Re: Core Data Form

2008-09-05 Thread Jim Turner

First off, unless you're doing something special you don't need to
create custom classes for each entity.  If your managed object really
is just slinging strings, leave the class as NSManagedObject and
create a new entity with:

NSManagedObject *hostObj = [NSEntityDescription
insertNewObjectForEntityForName:@Host inManagedObjectContext:[[NSApp
delegate] managedObjectContext]];

then set the values on that object with:

[hostObj setValue: hostString forKey:@hostStringKey];

Second, your +(id)addHostFromPanel: method is a class method yet
you're asking for [self managedObjectContext], which is an instance
method.  Basically, you don't have a properly initialized managed
object at the time you asked for the context it's in.

If you're set on sticking with the class method, you could do
something like the following:

// Written in TextEdit, forgive the formatting
+(id)addHostFromPanel:(NSString *)hostPanel name:(NSString *)hostName
ipAddress:(NSString *)ipAddress group:(NSString *)group
inManagedObjectContext:(NSManangedObjectContext *)objContext
self = [super insertNewObjectForEntityForName:@Host
if( self != nil )
[self setValue:hostName forKey:@hostNameKey];

return( self );

I'm not much of a CoreData ninja but I hope that helps.


On Thu, Sep 4, 2008 at 6:01 AM, Jon Buys [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have a problem with my app that is most likely very simple for someone
 with experience.  I have a core data based application that I would like to
 be able to add objects to via a sheet that drops down when the user clicks
 the + button (or presses Command-N).  On the sheet are two NSTextField and
 one NSPopUpButton, an add button and a cancel button.  From my AppController
 class I can get the values as strings that are entered into the sheet here:

 - (IBAction)endAddHostSheet:(id)sender

NSString *hostString = [hostNameTextField stringValue];
if ([hostString length] == 0)
NSLog(@the host name is %@, hostString);

NSString *ipAddressString = [ipAddressTextField stringValue];
if ([ipAddressString length] == 0)
NSLog(@the ip address  is %@, ipAddressString);

NSString *selectedGroupString = [groupsPopUpButton
NSLog(@the selected Group is %@, selectedGroupString);

// Do stuff to add to core data here...

[NSApp endSheet:addHostSheet];

//Goodbye, sheet
[addHostSheet orderOut:sender];

 But my question is, how can I add these strings to core data?

 My core data setup is very simple.  I have three entities (one which I'm not
 yet using) named Host, Group, and ContactGroup. Host has attributes
 hostName, ipAddress, and a to-one relationship named group.  Group has an
 attribute groupName, and a to-many relationship named hosts.

 I've defined classes for the Entities, like this:

 #import Cocoa/Cocoa.h
 @class ContactGroup;
 @class Group;

 @interface Host : NSManagedObject {


 @property (readwrite, retain) ContactGroup *contactGroup;
 @property (readwrite, retain) Group *group;
 @property (readwrite, copy) NSString *hostName, *ipAddress, *CPU, *RAM,

 +(id)addHostFromPanel:(NSString *)newHostPanel withName:(NSString
 *)newHostName andIpAddress:(NSString *)newIpAddress inGroup:(NSString


 I've was trying to add the hosts with the addHostFromPanel method defined
 above (with a + instead of a -), and implemented like this:

 +(id)addHostFromPanel:(NSString *)newHostPanel withName:(NSString
 *)newHostName andIpAddress:(NSString *)newIpAddress inGroup:(NSString
// Debug stuff
NSLog(@host name passed over is  is %@, newHostName);
NSLog(@ip address  passed over is is %@, newIpAddress);
NSLog(@the group passed over  is %@, newGroup);

// Here we go!
Host *host = [NSEntityDescription
 insertNewObjectForEntityForName:@Host inManagedObjectContext:[self
host.hostName = newHostName;
host.ipAddress = newIpAddress; = newGroup;

return host;

 But, when I try to call this method from my AppController to add the strings
 to core data, I get an error (as well as a compile warning) that Host can't
 find it's managedObjectContext.

 I'm very new to Cocoa (obviously), and right now I'm very confused.  I'm
 sure I'm missing something very basic here, but I've been stuck on this for
 a couple of weeks now.

 Thanks in advance for any advice.


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Re: Core Data Form

2008-09-05 Thread Jon Buys
 NSManagedObject *hostObj = [NSEntityDescription
 insertNewObjectForEntityForName:@Host inManagedObjectContext:[[NSApp
 delegate] managedObjectContext]];

Ahhh... there's what I was missing:  the [NSApp delegate] part of
declaring a new entity.  I'm not at my Mac right now, but I'll give
that a try tonight.

 then set the values on that object with:

 [hostObj setValue: hostString forKey:@hostStringKey];

Yep, that's what I've been doing, but I've been chasing the
ManagedObjectContext around.  I'm thinking that the example above will
fix that.

 Second, your +(id)addHostFromPanel: method is a class method yet
 you're asking for [self managedObjectContext], which is an instance
 method.  Basically, you don't have a properly initialized managed
 object at the time you asked for the context it's in.

Yea, I figured that wasn't right.

 If you're set on sticking with the class method, you could do
 something like the following:

 // Written in TextEdit, forgive the formatting
 +(id)addHostFromPanel:(NSString *)hostPanel name:(NSString *)hostName
 ipAddress:(NSString *)ipAddress group:(NSString *)group
 inManagedObjectContext:(NSManangedObjectContext *)objContext
self = [super insertNewObjectForEntityForName:@Host
if( self != nil )
[self setValue:hostName forKey:@hostNameKey];

return( self );

 I'm not much of a CoreData ninja but I hope that helps.


Awesome, thanks!  I think this will help out a lot.


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Core Data Form

2008-09-04 Thread Jon Buys


I have a problem with my app that is most likely very simple for  
someone with experience.  I have a core data based application that I  
would like to be able to add objects to via a sheet that drops down  
when the user clicks the + button (or presses Command-N).  On the  
sheet are two NSTextField and one NSPopUpButton, an add button and a  
cancel button.  From my AppController class I can get the values as  
strings that are entered into the sheet here:

- (IBAction)endAddHostSheet:(id)sender

NSString *hostString = [hostNameTextField stringValue];
if ([hostString length] == 0)
NSLog(@the host name is %@, hostString);

NSString *ipAddressString = [ipAddressTextField stringValue];
if ([ipAddressString length] == 0)
NSLog(@the ip address  is %@, ipAddressString);

	NSString *selectedGroupString = [groupsPopUpButton  

NSLog(@the selected Group is %@, selectedGroupString);

// Do stuff to add to core data here... 

[NSApp endSheet:addHostSheet];

//Goodbye, sheet
[addHostSheet orderOut:sender]; 

But my question is, how can I add these strings to core data?

My core data setup is very simple.  I have three entities (one which  
I'm not yet using) named Host, Group, and ContactGroup. Host has  
attributes hostName, ipAddress, and a to-one relationship named  
group.  Group has an attribute groupName, and a to-many relationship  
named hosts.

I've defined classes for the Entities, like this:

#import Cocoa/Cocoa.h
@class ContactGroup;
@class Group;

@interface Host : NSManagedObject {


@property (readwrite, retain) ContactGroup *contactGroup;
@property (readwrite, retain) Group *group;
@property (readwrite, copy) NSString *hostName, *ipAddress, *CPU,  
*RAM, *hardDrive;

+(id)addHostFromPanel:(NSString *)newHostPanel withName:(NSString  
*)newHostName andIpAddress:(NSString *)newIpAddress inGroup:(NSString  


I've was trying to add the hosts with the addHostFromPanel method  
defined above (with a + instead of a -), and implemented like this:

+(id)addHostFromPanel:(NSString *)newHostPanel withName:(NSString  
*)newHostName andIpAddress:(NSString *)newIpAddress inGroup:(NSString  

// Debug stuff
NSLog(@host name passed over is  is %@, newHostName);
NSLog(@ip address  passed over is is %@, newIpAddress);
NSLog(@the group passed over  is %@, newGroup);

// Here we go!
	Host *host = [NSEntityDescription  
insertNewObjectForEntityForName:@Host inManagedObjectContext:[self  

host.hostName = newHostName;
host.ipAddress = newIpAddress; = newGroup;

return host;

But, when I try to call this method from my AppController to add the  
strings to core data, I get an error (as well as a compile warning)  
that Host can't find it's managedObjectContext.

I'm very new to Cocoa (obviously), and right now I'm very confused.   
I'm sure I'm missing something very basic here, but I've been stuck on  
this for a couple of weeks now.

Thanks in advance for any advice.


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