.  Then never ever CFRelease it.  
Yes, it'll leak (fortunately these are small).  But it won't crash (unless some 
other subsystem does code like yours above out of your control).



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Re: Garbage collector related crash

2009-05-10 Thread Chris Idou

Is it fixed in a later version of Leopard, or in Snow Leopard?

And it is a workaround to release it in the finalizer of the object that 
retains it and uses it?

From: Bill Bumgarner
To: Chris Idou
Sent: Monday, 11 May, 2009 2:47:43 AM
Subject: Re: Garbage collector related crash

On May 10, 2009, at 3:47 AM, Chris Idou wrote:
When you are saying it is broken on Leopard, what exactly do you say you know 
is broken? GC in general, or the __strong thing, or ?

There is a bug internal the MD* API that causes this particular crash because 
it creates dangling weak references that the collecter stumbles over.   Purely 
a bug in MD* that is fixed in a later release.



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Packages vs bundles vs folders etc

2009-05-10 Thread Chris Idou

Would it be fair to say that if a path is a directory, and if the 
kMDItemContentType != public.folder then NSWorkspace.isFilePackageAtPath would 
return YES? And conversely if a path is not a directory or the 
kMDItemContentType == public.folder, then NSWorkspace.isFilePackageAtPath would 
return NO?


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Re: Garbage collector related crash

2009-05-10 Thread Chris Idou

Err, why isn't that a workaround? If retaining it but not freeing it is a 
workaround, why wouldn't retaining it and freeing it after I am done with it 

From: Bill Bumgarner
To: Chris Idou
Sent: Monday, 11 May, 2009 11:59:11 AM
Subject: Re: Garbage collector related crash

On May 10, 2009, at 6:35 PM, Chris Idou wrote:
Is it fixed in a later version of Leopard, or in Snow Leopard?

Snow Leopard.

And it is a workaround to release it in the finalizer of the object that 
retains it and uses it?




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Re: Packages vs bundles vs folders etc

2009-05-10 Thread Chris Idou

 Would it be fair to say that if a path is a directory, and if the 
 kMDItemContentType != public.folder then NSWorkspace.isFilePackageAtPath 
return YES?

No.  A non-package directory may not even conform to public.folder.  For 
example, volume mount points have the type ID public.volume, which does 
conform; but frameworks have the type ID public.framework, which does not 

But isn't a framework a package, thus making my statement correct? If a 
framework is not a package, then what specifically makes a package a package 
that a framework doesn't fit?

Perhaps I should state my question more explicitly. I'm trying to figure out 
what things should be copied atomically. When a directory is really a bundle 
(is a bundle == package?), then it must be considered as one unit. If it's just 
a folder, then the files therein have their own unique reasons for existing. 
But I'm  not sure which API exactly will give me the distinction I want to make.

 And conversely if a path is not a directory or the kMDItemContentType == 
 public.folder, then NSWorkspace.isFilePackageAtPath would return NO?

I'm pretty sure this is true.  All packages are directories, and no package 
type conforms to public.folder, or ever will.



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Garbage collector related crash

2009-05-08 Thread Chris Idou

I've got an object that holds onto a CF ref:

mdref= MDItemCreate(nil, (CFStringRef)path);
[NSMakeCollectable(mdref) autorelease];

I think I'm doing the right thing in the class declaration:

@interface MetadataItem : NSObject {

But every now and then:

CFTypeRefres = MDItemCopyAttribute(mdref, (CFStringRef)key);

this makes it crash horribly. It's got to have something to do with garbage 
collection, but it seems like I'm doing things right. Any thoughts?


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Vector Graphic Dock Icon?

2009-05-06 Thread Chris Idou

Is it possible to use a vector graphic as a dock icon? The Apple doco seems to 
encourage using vector graphics, but I can't find it documented what format it 
would expect. I tried a PDF but that didn't seem to work.

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Re: Vector Graphic Dock Icon?

2009-05-06 Thread Chris Idou

Is there any point in doing that in the normal case, seeing as a non-running 
application (cover-flow) can potentially be a lot larger icon than a running 
one? (of course, if you need to have a badged dock icon, or something like 
that, I can see the point).

From: Shawn Erickson
To: Chris Idou
Sent: Thursday, 7 May, 2009 3:00:18 AM
Subject: Re: Vector Graphic Dock Icon?

On Wed, May 6, 2009 at 7:44 AM, Chris Idou wrote:

 Is it possible to use a vector graphic as a dock icon?

Application icons currently cannot be vector images however you can
set the dock image for a running application to an NSImage constructed
from a PDF, etc.


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MDItemCopyAttribute and kMDItemFinderComment

2009-04-21 Thread Chris Idou

I've got a program which uses MDItemCopyAttribute to get the 
kMDItemFinderComment, and I was playing around testing it, by changing
the value in the Finder and seeing if the value changed in my program, and they 
ended up out of synch. It ends up that mdls returns a different value than 
xattr -l,
and MDItemCopyAttribute doesn't return the up to date value. Now that its out 
of synch, updating the value in Finder doesn't get it back in synch.

Is this expected behavior? Should I be using something other than 
MDItemCopyAttribute to get the most up to date value?

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Re: MDItemCopyAttribute and kMDItemFinderComment

2009-04-21 Thread Chris Idou

I don't really want to be sending apple events to the finder since this is a 
background app, and it could be calling it fairly frequently, and I believe 
this can impact the user's foreground use of Finder.

Does anybody know what the issue is? Mostly the synchronization between Finder 
Comments and spotlight seems instantaneous, but then on this occasion they 
seemed to refuse to sync.

On Apr 21, 2009, at 8:04 AM, Chris Idou wrote:

 I've got a program which uses MDItemCopyAttribute to get the 
 kMDItemFinderComment, and I was playing around testing it, by changing
 the value in the Finder and seeing if the value changed in my program, and 
 they ended up out of synch. It ends up that mdls returns a different value 
 than xattr -l,
 and MDItemCopyAttribute doesn't return the up to date value. Now that its out 
 of synch, updating the value in Finder doesn't get it back in synch.
 Is this expected behavior? Should I be using something other than 
 MDItemCopyAttribute to get the most up to date value?

You should be sending an Apple event to the Finder:


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EXC_BAD_ACCESS and NSAttributedString driving me crazy

2009-03-30 Thread Chris Idou
I'm getting NSRTFDPboardType and NSRTFPboardType objects as NSData from the 
pasteboard and I'm storing them in a core data XML repository and getting them 
out again, and when necessary I'm converting them into NSAttributedString with 
initWithRTF or initWithRTFD. This mostly works but every now and then, actually 
quite often, this initWithRTF(D) crashes with EXC_BAD_ACCESS. (stack traces 

The thing is, I'm doing an md5Hash on the NSData objects every single time I 
store them and retrieve them just to make sure they are not corrupted, and the 
exact same NSData that is working one minute as an argument to initWithRTF(D), 
makes it crash later on.

I'm using garbage collection, but I've solved a lot of GC problems and this 
doesn't seem similar.

Has anyone got any thoughts?

#00x95a82688 in objc_msgSend
#10x933b0b26 in -[NSCFDictionary setObject:forKey:]
#20x90824684 in -[NSRTFD setObject:forKey:]
#30x908f3c2f in -[NSAKDeserializer deserializePList:]
#40x908f3961 in -[NSDocumentDeserializer deserializeNewPList]
#50x908f3753 in -[NSRTFD(NSSerializationSupport) 
#60x908f2fe9 in -[NSFileWrapper initWithSerializedRepresentation:]
#70x908f2e32 in -[NSRTFReader initWithRTFD:]
#80x9070b9a7 in _NSReadAttributedStringFromURLOrData
#90x90709943 in -[NSAttributedString(NSAttributedStringKitAdditions) 
#100x908f2de2 in -[NSAttributedString(NSAttributedStringKitAdditions) 

#00x95a82688 in objc_msgSend
#10x90894910 in processColor
#20x9089395b in CharAttr
#30x9088db34 in -[NSRTFReader attributedString]
#40x9070bc03 in _NSReadAttributedStringFromURLOrData
#50x90709943 in -[NSAttributedString(NSAttributedStringKitAdditions) 
#60x9088c542 in -[NSAttributedString(NSAttributedStringKitAdditions) 

Program received signal:  “EXC_BAD_ACCESS”.

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Re: EXC_BAD_ACCESS and NSAttributedString driving me crazy

2009-03-30 Thread Chris Idou

Thanks for the links.

If I run with libgmalloc, it dies the same way, but seemingly much quicker:

Program received signal EXC_BAD_ACCESS, Could not access memory.
Reason: KERN_PROTECTION_FAILURE at address: 0x0032
0x95a82688 in objc_msgSend ()
(gdb) where
#0  0x95a82688 in objc_msgSend ()
#1  0x90894910 in processColor ()
#2  0x9089395b in CharAttr ()
#3  0x9088db34 in -[NSRTFReader attributedString] ()
#4  0x9070bc03 in _NSReadAttributedStringFromURLOrData ()
#5  0x90709943 in -[NSAttributedString(NSAttributedStringKitAdditions) 
initWithData:options:documentAttributes:error:] ()
#6  0x9088c542 in -[NSAttributedString(NSAttributedStringKitAdditions) 
initWithRTF:documentAttributes:] ()

I also found a posting with someone with the exact same problem:

I'm not sure what else to try. I'd be inclined to jump to the conclusion of 
blaming Apple, if it wasn't that this API must be a very widely called one.

From: Sean McBride
To: Chris Idou;
Sent: Tuesday, 31 March, 2009 2:43:18 PM
Subject: Re: EXC_BAD_ACCESS and NSAttributedString driving me crazy

Chris Idou ( on 2009-03-30 8:25 PM said:

I'm getting NSRTFDPboardType and NSRTFPboardType objects as NSData from
the pasteboard and I'm storing them in a core data XML repository and
getting them out again, and when necessary I'm converting them into
NSAttributedString with initWithRTF or initWithRTFD. This mostly works
but every now and then, actually quite often, this initWithRTF(D)
crashes with EXC_BAD_ACCESS. (stack traces below).

The thing is, I'm doing an md5Hash on the NSData objects every single
time I store them and retrieve them just to make sure they are not
corrupted, and the exact same NSData that is working one minute as an
argument to initWithRTF(D), makes it crash later on.

I'm using garbage collection, but I've solved a lot of GC problems and
this doesn't seem similar.

Has anyone got any thoughts?

What else have you tried?

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Re: EXC_BAD_ACCESS and NSAttributedString driving me crazy

2009-03-30 Thread Chris Idou

That's a good trick to know! When I bracket the calls thus, it crashes in a 
different but similar place:

#00x95a82688 in objc_msgSend
#10x90894910 in processColor
#20x9089395b in CharAttr
#30x9088db34 in -[NSRTFReader attributedString]
#40x9070bc03 in _NSReadAttributedStringFromURLOrData
#50x90709943 in -[NSAttributedString(NSAttributedStringKitAdditions) 
#60x9088c542 in -[NSAttributedString(NSAttributedStringKitAdditions) 
#70x908e6f25 in +[_NSRTFPboardTypeConverter pasteboard:provideDataForType:]
#80x908e6b58 in __NSPasteboardProvideData
#90x918dd120 in __CFPasteboardResolvePromiseForItemLocal
#100x918e0680 in CFPasteboardCopyData
#110x9086763e in -[NSPasteboard _dataWithoutConversionForType:]
#120x9086748a in -[NSPasteboard dataForType:]

And then if I bracket the call to dataForType: as well, the crashes stop 
happening. I'm relieved to know I at least have a workaround.

Does this tend to indicate some kind of Apple GC bug?

From: Ali Ozer
To: Chris Idou
Cc: Cocoa Dev
Sent: Tuesday, 31 March, 2009 4:12:55 PM
Subject: Re: EXC_BAD_ACCESS and NSAttributedString driving me crazy

Can you try temporarily disabling garbage collection around the unarchiving of 
RTFD, and see if it helps?

[[NSGarbageCollector defaultCollector] disable];
... unarchive your RTFD ...
[[NSGarbageCollector defaultCollector] enable];


On Mar 30, 2009, at 5:25 PM, Chris Idou wrote:

 I'm getting NSRTFDPboardType and NSRTFPboardType objects as NSData from the 
 pasteboard and I'm storing them in a core data XML repository and getting 
 them out again, and when necessary I'm converting them into 
 NSAttributedString with initWithRTF or initWithRTFD. This mostly works but 
 every now and then, actually quite often, this initWithRTF(D) crashes with 
 EXC_BAD_ACCESS. (stack traces below).
 The thing is, I'm doing an md5Hash on the NSData objects every single time I 
 store them and retrieve them just to make sure they are not corrupted, and 
 the exact same NSData that is working one minute as an argument to 
 initWithRTF(D), makes it crash later on.
 I'm using garbage collection, but I've solved a lot of GC problems and this 
 doesn't seem similar.
 Has anyone got any thoughts?
 #00x95a82688 in objc_msgSend
 #10x933b0b26 in -[NSCFDictionary setObject:forKey:]
 #20x90824684 in -[NSRTFD setObject:forKey:]
 #30x908f3c2f in -[NSAKDeserializer deserializePList:]
 #40x908f3961 in -[NSDocumentDeserializer deserializeNewPList]
 #50x908f3753 in -[NSRTFD(NSSerializationSupport) 
 #60x908f2fe9 in -[NSFileWrapper initWithSerializedRepresentation:]
 #70x908f2e32 in -[NSRTFReader initWithRTFD:]
 #80x9070b9a7 in _NSReadAttributedStringFromURLOrData
 #90x90709943 in -[NSAttributedString(NSAttributedStringKitAdditions) 
 #100x908f2de2 in -[NSAttributedString(NSAttributedStringKitAdditions) 
 #00x95a82688 in objc_msgSend
 #10x90894910 in processColor
 #20x9089395b in CharAttr
 #30x9088db34 in -[NSRTFReader attributedString]
 #40x9070bc03 in _NSReadAttributedStringFromURLOrData
 #50x90709943 in -[NSAttributedString(NSAttributedStringKitAdditions) 
 #60x9088c542 in -[NSAttributedString(NSAttributedStringKitAdditions) 
 Program received signal:  “EXC_BAD_ACCESS”.
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Re: NSLog fixes output, but why?

2009-03-18 Thread Chris Idou

Should we assume you have eliminated the obvious, that the arguments to NSLog 
don't have any method calls with side effects?

Or are there multiple threads whose timing could be changed by the logging?

From: James Maxwell
To: Cocoa Dev
Sent: Thursday, 19 March, 2009 9:05:31 AM
Subject: NSLog fixes output, but why?

I've got a really frustrating, and really silly problem.

I have some fairly complex machine learning code I'm working on. I've noticed 
inconsistent output from a particular method. I'm doing some fairly nasty array 
and matrix stuff, which is all done in C, and I pass the arrays around wrapped 
in NSData objects. What's really strange is that, in this particular method, if 
I place an NSLog after calling and unwrapping a particular 2D matrix, then the 
output is as expected. If I remove the NSLog, the output is incorrect (or at 
least, unexpected). The system is pretty complex, and involves 4 different 
classes, so I won't post it here, and obviously I don't expect any magical 
help. But does anybody have any experience with something this flaky? Whereby 
literally adding a single NSLog (and thus obviously slowing things down a fair 
bit) makes the method run correctly?... It's just bizarre, to me.

Maybe somebody here has worked their way into a similar corner? Obviously I've 
done something stupid somewhere, but I don't really know how to go about 
finding it. It was weird enough to realize that the NSLog could make or break 
my output - tracking down the actual reason why is just baffling... Everything 
being done in these classes is basically procedural stuff, so it doesn't seem 
like timing should dramatically influence the output. But I am doing *lots* of 
iterations over this data. Does that suggest anything?

Any thoughts very much appreciated.



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Enforcing trial software on Mac

2009-03-16 Thread Chris Idou

Is there any accepted, or preferred or standard way of enforcing a trial 
software period for a program on Mac, so that people can't just delete their 
preferences or something and start the trial again? Or does every developer 
hack their own little solution? (i.e. write a file to an obscure place).

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Getting the front process path

2009-03-12 Thread Chris Idou

I thought I'd figured out how to get the path of the currently running process:
GetFrontProcess, then CopyProcessName, and then
[[NSWorkspacesharedWorkspace] fullPathForApplication:app]

This works most of the time, but some programs, for example Aquamacs Emacs, has 
just Aquamacs in the titlebar, and this
gets returned by CopyProcessName. But fullPathForApplication can't find it 
unless you pass in the full Aquamacs Emacs.

How do I fix this problem?

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FOLDERS and document based apps (Open Recent)

2009-02-18 Thread Chris Idou

If I add public.folder to my Info.plist as a valid type of document my app can 
open, some things don't work.

Open Document doesn't work, albeit its not too hard to get around by 
subclassing NSDocumentController and redefining the openDocument:

However Open Recent is more tricky because as far as I can tell its all hidden 
and invisible in the guts of NSDocumentController.

Has anyone got any tips about changing the behavior of Open Recent?

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Re: Adding Multiple NSWindow or NSPanel into another NSWindow

2009-02-18 Thread Chris Idou

You can have an MDI interface on the Mac, but you have to do all the hard work 
yourself, because there is no MDI widgets provided.

One alternative is a tabbed interface. There is some free code somewhere that 
does a Safari-like tabbed interface.

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Re: At what point during loading can NSPersistentDocument fetch?

2009-02-16 Thread Chris Idou

readFromURL is the appropriate place to start populating the document.

From: Jerry Krinock
To: Cocoa Developers
Sent: Tuesday, 17 February, 2009 12:49:44 PM
Subject: At what point during loading can NSPersistentDocument fetch?

My NSPersistentDocument subclass contains a singular managed object which I'd 
like to make an observer immediately after the document is loaded.  So I 
invoked my little fetcher method to get it during -init, after invoking super, 
but was surprised to find that the fetch returned empty at this point.

I found the same behavior in Apple's DepartmentAndEmployees [1] sample project 
by adding these two methods to the MyDocument implementation:

- (void)logDepartment {
// -department fetches the singular 'department' [2]
NSLog(@   'Department': %p, [self department]) ;

- (id)init {
self = [super init] ;

NSLog(@Fetch during init:) ;
[self logDepartment] ;

NSLog(@Fetched after delay) ;
[self performSelector:@selector(logDepartment)
afterDelay:0] ;
return self ;

Here's the console log I get upon opening an existing document file:

17:06:02.259 Fetch during init:
17:06:02.268'Department': 0x0
17:06:02.269 Fetched after delay
17:06:02.388'Department': 0x1dc730

Besides the fact that it's a kludge, the performSelector:withObject:afterDelay 
occurs too late for my purposes.  So, I've got one fetch that's too early and 
one that's too late.  I looked in the debugger's call stack but don't see any 
other intermediate method I could legally hook in to.

There are other ways I could set my observer, but I'm quite surprised that 
executing a fetch in an initialized NSPersistentDocument doesn't return a 
qualified object which is definitely in there, and understanding this might 
help me with other issues.  Note that executeFetchRequest:error: is happy to 
return the incorrect answer of an empty array -- it does not set an NSError.

Can someone please explain at what point, during loading, an 
NSPersistentDocument becomes ready to fetch and return correct results?

Thanks as always,

Jerry Krinock

Note: In MyDocument.m, there is an implementation of -initWithType:error: which 
inserts a 'Department', but that method only runs for new documents and is not 
involved here.  I'm trying to fetch a 'Department' from the store/file.


[2] The following method is right out of the box of MyDocument.m, reproduced 
here for convenience.

- (NSManagedObject *)department
// Apparently, 'department' is cached as an ivar for efficiency.
if (department != nil)
return department;

// The remainder of this method, executing a fetch, only executes
// the first time this method is invoked on a document.

NSManagedObjectContext *moc = [self managedObjectContext];
NSFetchRequest *fetchRequest = [[NSFetchRequest alloc] init];
NSError *fetchError = nil;
NSArray *fetchResults;

NSEntityDescription *entity = [NSEntityDescription 

[fetchRequest setEntity:entity];
fetchResults = [moc executeFetchRequest:fetchRequest error:fetchError];
} @finally
[fetchRequest release];

if ((fetchResults != nil)  ([fetchResults count] == 1)  (fetchError == 
[self setDepartment:[fetchResults objectAtIndex:0]];
return department;

if (fetchError != nil)
[self presentError:fetchError];
else {
// should present custom error message...
return nil;


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RTFD - HTML ( NSHTMLTextDocumentType )

2009-02-15 Thread Chris Idou

When converting an AttributedString to HTML per all the links begin with file:///.

So trying to open the result in a browser results in broken links for all the 
images since apparently file:/// signifies the root directory.  Why aren't the 
links relative? Am I missing something obvious?

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Re: Network communications help

2009-02-10 Thread Chris Idou

From what you are saying, I would get the classic intro to UNIX network 
programming and read the part on sockets:

To: Cocoa-Dev List
Sent: Wednesday, 11 February, 2009 12:44:30 PM
Subject: Network communications help

I currently have a RealBasic application that manages a furnace temperature 
controller. Using the TCPSocket class in RB the app listens to a port and I can 
query this application from other computers on the LAN and set parameters of 
the temperature controller, by passing strings.

What I would like to be able to do, is the same thing from my iPhone with a 
Cocoa application. I have only 3 years experience with Cocoa and none with 
network comms.

Can someone please explain what would be the best way to achieve this and where 
I should start reading.



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FSExchangeObjects / FSReplaceObject

2009-02-09 Thread Chris Idou
As I understand it, we are supposed to use FSReplaceObject because 
FSExchangeObjects does not properly retain all meta-data.

But it seems like FSReplaceObject is not actually documented. Sure it is 
mentioned here and there in release notes and so forth, but there is no actual 
proper API documentation for it.

Is this correct? Is it an oversight on Apple's part, or should I read more into 

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Re: Advanced NSTextView use

2009-02-04 Thread Chris Idou
That didn't seem to help. I tried overriding selectedRanges, and that makes you 
delete the whole range when you are clicked in it (good), but nothing seems to 
help the case of trying to simply backspace from the end of the range. In this 
case the selected range is not relevant because you are not inside the range 
yet as far as the existing range, and you can't predict in advance the user 
intends to backspace into it, and for the same reason, neither is the 

On Feb 3, 2009, at 5:24 PM, Chris Idou wrote:

 So I want it that if you try and delete any character that is part of a 
 token, it deletes the entire token.
 So I'm overriding rangeForUserTextChange to return a different range if the 
 current range includes any part of a token.
 This seems to work if the user tries to type in any part. For example, 
 clicking on the token and pressing space bar or a letter.
 However, it doesn't work if you press backspace or delete, even though 
 rangeForUserTextChange is still called.

I don't think you really want to override that method. Instead override 
-[NSTextView selectionRangeForProposedRange:granularity:] which should be 
called for every selection the user makes.


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Advanced NSTextView use

2009-02-03 Thread Chris Idou
I'm trying to use NSTextView so that it has tokens in the text (kind of like 

So I want it that if you try and delete any character that is part of a token, 
it deletes the entire token.

So I'm overriding rangeForUserTextChange to return a different range if the 
current range includes any part of a token.

This seems to work if the user tries to type in any part. For example, clicking 
on the token and pressing space bar or a letter.

However, it doesn't work if you press backspace or delete, even though 
rangeForUserTextChange is still called. In this case it does nothing if the 
range is zero length, or it does the  normal thing and ignores my range, if the 
user starts off with a range selected.

Has anyone got any other ideas how to achieve this?

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Triggering NSTextView changes and bindings

2009-02-01 Thread Chris Idou
I've got an NSTextView whose attributeValue is bound to a core-data object.

I've got a menu item which programmatically modifies the NSTextView's contents.

The programmatic changes don't trigger a modification to the underlying object 
unless the user tabs to and exits the NSTextView manually.

What is the correct way, when programmatically modifying an NSTextView, to make 
sure the system propagates changes to underlying bindings?

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