Password authentication

2014-02-13 Thread Daniel Wambold
I have hacked together a brief sample app illustrating how I prefer to do 
password authentication. It does not use the keychain, which can be useful as 
well. If it's of any interest or use, feel free. It's called MyAuthenticator, 
which is the first thing listed on the page below. If I understood your goal, 
you wanted the user to authenticate themselves to the program (via a password) 
so you could reveal other, sensitive data? If so, this does just that.
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Re: Password authentication

2014-02-13 Thread Daniel Wambold
You are absolutely correct, and I should have been more clear. The 
authenticated part is simply so you can provide feedback to the user. (Your 
password was wrong.) Replacing the password file could (assuming you knew the 
process) allow one to achieve authenticated status, but the decrypted 256 bit 
number would not be a valid key for the encrypted data thereafter. Any 
sensitive information should be encrypted with the 256 bit key, since it will 
be unreadable without the correct password file _as well as_ the correct 

On Feb 13, 2014, at 5:58 PM, Jens Alfke wrote:

On Feb 13, 2014, at 2:28 PM, Daniel Wambold wrote:

 I have hacked together a brief sample app illustrating how I prefer to do 
 password authentication. It does not use the keychain, which can be useful as 
 well. If it's of any interest or use, feel free. It's called 
 MyAuthenticator, which is the first thing listed on the page below. If I 
 understood your goal, you wanted the user to authenticate themselves to the 
 program (via a password) so you could reveal other, sensitive data? If so, 
 this does just that.

It doesn't provide much security, though. Although reading the password file is 
harmless (because it's been hashed), the file can be _replaced_ with one 
created by the attacker that matches a password they know. Then they can log 
in. Also, unless the underlying sensitive data is encrypted, an attacker could 
grope into the app's data directory and read it.

To use this kind of password-based symmetric-key encryption securely, the 
_data_ to be protected has to be encrypted. So once the user's entered the 
password and you've derived an AES key from it, you use that key to decrypt the 
data file. If the decryption results in invalid data, the password was wrong.



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Confused by memory issue with UIDatePicker

2013-06-16 Thread Daniel Wambold
Dear List,

I am using manual retain count memory management (started long before ARC was 
available) for an iOS app. I have a UIDatePicker in an .xib file with its 
File's Owner set to a custom class, MyTimeDatePickerVC. The MyTimeDatePickerVC 
inherits from UIViewController, and has an IBOutlet attached to the 
UIDatePicker. The MyTimeDateVC instance is created in code, in response to a 
button tap:

MyTimeDatePickerVC *myTimeDatePickerVC = [[[MyTimeDatePickerVC alloc] 
initWithVoucherType:VoucherTimeTypeSurgery andInitialTimes:myInitialTimesDict] 
[self.navigationController pushViewController:myTimeDatePickerVC animated:YES];

The entire view is dismissed in response to a button tap in its view:

[self.navigationController popViewControllerAnimated:YES];

However, if I don't specifically release the UIDatePicker object in the view 
controller's dealloc, it leaks. If I include [myTimeDatePickerUIOutlet release] 
in dealloc, it doesn't leak and it works fine.

My question is: why should I be releasing this object at all? Or, should I 
explicitly be creating it somewhere, but I'm not, so the runtime is creating it 
for me as a courtesy (seems unlikely)? There's a UITableView in the same view 
(with a corresponding IBOutlet in the same ViewController header), but I don't 
create or release that explicitly. What have I missed? Do these pickers get 
treated differently for some reason? (Should I also be releasing the 
UITableView? The UIButtons?)

Thanks for any insight.

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Confused by memory issue with UIDatePicker

2013-06-16 Thread Daniel Wambold
Sorry, I should have been more precise: The problem is progressive memory 
growth each time the ViewController is displayed. If I add the [release], the 
memory footprint reverts to its pre-viewcontroller display level each time the 
VC is dismissed.

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Re: Confused by memory issue with UIDatePicker

2013-06-16 Thread Daniel Wambold
Quincey Morris wrote:
 I have a UIDatePicker in an .xib file with its File's Owner set to a custom 
 class, MyTimeDatePickerVC. The MyTimeDatePickerVC inherits from 
 UIViewController, and has an IBOutlet attached to the UIDatePicker.
 What does the IBOutlet declaration for the UIDatePicker look like?

@interface MyTimeDatePickerVC : UIViewController UITableViewDelegate, 
IBOutlet UIDatePicker *myTimeDatePickerUI;

The connection is shown in the margin as the circle with a central dot, as 
expected, and on inspection, it shows it's connected to the 
MyDateTimePickerVC~iphone's Picker.

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Re: Confused by memory issue with UIDatePicker

2013-06-16 Thread Daniel Wambold
Kyle Sluder wrote:

 On Sun, Jun 16, 2013, at 05:00 PM, Daniel Wambold wrote:
 Quincey Morris wrote:
 I have a UIDatePicker in an .xib file with its File's Owner set to a 
 custom class, MyTimeDatePickerVC. The MyTimeDatePickerVC inherits from 
 UIViewController, and has an IBOutlet attached to the UIDatePicker.
 What does the IBOutlet declaration for the UIDatePicker look like?
 @interface MyTimeDatePickerVC : UIViewController UITableViewDelegate,
IBOutlet UIDatePicker *myTimeDatePickerUI;
 The connection is shown in the margin as the circle with a central dot,
 as expected, and on inspection, it shows it's connected to the
 MyDateTimePickerVC~iphone's Picker.
 From Managing Nib Objects in iOS, in the Legacy Patterns section of
 the Nib Files chapter of the Resource Programming Guide
 As it rebuilds the object hierarchy, UIKit reestablishes connections
 between the objects using setValue:forKey:, which uses the available
 setter method or retains the object by default if no setter method is
 available. This means that (assuming you follow the pattern shown above)
 any object for which you have an outlet remains valid.
 For this reason, that document recommends you use a weak declared
 property for outlets to non-top-level objects. You should probably
 follow that recommendation.
 --Kyle Sluder

Indeed, I should. Thank you for pointing  me to this document, Kyle. 

Best regards,

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Re: Confused by memory issue with UIDatePicker

2013-06-16 Thread Daniel Wambold
 On Jun 16, 2013, at 9:08 PM, Quincey Morris wrote:
 On Jun 16, 2013, at 17:29 , Kyle Sluder wrote:
 For this reason, that document recommends you use a weak declared
 property for outlets to non-top-level objects. You should probably
 follow that recommendation.
 Under the circumstances, since this is a manual RR app, just releasing the 
 UIDatePicker [ivar] in dealloc might be a superior approach.
 If the UIDatePicker is a *top-level* object in the nib, the IBOutlet needs to 
 be a strong reference -- unless there is some other guarantee that it will 
 outlive the nib itself.
 If it's not a top-level object, then the lifetime of whatever is keeping it 
 alive needs to be considered instead. 
 In either case, using a strong reference seems more robust, since it doesn't 
 involve reasoning about the lifetime dependences, at the slight cost of an 
 explicit release.

For what it's worth, the Apple doc went on to say, for legacy memory 
management (I feel so old!):

For iOS, you should use:
@property (nonatomic, retain) IBOutlet UserInterfaceElementClass *anOutlet;

You should then either synthesize the corresponding accessor methods, or 
implement them according to the declaration, and (in iOS) release the 
corresponding variable in dealloc.

I did this, with a @synthesize up front and an explicit release in the dealloc. 
Instruments shows the favorable return of memory when the UI is popped. Thanks 
again for the assistance!


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Windows cryptography

2011-07-01 Thread Daniel Wambold
Hello. I have an iPhone app (SDK 4.3) that uses symmetric key encryption (AES 
256, through the CommonCrypto library). I have the parameters set to use pkcs7 
padding, and an iv of all zeros (CBC mode). My question (somewhat off the 
lists's topic, I'm afraid) is that I need to help our IT people get a file 
encrypted in this format on a Windows system. I was wondering if anyone has 
accomplished this task. I strongly prefer that they use open-source code (or 
something from a major developer, but it'll have to be free, then) if possible, 
for obvious security reasons, but they don't seem to be able to compile stuff, 
so I'm hoping to find an open source project that comes with a precompiled 
binary. Any thoughts? Thanks for any help you might provide!

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Re: Windows cryptography

2011-07-01 Thread Daniel Wambold
OpenSSL is available for Windows, but I can't see how to feed it an encryption 
key, just a passphrase which is (apparently) converted to a key. However, since 
CommonCrypto's CCCrypt uses the key directly, that's what I've got.
I'll check Cygwin out. Thanks. (Anyone know how to feed OpenSSL a key rather 
than a passphrase, or at least how to take a passphrase and generate the key?)

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Re: Windows cryptography

2011-07-01 Thread Daniel Wambold
Hello. After further pain, I found the solution: openSSL allows -K (for the key 
in hex) and -iv (for the initialization vector in hex). (BOTH must be supplied 
if -K is used.) Consider this thread closed. Thanks to those who assisted. 

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Re: NSTableView Column Header Restrictions?

2010-02-01 Thread Daniel Wambold
OK, first, thanks to Quincey for pointing out the document on KVO/KVB key 
requirements. Since I've made several mistakes along the way, I figured I'd ask 
if this seems adequate to ensure conversion of arbitrary strings (keyboard 
entered) into compliant keys. The code subsequently checks to ensure that, 
after the conversion, they keys are non-nil and not duplicates of existing 
keys. The pre-conversion string is limited to 30 characters, so I think the 
maximum these could end up being is something like 90 or 120 characters, given 
that the percent-conversion can add at least 2 characters to each one they 
replace. Have I missed anything important? As it is, the NSObject's bind:... 
method seems to take care of white space by encapsulating the key in quotation 
marks, but since that violates the key formation rules, I don't want to rely on 
that behavior. However, since it worked, I didn't realize I was making a 
mistake, so let me know if I've missed something else. Thanks for your input! 
(Incidentally, I chose the percent-escape route because it took care of the 
ASCII conversion and the white space elimination in one shot. Otherwise, I 
could have gone with a routine to strip white space, convert to data with 
ASCII, then back to a string, but the keys are only seen by the program, so I 
figured the percent format wouldn't hurt.)

// Prepare the column title string for KVO work: Must be non-cap (initial 
char), ASCII, and non-white-space-containing.
myKVOCompliantKey = [myTableColumnTitleUnstripped 
stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:@. withString:@];
myKVOCompliantKey = [myKVOCompliantKey lowercaseString];
myKVOCompliantKey = [myKVOCompliantKey 
// End of string prep.

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Re: NSTableView Column Header Restrictions?

2010-01-31 Thread Daniel Wambold
Previous problem solved:
A few weeks ago, I posted a question pertaining to trouble I was having when 
tableView column header cell titles contained period (.) characters. After 
working around it, I recently discovered the source of my problem and I figured 
I'd post just in case anyone else stumbled down this same path.
In brief, I have an NSTableView to which the user can add user-titled columns. 
I bound the tableView's columns to a controller programmatically. This was the 
root of my trouble. I chose to use the column title strings as the keys for the 
binding, like this:

[aTableColumn bind:@value toObject:myDataController withKeyPath:[NSString 
stringWithFormat:@arrangedObjects.%@, [myTitleArray objectAtIndex:i]] 

Of course, when the %@ in the formatted string was replaced with a column title 
containing a period, the key acquired an incorrect dot-syntax appendage. For 
whatever reason, that error then caused several messages regarding object 
validation to occur, convincing me that I had accidentally requested object 
In any event, the error was entirely mine, and periods can easily coexist with 
column titles as long as I do something like [[myTitleArray objectAtIndex:i] 
stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:@. withString:@].

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Apparent NSTableView Bug

2010-01-28 Thread Daniel Wambold
I have run up against an apparent 10.6.2 bug in the NSTableView object. 
Specifically, if NSTableViewSelectionHighlightStyleNone is set, the tableView 
causes Assertion failures and other problems. Below is some code demonstrating 
the problem. In any event, I need to emulate the None style for highlight in my 
TableView. Does anyone know how to set the highlight color, perhaps, to 
clearColor or something with a tiny alpha value so it approximates the None 
appearance? I can live with undocumented changes, as the program will run on a 
system with a fixed OS, and I can un-hack the NSTableView when the problem is 
repaired. (Radar ID# 7588256). If I've done something wrong and this code is 
the problem, please tell me, as I'm sort of stuck for now.

Sample code: create a new Cocoa project, drag a tableView into IB, wire it to 
your controller. When you add a row, click on the header, then on the tableView 
cell. If you comment out the highlightStyle line, this aberrant behavior 

@implementation MArrayCont

- (void)awakeFromNib
mColTitles = [[NSArray arrayWithObjects:@One, @Two, nil] retain];
NSArray *mCols = [myTableView tableColumns];
int i=0;
for (NSTableColumn *aCol in mCols)
[aCol bind:@value toObject:self
   withKeyPath:[NSString stringWithFormat:@arrangedObjects.%@, 
[mColTitles objectAtIndex:i]]


- (IBAction)add:(id)sender
NSMutableDictionary *mNewRow = [[[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init] 
int i=[[self content] count];   // Just provides some 
uniqueness to each entry.
for (NSString *aColTitle in mColTitles)
[mNewRow setObject:[NSString stringWithFormat:@%i: %@,i, 
aColTitle] forKey:aColTitle];
[self addObject:mNewRow];

- (void)dealloc
[mColTitles release];
[super dealloc];


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Re: Apparent NSTableView Bug

2010-01-28 Thread Daniel Wambold
Looks like
[myTableView setAllowsColumnSelection:NO];
stopped the crashing for now (I'm sure I've made plenty of other mistakes that 
are lurking in the dark) Thanks for the tip! 

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NSTableView Column Header Restrictions?

2010-01-19 Thread Daniel Wambold
I have an NSTableView that I populate with columns programmatically. I use the 
following to establish the header titles:

NSTableHeaderCell *myGenericHeaderCell = [[[NSTableHeaderCell alloc] 
initTextCell:myTableColumnTitle] autorelease];
[myGenericHeaderCell setAlignment:NSCenterTextAlignment];
[myGenericHeaderCell setEditable:NO];
[myGenericHeaderCell setSelectable:NO];
[aTableColumn setHeaderCell:myGenericHeaderCell];

From there, I add the column to the tableView. My problem is that, if I use a 
header name that contains a period (.), the tableView tries to validate my 
data. Is this expected behavior? I have no validation routines anywhere in the 
program or in IB, and I can only seem to work around this by changing the 
column names. I can't find this behavior referenced in the NSTableView or 
NSTableHeaderCell docs.


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Re: NSTableView Column Header Restrictions?

2010-01-19 Thread Daniel Wambold
 On Jan 19, 2010, at 3:30 PM, Daniel Wambold wrote:
 I have an NSTableView that I populate with columns programmatically. I use 
 the following to establish the header titles:
 NSTableHeaderCell *myGenericHeaderCell = [[[NSTableHeaderCell alloc] 
 initTextCell:myTableColumnTitle] autorelease];
 [myGenericHeaderCell setAlignment:NSCenterTextAlignment];
 [myGenericHeaderCell setEditable:NO];
 [myGenericHeaderCell setSelectable:NO];
 [aTableColumn setHeaderCell:myGenericHeaderCell];
 From there, I add the column to the tableView. My problem is that, if I use 
 a header name that contains a period (.), the tableView tries to validate my 
 data. Is this expected behavior? I have no validation routines anywhere in 
 the program or in IB, and I can only seem to work around this by changing 
 the column names. I can't find this behavior referenced in the NSTableView 
 or NSTableHeaderCell docs.
 There are no such restrictions. Can you post a backtrace of when it is being 
 validated when you don't expect it to be? There must be something else going 

The modal sheet claiming An error occurred, with Discard changes and OK 
buttons appears with this trace:

#0  0x7fff88491e3a in mach_msg_trap
#1  0x7fff884924ad in mach_msg
#2  0x7fff87bb87a2 in __CFRunLoopRun
#3  0x7fff87bb7c2f in CFRunLoopRunSpecific
#4  0x7fff87fa6a4e in RunCurrentEventLoopInMode
#5  0x7fff87fa6853 in ReceiveNextEventCommon
#6  0x7fff87fa670c in BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInMode
#7  0x7fff84f061f2 in _DPSNextEvent
#8  0x7fff84f05b41 in -[NSApplication 
#9  0x7fff84ecb747 in -[NSApplication run]
#10 0x7fff84ec4468 in NSApplicationMain
#11 0x130f5 in main at main.m:13

If I allow my endEditing timer to fire, I end up with a separate alert window 
containing identical text and buttons as the above modal sheet, and this trace:

#0  0x7fff88491e3a in mach_msg_trap
#1  0x7fff884924ad in mach_msg
#2  0x7fff87bb87a2 in __CFRunLoopRun
#3  0x7fff87bb7c2f in CFRunLoopRunSpecific
#4  0x7fff87fa6a4e in RunCurrentEventLoopInMode
#5  0x7fff87fa6853 in ReceiveNextEventCommon
#6  0x7fff87fa670c in BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInMode
#7  0x7fff84f061f2 in _DPSNextEvent
#8  0x7fff84f05b41 in -[NSApplication 
#9  0x7fff85140943 in -[NSApplication _realDoModalLoop:peek:]
#10 0x7fff8513e4cd in -[NSApplication runModalForWindow:]
#11 0x7fff8513b981 in -[NSAlert runModal]
#12 0x7fff8515d7ef in -[NSApplication(NSErrorPresentation) presentError:]
#13 0x7fff854e2d82 in -[NSWindowController presentError:]
#14 0x7fff854c0e15 in -[NSValueBinder 
#15 0x7fff854bfca8 in -[NSValueBinder 
#16 0x7fff854c0809 in -[NSValueBinder 
#17 0x7fff854c05b4 in -[NSValueBinder 
#18 0x7fff854bfb9f in -[NSValueBinder 
#19 0x7fff854bf7f1 in -[NSValueBinder 
#20 0x7fff854f083b in -[_NSBindingAdaptor 
#21 0x7fff854f0746 in -[_NSBindingAdaptor 
#22 0x7fff8540ab7a in -[NSTableView textShouldEndEditing:]
#23 0x7fff8508a30c in -[NSTextView(NSSharing) resignFirstResponder]
#24 0x7fff84eff07b in -[NSWindow makeFirstResponder:]
#25 0x7fff850673cd in -[NSWindow endEditingFor:]
#26 0x7fff84f2847f in -[NSView removeFromSuperview]
#27 0x7fff85086ca5 in -[_NSKeyboardFocusClipView removeFromSuperview]
#28 0x7fff8508b04f in -[NSCell endEditing:]
#29 0x1000147ea in -[MyContinuousTableViewDelegate myEndEditing] at 
#30 0x100014668 in -[MyContinuousTableViewDelegate myTimerAction:] at 
#31 0x7fff86688a39 in __NSFireTimer
#32 0x7fff87bb9a58 in __CFRunLoopRun
#33 0x7fff87bb7c2f in CFRunLoopRunSpecific
#34 0x7fff87fa6a4e in RunCurrentEventLoopInMode
#35 0x7fff87fa6853 in ReceiveNextEventCommon
#36 0x7fff87fa670c in BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInMode
#37 0x7fff84f061f2 in _DPSNextEvent

NSArrayControllers not repopulating after NSPersistentDocument load

2010-01-13 Thread Daniel Wambold
Dear List,

I have an NSPersistentDocument app using CoreData for storage. I have three 
NSArrayControllers to mediate between the three Entities in my Model and three 
NSTableViews. Everything works fine until I load a previously saved file. At 
that point, the controllers seem to have no content despite the fact that the 
tables are properly populated. That is, the NSTableView shows data, but po 
[self arrangedObjects] in GDB shows an empty array.
At first I figured it was a timing issue, so I delayed the attempt to 
manipulate an object (accessed by [[self arrangedObjects] objectAtIndex:0]) 
with a message delayed by up to several seconds with no improvement. If I force 
a fetch, I can retrieve the data, but for some reason the controller is not 
taking care of this on its own. I have verified that the controller 
automatically prepares content, and it's not fetching lazily, per IB. I'm 
sure I've missed something obvious, but I'm stuck. I'm not sure if it's 
relevant, but the value of [self managedObjectContext] is different if I check 
it in the NSPersistentDocument object immediately after - 
(BOOL)configurePersistentStoreCoordinatorForURL:(NSURL *)url ofType:(NSString 
*)fileType modelConfiguration:(NSString *)configuration 
storeOptions:(NSDictionary *)storeOptions error:(NSError **)error versus later, 
when my controller tries to manipulate its content. Although I modified the 
document's load method to investigate this (just a call to super followed by a 
break point), the same behavior exists even without overriding this method. If 
the answer is in the Apple Docs, I've missed it because I've read them several 
times now. Incidentally, the Cannot access contents of an object controller 
after a nib is loaded section of Core Data Programming Guide looked 
promising, and fetchWithRequest:merge:error returns YES, but it still doesn't 
cause the controller to repopulate. I've got perhaps 50 pieces of string data 
stored in this document, so it's not a volume of data issue, I don't think.

Thanks for any insight.

The troublesome code, from my NSArrayController subclass, follows. The object, 
myNote, is sent, after a brief delay, from the Nib file of another object. I 
verified it contains a valid NSDate object.

- (void) myChangeStartTime:(NSNotification *)myNote
[self setFilterPredicate:nil];
[self rearrangeObjects];
[[[self arrangedObjects] objectAtIndex:0] setValue:[[myNote object] 
dateValue] forKey:kMyDateBindingKey];

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Re: NSArrayControllers not repopulating after NSPersistentDocument load

2010-01-13 Thread Daniel Wambold

I have not created a controller in code, to my knowledge, so I don't know how 
I'd have two. (I had, previously, made this error by creating an instantiation 
of NSDocument in IB, but I realized the error in my ways and cleared that up, I 
believe, by resetting the File's Owner to the MyDocument subclass. which is not 
instantiated in IB). I can't see any evidence that I missed any part of fixing 

What I have done is dragged an NSArrayController into the nib file, assigned it 
to the MyVSController subclass, then wired it to the NSTextView. I used code to 
create the table columns and bindings. The NSArrayController behaves properly 
(able to show an array of arrangedObjects, make decisions based on these, etc.) 
prior to saving the file. I *HAD* tried creating and assigning an 
NSManagedObjectContext object in IB, but realized that was probably a mistake 
so I removed it and any reference in code to such a thing.

The original code did not include the rearrangeObjects call. I put that in to 
be certain I wasn't missing something that would trigger a re-filtering, thus 
revealing contents that were otherwise filtered out.

The last line of code is simply a way to set an NSDatePicker in the UI to the 
last clock time the user had chosen. I didn't bind the NSDatePicker because I 
wanted to be able to do a number of parameter checks on it before allowing its 
value to slip into the data store. Nevertheless, I agree that the situation 
seems to suggest that the File  Open (load) method that is being invoked by 
the NSPersistentDocument is creating a new managed object context that is not 
being attached to the controller. Despite my efforts to force this issue (such 
as posting the new MOC in a notification object), it fails. I assume this is 
because I was using the NSPersistentDocument persistent store assignment 
method, which occurs before the Nib is reconstituted, meaning that the value is 
lost in the initialization.

I don't know if this is a clue, but I have never been able to get this program 
to respond to the request for [[NSApp delegate] managedObjectContext]. I DO 
have a delegate to the Application, but I have not yet done anything with it. 
Could this be part of the problem?

In any event, I appreciate any further insight you or anyone else might have.

Thanks again.


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Re: NSDatePicker 24 hour clock

2010-01-09 Thread Daniel Wambold
 On Jan 8, 2010, at 3:12 PM, Daniel Wambold wrote:
 Hello. I have an NSDatePicker (NSTextFieldAndStepperDatePickerStyle) and I 
 need it to display time in a 24-hour time mode. After reading Apple's docs 
 and searching the Web, I can't seem to find a way to make this happen. I 
 have attached an NSDateFormatter in IB and specified 24-hour time (HH:MM), 
 but the program reverts back to a 12-hour clock. I changed my System 
 Preferences to a 24 hour clock, but the NSDatePicker refuses to change. I 
 tried a programmatic formatter:
 NSDateFormatter *dateFormatter = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init];
 [dateFormatter setDateFormat:@HH:mm];
 [myDatePicker setFormatter:dateFormatter];
 (Also tried [[myDatePicker cell] setFormatter:dateFormatter];)
 In desperation, I set a loop trying every NSDatePickerElementFlags from 0 to 
 513. Have I missed something, or is a 24-hour clock not allowed? The program 
 is for use in a location where 24-hour time is mandatory. Thanks for any 
 insight you might have.

 This works for me. I always want UTC time zone and a 24 hour clock,
 NSDateFormatter *dateFormatter = [[[NSDateFormatter alloc] init] 
 [dateFormatter setTimeZone:[NSTimeZone timeZoneForSecondsFromGMT:0]];
 [dateFormatter setDateFormat:@/MM/dd' 'HH:mm:ss' UTC' ];
 mystring = [mystring stringByAppendingString:[dateFormatter 
 Where date is an NSDate*.
 The capital HH should give you 24 hours time, as I understand it. Is it 
 possible that [myDatePicker cell] is failing to see your dateFormatter and 
 is using some default instead?

Thanks for your response. It looks like you're formatting an NSString with the 
date. That's fine, but I want the NSDatePicker itself to show 24 hour time. In 
other words, the UI element that is the date picker should show, next to its 
stepper, a 24 hour time, rather than an AM/PM time. That was why I tried 
telling both the NSDatePicker and the NSDatePickerCell to adopt the 
NSDateFormatter. If you have achieved this UI setup, I misunderstood your 
response, and would appreciate it if you would clarify how you formatted the 
DatePicker widget itself.

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Re: NSDatePicker 24 hour clock

2010-01-09 Thread Daniel Wambold
 Daniel Wambold ( on 2010-01-08 6:12 PM said:
 Hello. I have an NSDatePicker (NSTextFieldAndStepperDatePickerStyle) and
 I need it to display time in a 24-hour time mode. After reading Apple's
 docs and searching the Web, I can't seem to find a way to make this
 happen. I have attached an NSDateFormatter in IB and specified 24-hour
 time (HH:MM), but the program reverts back to a 12-hour clock. I changed
 my System Preferences to a 24 hour clock, but the NSDatePicker refuses
 to change. I tried a programmatic formatter:
 NSDateFormatter *dateFormatter = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init];
 [dateFormatter setDateFormat:@HH:mm];
 [myDatePicker setFormatter:dateFormatter];
 (Also tried [[myDatePicker cell] setFormatter:dateFormatter];)
 In desperation, I set a loop trying every NSDatePickerElementFlags from
 0 to 513. Have I missed something, or is a 24-hour clock not allowed?
 The program is for use in a location where 24-hour time is mandatory.
 Thanks for any insight you might have.

 Strange.  Have you tried in a test app?  My app's
 NSTextFieldAndStepperDatePickerStyle NSDateField follows Sys Pref
 settings.  I did nothing fancy to get that behaviour.

Thanks for your reply. Yes, I tried a sample App. (XCode  New Project  Cocoa 
App. Open Xib in IB. Drag DatePicker into window. Build  debug. AM/PM. Change 
System Pref to 24 hour clock. Rebuild  debug. Same behavior).
However, I really prefer to specify this outside of the System Preferences 
anyway. Most of us (in the US) are used to AM/PM clocks (so I want the rest of 
the computer's apps to work in AM/PM), but for this work related project, the 
time must be military. In any event, I couldn't force a change of behavior in 
this code-free (at least by me) sample app in 10.6.2

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Re: NSDatePicker 24 hour clock

2010-01-09 Thread Daniel Wambold
I changed the Apple Menu  System Preferences  Date  Time  Use a 24-hour 
clock setting. However, as I mentioned, I'd really prefer not to make this a 
system-wide change. I just find it odd that there would be no programmatic way 
to change the NSDatePicker to a 24-hour clock. If there isn't I guess I should 
request that feature (My test app had nothing at all in code. I simply 
dragged a datePicker from IB's palate into the stock window. I didn't set any 
Thanks again.

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NSDatePicker 24 hour clock

2010-01-08 Thread Daniel Wambold
Hello. I have an NSDatePicker (NSTextFieldAndStepperDatePickerStyle) and I need 
it to display time in a 24-hour time mode. After reading Apple's docs and 
searching the Web, I can't seem to find a way to make this happen. I have 
attached an NSDateFormatter in IB and specified 24-hour time (HH:MM), but the 
program reverts back to a 12-hour clock. I changed my System Preferences to a 
24 hour clock, but the NSDatePicker refuses to change. I tried a programmatic 

NSDateFormatter *dateFormatter = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init];
[dateFormatter setDateFormat:@HH:mm];
[myDatePicker setFormatter:dateFormatter];
(Also tried [[myDatePicker cell] setFormatter:dateFormatter];)

In desperation, I set a loop trying every NSDatePickerElementFlags from 0 to 
513. Have I missed something, or is a 24-hour clock not allowed? The program is 
for use in a location where 24-hour time is mandatory. Thanks for any insight 
you might have.

Best Regards,

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How can I make an NSTableView update its display on command?

2009-12-26 Thread Daniel Wambold
Hello List,
I am writing a CoreData app with an entity controller bound to an NSTableView, 
with the bindings created programmatically. Periodically, the program creates a 
new NSManagedObject, sets default values, and adds it to the MOC. This works 
fine. However, the NSTableView does not update its display until I mouse over 
it. In a given period of time, several objects may have been added, but they do 
not appear until the pointer enters the NSTableView onscreen. I have tried each 
of the following, then commented them out when they failed:

NSLog (@Have we updated yet?\n);

// 1 // [myTableViewOutlet reloadData];

// 2 // [myTableViewOutlet lockFocus];
//  [myTableViewOutlet display];
//  [myTableViewOutlet unlockFocus];

// 3 // [myTableViewOutlet viewWillDraw];

// 4 // [myTableViewOutlet lockFocus];
[myTableViewOutlet drawRect:[myTableViewOutlet bounds]];
[myTableViewOutlet unlockFocus];

// 5 // [[myTableViewOutlet superview] setNeedsDisplay:YES];

// 6 // [myTableViewOutlet lockFocus];
//  NSRect myTableViewNewRowRect = [myTableViewOutlet 
rectOfRow:([myTableViewOutlet numberOfRows]-1)];
//  [myTableViewOutlet drawRow:([myTableViewOutlet numberOfRows]-1) 
//  [myTableViewOutlet unlockFocus];

// 7 // [myTableViewOutlet scrollRowToVisible:([myTableViewOutlet 

Any hints on how to make this view update itself on command. I realize its 
deferred updating is probably the result of the runtime trying to be efficient, 
but these new object events only occur about once every 5 minutes, and the end 
user is not going to understand why none appear for a while, then a whole bunch 
suddenly pop into view when they move the mouse.


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RE: How can I make an NSTableView update its display on command?

2009-12-26 Thread Daniel Wambold
Sorry. It was NOT the NSTableView's problem. I neglected to add:

[[self managedObjectContext] processPendingChanges];

after the NSManagedObject was created. Please disregard the previous post.

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Cocoa bindings and Core Data

2009-12-23 Thread Daniel Wambold
Dear List,
I am still learning bindings and CoreData, but I have recently completed 
another relatively basic program using both these technologies. I learn best by 
seeing other people's code, so in that vein, I'm posting my source (iCredit is 
the newer program, but Billing Project also uses these basic technologies) in 
case anyone else might find it helpful. NB: I'm a hack and may have made 
stylistic or more serious errors, so these should not be treated as though they 
teach PROPER programming, just adequate programming! Both programs are designed 
to help small businesses manage different aspects of account maintenance, 
billing, and debit/credit extensions. They're MIT-license releases, so if you 
run a small business, feel free to use them within these relatively benign 
constraints. Happy Programming!

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Answered: How do I bind ManagedObject's relationships to a view?

2009-12-03 Thread Daniel Wambold
I'm posting this simply because I *thought* I had looked through all  
of Apple's bindings for beginners-style documentation, but hadn't  
seen this sort of dependent controller setup described. Sorry if it's  
obvious or redundant

In the spirit of (finally) answering my own question (and in case  
anyone else was baffled by this), I was able to bind successfully the  
dependent list of authorized users (authUsers), which are person  
entities to an NSTableView by creating a new NSArrayController in IB,  
setting its Mode to Entity, its Entity Name to the entity that it  
would display (in this case, for example, my person entity), then  
setting the Content SET binding to the NSArrayController that managed  
the complete account entity, with the Controller Key set to selection,  
and the model path to authUsers, which was a relationship that is the  
inverse of a person's account relationship. Then, I could bind the  
NSTableViewColumn to the new controller by selecting the  
NSTableViewColumn and setting its Value binding to the new controller,  
its Controller Key to arrangedObjects, and the model key path to the  
read-only (synthesized on the fly through code) key path, nameAndID. I  
haven't tried to use the Content Set binding without creating the  
dependent controller, so I don't know if that would work in some way  
by using just the main account controller I have

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How do I bind ManagedObject's relationships to a view?

2009-12-01 Thread Daniel Wambold
Hello, List. I am a novice with CoreData and bindings and I've stumped  
myself with this problem. I have created an xcdatamodel that contains  
3 objects: an Account object with a relationship property  
authorizedUsers, which is a to-many relationship with a Person object.  
The Person object has a reciprocal to-one relationship (account)  
with the Account object. I have a table view that shows all the  
accounts, and which, when I click on a given account, should show, in  
a separate table view,  all the authorized users for that account. The  
Person object has a read-only variable, nameAndID that concatenates  
the first name, last name, and ID of the person entity. I feel like  
I've tried every combination of bind to: and paths already. Right now,  
I've only been successful by pushing a string into a scroll view with:

(from the Account.m file)
-(NSMutableString *)authorizedUsersNameID
	NSMutableString *myString = [[[NSMutableString alloc] init]  

NSSet *mySetOfAuthorizedUsers = [self valueForKey:authorizedUsersKey];
int i=0;
for (Person *aPerson in mySetOfAuthorizedUsers)
		[myString appendFormat:@%i: %...@\n,i, [aPerson  

return myString;

And in the view controller object:
	NSEntityDescription *personEntityDescription = [NSEntityDescription  
entityForName:PersonEntity inManagedObjectContext:moc];

NSFetchRequest *request = [[[NSFetchRequest alloc] init] autorelease];
[request setEntity:personEntityDescription];

// Set predicate and sort orderings...
	NSPredicate *predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@(account  
== %@), mySelectedAccount];

[request setPredicate:predicate];
NSError *error;
	NSArray *myAuthorizedUsers = [moc executeFetchRequest:request  

if (myAuthorizedUsers == nil || [myAuthorizedUsers count] == 0)
		// This is an error situation, as we should always have at least the  
account owner as an authorized user.
		NSLog (@Search error: Authorized account users failed to match any  

[myAccountUserTextView setString:@];// Clear 
out the text view.
for (NSManagedObject *anAuthorizedUser in myAuthorizedUsers)
			[myAccountUserTextView insertText:[anAuthorizedUser  

[myAccountUserTextView insertText:@\n];

The problem is that, I also want to bind Transaction objects (same  
relationships as Person) but they have more information such as dates,  
amounts, and so forth. I'd much rather do this with bindings than to  
create strings if it can be done. If you know what sort of settings I  
need to establish in IB to set this up (such as which bindings and  
what paths), please take a moment to set me straight. The CoreData  
test model in IB doesn't do this for me, so I can't crib those  
settings. I have working, subclassed controllers for each managed  
entity type, and the data are clearly appearing in the managed object  
(viz. the above code), so I suspect it's just my binding settings that  
I've got wrong.

Thanks for your insight!

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Question about IB, filterPredicate, and bindings

2009-11-15 Thread Daniel Wambold
Hello, list. I am a hack programmer, so forgive what is probably an  
obvious question. I'm working on a core data document based app that  
uses bindings I've created in IB to control a master / detail  
interface. Briefly, in XCode's xcdatamodel, there is a Person entity  
with a name (String) and employee (Bool). I have another entity,  
Transaction, which has an amount (Decimal) and an operator (Person  
Relationship). So far, so good. Everything is nicely working with  
bindings. However, I only want the operator pop-up to display Person  
entities for which employee == 1 (the predicate that I can build in  
the xcdatamodel fetch request).

I would have thought that, in IB, I should be able to choose the pop- 
up button binding, set the Content binding to the Person array  
controller, set the controller key to filterPredicate, and choose the  
keyPath to be the pre-made fetch called getEmployees that I created in  
the xcdatamodel. It seems like that would simply limit the content to  
records that fit the predicate. Needless to say, this doesn't work,  
since at compile time, the console shows this:

2009-11-14 09:47:15.190 iCredit v0.1[7370:a0f] Binding contentValues  
of object NSPopUpButton: 0x103328aa0 ignored: Key path (currently  
bound as arrangedObjects.firstName) needs to have the content key path  
(filterPredicate.getEmployees) as prefix

What should I have done, or can this be achieved with IB at all? I'm  
not opposed to writing the code to populate the NSPopUpButton object  
by hand, but bindings seem so right for this purpose that I can't seem  
to get past this hangup. Thanks for any insight!


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