On Apr 28, 2009, at 1:34 AM, Erg Consultant wrote:

  if( glBundle ) {
       // Get main bundle info dict...

       d = [ glBundle infoDictionary ];
       if( d ) {
           // Get the GL bundle's path from the info dict...
            z = [ d objectForKey:kNSBundleInitialPathInfoDictKey ];
           if( z ) {
               // Break the path up into a path component array...
arr = [ z componentsSeparatedByString:kSlashStringKey ];
                // Make a mutable path string to manipulate...
                m = [ NSMutableString stringWithCapacity:0 ];

   if( m && arr )    {
       for(i=0; i<[ arr count] - 1; i++ ) {
           [m appendString:[arr objectAtIndex:i] ];
           [m appendString:@"/" ];
        //go up one level to get at Info.plist
        [m appendString:@"Info.plist" ];
        dd = [ NSDictionary dictionaryWithContentsOfFile:m ];
        zzz = [ dd valueForKey:@"CFBundleExecutable" ];
        [ m setString:@"" ];
//Loop again appening all path compoents to final file to launch...

       for(i=0; i<[ arr count] - 1; i++ ) {
           [m appendString:[arr objectAtIndex:i] ];
           [m appendString:@"/" ];
        //now get full path to the file we want to actually run...
        [ m appendString:zzz ];
        [ m appendString:@".ifn" ];

Wow, you are making this problem way, way harder than it needs to be. ;-)

If you are working with file paths, you shouldn't be using componentsSeparatedByString:, nor should you be defining "/" to be the component you should be separating by. What if someone had your app inside of a folder they named "Apps/Utilities"? The HFS+ filesystem actually uses a colon as the path separator, so having a / in the name of a file or folder is perfectly acceptable, but would likely cause a headache and unexpected results if your code were to encounter it. (Go to the Finder and try adding a /).

When dealing with file paths, you should be using the following methods:

+ (NSString *)pathWithComponents:(NSArray *)components;

- (NSArray *)pathComponents;

- (NSString *)lastPathComponent;
- (NSString *)stringByDeletingLastPathComponent;
- (NSString *)stringByAppendingPathComponent:(NSString *)str;

- (NSString *)pathExtension;
- (NSString *)stringByDeletingPathExtension;
- (NSString *)stringByAppendingPathExtension:(NSString *)str;

- (NSString *)stringByStandardizingPath;

Note that these aren't in the NSString.h header itself, but in a separate NSPathUtilities.h file.

Using these higher-level commands will insulate you from even having to worry about what the path separator even is (it will be handled for you). The same goes for adding a filename extensions: [fileName stringByAppendingString:@".jpg"] should be [fileName stringByAppendingPathExtension:@"jpg"].***

Hope this helps,


*** Adobe developers, this means you! Maybe then I wouldn't have a folder in my user library folder whose name is "Application Support/ Adobe/Acrobat".

Mark Douma
Grand Rapids, MI, USA


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