An app I'm working on connects to our server with SSL. The production server 
has an SSL certificate but the development server does not. When testing new 
server code on the development server I initialize the NSURLSession with 
[NSURLSession sessionWithConfiguration:delegate:delegateQueue:], passing self 
as the delegate. The class implements 
-URLSession:didReceiveChallenge:completionHandler:, which diddles around to 
allow the connection to proceed without a certificate.

When I build and run the app in the Simulator, calls to -[session 
dataTaskWithRequest:completionHandler:] now complete with an error 
NSURLErrorDomain error -1005 (NSURLErrorNetworkConnectionLost) and the delegate 
method is not being called. The delegate method *does* get called when running 
on a real device.

This has worked fine in the past –both on real devices and in the Simulator– 
and still works fine on real devices running both iOS 7 and 8. I haven't had to 
connect to the development server for a while so the only change I can think of 
in that time is an update to Xcode 6.1.1. Have I missed something?


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