Re: NSDocument

2010-01-14 Thread Rob Keniger

On 15/01/2010, at 5:57 AM, David Blanton wrote:

 I need awakeFromNib to be called for any instance on my NSDocument sublass.

This isn't an answer to your question, but I believe generally you should be 
using the -windowControllerDidLoadNib: method of NSDocument instead of 
-awakeFromNib if you are not using a separate NSWindowController.

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Re: If Array Controller is empty, how to populate pop-up list?

2010-01-14 Thread Rob Keniger

On 15/01/2010, at 1:18 PM, Jenny M wrote:

 However, message #1 still stands - how do I implement a placeholder object
 only when the array is empty??

In your content binding for the popup button in Interface Builder, check the 
Inserts Null Placeholder checkbox and enter a value in the Null Placeholder 

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Re: If Array Controller is empty, how to populate pop-up list?

2010-01-14 Thread Rob Keniger

On 15/01/2010, at 4:24 PM, Jenny M wrote:

 Like I mentioned previously - when I do that, it stays there even after an
 object has been added, which is not what I'm aiming for. I only want it to
 appear when empty.

Ah, sorry, I didn't see that in your original post.

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Re: CGImageCreate performance

2010-01-07 Thread Rob Keniger

On 08/01/2010, at 11:36 AM, David Blanton wrote:

 The performance issue comes from the fact the user will be dragging this 
 bitmap around so I a regenerating m_bitmap.m_array  constantly.

I'm not sure what your app does, but have you considered using a Core Animation 
layer to host the bitmap? That way you can move the image around willy-nilly 
with virtually zero cost, and you only have to regenerate the bitmap if it 

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Re: Bindings blues

2010-01-06 Thread Rob Keniger

On 07/01/2010, at 12:35 AM, wrote:

 Okay, so its a bug, or an issue.
 Its just the fact that every app seems to end up binding on the bindiings.
 I like the view controller bindings but I hate fighting with them.
 There is more coding with a data source but performance seems much more 
 predictable for larger data sets.

I've fought this problem too, it's a regression in 10.6 as the problems don't 
exist under 10.5. It occurs when you have a lot of bindings and a lot of 
objects being tracked by the controller. Please file a bug report and refer to 
my bug number 7139579.

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Re: Looking tutorials or blogs on NSOutlineView NSTreeController . . .

2010-01-06 Thread Rob Keniger

On 07/01/2010, at 8:52 AM, Michael A. Crawford wrote:

 Never used this view/control before.  I'm looking for resources to help me 
 shorten the curve, especially when used with the NSTreeController.  I'm also 
 considering switching my model to CoreData.  Currently I have some code 
 working that uses neither CoreData nor NSTreeController and I wondering if I 
 should stick with it or switch.

I'd personally highly recommend avoiding NSTreeController for anything other 
than trivial usage. It has a lot of problems, especially when used with Core 

However, here's some Apple Sample Code:

and there's quite a few hits here...

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Re: NSEvent timestamp is zero

2010-01-06 Thread Rob Keniger

On 07/01/2010, at 10:47 AM, wrote:

 I am trying to filter my NSEvents by timestamp but some, with event type of 
 NSAppKItDefined, have a zero timestamp.
 I can work around this by calculating a timestamp value for the event as the 
 current time since system boot.
 Is a mach timer the way to go on this?

What are you actually trying to do? Why do you need to filter the events by 

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Re: help system structure

2010-01-06 Thread Rob Keniger

On 07/01/2010, at 3:24 PM, Shane wrote:

 I was trying to follow this link on Organizing the Help Book Bundle
 but I'm a bit confused on whether I should create the 'Contents' and
 'Resources' folder or what goes where.
 I do have the English.lproj folder, but not in the same way the link
 above shows. I also have many *.nibs in my English.lproj folder, so
 can I just create a help folder there to separate help files?

You need to create the help book bundle in your built application's Resources 
folder. It sounds like you may not be aware that a built application is 
actually a folder (bundle) with a specific structure. If that's the case, you 
should read this first:

Xcode creates a Copy Bundle Resources build phase for your target by default 
when you use any of the Cocoa Application Templates. Any files/folders in the 
Copy Bundle Resources build phase are copied into your application's Resources 
folder when you build the app.

So, to create the help bundle, just create a folder with the structure for the 
help book as described in the documentation and put it in your project folder 
with your other files. You then tell Xcode about it by dragging it into the 
Groups and Files pane for your project. However, because you want Xcode to copy 
the folder you must use the Create folder references for any added folders 
when Xcode asks you what you want to do with the file, otherwise your folder 
won't be treated as a file and won't be copied to your app on build.

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Re: Getting warning when saving merged MOC

2010-01-05 Thread Rob Keniger

On 05/01/2010, at 5:35 PM, Rick Mann wrote:

 Am I doing something wrong, or failing to take some step to avoid this 
 confusion? There may be legitimate changes in MOC A that need to be saved, 
 but the merged changes should already be in the store.

When doing things like this that you don't want the undo manager to pick up on, 
you just need to disable undo while you perform the operation, making sure you 
flush changes before re-enabling it:

[moc processPendingChanges];
[[moc undoManager] disableUndoRegistration];

//do some stuff that alters the moc

[moc processPendingChanges];
[[moc undoManager] enableUndoRegistration];

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Re: Weird issue with BDAlias/FSRefs and the case of filesystem paths

2010-01-05 Thread Rob Keniger

On 06/01/2010, at 6:18 AM, Kyle Sluder wrote:

 If the directory is on a case-insensitive HFS volume (the default),

Yes, it is.

 It will also be helpful to see what the value of $HOME is, and if it
 jives with the on-disk name.

echo $HOME

This is really, really weird. I've since rebuilt the directory with Diskwarrior 
with no change to the behaviour. On the other machines here everything's 
working so it must be something unique to my setup but I have absolutely no 
idea where to start looking.

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Re: Weird issue with BDAlias/FSRefs and the case of filesystem paths

2010-01-05 Thread Rob Keniger

On 06/01/2010, at 10:29 AM, Rob Keniger wrote:

 This is really, really weird. I've since rebuilt the directory with 
 Diskwarrior with no change to the behaviour. On the other machines here 
 everything's working so it must be something unique to my setup but I have 
 absolutely no idea where to start looking.

OK, so I took the brute force approach. I booted into single-user mode and did 

mv Users Lusers
mv Lusers Users

Now everything's fine. Nothing to see here, sorry for the waste of bandwidth.

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Path comparison and case sensitivity

2010-01-05 Thread Rob Keniger
My recent troubles with filesystem case got me thinking. 

Should Cocoa applications always assume that the filesystem is case-insensitive 
when comparing path strings? Surely this could lead to problems if the user has 
formatted a volume with a case-sensitive file system? Is there any way to know 
whether or not a file is on a case-sensitive volume?

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Re: Path comparison and case sensitivity

2010-01-05 Thread Rob Keniger

On 06/01/2010, at 3:39 PM, Ken Thomases wrote:

 Don't compare paths.  Use APIs like FSCompareFSRefs() or call -[NSFileManager 
 attributesOfItemAtPath:error:] and compare the NSFileDeviceIdentifier and 
 NSFileSystemFileNumber keys (this is the Cocoa equivalent of calling stat(2) 
 and comparing st_dev and st_ino).

Many thanks for this info, I will immediately switch my code across to use this 
as it's definitely more robust.

 Is there any way to know whether or not a file is on a case-sensitive volume?
 A couple of ways (there are others):
 On 10.6 and later, see NSURL's new resource-values APIs and 
 On 10.3 and later, see getattrlist and VOL_CAP_FMT_CASE_SENSITIVE.

Thanks for the pointer. I guess if I'm using the aforementioned APIs to compare 
files then I won't need to worry about the case sensitivity of the file system 
anyway, though.

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Weird issue with BDAlias/FSRefs and the case of filesystem paths

2010-01-04 Thread Rob Keniger
Hi everyone,

I'm using the BDAlias wrapper ( for handling 
alias records so that my app manages files better when they're moved or renamed.

Things were working fine but recently, for no apparent reason, any alias that 
points to a file in the Users folder returns a lowercase users filename for 
the Users folder rather than the normal Users.

This means that my paths look like this:


rather than this:


If I use any of the Cocoa methods to select a file such as NSOpenPanel, or just 
print NSHomeDirectory(), I get the correct result, Users.

In the Finder and when using Terminal, the folder is named Users. From what I 
can tell there are no extended attributes on the Users folder, running xattr 
-l -v /Users returns nothing.

I've looked at the BDAlias code and it's pretty straightforward, it is just 
getting a CFURLRef from the path and then grabbing the FSRef from the URL, 
something like this:

FSRef *outRef;
Boolean gotRef = false;
tempURL = CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath(kCFAllocatorDefault, inPath, 
kCFURLPOSIXPathStyle, false);
if (tempURL == NULL)
return fnfErr;
gotRef = CFURLGetFSRef(tempURL, outRef);

When the BDAlias object is asked for its path it does the reverse, and gets the 
path from the FSRef via a CFURL:

CFURLCreateFromFSRef(kCFAllocatorDefault, inRef);
if (tempURL == NULL)
   return NULL;
CFStringRef result = CFURLCopyFileSystemPath(tempURL, kCFURLPOSIXPathStyle);

This all seems fine, and the only things I can think of is that there is some 
weird bug in CoreFoundation that's causing this or that my drive is corrupted 
in some weird fashion, although Disk Utility reports no problems.

Interestingly, on my system other apps such as BBEdit and Coda also exhibit 
this behaviour. In BBEdit for example, if I choose Edit  Insert  File/Folder 
Paths then I get /users/rob/some/file.html. I assume that's because it's also 
using FSRefs internally.

I don't understand what could be happening here, does anyone have any clues? 
I've never seen anything like this.

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Re: NSBezierPath linewidth not correct

2010-01-02 Thread Rob Keniger

On 02/01/2010, at 8:58 PM, Gustavo Pizano wrote:

 No worries, I modify it and in fact it does work, but the background images 
 will display a .5 gap between along the horizon between the images that 
 conform the background, so I will put just a .5 to everywhere I need 

It will probably be easier to create an NSAffineTransform and translate the 
whole context by 0.5px, so all drawing is offset without you needing to fiddle 
with individual values.

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Re: Custom NSWindow drawing

2010-01-01 Thread Rob Keniger

On 02/01/2010, at 7:04 AM, PCWiz wrote:

 Is there a simple way to do this? Do I have to draw the entire window by hand 
 (bottom bar and all) ? Or can I slightly modify the existing NSWindow layout 
 to just draw that arrow at the top? Thanks

You could possibly fake the title bar by using a second child window that 
overlays the top section of the window and draws just the arrow. Otherwise, 
you'd need to draw the whole thing yourself.

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Re: Creating CoreData classes

2009-12-27 Thread Rob Keniger
On 28/12/2009, at 2:52 PM, Brian Bruinewoud wrote:
 But I'm looking for something more like this:
CDClass *cdObject = [ CDClass insertNewObjectInManagedObjectContext: 
 context ];
 Is there any such method or do I need to add them to the generated class 
 files myself?

If you use mogenerator to create your custom NSManagedObject subclasses, you 
get methods like this created for you automatically:

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Re: n00b Q re: AppController

2009-12-26 Thread Rob Keniger

On 25/12/2009, at 10:00 AM, David Duncan wrote:

 In Objective-C all classes share a namespace, so if two binary images are 
 loaded into the same address space, and use the same class name, then one of 
 the two classes will be used. If all of these AppControllers share the same 
 functionality, then you probably won't have any issues (for now) but if all 
 of your plugins do implement this class to the same function, then you should 
 probably abstract them all into a common framework that all of these plugins 
 load instead.

...or at the very least, change the class names of the AppController classes in 
each plug-in so they don't have the same name. AppController is a poor name for 
the main class of a plug-in anyway, as it is nothing of the sort. 
BurnerController and ProducerController would be possibilities in this case.

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Re: storing ivars in core data docs

2009-12-23 Thread Rob Keniger

On 23/12/2009, at 9:18 PM, Quincey Morris wrote:

 What's a doc? Seriously, are you talking about a file, or a 
 NSPersistentDocument subclass instance, or what?
 If you're asking Is it possible to archive arbitrary values as raw binary 
 data or perhaps using the NSKeyedArchiver mechanism in a persistent store 
 alongside but not within the Core Data database? then the answer is no. You 
 have to implement persistent storage for a value kept in a regular ivar as a 
 property of some Core Data entity using the techniques described in the Core 
 Data documentation.

That's not 100% true, you can store an NSFileWrapper that contains a Core Data 
store as well as other files, so you can store whatever data you like. See this 
sample code for an example:

It's not perfect but it certainly works.

For the OP, as Quincey pointed out, your question is not clear. What are you 
trying to do?

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Re: Menu items unexpectedly disabled

2009-12-18 Thread Rob Keniger

On 19/12/2009, at 6:50 AM, Todd Heberlein wrote:

 I have a document-based app. For each document there can be a couple of 
 satellite windows brought up for specific views of some of the data. Each of 
 these satellite windows is controlled by an NSWindowController subclass 
 loaded by MyDocument and added via addWindowController:.  A menu item's 
 target is the First Responder, and the method to implement the action is in 
 MyDocument. Everything works as expected when the primary window is key.
 The problem is that when one of the satellite windows is key, menu items 
 implemented by MyDocument are disabled. I thought the responder chain went 
 through the NSWindowController and then through to its NSDocument? Or is this 
 only the case when for the document's primary window (and NSWindowController)?

That's correct, and that's how it should work. It works here in a test app. Are 
you doing anything unusual in your NSWindowController? What methods are you 

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Re: CoreVideo101 Error when porting to new Cocoa project

2009-12-17 Thread Rob Keniger
On 18/12/2009, at 10:41 AM, Travis Kirton wrote:

 In XCode I've started a new project, as a cocoa application (i.e.
 appdelegate) and copied the headers / files, adapted a new XIB file to
 mirror the one available in the tutorial project...

Have you added the required frameworks to your target? I'd say you need to add 
both the Quicktime and OpenGL frameworks for this code to compile.

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Re: Managed Object with Transformable Attribute (C Struct)

2009-12-16 Thread Rob Keniger

On 17/12/2009, at 9:39 AM, Melissa J. Turner wrote:

 I think you're running into a known problem with the binary store not 
 respecting the value transformer name and instead always using the default 
 archiver (NSKeyedArchiver).

AHA! I didn't realise that this was a known bug, I've had a question open on 
stackoverflow for about a month on this one:

I thought it was just me being dense. Thanks for the info.

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Re: Crash after Fix

2009-12-16 Thread Rob Keniger

On 17/12/2009, at 2:27 AM, Gideon King wrote:

 Hi all, I have a strange issue - I have a program that is running quite 
 happily, and when I make a change to it and click the Fix button, it fixes 
 the issue, but then I immediately get an exc_bad_access error when I continue 
 running it. The stack trace shows a doesNotRecognizeSelector error. It 
 always happens in the same place in my code, and the method does exist (it is 
 in a category, and the method where it is being called from is in the same 
 category). I have tried a complete clean and rebuild, but to no avail.

In my experience, Fix and Continue is unreliable at best. I never use it.

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Re: Bluetooth failure

2009-12-12 Thread Rob Keniger

On 12/12/2009, at 11:24 PM, Alexander Spohr wrote:

 As far as I know, the Simulator has no GameKit as it does not exist under Mac 

That's actually not quite true, GameKit exists on the simulator but it (very 
unfortunately) cannot use the Mac's Bluetooth hardware, so it's not very useful.

 So this can not work. Therefore your problem is not the iPod but the Mac.
 You need two iPhones/iPods to do GameKit tests.

This is true, however.

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Re: NSBezierPath vs. NSImage

2009-12-11 Thread Rob Keniger

On 11/12/2009, at 8:59 PM, Alastair Houghton wrote:

 Anyway, the thing to do is to draw what you want, and then *if* it's going 
 too slowly there are various things you can do to speed it up (like caching 
 any expensive rendering in an NSImage, doing reduced or simplified rendering 
 during live resize and so on).

It's also worth considering looking at Core Animation Layers, depending on what 
you're drawing. I have a custom view with several objects that are expensive to 
draw, and what I am now doing is drawing them into CALayers. Because these are 
cached to the GPU, there is virtually no cost to dragging the objects around as 
the only time they need to be redrawn is when the content of the objects 

Since my objects are overlaid on a large image background (at least 1000 x 
1000), drawing was very expensive before I did this as the image needed to be 
redrawn any time the view content changed. With CALayers it is only drawn once.

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Re: Leopard for development / testing.

2009-12-09 Thread Rob Keniger

On 10/12/2009, at 2:58 PM, Dan Ribe wrote:

 I already have snow leopard  developer tools for it. So basically I can
 develop application using it on snow leopard for both 10.5  10.6.
 I am looking for a copy of Leopard so that I can test my software on Leopard
 as well. thanks

This question is not Cocoa-related and should be asked elsewhere.

You have two options:

1) find a copy somewhere and buy it (eBay etc)
2) buy a developer membership from Apple. The Select and Premier memberships 
allow you to download all releases of Mac OS X back to Jaguar (10.2).

The developer membership also gives you access to Apple's testing labs, if you 
are close to the locations.

You'd need to ensure that your machine supports booting in Leopard, if your Mac 
shipped with Snow Leopard it probably won't boot in Leopard.

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Re: Big memory/time consumption in NSTreeController KVO GC

2009-12-08 Thread Rob Keniger

On 09/12/2009, at 7:35 AM, Greg Parker wrote:

 Which OS version is this? 10.6.2 fixed a performance problem with garbage 
 collection and large KVO populations. If you still have trouble in 10.6.2+ 
 then you should file a bug report.

There are still massive remaining performance issues with 
NSTreeController/NSArrayController in 10.6 if you have a large number of active 

Please see my bug report rdar://7139579 which includes a simple sample project. 
The performance on Snow Leopard is orders of magnitude slower than in 10.5.

All of the problems seem to relate to the private class NSConcretePointerArray 
and something that it's doing with weak references. That seems to be involved 
in Benjamin's case and it is definitely the problem in our case based on Shark 

Specifically, the routines auto_read_weak_reference(), readWeakAt() and 
objc_read_weak() that appear to be involved in the the -compact method of 
NSConcretePointerArray are taking up an inordinate amount of CPU time.

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Re: Customize the line's color that separates the window content from the title bar?

2009-12-08 Thread Rob Keniger

On 09/12/2009, at 5:59 AM, Michael Abendroth wrote:
 Unfortunately, when turning on the textured flag in IB, my app
 mysteriously crashes.

When you say mysteriously, what do you mean? What is the stack backtrace?

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Re: A hillegass challenge

2009-12-04 Thread Rob Keniger

On 04/12/2009, at 5:55 PM, Seth Willits wrote:

 My question pertains to knowingly setting an object to NULL and then 
 knowingly sending it a message as an acceptable technique.
 As general answer: Yep. Happens all the time.

As Seth points out, this is perfectly normal. However, you should generally use 
nil instead of NULL for nil objects in Objective-C.

It doesn't matter from a technical point of view (they're both the same) but 
it's the accepted coding style.

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Re: Text insertion point not blinking

2009-12-03 Thread Rob Keniger

On 04/12/2009, at 3:17 AM, Gideon King wrote:

 I have a text view which has the drawsBackground: set to NO, and now the 
 insertion point is not blinking - it's just a solid line. If I turn the 
 drawsBackground: on, it does blink as expected.
 Any suggestions as to why this could be happening?

It's possible you might need to subclass NSTextView and return NO from 
-isOpaque, that's bitten me a few times when subclassing Apple controls.

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Re: Text insertion point not blinking

2009-12-03 Thread Rob Keniger

On 04/12/2009, at 12:51 PM, Gideon King wrote:

 Thanks for the suggestion, but that made no difference.

Weird. Is this a custom subclass of NSTextView or a vanilla one? If I create a 
new project, drag a text view into a window and turn off Draws Background for 
the scroll view and text view, the cursor displays normally.

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Re: Use of preprocessor macros

2009-12-01 Thread Rob Keniger

On 02/12/2009, at 10:59 AM, Graham Cox wrote:

 I'm defining a preprocessor macro in the 'GCC 4.2 - Preprocessing / 
 preprocessor macros' section of my project's build properties, e.g. foo=1. 
 This is set only in the debug version.
 But when I try and use it in the source code, as in #if foo ...  #endif I get 
 'foo is not defined'.
 What should I be doing? I need to conditionally compile in some code in the 
 debug version and leave it out in the release version.

This works fine for me. Are you sure you are compiling the build configuration 
you think you're compiling? Are you changing the preprocessor setting on the 
right target? Probably worth double checking.

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Re: Use of preprocessor macros

2009-12-01 Thread Rob Keniger

On 02/12/2009, at 11:35 AM, Graham Cox wrote:

 To be honest it's very confusing as to which settings you're supposed to use 
 for what, and where they apply, since they're all identical. If the project 
 settings are not used, why have them there at all?

The project settings apply to all targets, but you can override them in 
individual targets. I agree that it can be confusing where certain settings are 
located, especially if you have multiple targets.

If you have changed a target's settings but want a target to inherit the 
project settings for a particular option, you can highlight the option and then 
choose delete definition at this level from the action popup in the 
bottom-left of the window.

This is probably drifting off into Xcode-users territory now though...

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Re: Hiding String Constant in Compiled Code

2009-11-30 Thread Rob Keniger

On 01/12/2009, at 4:05 AM, Richard Somers wrote:

 I could be wrong but I do not think this is the case. The documentation 
 states Once you have signed your code, any change in the code that you did 
 not intend—whether introduced accidently or by hackers—can be detected by the 
 system. No where does it say the system will not run the altered code.

Launchd will terminate the application on launch if a change is detected, 
provided you sign the application with the -kill flag.

However, as Jens points out, this is not a solution.

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Re: How to remove all objects from a NSTreeController ?

2009-11-26 Thread Rob Keniger

On 26/11/2009, at 11:27 PM, Sébastien Stormacq wrote:

 I am developing an Cocoa application using a NSTreeView, bound to a 
 The application is build around a master-detail structure, with an 
 NSOutlineView on the left side and a NSTableView on the right side (similar 
 to iTunes)
 I would like to remove all elements from the detail table when the user 
 changes selection in the Outline View before adding new elements, fair enough 
 :-) ?

You don't need to do this. Just create an NSArrayController for your 
NSTableView that is bound to the selection key of the NSTreeController. The 
NSArrayController will then populate the table view for you.

If you need to manually manage the objects that are in the table view then you 
may need to use a datasource for the table view rather than an 
NSArrayController. Your datasource can use KVO to observe the selection key of 
the NSTreeController and update the table view as appropriate.

Rob Keniger


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Re: How to remove all objects from a NSTreeController ?

2009-11-26 Thread Rob Keniger

On 27/11/2009, at 4:26 PM, Sébastien Stormacq wrote:

 You don't need to do this. Just create an NSArrayController for your 
 NSTableView that is bound to the selection key of the NSTreeController. 
 The NSArrayController will then populate the table view for you.
 I am binding to arrangedObjects of the NSArrayController

Yes, you bind the content of the table view to the array controller, but you 
should bind the content of the NSArrayController to the selection key of the 

What is the content binding of the array controller currently set to?

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Re: Inactivity Timer

2009-11-24 Thread Rob Keniger

On 25/11/2009, at 8:37 AM, Kevin wrote:

 I needed to implement an inactivity timer in my Cocoa App and did so my 
 subclassing NSApplication and overriding sendEvent: to start and stop a 
 timer. Although it works most of the time, every once in a while my timer 
 gets fired as I'm typing text into a text field or interacting with some 
 other control like scrolling a table view.

You might want to look at Uli Kusterer's UKIdleTimer, which is a Cocoa wrapper 
around the Carbon EventLoopIdleTimer, which is a system-provided timer that 
only fires when the machine has been idle for a specified amount of time:

Rob Keniger


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Re: Cocoa Bindings and NSUserDefaults

2009-11-24 Thread Rob Keniger

On 25/11/2009, at 12:17 PM, Ben Haller wrote:

 - There's a little bit of duplication of information between the nib and the 
 code.  The tags on the radio button matrix's cells have to match the values 
 in the enumeration, for one thing.  Even more annoyingly, the strings for the 
 defaults keys have to correspond to the bindings key paths I enter in IB.  
 This duplication seems like a vulnerability (not that it wouldn't also be 
 there without using bindings, of course).  There isn't any reasonable way to 
 get rid of this, is there?

Unfortunately not. Key paths are just strings and you can't use symbolic 
constants in Interface Builder, you have to use the string itself. Yes, it's 

 - A little bit of glue code still seems to be necessary (or at least 
 aesthetic) to vend the user defaults to client code (i.e. the +launchAction, 
 +sgeHeadNode, etc. class methods).  I could get rid of them, but then I'd 
 have to export the defaults keys in the header, and every client of the 
 preferences would have to do the same thing as this glue code themselves, so 
 the current way seems preferable (no pun intended :-).  Am I missing a way 
 to make this code nicer, or will I have to add a glue method like this every 
 time I add a defaults key?

When you retrieve and initialize the values you can just use regular user 
defaults, you don't have to use the NSUserDefaultsController. The user defaults 
controller that you use in bindings just pipes the values directly into 
NSUserDefaults so unless you need the additional functionality of the user 
defaults controller  in your code you can ignore it.

+ (void)initialize
NSDictionary *defaults = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:, akSGEHeadNodeKey,
numberWithInt:akLaunchShowNewSimulationPanel], akLaunchActionKey,
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] registerDefaults:defaults];

+ (AKLaunchAction)launchAction
return (AKLaunchAction)[[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] 
objectForKey:akLaunchActionKey] intValue];

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Re: Problem with multiple instances of a nib

2009-11-22 Thread Rob Keniger

On 23/11/2009, at 8:32 AM, Ben Haller wrote:

  This same thing has been biting me.  The problem is, I am guessing, that 
 nothing in your code keeps a strong reference to your controller. Making a 
 window with a controller creates an isolated group of objects that are not 
 referenced from the outside, so they are collected when the collector gets 
 around to it.

This is exactly correct. Unless there is something holding onto the window 
controller, it will be eligible for collection as soon as scope leaves the 
method that created it. What I usually do is create an ivar to hold onto the 
window controller until such time as I want to manually release it:

@interface SomeClass : NSObject
ImagePanelController *ctrl;

@implementation SomeClass
- (IBAction)newImagePanelForImage:(NSImage*)aImage
ctrl = [[ImagePanelController alloc] init];
[NSBundle loadNibNamed:@ImagePanel owner:ctrl];
[ctrl setImage:aImage];

Note that in the original code the ImagePanelController instance was 
autoreleased. This will do nothing when GC is enabled, but in this case would 
ensure that the same problem occurs under non-GC mode, i.e. the controller will 
be autoreleased as soon as the pool is drained. 

Also, note that this is not the normal way for a NSWindowController to operate. 
NSWindowController knows how to load a nib properly, so you should set up the 
-init method of ImagePanelController like so:

@implementation ImagePanelController
- (id)init
self = [super initWithWindowNibName:@ImagePanel];
//do some initialization
return self;

That way, you can write the newImagePanelForImage: method like this:
- (IBAction)newImagePanelForImage:(NSImage*)aImage
ctrl = [[ImagePanelController alloc] init];
[ctrl setImage:aImage];

The window controller handles all the nib loading machinery itself.

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Re: Problem with multiple instances of a nib

2009-11-22 Thread Rob Keniger

On 23/11/2009, at 8:49 AM, PCWiz wrote:

 Good to know that I'm not the only one experiencing this. The easiest 
 solution I guess is to keep an array of the controller objects, which I will 
 try. Is this how you mean:
 NSMutableArray *controllerObjects = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
 ImagePanelController *newController = [[[ImagePanelController alloc] init] 
 [controllerObjects addObject:newController];
 With this method, when the panel is closed would the controller be removed 
 from the array (I'm guessing not, and if so, how would I make it do that?)

Register the object that manages the array as a delegate of the window, 
implement -windowWillClose: and remove the appropriate window controller from 
the array?

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Re: Problem with multiple instances of a nib

2009-11-22 Thread Rob Keniger

On 23/11/2009, at 11:42 AM, PCWiz wrote:

 First of all, you would need to keep a reference to the controller object 
 inside the panel itself. I'm not sure if there is a cleaner way to do it, but 
 I found that subclassing your panel and then adding a property to keep a 
 reference to the controller worked. Like this:

You don't need to do this, it violates MVC.

Just loop through the controllers and remove the one that is controlling the 

- (void)windowWillClose:(NSNotification *)aNotification
NSWindow *panel = [aNotification object];
NSWindowController* controllerToRemove = nil;
for(NSWindowController* currentCntl in controllers)
if([[currentCntl window] isEqual:panel])
controllerToRemove = currentCntl;
[controllers removeObject:controllerToRemove];

Rob Keniger


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Re: NSTreeController content array bindings

2009-11-22 Thread Rob Keniger

On 23/11/2009, at 1:20 PM, Mazen M. Abdel-Rahman wrote:

 In the bindings inspector of Interface Builder I bind to file's owner - which 
 in my case is a subclass of NSWindowController, and set the model key path 
 the the name of the NSMutableArray I want to bind to.  This does not seem to 
 be working.

What binding are you using in Interface Builder? You should be using the 
Content Array binding.

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Re: Advice about crash requested

2009-11-19 Thread Rob Keniger

On 20/11/2009, at 10:54 AM, Jens Alfke wrote:

 Turning on NSZombieEnabled might help shed some light on this. There's a So, 
 You've Crashed In objc_msgsend FAQ out there on teh interwebz somewhere that 
 goes into more detail on troubleshooting.

I didn't think you could use NSZombieEnabled for GC apps. Can you?

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Re: How to avoid text distortion

2009-11-19 Thread Rob Keniger

On 20/11/2009, at 3:23 PM, padmakumar wrote:

 One more point is that I am using Xcode 3.2  in Snow Leopard (Version 10.6.2) 
 and  in System  Preference - Appearence -  Use LCD font smoothing when 
 available option is disabled  , again font  and text are  displayed 
 perfectly ie with out any distortion. If I enable this option which is 
 enabled by default this problem occurs. But  this problem  happens only with  
 the application I have developed.

I suspect you are using a layer-backed view. NSTextFields with no background 
color will display without sub-pixel anti-aliasing on layer-backed views. If 
you want the text to have sub-pixel anti-aliasing, give the text field a 
background color.

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Re: What exactly does NSController do?

2009-11-18 Thread Rob Keniger

On 19/11/2009, at 11:44 AM, Chase Meadors wrote:

 However, my question becomes more strange, as now I have many working 
 bindings systems in my code without any NSControllers. Binding to plain old 
 NSObjects seems to be fine. What is the purpose of NSController?

NSObjectController and friends conform to the NSEditor informal protocol, which 
means they correctly handle -commitEditing and -discardEditing messages, which 
binding directly to an object doesn't do.

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Re: NSUndoManager and runModalForWindow: (again)

2009-11-16 Thread Rob Keniger

On 17/11/2009, at 12:41 PM, Kevin wrote:

 After some more experimenting: It works for the first few edits after which 
 the behavior reverts to undo/redo in bunches. And you're right, I shouldn't 
 have to do setGroupsByEvent:NO when in fact it's the opposite of what I want.
 In short, this remains an issue. I'm perplexed as to why the undo manager 
 behaves this way. I've read the docs over and over again and aside from 
 setRunLoopModes: method, which I'm calling with NSModalPanelRunLoopMode, 
 there's no mention of any special considerations when using it with modal 

If you have a paid dev membership, now might be the time to use a support 
incident I think.

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Re: Example of categorized lists in a Mail-type interface

2009-11-15 Thread Rob Keniger

On 16/11/2009, at 4:38 AM, Ian Piper wrote:

 I would appreciate it if someone could point me at an example that I could 
 use as the basis for building a categorized list similar to the mail folders 
 display in Mail.

This should help:

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Re: Where are the interface builder components?

2009-11-14 Thread Rob Keniger

On 15/11/2009, at 11:48 AM, Sandro Noël wrote:

 But where are the ones from apple... that's what i'm wondering, 
 Why do we have to duplicate work that evidently has already been done.
 I'm confused as why apple is not including it in it's development tools.
 it makes no sense to me...

There's nothing you can do except file a bug report.

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Re: Custom window not getting a shadow

2009-11-10 Thread Rob Keniger

On 10/11/2009, at 9:51 PM, Ken Tozier wrote:

 I'm writing a custom window class and am finding that even though I set the 
 hasShadow property to YES, it isn't getting one. I stripped the following 
 example down to the bare esentials but still no shadow. Anyone know why this 
 might be happening?

Does the window have the shadow option enabled when you inspect it in Interface 
Builder? You might want to try setting the shadow in -awakeFromNib.

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Re: NSBitmapImageRepresentation image generation and saving resulting in image with much noise

2009-11-09 Thread Rob Keniger

On 09/11/2009, at 7:28 PM, Michael Robinson wrote:

 I'm getting images with a lot of noise in them, I was wondering if
 anyone has any ideas why this would be?  I've attached a screenshot of
 the noisy images I've been getting. The shot is of four images that 
 well shouldn't have any noise at all.

An NSBitmapImageRep is not guaranteed to be empty when you create it and in 
general it's just full of random bits. You need to clear it explicitly if you 
are drawing non-opaque content:

void ClearBitmapImageRep(NSBitmapImageRep* bitmap) 
unsigned char* bitmapData = [bitmap bitmapData];
if (bitmapData != NULL)
bzero(bitmapData, [bitmap bytesPerRow] * [bitmap pixelsHigh]);

Rob Keniger


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Re: avoiding spagetti code

2009-11-09 Thread Rob Keniger

On 10/11/2009, at 8:04 AM, Oftenwrong Soong wrote:

 In the MVC style, I want to avoid connecting directly between a view and a 
 model. However I have a custom NSView subclass that renders a graphical view 
 of the model and therefore it needs information from the model. I think it is 
 considered bad practice to put a pointer to the model directly in my NSView 
 subclass. However how can this type of coupling be avoided if the view needs 
 the information?

I struggled with this for a while, but you just need to look at some of the 
built-in complex views to see how this can be done. 

In particular, have a look at the datasource and delegate methods for 
NSTableView, for instance. The view publishes protocols which a controller 
object can use to control how the view is displayed. You can do exactly the 
same thing for your own custom view.

You use the controller object to supply the view with the information that it 
needs to be able to draw representations of your model objects.

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Re: code data export import strategies

2009-11-09 Thread Rob Keniger

On 09/11/2009, at 5:03 PM, Martin Hewitson wrote:

 Thanks, Rob. I do have this book, but I sort of skipped the section about 
 multithreading (where the export example is buried), but I've found it now.

Yes, it's kind of a shame that it's buried in there. I initially skipped it too.

In my case I don't need to use multithreading and it was easy to adapt the code 
to a non-threaded implementation.

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Re: code data export import strategies

2009-11-08 Thread Rob Keniger

On 09/11/2009, at 5:18 AM, Martin Hewitson wrote:

 I've been digging around for export and import strategies to allow me to 
 export parts of a core data model. In more detail, I have a set of 
 categories, each of which contains a set of meetings. Each meeting has a 
 fairly complex object graph below it (agenda, agenda items, location, title, 
 etc). I want to allow the user to export a meeting which can then be imported 
 by someone else using the same application.
 Does anyone have any good advice how best to approach this? I was considering 
 making the NSManagedObject subclasses conform to NSCoding, but I read in a 
 couple of places that this was difficult to do, particularly the 
 initWithCoder: part. Anyone tried this already?

Yes, I've done this. What I did is create a second NSManagedContext with a 
separate NSPersistentStore and copy the relevant objects out of the main 
NSManagedContext into the new one. You basically do the reverse on import.

There is an excellent example of how to handle import and export in Marcus 
Zarra's Core Data book:

I highly recommend getting a copy if you're working with Core Data.

Rob Keniger


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Re: NSTreeController, Core Data and root objects

2009-11-05 Thread Rob Keniger

On 06/11/2009, at 5:38 AM, Fritz Anderson wrote:

 Here is what I did, for a small tree: My document keeps the root object as a 
 KVO property -- I do not rely on a fetch.
 I declare classes for my tree-element entities. so I could implement a 
 method, -(NSArray *)orderedChildren, to return the children set, sorted as 
 I exposed the document (and thus, indirectly, the root) through an 
 I bound the tree controller's content _array_ to that root object's 
 orderedChildren key. (Document NSObjectController - root.orderedChildren). 
 Members of the content array appear as top-level nodes in the outline.
 My tree has constant structure, so I can't make any comment on mutation.

Hi Fritz,

Thanks for this pointer. Unfortunately, while this works great for a static 
tree, it fails when you try to mutate the tree objects. :-/

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Re: NSTreeController, Core Data and root objects

2009-11-05 Thread Rob Keniger

On 06/11/2009, at 7:35 AM, Steve Steinitz wrote:

 Fritz's idea looks much cooler (I might try it) but for a clumsier solution, 
 have you written your own method to add new top-level items?  I wonder if an 
 IBAction like this would work:
 - (IBAction)
 addVisibleTopLevelItem: sender
YourEntity *invisibleTop = [self topObject];
YourEntity *newVisibleTop =
[NSEntityDescription insertNewObjectForEntityForName: @YourEntity
  inManagedObjectContext: [context]];
[newVisibleTop setParent: invisibleTop];// does your entity have a 
// might also need to add a child to inVisibleTop
[treeController addObject: newVisibleTop];
[treeController rearrangeObjects];  // needed?
 Something along similar lines seems to work for me.

Thanks. What I've tried, which does seem to work, is overriding 
-insertObject:atArrangedObjectIndexPath: and setting the parent explictly if 
the item is being inserted at the top level:

- (void)insertObject:(id)object atArrangedObjectIndexPath:(NSIndexPath 
NodeObject* item = (NodeObject*)object;
//only add the parent if this item is at the top level of the tree in the 
outline view
if([indexPath length] == 1)
//fetch the root item
NSEntityDescription* entity = [NSEntityDescription 
entityForName:@NodeObject inManagedObjectContext:[self managedObjectContext]];
NSFetchRequest* fetchRequest = [[NSFetchRequest alloc] init]; //I'm 
using GC so this is not a leak
[fetchRequest setEntity:entity];
NSPredicate* predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@isRootItem 
== 1];
[fetchRequest setPredicate:predicate];

NSError* error;
NSArray* managedObjects = [[self managedObjectContext] 
executeFetchRequest:fetchRequest error:error];

[NSException raise:@MyException format:@Error occurred during 
fetch: %@,error];

NodeObject* rootItem = nil;
if([managedObjects count])
rootItem = [managedObjects objectAtIndex:0];
//set the item's parent to be the root item
item.parent = rootItem;
[super insertObject:object atArrangedObjectIndexPath:indexPath];
//this method just sorts the child objects in the tree so they maintain 
their order
[self updateSortOrderOfModelObjects];

Can anyone see anything wrong with this?

Rob Keniger


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Re: NSTreeController, Core Data and root objects

2009-11-05 Thread Rob Keniger

On 06/11/2009, at 4:15 PM, Steve Steinitz wrote:

 I don't see anything wrong.  In fact, it looks great.  Does insertObjects:: 
 call insertObject:: so that one day, if you implement drag and drop for 
 multiple items it will all work?

Good question, I haven't tested that but I will do so.

 One possible tweak: since you've already subclassed NSTreeController would be 
 worth overriding its awakeFromNib to cache the root object?  Is the root 
 object unchanging?  Then insertObject:: would be short and sweet.

The root object is indeed unchanging. You're right, caching the object would be 
an improvement on the fetch.

I'll proceed with this and see if I have any problems.

Many thanks,

Rob Keniger


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Re: Programmatic Binding KVC KVO

2009-11-04 Thread Rob Keniger

On 05/11/2009, at 8:42 AM, Richard Somers wrote:

See mmalc’s Graphics Bindings sample:

Sometimes Cocoa can be overwhelming. This will help. Thank you so  
much. :)

You might also find this blog post very helpful:

Rob Keniger


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NSTreeController, Core Data and root objects

2009-11-04 Thread Rob Keniger

Hi everyone,

I have a Core Data model which consists of a simple tree of a  
particular entity, which has two relationships, parent and children. I  
have an NSTreeController managing the model, with an NSOutlineView  
bound to the NSTreeController.

This works fine if I set the fetch predicate of the NSTreeController  
in Interface Builder to parent == nil.

My problem is that I need a single root object, but this should not  
display in the outline view, only its children should be displayed at  
the top level of the outline view. My entity has an attribute,  
isRootItem, that is true for the root item only.

For instance, my model looks like this:

Node 1
+-  Node 2
Node 3
|   |
|   +-  Node 5
Node 4

I need to display Nodes 2, 3 and 4 at the top level of the outline  
view, but still have their parent be Node 1. Node 1 has a value of  
YES for isRootItem and all the others have NO.

If I set the fetch predicate of the tree controller to  
parent.isRootItem == 1, this displays the tree correctly, but as  
soon as I add a new item to the top level it fails because the tree  
controller does not assign the invisible root item as the parent of  
the new item.

Is there an easy way to have the NSTreeController/NSOutlineView  
combination work in this situation? I'm considering moving to a  
datasource for the NSOutlineView if this isn't easily possible.

Rob Keniger


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NSManagedObject and weak references under GC

2009-11-03 Thread Rob Keniger

Hi all,

I'm converting my garbage-collected document-based application to use  
Core Data. In my existing implementation, several NSViewControllers  
keep weak references to the NSDocument object by using the __weak  

@interface MyController : NSViewController
__weak MyDocument* document;

This is so that when a document window is closed, the memory for the  
document is freed. This works fine.

The document in turn has a property specified like so:

@property (readonly) NSString* foo;

However, now that I've switched the document to be a subclass of  
NSPersistentDocument, I am getting compilation errors in my  
NSViewController subclass when it tries to access the foo property of  
the document: = @bar;

- error: property 'foo' not found on object of type 'MyDocument  

Why would this compiler error be occurring?

Rob Keniger


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Re: [solved] NSManagedObject and weak references under GC

2009-11-03 Thread Rob Keniger

On 04/11/2009, at 3:41 PM, Rob Keniger wrote:

However, now that I've switched the document to be a subclass of  
NSPersistentDocument, I am getting compilation errors in my  
NSViewController subclass when it tries to access the foo property  
of the document: = @bar;

- error: property 'foo' not found on object of type 'MyDocument  

Why would this compiler error be occurring?

Turns out it was nothing to do with the weak reference, but a problem  
with the way I created the foo property in the document object. All  
working now.

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Re: Problem with allocating memory

2009-10-27 Thread Rob Keniger

On 28/10/2009, at 1:31 PM, Stephen J. Butler wrote:

 Because you're printing the address of the stack variable myString,
 which is the same place on the stack every time.

Not to mention the fact that you're leaking a string on each iteration through 
the loop.

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Re: Sending a Selector to another Class.

2009-10-22 Thread Rob Keniger

On 22/10/2009, at 3:52 PM, Joshua Garnham wrote:

 Ah, I see. so I need to send it to an instance of the class not the class it 
 How would I do that?

With respect, please understand that your questions are akin to this:

Q. How do I start the car?
A. You turn the key.
Q. How do I drive?
A. ummm

You need to learn the basics of Objective-C, it is very clear that you do not 
understand even the simplest concepts. 

To directly answer your question, you allocate and initialize an instance of 
your class using [[YourClass alloc] init], or using a convenience class method 
or other designated initializer. However, this information is unlikely to help 
you until you invest some time in learning Objective-C.

I personally recommend reading this book:

It's all laid down here though:

Rob Keniger


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Re: NSColor for darker hightlight color

2009-10-21 Thread Rob Keniger

On 22/10/2009, at 10:26 AM, Jonathan Hendry wrote:

 There's a 'Developer' color list in the color list pane of the standard color 

Yes, and I believe this is the picker that Graham was referring to. It shows 
all the NSColor named colors that reflect the current appearance. To see it, 
open the standard color picker, go to the third tab Color Palettes and select 
Developer from the Palette popup to get this list of colors.

The developer color picker linked by Kyle is totally different, it allows you 
to sample colors from the screen and get an NSColor/CGColorRef definition. 
Useful, but not what the OP requires.

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Re: Child window shows up on top despite specifying NSWindowBelow

2009-10-20 Thread Rob Keniger

On 21/10/2009, at 4:40 AM, Jesper Storm Bache wrote:

 Your analysis (regarding window visibility) sounds plausible as non- 
 visible Cocoa windows have no z-order.
 I have logged: 6802899 Please add latent z-order to hidden NSWindows  
 for this, but in the meantime I am left with having to move hidden  
 windows off screen and make then visible (then override  
 constrainFrameRect to not move the window back on screen).

It's probably better to call NSDisableScreenUpdates(), set the child window 
ordering/placement/visibility and then call NSEnableScreenUpdates(). This is 
what I do and it works perfectly. It's one of the main reasons these calls 
exist, AFAIK.

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Re: Child window shows up on top despite specifying NSWindowBelow

2009-10-20 Thread Rob Keniger

On 21/10/2009, at 2:20 PM, Francisco Tolmasky wrote:

 So I've actually narrowed it down to the fact that my windows have a custom 
 level. If the windows have the standard level then NSWIndowBelow works fine. 
 Any known workarounds for this?

What happens when you call -setWindowLevel: on the child window to 
(yourWindowLevel - 1)?

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Re: correctly Controlling Garbage Collection

2009-10-17 Thread Rob Keniger

On 16/10/2009, at 4:17 PM, WareTo Development wrote:

 Looking at this problem, we could perform better memory management, so deep 
 garbage collection does not happen that often. This reduces the problem, but 
 can never eliminate it, since sooner or later the garbage clean operation 
 must be done.
 So we thought the best thing would be to force a garbage collection operation 
 at a time of our choosing.  Normally, this occurs at Mouse up, after the user 
 has finished his drawing. A split second of garbage collection then would be 
 barely noticeable by the user.

What happens if you explicitly disable Garbage Collection when the user starts 
drawing and enable it when the user finishes?

Something like: 

- (void)mouseDown:(NSEvent*)event
[[NSGarbageCollector defaultCollector] disable];
//other mouse down stuff

- (void)mouseUp:(NSEvent*)event
[[NSGarbageCollector defaultCollector] enable];
[[NSGarbageCollector defaultCollector] collectExhaustively];
//other mouse up stuff

That way the collector should never fire while the user is drawing.

Rob Keniger


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Re: Programming Style: Method Definition with or without a semicolon.

2009-10-17 Thread Rob Keniger

On 17/10/2009, at 10:25 PM, Graham Cox wrote:

 If there is a way to disable these insertions independently and I've missed 
 it, please someone, let me know how to do it.

I can't recommend the ODCompletionDictionary plug-in for Xcode highly enough:

It allows you to create fully customizable macros and falls back to Xcode's 
auto-completion if a match can't be found.

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Re: odd behavior with NSError?

2009-10-16 Thread Rob Keniger

On 16/10/2009, at 4:45 PM, Ben Trumbull wrote:

 Other people have different perspectives on local variable initialization.  
 Wrong perspectives, but different.  Fortunately now, they waste their 
 arguments upon the merciless

Clangdor the Burninator. Excellent.

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Multiple relationships between two entities

2009-10-13 Thread Rob Keniger
I'm just getting started with Core Data so go easy on me.

I am moving my existing app across to Core Data and I'm having trouble with a 
few concepts.

At present (pre-Core Data) my app has a model object (Item) which is used as 
the node object in an NSTreeController.

This model object has multiple ivars of another custom object (Link) like so:

@interface Item : NSObject
Link* normalLink;
Link* alternateLink;

I'm trying to replicate this in my Core Data model. I have set up two entities, 
Item and Link. I have created two relationships in the Item entity, 
normalLink and alternateLink, both pointing to the Link entity.

Basically, I want each of these relationships to point to an instance of the 
Link entity.

However, now I have a problem. My Link entity has one relationship (item) 
which should be the inverse relationship, but that's not possible because I can 
only have one inverse relationship.

I think I'm getting mixed up here, how should this actually be modelled?

Rob Keniger


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Re: Multiple relationships between two entities

2009-10-13 Thread Rob Keniger

On 13/10/2009, at 4:29 PM, Matthew Lindfield Seager wrote:

 Inverse of what?
 So Item A has link 1 as it's normal link and link 2 as it's alternate
 link but then what if link 2 is also the normal link for item B.

This won't ever actually happen, the link objects aren't shared between items. 
I'm only worried about the inverse relationship because Core Data really, 
really doesn't like one-way relationships.

Kiran Kumar's suggestion of storing the link type in the Link entity and then 
setting up a links relationship in the Item object will probably work just 
fine for me I think.

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Re: Save as PDF?

2009-10-13 Thread Rob Keniger

On 14/10/2009, at 12:02 PM, Laurent Daudelin wrote:

 Thanks, Aaron. I'll check out the links you mention. But I'm wondering what's 
 happening in general, in all applications, what is the process of drawing an 
 NSView, NSText and so on to end up with a PDF document, not from my own 
 application perspective. In other words, would it be possible to instruct a 
 given application to print a document to a PDF file automatically, without 
 intervention from the user? The functionality is there as you can do it from 
 the print dialog, but I'm wondering if it can be programmatically be done.

PDF is a fundamental part of the Mac OS X Quartz drawing architecture. If you 
draw something to a view, you can get a PDF representation of it. Have a look 
at the -dataWithPDFInsideRect: method of NSView.

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Re: Problem using filewrappers under snow leopard

2009-10-13 Thread Rob Keniger

On 14/10/2009, at 2:45 PM, Eagle Offshore wrote:

 See other message - it makes zero difference.

I had a problem saving file wrappers in 10.6 where an empty folder file wrapper 
would not save correctly. I still don't know why not.

I was able to diagnose it by making use of the new method in 10.6:

- (BOOL)writeToFile:(NSURL *)url options:(NSFileWrapperWritingOptions)options 
originalContentsURL:(NSURL*)originalContentsURL error:(NSError **)outError

The NSError that you get back from this method actually tells you what's going 
on. Using the 10.5 SDK there is no way to get the error.

It's probably worth compiling against the 10.6 SDK and using this method to 
diagnose the actual error.

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Re: Updating application info plist

2009-10-09 Thread Rob Keniger

On 10/10/2009, at 1:19 AM, Kyle Sluder wrote:

 Sorry, you cannot do this. Changing an app's Info.plist is not supported, 
 especially while the app is running.

I've noticed that some apps (LittleSnapper is the first example I can think 
of), have a hide the app icon in the dock after relaunch option. 

To do this, surely they must be rewriting the LSUIElement key in the app's own 
Info.plist while the app is running, right? Or is there another way to do this?

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Re: Hardware UUID in New Mac Book Pro

2009-10-08 Thread Rob Keniger

On 09/10/2009, at 12:18 AM, Rajendran P wrote:

 How to fetch the Hardware UUID from New Mac Book Pro. Earlier Mac Book's 
 system Profiler was showing Hardware UUID but in new machines, It might be 
 hidden or stored in any other form/name.
 Is there any command or (c/cpp) api to get that ID?

I don't think that the Hardware UUID is a supported way of identifying a 
machine. Have a look at:

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Re: app delegate +initialize

2009-10-07 Thread Rob Keniger

On 08/10/2009, at 1:39 PM, John Baldwin wrote:

 Inside the xib is a window which is set to visible at launch. The error 
 happens in the window controller for this window, which is expecting the user 
 defaults to be initialized by the AppController instance.
 So I'm expecting the AppController instance to be loaded and the +initialize 
 method to be called before my window controller is loaded and its outlets 
 start getting referenced.

Both the responses to this have been spot on, but I'd just add that what you 
can do is create your window in a separate xib, and then instantiate your 
window controller programmatically from your AppController at a point where you 
know the user defaults have been loaded. That way you don't need to worry about 
the order of loading objects from the xib as you control it explicitly.

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Re: Rounded NSBox/NSView?

2009-10-05 Thread Rob Keniger

On 06/10/2009, at 1:07 PM, Graham Cox wrote:

Views are defined by their frame/bounds rectangles. But there's  
nothing to stop you from setting a round-cornered clipping path at  
the start of your view's drawRect method to clip the view's content  
to a round-cornered rect. Since the view draws nothing by default,  
the fact that the real edge is a rectangle will not be apparent.

Unfortunately the OP is still going to find things difficult. A lot of  
Apple's standard views, such as NSTableView/NSScrollView seem to set  
their own custom clipping path during drawing which overrides anything  
you set, so it's not as straightforward as it might seem.

I agree with Kyle, it is probably a good idea to rethink the design.

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Re: Weird NSToolbar glitch

2009-10-01 Thread Rob Keniger

On 02/10/2009, at 6:08 AM, I. Savant wrote:

I couldn't find it anywhere in the documentation. But the thing is,  
it doesn't seem like you can even move a toolbar from one window to  
another, even properly making sure that it never belongs to more  
than one at a time, without getting weird drawing errors. I didn't  
dig too much into that, it's enough to know that it doesn't work.  
But creating a new one each time DOES work and creates very little  
additional overhead, as far as I can tell.

 Toolbars have always been special. It seems a lot of funky  
things happen when a window is sent -setToolbar: (even with the  
shiny new IB 3 toolbar editing support).

I concur. I had a lot of problems when I tried to swap two toolbars  
that were created with IB. In my case it was a performance problem, it  
would take about 1.5 seconds to swap the toolbar, pegging the CPU the  
whole time.

Turned out it was much, much easier to just create a new toolbar  
instance each time and let the toolbar delegate methods do their work.  
The toolbar swap is now practically instantaneous.

The IB3 editor is nice for simple toolbars but for more complex stuff  
I'd tend to avoid it.

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Re: NSWindowController and GC

2009-09-30 Thread Rob Keniger

On 01/10/2009, at 9:20 AM, Bryan Matteson wrote:

I was just reminded of something. I use GC in my app, and unless I  
specifically disable collection for a window controller, it's  
destroyed as soon as it loses key. I solved it by setting the  
controller as the delegate of the window, disabling collection for  
the window controller in windowDidLoad, and re-enabling it in  
windowWillClose:. Is there another way?

Disabling collection for the window controller in this way is a bit of  
a hack. With Garbage Collection, you need to make sure you have a  
strong reference to the window controller somewhere. This generally  
means making the window controller an ivar of another object, e.g.  
your NSDocument instance.

What object creates your window controller in the first place? That's  
probably the object that needs to hang on to it.

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Re: Fast transition between two graphics

2009-09-29 Thread Rob Keniger

On 30/09/2009, at 4:16 AM, Chilton Webb wrote:

So now I'm experimenting with using an overlay window with layer  
backed views, loading the images into the views, showing the window,  
and drawing the animation by then translating the two views at the  
same time. Is this the fastest way to do this?

You could do it this way, although normally for something like this  
I'd use Core Image. Make two CIImages and use an animated transition  

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Re: Fast transition between two graphics

2009-09-29 Thread Rob Keniger

On 30/09/2009, at 10:33 AM, Chilton Webb wrote:

I will take a shot at this. My concern is that I've seen CoreImage  
transitions bog down initially, I guess in their loading phase or  
something. 	I have an early model G5 that I use for testing the low  
end of the Leopard range (and it still looks strange to say G5 and  
Low End in the same sentence). On that machine, apps that use  
CoreImage tend to have a visual stutter initially, and I'm not sure  
if that's a CI thing or an app specific thing. Is there a 'push'  
effect for CI though?

Hmm, actually I don't think there is. There is one if you want to use  
the private CoreGraphics filters:

However, it's probably not a good idea for a shipping app.

CoreImage uses the GPU, so if the GPU is a bit feeble or you are using  
really large images then it may have frame rate issues, however Core  
Animation can have these issues too.

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Re: Looking for Sample code: WWDC2007 - Session 201 - Building Animated Cocoa User Interfaces

2009-09-28 Thread Rob Keniger

On 29/09/2009, at 2:22 AM, David Duncan wrote:

I believe the demos were called CocoaShuffle and Layer-Backed  
OpenGL View.  Can these be downloaded somewhere?

I'm fairly certain both are up on I'm not  
certain they are up under those specific names however.

This might be one of the ones you're looking for:

That was definitely shown at WWDC 2007.

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Re: NSImage rotation regression?

2009-09-22 Thread Rob Keniger

On 23/09/2009, at 8:46 AM, Marco S Hyman wrote:

FYI: a while ago I asked about a possible NSImage rotation regression

I didn't see any mention of this in the documentation or release
notes.  Did I miss it?

Yep. Have a look at the AppKit release notes, specifically the section:

NSImage: Orientation metadata (e.g. exif) now respected by default

You probably need to use the - (id)initWithDataIgnoringOrientation: 
(NSData *)data method that it mentions.

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Re: an app that never quits

2009-09-22 Thread Rob Keniger

On 23/09/2009, at 1:06 PM, Erick Calder wrote:

perhaps I an ask the question differently: if you wanted to be able  
to respond to physical events (say the location of the phone, or  
time of day, etc.) throughout the day in some unattended fashion,  
how would you do it?

You can't.

the thought comes about because maybe app visibility is not a  
problem (if that is really the only requirement) vis-á-vis user  
involvement i.e. if I could install a trigger to bring up my app and  
it could just close itself, maybe I could get away with a solution.

It's just not possible in the current implementation. As others have  
stated, file a bug if you want things to change.

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Re: Handling a File Drag to my Window

2009-09-22 Thread Rob Keniger

On 23/09/2009, at 12:48 PM, Peter Zegelin wrote:

I would like to show some sort of visual feedback. I tried  
subclassing the content view of the window thinking it would  
automatically hilite, but I can't get it to. Note I set focus ring  
to default in IB for this. Also the drag icon doesn't update to show  
a '+' symbol.

To change the appearance of a view in response to dragging operations,  
you should implement the -draggingEntered:, -draggingUpdated: and - 
draggingExited: protocol methods.

To make the plus sign appear next to the cursor, you need to return  
NSDragOperationCopy as the NSDragOperation from the -draggingEntered:  
and/or -draggingUpdated: protocol methods. Note that this is only  
appropriate for dragging events where you're actually copying the  

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Re: Oh notification, where are you?

2009-09-21 Thread Rob Keniger

On 22/09/2009, at 2:31 AM, Michael Thon wrote:

NSNotificationCenter *nc = [NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter];
[nc addObserver:self
[myThread start];

In the sendNotification: method I send the notification to the other  
thread using performSelector: onThread: however sendNotification: is  
never even called.  Either the notifications are not, in fact being  
sent to the main thread or I'm doing something else wrong.  There is  
probably something basic about threads or notifications that I don't  
understand but I have run out of ideas about what to try next.

NSMetadataQueryDidFinishGatheringNotification is a string constant, so  
you should use it directly and not put it inside the @ string  
literal container:

NSNotificationCenter *nc = [NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter];
[nc addObserver:self

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Re: bitmap caching issue (was: settings to build for 10.5 on 10.6?)

2009-09-20 Thread Rob Keniger

On 21/09/2009, at 7:22 AM, Ken Ferry wrote:

Well, yes, but copying the data out one way or another is probably  


Once you've passed a CGImage to some other API, you really don't  
know how
long it'll survive, so it's hard to say when it would be safe to  
release the


So would this be acceptable on 10.5/GC?

@implementation NSBitmapImageRep (Additions)
- (CGImageRef)safeCGImage
CGImageRef cgImage = [self CGImage];
return (CGImageRef) CFMakeCollectable(CGImageCreateCopy(cgImage));

Rob Keniger


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Re: bitmap caching issue (was: settings to build for 10.5 on 10.6?)

2009-09-20 Thread Rob Keniger

On 21/09/2009, at 9:21 AM, Ken Ferry wrote:

Ah, I forgot about CGImageCreateCopy.

No, as noted in the header,

/* Return a copy of `image'. Only the image structure itself is  
copied; the

   underlying data is not. */

I'm not sure when you _would_ want to use CGImageCreateCopy, actually.

Now that you've pointed that out, neither am I! I should always  
remember to check the header, the docs don't mention this detail.  
Should I file a bug against the docs?

This would do it, I think:

Many thanks.

Rob Keniger


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Re: bitmap caching issue (was: settings to build for 10.5 on 10.6?)

2009-09-20 Thread Rob Keniger

On 21/09/2009, at 9:26 AM, Rob Keniger wrote:

Now that you've pointed that out, neither am I! I should always  
remember to check the header, the docs don't mention this detail.  
Should I file a bug against the docs?

Cancel that, I see the documentation for the 10.6 API is much  
improved. I am developing against 10.5 so haven't been using the 10.6  

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Re: Overcoming crappiness of NSSplitView - what's the magic?

2009-09-15 Thread Rob Keniger

On 16/09/2009, at 12:01 AM, Graham Cox wrote:
1. When I drag the splitter directly, it moves allowing me to  
position it where I want within the constrained min and max of the  
contained views.
2. When the window resizes I want the split to stay exactly where it  
is relative to the top of the window. I do not want it to move  
proportionally which seems to be the default. In other words the  
window resize affects the bottom pane only, even though the top one  
can be resized by the split. Whoever decided that was a sensible  
behaviour for the default anyway?
3. When the window is resized programatically as well as drag- 
resized, 2. needs to be true also.

Have a look at this excellent article by Matt Gallagher:

Rob Keniger


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Re: Mac Mini or iMac for Cocoa Development?

2009-09-14 Thread Rob Keniger

On 14/09/2009, at 1:48 PM, Graham Cox wrote:

Compile time wise, don't worry about it. While compilation seems to  
have actually got slower over the years

Except when nice new compilers come out. Switching to the Clang-LLVM  
compiler in Snow Leopard has cut my compile times pretty much in half.  
I highly recommend trying it out.

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Re: Why the Cocoa function can't be called from JavaScript?

2009-09-14 Thread Rob Keniger

On 14/09/2009, at 1:41 PM, ziqian zhan wrote:

When first time welcome.html is loaded into webView from
-(void)awakeFromNib;, push the change it button on web page the
-(NSString*)getName function is called. The hello world is  
replaced with

hi I'm here.. But when welcome.html loaded again from
-(IBAction)loadPage:(id)sender, push the change it button on web  
page but
NOTHING happens. The hello world is no way changed to hi I'm  
here.. It

looks that the JSBridge.getName() disappeared.

This is happening because you're setting the value of the JSBridge  
object in the windowScriptObject before you've even loaded the page:

NSString * path = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@welcome  

[[webView mainFrame] loadRequest:[NSURLRequest requestWithURL:[NSURL

The windowScriptObject is not valid before the page loads, and then  
when the page loads you are not registering the JSBridge object with  
the window.

You need to set your object as the WebFrameLoadDelegate and register  
your JSBridge object in the delegate method - 
webView:didClearWindowObject:forFrame:, which is called when the  
windowScriptObject becomes available:

- (void)webView:(WebView *)sender didClearWindowObject: 
(WebScriptObject*)windowObject forFrame:(WebFrame *)frame

[windowObject setValue:self forKey:@JSBridge];

One other thing I noticed is that you are allowing access to all  
Objective-C methods in your app by doing this:

+ (BOOL)isSelectorExcludedFromWebScript:(SEL)aSelector { return NO; }
+ (BOOL)isKeyExcludedFromWebScript:(const char *)name { return NO; }

This is a massive security hole, you should only allow keys and  
selectors that you know to be safe to return NO from these methods.

Rob Keniger


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Re: Meta Package in 10.5 to support 10.3 problem

2009-09-08 Thread Rob Keniger

On 08/09/2009, at 9:17 PM, Sparta wrote:

I am building a meta package on 10.5 that supports 10.3 (Install

This is the wrong list. You want Installer-dev:

Rob Keniger


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Re: NSImage with multiple representation sizes

2009-09-08 Thread Rob Keniger

On 09/09/2009, at 6:20 AM, Ken Ferry wrote:

On 10.6 and later, yes, you can count on it choosing 16x16 pixel
representation.  We're not looking at resolution anymore, only  
number of

pixels in rep vs number of pixels to be filled.

I'm pretty sure it would on previous OSes too, but not 100% positive.

It works this way on 10.5. It's easy to test, dump a multi-resolution  
TIFF into an NSImageView set to resize with the window and scale the  
window up and down. If the TIFF contains different images at each  
resolution (say the number 16 for a 16x16px rep, and the number 128  
for a 128x128px rep) then you'll see the various representations drawn  
as you resize.

Rob Keniger


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Semi-document architecture

2009-09-04 Thread Rob Keniger
I have an app in development that is currently implemented as a  
document-based app, but I'm starting to think it makes little sense  
for it to be so.

What I would like is for the app to have a central document  
management window, from which you could create/delete documents.  
Although these are logically documents, I don't want the user to be  
able to be saved the file anywhere on disk, I want all the documents  
to be saved centrally in a location of my choosing (i.e. the  
Application Support folder).

The user should not be able to do a Save As. I also don't really want  
the Command-Clickable title in the document window as the location on  
disk is not relevant to the user.

However, I still want one window per app, undo support and Save menu  
item functionality, which all come for free with the NSDocument  

Would I be best off to migrate away from the NSDocumentController/ 
NSDocument architecture and shoehorn my own document management  
controller logic in its place?

Rob Keniger


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Re: Semi-document architecture

2009-09-04 Thread Rob Keniger

On 04/09/2009, at 4:42 PM, Kyle Sluder wrote:

Sounds like a job for a custom NSDocumentController subclass.

Of course, thanks for the pointer.

The user should not be able to do a Save As. I also don't really  
want the Command-Clickable title in the document window as the  
location on disk is not relevant to the user.

Your NSDocument subclass can handle this  And you can disable the  
titlebar path control easily enough.

Ah, I see, I can override -synchronizeWindowTitleWithDocumentName in  
NSWindowController. That is easier than I thought.

However, I still want one window per app, undo support and Save  
menu item functionality, which all come for free with the  
NSDocument architecture.

I assume you meant one window per document?

Yes, sorry, that was a typo.

Would I be best off to migrate away from the NSDocumentController/ 
NSDocument architecture and shoehorn my own document management  
controller logic in its place?

No. You will still get a lot out of NSDocument with a moderate  
amount of customization.

Great, thanks!

Rob Keniger


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Re: Massive slowdown in NSArrayController selections in 10.6

2009-09-04 Thread Rob Keniger

On 04/09/2009, at 12:43 PM, Rob Keniger wrote:

I'm interested to know if anyone else has been bitten by what seems  
to be a fairly serious performance regression bug in 10.6 with  

Basically, if you have an NSArrayController with more than a few  
bindings, changing selection in the controller takes at least an  
order of magnitude more time than in Leopard.

I added a benchmark to my sample project to loop through the array  
controller, selecting each object in turn:

NSTimeInterval t = [NSDate timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate];
NSUInteger j=0;
[arrayController setSelectionIndex:j];
NSLog(@duration %f, [NSDate timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate] - t); /*  

As you increase the number of bound properties this benchmark  
increases non-linearly:

10 properties: 12.989ms
25 properties: 50.816ms
50 properties: 166.453ms
100 properties: 681.625ms
150 properties: 2294.942ms
200 properties: 3295.174ms
250 properties: 7175.009ms
300 properties: 11204.541ms
600 properties: 65377.478ms

Has no-one else experienced these slowdowns?

Rob Keniger


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Massive slowdown in NSArrayController selections in 10.6

2009-09-03 Thread Rob Keniger
I'm interested to know if anyone else has been bitten by what seems to  
be a fairly serious performance regression bug in 10.6 with  

Basically, if you have an NSArrayController with more than a few  
bindings, changing selection in the controller takes at least an order  
of magnitude more time than in Leopard.

This is causing major slowdowns in my app, which has a bunch of  
inspector panels with controls all bound to an NSTreeController.

This example project demonstrates the issue:

The sample app takes about 50ms to change selection on Leopard, but  
500-1500ms to change selection on 10.6.

Shark profiling shows that the time is largely taken up with calls to  
auto_read_weak_reference(), readWeakAt() and objc_read_weak(). It  
makes no difference if the app is run under GC or not.

I would have thought that quite a few apps would have seen this  
problem as the performance degradation is so dramatic.

I've filed this bug as rdar://7139579 if anyone wants to reference it.

Rob Keniger


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Re: learning the NSView structure of an app?

2009-08-29 Thread Rob Keniger

On 29/08/2009, at 2:08 AM, sag lists wrote:

As a relatively new cocoa developer, one thing I struggle with is  
determining on visual inspection how an app is constructed in terms  
cocoa views. Some things are obvious like splitter views, the  
toolbar, etc.  But some are not.  Does anyone know if there is a way  
to examine the view hierarchy of an app? Or alternatively, a good  
way to learn many of the common app layout patterns?

If you launch your app executable with the argument -NSShowAllViews  
YES, then you will be able to see all the views and their hierarchy  
using color-coded border highlights.

You can either add the argument to your executable in Xcode or run  
your app from the command line:

./ -NSShowAllViews YES

Rob Keniger


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Re: Making failed NSAsserts crash an app

2009-08-26 Thread Rob Keniger

On 27/08/2009, at 7:49 AM, Squ Aire wrote:

Since I absolutely want some information on whenever my NSAsserts  
fail (because they should NEVER fail and I want to know about it if  
they do! (at least during beta testing!)), my question is: How can I  
guarantee that a failed NSAssert will crash my application? I want  
it to happen in such a way that the next time the user loads the  
app, the info about the failed NSAssert (perhaps the 2nd description  
string argument I supply to it, or even the line of code and code  
file) will go along with the crash reports.

You could raise exceptions instead of generating assertion failures.  
Exceptions are caught by several of the crash reporting frameworks.  
You could probably map the NSAssert macros to exception-generation  
code for your beta builds.

Rob Keniger


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Re: How to Convert #FF00FF String Specifying RGB Color to 32 bit int

2009-08-26 Thread Rob Keniger

On 27/08/2009, at 9:50 AM, Peter Zegelin wrote:

I have some xml where an rgb color value is specified via a  
#XXYYZZ type string. The xml is being read in via NSXMLParser. I  
can't seem to find an easy Cocoa way to convert this value to an  
unsigned int. I need an unsigned int rather than an NSColor as the  
value is used in C++ code.  Does anyone know of something I may be  

Something like this?

//assume colorString is something like @#AABBCC

unsigned colorCode = 0;
unsigned char redByte, greenByte, blueByte;

if (nil != colorString)
NSScanner* scanner = [NSScanner scannerWithString:colorString];
(void) [scanner scanHexInt:colorCode];
redByte   = (unsigned char)(colorCode  16);
greenByte = (unsigned char)(colorCode  8);
blueByte  = (unsigned char)(colorCode);

Rob Keniger


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