Re: Core Data and ordered to-many relations

2009-05-24 Thread jmunson
Didn't the OP want the relatives joined in a specific order (or, at  
least, be able to retrieve them in a specific order)?

in the order prescribed.

To do that, joins alone won't satisfy his query (Core Data structures  
are not guaranteed to return in any order).  As I read them, his  
options were joins only or some other structure.

In the OP's case, he'd need to have (as one possible solution) both a  
relationship entity and an order attribute of some kind in that entity  
to answer his request (the order attribute would also be as per dox).   
This would be the other structure, at least from my perspective.

Peace, Love, and Light,

/s/ Jon C. Munson II

Quoting Jerry Krinock

If there's only two relatives, as in your example, use two to-one

If there's an indeterminate number, you can add an intermediate
joiner entity, as explained here:

The above joins between two different entities, so you'll modify it to
join the same entity.  All data modelling situations are a little


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RE: C language in obj-c

2009-04-29 Thread jmunson

That depends upon the nature of the existing code...

Quoting fawad shafi

thanks for this useful info.
is it possible?
existing code that (possibly written in C) that we can easily port   
over to obj-c with minimum effort.

Fawad Shafi

Subject: Re: C language in obj-c
Date: Wed, 29 Apr 2009 11:33:54 +0100

On 29 Apr 2009, at 11:29, fawad shafi wrote:

 for example i write one program in c language and then compile it,
 the compiler will create the one .obj file for us. if i wana use
 that obj file in xcode or obj-c, is it possible??

The system compiler on Mac OS X doesn't make files with the extension
.obj, even for plain C code.  That's why I suspected you might be
talking about some other compiler (my guess being Microsoft's, since
that's the most common place where you might see a .obj extension).

Anyway, the easiest thing to do is to put your C source files into
your Xcode project and it will compile them and link them against the
rest of your program.  Then you don't need to bother about the object
files at all.

Kind regards,


p.s. Please always reply to the list as well as directly.


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Re: objc_exception_throw prior to launching nib file

2009-04-22 Thread jmunson
You shoul post your code as it is difficult to discern your problem  
with the way you are describing things.

In other words:

Cannot perform operation without a managed object context

What operation is being performed that could require an moc?

If I set a breakpoint:

In what, on what?

the window (from nib) appears
then gdb comes up

What is strange is that the breakpoint should not be executed

What do you mean by this?  Breakpoints aren't executed, the debugger  
stops at that point (hence the term:  break, meaning stop, and point,  
meaning place).  You may then choose to execute the line at the  
breakpoint, or examine it, or whatever.

The problem
is not being able to debug the portion of code after the window appears.

What are you doing that you can't do this?  Is there a delegate  
missing?  Are you certain that routine is even being called at all?

If a managed object context were needed at that point, it should have
said something when I run without code. No?

Again, what do you mean, specficially by, when I run without code?


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Re: SQLite 3 crash report - debugging help needed

2009-04-19 Thread jmunson

How did you come by this crash log? From the 0x48, it looks like it's
attempting to dereference an int passed into sqlite3VdbeExec where a pointer
should go, but that's a wild guess.

The crash log came from one of my testers.

It's dying in sqlite3 code, so you have access to the source. Take advantage
of that. If you can attach to it in the debugger around the time of the
crash, you can observe the arguments passed into that last function call.

How do I do that?  That's something I haven't learned as yet.



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Re: IB Plugin help

2009-04-05 Thread jmunson


Thank you Kevin and Josh!


To clear up the assertion error, Clean All Targets.  There was some  
junk not getting dumped out of the project on successive builds.

Also, you nailed it with the TextLength key. HomerDoh!/Homer  I  
took Apple's file comment of MyFirstKey literally.  While not  
terribly new with KVC, this is my first plugin and I thought Apple may  
be doing something different.  So, I took the comment at face value.

After changing TextLength to textLength, the plugin operates as expected.


1.  Yes.


Here's the output of the two terminal commands:

1st command (known):

com.JTAENTERPRISESLLC.JTAENTLLCTextLengthLimiterFormatter =  

2nd command (loaded):


I do have two remaining questions:

1.  How do I change that blue cube (which displays when the textfield  
is selected) to my graphic (like NSNumberFormatter and NSDateFormatter)?

2.  When I deploy my application do I need to deploy my plugin to the  
Library/Frameworks directory on the client machine, or is it enough to  
bundle it with my application?

Many Thanks!!!

Peace, Love, and Light,

/s/ Jon C. Munson II

Quoting josh hughes

Hi Jon,

I tried compiling the project you attached but I was still getting
Assertion Failures so I built the project from scratch again and it
loads into IB without Assertion Failures (I think there is definitely
something not setup right in the project you attached!).

O.k First off, just to check; you are adding the framework to your
live app, i.e...
in Groupes  Files (in your live app!):

Browse to Frameworks and select Other Frameworks.
Right click (ctl click) and navigate to Add-Existing Frameworks.
In the open panel, browse to and select /Library/
Click Add.

Other Frameworks should now look something like this:

Other Frameworks/

It Is important your live app has the framework added to it as your
plugin is dependent  on it and will crash if it's not there!

Sorry if you are already doing this, I thought It's better to make
sure as this is quite important!

Secondly, I think the reason IB keeps opening the new document window
when you try and reopen the .xib is because the encoder is failing to
encode the @TextLength  property as it is not KVC-Compliant, so the
component crashes when you try to save the xib, hence it also crashes
when you try to decode/open the doc.

I noticed that the component's console was spewing out errors when I
tried to save or reopen an .xib the the component in it (in a live app):

009-04-05 12:32:51.436 Interface Builder[26488:10b] An exception was
thrown during execution of an NSScriptCommand...
2009-04-05 12:32:51.438 Interface Builder[26488:10b]
[JTextLengthFormatterView 0xaa82730 valueForUndefinedKey:]: this
class is not key value coding-compliant for the key TextLength.

I changed:
[[keyPaths objectForKey:IBAttributeKeyPaths] addObjectsFromArray:
[NSArray arrayWithObjects:@TextLength, nil]];

[[keyPaths objectForKey:IBAttributeKeyPaths] addObjectsFromArray:
[NSArray arrayWithObjects:@textLength, nil]];

and this seems to have stopped the crashing when reopening the .xib.

I have the project working here and can send you a .zip if you like?

Hope this helps.

All the best,

On 5 Apr 2009, at 01:10, wrote:

Sorry for going quiet like that! I got distracted!

No problem! :)

I think that the fact IB is asking you to create a new document is a
good thing!

Actually, not in this case.  The plugin seems to work fine within
its project, so I decided to try and install it so I could use it  
  in my other (live) project.  I created a new window xib
(imaginatively called test), put a textfield on it and saved it.   
  Then, I added the formatter to the textfield, gave it a value of  
5   and saved that.  On re-open, IB then asked me what sort of   
resource  to create - test was corrupted I suppose.

I believe that when the project builds, the compiler automatically
launches the target/s (in this case an IB Plugin Component/bundle)
which in turn loads the plugin into IB and asks for you to create a
new document (to test it out)!?

So I think so far things are looking good!

In the case of the plug-in only, yes, it seems viable.  However,
live is not the case.

However, when I compiled the project, the component crashed IB,
warning about an Assertion Failure:

Re: IB Plugin help

2009-04-05 Thread jmunson


Is this the proper way to do that:

- (NSImage *)ibDefaultImage
	NSBundle *myBundle = [NSBundle  

NSString *someString = [myBundle pathForResource:@SomePic 
	NSImage *someImage = [[[NSImage alloc]  
initWithContentsOfFile:someString] autorelease];

return someImage;

When I ran it, I got the nifty little icon rep of plug-in.

Many Thanks!!!

Peace, Love, and Light,

/s/ Jon C. Munson II

Quoting Brandon Walkin

I haven't yet made an IB plugin with a custom formatter, but I'd assume
you change that image the same way you change the image that appears in
the document window. Return your own image in the -ibDefaultImage
method in your integration category.

On 5-Apr-09, at 9:31 AM, wrote:

1.  How do I change that blue cube (which displays when the   
textfield is selected) to my graphic (like NSNumberFormatter and   


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Re: IB Plugin help

2009-04-04 Thread jmunson



Still getting no action after attempting to add my plug-in to IB.   
No error either.

I compared my target property settings with yours and BGHUD to be sure  
I hadn't goofed on something - everything seems well there (I reverted  
my settings which were retrieved from someone else's post to what I  
think are the default settings and that cleared up any previous errata).

I cleaned my targets and recompiled.  No errors of course.

I moved the ibplugin file to the location you shared below.

I copied the release framework folder to the ~/library/frameworks  
section of my disk.

Attempting to add that to IB results in no-action (through  
Preferences-Plug-ins).  No message, no action, nothing.

Double-clicking the ibplugin results in the same thing.

ARRRGGGHHH :/  does charlie brown head-banging-on-wall-thing

What am I missing?

I'd be happy to zip up and send the project to someone (nothing  
spectacular in it after all) who would like to take a look at it.

Thanks for any further help!!!

Peace, Love, and Light,

/s/ Jon C. Munson II

Quoting Ricky Sharp

On Apr 3, 2009, at 8:28 PM, wrote:

OK, now I have one more question.

I'd like to install and use my plug-in.  However, when accessing   
IB's preferences-Plug-ins and attempting to add the plug-in I get:  
  1) when simply adding the ibplugin an error that states the file   
is missing necessary resources and to reinstall the bundle, or 2)   
when opening the framework folder no error but also nothing else   

What else did I miss

This actually depends on what you'd like to do.  For my own apps, I do
what is documented in the ReadMe file from my sample plugin (see the
'Installation' section).

In my case, I put the IBPlugin into the framework's resources folder:

+ MyIBPluginFramework.framework
  + Versions
+ A
  + Resources
+ MyIBPlugin.ibplugin

NOTE: There are other files/folders too; above just shows specifically
where the plugin resides.

Ricky A. Sharp
Instant Interactive(tm)


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Re: IB Plugin help

2009-04-04 Thread jmunson


Well, I don't know that I did anything different as I haven't changed  
anything since the last email...

But now the plugin is showing up in IB...


Oh well, hopefully that will be the end of the drama...

Thanks everyone!!!

Peace, Love, and Light,

/s/ Jon C. Munson II

Quoting josh hughes

Hi Jon,

This might be a bit random as I've only just started reading this thread.

I was wondering if you have a copy files build phase setup for your   

When I'm building an IBPlugin I usually create a new copy files build
phase for the framework target with /Library/Frameworks as the
destination and drag in the framework from the Products group. This way
the framework is automatically copies the framework to the right
location at build time.

b.t.w you said that:
I copied the release framework folder to the ~/library/frameworks   
section of my disk.

maybe try /Library/Frameworks rather than ~/Library/Frameworks.

Also, make sure to add the framework to any project you wish to use it in!

Sorry if this is irrelevant or you have already done so!

Hope this helps,


p.s send a zip to my address if you like, no guaranties!

On 4 Apr 2009, at 15:47, wrote:



Still getting no action after attempting to add my plug-in to IB.  
  No error either.

I compared my target property settings with yours and BGHUD to be   
sure I hadn't goofed on something - everything seems well there (I   
reverted my settings which were retrieved from someone else's post   
to what I think are the default settings and that cleared up any   
previous errata).

I cleaned my targets and recompiled.  No errors of course.

I moved the ibplugin file to the location you shared below.

I copied the release framework folder to the ~/library/frameworks   
section of my disk.

Attempting to add that to IB results in no-action (through   
Preferences-Plug-ins).  No message, no action, nothing.

Double-clicking the ibplugin results in the same thing.

ARRRGGGHHH :/  does charlie brown head-banging-on-wall-thing

What am I missing?

I'd be happy to zip up and send the project to someone (nothing   
spectacular in it after all) who would like to take a look at it.

Thanks for any further help!!!

Peace, Love, and Light,

/s/ Jon C. Munson II

Quoting Ricky Sharp

On Apr 3, 2009, at 8:28 PM, wrote:

OK, now I have one more question.

I'd like to install and use my plug-in.  However, when   
accessing  IB's preferences-Plug-ins and attempting to add the   
plug-in I get:  1) when simply adding the ibplugin an error that   
states the file  is missing necessary resources and to reinstall   
the bundle, or 2)  when opening the framework folder no error   
but also nothing else  either.

What else did I miss

This actually depends on what you'd like to do.  For my own apps, I do
what is documented in the ReadMe file from my sample plugin (see the
'Installation' section).

In my case, I put the IBPlugin into the framework's resources folder:

+ MyIBPluginFramework.framework
+ Versions
  + A
+ Resources
  + MyIBPlugin.ibplugin

NOTE: There are other files/folders too; above just shows specifically
where the plugin resides.

Ricky A. Sharp
Instant Interactive(tm)


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Re: IB Plugin help

2009-04-04 Thread jmunson


So, not the end of the drama.

The plugin shows in the list and is available in IB.

However, when I use it, my xib gets toasted - on next open IB asks  
what file I'd like to create.  I had to restore a prior backup to  
rescue my xib.

Any thoughts anyone?


Peace, Love, and Light,

/s/ Jon C. Munson II



Well, I don't know that I did anything different as I haven't changed
anything since the last email...

But now the plugin is showing up in IB...


Oh well, hopefully that will be the end of the drama...

Thanks everyone!!!

Peace, Love, and Light,

/s/ Jon C. Munson II

Quoting josh hughes

Hi Jon,

This might be a bit random as I've only just started reading this thread.

I was wondering if you have a copy files build phase setup for your  

When I'm building an IBPlugin I usually create a new copy files build
phase for the framework target with /Library/Frameworks as the
destination and drag in the framework from the Products group. This way
the framework is automatically copies the framework to the right
location at build time.

b.t.w you said that:
I copied the release framework folder to the ~/library/frameworks   
 section of my disk.

maybe try /Library/Frameworks rather than ~/Library/Frameworks.

Also, make sure to add the framework to any project you wish to use it in!

Sorry if this is irrelevant or you have already done so!

Hope this helps,


p.s send a zip to my address if you like, no guaranties!

On 4 Apr 2009, at 15:47, wrote:



Still getting no action after attempting to add my plug-in to   
IB.   No error either.

I compared my target property settings with yours and BGHUD to be   
 sure I hadn't goofed on something - everything seems well there  
(I   reverted my settings which were retrieved from someone else's  
 post  to what I think are the default settings and that cleared  
up  any  previous errata).

I cleaned my targets and recompiled.  No errors of course.

I moved the ibplugin file to the location you shared below.

I copied the release framework folder to the ~/library/frameworks   
 section of my disk.

Attempting to add that to IB results in no-action (through
Preferences-Plug-ins).  No message, no action, nothing.

Double-clicking the ibplugin results in the same thing.

ARRRGGGHHH :/  does charlie brown head-banging-on-wall-thing

What am I missing?

I'd be happy to zip up and send the project to someone (nothing
spectacular in it after all) who would like to take a look at it.

Thanks for any further help!!!

Peace, Love, and Light,

/s/ Jon C. Munson II

Quoting Ricky Sharp

On Apr 3, 2009, at 8:28 PM, wrote:

OK, now I have one more question.

I'd like to install and use my plug-in.  However, when
accessing IB's preferences-Plug-ins and attempting to add the
plug-in I get:  1) when simply adding the ibplugin an error that  
  states the file  is missing necessary resources and to   
reinstall  the bundle, or 2)  when opening the framework   
folder no error  but also nothing else  either.

What else did I miss

This actually depends on what you'd like to do.  For my own apps, I do
what is documented in the ReadMe file from my sample plugin (see the
'Installation' section).

In my case, I put the IBPlugin into the framework's resources folder:

+ MyIBPluginFramework.framework
+ Versions
 + A
   + Resources
 + MyIBPlugin.ibplugin

NOTE: There are other files/folders too; above just shows specifically
where the plugin resides.

Ricky A. Sharp
Instant Interactive(tm)


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Re: IB Plugin help

2009-04-04 Thread jmunson


Thank you for your reply.

If I run the plug-in in debug mode, I DO get an assertion failure:

Assertion Message: Two plug-ins  
com.JTAENTERPRISESLLC.JTAENTLLCTextLengthLimiter) both integrate a  
class description for the class JTAENTLLCTextLengthLimiterFormatter.  
The primary definition for the class should only come from one  
plug-in; the other plug-in should be declaring a category. Declaring a  
category is accomplished by omitting the super class from  
classdescription file.

  0. Interface Builder0x4d29 [IBApplication  
  1. InterfaceBuilderKit  0x0038d242 [IBClassDescriber  

  2. InterfaceBuilderKit  0x002c4033 [IBPlugin didLoad]
  3. InterfaceBuilderKit  0x002c389f [IBPluginController  
  4. InterfaceBuilderKit  0x002ca5e3 [IBPluginController  
  5. InterfaceBuilderKit  0x002ca519 [IBPluginController  

  6. Interface Builder0x23db [IBApplication finishLaunching]
  7. AppKit   0x950c73a3 [NSApplication run]
  8. AppKit   0x950948a4 NSApplicationMain
  9. Interface Builder0x4eca [IBApplication changeInspectorMode:]
 10. ???  0x3

I don't know how to fix that.  I don't know why it thinks I have two plug-ins.

If I run in release mode, it appears to load up and function EXCEPT  
upon re-loading a nib.  I hadn't been running in debug mode once I got  
the plug-in actually working correctly, so there's got to be a change  
I made that caused this (that would be a Homer doh moment).

What I mean is, if I put it in a live project by putting the framework  
in a more public place (like Library/Frameworks), then add it to a  
project, start IB, go into prefs-plugins and add it there, create a  
window nib, add a textfield to the window, then add the formatter,  
fill in the limit value, and save it, then close the nib, re-opening  
the nib results in IB asking what type of resource I'd like to create.

I also noticed that under required frameworks the ibplugin file is  
displayed instead of the .framework file.  I don't know how to fix  
that either.

I'll be happy to forward the project to you if you'd like a gander,  
the file is 2.7mb in size.


Peace, Love, and Light,

/s/ Jon C. Munson II

Quoting Jonathan Hess

On Apr 4, 2009, at 1:48 PM, wrote:

However, when I use it, my xib gets toasted - on next open IB asks   
what file I'd like to create.  I had to restore a prior backup to   
rescue my xib.

Hey Jon -

Could you describe the failure in a little more detail? Are you running
your plug-in and IB in the debugger? If so, is there an exception being

Jon Hess


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Re: IB Plugin help

2009-04-04 Thread jmunson


Just want to pass on some further information.

After that last post, the assertion error really bothered me.  So,  
after a while of careful inspection (to the limits of what I know), I  
decided to and clean[ed] all targets of both the debug and release  
builds and re-compiled.  In the plug-in project, runs of both debug  
and release went smoothly - IB loaded the plug-in, I was able to use  
it, close and re-open nibs successfully.  No errors.

Deploying the plug-in is proving difficult.

I copied the release framework to Library/Frameworks.  I also copied  
the framework into the frameworks section of a live project.  I then  
created a test.xib in my live project, which I subsequently opened.   
In the Preferences-Plug-ins pane for IB, I attempted to add the  
plug-in.  I got nothing - no error, nor plug-in.

I then added the ibplugin file to the Resources folder of the version  
A of the framework.

I then repeated the process of copying.  This time, the plug-in  
appeared in IB.  I added a textfield to test.xib, and applied the  
plug-in to it.  I saved and closed the file.  Upon re-open, IB didn't  
open the xib, but popped up the standard create a resource dialog -  
test had gotten kaboshed.

I do notice that the Required Frameworks is displaying the .ibplugin  
file instead of the expected .framework file.  I don't know if that is  
related or not.

Again, I'll be happy to send up the project should you want to see it.


Peace, Love, and Light,

/s/ Jon C. Munson II

Quoting Jonathan Hess

On Apr 4, 2009, at 1:48 PM, wrote:

However, when I use it, my xib gets toasted - on next open IB asks   
what file I'd like to create.  I had to restore a prior backup to   
rescue my xib.

Hey Jon -

Could you describe the failure in a little more detail? Are you running
your plug-in and IB in the debugger? If so, is there an exception being

Jon Hess


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RE:IB Plugin help

2009-04-03 Thread jmunson


Still plugging away at this...

I found one mistake where I didn't change the IBInspector class of  
File's Owner in the Inspector.xib to my Inspector subclass.  Doing  
that gave me an entry in the bottom box of the library, but no object  
in the middle pane...  How do I fix that?  Also, the image isn't  
displaying either.  I'm still getting the book entries under the  
Formatter name.

That being said, I also notice that my Inspector subclass doesn't  
have any sort of reference to my Formatter object.  Is it supposed to?  
 I should think it may need one.  The dox don't really go into that  
so I don't know for certain.  So, do I code it into the .h?  And also  
the .m?

Boy, I wish there was an example to follow...


Peace, Love, and Light,

/s/ Jon C. Munson II


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Re: IB Plugin help

2009-04-03 Thread jmunson


Thank you, that was/is a big help.

I also found BGHUDAppKit which was/is also invaluable help.

Between those two good examples I think I got my plug-in working  
(using it live is what remains to be seen).

I have one more question:  How does one replace the blue cube object  
icon that tags on the text field with my formatter's graphic?


Peace, Love, and Light,

/s/ Jon C. Munson II

Quoting Ricky Sharp

On Apr 3, 2009, at 6:43 PM, wrote:

I found one mistake where I didn't change the IBInspector class of   
File's Owner in the Inspector.xib to my Inspector subclass.
Doing that gave me an entry in the bottom box of the library, but   
no object in the middle pane...  How do I fix that?  Also, the   
image isn't displaying either.  I'm still getting the book   
entries under the Formatter name.

That being said, I also notice that my Inspector subclass doesn't  
 have any sort of reference to my Formatter object.  Is it supposed  
 to? I should think it may need one.  The dox don't really go into   
that so I don't know for certain.  So, do I code it into the .h?
And also the .m?

Boy, I wish there was an example to follow...

See the following for an example:

Ricky A. Sharp
Instant Interactive(tm)


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Re: IB Plugin help

2009-04-03 Thread jmunson

OK, now I have one more question.

I'd like to install and use my plug-in.  However, when accessing  
IB's preferences-Plug-ins and attempting to add the plug-in I get:   
1) when simply adding the ibplugin an error that states the file is  
missing necessary resources and to reinstall the bundle, or 2) when  
opening the framework folder no error but also nothing else either.

What else did I miss


Peace, Love, and Light,

/s/ Jon C. Munson II

Quoting Ricky Sharp

On Apr 3, 2009, at 6:43 PM, wrote:

I found one mistake where I didn't change the IBInspector class of   
File's Owner in the Inspector.xib to my Inspector subclass.
Doing that gave me an entry in the bottom box of the library, but   
no object in the middle pane...  How do I fix that?  Also, the   
image isn't displaying either.  I'm still getting the book   
entries under the Formatter name.

That being said, I also notice that my Inspector subclass doesn't  
 have any sort of reference to my Formatter object.  Is it supposed  
 to? I should think it may need one.  The dox don't really go into   
that so I don't know for certain.  So, do I code it into the .h?
And also the .m?

Boy, I wish there was an example to follow...

See the following for an example:

Ricky A. Sharp
Instant Interactive(tm)


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re: Core Data: is fetching safe during validateForInsert:/validateForUpdate?

2009-03-28 Thread jmunson


This is off-list.

You know, I just went through this with the validateKey: bit.  I found  
that a side effect of fetching during that validateKey was the save  
all pending changes bug.

I then tried the performSelector, which worked, however, then the  
validateKey was no longer getting used properly (I was working through  
it to figure it out).  That is, by using the performSelector, the  
validateKey was bypassed and not in-line (which makes sense after  
having thought about it).  Boy, was that a bummer.  I simply wanted to  
keep the user from entering the same code for two things in an attempt  
to help.

I'm still working out how to get around that mess - probably need to  
keep some sort of global that contains a list against which to  
compare.  This is NOT the purpose of a database  
unfortunately...anyway.  For now I've simply commented out my validate  

In your case, though, I *think* the iClass example may be of help.   
See the number generator class contained therein as it does what you  
want (at least mostly).

I'd avoid fetching whenever inserting, saving, or some other operation  
where you don't want to save stuff first, occurs.

Would be nice if fetching had an optional parm to NOT save first and  
just deal with the current data...

Just my two cents.

Peace, Love, and Light,

/s/ Jon C. Munson II

Quoting Ben Trumbull

Is it OK to perform a fetch during validateForInsert:/
validateForUpdate:?  I have a Core Data entity named 'Person' with an
attribute named 'uniqueNumber'.  I want to ensure that no two People
have the same uniqueNumber.

It's not a great idea during validateForDelete:  It fine during
validateForInsert or validateForUpdate so long as the awakeFromFetch
delegates and any other side effects (changes on the MOC or dirtying
MOs) of fetching eventually reach a quiescent state.  The canonical
example of failing to do so is to update a timestamp in -willSave to
the current time.  Blindly.  Without checking if it's already set, or
equal.  We'll save when the current time stops changing ...

- Ben


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re: Core Data: is fetching safe during validateForInsert:/validateForUpdate?

2009-03-28 Thread jmunson

Guess that WASN'T off-list.  Sorry for the noise!


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Re: NSTableView Popup Column issue

2009-02-06 Thread jmunson


Thank you for your reply.  See my commentary below.

However, my question still remains unanswered.

Peace, Love, and Light,

/s/ Jon C. Munson II

Quoting Kyle Sluder

On Fri, Feb 6, 2009 at 3:36 PM, Jon C. Munson II wrote:

Well, using selection didn't work (now that I've had an opportunity to
test it).  It definitely needs to be arrangedObjects (or something similar).
So, it isn't that.

Arranged Objects is plural.  Selected Object is singular.  It
should be apparent why this is not going to work out, and why you're
winding up with the -description representation of an array in your
popup menu.  Table views, on the other hand, support multiple
selection, so the bindings for NSTableView are plural: Selected

Actually, it isn't obvious.  If it were, I'd get it.  The reason  
selection didn't work (and I should have seen that earlier) is that  
it is singular in nature.  If you create a form, with fields on  
it, you'd use selection as you are only dealing with one record at a  
time (in what I'm doing, selection is the same as currently  
selected record).  This is simply not functional for a tableview as  
the tableview works off of collections of objects.  Setting the  
SelectedObject binding of the popup column to arrangedObjects will  
correctly display the object's chosen display field data (for lack of  
a better descriptor) for each of the rows in the collection -  
selection will not.  Selection only displays the value that is  
currently selected in the popup, regardless of the underlying data,  
and the same value is then displayed across all the rows.

Why are you binding Selected Object to a collection of objects?
Typically the Cocoa controls automagically set up their selection
bindings when bound to a controller anyway.  This is something that I
have not seen documented, but that Apple employees on this list have
confirmed.  I know it's true for NSTableColumn.

Are you saying that I don't need to bind the Selected Object of the  
popup at all?  This is contrary to what I've seen in the samples.   
I'll give it a shot though as it is easy enough.

Also, you are aware that Core Data allows for many-to-many
relationships without intermediary entities (they are not called
tables), right?  I understand you have attached attributes to this
relationship, and you need an intermediary entity in this case.

Yes, Core Data does allow for many-to-many relationships.  However,  
after a solid week of fooling around with trying to get that to work  
(there are only so many permutations one can use), I was not able to  
produce a working prototype.  Nor did I see any samples that covered  
that particular arrangement.  You are welcome to give it a shot  
though.  Create a simple test.  Two entities, Person and Hat.   
Many-to-many relationship.  A person can wear many hats, and a hat can  
be worn by many people.  I couldn't get this to function w/o an  
intermediary entity.

Interestingly enough, the Core Data dox state that when SQLite is used  
as the store, in a many-to-many relationship, the intermediary table  
is automatically generated (which is the behavior I expect).

Your naming convention is also rather screwy.  It looks like
Bastardized Hungarian (aka Anti-Hungarian Notation, according to
Larry Osterman: ).  It
conveys no useful information; in fact, since Cocoa (and KVO in
particular) rely on the dynamic nature of the ObjC runtime, your
prefixes are lying.  And of course, they're incorrect, since there's
no such thing as a table in Core Data land.  I would suggest ending
your prefixing habit now before you confuse yourself when what you
thought was a tbl winds up being an _NSKeyValueObservingEntity in
the debugger.

The only naming convention rule I saw was that names need to begin  
with lower case letters (this due to macro facilitation for the  
creation of accessors, etc.).  I use a naming convention that is  
particular to my needs, not the whole world or some purist's notion.   
Also, names should indicate the objects they represent.  tbl, or  
table, is descriptive enough for me to know what it is without having  
to look it up somewhere else.  And, isn't that the real point?  Sure,  
we could argue what something really is, but that may not help you  
later - especially if there is a great deal of abstraction going on.   
If I had an entity that wasn't a table, I'd give it the appropriate  
prefix.  Let's not get off on a tangent of naming things as that is  
definitely a matter of personal preference.  What matters is that the  
code is readable, not too cryptic, and you can remember what you did  
later down the road with minimal commenting.

As a tangent, when doing database design, one begins with entities  
but those turn into tables so, in reality, one is really designing  
tables.  Entities are first used to described high-level  

Re: Using NSWorkspace's launchedApplication to detect running App

2008-12-13 Thread jmunson

Specifically, in his case, wouldn't it be:

aDictionary valueForKey:@NSApplicationName] isEqualToString:  


Quoting Jean-Daniel Dupas

Le 13 déc. 08 à 18:14, John Love a écrit :

I do not understand why this code completes with the specified   
application not being active .. when it really is?  I really need   
your help.

BOOL AppActive = NO;
NSWorkspace  *workSpace;
NSArray  *runningAppDictionaries;
NSDictionary *aDictionary;

workSpace = [NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace];
runningAppDictionaries = [workSpace launchedApplications];

for (aDictionary in runningAppDictionaries) {

if ([aDictionary valueForKey:@NSApplicationName] == @My 
Application) {
AppActive = YES;


return AppActive;

Thanks ...

Because operator overriding does not exists in Obj-C and so, == is a
pointer comparaison and not a string comparaison.

use the isEqual: method to compare two object.


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Re: Can't launch a new Window at click of a button

2008-12-11 Thread jmunson
I second the printed material.  Search for menu implementations as a  
way to get started.  Also, a book like Hillegass' Cocoa Programming  
for Mac OS X Third Edition is a good place to start.

However, for expedience's sake, here's a kick start with but one way  
to open another window from a seperate nib (you will need to know how  
to create a controller class, etc., for the other nib):

In your implementation header file add (near the top, under the imports):

@class MyNextWindowControllerClass;

In the same file, add in your implementation section:

MyNextWindowControllerClass *myNextWindow;

In your implementation file add (under the main imports)
#import MyNextWindowControllerClass.h

In your code that the button will call:

- (IBAction)showMyNextWindow:(id)sender
 // myNextWindow nil?
if (!myNextWindow)
// create a new needle window
myNextWindow = [[MyNextWindowController alloc] init];
// display the window
[myNextWindow showWindow:self];

This may not be the absolute best way but it does work.

Do review the calls, etc., as I'm sure you'll have follow-on questions.

Peace, Love, and Light,

/s/ Jon C. Munson II

Quoting Shraddha Karwan [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

Thanks for the reply but I have gone through this tutorial, it doesn't talk
about advanced stuff of adding multiple windows and the nib files, file
owners etc in detail.

On Thu, Dec 11, 2008 at 6:48 PM, rajesh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

May be its good to follow a printed material first.
This link got basic some stuff in it,



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Tracking down issue; Bad call?

2008-12-11 Thread jmunson


In my app I have the following (a Save Panel call):

[sp beginSheetForDirectory:sDefDir
modalForWindow:[self window]

That call then calls this:

- (void)setDownloadPathName:(NSString *)aString
 [self willChangeValueForKey:@mDownloadFolderPath];
 mDownloadFolderPath = aString;
 [self didChangeValueForKey:@mDownloadFolderPath];

sDefDir is a class member NSString that is set on awakeFromNIB (set to  
NSHomeDirectory).  I know it has a value because it is used to prior  
to any of this stuff and works fine.  It is only set in awakeFromNIB  
and remains unchanged otherwise.

When I run the program and watch the call, hovering over the variable  
shows me its value is invalid.  Other runs show it has garbage data.  
 I assume this is why the Save Panel call jumps to where it does,  
although why there I haven't a clue.

'Course this leads to me ask WHY is sDefDir invalid???  What happened  
to it and where did it happen?  I don't have any other place in the  
code that sets sDefDir - only awakeFromNIB.

Anyone have a clue???

Thanks in advance!

Peace, Love, and Light,
/s/ Jon C. Munson II


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Re: Tracking down issue; Bad call?

2008-12-11 Thread jmunson

Thank you for the reply.

For clarification:

- (void)awakeFromNib

 sDefDir = NSHomeDirectory();
 [sDefDir retain];



I added the retain per a different response and that cleared up my issue.

Knowing about the retain also added some clarity as to how the overall  
system operates too...

Thanks guys!

Peace, Love, and Light,

/s/ Jon C. Munson II

Quoting I. Savant [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

On Thu, Dec 11, 2008 at 10:20 AM,  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

sDefDir is a class member NSString that is set on awakeFromNIB (set to
NSHomeDirectory).  I know it has a value because it is used to prior to any
of this stuff and works fine.  It is only set in awakeFromNIB and remains
unchanged otherwise.

'Course this leads to me ask WHY is sDefDir invalid???  What happened to it
and where did it happen?  I don't have any other place in the code that sets
sDefDir - only awakeFromNIB.

  How can we know? You never show us where or how you create sDefDir.



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[SOLVED] Re: NSTextField setStringValue not updating properly

2008-12-11 Thread jmunson
I am posting this for the benefit of those who are coming into this  
area as new folk.  Thanks to anyone who provided help.  This is a  
short description of how I solved my issue and not meant to be a  
tutorial of any kind.

After staring at it for multitudes of hours, I decided a different  
approach was necessary.

What I ended up doing was implementing KVC and KVO for the variable  
with which I was experiencing trouble.  This is (at least) done by  
creating a property, or by implementing the getter(s)/setter(s) w/ the  
appropriate key-value observing structure.

There are probably a number of examples out there.  Hillegass  
demonstrates that in his book (I keep touting it - it's good).

I bound the textfield's value to the member of the class that was  
used.  That addressed the issue of keeping the textfield up-to-date  
with the value of the variable as required.

I did, however, run into another issue:  the run loop.

Coming from the VB world, I hadn't really needed any sort of variables  
(extremely rarely, if ever) that hung around.  Most everything I did  
there stuck by nature of the beast (depending upon where it was  

Here, however, one has to deal with the run loop.  I may not have a  
complete understanding of it, however, the part that matters for this  
thread is that given a set of code it will only execute that code once  
and only on the information it has at the time of execution.  Thus, if  
you need to pass data from one execution loop to another (think  
callback), it needs to persist.  That's done either through the  
keyword static or, in the case of an NSObject of some kind, retain.

In summary, changing over to KVC w/ KVO plus the retention factor  
fixed my issues.  So, if you are having trouble with setStringValue,  
make sure you are going the KVC w/ KVO route  check your bindings.

Peace, Love, and Light,

/s/ Jon C. Munson II


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Re: how to pass arguments by reference

2008-12-10 Thread jmunson

is this:


the same as:

(int *)


I've always seen (int *) as the declaration...

Quoting Dave DeLong [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

Spoke too soon... whoops.

Put an asterisk before the type, indicating that the type is going to
come in as a pointer to the data and not the actual data.  Then when
you call the method, you use the ampersand to pass a pointer to your
data, like so:

(in some class definition somewhere.  A C function would have slightly
different syntax, shown below):
- (void) foo:(*int)bar {

Then elsewhere,

int baz = 42;
NSLog(@%d, baz);
[someReceiver foo:baz];
NSLog(@%d, baz);

You should see 42 printed, and then 43.

If you wanted to declare foo as a C function, you'd do it like so:

void foo (int *bar) {
  //same stuff

Welcome to the wonderful world of pointers.


On Dec 10, 2008, at 8:45 AM, Dave DeLong wrote:

Put the  before the variable type:

- (UInt32) traverseTreeStraightReturnedDirection:(int)treeDirection...



On Dec 10, 2008, at 8:43 AM, Nick Rogers wrote:

I have the following in my .m file:

- (UInt32)traverseTreeStraightReturnedDirection:(int)treeDirection
// code here

But the error when compiling is parse error before  token.
Is passing by reference not allowed or is there any other syntax   
that I should follow?



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NSTextField setStringValue not updating properly

2008-12-10 Thread jmunson


I've written a simple interface for ICA as part of my application.

In that interface I have an NSTextField which holds a default path  filename.

Next to that field I have an NSButton for changing that information.   
It opens an NSSavePanel.

I also have a Preview button that grabs the image on the scanner bed.   
This process downloads the file to a temporary directory  filename.

I pass the resulting path and filename via an IBOutlet which is hooked  
to the text field.  These values can originate from the scan preview  
operation, the user typing, or the change button operation.

The text field is not bound to any datasource.

It *appears* to work on the surface, athough sometimes not even then.   
This is confusing the heck out of me.

Anytime the value for the text field needs to change, I call  
[NSTextField setStringValue:(NSString *)aString].

After searching through the message archives, I either find bound  
fields or something else.  The messages that address stuff close this  
stipulate using the above call.

I have also tried validateEditing and display, both to no avail.  I  
can't seem to locate another viable method to get the data stored  
(like a refresh).

What appears to happen (in terms as best I can describe it, not  
necessarily technically correct) is that the text is written to the  
control's view, but, isn't saved to the underlying data structure.

Thus, when I actually need the value later, I don't get what I see  
currently, but what was stored before.  Hopefully that will make  
sense.  In other words, it is as if there are two values:  one for  
display, and one for data.  They don't appear to get synched when I  
use setStringValue.

So, my question is, what do I need to do to get the value actually  
stored and not just displayed?

Thanks in advance!

Peace, Love, and Light,

/s/ Jon C. Munson II


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Re: How Can I Notify DrawRect Method?

2008-12-10 Thread jmunson
You both have valid points.  However, I think you are missing  
something.  That something being the overall goal of the application  
as predicated by that never-ever-returns:  Time.  That goal can be  
multi-faceted.  For example, one item in the overall list is target  

By deciding on what platform(s) to target, you can decide where to  
spend your time during to development to achieve the results you want.  
 Sometimes that decision can also lead to split forks in the  
development tree (e.g., platform-specific support).

Since I have found it nearly impossible to develop the perfect app  
before writing any code or going into some sort of demo mode, I  
favor an iterative design loop:  get program parameters, code, test,  
check against parameters, check with client, lather, rinse, repeat.

During that design/construction cycle, one should be able to identify  
what needs optimization, etc.  That will cut down on the debate of  
technical theory - the proof being mostly in the pudding.  Of course,  
the theory can help identify potential hotspots (items to watch) which  
can then be checked during testing cycles.

Neither development time nor optimization are distinctly separate in  
my view - they are interdependent given the goal of the application.   
One may get favored over the other, but, again, that depends upon the  
restrictions placed by the goal of the application.

Quoting Michael Ash [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

On Wed, Dec 10, 2008 at 7:05 AM, I. Savant [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Dec 9, 2008, at 10:32 PM, Michael Ash wrote:

This is a common response whenever I talk about not optimizing where
it's not useful. But the thing is, trying to optimize every little
thing makes your app *slower*.


course you'll have gone through only a miniscule fraction of the bolts
in the bridge before the people who hired you to build it get fed up
and tell you to open it for traffic or get lost. Result: a very heavy

 These are two *completely* separate arguments: Development time versus
runtime efficiency.

They're not separate at all. Development time is always limited. You
achieve the best runtime efficiency by focusing that development time
where it can do the most good. Disregarding this by trying to optimize
every piece of code in your app makes your app slower because you
won't have time to do a good job on every piece of code in your app,
not even close.


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Re: Detecting the Enter Key

2008-12-10 Thread jmunson

I'm certain he means:

Physical key:  actual key on keyboard that was pressed (may be  
independent of the letter/word/symbol on the key face)

Logical key:  this would map to the letter/word/symbol on the key  
face, regardless of physical placement on the board


Peace, Love, and Light,

/s/ Jon C. Munson II

Quoting Eric Gorr [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

On Dec 10, 2008, at 2:28 PM, Michael Ash wrote:

On Wed, Dec 10, 2008 at 12:43 PM, Eric Gorr [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

One way to check to see if the enter key has been pressed is to:

[theEvent keyCode] == 0x04C

where 0x04C is the keyCode corresponding to the enter key.
(Is there an Apple defined constant for this key code?)

Another way, found at:

is to do:

NSString *characters = [theEvent characters];

switch ([characters characterAtIndex:0])
 case NSEnterCharacter:
 case NSNewlineCharacter:
 case NSCarriageReturnCharacter:

My question is which method is the preferred or recommended way to detect
this key in onKeyDown?

Is there a better way?

It really depends on whether you want to detect the physical key or
the logical key.

I am not sure if I understand the difference. Can you expand on this?


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Re: how to manage two nib files

2008-12-08 Thread jmunson
Not knowing why you need an apple's my two cents (and  
boff on those who don't like my feelings):

1.  find your printer (it is obviously installed, yes?) - you should  
know how to locate that in the Mac's resources. (get a list of  
installed printers/devices, etc.)
2.  you should be able to determine from the installation parameters  
whether it is installed via USB or network.
3.  in your cocoa app, in your main nib, have a an object that uses  
that information to determine which nib to load from there.

If you need information on how to work with nibs, etc., see NSBundle.   
Also, see Hillegass' book Cocoa Programming for Mac OS X Third Edition  
(that's the one I have).  I'm sure there are multiple appropriate  
references available otherwise (incl. Apple dox as previously pointed  

Hope this helps!

Peace, Love, and Light,

/s/ Jon C. Munson II

Quoting XiaoGang Li [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

Thanks. I have read these references, but I still have no idea about my
issue, Maybe I did not understand them completely now, but I am worried that
maybe I have not give a clear expression in my first email. Maybe I need
give a more detailed description:

   this application is a utility for my printer, which be launched
by the utility button on the Printer Setup Center. when user click the
utility button, the Mac OS X will launch the linked application. and the
application should first register an apple event, the Mac OS X then will
send the apple event which used to tell my utility the printer model name
and related information about the device. So, before the appliction be
launched, it should get the apple  event and check the printer name, then it
will load the nib file dependently. If the printer is a USB printer, it will
load a normal window to interact with user, if it is a Network, it will
launch another application to do other things.

So, I have no idea to design this application. I think this
question maybe can not be implemented by cocoa application template, but I
know that it seems no need to use NSDocument class. Thanks.

2008/12/8 Kiel Gillard [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hope this helps!

On 08/12/2008, at 1:47 PM, XiaoGang Li wrote:

 Hi, List,

I have a question about how to design my applicaiton in Cocoa.

My applicaiton is not a normal application.  it is a utility for my
printer device. when user double-click the application icon, the
first register an apple event before any UI being shown, he application
receive a apple event from Mac OS later, which tells it that whether the
device is USB-connected or Network-connected, when the application get
information, then it will launch the corresponding UI depend on the
mode. (there are two nib files, one for USB, another for Network.).

I have no idea how to manage two nib files, or two window controller.
I hope soneone can give me some comments. thanks very much.


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Re: What does 'DO' mean?

2008-12-08 Thread jmunson

Distributed Objects

Quoting mark [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

What does 'DO' stand for?


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Re: Shell tool with GUI

2008-12-08 Thread jmunson
Not to mention that the menu occupies an extremely small amount of  
screen real estate...

Quoting I. Savant [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

On Mon, Dec 8, 2008 at 11:13 AM, Nick Zitzmann [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Dec 7, 2008, at 10:57 PM, Chris Hiszpanski wrote:

- How can I create a window without creating a full fledge application
(i.e. without creating an instance of NSApplication)?

While not technically supported, you can use anything in the AppKit after
calling NSApplicationLoad() once.

  Sure, but unless you really know what you're doing and have a very
good reason for doing it, this approach for a GUI-less app with a
window is just plain silly. If you want a Cocoa program (avoiding
use of the word application to avoid confusion with an NSApplication
instance) with a window in the GUI, just create a normal Cocoa
application and be done with it.

  Maybe the OP can give a more thorough description of what he's
trying to accomplish and why he wants a window but no other GUI
elements. It raises some pretty important questions: How will the user
control this disembodied window floating on his/her desktop? Why have
a window if you're making your user launch (and quit) the program
from the command line?

  Sorry to harp on this, but it just seems like a very, very wrong way
of approaching Mac OS X application design.


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Re: best practice to create Custom Objects represented by a image in a d-n-d operation

2008-12-08 Thread jmunson

Hopefully this will come across well...

If each ship you are dragging is a visual representation of a ship  
object, then, your receiver needs to be able to accept that object.

While I don't know much about how drag-n-drop works (haven't  
implemented it yet), I imagine that what you need to know is  
well-covered in the documentation  various examples as it is a  
basic/staple of a visual operating system such as Mac.

Essentially, at least in older versions of Windows, you had some sort  
of object identifier that was passed and then the receiver acted on  
that identifier appropriately.  Perhaps the newer systems will pass  
the whole object, or maybe (better) just a reference to it.

Hopefully this will get you started.  If not, just File 13 the message.

Peace, Love, and Light,
/s/ Jon C. Munson II

Quoting Gustavo Pizano [EMAIL PROTECTED]:


I have in a view images of ships, and Im able to drag them to another
view which is the sea board, now, what is better, to create the objects
of the ships in the shipsviewcontainer and set the object in the
Pasteboard, or, just have representative images in the
shipsviewcontainer of each ship, and once dragged to the sea create
the instances of the ship that the images represent.  If the last one
is correct Iw as thinking if how to know which Ship Object the images
that is being dragged represents, (maybe by image Size? ) I dunno what
do you think its better to do, if I explain my self good.




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Device type list for scanners/cameras, etc...

2008-12-07 Thread jmunson


I'm working with ICA.

Does anyone know any of the following:

1.  What the list of device types are for connected devices?
2.  Where I might find that list (in case you don't want to disclose it)?
3.  Or, just the keywords for a scanner (I assume scanner but want  
to be sure) and a multi-function unit (I assume MFP but I want to be  

I can't use the subtype method, so the corresponding kICA consts  
won't work in this instance - I need the full device type.

Googling scanner camera device type values ICA didn't turn up  
anything other than the honorable mention in the Apple dox for camera.

Thanks in advance!

Peace, Love, and Light,

/s/ Jon C. Munson II


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Re: NSPredicateEditor and date comparisons

2008-12-07 Thread jmunson
I remember, way long ago in the past, having to supply a time  
component to go with a date component - otherwise some seemingly  
random time was inserted which then threw off anything else I did.   
If I only needed a date (from a datetime field), I had to format it  
that way (as only a date, and in the format I needed) and do some  
seemingly-odd comparison (like comparing two strings).  It worked, so  
I didn't care past that point.

Quoting Chris Idou [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

Would your time zone happen to somehow correspond to 8:00 ?

Try doing a setDateValue on the gui component before you start, with  
 a particular time. I've got a suspicion that it will then leave the  
 time component alone. When you got a result of 13:41:40, might that  
 have been the time you ran the program?

--- On Sun, 7/12/08, Josh Abernathy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

From: Josh Abernathy [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: NSPredicateEditor and date comparisons
Cc: Cocoa-Dev List
Received: Sunday, 7 December, 2008, 5:00 PM
Ah, yes, that would be the more accurate way to explain it.
I have an NSDatePicker in my NSPredicateEditor and no funny
business is going on with conversions. It's just the
simple default, setup-in-IB usage.

So I guess the question is better put: is there any
guarantee about the time of an NSDatePicker in an

I created a quick test of an NSDatePicker outside an
NSPredicateEditor and its default time seems to be 8:00:00.

On Dec 7, 2008, at 5:57 PM, Chris Idou wrote:

 I'm a bit confused by your post. NSPredicateEditor
doesn't compare any dates, it just creates NSPredicates.
Maybe you're saying that if you have a NSDatePicker in
your NSPredicateEditor, that it creates a predicate with a
date set to 13:41:40. If that's the case, then it
probably has more to do with the NSDatePicker than
predicates. Unless you're converting the predicate to a
string, which introduces more complications.
NSPredicateEditor tends to just call objectValue on the gui
component, so try calling that yourself on your NSDatePicker
and see what happens.

 --- On Sun, 7/12/08, Josh Abernathy

 From: Josh Abernathy [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: NSPredicateEditor and date comparisons
 To: Cocoa-Dev List
 Received: Sunday, 7 December, 2008, 11:14 AM
 Hi all,

 In my application, users have the option of
comparing to a
 date in an NSPredicateEditor. For the NSDates it
 comparing against, only the date is important;
 doesn't matter.

 The interesting thing I found about
NSPredicateEditor is
 the NSTimeInterval it compares my NSDates to has
the time
 set to 13:41:40.  That means my NSDates with the
 12:00:00 time don't match an is
 It's not a big deal because I can just change
 NSDate's time to 13:41:40 to fix the problem.

 But what I'm wondering is if this is
guaranteed to
 always be true. I couldn't find it anywhere in


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Re: What are the limitations of Dot Syntax?

2008-12-06 Thread jmunson


I'm going to add my two cents here (despite being a noob).

I like the dot syntax.


(and before I go any further, I realize this is not a Windows forum,  
and also realize this is a very general set of statements and quite  
open to debate)

Because, in the Windows world at least, the dot allowed you to refer  
to *members* of an object.

What are members?  They are attributes of the object.  In programming  
simplicity, they are:  properties or methods.

So, what's wrong with the dot syntax?  Nada in my book.

A fuller implementation of the dot syntax is more desireable in my  
book.  From whence I came, it sure made code very much more readable  
and quicker to write.

That being said, I don't have an issue with the way things are, nor do  
I really care much how they evolve, provided the evolution is for the  

The bottom line, as long as your code is readable, digestible,  
consistent, and clearly commented in tricky spots for those who come  
after you (and yourself later down the road too), it really doesn't  
matter, does it?

Peace, Love, and Light,

/s/ Jon C. Munson II

Quoting Charles Srstka [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

On Dec 5, 2008, at 10:06 PM, Bill Bumgarner wrote:

Not really.  'name' is still something that is an accessor type   
thing, regardless of whether it is derived or declared via   

dot abuse refers to expressions like:


That is, expressions where you aren't really asking the object to   
retrieve some value, but are more or less telling the object to do   
something and return a result.

And, yes, there are grey areas.

So would something which is clearly not a property, but still returns
an object, such as:

myObj = mySet.anyObject;


enumerator = myArray.objectEnumerator;

be considered kosher?


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Re: cocoa class diagram

2008-12-06 Thread jmunson
That's one of the coolest interfaces I've seen yet (or maybe I haven't  
seen much).

How'd he/she/they do that???

Thanks for sharing!

Peace, Love, and Light,

/s/ Jon C. Munson II

Quoting Kyle Sluder [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

On Sat, Dec 6, 2008 at 12:42 PM, macdev [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I was wondering whether there is a Cocoa class diagram poster to print.

Check out CocoaNav:

--Kyle Sluder

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Re: Various syntax errors and ICA kit

2008-12-06 Thread jmunson


OK, after much beating of head against wall, I found the issue.

'Twas the way the #import statements were set up.  Once I moved the  
Cocoa  Carbon imports to the header file that cleared up quite a bit  
of my issues.  Also, I believe I had some of my own ignorance tossed  
in as well.  Made one heck of a salad...

Peace, Love, and Light,

/s/ Jon C. Munson II



Also, if I take out the #import statement from the .m file, I get a
compiler warning about a forward class.  I don't know if that means
anything truly important or not (but that was when i figured I forgot
the #import part).  If I can ignore that, then I may get my app to
compile and run properly...

Peace, Love, and Light,

/s/ Jon C. Munson II



And so the fun ensues...

I'm working with the (slightly, deprecated in 10.5) older ICA (as the
newer doesn't work).

I've brought over the code base from the SampleScanner application in
the Carbon-ImageCapture-Examples folder and applied it to mine own

Before I attempted to integrate it fully into my app (meaning, actually
call it from the form that needs to call it), the nib  controller
files compiled just peachy (no errors, just deprecation warnings

So, I added it to my calling window (instantiated the class, #imported
the header, and so on) and created a method a button could trigger.

Now, however, my application won't compile.  It complains of syntax
errors in the ICA form's header file:

Syntax error before ICAObject
Syntax error before ICARegisterEventNotificationPB
Syntax error before ICAScannerStartPB
Fatal error: method definition not in @implementation context

If I take the header import out of the .m file for the calling window,
and comment out the calls to the ICA window, the app compiles fine and
executes ('course, I can't load the ICA window :( ).

My ICA window is identical (with the exception of an icon image at this
point) to the SampleScanner window.  The .h  .m controller files are
also identical (except for log, which I removed as I don't need/want
that part).

Anyone got a clue on this?

I almost have this hooked close...


Peace, Love, and Light,

/s/ Jon C. Munson II


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Re: Array Controller Add method question

2008-12-06 Thread jmunson

You might try something like:

int row = [a indexOfObjectIdenticalTo:p];

[tableView editColumn:0 row:row withEvent:nil select:YES];

a = your array controller/arrary
p = object added

This sample from Hillegass' book, Cocoa Programming for Mac OS X  
Third Edition.

Good Luck!

Peace, Love, and Light,

/s/ Jon C. Munson II

Quoting vince [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

Thanks for the help ...
I'm using an Array Controller's Add method wired to a button to enable text
data entries into a table. How do I set the table to activate it's top row
when pressing the Add button in preparation for input? At this point if the
table contains many rows of data and the user clicks the Add button the
table's lowest row activates.  The user is forced to scroll down to the very
bottom of the table prior to entry

Thanks again.


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Re: Array Controller Add method question

2008-12-06 Thread jmunson

Yes, you do.

Quoting vince [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

I'm using a Core Data model with Bindings.  So there's no code in my class.
I simply wired my Add object button to the the Array Controller's (Add)
action to insert data into the table. Do I need to implement the Add
method manually and customize there?

thanks again.


On Sat, Dec 6, 2008 at 10:15 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

You might try something like:

int row = [a indexOfObjectIdenticalTo:p];

[tableView editColumn:0 row:row withEvent:nil select:YES];

a = your array controller/arrary
p = object added

This sample from Hillegass' book, Cocoa Programming for Mac OS X Third

Good Luck!

Peace, Love, and Light,

/s/ Jon C. Munson II

Quoting vince [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Thanks for the help ...

I'm using an Array Controller's Add method wired to a button to enable
data entries into a table. How do I set the table to activate it's top row
when pressing the Add button in preparation for input? At this point if
table contains many rows of data and the user clicks the Add button the
table's lowest row activates.  The user is forced to scroll down to the
bottom of the table prior to entry

Thanks again.


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Re: NSImageView gets stuck

2008-12-06 Thread jmunson

Shot in the dark here...

I noticed you are using ballFrame in your timer event, but not in your  
reset event.

Is that your issue?

Quoting Michael Rogers [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

Hi, All:

I have an NSImageView (in a variable called ball) that I am trying to
move programatically across the screen, and when it hits a wall,
reposition it in the center.  I've set up an NSTimer, and in the
timerFireMethod have this:

NSRect ballFrame = [ball frame];
ballFrame.origin.x+=ballDeltaX; // move the ball

works just fine, the ball merrily moves across the NSView.  However,
when I hit the wall, and do the following:

[myController victoryGoesTo:'R'];
[timer invalidate];
[self placeBallInCenter];

the placeBallInCenter method fails:


[ball setFrameOrigin:NSMakePoint(125,125)];
NSLog(@ball frame:  %@,NSStringFromRect([ball frame]));

The ball's origin displays correctly in the console as (125,125), but
the ball is stuck on the right hand side of the screen, at around 400.

I'm using the same technique in placeBallInCenter as I did in my
timerFireMethod, so I am perplexed.

Thanks for any enlightenment,


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Re: New to Cocoa and Objective C, and I need some basic pointers

2008-12-05 Thread jmunson

Start with HILLEGASS' book:  Cocoa Programming for Mac OS X.  EXCELLENT!



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Re: How does MainMenu.xib get loaded in a Cocoa application?

2008-12-05 Thread jmunson
There's a setting (I can't relocate it) that declares a Main NIB,  
etc.  'Tis a property of one of the main files (like the project or  
target).  Look around, you should be able to find it with a bit of  

Quoting Debajit Adhikary [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

I'm new to Cocoa and am trying to understand File Owner's and Nibs.
When I create a simple Cocoa application and build and run it, a window --
specified in MainMenu.xib -- opens. How exactly does this window open? Is
there any code for this anywhere? I wasn't able to find any.

(I tried setting a breakpoint in main() but to no avail)

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ICA stuff

2008-12-05 Thread jmunson


Is this the proper list to ask ICA-related questions?

If so, I have a few...:)


Peace, Love, and Light,

/s/ Jon C. Munson II


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2008-12-05 Thread jmunson


OK, here's my first question:

What is an ICAHandler?  The compiler complains of it and I can't find  
it in the documentation anywhere.  The ICA API Tester app lists it in  
the code it creates for ObjC Async.

Any thoughts?

Peace, Love, and Light,

/s/ Jon C. Munson II


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Re: ICAHandler

2008-12-05 Thread jmunson

Not sure.

What I'm referring to in my post is this:

// -  

void ICAGetDeviceListCallback (ICAHeader* pbHeader)
ICAHandler * obj = (ICAHandler*)pbHeader-refcon;
if (obj)
[obj getDeviceListCallback: (ICAGetDeviceListPB*) pbHeader];

This is what ICA API Test spits out.  Where did ICAHandler come from???


Peace, Love, and Light,

/s/ Jon C. Munson II

Quoting Nick Zitzmann [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

On Dec 5, 2008, at 1:55 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:



What is an ICAHandler?  The compiler complains of it and I can't   
find it in the documentation anywhere.  The ICA API Tester app   
lists it in the code it creates for ObjC Async.

Are you talking about this?

It looks like a class in some sample code; IOW, not a built-in class.

Nick Zitzmann


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ICA Documentation issue

2008-12-05 Thread jmunson


After having read through the ICA API documentation  looking at the
sample apps, I've noticed:

1.  The online dox appear to be ahead of anything else (although I'm  
not certain).

2.  The sample apps employ deprecated calls and are written w/o conforming to
 the dox.
3.  The ICA API Test app also does not quite match up to the written material.

Anyone have a working, up-to-date sample for a simple scanner/camera
interface he/she would care to share?

Implementing code generated by the ICA API Test app is throwing errors
that I'm not easily tracking down.


Peace, Love, and Light,

/s/ Jon C. Munson II


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Re: ICA Documentation issue

2008-12-05 Thread jmunson

Well, now, that's just plain...well, we won't go there...

The deprecated stuff won't work under 10.5, will it?


On Dec 5, 2008, at 3:59 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


After having read through the ICA API documentation  looking at   
the sample apps, I've noticed:

1.  The online dox appear to be ahead of anything else.
2.  The sample apps employ deprecated calls and are written w/o   
conforming to

   the dox.
3.  The ICA API Test app also does not quite match up to the   
written material.

Anyone have a working, up-to-date sample for a simple   
scanner/camera interface he/she would care to share?

Implementing code generated by the ICA API Test app is throwing   
errors that I'm not easily tracking down.


ICA isn't part of Cocoa, so you won't get a good answer from this list,
but I can indeed confirm from experience that:

1) the documentation is weak
2) newly-introduced functions in 10.5 (such as for downloading images
to RAM) are completely broken
3) it is therefore best to continue to use the deprecated APIs

If you will be relying on lots of ICA features, be prepared for many
long nights.



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Re: New to Cocoa and Objective C, and I need some basic pointers

2008-12-05 Thread jmunson
Again, Hillegass' book, Cocoa Programming for Mac OS X is excellent.  
 I've a smattering of experience in a number of languages and found  
his book an excellent introduction to the whole bit.

Quoting Benjamin Dobson [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

The OP has sent me the original message body off-list. The rest of this
message is what the original message was meant to say.


I've been programming almost exclusively in Java since 1998, and
between 1985 through 1998 I was using C and C++. I just started
learning Objective C, and found the language pretty easy to use.
However, I need some pointers on the best way to become familiar with
some of the Cocoa libraries and classes as well as the Foundation.

In Java, they have  what I think is a great API reference for all the
normal classes. For those of you that have never seen it, just so
you'll know what I'm talking about, here's a link:

With this you look up the name of a class on the left column, click on
it, and the detail regarding the class shows up on the main section of
the page.

I'm new to this with Cocoa, and I've been looking for something similar
to that above. I have found, for example, the Foundation Reference
Collection for Objective-C, the Application Kit Objective-C Reference
Collection, and a host of other similar type pages in the developers
documentation. Each such page displays what can be long lists of
classes, and if you click on one of the Class References, up comes a
page with more detailed information. The information looks pretty
decent, but I end up using the back button on the browser to navigate.

Is there a better, easier API layout? Additionally is there one that
would include nearly all frameworks in one list?

Also, I've noticed that some of the newer Objective C texts are using
the dot notation. Is this going to be the norm in the future or was
this something added to make Objective C easier to port from Java, C++,
and even C in some cases?

Last but not least, what are the best books available for learning
Objective C and Cocoa? I've had little problems with Objective C
(except adjusting to the notation) so I assume I would want to focus
primarily on Cocoa, and I'm assuming any decent Cocoa book would
probably delve into the Foundation as well, since I don't see how it
couldn't (that's just my opinion).

All opinions welcome, thanks

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Various syntax errors and ICA kit

2008-12-05 Thread jmunson


And so the fun ensues...

I'm working with the (slightly, deprecated in 10.5) older ICA (as the  
newer doesn't work).

I've brought over the code base from the SampleScanner application in  
the Carbon-ImageCapture-Examples folder and applied it to mine own  

Before I attempted to integrate it fully into my app (meaning,  
actually call it from the form that needs to call it), the nib   
controller files compiled just peachy (no errors, just deprecation  
warnings mostly).

So, I added it to my calling window (instantiated the class, #imported  
the header, and so on) and created a method a button could trigger.

Now, however, my application won't compile.  It complains of syntax  
errors in the ICA form's header file:

Syntax error before ICAObject
Syntax error before ICARegisterEventNotificationPB
Syntax error before ICAScannerStartPB
Fatal error: method definition not in @implementation context

If I take the header import out of the .m file for the calling window,  
and comment out the calls to the ICA window, the app compiles fine and  
executes ('course, I can't load the ICA window :( ).

My ICA window is identical (with the exception of an icon image at  
this point) to the SampleScanner window.  The .h  .m controller files  
are also identical (except for log, which I removed as I don't  
need/want that part).

Anyone got a clue on this?

I almost have this hooked close...


Peace, Love, and Light,

/s/ Jon C. Munson II


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Re: Various syntax errors and ICA kit

2008-12-05 Thread jmunson


Also, if I take out the #import statement from the .m file, I get a  
compiler warning about a forward class.  I don't know if that means  
anything truly important or not (but that was when i figured I forgot  
the #import part).  If I can ignore that, then I may get my app to  
compile and run properly...

Peace, Love, and Light,

/s/ Jon C. Munson II



And so the fun ensues...

I'm working with the (slightly, deprecated in 10.5) older ICA (as the
newer doesn't work).

I've brought over the code base from the SampleScanner application in
the Carbon-ImageCapture-Examples folder and applied it to mine own

Before I attempted to integrate it fully into my app (meaning, actually
call it from the form that needs to call it), the nib  controller
files compiled just peachy (no errors, just deprecation warnings

So, I added it to my calling window (instantiated the class, #imported
the header, and so on) and created a method a button could trigger.

Now, however, my application won't compile.  It complains of syntax
errors in the ICA form's header file:

Syntax error before ICAObject
Syntax error before ICARegisterEventNotificationPB
Syntax error before ICAScannerStartPB
Fatal error: method definition not in @implementation context

If I take the header import out of the .m file for the calling window,
and comment out the calls to the ICA window, the app compiles fine and
executes ('course, I can't load the ICA window :( ).

My ICA window is identical (with the exception of an icon image at this
point) to the SampleScanner window.  The .h  .m controller files are
also identical (except for log, which I removed as I don't need/want
that part).

Anyone got a clue on this?

I almost have this hooked close...


Peace, Love, and Light,

/s/ Jon C. Munson II


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Re: Determining unreleased objects after Quit

2008-12-04 Thread jmunson


I never did figure it out *exactly*.  Over time, as I made  
corrections/edits (mostly in the NIB), the problem simply ceased to  

I think it was mashed some had gotten toasted for  
whatever reason.

Peace, Love, and Light,

/s/ Jon C. Munson II

Quoting Michael Ash [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

On Wed, Dec 3, 2008 at 11:57 AM, Jon C. Munson II [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Well, simply put, the application is still running.  That is, after  
 Quitting, the Stop button is enabled, and, if I try to run it   
again, I get a message to terminate the currently running version   

So the problem is not unreleased objects, it's that your app is still
running. Hit the pause button in the debugger and figure out what it's



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Re: Programmatically loading an NSImage via other field

2008-12-04 Thread jmunson

In response to all the responses...

This monitoring needs to happen whether the user types in a field,  
or, there is a choice made via NSOpenPanel, or the record is scrolled  
(meaning moved next, moved previous).

So, using the beginning of the KVO below (which is the route I  
suspected I'd have to go, but not sure exactly how), would I need to  
add other delegate methods to handle the other cases?

Also, is dragging the delegate from the text field to the File's Owner  
the same as the awake from NIB call, or do I need to add the  
awakFromNIB as well?


Peace, Love, and Light,

/s/ Jon C. Munson II

Quoting Ken Tozier [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

Something like this should get you in the ballpark

MyController : NSObject
IBOutlet NSTextField*imagePathField;
IBOutlet NSImageView*imageView;

// register controller to receive messages from the text field
- (void) awakeFromNib
[imagePathField setDelegate: self];

// when user hits return key, the text field calls this handler
allowing you to respond
- (void) controlTextDidEndEditing:(NSNotification *) inNotification
// check message type
if ([[inNotification name] isEqualToString:
// type OK, check which object sent message. (can be used to 
to multipe text fields)
if ([inNotification object] == imagePathField)
// get text from field and try to load it into a new 
NSImage *tempImage  = [NSImage 
[imagePathField stringValue]];

// set the image in the image view
if (tempImage != nil)
[imageView setImage: tempImage];

On Dec 3, 2008, at 10:23 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


OK, I'm beat for the day...

I'm struggling with how to load an image into an NSImage via   
another field's value.

I have a field that contains a path  name of an image file.  The   
user can type it in or select it via OpenFile sheet.  This works   
just fine and I'm setting the underlying data object so the value   

Now, my question:  how do I get that value to propagate over to the image?

In Windows, I can monitor via the onChange event for the textbox.
Piece of cake.

Here, though, I'm a bit perplexed.

I thought perhaps the textDidChange delegate method might do it (I   
put that in my File's Owner, and made the File's Owner a delegate   
of the NSTextField that contains the image name).  However, it   
doesn't fire e'en though the text clearly changes (onscreen).

So, how do I accomplish this should-be-easy feat?


Peace, Love, and Light,

/s/ Jon C. Munson II


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Re: Programmatically loading an NSImage via other field

2008-12-04 Thread jmunson

In continuance...

Alright, so it isn't strictly KVO...:)  But it looks like it...:)

Anyway, is there a way to know when the stuff in the cell changes?

Most everything I can find is relative to when the user interacts with  
the control.  But I can't find anything, as yet, for when the user  
doesn't, but the code does...

For instance, when the window displays, there is a value in the text  
field for the path/image.  Yet the image doesn't load.  Is there an  
event/method that I can utilize to push the image?  I only found  
windowDidLoad, which didn't do it.

It also appears that I'll have to implement mine own  
MoveNext/MovePrevious methods in order to push the picture (although I  
still need to test that first).


Peace, Love, and Light,

/s/ Jon C. Munson II


In response to all the responses...

This monitoring needs to happen whether the user types in a field,
or, there is a choice made via NSOpenPanel, or the record is scrolled
(meaning moved next, moved previous).

So, using the beginning of the KVO below (which is the route I
suspected I'd have to go, but not sure exactly how), would I need to
add other delegate methods to handle the other cases?

Also, is dragging the delegate from the text field to the File's Owner
the same as the awake from NIB call, or do I need to add the
awakFromNIB as well?


Peace, Love, and Light,

/s/ Jon C. Munson II

Quoting Ken Tozier [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

Something like this should get you in the ballpark

MyController : NSObject
IBOutlet NSTextField*imagePathField;
IBOutlet NSImageView*imageView;

// register controller to receive messages from the text field
- (void) awakeFromNib
[imagePathField setDelegate: self];

// when user hits return key, the text field calls this handler
allowing you to respond
- (void) controlTextDidEndEditing:(NSNotification *) inNotification
// check message type
if ([[inNotification name] isEqualToString:
// type OK, check which object sent message. (can be used to 
to multipe text fields)
if ([inNotification object] == imagePathField)
// get text from field and try to load it into a new 
NSImage *tempImage  = [NSImage 
[imagePathField stringValue]];

// set the image in the image view
if (tempImage != nil)
[imageView setImage: tempImage];

On Dec 3, 2008, at 10:23 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


OK, I'm beat for the day...

I'm struggling with how to load an image into an NSImage via
another field's value.

I have a field that contains a path  name of an image file.  The   
 user can type it in or select it via OpenFile sheet.  This works   
 just fine and I'm setting the underlying data object so the value  

Now, my question:  how do I get that value to propagate over to the image?

In Windows, I can monitor via the onChange event for the textbox.   
  Piece of cake.

Here, though, I'm a bit perplexed.

I thought perhaps the textDidChange delegate method might do it (I  
  put that in my File's Owner, and made the File's Owner a  
delegate   of the NSTextField that contains the image name).   
However, it   doesn't fire e'en though the text clearly changes  

So, how do I accomplish this should-be-easy feat?


Peace, Love, and Light,

/s/ Jon C. Munson II


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Re: Programmatically loading an NSImage via other field

2008-12-04 Thread jmunson


OK, I've been playing around with this for too long now...

NOTHING gets called when text in a control is set via code or a  
mechanism other than strict keyboard/mouse entry by the user from what  
I can determine.  This, in a word, is not good.

I've set up an observer, delegates, and all that, per previous posts  
and only when keys are actually pressed do the delegate methods get  

Also, I've noticed that when the record is moved (either next or  
previous), there is a buffer time between when code executes and the  
interface gets changed.


- (IBAction)movePrevious:(id)sender
[tblPattern selectPrevious:self];
[btnPrevious setEnabled:[tblPattern canSelectPrevious]];
[self pushPicture];

Doesn't work.  The Apple dox state the reason the move action is moved  
to another process is to give the error mechanism a way to respond.

As a consequence, nothing changes and the code executes, then the  
stuff changes.  What happens is the previous image gets loaded as the  
current image, despite what the textfield says.

Not good.

For a simple OnChange thing, this is absolutely frustrating (and has  
resulted in quite a bit of code).

Bottom line is, it looks like I need some way to see changes that  
were made to either the underlying Cell (thinking along the lines of  
display changes) or some other route to take this.

I have three scenarios under which the image needs to get pushed:

1.  When selected from a file.
2.  On Window display - first record is displayed.
3.  When records are scrolled (Move Next/Move Previous).

I've solved #1, though I don't like having to manually push the  
image (meaning I call the pushPicture routine).  2  3 are still  
unsolved at this point.

Any further thoughts???  Anyone else only keep paths to images and  
dynamically load from that data?  Storing the pictures in the data  
structure is not going to happen as they'll take up far too much space  
and suck resources.

Thanks for all the help so far!

Peace, Love, and Light,

/s/ Jon C. Munson II


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Re: Help Menu Please

2008-12-04 Thread jmunson
'twould help to have a little more info on what you are doing, done,  
etc., in order to shed light on your situation...

For instance:  are you creating a menu item called Help, or are you  
sticking with the out-of-the-box menu item?

Peace, Love, and Light,

/s/ Jon C. Munson II

Quoting David Blanton [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

On Tiger I get one Help Menu
On Leopard I get two Help Menus

Has anyone seen this before?
Is there some brain dead thing I am missing?
Am I brain dead?
My boss thinks I am because of this problem.


On Dec 4, 2008, at 12:39 AM, David Blanton wrote:

I have been required to develop and build with Xcode 2.41 on 10.4.11.

In testing on 10.5.5 I get two help menus.

Is there something I need to do for Help on 10.5.x ?

David Blanton


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David Blanton


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Re: Help Menu Please

2008-12-04 Thread jmunson


Maybe this will help?

Peace, Love, and Light,

/s/ Jon C. Munson II

Quoting David Blanton [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

I searched the list archives to no avail.
I do not believe that I am the only one to see this problem ... the
code is vanilla IB menu stuff

On Dec 4, 2008, at 10:53 AM, David Blanton wrote:

No.  I searched Apple Developer. Duh. Will do so now.


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Re: Programmatically loading an NSImage via other field

2008-12-04 Thread jmunson

Great!  Thanks!

I'll take a look at at it.

I'm still a Windows guy.  Actually, I'm becoming dual-platform.  Now  
that's a scary thought (but quite marketable if need be).  But you are  
probably not in the Maryland area, are ya?

Appreciate the help, I'll grab that zip now.

Peace, Love, and Light,

/s/ Jon C. Munson II

Quoting Matt Long [EMAIL PROTECTED]:


I'm not sure I understand the whole problem here, but from your initial
message I put together a simple demo project that will take the input
value from a text field and use that as the path for an NSImageView. It
does it on the fly (e.g. as you type). Here is the demo project:

On first run, use the Browse... button to locate an image and select
it. The image will display. Then start to backspace from the end of the
path in the text field and you'll see the image you selected
disappears. Then type back in what you backspaced out and you'll see it
reappear. This is all done with the magic of bindings. The text field
value and the image view's value path are both bound to the same
string. When the string gets updated, so do both of those fields.
You'll see the string that is being used for this is a @property of my
AppDelegate class.

Let me know if you have further questions. I'm a former Windows guy
myself and can probably help you unlearn what you know as I also had
to do. ;-)

Best Regards,


On Dec 4, 2008, at 10:03 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


OK, I've been playing around with this for too long now...

NOTHING gets called when text in a control is set via code or a   
mechanism other than strict keyboard/mouse entry by the user from   
what I can determine.  This, in a word, is not good.

I've set up an observer, delegates, and all that, per previous   
posts and only when keys are actually pressed do the delegate   
methods get called.

Also, I've noticed that when the record is moved (either next or   
previous), there is a buffer time between when code executes and   
the interface gets changed.


- (IBAction)movePrevious:(id)sender
[tblPattern selectPrevious:self];
[btnPrevious setEnabled:[tblPattern canSelectPrevious]];
[self pushPicture];

Doesn't work.  The Apple dox state the reason the move action is   
moved to another process is to give the error mechanism a way to   

As a consequence, nothing changes and the code executes, then the   
stuff changes.  What happens is the previous image gets loaded as   
the current image, despite what the textfield says.

Not good.

For a simple OnChange thing, this is absolutely frustrating (and   
has resulted in quite a bit of code).

Bottom line is, it looks like I need some way to see changes that  
 were made to either the underlying Cell (thinking along the lines   
of display changes) or some other route to take this.

I have three scenarios under which the image needs to get pushed:

1.  When selected from a file.
2.  On Window display - first record is displayed.
3.  When records are scrolled (Move Next/Move Previous).

I've solved #1, though I don't like having to manually push the   
image (meaning I call the pushPicture routine).  2  3 are still   
unsolved at this point.

Any further thoughts???  Anyone else only keep paths to images and   
dynamically load from that data?  Storing the pictures in the data   
structure is not going to happen as they'll take up far too much   
space and suck resources.

Thanks for all the help so far!

Peace, Love, and Light,

/s/ Jon C. Munson II


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Re: Programmatically loading an NSImage via other field

2008-12-04 Thread jmunson


Back so soon...


OK, I took a look a what you have and have some questions.

And, well, h...

I'M A DOPE!!  :D

No questions!

The reason for that is I was under the extremely mistaken impression  
that I couldn't load the ImageView from a simple path via a binding.

I took a look at how you had your ImageView bound and voila!  The  
answer was staring me straight in the face!  ROFL!!!

Can I say OMFG?


But I did learn some things along the way so it wasn't a total loss...

I now return you back to your regularly scheduled program...


Peace, Love, and Light,

/s/ Jon C. Munson II

p.s. Isn't it always something simple???

Quoting Matt Long [EMAIL PROTECTED]:


I'm not sure I understand the whole problem here, but from your initial
message I put together a simple demo project that will take the input
value from a text field and use that as the path for an NSImageView. It
does it on the fly (e.g. as you type). Here is the demo project:

On first run, use the Browse... button to locate an image and select
it. The image will display. Then start to backspace from the end of the
path in the text field and you'll see the image you selected
disappears. Then type back in what you backspaced out and you'll see it
reappear. This is all done with the magic of bindings. The text field
value and the image view's value path are both bound to the same
string. When the string gets updated, so do both of those fields.
You'll see the string that is being used for this is a @property of my
AppDelegate class.

Let me know if you have further questions. I'm a former Windows guy
myself and can probably help you unlearn what you know as I also had
to do. ;-)

Best Regards,


On Dec 4, 2008, at 10:03 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


OK, I've been playing around with this for too long now...

NOTHING gets called when text in a control is set via code or a   
mechanism other than strict keyboard/mouse entry by the user from   
what I can determine.  This, in a word, is not good.

I've set up an observer, delegates, and all that, per previous   
posts and only when keys are actually pressed do the delegate   
methods get called.

Also, I've noticed that when the record is moved (either next or   
previous), there is a buffer time between when code executes and   
the interface gets changed.


- (IBAction)movePrevious:(id)sender
[tblPattern selectPrevious:self];
[btnPrevious setEnabled:[tblPattern canSelectPrevious]];
[self pushPicture];

Doesn't work.  The Apple dox state the reason the move action is   
moved to another process is to give the error mechanism a way to   

As a consequence, nothing changes and the code executes, then the   
stuff changes.  What happens is the previous image gets loaded as   
the current image, despite what the textfield says.

Not good.

For a simple OnChange thing, this is absolutely frustrating (and   
has resulted in quite a bit of code).

Bottom line is, it looks like I need some way to see changes that  
 were made to either the underlying Cell (thinking along the lines   
of display changes) or some other route to take this.

I have three scenarios under which the image needs to get pushed:

1.  When selected from a file.
2.  On Window display - first record is displayed.
3.  When records are scrolled (Move Next/Move Previous).

I've solved #1, though I don't like having to manually push the   
image (meaning I call the pushPicture routine).  2  3 are still   
unsolved at this point.

Any further thoughts???  Anyone else only keep paths to images and   
dynamically load from that data?  Storing the pictures in the data   
structure is not going to happen as they'll take up far too much   
space and suck resources.

Thanks for all the help so far!

Peace, Love, and Light,

/s/ Jon C. Munson II


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Trouble with array controller - array

2008-12-03 Thread jmunson


OK, I'm confounded...

I've got an outlet (tblUser) that's an NSArrayController.  It is  
pointing at an Array Controller in my NIB called tblUser.  That is  
point at an Entity called tblUser.  The MOC is set up correctly.

In my code, I've assigned an (NSArray *) aUser to [tblUser  
arrangedObjects].  I then proceed to get a count of objects from the  
array ([aUser count]).  For some reason, I get a value of zero.  Yet,  
in another screen, same app, same instance, the count is correct at 1.  
 Same bits of code, only the names are a little different, but the  
syntax is the same.

Anyone care to posit theories as to why this might be happening?  Did  
I miss an intermediate step somewhere?


Peace, Love, and Light,

/s/ Jon C. Munson II


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Re: Trouble with array controller - array

2008-12-03 Thread jmunson

Ne'er mind, it somehow fixed itself...

And I didn't change the code...




OK, I'm confounded...

I've got an outlet (tblUser) that's an NSArrayController.  It is
pointing at an Array Controller in my NIB called tblUser.  That is
point at an Entity called tblUser.  The MOC is set up correctly.

In my code, I've assigned an (NSArray *) aUser to [tblUser
arrangedObjects].  I then proceed to get a count of objects from the
array ([aUser count]).  For some reason, I get a value of zero.  Yet,
in another screen, same app, same instance, the count is correct at 1.
Same bits of code, only the names are a little different, but the
syntax is the same.

Anyone care to posit theories as to why this might be happening?  Did I
miss an intermediate step somewhere?


Peace, Love, and Light,

/s/ Jon C. Munson II


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Programmatically loading an NSImage via other field

2008-12-03 Thread jmunson


OK, I'm beat for the day...

I'm struggling with how to load an image into an NSImage via another  
field's value.

I have a field that contains a path  name of an image file.  The user  
can type it in or select it via OpenFile sheet.  This works just fine  
and I'm setting the underlying data object so the value persists.

Now, my question:  how do I get that value to propagate over to the image?

In Windows, I can monitor via the onChange event for the textbox.   
Piece of cake.

Here, though, I'm a bit perplexed.

I thought perhaps the textDidChange delegate method might do it (I put  
that in my File's Owner, and made the File's Owner a delegate of the  
NSTextField that contains the image name).  However, it doesn't fire  
e'en though the text clearly changes (onscreen).

So, how do I accomplish this should-be-easy feat?


Peace, Love, and Light,

/s/ Jon C. Munson II


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