Re: NSMutableData and Pinned Memory buffers..

2012-12-13 Thread Melissa J Turner

On Dec 13, 2012, at 4:28 PM, Kevin Perry wrote:

 On Dec 13, 2012, at 4:24 PM, Greg Parker wrote:
 On Dec 13, 2012, at 4:13 PM, Robert Monaghan wrote:
 I went ahead and created a really crude subclass of NSMutableData. It seems 
 to work for my situation.
 Attached is the code, for posterity. (I am sure I won't be the only one 
 working around this.)
 Any suggestions to make this a bit more Proper are welcome.
 If that's all you need then you should wrap the buffer in an immutable 
 NSData. NSData won't mind if you poke directly at the contents of the buffer.
 Except that he's probably expecting to be able to invoke -mutableBytes and 
 modify the buffer's contents without changing the length. Immutable NSData 
 objects don't respond to -mutableBytes.

There's no reason he needs to invoke -mutableBytes. For his purposes, -bytes 
would do just as well, since the length won't be changing.



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Re: What does core data do during a Save As?

2010-10-04 Thread Melissa J. Turner

On Oct 1, 2010, at 10:02 PM, Jerry Krinock wrote:

 On 2010 Oct 01, at 10:44, Quincey Morris wrote:
 Core Data implements Save As as a migration process using a mapping model 
 that it constructs on the fly
 Eeek.  I never knew that.

I'm late to the game, but this is incorrect. The Save As functionality does not 
use the migration feature. 

Save As simply(?) loads all the objects, messes with the objectIDs, and saves 
to the new location. This means that all the standard rules for loading objects 
(ie don't touch relationships in awakeFromFetch) apply, and any business logic 
your classes implement on save will be triggered (unlike migration, which 
modifies the model to use NSManagedObject instead of custom classes).



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Re: Finding Core Data objects in Instruments

2010-08-31 Thread Melissa J. Turner

On Aug 30, 2010, at 7:35 PM, Rick Mann wrote:

 We're having a hard time tracking down our smaller leaks in our iPad app. 
 When running on the simulator, one thing we noticed is that none of our Core 
 Data objects shows up in Leaks or Allocations (all of them have custom 
 NSManagedObject subclasses).
 Does Core Data never actually instantiate our objects, instead somehow 
 usurping each individual action implementation and instantiating its own kind 
 of objects?
 Why do we not see NSManagedObject, nor any of our subclasses, in Leaks or 

Some from column A, some from column B.

CoreData will create custom subclasses of your classes and instantiate those 
instead of your classes (this shows up if you run heap from the command line).

More relevant to your question, CoreData uses a different allocation path than 
most of the rest of Cocoa with the result that many objects allocated by 
CoreData (particularly those which are allocated in bulk, like object ids, 
managed objects, etc) appear in Leaks/Allocations as anonymous malloc blocks. 
You should be able to play around with allocating extra instances during 
startup to figure out what block size maps to what managed object class(es).



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Re: Managed Object with Transformable Attribute (C Struct)

2009-12-16 Thread Melissa J. Turner

On Dec 15, 2009, at 20:47, Richard Somers wrote:

 On Dec 15, 2009, at 9:18 PM, Graham Cox wrote:
 You're archiving 'value'. You want instead to return the mutableData that 
 the first archiver wrote to, which is otherwise unused.
 Thanks. Saving keyed archive of struct foo now works for xml store (I think, 
 when I open up the xml document I was expecting to see the keys for foo but 
 instead just see data as before).
 Prior to this change document saved ok in xml and sqlite but save as binary 
 resulted in error: *** -[NSKeyedArchiver encodeValueOfObjCType:at:]: this 
 archiver cannot encode structs.
 With this change saving to xml is ok but saving as sqlite or binary results 
 in error: The document could not be saved as is a required 
 My whole application works fine with core data, bindings, saving to different 
 store types, etc. Just this one attribute is causing problems.
 Any ideas?

I think you're running into a known problem with the binary store not 
respecting the value transformer name and instead always using the default 
archiver (NSKeyedArchiver).

The only real workaround is to have a wrapper property (ie a property returning 
an NSData) that does the transform and persist that instead.



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Re: Core Data: insertNewObjectForEntityForName doesn't return my custom subclass during migration

2009-12-03 Thread Melissa J. Turner

On Dec 3, 2009, at 09:08, Sean McBride wrote:

 Hi all,
 The docs for NSEntityDescription say
 initWithEntity:insertIntoManagedObjectContext: returns an instance of
 the appropriate class for the entity.
 This seems to be mostly true.  Yet when I do:
 [NSEntityDescription insertNewObjectForEntityForName:@FooBar
 it's giving me an NSManagedObject not an RRFooBar.  I've confirmed that
 by sending the class method and also sending message that only my
 subclass responds to.  I've confirmed that my xcdatamodel has specified
 the right subclass (RRFooBar).
 This happens only during migration (the same code gives RRFooBar if
 migration is not involved).  Specifically during this partial backtrace:
 -[NSEntityMigrationPolicy createRelat
 -[NSMigrationManager(InternalMethods) _doSecondPassForMapping:error:]
 -[NSMigrationManager migrateStoreFrom
 Is this expected?

This is expected. 

During migration, Core Data uses NSManagedObject instead of custom subclasses 
to contain object data. This is to avoid triggering application logic and/or 
validation rules in the classes during what should be a pure data 
transformation step.  Any logic you need during migration should be encoded 
into the mapping model.



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Re: Help debugging Dangling reference to an invalid object. Core Data error

2009-10-22 Thread Melissa J. Turner

On Oct 22, 2009, at 16:26, Sean McBride wrote:

 Hi all,
 Core Data is giving me a validation error when I try to save a document
 after making a simple change.
 I have an entity 'Scene' with a to-many relationship to an entity
 'Target'.  The inverse relationship is also to-many.  Both relationships
 are optional and the delete rule for both sides is nullify.
 To repro, I delete all Scenes then try to save.  It gives:
 Dangling reference to an invalid object. = null;
 NSAffectedObjectsErrorKey = (
  BSScene: 0x2004ff940 (entity: Scene; id: 0x2004f32a0 x-coredata://
 FCE3E0E3-F187-4C44-BFC3-60D7AF3E579F/Scene/p343 ; ...
 This error gives only 4 hits with Google. :(
 The problem is that some Targets still have relationships to some
 Scenes!  How can that happen?  It seems like the delete rule is not
 doing its job.
 I've confirmed that each Scene receives prepareForDeletion.  None of the
 Scenes are finalized, they are all strongly referenced by the moc's
 _deletedObjects ivar.
 Any advice on how to debug this?
 (I can repro this with 2 customer-provided documents, but I've not been
 able to create a document with this problem myself.  Happens on 10.5.8
 and 10.6.1; my app is garbage collected.)

Does the object with the ID 
x-coredata://FCE3E0E3-F187-4C44-BFC3-60D7AF3E579F/Scene/p343 exist in the 
affected store? What happens when you call existingObjectWithID:error:? 

Do you know what version of the OS the bad documents were created on? A lot 
changed in the relationship handling area in 10.6 (for the better, really and 
truly ;-), so knowing whether your customers created them on 10.5.x or 10.6.x 
would help narrow down the possibilities.



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Re: Core Data fetch with to-many relationship

2009-09-08 Thread Melissa J. Turner

On Sep 8, 2009, at 18:03, Alex Reynolds wrote:

Relationship fault for (NSRelationshipDescription: 0x3d1b2b0),  
name Book, isOptional 1, isTransient 0, entity Owner,  
renamingIdentifier Book, validation predicates (

), warnings (
), versionHashModifier (null), destination entity Book,  
inverseRelationship Owner, minCount 0, maxCount 0 on Owner  123456  
| username 

That's not an error, it's an unfired to-many relationship fault. If  
you call a method on it (say [testFetchResults valueForKey:@name])  
it will fire and look more like what you're expecting.

BTW, it's generally a bad idea to use uppercase key names. The ivar  
'Book' should probably be 'books', and 'Owner' should be 'owner' (the  
class names are fine the way they are).



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Re: Finder-style sorting and the SQL Core Data store, best practice?

2009-09-01 Thread Melissa J. Turner
As of SnowLeopard, Core Data supports the following selectors for  
sorting in the SQLite store:

compare: (since Tiger(I think))
caseInsensitiveCompare: (since Leopard)
localizedCompare: (new in SL)
localizedCaseInsensitiveCompare: (new in SL)
localizedStandardCompare: (new in SL)

The last comparison type is new to the OS in SL, and will get you the  
system standard sort as done by Finder.

As to subclassing NSArrayController, I'll leave that to people with  
more UI-fu.


On Sep 1, 2009, at 13:10, Sean McBride wrote:

Hi all,

The Troubleshooting Core Data document discusses the FAQ SQLite  

does not work with sorting.  It suggests: you may need to subclass
NSArrayController so you can have it not pass the sort descriptors to
the database and instead do the sorting after your data has been  
fetched. [1]

I imagine this must have been done many times over by many people.   

as I may, I cannot find any example code, or even a more detailed
discussion of what to override.  I fear there may be edge cases
overriding such an important class, so want to be careful.

My ultimate goal is for all table and outline views in my app to sort
correctly (ie like the Finder[2]).

What is the correct way to achieve this?




Sean McBride, B. Eng
Mac Software Developer  Montréal, Québec, Canada



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Re: CoreData / SQL hang on save

2009-08-25 Thread Melissa J. Turner

On Aug 25, 2009, at 02:19, Greg Hoover wrote:

I've run into a hang in CoreData save.  I'm the single coordinator,  
multiple object contexts threading model and a SQL store (though it  
seems to happen with XML as well).  The hang occurs inside the  
NSSQLCore and seems to just loop endlessly.  The SQL output supports  
this.  Requests performed at launch succeed as expected, but the app  
quickly reaches a point where Optimistic locking failure exceptions  
are thrown with an endless sequence of ROLLBACKs followed by  
UPDATEs.  All of the contexts are using the  
MergeByPropertyObjectTrump merge policy.

Any insight would be much appreciated.

There is a known issue on 10.5.* that results in Core Data entering an  
infinite loop during save if the database has been corrupted such that  
the optimistic locking column is set to NULL.

A way to tell would be to run sqlite3 on the database and execute the  
following SQL statement:

select Z_PK, Z_OPT from ZSTOCK where Z_PK IN (1, 4);

I'm guessing you'll get back something that looks like:


Which means that something has stuffed unexpected NULLs into your  

The issue has been fixed in 10.6, but the only real workaround on  
10.5.* is to manually repair the database by setting the value of the  
Z_OPT column to be non-null (1 is always a good option).



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Re: CoreData / SQL hang on save

2009-08-25 Thread Melissa J. Turner

Could you try running with 3?

I'm curious as to what's trying to bind that's causing this:

binding not implemented for this SQLType 7


On Aug 25, 2009, at 14:12, Greg Hoover wrote:

Hi Melissa,

Thanks for you response.

The problem actually just started showing up in 10.6 (wasn't a  
problem in 10.4 or 10.5). :-/

The hang stopped for a few launches and reverted to its previous  
output: binding not implemented for SQLType 7.  But then it  
happened again...  The SQL file does not have null values for any  
Z_OPT fields.

= ?
CoreData: sql: UPDATE ZSTOCK SET ZEPS = ?, ZASK = ?, Z_OPT = ?   
= ? AND Z_OPT = ?
= ?
= ?
= ?
CoreData: sql: UPDATE ZSTOCK SET ZEPS = ?, ZASK = ?, Z_OPT = ?   

CoreData: sql: ROLLBACK
binding not implemented for this SQLType 7
safe save
= ?
CoreData: sql: UPDATE ZSTOCK SET ZEPS = ?, ZASK = ?, Z_OPT = ?   
= ? AND Z_OPT = ?
= ?
= ?
= ?
CoreData: sql: UPDATE ZSTOCK SET ZEPS = ?, ZASK = ?, Z_OPT = ?   

CoreData: sql: ROLLBACK
binding not implemented for this SQLType 7
CoreData: annotation: total fetch execution time: 0.s for 0 rows.
CoreData: annotation: total fetch execution time: 0.s for 0 rows.
safe save


On Aug 25, 2009, at 1:16 PM, Melissa J. Turner wrote:

On Aug 25, 2009, at 02:19, Greg Hoover wrote:

I've run into a hang in CoreData save.  I'm the single  
coordinator, multiple object contexts threading model and a SQL  
store (though it seems to happen with XML as well).  The hang  
occurs inside the NSSQLCore and seems to just loop endlessly.  The  
SQL output supports this.  Requests performed at launch succeed as  
expected, but the app quickly reaches a point where Optimistic  
locking failure exceptions are thrown with an endless sequence of  
ROLLBACKs followed by UPDATEs.  All of the contexts are using the  
MergeByPropertyObjectTrump merge policy.

Any insight would be much appreciated.

There is a known issue on 10.5.* that results in Core Data entering  
an infinite loop during save if the database has been corrupted  
such that the optimistic locking column is set to NULL.

A way to tell would be to run sqlite3 on the database and execute  
the following SQL statement:

select Z_PK, Z_OPT from ZSTOCK where Z_PK IN (1, 4);

I'm guessing you'll get back something that looks like:


Which means that something has stuffed unexpected NULLs into your  

The issue has been fixed in 10.6, but the only real workaround on  
10.5.* is to manually repair the database by setting the value of  
the Z_OPT column to be non-null (1 is always a good option).



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Re: Core Data dog-slow when using first time after boot

2009-08-20 Thread Melissa J. Turner

On Aug 20, 2009, at 02:35, Ruotger Skupin wrote:

Complex locale aware Unicode text queries can be slow.  If you  
find yourself spending time with such a query, you should consider  
some of the techniques shown in the DerivedProperty example  
available on ADC.

Isn't all text Unicode?

No. Not all apps are Unicode based, and many of the ones that aren't  
will put things on the pasteboard quite happily. The web (and thus  
anything copied out of a web browser) is definitely not all Unicode,  
especially the older pages.  And even within Unicode there are  
multiple encoding formats (8. 16, and 32 bit).  In addition to the  
varying encoding sizes, Unicode also has multiple ways to represent  
conceptual characters. Characters that have diacritics for example,  
can be represented as either one Unichar ('é') or two ('´' + 'e').

I don't understand. This shouldn't be a special case. But I will  
have a look at the sample.

In my case I'd guess that at least half of the objects contain  
unicode strings (international names and addresses). What I want to  
say: write anything in German or French and you end up with Unicode.

Due to the multiplicity of representations, text comparisons in  
Unicode can be slow, since instead of just doing a byte by byte  
comparison, you end needing to calculate character sizes, check for  
compositions/decompositions, check for analogues between different  
symbol systems used to represent a single language (ie kana and  
kanjii), recognize and drop punctuation, etc. For apps that do  
repeated comparisons against a set of strings, it can be worth it to  
preprocess all strings into one canonical format to minimize the  
amount of work that needs to be done during a comparison (make all  
strings UTF8/16/32, make all characters lowercase, strip all  
diacritics or ensure characters that have them are always in either  
their composed or decomposed forms, etc) and then use a less expensive  
collation for the comparison.

As a side node, if you want to use regular expressions on Unicode  
strings, you generally need to do the normalization anyway, since  
regex languages operate at the Unichar level rather than at the  
conceptual character level.



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Re: Clarification of NSPredicate constraints for Core Data SQL store

2009-06-30 Thread Melissa J. Turner

On Jun 30, 2009, at 09:44, Barry Wark wrote:

In the Constraints and Limitations section of the Predicate
Programming Guide

the second bullet states than only one operator (ALL, IN, ANY) and
only one instance of that operator per query. I can't find any
reference to such a limitation in the SQLite documentation, so I
assume that this is an NSPredicate or Core Data limitation. From the
doc, it seems that a predicate with a format @self.first_name IN
{'Joe', 'Bob', 'Bertha'} OR self.last_name IN {'Smith', 'Jones'} is
illegal. It seems that this is quite restrictive. In true lazy web
style, can any one confirm whether this restriction is really per
query or whether it is per clause in a compound predicate?

That's a bad paragraph. (The documentation I mean. Yes, a bug has been  

The CoreData SQLite store:

1) Does not support ALL
2) Supports as many IN/ANY clauses as you want
3) Does not support more than one to-many component in a single  
keypath, but will support multiple keypaths each of which contains a  
single to-many (your performance will probably stink because you're  
doing lots of joins)

All of these are true for Leopard and SnowLeopard, and may or may not  
continue to be true into the future, as the SQL generation is a work  
in progress. This is not a full listing of the restrictions, but you  
can play around with various predicates and see what happens.

 (ps is a great place to let us know if  
there's something you really need/want)


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Re: Core Data Migration and the Inexperienced Younger Self

2009-05-06 Thread Melissa J. Turner

Context is important. Also future-proofing.

If your app was originally written against v1 CoreData (Tiger),  you  
need to update the app to be wise enough to check the store's metadata  
and run away, run away from any store containing unexpected values (ie  
version hash information). v1 CoreData always assumes that it can open  
a store it was told to open until later evidence proves otherwise;  
later versions of CoreData realized that was perhaps an unwise  
decision, and added the current versioning and migration  
infrastructure. Due to binary compatibility issues, applications  
compiled on Tiger will continue to exhibit the old behavior. There's a  
general discussion of migration under 10.4 at

Later versions of CoreData always check the store metadata for version  
hash information, which is affected by things that could change the  
schema (adding and removing entities and/or persistent properties,  
adding or removing validation rules, etc), but not by things that  
don't change the schema (adding or removing transient properties,  
adding or removing default values). For more details, see the Core  
Data Model Versioning and Data Migration Programming Guide, and for a  
concrete discussion of what affects version hashes, the section on  
versioning ( 

An application controlled technique would be to add an application  
specific piece of metadata (a version # perhaps) to your stores, and  
have your various application versions categorically refuse to open a  
store whose app version is = the version it knows how to read. This  
can allow for a better user experience than the default  
NSPersistentStoreIncompatibleVersionHashError returned by  
addPersistentStore, which is a bit vague about which newer version of  
the application you need to buy to open a given file.



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Re: Core Data Fetches + Transient Properties + NSPredicateEditor = Sadness

2009-04-28 Thread Melissa J. Turner
(apologies for the delay; I've been on vacation for the last few days  
and just got back)

On Apr 28, 2009, at 14:32, Kyle Sluder wrote:

So step 1 is to stop clinging to normalization rules.  (My database
professor would kill me for that sentence, but it's true.)  There
really is no redundancy here, because the data stored on disk is never
really separated from the model objects which use that data.  In an
n-tier app, you would be correct to avoid storing the derived

Even in an n-tier application there are situations where it makes more  
sense to denormalize data than cling to theoretical purity. Once  
common case is to avoid joins, because they're *expensive*. Sometimes,  
the dba level pain of maintaining duplicate/derived data is much less  
than the user level pain of doing a join to display information in a  
frequently accessed view. There's no general rule for when this  
becomes true, because it's data set and use dependent, and it's not  
something you should do casually or without understanding what you're  
doing, why, and what tradeoffs are involved, but it is part of  
building a schema that's does what you need it to do efficiently.

You can see an example of denormalized data in the Leopard version of  
iCal. The badges on the corner of events in the varying day/week/month  
views displays meta-information about the relationship that contains  
the note/contact/etc data. Having the badge provides useful  
information (there are other people invited, click here for meeting  
material), but it's expensive to do the join just to decide whether or  
not to display that badge for any given event, so iCal stores a  
separate bit of information saying this event has notes/contacts/ 
etc. According to pure relational design, this is a Very Bad Thing,  
because it duplicates information that exists in the join tables and  
introduces the possibility of error into the database. According to  
real-world performance, not doing the join sped displaying those views  
up by an order of magnitude (more in the case of large calendars).

Taking normalization to it's fullest extent, you end up with things  
like databases where a Person is a set of joins to a Names table  
(don't get me started on natural vs assigned integer keys ;-), but no  
one outside academia does that because it's overkill and inefficient  
for anything except theoretical work.

As for the logic required to maintain this relationship, that's why we
have KVC/KVO!  Implement +keyPathsForValuesAffectingValueForKey: as
appropriate.  Implement your KVC setters/getters for the independent
attributes such that they invoke -setPrimitiveValue:forKey: for the
required dependent properties.

This is what I was getting at, yes. Create a separate modeled property  
'letterGrade' and have the mutator for 'percentageGrade' automatically  
update it whenever percentageGrade is changed. Add observers as  



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Re: Core Data Fetches + Transient Properties + NSPredicateEditor = Sadness

2009-04-22 Thread Melissa J. Turner

On Apr 22, 2009, at 02:12, Mike Abdullah wrote:

On 22 Apr 2009, at 08:48, Ben Trumbull wrote:

Of course, why Apple couldn't have then added automatic support
for in-memory matching as the second step I don't know

Probably because nobody ever cared enough to file an enhancement  
request, and it didn't occur to us that writing 1 line of code to  
call filteredArrayWithPredicate was so troublesome.

Calling -filteredArrayWithPredicate is no hassle, but for a large  
predicate, it has the bad performance of comparing a bunch of the  
persistent properties all over again, despite already knowing  
they'll match the predicate. Since I assume Core Data must do some  
kind of internal splitting up of the predicate in order to perform  
its fetch, I'd have thought it is in a good position to know what  
the remaining transient portion of the predicate is.

You assume incorrectly.

CoreData simply translates the predicate to SQL and passes it down to  
SQLite as a WHERE clause. Hence the lack of support for transient  
properties: SQLite has no idea what to do when you ask it to qualify  
by a column that doesn't exist in its schema.



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Re: Implementing a many-to-many (reflexive) relationship using bindings and an NSTableView

2009-03-25 Thread Melissa J. Turner

On Mar 25, 2009, at 13:44, Jon C. Munson II wrote:

[Jon C. Munson II]  OK.  Benjamin Stiglitz responded suggesting I  
take a
look at the ToManyCheckbox example on mmalc's page, so I'll do that  
and see
if that clarifies things.  Also, I noticed in the iClass example  
that code
is used to support the relationship and so on.  Is that the  

template implementation to support this type of relation?

The purpose of the iClass example is to demonstrate how to construct  
and maintain relationships between objects in different persistent  

Anything not required for that particular task is mostly an example of  
how to hack an example together in an afternoon under a deadline ;-)



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Re: CoreData mystery: configuration used to open the store is incompatible...

2008-12-15 Thread Melissa J. Turner
There was a change between Tiger and Leopard in the way  
NSPersistentDocument loaded its model.

If you have a document created on Tiger, the model is created using  
[NSManagedObjectModel mergedModelFromBundles: [NSBundle allBundles]],  
and on Leopard, with [NSManagedObjectModel mergedModelFromBundles:  
nil]. The problem with the first version is, as you've seen, as more  
and more frameworks start to include bundles, the model gets polluted  
with entities from things you don't care about.

There's a check done at runtime to see which version you were compiled  
on, so you get the same runtime behavior for applications that were  
compiled and linked on Tiger that depended on the original behavior,  
but if you recompile on Leopard, you get the later, safer behavior.



On Dec 15, 2008, at 14:52, Houdah - ML Pierre Bernard wrote:


I am puzzled! I have run into this weirdest problem. It only happens  
if I target Tiger.

I am working on an update to HoudahGeo and suddenly, my current  
build refuses to open documents. This includes both existing  
documents and documents created by the running application. The  
error is:

Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=134020 UserInfo=0x2b7b10 The  
model configuration used to open the store is incompatible with the  
one that was used to create the store.
NSUnderlyingException = Can't find table for entity MovieReference  
in database at URL file://localhost/Users/pierre/Desktop/HoudahGeo-Leopard.hgeo;

There is no MovieReference entity in the model. There never was.  
Actually I have seen the same message with varying entity names. I  
believe they are taken from other applications.

BTW, the model has not been updated in over a year. And most  
certainly not between saving and attempting to reopen using the same  
running application.

The stack is:

#0  0x96da7e17 in objc_exception_throw
#1  0x9496344b in -[NSSQLCore _ensureDatabaseMatchesModel]
#2  0x94962b35 in -[NSSQLCore load:]
#3	0x94958732 in -[NSPersistentStoreCoordinator  
#4	0x915f5fe9 in -[NSPersistentDocument  
#5	0x915f6fab in -[NSPersistentDocument 

#6  0x915f63b6 in -[NSPersistentDocument readFromURL:ofType:error:]
#7	0x41c2 in -[Document readFromURL:ofType:error:] at Document.m: 

#8  0x913f16c6 in -[NSDocument initWithContentsOfURL:ofType:error:]
#9	0x913c1274 in -[NSDocumentController  
#10	0x913c0898 in -[NSDocumentController  

This only happens when I target Tiger. When I target Leopard with  
the same code all works fine.

It occurs on both 10.5.5 and 10.5.6

When I compile an older version of the project, it works just fine.  
Thus I broke something with my recent changes. Yet I have no idea  
what. I did not touch the model.


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Re: CoreData -- addPersistentStoreWithType crashing

2008-12-10 Thread Melissa J. Turner

Hi Ben -

What's the backtrace you get when you crash your application in the  


On Dec 10, 2008, at 02:58, Ben Lachman wrote:

Hi all:

I've been making some changes to one of my apps which include a  
change to the data model.  Now whenever I start up the app it  
crashes (EXEC_BAD_ACCESS) in  
addPersistentStoreWithType:configuration:URL:options:error:.  I've  
factored out all the passed arguments and it's still crashing.  I  
figure it must have to do with the change in the model, but I can't  
see why that would make it crash and not report an error or trow an  
exception, particularly if the URL points to a nonexistent file ) 
e.g. it will create a new store file). Any thoughts?

Ben Lachman
Acacia Tree Software

twitter: @benlachman
mobile: 740.590.0009


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Re: Core Data request predicates and to-many relationships

2008-12-08 Thread Melissa J. Turner

On Dec 6, 2008, at 01:45, Luke Evans wrote:

If there are any NSPredicate gurus out there, I'm scratching my head  
on this one:

I have an entity that can optionally have a set of attributes (name- 
value pairs).  This is set up in the model as a optional to-many  
relationship to an attribute entity.
Now, I want to fetch the list of managed objects of this entity  
whose attributes exactly match a dictionary that is passed.  The  
predicate for this needs to filter the objects that have all the  
required attributes; matching both the name, and value for each  

At this point I'm not seeing how you can code this in a predicate.   
If I AND some clauses like:

...ANY == %@ AND ANY attr.value == [EMAIL PROTECTED]
for each attribute I'm testing for, then AFAICS I'm not testing that  
the _same_ attr has the name and value.

I wondered about:
...ANY ( == %@ AND attr.value == %@)...
but this doesn't appear to be legal syntax.

I'm still experimenting, but if anyone knows how to express a query  
that allows multiple clauses on the _same_ entity across a to-many  
relationship I'd appreciate a clue!



If you're targetting 10.5 or later, there's a subquery expression in  
the predicates that was added to support this kind of query. The  
syntax for what you're doing would be:

SUBQUERY(toMany, $each, $ == %@ AND $each.value = %@)[EMAIL PROTECTED]  

Note that this is on the list of expensive predicate operations, so it  
should be towards the end of a compound predicate.



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Re: Core Data request predicates and to-many relationships

2008-12-08 Thread Melissa J. Turner

On Dec 8, 2008, at 14:47, Luke Evans wrote:

Thanks for the reply Melissa - much appreciated.

I was beginning to toy with the idea of trying a function expression  
(which I have used before for other purposes) to isolate an  
individual attribute object and perform the several comparisons  
Presumably SUBQUERY, being designed for the job, benefits from some  
performance advantages over the function approach(?).



It depends on the query/dataset. There's no real way to tell until you  
run against a sample that's a good approximation the data your  
application will be working with. That sounds kind of fluffy, but as  
with most things, it's a tradeoff between the time spent doing the  
joins and the time it would take to do the fetch differently, which  
usually involves additional IO or in-memory computation. Subqueries  
are supported natively by CoreData/SQLite, so you do avoid a lot of  
the object instantiation you'd be dealing with if you were  
postprocessing the potential results (the set of objects without the  
correlated subquery) in memory.

Another option is to invert the query: fetch all the destination  
objects which meet your criteria for the destination, set the request  
to prefetch the relationship you're actually interested in, then do a  
second fetch with (targetObjects IN  
includesPropertyValues set to NO (the data is already in the row cache  
at this point).



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Re: Comparing the Class

2008-10-15 Thread Melissa J. Turner

On Oct 15, 2008, at 06:20, Ruotger Skupin wrote:


when comparing the class of two objects I usually do [obj1  
isKindOfClass:[obj2 class]]. But if I say have the Class as an input  
value to a method:

- (void) bla:(Class) inClass
if (/* inClass is an NSString */)
// do stuff
else if (/* inClass is an NSNumber */)
// do other stuff

Is it save to compare like this:

inClass == [NSString class]

or do I have to e.g.:

[[NSNumber numberWithInt:0] isKindOfClass:inClass]

It's generally unwise to do this kind of thing if you're dealing with  
class clusters or bridged classes (which category includes both  
NSString and NSNumber). The class you actually get may not be what  
you're expecting.

If you're doing it with your own classes, it's safer, but can be  
fragile, since it's one more thing you're going to need to remember to  
change if you change your inheritance hierarchy.



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Re: Multiple persistent store coordinators gotchas?

2008-10-15 Thread Melissa J. Turner

On Oct 15, 2008, at 14:00, Dave Dribin wrote:


I'm working on a Core Data application that does lots of processing  
of the data in background threads to generate reports.  I'd like to  
investigate using multiple persistent store coordinators to reduce  
lock contention, i.e. pattern #2, as described in the multi-threaded  
chapter of the Core Data guide.

I'm thinking it is a good fit in this case as the background threads  
are doing mainly read-only operations on the data.  It does modify  
transient properties, but I think I can still get away with using a  
read-only store on the background threads.  Is this correct?

If your second thread is doing pure report generation, and whatever  
transients it sets won't affect anything outside the report  
generation, this is the solution you're looking for.

The documentation is a little thin about using multiple PSCs.  Is it  
just a matter of setting up separate Core Data stacks per thread?


What are the downsides, especially compared to 1 PSC/multiple MOCs?   
Higher memory usage?  Separate caches?  Stale data?  Anything else  
to watch out for?

The downside tends to be more memory use, since you'll have two copies  
of all the data for each object that is loaded into both stacks in  
addition to the overhead of the stack itself. Stale data is unlikely  
to be a problem unless you're expecting to load it significantly  
before you actually need it, which would be the same if you were  
loading it into a separate context on the same coordinator.

The big upside is that it decreases the amount of time your UI thread  
will be blocked on reads being done by the background thread.



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Re: Multiple persistent store coordinators gotchas?

2008-10-15 Thread Melissa J. Turner

On Oct 15, 2008, at 17:41, Dave Dribin wrote:

On Oct 15, 2008, at 5:52 PM, Melissa J. Turner wrote:
The downside tends to be more memory use, since you'll have two  
copies of all the data for each object that is loaded into both  
stacks in addition to the overhead of the stack itself. Stale data  
is unlikely to be a problem unless you're expecting to load it  
significantly before you actually need it, which would be the same  
if you were loading it into a separate context on the same  

Okay, great.  This sounds ideal.  One clarification.  When you say  
two copies of all the data, doesn't this happen if you had 1 PSC  
and 2 MOCs, too?  Each MOC has it's own copy of the data, since they  
don't share managed objects, right?  Or is there some other data  
that is shared in the PSC?

There's data cached down in the store as well, so if you have multiple  
copies of a store (multiple stacks), you have multiple copies of the  
data. If you have 1 PSC and 2 MOCs, we can leverage private  
information about the state of the context and the objects in it to  
decrease memory use (write only caching), but with 2 separate stacks,  
we lose that ability. Just don't try to load and dirty the world ;-)

The big upside is that it decreases the amount of time your UI  
thread will be blocked on reads being done by the background thread.

Precisely.  I'm seeing some lock contention between the threads, and  
I want to reduce/eliminate that.  BTW, this is a SQLite store.  Do  
fetches do an exclusive SQL transaction, or is that only done for  
saves?  Just curious if SQLite's locking will affect the threads at  
all, as we're seeing some fetches take a relatively long time (~3  
seconds).  Ideally, the SQLite database won't be locked for that  
period, either, which would also block the UI thread.

We only open transactions when we update the database. Fetches take a  
read-only lock, so they'll block if there's a writer, and a would be  
writer will have to wait for any reads to finish before it touches any  
tables the reader is using, but overall you should see better  



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Re: Sub-classing NSAtomicStore

2008-07-08 Thread Melissa J. Turner

Todd -

I'd suspect one of two things:

1) Your store's metadata method isn't returning the same identifier  
(ie @AtomicStore) you're passing to addPersistentStore, so the  
coordinator thinks the store isn't what the caller of  
addPersistentStore said it would be
2) Your store's metadata method is returning nil, and the coordinator  
thinks it isn't actually a store

See the documentation at

for what needs to happen when in order to avoid a confused  
coordinator. The key detail is:  You must also initialize the  
metadata for the store. After  
initWithCoordinator:configurationName:url:options:, the coordinator  
invokes metadata on the new store; at this point the metadata must be  


On Jul 7, 2008, at 13:11, Todd Stanley wrote:

Hi All,

Has any one had any luck working with the AutomicStoreSubclass  
example.  I
need to manage and AtomicStore and thought that I would be able to  
use the

AutomicStoreSubclass example as a road-map.  When I
addPersistentStoreWithType as follows -

   if ([coordinator addPersistentStoreWithType:@AtomicStore
configuration:nil URL:url options:storeOptionsDict error:error])

I get the following error -

Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=134010 UserInfo=0x162240 The  

type is inconsistent with the data format.

Anyone know of any gotchas when subclassing NSAtomicStore?


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Re: Core Data entity required error

2008-06-02 Thread Melissa J. Turner

*Checks the oracle bones ... *

Does the store configuration for your SQL store contain all the  
entities in your model? If not, you need to make sure that all the  
entities for objects you're trying to save into the store are in it.


On Jun 2, 2008, at 10:07, Hamish Allan wrote:

On Mon, Jun 2, 2008 at 3:21 PM, Chataka [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On the console, I just get

entity required

That's it. Just two words.
Nothing else I can include...

Ah, I see! Sorry, how frustrating.

Try setting a breakpoint on NSLog() (or fprintf(), or syslog()) to see
if you can get a stack trace on that message.


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Re: Immediate memory release

2008-04-30 Thread Melissa J. Turner

On Apr 30, 2008, at 19:59, Chris Suter wrote:

On 01/05/2008, at 12:27 PM, Jens Alfke wrote:

On 30 Apr '08, at 5:53 PM, Graham Cox wrote:

If some code throws an exception won't that mean that pool is  
leaked? (and all of its contents up to that point too; applies to  
both of our code examples).

Yup. You can work around that by using @finally:

for (i = 0; i  count; i++)
NSAutoreleasePool* pool = [NSAutoreleasePool new];
	NSImage* tempSource = [[[NSImage alloc]  
initWithContentsOfFile:sPath[i]] autorelease];
	   // autorelease tempSource to ensure that we get cleaned up  
if anything in 'some code' throws an exception.
	   // pool will automagically be released later if an  
exception does happen and [pool release] get bypassed.

// some code
[pool drain];

This is wrong.

You mustn't drain or release autorelease pools in finally or catch  
blocks because exception objects themselves are autoreleased.

It gets sorted out when a higher level autorelease pool is released.

This is documented somewhere in the docs.

Chris is correct.

If you really need to drain the pool, you need to

NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [NSAutoreleasePool new];
id exception;
@try {
// insert code here
} @catch (NSException *ex) {
exception = [ex retain];
@throw ex;
} @finally {
[pool drain];
if (exception) {
[exception autorelease];

(Disclaimer: coded in mail)

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Re: Adding CalendarStore.framework changes managed object model version?

2008-03-25 Thread Melissa J. Turner

Brad -

At a guess, you're somehow pulling in CalendarStore.calmom into your  
model. This might happen if you're doing [NSManagedObjectModel  
mergedModelFromBundles: [NSBundle allBundles]], which is declared  
dangerous for just this reason.


On Mar 25, 2008, at 17:56, Brad Willoughby wrote:

When I add /System/Library/Frameworks/CalendarStore.framework to my  
Leopard Core Data application in XCode 3.0 and click Build  Run, I  
get the following error:

The managed object model version used to open the persistent store  
is incompatible with the one that was used to create the persistent  

This makes no sense to me.  I have not touched my data model and can  
confirm that it has not changed via subversion's svn status.  I  
Googled and checked the cocoa-dev archives, but there's not much out  
there regarding the Calendar Store framework.

Any ideas as to why adding CalendarStore.framework is causing this  
Core Data error?

TinyPlanet Software, LLC

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