another Core Data and Undo Question

2010-12-07 Thread
i have a core data app that supports both real time events and user 
interaction. some of the user interactions can generate an undo stack 
similar to the following:

core data action
core data action

now some of the real time events can cause the target of myAction to 
be deleted and i can easily remove this from the undo stack. but that 
leaves a nested group which is no longer meaningful and it leaves the 
undo menu action name referring to the deleted myAction

is there anyway to delete the entire group (including the nested core 
data actions)? if so, how? alternatively, can anyone suggest an 
approach to deal with this situation?


p.s. i don't know if its relevant or not, but i have setGroupsByEvent 
set to NO and i begin an undo group when i'm ready to execute a user 


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problem with core data and uno

2010-12-06 Thread
i'm having a problem with core data and undo. here is the simplified 
situation. i've got subclasses of NSManagedObject: object A and 
object B. object A has a to-one relationship to object B. the 
reciprocal relationship in object B is a to many relationship. i.e., 
object B can refer to multiple object A s, but object A can only 
reference one object B. i then edit object A (using a sheet to enable 
editing multiple properties simultaneously) to refer to a different 
object B. this is an undoable user action. later on i 
programmatically change one of the properties of object B. this is 
NOT undoable, and the change is done as follows:

[moc processPendingChanges];
[[moc undoManager] disableUndoRegistration];

b.propertyB = blah;

[moc processPendingChanges];
[[moc undoManager] enableUndoRegistration];

now if i subsequently undo the first set of edits to object A, 
propertyB of object B gets reverted back to the value it had prior to 
this entire sequence. this strikes me as wrong! while the first set 
of edits (to object A) did change the to many relationship that 
object B had, they did not touch the propertyB property and should 
not have reverted it.

it seems to me that core data is saving the entire state of object B, 
instead of simply the state of the to many relationship.

can anyone confirm my suspicions? or suggest that possibly this is a 
bug in my app -- i have spent about 12 hours trying to track this 
down in my app, and haven't found anything? or if my suspicions are 
correct, can anyone suggest a work-around? or is there some other way 
to do this?


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Re: find panel buttons not enabling

2010-03-23 Thread
i have now verified (via an extremely trivial cocoa application) that 
the buttons in a Find panel are not enabled if the first responder is 
an NSTextView that appears in a sheet (which is the key window). note 
that the find functions (e.g., find next/previous, use selection for 
find) all work properly.

can anyone tell me if this is by design (e.g., some manifestation of 
the HIG) or if this is a bug?

this is  built on and for 10.6.2.

in any case, can anyone suggest some way to get the Find panel 
buttons to be enabled if the first responder is an NSTextView in a 


At 12:23 PM -0700 3/19/10, wrote:
if i have an NSTextView in a sheet and open the find panel, the 
buttons remain disabled. however, the find commands from the menu 
work fine. is the find panel not supposed to work if the key window 
is a sheet? or is this a known bug? any suggestions as to how to get 
the buttons to be properly enabled?

this is on built on and for 10.6.2.



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find panel buttons not enabling

2010-03-19 Thread
if i have an NSTextView in a sheet and open the find panel, the 
buttons remain disabled. however, the find commands from the menu 
work fine. is the find panel not supposed to work if the key window 
is a sheet? or is this a known bug? any suggestions as to how to get 
the buttons to be properly enabled?

this is on built on and for 10.6.2.


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xcode type completion for NSTextView

2010-02-08 Thread
i'd like to do xcode type completion for a NSTextView that i 
display in a sheet. by xcode type completion i mean:

multi-column display
reduce selection with subsequent typing
escape cancels completion
i don't beleive the current cocoa completion supports this and that 
it will be necessary to provide my own borderless window with a multi 
column table that i populate myself.

is this correct? or is it possible to do xcode type completion 
using only the existing delegate methods for completion.

(fwiw, this is snow leopard and above only)


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Re: dragging to trash folder problems

2009-12-27 Thread

thanx for the response. see below for a followup question.

At 10:36 PM -0500 12/26/09, Kyle Sluder wrote:

On Sat, Dec 26, 2009 at 5:24 PM, wrote:

 however, if the user drags an object to the trash icon, and then
 subsequently drags to and drops on the (popped) opened trash folder, i no
 longer receive the NSDragOperationDelete operation in
 -draggedImage:endedAt:operation: and hence cannot detect that this should
 actually be a delete and the opened trash folder remains open on the

This sounds like a bug. You should file it at If the Dock is going to report a
drag-to-Trash as a delete operation, then the Finder should report a
drag-to-Trash-folder as a delete operation as well.

reported as 7499789

 1) how can i detect that the user dropped into a (popped) opened trash

If you are able to drag to a folder at all, you must be providing a
file or a promise pasteboard item. In that case, you should be able to
tell if the destination folder is a Trash folder (either NSWorkspace
or some Carbon API). Then you can perform the delete.

i am not providing either a file or a promise (at least not that i 
know of). in my table's data source implementation of 
-tableView:writeRowsWithIndexes:toPasteboard: i supply one (or more) 
private pboard types and i also provide NSRTFPboardType and 
NSStringPboardType data that enables dragging (rich) text to text 
files and which create text clipping files when dropped in a folder 
or on the desktop. for testing purposes, i implemented 
-tableView:setObjectValue:forTableColumn:row: and 
-pasteboard:provideDataForType:  in my datasource, but neither is 


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dragging to trash folder problems

2009-12-26 Thread
i've implemented -draggedImage:endedAt:operation: and i check if the 
operation is an NSDragOperationDelete to detect drags to the trash, 
and if so, i then appropriately delete the dragged object from my 
app's document.

this all works fine as long as the user drags the object to the trash 
icon in the dock.

however, if the user drags an object to the trash icon, and then 
subsequently drags to and drops on the (popped) opened trash folder, 
i no longer receive the NSDragOperationDelete operation in 
-draggedImage:endedAt:operation: and hence cannot detect that this 
should actually be a delete and the opened trash folder remains open 
on the desktop.

not only that, but if the user drops in the (pop) opened trash 
folder, since i don't perform the delete, the user can again drag the 
same object to the trash icon in the dock and this opens a second 
trash folder. this can be repeated many times, resulting in many 
opened trash folders on the desktop.

my questions:
1) how can i detect that the user dropped into a (popped) opened trash folder?
2) is the behavior of (popping) open multiple instances of the trash 
folder a (known) bug?

this is on leopard 10.5.8.


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re: NSSpellChecker and checkSpellingOfString problems

2009-12-03 Thread
i don't know if this is your problem or not, but i don't see the red 
underline when i accade until i type a word delimeter (e.g. a space 
or comma) after it. do u perhaps need to make sure the string u r 
passing to the spell checker has appropriate beginning and ending 


At 11:22 AM -0800 12/3/09, wrote:
Try typing accade into TextEdit (I'm assuming English as the 
language here, of course). It is underlined in red, and 
ctrl-clicking on it brings up a list of suggestions. So the system 
recognises it as a misspelling, a word that it doesn't know.


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disabling Open Recent menu items

2009-10-06 Thread
i need to disable opening any files via the Open Recent menu items 
until the user has specified some information that i save in my app's 
prefs. this situation can occur if the user has deliberately or 
accidentally deleted the prefs. now, i can (and do) override 
-[NSDocumentController openDocumentWithContentsOfURL:display:error:] 
which takes care of the situation in which the user double clicks a 
file in the finder.

however, in addition to this, i would like to dim/disable any files 
that happen to be in the Open Recents file (sub-)menu. for the time 
being, i'm overriding -[NSDocumentController validateMenuItem:] and 
seeing if the action for the passed in menuItem is 
_openRecentDocument:. but since this is an undocumented api, i prefer 
to accomplish this in a more legal manner, but i don't know what 
that is.

can anyone suggest a legal way to disable the items in the Open 
Recent menu?



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restoring NSSplitView divider's position

2009-09-03 Thread
i have a multi-document, multi-window app and i'm getting ready to 
use NSSplitView for the first time.

from reading the docs and searching at cocoadev, i don't see how to 
get the current position of the divider so that i can save it, and 
later restore it on subsequent launches of my app/document/windows.

i can't use autoSave as this is a document/window attribute and not 
an attribute of the app. ie, each window for each doc can and should 
remember the divider's position.


ps. i do see the method for setting the divider's position... i just 
don't see how to get the current position for saving.


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debugging a 64 bit app

2009-08-27 Thread
with a 32 bit app, when i hit a breakpoint in gdb, i could select a 
stack frame and enter the following into the gdb console:

(gdb) po *(int *)($ebp+XXX)

where XXX was 8 to see the receiver of the message, 16 to see the 
first meaningful parameter, etc.

however, i'm not building a 64 bit app and using synthesized iVars 
and when i type the above on the gdb console, i get:

Argument to arithmetic operation not a number or boolean.

what is the proper way to see stack parameters with cocoa 64 bit apps with gdb?



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Re: incorrect checksum for freed object

2009-08-01 Thread

At 6:31 PM -0700 7/31/09, Shawn Erickson wrote:

On Fri, Jul 31, 2009 at 3:39 PM, wrote:

 where interface and device are declared as follows:
@property ( assign, nonatomic)  IOUSBDeviceInterface300** device;
@property ( assign, nonatomic)  IOUSBInterfaceInterface300**

Why are you use a pointer to a pointer (**) in above? I ask because
doing so seems a little strange and hence leads me to think you may
have a misunderstanding of pointers, etc. in some of the API you are


i'm using pointer to pointer (sometimes called handles) because that 
is what is required when using the usb aspects of the IOKit as 
demonstated in apple's sample code.



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incorrect checksum for freed object

2009-07-31 Thread
(i'm not sure if this is the right list for this question or not, as 
i am developing a cocoa application using IOKit. if this isn't the 
right list, could someone please tell me the right list. thanx.)

i'm just starting on developing a core data document base app that 
talks to a usb device. sometimes, but not always, i'm getting crashes 
when i'm either releasing my IOUSBDeviceInterface300 or my 
IOUSBInterfaceInterface300. the error i get on the console is:

malloc: *** error for object 0x102662970: incorrect checksum for 
freed object - object was probably modified after being freed.

*** set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug

and i have set that breakpoint. the stack trace at the time is:

#0  0x83d7aa51 in malloc_error_break
#1  0x83d75ad0 in szone_error
#2  0x83cb5571 in tiny_free_list_add_ptr
#3  0x83cb28cf in szone_free
#4  0x025876ba in IOUSBDeviceClass::~IOUSBDeviceClass
#5  0x02586f0d in IOUSBIUnknown::release
#6	0x1f1a in -[BaseUSBInterface releaseResources] at

in response to:
err = (*(self.interface))-Release( self.interface);
err = (*(self.device))-Release( self.device);

where interface and device are declared as follows:
	@property ( assign, nonatomic)	IOUSBDeviceInterface300** 
	@property ( assign, nonatomic)	IOUSBInterfaceInterface300** 
and synthesized. i am running in 64 bit mode and have NOT declared my 
own iVars for these.

these errors don't happen every time and i've yet to be able to 
determine a pattern that causes them. i realize that this is some 
sort of memory corruption problem, but i'm at a loss as to how to 
find it. i do have NSZombieEnabled set to YES and CFZombieLevel set 
to 3.

can anyone one offer suggestions as to how to find this problem.


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Re: incorrect checksum for freed object

2009-07-31 Thread

At 5:01 PM -0600 7/31/09, Nick Zitzmann wrote:

On Jul 31, 2009, at 4:39 PM, wrote:

these errors don't happen every time and i've yet to be able to 
determine a pattern that causes them. i realize that this is some 
sort of memory corruption problem, but i'm at a loss as to how to 
find it. i do have NSZombieEnabled set to YES and CFZombieLevel set 
to 3.

can anyone one offer suggestions as to how to find this problem.

Turn on Guard Malloc, which will force your app to crash if 
something writes into freed memory. Be ready to do something else 
while it's running, though, because Guard Malloc makes your app run 
super slow, especially if it uses a lot of RAM.

Nick Zitzmann

thanx nick,
my app is still in the early stages, and thus small enough that 
turning on guard malloc isn't that bad. of course now that its turned 
on, i no longer get the crashes! i guess i'll run in this mode for a 


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[NSEvent data1]

2009-07-29 Thread

i'm building a 64bit app.

in response to USB input, i create and post an application defined 
event. for the data1 field, i pass the address of an 
NSMutableDictionary as follows:

... data1: (NSInteger)dataDict ...

in my application object's sendEvent override, i'm only getting (via 
[anEvent data1]) the bottom 32 bits of the address i passed in.

the data1 method of NSEvent is defined to return an NSInteger, as is 
the data1 parameter of the NSEvent method otherEventWithType, and if 
i examining the value of data1 after i've created my custom event and 
posted it (but prior to receiving/processing it in sendEvent), it 
contains the proper 64 bit value.

so it appears that somewhere between posting the event and its 
getting processed by [NSApp sendevent:] the parameter is getting 
truncated to 32 bits. is this a bug in the 64 bit runtime? or a bug 
in my understanding? and if not a misunderstanding on my part, anyone 
know of a workaround (other my simply decomposing the 64bit address 
manually into 2 32bit pieces and using data1 and data2)?


ps. running on leopard 10.5.7, with Xcode 3.1.3.


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Re: disabling grammar checking

2009-07-02 Thread

At 6:57 PM -0700 6/29/09, Martin Wierschin wrote:
i'm not happy that the framework is changing the name of my menu 
item from Show SpellingS (as i've specified in IB) to Show 
Spelling and Grammar. is there some way to globally fix this? (i 
know i can provide my overrides of showGuessPanel: and 
validateMenuItem: in specific field editors, etc., but i'm hoping 
for something that doesn't require me to provide a custom field 
editor only to fix this.)

I think the best solution is to change the menu item's action to a 
selector only you know about, eg: showKensSpellingPanel:. You 
could add a category to NSTextView that simply forwards the action 
to the normal showGuessPanel:. Validation wouldn't work though, 
unless you want to swizzle the validator method for NSTextView.

Perhaps it would be best to have something higher up the responder 
chain exclusively pick up your custom action, say an NSApplication 
delegate. That could inspect the first responder and do validation 
as necessary.

this worked fine.

It's an unfortunately messy thing any way you do it, especially for 
such a trifle.

agreed! :-(



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disabling grammar checking

2009-06-29 Thread
while it is meaningful to do spell checking in my 
app, it is never meaningful to check grammar. 
therefore, i would like the Check grammar 
checkbox to not appear in the guess panel, or at 
least be disabled/grayed out. how can i 
accomplish this?

additionally, i'm not happy that the framework is 
changing the name of my menu item from Show 
SpellingŠ (as i've specified in IB) to Show 
Spelling and Grammar. is there some way to 
globally fix this? (i know i can provide my 
overrides of showGuessPanel: and 
validateMenuItem: in specific field editors, 
etc., but i'm hoping for something that doesn't 
require me to provide a custom field editor only 
to fix this.)


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(as you type) spell checking of an attributed string

2009-06-29 Thread
in my app, i use a NSTableView to let the user specify 
headers/footers for use in reports. a row in the table corresponds to 
a single header/footer line. a single header/footer line is an 
NSAttributedString, and i allow the user to specify the text and font 
and size and text color. additionally, the user can select tags 
from a popup to insert tags in the line that get evaluated when the 
report is printed. (these tags correspond to things like the print 
date, user's name, report name, etc.) my model (persistent copy) of a 
header/footer line stores these tags as a 4 character sequence: %XX% 
(where XX corresponds to the particular tag). for display in the 
table, i replace the 4 character sequence with:

\x0001EXPANDED VALUE\x0001
ie, a unicode 1, a string meaningful to the user, a unicode 1. 
this expanded sequence is given its own custom attribute and the 
string is displayed with a unique background color. (i suspect this 
is sorta like a token string, but my implementation pre-dates my 
knowledge of NSTokenField).

this has worked well for me, and i successfully deal with my tags as 
words as far as selection and drag and drop.

now i'd like to be able to support spell checking when the user is 
specifying header/footer lines. and i'd like to be able to support 
both manually requested spell checking and continuous/as-you-type 
spell checking. and when performing either form of spell checking, a 
tag should be treated as a series of space characters.

as i already have my own custom field editor for the table, i believe 
by overriding of -[NSText checkSpelling], i can get user requested 
spell checking to work. i would simply perform the appropriate call 
to NSSpellChecker to check a string in which i've replaced my tags 
with spaces, and i could set the spell state and selection as needed.

but i can't think of anyway to have continuous spell checking treat 
my tags as a sequence of spaces. can anyone (Mr. Davidson? :-)) offer 
some suggestions?

one thing i thought of thus far is to have the spell checker learn 
and unlearn my sequences whenever my custom field editor becomes the 
first responder and the user has requested continuous spell checking. 
this almost works, but fails if the user doesn't have a word break 
character between my tag and his/her typing.

thanx for any help/advice/suggestions/any thing,

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Re: document specific as-you-type spell checking

2009-06-26 Thread

At 5:04 PM -0700 6/25/09, Douglas Davidson wrote:

On Jun 25, 2009, at 5:00 PM, wrote:

is it possible to do document specific (ie, use a document 
dictionary) as-you-type spell checking? ie, using NSTextFields 
and NSTextFieldCells, is it somehow possible to specify the spell 
document tag to be used by the field editor?

If you provide a custom field editor, you can override 

thanx. i guess i'll now start modifying the custom field editor's i 
currently have, and create custom field editors elsewhere where i 
want as you type spell checking.

i was sorta hoping that there might be a private api (to be made 
public soon), along the lines of -[NSTextView 
setSpellCheckerDocumentTag]. this would have been a lot easier than 
having to provide custom field editor's all over the place. oh 


Douglas Davidson


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document specific as-you-type spell checking

2009-06-25 Thread
is it possible to do document specific (ie, use a document 
dictionary) as-you-type spell checking? ie, using NSTextFields and 
NSTextFieldCells, is it somehow possible to specify the spell 
document tag to be used by the field editor?


ps. i know i've asked this question before in slightly different 
flavors, but i've yet to receive any replies. i'm hoping perhaps by 
re-wording, someone will take pity and reply, and either put me out 
of my misery (of trying to figure out how it should be done), or 
point me to some documentation/sample code that shows how to do it! 


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continuous spell checking, NSTextView / field editor, document tag

2009-06-18 Thread
i would like to have continuous spell checking available for many of 
my text fields and table/outline cells. i realize that this can be 
accomplished by call -[NSTextView setContinuousSpellCheckingEnabled:] 
for the appropriate field editor. what i don't understand is how to 
specify the spell document tag that should be used by the NSTextView. 
NSTextView has -spellCheckerDocumentTag to get the spell document tag 
used by the text view, but i don't see a way to set it. have i missed 

from the archives 

As-you-type spellchecking is not so easily
overridden in Tiger and before; there will be more control available
in Leopard.

did this control make it into leopard? if so, where is it?

i have a multi-document app, and thus, i would like to be able to use 
a document specific dictionary for each document, and thus, i need to 
be able to specify the spell document tag to be used for my text 
fields and table/outline cells.


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spell checking

2009-06-15 Thread
my multi-document app has many windows and sheets, and there are LOTS 
of NSTextFields (and subclasses) and editable NSTableViews and 
editable NSOutlineViews in these windows and sheets.

i would like to enable continuous spell checking (in response to a 
user preference) in a majority of these fields/views/cells.

can anyone offer some advice/suggestions as to what might be the 
best/easiest way to go about this?

one approach i've thought of is to override -[NSWindow 
makeFirstResponder] and if calling super is successful, then check to 
see if the new first responder responds to 
setContinuousSpellCheckingEnabled and if so, then turn it on. and 
while this seems to work, it is a little too inclusive, and i must 
then find all the places i don't want it on. also, i'm not sure how 
i'd go about specifying the document tag to be used when a vanilla 
field editor does spell checking.

thanx for any help/pointers/advice,


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Re: highlighting menu item in main menu bar

2009-06-06 Thread

At 11:10 AM -0700 6/1/09, Peter Ammon wrote:

Hi Ken,

The menu item unhighlights after the menu item's action is finished.
If user input should be blocked while the script is running, then 
you should register for the NSTaskDidTerminateNotification and then 
drive the main run loop forwards from within your menu item's action 
method, until you get the notification.

hi peter,
so i tried this as follows:
register for the NSTaskDidTerminateNotification
launch my sub task (that executes a selected applescript)
	drive the main run loop until my registered notification 
routine sets a global

return from my action method

and while this does indeed keep the menu item in the main menu bar 
highlighted, it seems to block any apple events from being executed 
within my app.

i've been driving the run loop forward as follows:

while (!globalVar)
[[NSRunloop runloop] runMode: mode
beforeDate: [NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow: .1]];

where runloop is either currentRunLoop or mainRunLoop
and mode is either:
or [[NSRunloop runloop] currentMode]

i believe my code is basically correct for 2 reasons:
	1) if i don't do any of this, then the selected scripts work 
fine, but the menu item in the main menu bar does not remain 
highlighted, as my action method returns as soon as its launched the 
subtask; and
	2) if i do the above, the subtask eventually times out, the 
menu item unhighlights, but of course the subtask was unable to 
execute the applescript. (note that i can [force] quit my subtask via 
activity monitor and then the menu bar item unhighlights and my app 
proceeds appropriately.)

so... is there some run loop mode i have to be in to allow 
applescripts/apple events to execute? alternatively, is there some 
other way to keep the item in the main menu bar highlighted until my 
subtask completes executing the applescript?


On the other hand, if the user can continue using your app as 
normal, you should not show the menu item highlighted, because the 
user might want to choose different menu items.

On Jun 1, 2009, at 9:34 AM, wrote:

my app has a scripts menu item (in the main menu bar). the items in 
this menu correspond to applescript files the user has placed in my 
application support folder. when the user selects one of these menu 
items, i execute the appropriate script. i execute the script in a 
(sub) task (NSTask). i do it this way because i discovered (the 
hard/empirical way) that if an executing script, executes 
functionality in my app that calls -[NSScriptCommand 
suspendExecution], then the executing of that script will 
erroneously terminate early. using a sub task solves this problem.

in my app, when i launch this task, i register for the 
NSTaskDidTerminateNotification and in my notification routine, i 
display any errors returned.

this all works fine... except that as soon as i return from 
launching the sub task, the menu item (in the main menu bar) for 
the scripts menu un-highlights. i would like this to remain 
highlighted until my notification routine is called, in order to 
provide feedback to the user that his/her script is still executing.

is this possible? if so, could someone provide any code and/or 
documentation pointers?



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highlighting menu item in main menu bar

2009-06-01 Thread
my app has a scripts menu item (in the main menu bar). the items in 
this menu correspond to applescript files the user has placed in my 
application support folder. when the user selects one of these menu 
items, i execute the appropriate script. i execute the script in a 
(sub) task (NSTask). i do it this way because i discovered (the 
hard/empirical way) that if an executing script, executes 
functionality in my app that calls -[NSScriptCommand 
suspendExecution], then the executing of that script will erroneously 
terminate early. using a sub task solves this problem.

in my app, when i launch this task, i register for the 
NSTaskDidTerminateNotification and in my notification routine, i 
display any errors returned.

this all works fine... except that as soon as i return from launching 
the sub task, the menu item (in the main menu bar) for the scripts 
menu un-highlights. i would like this to remain highlighted until my 
notification routine is called, in order to provide feedback to the 
user that his/her script is still executing.

is this possible? if so, could someone provide any code and/or 
documentation pointers?


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Cancel button in NSSearchField

2009-06-01 Thread
my app contains an NSSearchField in the toolbar of the various 
document windows. and i have the various predicates of the search 
field bound to iVars in my app. additionally, i have my own predicate 
builder that lets the user build complex search predicates. when the 
user has built a complex predicate, i set the placeholder text of the 
search field to be Custom Filter.

all this works fine.

the problem is that in the situation in which there is a custom 
filter, there is no text for the search field, and thus the cancel 
button doesn't show. i've worked around this for now by having a 
Cancel Custom Filter menu item in the search field's menu.

is there anyway to get the cancel button to show if the search field 
has my special (Custom Filter) placeholder text?


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Re: highlighting menu item in main menu bar

2009-06-01 Thread

hi peter,
thanx for the reply.

i believe i understand your reply. i've never driven the run loop 
forward by hand before, but i think i could figure that out. but 
before i embark down that path, some quick questions that perhaps you 
could help me with:

1) if the executing script (from the sub task) causes my app to 
display a dialog that requires user input, would this be blocked by 
driving the run loop manually from within the initiating menu item's 
action method?

2) the reason i went to using a sub task was because of problems with 
-[NSScriptCommand suspendExecution] (see below). do you know if i 
might have similar problems if i'm driving the run loop manually? (or 
am i destined to go down this path and see what happens? :-( )


At 11:10 AM -0700 6/1/09, Peter Ammon wrote:

Hi Ken,

The menu item unhighlights after the menu item's action is finished.  
If user input should be blocked while the script is running, then 
you should register for the NSTaskDidTerminateNotification and then 
drive the main run loop forwards from within your menu item's action 
method, until you get the notification.

On the other hand, if the user can continue using your app as 
normal, you should not show the menu item highlighted, because the 
user might want to choose different menu items.

On Jun 1, 2009, at 9:34 AM, wrote:

my app has a scripts menu item (in the main menu bar). the items in 
this menu correspond to applescript files the user has placed in my 
application support folder. when the user selects one of these menu 
items, i execute the appropriate script. i execute the script in a 
(sub) task (NSTask). i do it this way because i discovered (the 
hard/empirical way) that if an executing script, executes 
functionality in my app that calls -[NSScriptCommand 
suspendExecution], then the executing of that script will 
erroneously terminate early. using a sub task solves this problem.

in my app, when i launch this task, i register for the 
NSTaskDidTerminateNotification and in my notification routine, i 
display any errors returned.

this all works fine... except that as soon as i return from 
launching the sub task, the menu item (in the main menu bar) for 
the scripts menu un-highlights. i would like this to remain 
highlighted until my notification routine is called, in order to 
provide feedback to the user that his/her script is still executing.

is this possible? if so, could someone provide any code and/or 
documentation pointers?



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Re: -[NSScriptCommand suspendExecution]

2009-05-16 Thread

At 1:36 AM -0400 5/16/09, Jim Correia wrote:

On Fri, May 15, 2009 at 12:26 PM, wrote:

 if i call -[NSScriptCommand suspendExecution] whilst execution a script
 command, i find that the executing script will still time out after 2

 is this a bug in cocoa? or a misunderstanding on my part about

A misunderstanding on your part about how things work.

i was afraid that was the case. not the first time i've had a 
misunderstanding! :-)

thanx for the reply,

Even if you -suspendExecution and later return a result, the timeout
that the sender specified when they sent the event - how long they
were willing to wait for either an answer or a timeout error - is
still in force.

- Jim


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-[NSScriptCommand suspendExecution]

2009-05-15 Thread
(note: i posted this to the applescript implementors list earlier 
this week, but i haven't received any replies. i'm reposting here in 
the hope that someone here may be able to help. my apologies if this 
is a violation of the rules.)

if i call -[NSScriptCommand suspendExecution] whilst execution a 
script command, i find that the executing script will still time out 
after 2 minutes.

is this a bug in cocoa? or a misunderstanding on my part about 


p.s. for the record, my code seems to work fine and the subsequent, 
matching -[NSScriptCommand resumeExecutionWithResult:] works fine and 
returns the appropriate result. i'm just surprised that the script 
still times out even though i've suspended the command.


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Re: converting a characer to a keycode

2009-05-11 Thread

At 9:27 AM +0200 5/11/09, Jean-Daniel Dupas wrote:

Le 9 mai 09 à 22:29, a écrit :

At 9:14 PM -0700 5/8/09, wrote:

ken wrote:

the only way i can think to perform this 
conversion is to itereate  over the virtual 
key codes 0-127 (with various combinations of 
shift and option keys) until i find the one 
that matches the user  input character.

and while this is certainly doable, it feels awfully clumsy (and
potentially slow).

is there a better way?

Create the inverse mapping once, e.g. in an 
NSDictionary, then use that mapping 
thereafter, instead of searching repeatedly.

This assumes there is an unambiguous inverse 
mapping, which ain't necessarily so.  For 
example, a keyboard with a numpad has 
duplicate key legends for all numpad keys.  I 
think these numpad keys have different 
keycodes than the keys in the main alphanum 
layout.  So given a character like 1 (or 
*, =, etc.) it's not possible to

reverse it to a single unique keycode.

thanx for the reply. and yes i am aware of the 
possible duplicates. i was just hoping for a 
better way other that iterating via 
UCKeyTranslate (which turns out to be fast 
enough, so probably no need to cache via a 
dictionary or otherwise).

An alternative would be to parse the UCHR 
resource yourself instead of using 

i actually thought about doing that... but since 
it was easiest to just use UCKeyTranslate (i had 
pre-existing code i could easily copy, paste, 
modify) to get my surrounding code working, i 
went with that initially with the intent to 
explore other solutions if performance was an 
issue. performance wasn't/isn't an issue, so i've 
left the simple approach in.

thanx for the suggestion.


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Re: converting a characer to a keycode

2009-05-09 Thread

At 9:14 PM -0700 5/8/09, wrote:

ken wrote:

 the only way i can think to perform this conversion is to itereate 
 over the virtual key codes 0-127 (with various combinations of 
 shift and option keys) until i find the one that matches the user 
 input character.

 and while this is certainly doable, it feels awfully clumsy (and 
 potentially slow).

 is there a better way?

Create the inverse mapping once, e.g. in an NSDictionary, then use 
that mapping thereafter, instead of searching repeatedly.

This assumes there is an unambiguous inverse mapping, which ain't 
necessarily so.  For example, a keyboard with a numpad has duplicate 
key legends for all numpad keys.  I think these numpad keys have 
different keycodes than the keys in the main alphanum layout.  So 
given a character like 1 (or *, =, etc.) it's not possible to

reverse it to a single unique keycode.

thanx for the reply. and yes i am aware of the possible duplicates. i 
was just hoping for a better way other that iterating via 
UCKeyTranslate (which turns out to be fast enough, so probably no 
need to cache via a dictionary or otherwise).


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converting a characer to a keycode

2009-05-08 Thread

i would like to convert a character to its corresponding virtual keycode.

the why: i allow users to specify keyboard equivalents for menu items 
(in a manner similar to xcode key binding preferences). for reasons i 
don't understand it works better use unshifted characters for the 
shifted numeric keys. ie, command-shift-1 works for me, whereas 
command-! (command-exclamation mark) does not.

additonally, my app is fully scriptable and i allow the user to 
specify the keyboard shortcut via an applescript. thus, i would like 
to convert a script specification of command-exclamation mark to 
command-shift-1 (command-shift-one).

the only way i can think to perform this conversion is to itereate 
over the virtual key codes 0-127 (with various combinations of shift 
and option keys) until i find the one that matches the user input 

and while this is certainly doable, it feels awfully clumsy (and 
potentially slow).

is there a better way?


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Re: virtual keycode to character

2009-04-30 Thread

At 7:22 PM -0500 4/29/09, Ken Thomases wrote:

On Apr 29, 2009, at 6:40 PM, wrote:

thank you. this solved my problem.

You're welcome.  I'm glad I could help.

and (i think) you've helped again. thanx. (see below)

and for the archives (to help anyone in the future), here is my code:

UInt32 deadKeyState = 0;
UniCharCount actualCount = 0;
UniChar baseChar;
TISInputSourceRef sourceRef = TISCopyCurrentKeyboardLayoutInputSource();
CFDataRef keyLayoutPtr = (CFDataRef)TISGetInputSourceProperty( 
sourceRef, kTISPropertyUnicodeKeyLayoutData);

CFRelease( sourceRef);
UCKeyTranslate( (UCKeyboardLayout*)CFDataGetBytePtr(keyLayoutPtr),
  [theEvent keyCode],

Why LMGetKbdLast rather than LMGetKbdType?  I think that the Last 
in LMGetKbdLast means former.  That is, if the keyboard is 
switched at some point, then LMGetKbdType gives the current keyboard 
type and LMGetKbdLast gives the previous keyboard type.

the documentation for LMGetKbdLast says:
The last physical keyboard type used.
i read that to mean the keyboard last used/typed on by the user, 
i.e., the keyboard used that triggered the current keyboard event. 
i'm assuming that you are correct and i've changed my code 


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Re: virtual keycode to character

2009-04-29 Thread

thank you. this solved my problem.

and for the archives (to help anyone in the future), here is my code:

UInt32 deadKeyState = 0;
UniCharCount actualCount = 0;
UniChar baseChar;
TISInputSourceRef sourceRef = TISCopyCurrentKeyboardLayoutInputSource();
CFDataRef keyLayoutPtr = (CFDataRef)TISGetInputSourceProperty( 
sourceRef, kTISPropertyUnicodeKeyLayoutData);

CFRelease( sourceRef);
UCKeyTranslate( (UCKeyboardLayout*)CFDataGetBytePtr(keyLayoutPtr),
[theEvent keyCode],


p.s. i realize this might have a bug if the unicode for the 
unmodified keyboard character is more than 1 unicharacter.

At 9:53 PM -0500 4/27/09, Ken Thomases wrote:

On Apr 27, 2009, at 7:46 PM, wrote:

in my app, i allow the user to specify keyboard shortcuts for menu 
items (in a manner similar to xcode). for the string passed to 
-[MenuItem setKeyEquivalent], i pass the string obtained from the 
current event via [NSEvent charactersIgnoringModifiers]. this works 
fine almost all the time. however, for some keyboard presses it 
doesn't work properly, namely for shift and some of the number 
keys, eg., command-! (command exclamation mark) doesn't work as a 
keyboard equivalent, but shift-command-1 (shift command one) does 
work. thus, i would like a reliable way to go from virtual keycode 
to the non-shifted character.

in searching the archives, this topic has come up several times, 
but all proposed solutions that i've found make use of one or more 
deprecated (in leopard) api calls. eg., LMGetKBDType or 
GetScriptManagerVariable, etc.

does anyone have a solution that doesn't rely on any deprecated api calls?

You can use TISCopyCurrentKeyboardLayoutInputSource to get the 
current keyboard input source.  Then, you can query it using 
TISGetInputSourceProperty with kTISPropertyUnicodeKeyLayoutData to 
get the 'uchr' data for that keyboard layout.  With that, you can 
call UCKeyTranslate.

By the way, LMGetKbdType is not deprecated, at least according to 
its declaration in the headers.  It is documented on a page which 
is, as a whole, marked as a legacy document.  However, I don't know 
of a way to obtain the keyboard type otherwise (except in the 
context of a Carbon event).



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virtual keycode to character

2009-04-27 Thread
in my app, i allow the user to specify keyboard shortcuts for menu 
items (in a manner similar to xcode). for the string passed to 
-[MenuItem setKeyEquivalent], i pass the string obtained from the 
current event via [NSEvent charactersIgnoringModifiers]. this works 
fine almost all the time. however, for some keyboard presses it 
doesn't work properly, namely for shift and some of the number keys, 
eg., command-! (command exclamation mark) doesn't work as a keyboard 
equivalent, but shift-command-1 (shift command one) does work. thus, 
i would like a reliable way to go from virtual keycode to the 
non-shifted character.

in searching the archives, this topic has come up several times, but 
all proposed solutions that i've found make use of one or more 
deprecated (in leopard) api calls. eg., LMGetKBDType or 
GetScriptManagerVariable, etc.

does anyone have a solution that doesn't rely on any deprecated api calls?

short of a better solution, i may just look at the keycode obtained 
from the event and check to see if it corresponds to one of the 
constants for number keys from Events.h.



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printer name via NSPrintInfo after running Page Setup

2009-04-20 Thread
after i run the page setup dialog (successfully), if i examine the 
name of the chosen printer (via [[printInfo printer] name]) should it 
reflect the printer chosen in the page setup dialog?

i'm not seeing this. in fact, i am seeing the same printer name 
before and after running the page setup dialog. i'm not sure if this 
has to do with the printer's i have setup on my machine, or if this 
is a bug (in my code or one of the system frameworks).

can anyone verify whether or not changing the printer in the page 
setup dialog should be reflected in the print info contained within 
the NSPageSetup sent to the page setup did complete method?


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Re: printer user friendly paper name to internal paper name?

2009-04-20 Thread

thanx for the response. its not clear from the documentation whether 
or not the name specified for pageSizeForPaper is an internal name or 
a user name.

in any case, i've solve my problem via methods i posted yesterday to 
this email list.


At 10:56 AM +0200 4/20/09, Daniel Demiss wrote:

I'm not quite sure if I got you right but:

Am 17.04.2009 um 23:24 schrieb

my app is fully recordable and scriptable. when the user changes 
the page setup, i am able to successfully record it and indicate 
the paper name chosen via -[NSPrintInfo localizedPaperName].

How about saving the return value of paperName instead, which
you could use in conjunction with NSPrinter's pageSizeForPaper:?
Validation of the string would be as simple as

NSZeroSize != [myPrinter pageSizeForPaper:userSuppliedPaperName]




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Re: printer user friendly paper name to internal paper name?

2009-04-20 Thread

for the archives... i received the following off-list and it is
exactly what i was looking for.

Just an idea, why not use:


and then loop through them all and compare what you have to:


you can get the PMPrinter from:


which you can get from

-[NSPrintInfo PMPrintSession]

At 2:24 PM -0700 4/17/09, wrote:

my app is fully recordable and scriptable. when the user changes
the page setup, i am able to successfully record it and indicate
the paper name chosen via -[NSPrintInfo localizedPaperName].

however, if the user attemps to write a script (either directly or
by modifying a previously recorded script), i need to validate any
paper name the user has specified. i don't see how to go from a
user specified paper name to an internal name such that i can call
-[NSPrintInfo setPaperName:].

have i missed something?



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printer user friendly paper name to internal paper name?

2009-04-17 Thread
my app is fully recordable and scriptable. when the user changes the 
page setup, i am able to successfully record it and indicate the 
paper name chosen via -[NSPrintInfo localizedPaperName].

however, if the user attemps to write a script (either directly or by 
modifying a previously recorded script), i need to validate any paper 
name the user has specified. i don't see how to go from a user 
specified paper name to an internal name such that i can call 
-[NSPrintInfo setPaperName:].

have i missed something?



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archiving NSPrintInfo created via initWithDictionary crashes

2009-03-06 Thread

on 10.5.6 the following code snippet:

NSPrintInfo* sp = [NSPrintInfo sharedPrintInfo];
NSDictionary* dict = [sp dictionary];
NSPrintInfo* pi = [[NSPrintInfo alloc] initWithDictionary: dict];
NSData* piData = [NSKeyedArchiver archivedDataWithRootObject: pi];

will crash with the following:

*** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 
'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '*** -[NSKeyedArchiver 
encodeValueOfObjCType:at:]: this archiver cannot encode structs'

with the call stack:

#1  0x96051e3b in objc_exception_throw
#2  0x96772eeb in +[NSException raise:format:arguments:]
#3  0x96772f2a in +[NSException raise:format:]
#4  0x9689935e in -[NSKeyedArchiver encodeValueOfObjCType:at:]
#5  0x96969a71 in -[NSValue encodeWithCoder:]
#6  0x967e6d2d in _encodeObject
#7  0x9685742d in -[NSKeyedArchiver _encodeArrayOfObjects:forKey:]
#8  0x96806146 in -[NSDictionary(NSDictionary) encodeWithCoder:]
#9  0x967e6d2d in _encodeObject
#10 0x946caa14 in -[NSPrintInfo encodeWithCoder:]
#11 0x967e6d2d in _encodeObject
#12 0x967e64a8 in +[NSKeyedArchiver archivedDataWithRootObject:]
#13 0x1f3e in main at main.m:19

however, the following doesn't crash:

NSPrintInfo* sp = [NSPrintInfo sharedPrintInfo];
NSDictionary* dict = [sp dictionary];
NSPrintInfo* pi = [[NSPrintInfo alloc] initWithDictionary: dict];
[pi description];
NSData* piData = [NSKeyedArchiver archivedDataWithRootObject: pi];

filed as radar #:  6656704

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multiple NSTextFields and undo problem

2009-02-15 Thread
i've got a window that has several editable NSTextFields (and other 
controls and views). if i do some editting in one of the fields and 
then select another field (tab or click another text field), as you 
can see in the below stack trace, this results in a call to 
-[NSUndoManager removeAllActions]. as i often have other undo actions 
for this window, and i use one undo manager for all activity for this 
window, this is destroying my undo stack! it seems to me that instead 
of calling removeAllActions while a text view resigns FirstResponder, 
it should instead be calling -[NSUndoManager 

#0  0x93389675 in -[NSUndoManager removeAllActions]
#1  0x906112e9 in syncTextWithTextView
#2  0x904b1b2c in -[NSActionCell setObjectValue:]
#3  0x904b1653 in -[NSCell setStringValue:]
#4  0x90633353 in -[NSTextField textDidEndEditing:]
#5  0x93320e1a in _nsnote_callback
#6  0x970e98da in __CFXNotificationPost
#7  0x970e9bb3 in _CFXNotificationPostNotification
#8	0x9331e080 in -[NSNotificationCenter 

#9  0x90632b93 in -[NSTextView(NSSharing) resignFirstResponder]
#10 0x905a8b0d in -[NSWindow makeFirstResponder:]

my original code for this window goes back to early 2006 and this 
(destroying the undo stack) wasn't happening then. unfortunately, i 
haven't fully exercised this code, with undo, since then, so i don't 
know when the change/bug was introduced.

i've filed bug id# 6589070 for this.

in the meantime, can anyone recommend a work around?


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Re: NSCaledarDate's deprecation

2009-01-23 Thread

At Thu, 22 Jan 2009 23:13:45 +, Benjamin Dobson wrote:

On 22 Jan 2009, at 22:52:56, wrote:

 in anticipation of the deprecation of NSCaledarDate, i am in the 
 process of converting my app to use NSDate and friends. and while 
 the process is mostly straightforward and not all that difficult, it 
 is tedious.

 when i think i'm done, i'd like to be able to do a fresh build and
  if possible have the compiler tell me any places i might have 
 missed... these would be places where i used a method of 
 NSCalendarDate that i missed with all my text searches.

 is there anyway to get the compiler to do this for me?

If you delete all occurrences of NSCalendarDate and what relevant code 
you can see, the compiler will pick up on undefined variables.

i'm not concerned with lagging instances of the text 
NSCalendarDate as i'm pretty sure i can find and fix all of them. i 
am concerned with missing a call to a method of NSCalendarDate. if 
this were a class of my own, then i would simply remove the .h/.m 
files from my project and the compiler would then tell me of any 
erroneous calls. but i can't do that with cocoa files/classes. and 
since NSCalendarDate is a subclass of NSDate, using an NSCalendarDate 
method on an NSDate object is perfectly legal at compile time. and 
this is what i'd like to catch at compile time, especially if i have 
(erroneously) cast an NSDate object to id in the past.


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Re: NSCaledarDate's deprecation

2009-01-23 Thread

At 6:39 PM -0500 1/23/09, Andy Lee wrote:

On Jan 23, 2009, at 2:45 PM, wrote:

At Thu, 22 Jan 2009 23:13:45 +, Benjamin Dobson wrote:

On 22 Jan 2009, at 22:52:56, wrote:

in anticipation of the deprecation of NSCaledarDate, i am in the  
process of converting my app to use NSDate and friends. and while  
the process is mostly straightforward and not all that difficult, 
it  is tedious.

when i think i'm done, i'd like to be able to do a fresh build and

  if possible have the compiler tell me any places i might have
missed... these would be places where i used a method of  
NSCalendarDate that i missed with all my text searches.

is there anyway to get the compiler to do this for me?

If you delete all occurrences of NSCalendarDate and what relevant 
code you can see, the compiler will pick up on undefined variables.

i'm not concerned with lagging instances of the text 
NSCalendarDate as i'm pretty sure i can find and fix all of them. 
i am concerned with missing a call to a method of NSCalendarDate. 
if this were a class of my own, then i would simply remove the 
.h/.m files from my project and the compiler would then tell me of 
any erroneous calls. but i can't do that with cocoa files/classes. 
and since NSCalendarDate is a subclass of NSDate, using an 
NSCalendarDate method on an NSDate object is perfectly legal at 
compile time. and this is what i'd like to catch at compile time, 
especially if i have (erroneously) cast an NSDate object to id in 
the past.

Once you cast to id all bets are off.  Maybe you could try a hack 
like temporarily removing NSCalendarDate.h, but even then there are 
other places where the compiler can't help you, like key paths and 
@selector().  I think if you want to be really, really sure you're 
going to have to grep your code for each of the 20 or so method 
names that are specific to NSCalendarDate and not NSDate.  Maybe you 
could write a script to do it.


thats what i suspected. thanx for the reply,

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NSCaledarDate's deprecation

2009-01-22 Thread
in anticipation of the deprecation of NSCaledarDate, i am in the 
process of converting my app to use NSDate and friends. and while the 
process is mostly straightforward and not all that difficult, it is 

when i think i'm done, i'd like to be able to do a fresh build and if 
possible have the compiler tell me any places i might have missed... 
these would be places where i used a method of NSCalendarDate that i 
missed with all my text searches.

is there anyway to get the compiler to do this for me?


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Re: NSTreeController delete slowness...

2009-01-06 Thread
this if primarily for the archives, but its not a complete solution. 
i've managed to improve the performance of deletes by a factor of 
4-4.5 by simply calling:

-[NSTreeController setSelectionIndexPaths: nil];
prior to actually removing objects from my bound set. note that this 
is still a little on the slow side (about .4 seconds to delete 603 of 
610 top level objects in an outline view), but its sorta acceptable.


At 3:50 PM -0800 1/1/09, wrote:

i received the following advice off-list:

IIRC, when you do set operations like that, it performs a remove 
for each item.  Try making a mutable copy of the content set, 
performing the set operation, and then setting the content of the 
controller with the new set.  That should wind up being faster as 
only one KVO notification will be sent rather than 600.

so i tried this. and while setting the content of the treecontroller 
directly did save a few milliseconds (of ~ 1.8 seconds), it did NOT 
update the mutable set the treecontroller is bound to.

i also tried getting a mutable copy of the set the treecontroller is 
bound to, removing the deleted objects from this set, and then 
(re)setting the iVar holding the bound set. and this again saved on 
a few milliseconds (of the ~ 1.8 seconds).

i've also tried unbinding the tree controller, deleting the objects 
from my iVar set, and re-establishing the treecontroller's binding. 
again, this only makes a difference of a few milliseconds (of the ~ 
1.8 seconds).

it still doesn't feel right to me that it should take ~1.8 seconds 
to delete 603 top level objects from an outline that contains 610 
top level objects. (fwiw, those 603 top level objects contain 1344 
second level objects out of a total of 1399 total second level 

i'm still hopeful someone can suggest something that will reduce 
this time to something reasonable and/or suggest something i should 


At 2:21 PM -0800 12/30/08, wrote:
i've got an NSOutlineView bound via an NSTreeController to a 
mutable set in my model. in the sample i've been exploring, my 
outline consists of 608 top level items in the outline, and only 
goes one level deep. each top level item has 2 or more children, 
and there are a total of 1393 children.

deletion can only happen for the top level objects, and when the 
user deletes one or more of my items, i create a set of the objects 
to be deleted and the call:

[myController removeProxySet: topLevelObjects];
the code for removeProxySet is:

- (void) removeProxySet: (NSSet*) inSet
[[self proxySet] minusSet: inSet];

where proxySet is simply the iVar mutable set in my controller that 
has my model objects.

this all works fine and when the user asks to delete one or more 
top level items, they appropriately disappear from the outline view.

however, it is rather slow!

when i looked at this with Shark, deleting just 2 of the top level 
items spent 750 ms in [NSTreeController setContent], which is 
called from Foundation NSKVOMinusSetAndNotify (in response to my 
call of minusSet). if i delete ~600 of the top level items, it 
takes 1.9 seconds!	there are obviously some calls to some of my 
code to access values for the various columns of the outline view, 
but the overwhelming majority of the time is spent in app kit and 
foundation code, mostly in tree controller and friends.

this is on a 3GHz MacPro with 6G of memory and a total of 4 cores. 
i don't believe the disk is being hit for any of this.

(fwiw, i obtained my numbers by putting shark into remote mode and 
simply starting and stopping it when deleting my items.)

this seems unreasonably slow to me. i realize that i'm not posting 
very much code, but since so little of my code seems to be involved 
in the slowness, i didn't think it really relevant. should i be 
doing something other than removeProxySet and minusSet?



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Re: NSTreeController delete slowness...

2009-01-05 Thread

i received the following advice off-list:

IIRC, when you do set operations like that, it performs a remove for 
each item.  Try making a mutable copy of the content set, performing 
the set operation, and then setting the content of the controller 
with the new set.  That should wind up being faster as only one KVO 
notification will be sent rather than 600.

so i tried this. and while setting the content of the treecontroller 
directly did save a few milliseconds (of ~ 1.8 seconds), it did NOT 
update the mutable set the treecontroller is bound to.

i also tried getting a mutable copy of the set the treecontroller is 
bound to, removing the deleted objects from this set, and then 
(re)setting the iVar holding the bound set. and this again saved on a 
few milliseconds (of the ~ 1.8 seconds).

i've also tried unbinding the tree controller, deleting the objects 
from my iVar set, and re-establishing the treecontroller's binding. 
again, this only makes a difference of a few milliseconds (of the ~ 
1.8 seconds).

it still doesn't feel right to me that it should take ~1.8 seconds 
to delete 603 top level objects from an outline that contains 610 top 
level objects. (fwiw, those 603 top level objects contain 1344 
second level objects out of a total of 1399 total second level 

i'm still hopeful someone can suggest something that will reduce this 
time to something reasonable and/or suggest something i should try.


At 2:21 PM -0800 12/30/08, wrote:
i've got an NSOutlineView bound via an NSTreeController to a mutable 
set in my model. in the sample i've been exploring, my outline 
consists of 608 top level items in the outline, and only goes one 
level deep. each top level item has 2 or more children, and there 
are a total of 1393 children.

deletion can only happen for the top level objects, and when the 
user deletes one or more of my items, i create a set of the objects 
to be deleted and the call:

[myController removeProxySet: topLevelObjects];
the code for removeProxySet is:

- (void) removeProxySet: (NSSet*) inSet
[[self proxySet] minusSet: inSet];

where proxySet is simply the iVar mutable set in my controller that 
has my model objects.

this all works fine and when the user asks to delete one or more top 
level items, they appropriately disappear from the outline view.

however, it is rather slow!

when i looked at this with Shark, deleting just 2 of the top level 
items spent 750 ms in [NSTreeController setContent], which is called 
from Foundation NSKVOMinusSetAndNotify (in response to my call of 
minusSet). if i delete ~600 of the top level items, it takes 1.9 
seconds!	there are obviously some calls to some of my code to 
access values for the various columns of the outline view, but the 
overwhelming majority of the time is spent in app kit and foundation 
code, mostly in tree controller and friends.

this is on a 3GHz MacPro with 6G of memory and a total of 4 cores. i 
don't believe the disk is being hit for any of this.

(fwiw, i obtained my numbers by putting shark into remote mode and 
simply starting and stopping it when deleting my items.)

this seems unreasonably slow to me. i realize that i'm not posting 
very much code, but since so little of my code seems to be involved 
in the slowness, i didn't think it really relevant. should i be 
doing something other than removeProxySet and minusSet?



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NSTreeController delete slowness...

2008-12-30 Thread
i've got an NSOutlineView bound via an NSTreeController to a mutable 
set in my model. in the sample i've been exploring, my outline 
consists of 608 top level items in the outline, and only goes one 
level deep. each top level item has 2 or more children, and there are 
a total of 1393 children.

deletion can only happen for the top level objects, and when the user 
deletes one or more of my items, i create a set of the objects to be 
deleted and the call:

[myController removeProxySet: topLevelObjects];
the code for removeProxySet is:

- (void) removeProxySet: (NSSet*) inSet
[[self proxySet] minusSet: inSet];

where proxySet is simply the iVar mutable set in my controller that 
has my model objects.

this all works fine and when the user asks to delete one or more top 
level items, they appropriately disappear from the outline view.

however, it is rather slow!

when i looked at this with Shark, deleting just 2 of the top level 
items spent 750 ms in [NSTreeController setContent], which is called 
from Foundation NSKVOMinusSetAndNotify (in response to my call of 
minusSet). if i delete ~600 of the top level items, it takes 1.9 
seconds! 	there are obviously some calls to some of my code to 
access values for the various columns of the outline view, but the 
overwhelming majority of the time is spent in app kit and foundation 
code, mostly in tree controller and friends.

this is on a 3GHz MacPro with 6G of memory and a total of 4 cores. i 
don't believe the disk is being hit for any of this.

(fwiw, i obtained my numbers by putting shark into remote mode and 
simply starting and stopping it when deleting my items.)

this seems unreasonably slow to me. i realize that i'm not posting 
very much code, but since so little of my code seems to be involved 
in the slowness, i didn't think it really relevant. should i be doing 
something other than removeProxySet and minusSet?


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problems debugging cocoa app w/ gdb

2008-12-09 Thread
for sometime now (i don't remember when this started, possibly w/ 
leopard or 10.5.5 or the previous dev tools update), i've been 
getting a number of lines like the following on the debugger console 
when hitting breakpoints:

warning: Trying to look up NSString in 'this' but 'this' is not an aggregate
warning: Trying to look up description in 'this' but 'this' is not 
an aggregate

warning: Trying to look up void in 'this' but 'this' is not an aggregate
warning: Trying to look up _pbxgdb_objc_dynamic_type in 'this' but 
'this' is not an aggregate
warning: Trying to look up _pbxgdb_objc_compute_super_class_list in 
'this' but 'this' is not an aggregate
warning: Trying to look up _pbxgdb_cf_introspect_string in 'this' 
but 'this' is not an aggregate

additionally, the variables pane of the debugger window (the top 
right pane) will show

incomplete type
as the value of many of my variables, usually scaler type (e.g., int, 
BOOL) or variables declared as: id.

i've been working around this via assorted NSLog statements, but its 
getting really old. a clean build did not make the problem go away.

i'm using 10.5.5 and objective-c++ and the latest release xcode tools.

can anyone suggest how to fix this?


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