Re: Registering Clients using DO

2009-05-05 Thread Kiran Kumar S

Creating socket as below in the server side  gives the exception. Can  
any one guide why this happens so.

int newSocket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
struct sockaddr_in serverAddress;
int namelen = sizeof(serverAddress);
memset(serverAddress, 0, sizeof(serverAddress));
serverAddress.sin_family = AF_INET;
serverAddress.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY);
serverAddress.sin_port = htons(8081);
int yes = 1;
setsockopt(newSocket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, yes, sizeof(yes));
bind(newSocket, (struct sockaddr *)serverAddress, namelen);
listen(newSocket, 128);

	NSSocketPort *receivePort = [[NSSocketPort alloc]  
initWithProtocolFamily:PF_INET socketType:SOCK_STREAM protocol:0  
	NSConnection *connection = [NSConnection  
connectionWithReceivePort:receivePort sendPort:receivePort];

if i create the port as below then it doesn't gives the exception

NSSocketPort *receivePort;
NSConnection *connection;

NSRunLoop *runloop = [NSRunLoop currentRunLoop];

// Magic fix for socketPort/host leaks!
if ([NSHost respondsToSelector:@selector(_fixNSHostLeak)]) {
[NSHost _fixNSHostLeak];
if ([NSSocketPort respondsToSelector:
 @selector(_fixNSSocketPortLeak)]) {
[NSSocketPort _fixNSSocketPortLeak];

// This server will wait for requests on port 8081
receivePort = [[NSSocketPort alloc] initWithTCPPort:PORT_NUMBER];

// Create the connection object
connection = [NSConnection connectionWithReceivePort:receivePort

[receivePort release];
[connection enableMultipleThreads];
[connection setRootObject:[ServerObject sharedServerObject]];
[connection addRunLoop:runloop];
[connection setDelegate:self];
[receivePort release];


On 05-May-09, at 11:10 AM, Kiran Kumar S wrote:

hi ken,

So, the questions are: is -getServer called on the main thread?  Is  
the client object, the one which you pass to the server with - 
registerClient:. retained so that it is still alive when the ping  

the object i send is shared object, which exist until the  
application quits.


On 30-Apr-09, at 2:08 PM, Ken Thomases wrote:

On Apr 30, 2009, at 3:06 AM, Kiran Kumar S wrote:

On 30-Apr-09, at 12:03 PM, Ken Thomases wrote:

On Apr 30, 2009, at 12:47 AM, Kiran Kumar S wrote:

I am developing a client/server application using DO. In server  
an object is vended to be accessible by clients.In the client  
side i am accessing vended object and get required info from  
server.Every thing works fine. Until now my client queries  
server and server replies to that. But on serverside if any  
updates goes, i had to inform i thought of registering  
the client and ping the client for updates.So in Client side i  
get vended object and registered it to server.When my server  
pings the client its  giving error *** NSDistantObject  
initWithCoder: 0x1 not given away for conn 0xf8937f0

Can you break on this error?  On what line of code is it  
happening?  What's the backtrace?

this exception occurs when server pings,

2009-04-30 13:22:13.835 Project X[7044:10b] *** NSDistantObject  
initWithCoder: 0x1 not given away for conn 0x10c17ce0

It looks like the above is separate from the below exception,  
although probably related.  That message is far from clear.  An  
Apple engineer may be able to help.

It seems to be saying that it has received an object identifier  
(0x1) which doesn't correspond to any object that was sent out on  
the connection in question.

2009-04-30 13:22:13.836 Project X[7044:10b] NSExceptionHandler has  
recorded the following exception:
NSInternalInconsistencyException -- *** -[NSConcretePortCoder  
decodeInvocation]: no local target
Stack trace:  0xb5919a  0x94372e3b  0x95d8aeeb  0x95d8af2a   
0x90e847bc  0x90e8425d  0x90e8074c  0x90e8386e  0x90e8358d   
0x90e830be  0x90fc4395  0x90fc37ae  0x95d1a87c  0x95d1bf65   
0x95d115f5  0x95d11cd8  0x910e9480  0x910e9299  0x910e910d   
0x96bff3ed  0x96bfeca0  0x96bf7cdb  0x38de9a  0x96bc4f14  0x37225   
0x27a6  0x1
An Project X exception of type NSInternalInconsistencyException  

*** -[NSConcretePortCoder decodeInvocation]: no local target
Stack trace:
   1	+[NSException raise:format:arguments:] (in CoreFoundation) +  

   2+[NSException raise:format:] (in CoreFoundation) + 58
   3-[NSConcretePortCoder decodeInvocation] (in Foundation) + 1068
   4	-[NSConcretePortCoder decodeRetainedObject] (in Foundation) +  

   5_NSWalkData2 (in Foundation) + 1724
   6-[NSConnection handleRequest:sequence:] (in Foundation) + 78
   7-[NSConnection handlePortCoder:] (in Foundation) + 1149

Re: Registering Clients using DO

2009-05-04 Thread Kiran Kumar S

hi ken,

So, the questions are: is -getServer called on the main thread?  Is  
the client object, the one which you pass to the server with - 
registerClient:. retained so that it is still alive when the ping  

the object i send is shared object, which exist until the application  


On 30-Apr-09, at 2:08 PM, Ken Thomases wrote:

On Apr 30, 2009, at 3:06 AM, Kiran Kumar S wrote:

On 30-Apr-09, at 12:03 PM, Ken Thomases wrote:

On Apr 30, 2009, at 12:47 AM, Kiran Kumar S wrote:

I am developing a client/server application using DO. In server  
an object is vended to be accessible by clients.In the client  
side i am accessing vended object and get required info from  
server.Every thing works fine. Until now my client queries server  
and server replies to that. But on serverside if any updates  
goes, i had to inform i thought of registering the  
client and ping the client for updates.So in Client side i get  
vended object and registered it to server.When my server pings  
the client its  giving error *** NSDistantObject initWithCoder:  
0x1 not given away for conn 0xf8937f0

Can you break on this error?  On what line of code is it  
happening?  What's the backtrace?

this exception occurs when server pings,

2009-04-30 13:22:13.835 Project X[7044:10b] *** NSDistantObject  
initWithCoder: 0x1 not given away for conn 0x10c17ce0

It looks like the above is separate from the below exception,  
although probably related.  That message is far from clear.  An  
Apple engineer may be able to help.

It seems to be saying that it has received an object identifier  
(0x1) which doesn't correspond to any object that was sent out on  
the connection in question.

2009-04-30 13:22:13.836 Project X[7044:10b] NSExceptionHandler has  
recorded the following exception:
NSInternalInconsistencyException -- *** -[NSConcretePortCoder  
decodeInvocation]: no local target
Stack trace:  0xb5919a  0x94372e3b  0x95d8aeeb  0x95d8af2a   
0x90e847bc  0x90e8425d  0x90e8074c  0x90e8386e  0x90e8358d   
0x90e830be  0x90fc4395  0x90fc37ae  0x95d1a87c  0x95d1bf65   
0x95d115f5  0x95d11cd8  0x910e9480  0x910e9299  0x910e910d   
0x96bff3ed  0x96bfeca0  0x96bf7cdb  0x38de9a  0x96bc4f14  0x37225   
0x27a6  0x1
An Project X exception of type NSInternalInconsistencyException  

*** -[NSConcretePortCoder decodeInvocation]: no local target
Stack trace:
1	+[NSException raise:format:arguments:] (in CoreFoundation) +  

2   +[NSException raise:format:] (in CoreFoundation) + 58
3   -[NSConcretePortCoder decodeInvocation] (in Foundation) + 1068
4	-[NSConcretePortCoder decodeRetainedObject] (in Foundation) +  

5   _NSWalkData2 (in Foundation) + 1724
6   -[NSConnection handleRequest:sequence:] (in Foundation) + 78
7   -[NSConnection handlePortCoder:] (in Foundation) + 1149
8   -[NSConcretePortCoder dispatch] (in Foundation) + 142
9	-[NSSocketPort _handleMessage:from:socket:] (in Foundation) +  

   10   __NSFireSocketData (in Foundation) + 734
   11   __CFSocketDoCallback (in CoreFoundation) + 476
   12   __CFSocketPerformV0 (in CoreFoundation) + 133
   13   CFRunLoopRunSpecific (in CoreFoundation) + 3141
   14   CFRunLoopRunInMode (in CoreFoundation) + 88
   15   RunCurrentEventLoopInMode (in HIToolbox) + 283
   16   ReceiveNextEventCommon (in HIToolbox) + 374
   17   BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInMode (in HIToolbox) + 106
   18   _DPSNextEvent (in AppKit) + 657
   19	-[NSApplication  
nextEventMatchingMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] (in AppKit) + 128

   20   -[NSApplication run] (in AppKit) + 795
   21   -[MainApp run] (in Project X) (MainApp.m:506)
   22   NSApplicationMain (in AppKit) + 574
   23   main (in Project X) (main.m:28)
2009-04-30 13:22:16.422 Project X[7044:10b] *** - 
[NSConcretePortCoder decodeInvocation]: no local target

@implementation ServerObject : NSObject
-(void)registerClient:(idNetClientProto)client {

You didn't show the NetClientProto protocol, although I'm guessing  
it's pretty simple.

You didn't comment here.  I guess I was too subtle.  I was asking to  
see the protocol declaration.

	[serverObject performSelector:@selector(registerClient:)  

Why are you using -performSelector:... here?  What's the  
declaration of 'serverObject'?

Best practice is to have a protocol for each side of the  
connection, defined in a header that is shared between the code  
bases.  Then you don't have to relying on things like - 
performSelector:...  You could just invoke -registerClient:  

Such a protocol is also where you'd specify bycopy, oneway, and  
similar specifiers.

Furthermore, you should use -[NSDistantObject  
setProtocolForProxy:] for efficiency, and probably  
NSProtocolChecker (on the server side) for security.

Thanks , and i will probably implement this

It -- the use of a protocol and avoiding the need for - 
performSelector:.. -- may actually 

Re: Registering Clients using DO

2009-04-30 Thread Ken Thomases

On Apr 30, 2009, at 12:47 AM, Kiran Kumar S wrote:

I am developing a client/server application using DO. In server an  
object is vended to be accessible by clients.In the client side i am  
accessing vended object and get required info from server.Every  
thing works fine. Until now my client queries server and server  
replies to that. But on serverside if any updates goes, i had to  
inform i thought of registering the client and ping the  
client for updates.So in Client side i get vended object and  
registered it to server.When my server pings the client its  giving  
error *** NSDistantObject initWithCoder: 0x1 not given away for conn  

Can you break on this error?  On what line of code is it happening?   
What's the backtrace?

@implementation ServerObject : NSObject
-(void)registerClient:(idNetClientProto)client {

You didn't show the NetClientProto protocol, although I'm guessing  
it's pretty simple.

[clients setObject:client forKey: @C1];

All clients are recorded under the same key?

if(![timer isValid])
	  timer = [[NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:1 target:self  
selector:@selector(pingClients) userInfo:nil repeats:YES] retain];

-(void)pingClients {
[[clients objectForKey:[[clients allKeys] lastObject]] ping];

This is a strange construct.  I assume that 'clients' is a  
dictionary.  Have you tried just enumerating the dictionary objects  
and invoking -ping on each?

for (idNetClientProto client in [clients objectEnumerator])
[client ping];


	NSSocketPort  *port = [[NSSocketPort alloc]  
initRemoteWithTCPPort:PORT_NUMBER host:host];
	NSConnection *connection = [[NSConnection  alloc]  
initWithReceivePort:nil sendPort:port];

[connection setDelegate:self];
	[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self  
name:NSConnectionDidDieNotification object:serverConnection];

I assume you meant connection instead of serverConnection here?

[port release];
serverObject = [connection rootProxy];
	[serverObject performSelector:@selector(registerClient:)  

Why are you using -performSelector:... here?  What's the declaration  
of 'serverObject'?

Best practice is to have a protocol for each side of the connection,  
defined in a header that is shared between the code bases.  Then you  
don't have to relying on things like -performSelector:...  You could  
just invoke -registerClient: directly.

Such a protocol is also where you'd specify bycopy, oneway, and  
similar specifiers.

Furthermore, you should use -[NSDistantObject setProtocolForProxy:]  
for efficiency, and probably NSProtocolChecker (on the server side)  
for security.

 }...@catch(NSException *exception){

Have you considered logging here?

[self destroyConnection];
return serverObject;
NSLog(@server pinged);

Is your client then running its run loop, waiting to be pinged?  Is it  
the same thread and run loop where -getServer was called?



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Re: Registering Clients using DO

2009-04-30 Thread Ken Thomases

On Apr 30, 2009, at 3:06 AM, Kiran Kumar S wrote:

On 30-Apr-09, at 12:03 PM, Ken Thomases wrote:

On Apr 30, 2009, at 12:47 AM, Kiran Kumar S wrote:

I am developing a client/server application using DO. In server an  
object is vended to be accessible by clients.In the client side i  
am accessing vended object and get required info from server.Every  
thing works fine. Until now my client queries server and server  
replies to that. But on serverside if any updates goes, i had to  
inform i thought of registering the client and ping the  
client for updates.So in Client side i get vended object and  
registered it to server.When my server pings the client its   
giving error *** NSDistantObject initWithCoder: 0x1 not given away  
for conn 0xf8937f0

Can you break on this error?  On what line of code is it  
happening?  What's the backtrace?

this exception occurs when server pings,

2009-04-30 13:22:13.835 Project X[7044:10b] *** NSDistantObject  
initWithCoder: 0x1 not given away for conn 0x10c17ce0

It looks like the above is separate from the below exception, although  
probably related.  That message is far from clear.  An Apple engineer  
may be able to help.

It seems to be saying that it has received an object identifier (0x1)  
which doesn't correspond to any object that was sent out on the  
connection in question.

2009-04-30 13:22:13.836 Project X[7044:10b] NSExceptionHandler has  
recorded the following exception:
NSInternalInconsistencyException -- *** -[NSConcretePortCoder  
decodeInvocation]: no local target
Stack trace:  0xb5919a  0x94372e3b  0x95d8aeeb  0x95d8af2a   
0x90e847bc  0x90e8425d  0x90e8074c  0x90e8386e  0x90e8358d   
0x90e830be  0x90fc4395  0x90fc37ae  0x95d1a87c  0x95d1bf65   
0x95d115f5  0x95d11cd8  0x910e9480  0x910e9299  0x910e910d   
0x96bff3ed  0x96bfeca0  0x96bf7cdb  0x38de9a  0x96bc4f14  0x37225   
0x27a6  0x1
An Project X exception of type NSInternalInconsistencyException  

*** -[NSConcretePortCoder decodeInvocation]: no local target
Stack trace:
 1	+[NSException raise:format:arguments:] (in CoreFoundation) +  

 2  +[NSException raise:format:] (in CoreFoundation) + 58
 3  -[NSConcretePortCoder decodeInvocation] (in Foundation) + 1068
 4	-[NSConcretePortCoder decodeRetainedObject] (in Foundation) +  

 5  _NSWalkData2 (in Foundation) + 1724
 6  -[NSConnection handleRequest:sequence:] (in Foundation) + 78
 7  -[NSConnection handlePortCoder:] (in Foundation) + 1149
 8  -[NSConcretePortCoder dispatch] (in Foundation) + 142
 9	-[NSSocketPort _handleMessage:from:socket:] (in Foundation) +  

10  __NSFireSocketData (in Foundation) + 734
11  __CFSocketDoCallback (in CoreFoundation) + 476
12  __CFSocketPerformV0 (in CoreFoundation) + 133
13  CFRunLoopRunSpecific (in CoreFoundation) + 3141
14  CFRunLoopRunInMode (in CoreFoundation) + 88
15  RunCurrentEventLoopInMode (in HIToolbox) + 283
16  ReceiveNextEventCommon (in HIToolbox) + 374
17  BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInMode (in HIToolbox) + 106
18  _DPSNextEvent (in AppKit) + 657
19	-[NSApplication  
nextEventMatchingMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] (in AppKit) + 128

20  -[NSApplication run] (in AppKit) + 795
21  -[MainApp run] (in Project X) (MainApp.m:506)
22  NSApplicationMain (in AppKit) + 574
23  main (in Project X) (main.m:28)
2009-04-30 13:22:16.422 Project X[7044:10b] *** - 
[NSConcretePortCoder decodeInvocation]: no local target

@implementation ServerObject : NSObject
-(void)registerClient:(idNetClientProto)client {

You didn't show the NetClientProto protocol, although I'm guessing  
it's pretty simple.

You didn't comment here.  I guess I was too subtle.  I was asking to  
see the protocol declaration.

	[serverObject performSelector:@selector(registerClient:)  

Why are you using -performSelector:... here?  What's the  
declaration of 'serverObject'?

Best practice is to have a protocol for each side of the  
connection, defined in a header that is shared between the code  
bases.  Then you don't have to relying on things like - 
performSelector:...  You could just invoke -registerClient: directly.

Such a protocol is also where you'd specify bycopy, oneway, and  
similar specifiers.

Furthermore, you should use -[NSDistantObject setProtocolForProxy:]  
for efficiency, and probably NSProtocolChecker (on the server side)  
for security.

Thanks , and i will probably implement this

It -- the use of a protocol and avoiding the need for - 
performSelector:.. -- may actually be important for the correctness of  
the registration of the client.  So, you should try it to see if it  
fixes the problem.

Is your client then running its run loop, waiting to be pinged?  Is  
it the same thread and run loop where -getServer was called?

No,  client is not running in runloop, waiting to be pinged, can u  
please suggest me how to do this

Registering Clients using DO

2009-04-29 Thread Kiran Kumar S
I am developing a client/server application using DO. In server an  
object is vended to be accessible by clients.In the client side i am  
accessing vended object and get required info from server.Every thing  
works fine. Until now my client queries server and server replies to  
that. But on serverside if any updates goes, i had to inform  
i thought of registering the client and ping the client for updates.So  
in Client side i get vended object and registered it to server.When my  
server pings the client its  giving error *** NSDistantObject  
initWithCoder: 0x1 not given away for conn 0xf8937f0
I think my registering of client with server goes wrong , can anyone  
suggest me what i am missing here.If any sample code that would be  

main() {
int newSocket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
struct sockaddr_in address;
memset(address, 0, sizeof(address));
address.sin_family = AF_INET;
address.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY);
address.sin_port = htons(PORT_NUMBER);int yes = 1;
setsockopt(newSocket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, yes, sizeof(yes));
bind(newSocket, (struct sockaddr *)address, sizeof(address));
listen(newSocket, 128);
	NSSocketPort *serverPort = [[NSSocketPort alloc]  
initWithProtocolFamily:PF_INET socketType:SOCK_STREAM protocol:0  
	connection = [[NSConnection alloc] initWithReceivePort:serverPort  

NSRunLoop *runloop = [NSRunLoop currentRunLoop];
[connection setRootObject:[ServerObject sharedServerObject]];
[connection addRunLoop:runloop];
[runloop run];
@implementation ServerObject : NSObject
-(void)registerClient:(idNetClientProto)client {
[clients setObject:client forKey: @C1];
if(![timer isValid])
	  timer = [[NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:1 target:self  
selector:@selector(pingClients) userInfo:nil repeats:YES] retain];

-(void)pingClients {
[[clients objectForKey:[[clients allKeys] lastObject]] ping];

	NSSocketPort  *port = [[NSSocketPort alloc]  
initRemoteWithTCPPort:PORT_NUMBER host:host];
	NSConnection *connection = [[NSConnection  alloc]  
initWithReceivePort:nil sendPort:port];

[connection setDelegate:self];
	[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self  
name:NSConnectionDidDieNotification object:serverConnection];

[port release];
serverObject = [connection rootProxy];
	[serverObject performSelector:@selector(registerClient:)  

 }...@catch(NSException *exception){
[self destroyConnection];
return serverObject;
NSLog(@server pinged);


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Please do not post admin requests or moderator comments to the list.
Contact the moderators at cocoa-dev-admins(at)

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