Re: User interface validation doesn't work, right?

2009-08-23 Thread Houdah - ML Pierre Bernard

Just ran into the same problem and came up with HHValidatedButton:

Pierre Bernard

On Jul 1, 2009, at 11:24 PM, Bill Cheeseman wrote:

For years, the Implementing Validation section of Apple's User  
Interface Validation document has said  the following:

Before it is displayed, a user interface item checks to see if its  
target implements validateUserInterfaceItem:. If it does, then the  
enabled status of the item is determined by the return value of the  
method. You can therefore conditionally enable or disable an item by  
implementing validateUserInterfaceItem: in the target object.

This has never been true. Right?

My custom window controller implements the action method for a  
button, so it is the button's target, and it also implements - 
validateUserInterfaceItem:, all according to the User Interface  
Validation document. But my -validateUserInterfaceItem: method is  
never called.

If I want it to be called automatically, by analogy to - 
validateMenuItem:, I have to override NSWindow's -update method, by  
analogy to -[NSMenu update]. In my override of -update, I have to do  
for myself what the document claims already happens -- or I have to  
observe NSWindow's -NSWindowDidUpdateNotification. Right?


Bill Cheeseman


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Re: User interface validation doesn't work, right?

2009-08-23 Thread Bill Cheeseman

On Aug 23, 2009, at 9:39 AM, Houdah - ML Pierre Bernard wrote:

Just ran into the same problem and came up with HHValidatedButton: 

I actually came up with the answer after this thread died (only  
waiting for you to bring it back to life!).

It's way too complicated to spell it out here but, basically, - 
validateUserInterfaceItem: has replaced the old -validateMenuItem:  
method in Leopard and newer for menu items and it works the same way.  
But for user controls like buttons you have to declare your own  
protocol methods. It only takes half a dozen lines of code and it's  
real easy to do -- and it works perfectly. The only problem is that it  
isn't documented adequately, so you have to spend days find out how to  
do something that takes 20 seconds once you know how. Same old same old.


Bill Cheeseman


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Re: User interface validation doesn't work, right?

2009-07-03 Thread Bill Cheeseman

On Jul 2, 2009, at 8:38 PM, Quincey Morris wrote:

It remains totally mysterious what's going to cause individual  
validatable interface items to trigger their own validation. Perhaps  
there's no automatic general mechanism at all, and each interface  
item class has to solve the problem for itself

I would summarize it like this:

In the case of menu items and toolbar items, you have to implement - 
validateMenuItem: or -validateToolbarItem:, or their fallback - 
validateUserInterfaceItem:, yourself. In your implementation, you  
decide which items require validation by testing which action the  
current item sends (or, rarely, what tag it has). If you implement one  
of these -validate...  methods, it is called automatically by the - 
update or -validateVisibleItems mechanisms you described.

In the case of buttons, you likewise have to implement - 
validateUserInterfaceItem: yourself. But that isn't enough, because  
Cocoa does not call it automatically just because you implemented it.  
A generic solution is to implement the -windowDidUpdate: delegate  
method in your window controller, and in it loop through all the  
subviews in your window's contentView. In each iteration of the loop,  
call your -validateUserInterfaceItem: method, testing first to make  
sure the item implements -action and -tag and -setEnabled: (or just  
test whether it's a button, since all buttons do). If efficiency  
becomes a problem, take steps to reduce the frequency with which - 
validatedUserInterfaceItem: is called (every time the window updates  
-- that is, once every time through the run loop -- may be overkill  
for many validation scenarios).


Bill Cheeseman


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Re: User interface validation doesn't work, right?

2009-07-03 Thread Quincey Morris

On Jul 3, 2009, at 01:20, Bill Cheeseman wrote:

In the case of buttons, you likewise have to implement - 
validateUserInterfaceItem: yourself. But that isn't enough, because  
Cocoa does not call it automatically just because you implemented  
it. A generic solution is to implement the -windowDidUpdate:  
delegate method in your window controller, and in it loop through  
all the subviews in your window's contentView. In each iteration of  
the loop, call your -validateUserInterfaceItem: method, testing  
first to make sure the item implements -action and -tag and - 
setEnabled: (or just test whether it's a button, since all buttons  
do). If efficiency becomes a problem, take steps to reduce the  
frequency with which -validatedUserInterfaceItem: is called (every  
time the window updates -- that is, once every time through the run  
loop -- may be overkill for many validation scenarios).

You should test for the specific view classes you want to have  
validated (just NSButton, I think, but I may have missed something  
from earlier in the thread). Don't try to initiate validation on every  
item (even if it implements action, tag and setEnabled), because you  
don't know for sure what other classes may already have validation  
systems in place (like menus and toolbars do, though they of course  
won't be found among the subviews).

I would also check that the button *doesn't* conform to  
NSValidatedUserInterfaceItem, because if it does that certainly means  
it is already participating in a validation system being initiated  
elsewhere. There don't appear to be any such systems (apart from menus  
and toolbars) in the Cocoa frameworks under Leopard, but who knows  
what may change in the future?

Then the only danger is that if someone else (e.g. a 3rd-party  
framework) implements a validation system for NSButtons in the same ad- 
hoc way you're proposing, then your two systems will conflict.  
However, if that's the case, you probably won't know of it (except  
that validation will occur twice as many times), and there's not much  
you can do about it, so it's not worth worrying about.

When you invoke validateUserInterfaceItem:, your window controller  
also needs to make sure to send the message to the button's effective  
target, not to self, similar to what's described in: 

so the code will look a bit like this:

id validator = [NSApp targetForAction:[button action] to:[button  
target] from: button];
if ((validator == nil) || ![validator respondsToSelector:[button  

[button setEnabled:NO];
else if ([validator  
	[button setEnabled:[validator validateUserInterfaceItem: (id  
NSValidatedUserInterfaceItem) button]];

[button setEnabled:YES];

I agree that the frequency of the validation is a side issue, to be  
dealt with if there is a problem. In general, there may also be a  
problem with validation *not* getting called unless there is a window  
update, if the validation result might change when there is no visible  
change to the window. (I believe there's a flaw like that in the  
toolbar automatic validation, but I've never been able to pin it down.)


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Re: User interface validation doesn't work, right?

2009-07-03 Thread Keary Suska

On Jul 2, 2009, at 11:52 AM, Bill Cheeseman wrote:

On Jul 2, 2009, at 12:24 PM, Keary Suska wrote:

Because the two protocols in question are formal protocols, the  
@interface declaration must specify conformance. If it doesn't,  
then no assumption of conformance should be made. Pure and simple.  
Also, protocol conformance is not inheritable in Objective-C.

1. Taking that last point first, the Objective-C 2.0 Programming  
Language document says this: A class is said to conform to a formal  
protocol if it adopts the protocol or inherits from another class  
that adopts it. I believe, without checking, that this was true in  
1.0, also. I take that to mean that protocol conformance is in fact  
inherited. That makes sense, because a protocol is simply a promise  
that certain methods are implemented, and implemented methods are  
inherited by subclasses.

Yeah, I misspoke there. You are absolutely correct.

2. The key question for me is your first point.

The way I work around the lack of automatic validation for buttons  
is this: In my window controller, I implement - 
validateUserInterfaceItem: and declare that my controller conforms  
to the NSUserInterfaceValidations protocol. That's exactly what  
NSDocument does, as I understand it. Since user interface items are  
not automatically validated, I force validation by implementing  
NSWindow's -windowDidUpdate: delegate method so that it loops  
through all subviews of the window calling my controller's - 
validateUserInterfaceItem: protocol method. (I could use something  
other than -windowDidUpdate: to trigger the protocol method if  
efficiency becomes an issue, but at this point doing it every time  
the window updates works just fine. I am aware that Apple is  
struggling with efficiency concerns in automatic validation of  
toolbar items.)

Why not use bindings or KVO? They will likely be much more efficient,  
easier to implement, and provide more control.

Now here's my question for you: In my controller's implementation of  
-validateUserInterfaceItem:, I can either limit the items that I  
enable/disable by checking whether their class is NSButton (which I  
know responds to -action and -setEnabled:, and I can confirm that  
programmatically). Or, instead, I can limit the items by checking  
whether they conform to the NSValidatedUserInterfaceItem protocol.  
If I do the latter, I have to declare a subclass of NSButton and  
declare that it conforms to the protocol because NSButton does not  
itself declare conformance, and of course I have to set the type of  
my buttons to my subclass type in Interface Builder. Either  
technique works (I know because I've already done it), but testing  
for compliance with the NSValidatedUserInterfaceItem protocol  
somehow seems purer to me.

The whole approach seems problematic to me. I would say that you  
should use the API when you can, and work around it only when you  
can't (I am full of ambiguous maxims these days!) I.e., allow menus  
(includes popups) and toolbars and any other object that conforms to  
NSValidatedUserInterfaceItem proper (proper in the Objective-C view,  
as opposed to your view--this has been hashed out enough I won't  
elaborate) to use their automatic validation, and use a home grown  
solution for everything else. The latter solution also preferably  
working with the API rather than around it (e.g. KVO), because you can.

Where would you come out on this question? From your comments, I  
assume you would say I should not subclass NSButton and declare it  
as conforming. Then I would have to simply check whether the class  
of an item is the NSButton class. You might also insist that I  
should not name my validation method -validateUserInterfaceItem:,  
but something else such as -updateWindow, because I risk confusing  
people about what my controller really does. In that case, I'm back  
where most Cocoa applications were before Cocoa bindings were  
invented, declaring a custom -updateWindow method and calling it  
from -windowDidUpdate or whatever.

Yes, because as others point out, we don't actually know how (more  
importantly, when) validation is called, so we don't know how to  
duplicate it. I doubt that declaring conformance is sufficient.

I would prefer to do things the NSUserInterfaceValidations way, so  
that I'm ready when Apple gets around to making user interface item  
validation automatic, which I really think it ought to do (with an  
on/off switch). (Apple will probably say I should move on to Cocoa  
Bindings and get over it.)

I would agree with Apple, or as a concession, say use KVO.

Keary Suska
Esoteritech, Inc.
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Re: User interface validation doesn't work, right?

2009-07-03 Thread John C. Randolph

On Jul 2, 2009, at 10:52 AM, Bill Cheeseman wrote:

Apple will probably say I should move on to Cocoa Bindings and get  
over it.

I certainly would.


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Re: User interface validation doesn't work, right?

2009-07-02 Thread Bill Cheeseman

On Jul 2, 2009, at 12:02 AM, mmalc Crawford wrote:

On Jul 1, 2009, at 4:33 PM, Bill Cheeseman wrote:
But it doesn't work at all for user controls in general, and the  
docs are misleading (i.e., wrong) about that.

although I'm not sure I'd agree with Bill that the docs are *wrong*,  
they certainly could be more helpful in making it clear what the  
limitations are, so I'd still suggest filing an enhancement request.

Read my detailed response to Keary Suska, in which I trace out the  
documents. I can't see any way to avoid concluding that the document  
in question is wrong, pure and simple, and always has been.

(Hmm, or appending to 'rdar://problem/2801472 UIValidation: Need a  
bit more context', which is easily old enough to go to Summer Camp  
this year...)

I still have 9 or 10 bugs open from 2002

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Re: User interface validation doesn't work, right?

2009-07-02 Thread Bill Cheeseman

On Jul 1, 2009, at 9:15 PM, Keary Suska wrote:

So I think you are claiming this works because the documentation  
says so. I'm saying the documentation is wrong because it doesn't  
work. I would love to see a project proving me wrong. Can you show  
me one?

No, I am saying that it works as advertised for objects that it  
works for. NSButton is not one of them, and never has been. You seem  
to assume that all user interface items should, but they don't, and  
never have, and the documentation has never said that they did. The  
documentation is explicit:

The protocols NSUserInterfaceValidations and  
NSValidatedUserInterfaceItem provide a standard way to validate user  
interface items—that is, to set their state as appropriate for the  
current application context

Validation is not a function of user interface items, it is a  
function of the protocol(s) listed. Neither NSButton, nor any of its  
parents conforms to the protocol, so none of them support validation  
of this kind. Look at NSMenuItem, and you will see that it does, and  
that your validation method will always be called.

I'm not assuming that it works with all user controls. The document  
I quoted from says it does, explicitly and in detail, without  
qualification. All I asked in my original post is whether I'm correct  
in concluding that in fact buttons don't work that way. I understand  
that you've all confirmed that I'm correct in my conclusion. Thanks.

I must say, though, that I enjoyed your defense of the document. You  
said, in so many words, that it is true only for those user interface  
items for which it is true. That captures my complaint perfectly. When  
a general statement has substantial qualifications, the document  
should express those qualifications. Otherwise, as in this case, it  
fails to serve its purpose of educating people who aren't already in  
the know.

The document not only fails to disclose the qualifications; it  
affirmatively misleads by giving a detailed narrative description of  
how to do it in the general case. I followed the explanation in my own  
code precisely, and it simply doesn't work. In the The Target Object  
section, the document describes how to implement user interface  
validation in the case of a controller that implements an action  
method. It says that the controller should also implement - 
validateUserInterfaceItem: in order to enable or disable a user  
interface item. It says, for example, that if the method returns NO,  
the user interface item is disabled. Nothing in the document  
suggests that this is limited to menu items or toolbar items; instead,  
it refers repeatedly to user interface items. It goes on to give a  
code example for a subclass of NSDocument. The code sample works only  
because NSDocument is written to make it work (as some other document  
explains; I've forgotten which), but this document doesn't explain  
that rather important qualification. NSWindowController is not written  
that way, and it doesn't work, contrary to the The Target Object  
section's assertion that it does work for controllers and user  
interface items in general.

It doesn't help to refer me to the NSUserInterfaceValidations and  
NSValidatedUserInterface protocol documents, because that's where I  
started. They are ambiguous, and they're very short on explanation. In  
fact, I turned to the User Interface Validation document precisely  
because I was seeking clarification of the protocol documents. Telling  
me to go back and look at the protocol documents doesn't help.

The protocol documents say, as you noted, that they work together to  
implement user interface validation. They go on to state that The  
NSMenuItem and NSToolbar Item classes take advantage of these  
protocols. Grammatically, that sentence is written as if these are  
simply two examples of classes that do so; it does not state that they  
are the ONLY classes that do so. And the User Interface Validation  
document says that NSMenuItem is one example.

In trying to pin down whether buttons also do so, I looked at the  
NSButton Class Reference document and found that it expressly conforms  
to the NSUserInterfaceValidations protocol. I don't understand why you  
say it doesn't.

I did find it confusing when I read the NSMenuItem and NSToolbarItem  
Class Reference documents, which say that they conform to the other  
protocol, the NSValidatedUserInterface protocol. But this tends to  
suggest that NSButton will work, too, since NSControl, from which  
NSButton inherits, also conforms to the NSValidatedUserInterface  
protocol. It doesn't say so, but Apple's documentation has a long  
history of neglecting to mention all the protocols that a class  
conforms to. I was able to confirm from the NSControl Class Reference  
document, and you can too, that NSControl does implement the -action  
and -tag methods required by the NSValidatedUserInterface protocol.  
So, again, I don't understand 

Re: User interface validation doesn't work, right?

2009-07-02 Thread Andy Lee
On Thursday, July 02, 2009, at 03:48AM, Bill Cheeseman 
I'm not assuming that it works with all user controls. The document  
I quoted from says it does, explicitly and in detail, without  

This is why in my Radar I suggested the validated item terminology to 
indicate there is a special class of user interface items.  It seems obvious to 
me to follow the tradition of English terms matching Objective-C names very 
naturally: an NSTableView is a table view, an NSTextField is a text field, and 
an NSValidatedUserInterfaceItem should be a validated (user interface) item.

The protocol documents say, as you noted, that they work together to  
implement user interface validation. They go on to state that The  
NSMenuItem and NSToolbar Item classes take advantage of these  
protocols. Grammatically, that sentence is written as if these are  
simply two examples of classes that do so; it does not state that they  
are the ONLY classes that do so.

And it doesn't point out that they don't *always* do so (depending on the 
autoenablesItems and autovalidates flags).  I'm not saying that doc should 
repeat the details of menu enabling and toolbar validation, but I do think it 
would be worth adding links to the Enabling Menu Items and Validating 
Toolbar Items sections to provide some hint that there is a larger story.  I 
just submitted bottom-of-the-page feedback to this effect.

In trying to pin down whether buttons also do so, I looked at the  
NSButton Class Reference document and found that it expressly conforms  
to the NSUserInterfaceValidations protocol.

This is true but irrelevant.  NSUserInterfaceValidations is for the object that 
validates, not the one that is validated.  What this means is that if you have 
a menu item with an NSButton as its target, the button gets to decide whether 
the menu item is enabled.  But we don't know what logic it uses to do this, 
because NSButton's implementation of validateUserInterfaceItem: is not 
documented.  I would love to hazard a guess, but one doesn't come to mind 

I did find it confusing when I read the NSMenuItem and NSToolbarItem  
Class Reference documents, which say that they conform to the other  
protocol, the NSValidatedUserInterface protocol. But this tends to  
suggest that NSButton will work, too, since NSControl, from which  
NSButton inherits, also conforms to the NSValidatedUserInterface  

Well, it implements the methods, but since NSValidatedUserInterfaceItem is a 
formal protocol, I would say NSButton doesn't conform to it in the sense of 
[NSButton conformsToProtocol:@protocol(NSValidatedUserInterfaceItem)].  I agree 
it's very easy to be confused, because the implementation of item validation 
might or might not care whether the validated item conforms formally to the 
protocol, and this seems a natural thing for a button to do.

Since the docs in question are relatively small, very fundamental, and IMO 
potentially very confusing, it seems to me this is low-hanging fruit for 
Apple's doc team and worth addressing sooner rather than later.



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Re: User interface validation doesn't work, right?

2009-07-02 Thread Keary Suska

On Jul 2, 2009, at 1:48 AM, Bill Cheeseman wrote:

I'm not assuming that it works with all user controls. The  
document I quoted from says it does, explicitly and in detail,  
without qualification. All I asked in my original post is whether  
I'm correct in concluding that in fact buttons don't work that way.  
I understand that you've all confirmed that I'm correct in my  
conclusion. Thanks.

You have to confess that the docs don't say, all user interface items  
conform to the NSValidatedUserInterfaceItem protocol and therefore  
support validation. That is the only true *detailed* and *explicit*  
statement that would indicate such. Anything else is an inference,  
although a reasonable and understandable inference, considering the  
docs in isolation.

Your argument seems to make the case that the problem is precisely how  
the docs are *not* explicit, and therefore allow or encourage an  
incorrect inference. I agree, conditionally.

It doesn't help to refer me to the NSUserInterfaceValidations and  
NSValidatedUserInterface protocol documents, because that's where I  
started. They are ambiguous, and they're very short on explanation.  
In fact, I turned to the User Interface Validation document  
precisely because I was seeking clarification of the protocol  
documents. Telling me to go back and look at the protocol documents  
doesn't help.

Well, looking at the methods that both protocols does shed light on  
their purpose, as was explained by Andy Lee.

In trying to pin down whether buttons also do so, I looked at the  
NSButton Class Reference document and found that it expressly  
conforms to the NSUserInterfaceValidations protocol. I don't  
understand why you say it doesn't.

I defer to Andy's explanation.

I did find it confusing when I read the NSMenuItem and NSToolbarItem  
Class Reference documents, which say that they conform to the other  
protocol, the NSValidatedUserInterface protocol. But this tends to  
suggest that NSButton will work, too, since NSControl, from which  
NSButton inherits, also conforms to the NSValidatedUserInterface  
protocol. It doesn't say so, but Apple's documentation has a long  
history of neglecting to mention all the protocols that a class  
conforms to. I was able to confirm from the NSControl Class  
Reference document, and you can too, that NSControl does implement  
the -action and -tag methods required by the  
NSValidatedUserInterface protocol. So, again, I don't understand why  
you say it doesn't.

It's not a matter of docs, although it would be preferable that the  
docs *do* indicate every protocol. Because the two protocols in  
question are formal protocols, the @interface declaration must specify  
conformance. If it doesn't, then no assumption of conformance should  
be made. Pure and simple. Also, protocol conformance is not  
inheritable in Objective-C. Therefore, neither NSControl, nor  
NSButton, conform to the NSValidatedUserInterface protocol.

Keary Suska
Esoteritech, Inc.
Demystifying technology for your home or business


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Re: User interface validation doesn't work, right?

2009-07-02 Thread Michael Ash
On Thu, Jul 2, 2009 at 3:48 AM, Bill wrote:
 I did find it confusing when I read the NSMenuItem and NSToolbarItem Class
 Reference documents, which say that they conform to the other protocol, the
 NSValidatedUserInterface protocol. But this tends to suggest that NSButton
 will work, too, since NSControl, from which NSButton inherits, also conforms
 to the NSValidatedUserInterface protocol. It doesn't say so, but Apple's
 documentation has a long history of neglecting to mention all the protocols
 that a class conforms to. I was able to confirm from the NSControl Class
 Reference document, and you can too, that NSControl does implement the
 -action and -tag methods required by the NSValidatedUserInterface protocol.
 So, again, I don't understand why you say it doesn't.

Because it doesn't.

You seem to think that protocol conformance is simply a matter of
having declared the proper methods. That's not how it works. If you
check with -conformsToProtocol:, it will return NO. If you try to
assign to a pointer of type id NSValidatedUserInterface the compiler
will warn you.

Protocol conformance is a matter of having the declaration in the
header. Nothing else counts. Especially here, where the protocol is
obviously being used as a way to claim a particular behavior, not just
an ability to respond to certain selectors.

As proof, I submit NSObject and NSCopying. NSCopying contains a single
method, -copyWithZone:. NSObject implements this method. And yet,
NSObject does not conform to NSCopying, and if you try to copy one it
will fail.


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Re: User interface validation doesn't work, right?

2009-07-02 Thread Bill Cheeseman

On Jul 2, 2009, at 12:24 PM, Keary Suska wrote:

Because the two protocols in question are formal protocols, the  
@interface declaration must specify conformance. If it doesn't, then  
no assumption of conformance should be made. Pure and simple. Also,  
protocol conformance is not inheritable in Objective-C.

1. Taking that last point first, the Objective-C 2.0 Programming  
Language document says this: A class is said to conform to a formal  
protocol if it adopts the protocol or inherits from another class that  
adopts it. I believe, without checking, that this was true in 1.0,  
also. I take that to mean that protocol conformance is in fact  
inherited. That makes sense, because a protocol is simply a promise  
that certain methods are implemented, and implemented methods are  
inherited by subclasses.

2. The key question for me is your first point.

The way I work around the lack of automatic validation for buttons is  
this: In my window controller, I implement -validateUserInterfaceItem:  
and declare that my controller conforms to the  
NSUserInterfaceValidations protocol. That's exactly what NSDocument  
does, as I understand it. Since user interface items are not  
automatically validated, I force validation by implementing NSWindow's  
-windowDidUpdate: delegate method so that it loops through all  
subviews of the window calling my controller's - 
validateUserInterfaceItem: protocol method. (I could use something  
other than -windowDidUpdate: to trigger the protocol method if  
efficiency becomes an issue, but at this point doing it every time the  
window updates works just fine. I am aware that Apple is struggling  
with efficiency concerns in automatic validation of toolbar items.)

Now here's my question for you: In my controller's implementation of - 
validateUserInterfaceItem:, I can either limit the items that I enable/ 
disable by checking whether their class is NSButton (which I know  
responds to -action and -setEnabled:, and I can confirm that  
programmatically). Or, instead, I can limit the items by checking  
whether they conform to the NSValidatedUserInterfaceItem protocol. If  
I do the latter, I have to declare a subclass of NSButton and declare  
that it conforms to the protocol because NSButton does not itself  
declare conformance, and of course I have to set the type of my  
buttons to my subclass type in Interface Builder. Either technique  
works (I know because I've already done it), but testing for  
compliance with the NSValidatedUserInterfaceItem protocol somehow  
seems purer to me.

But then, as you point out, I am arrogating to myself the decision  
whether NSButton conforms to the protocol. It clearly does, in my  
view, because it inherits -action and -tag methods from NSControl, and  
I know they work. Therefore I don't have to reimplement them in my  
subclass of NSButton, although I am perfectly entitled under the rules  
of the language to re-implement them myself if I choose to do so. If I  
did re-implement them in my subclass, I would have every right to  
declare that my subclass conforms to the protocol, because I own my  
subclass. Implementing those two methods is all that conformance  
requires. Objecting to this approach if I simply rely on inheriting  
NSControl's implementations of -action and -tag seems like it's  
elevating form over function. In other words, I view NSButton's  
failure to declare conformance to be a bug.

Now, by my logic, NSControl also conforms, because that's where - 
action and -tag are declared. But NSControl does not implement - 
setEnabled:, so it wouldn't make any sense as a practical matter.  
That's just another way of saying that the  
NSValidatedUserInterfaceItem protocol is itself faulty, because it  
does not promise that a conforming class can actually enable/disable  
itself. (The problem is that different user controls that can be  
enabled/disabled use methods with different signatures, such as  
segmented controls. Therefore, to make my approach foolproof, I have  
to check not only for an item's conformance to the protocol, but also  
whether it responds to the -setEnabled: selector and any other  
selector that I know enables/disables a user control I care about.)

Where would you come out on this question? From your comments, I  
assume you would say I should not subclass NSButton and declare it as  
conforming. Then I would have to simply check whether the class of an  
item is the NSButton class. You might also insist that I should not  
name my validation method -validateUserInterfaceItem:, but something  
else such as -updateWindow, because I risk confusing people about what  
my controller really does. In that case, I'm back where most Cocoa  
applications were before Cocoa bindings were invented, declaring a  
custom -updateWindow method and calling it from -windowDidUpdate or  

I would prefer to do things the NSUserInterfaceValidations way, so  
that I'm ready when Apple gets 

Re: User interface validation doesn't work, right?

2009-07-02 Thread Andy Lee
On Thursday, July 02, 2009, at 01:52PM, Bill Cheeseman 
On Jul 2, 2009, at 12:24 PM, Keary Suska wrote:

 Because the two protocols in question are formal protocols, the  
 @interface declaration must specify conformance. If it doesn't, then  
 no assumption of conformance should be made. Pure and simple. Also,  
 protocol conformance is not inheritable in Objective-C.

1. Taking that last point first, the Objective-C 2.0 Programming  
Language document says this: A class is said to conform to a formal  
protocol if it adopts the protocol or inherits from another class that  
adopts it. I believe, without checking, that this was true in 1.0,  
also. I take that to mean that protocol conformance is in fact  

You are right on this one.  Besides being what one would expect (what I would 
expect, anyway), sending conformsToProtocol: to the subclass easily confirms it.

Now here's my question for you: In my controller's implementation of - 
validateUserInterfaceItem:, I can either limit the items that I enable/ 
disable by checking whether their class is NSButton (which I know  
responds to -action and -setEnabled:, and I can confirm that  
programmatically). Or, instead, I can limit the items by checking  
whether they conform to the NSValidatedUserInterfaceItem protocol.

If I may chime in (despite the fact that the question was for Keary): as you go 
on to point out, this brings us right back to What does it mean to conform?  
All the evidence indicates that Cocoa sends a conformsToProtocol: message.  
Note that NSButton returns NO for this despite implementing the methods in 
question.  This distinction matters because a protocol is slightly more than a 
promise that certain methods are implemented -- it's also a way of stamping a 
class such that you can ask at runtime, Does class X have 'Y' stamped on it?  
You could have a protocol with no methods for this very purpose.  (I feel like 
there is a common example of this in Cocoa but I can't think of it offhand, so 
I might be wrong.)

To look at it another way: suppose you wanted NSButton to implement -action and 
-tag methods for some other reason, but *not* be validated by this mechanism.  
The way to do it would be precisely what Apple's done: go ahead and implement 
the methods, but don't stamp NSButton as an NSValidatedUserInterfaceItem.

Getting back to your problem -- I personally would check whether the class is 
NSButton.  Although at first glance I would have rejected this as a kludge, it 
is not only the simplest solution that achieves your goals and expresses your 
intent, it is what you would be doing anyway by creating the NSButton subclass. 
 Instead of having code that checks for NSButtons at runtime, you would be 
manually picking out the instances of NSButton in your nib.

But NSControl does not implement - 

Hm, you know what, it seems odd to me that the NSValidatedUserInterfaceItem 
protocol doesn't include setEnabled: or some such.  The doc says, If no 
responder returns YES, the item is disabled.  But how can the application know 
it *can* disable the item, much less *how*, unless the item is guaranteed to 
implement setEnabled:?

Bill, although I think you are clearly wrong on some technical points, I agree 
wholeheartedly that the docs on validation need significant improvement, and I 
hope anyone else who agrees will file a Radar so it isn't just you and me.



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Re: User interface validation doesn't work, right?

2009-07-02 Thread Quincey Morris

On Jul 2, 2009, at 14:05, Andy Lee wrote:

Hm, you know what, it seems odd to me that the  
NSValidatedUserInterfaceItem protocol doesn't include setEnabled: or  
some such.  The doc says, If no responder returns YES, the item is  
disabled.  But how can the application know it *can* disable the  
item, much less *how*, unless the item is guaranteed to implement  

The answer to this is [obscurely] in the documentation: 

Before it is displayed, a user interface item checks to see if its  
target implements validateUserInterfaceItem:. If it does, then the  
enabled status of the item is determined by the return value of the  
method. You can therefore conditionally enable or disable an item by  
implementing validateUserInterfaceItem: in the target  
object. [quote #1]

IOW, it's intended that the object conforming to  
NSValidatedUserInterfaceItem should initiate its own validation by  
calling validateUnserInferfaceItem. It enables or disables itself by  
examining the return value, so it doesn't need an enabled property  
that can be set externally to it.

If the above is true, then I think it pretty much clears up a lot of  
the confusion generated in this thread.

However, there's more. Both of the protocol reference documents say  

By conforming to this protocol, your control can participate in this  
validation mechanism. To validate a control, the application calls  
validateUserInterfaceItem: for each item in the responder chain,  
starting with the first responder. If no responder returns YES, the  
item is disabled. For example, a menu item that sends the copy:  
action message would disable itself if no responder in the responder  
chain can be copied. [quote #2]

If the application calls validateUserInterfaceItem: for each item in  
the responder chain is understood to mean that something (e.g. NSApp)  
makes all the calls from a loop, then it clearly contradicts quote #1.

In fact, the answer can be deduced from: 

Menus and menu items respond to an update method that triggers the  
validation process. Something (presumable NSApp) presumable calls  
'update' for the main NSMenu, and the 'update' calls trickle down to  
the NSMenuItems, which then initiate their own validation.

A similar thing presumably happens starting from a windows NSToolbar.  
The example laid out in this document pretty much explains how it's  
implemented, and it suggests you could add similar functionality to  
other classes by adding 'update' to them via a category.

IOW, quote #2 is plain wrong -- nothing directly calls  
validateUserInterfaceItem: for each item in the responder chain.  
Probably, something calls 'update' for everything in the responder  
chain that implements 'update', but we don't really know how that works.

I really all makes sense, I think, although you could possibly argue  
that the whole validation architecture is a bit whacked, and certain  
argue that the documentation is royally whacked.


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Re: User interface validation doesn't work, right?

2009-07-02 Thread Quincey Morris

Er, sorry about all the typos in the previous post on this subject.

On Jul 2, 2009, at 16:33, Quincey Morris wrote:

Something (presumabl[y] NSApp) presumabl[y] calls 'update' for the  
main NSMenu, and the 'update' calls trickle down to the NSMenuItems,  
which then initiate their own validation.

A similar thing presumably happens starting from a window[']s  
NSToolbar. The example laid out in this document pretty much  
explains how it's implemented, and it suggests you could add similar  
functionality to other classes by adding 'update' to them via a  

On further reflection, neither of these statements can be exactly true.

We know that not every menu is validated all the time, so either the  
initiator of the validation process (NSApp? we don't know) filters out  
menus and menu items that don't currently need validating, or 'update'  
figures it out on a case-by-case basis.

Neither NSToolbar nor NSToolbarItem has an 'update' method, but they  
have 'validateVisibleItems' and 'validate' respectively, which seem to  
perform much the same role. It's curious that the strategy that the  
documentation explains (as an example) for automatic toolbar item  
validation *isn't* what toolbars actually use.

It remains totally mysterious what's going to cause individual  
validatable interface items to trigger their own validation. Perhaps  
there's no automatic general mechanism at all, and each interface item  
class has to solve the problem for itself. Or, the documentation could  
be construed to imply, any object in the responder chain that  
implements 'update' will be have its 'update' called automatically  
(when?), but that's more speculation than anything else.


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Re: User interface validation doesn't work, right?

2009-07-02 Thread Andy Lee
On Thursday, July 02, 2009, at 07:33PM, Quincey Morris wrote:
I really all makes sense, I think,

I think it makes the most sense if you figure out the validateMenuItem: 
mechanism, then figure out the validateToolbarItem: mechanism, then see they're 
closely related (no surprise, since menus and toolbars are supposed to echo 
each other), then come across validateUserInterfaceItem: as an attempt at a 
Unifying Theory as well as a fallback.

 although you could possibly argue  
that the whole validation architecture is a bit whacked, and certain  
argue that the documentation is royally whacked.

I remain optimistic that a cleaner, less confusing narrative can be told around 

On Thursday, July 02, 2009, at 08:38PM, Quincey Morris wrote:
We know that not every menu is validated all the time,

I think menus are validated (assuming autoenablesItems) when they are pulled 
down.  I forget where I get this from.

Toolbars are trickier, because they're visible all the time.  I think someone 
else referred to performance issues because this means toolbars have to be 
checked more often.



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User interface validation doesn't work, right?

2009-07-01 Thread Bill Cheeseman
For years, the Implementing Validation section of Apple's User  
Interface Validation document has said  the following:

Before it is displayed, a user interface item checks to see if its  
target implements validateUserInterfaceItem:. If it does, then the  
enabled status of the item is determined by the return value of the  
method. You can therefore conditionally enable or disable an item by  
implementing validateUserInterfaceItem: in the target object.

This has never been true. Right?

My custom window controller implements the action method for a button,  
so it is the button's target, and it also implements - 
validateUserInterfaceItem:, all according to the User Interface  
Validation document. But my -validateUserInterfaceItem: method is  
never called.

If I want it to be called automatically, by analogy to - 
validateMenuItem:, I have to override NSWindow's -update method, by  
analogy to -[NSMenu update]. In my override of -update, I have to do  
for myself what the document claims already happens -- or I have to  
observe NSWindow's -NSWindowDidUpdateNotification. Right?


Bill Cheeseman


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Re: User interface validation doesn't work, right?

2009-07-01 Thread Keary Suska

On Jul 1, 2009, at 3:24 PM, Bill Cheeseman wrote:

For years, the Implementing Validation section of Apple's User  
Interface Validation document has said  the following:

Before it is displayed, a user interface item checks to see if its  
target implements validateUserInterfaceItem:. If it does, then the  
enabled status of the item is determined by the return value of the  
method. You can therefore conditionally enable or disable an item by  
implementing validateUserInterfaceItem: in the target object.

This has never been true. Right?

No, I would say it is usually true, but not always.

My custom window controller implements the action method for a  
button, so it is the button's target, and it also implements - 
validateUserInterfaceItem:, all according to the User Interface  
Validation document. But my -validateUserInterfaceItem: method is  
never called.

Implementing the action method isn't sufficient, BTW. The object must  
also be the current target (i.e. first responder for nil-targeted  
actions, or designated target). Also note that not all user interface  
items do this--they must conform to the NSValidatedUserInterfaceItem  
(or NSUserInterfaceValidations) protocol, which IIRC NSButton does  
not. In fact, I think only menu items and toolbar items do.

If I want it to be called automatically, by analogy to - 
validateMenuItem:, I have to override NSWindow's -update method, by  
analogy to -[NSMenu update]. In my override of -update, I have to do  
for myself what the document claims already happens -- or I have to  
observe NSWindow's -NSWindowDidUpdateNotification. Right?

Keary Suska
Esoteritech, Inc.
Demystifying technology for your home or business


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Re: User interface validation doesn't work, right?

2009-07-01 Thread Bill Cheeseman

On Jul 1, 2009, at 5:56 PM, mmalc Crawford wrote:

It depends on the sort of user interface element.
This does work for menu items and tab bar items...

Hi, mmalc. It works perfectly well with menu items and toolbar items  
because they're specially coded to make it work. The docs are clear  
about that, and they're correct.

But it doesn't work at all for user controls in general, and the docs  
are misleading (i.e., wrong) about that.

Unless I'm overlooking something. I'm not overlooking anything, am I?


Bill Cheeseman

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Re: User interface validation doesn't work, right?

2009-07-01 Thread Gregory Weston

Bill Cheeseman wrote:

For years, the Implementing Validation section of Apple's User
Interface Validation document has said  the following:

Before it is displayed, a user interface item checks to see if its
target implements validateUserInterfaceItem:. If it does, then the
enabled status of the item is determined by the return value of the
method. You can therefore conditionally enable or disable an item by
implementing validateUserInterfaceItem: in the target object.

This has never been true. Right?

It appears that it only for UI items that conform to  


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Re: User interface validation doesn't work, right?

2009-07-01 Thread Keary Suska

On Jul 1, 2009, at 5:27 PM, Bill Cheeseman wrote:

My controller is the target, which according to Apple's  
documentation, and according to my understanding for many years,  
means simply that it implements the button's action method. My  
controller does in fact implement the action method. In addition, my  
controller is in the responder chain, which is demonstrated by the  
fact that the action method, which is connected to the First  
Responder proxy in Interface Builder, executes correctly when I  
click the button. Also, I declare the controller to conform to the  
NSUserInterfaceValidations protocol, which it does because it  
implements the -validateUserInterfaceItem: method. NSButton does  
conform to the NSValidatedUserInterfaceItem protocol, as its header  
file confirms, and it does implement the -action: and -target:  
methods required by that protocol.

So I think you are claiming this works because the documentation  
says so. I'm saying the documentation is wrong because it doesn't  
work. I would love to see a project proving me wrong. Can you show  
me one?

No, I am saying that it works as advertised for objects that it works  
for. NSButton is not one of them, and never has been. You seem to  
assume that all user interface items should, but they don't, and never  
have, and the documentation has never said that they did. The  
documentation is explicit:

The protocols NSUserInterfaceValidations and  
NSValidatedUserInterfaceItem provide a standard way to validate user  
interface items—that is, to set their state as appropriate for the  
current application context

Validation is not a function of user interface items, it is a function  
of the protocol(s) listed. Neither NSButton, nor any of its parents  
conforms to the protocol, so none of them support validation of this  
kind. Look at NSMenuItem, and you will see that it does, and that your  
validation method will always be called.

Keary Suska
Esoteritech, Inc.
Demystifying technology for your home or business


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Re: User interface validation doesn't work, right?

2009-07-01 Thread mmalc Crawford

On Jul 1, 2009, at 6:15 PM, Keary Suska wrote:

No, I am saying that it works as advertised for objects that it  
works for. NSButton is not one of them, and never has been. You seem  
to assume that all user interface items should, but they don't, and  
never have, and the documentation has never said that they did. The  
documentation is explicit:
The protocols NSUserInterfaceValidations and  
NSValidatedUserInterfaceItem provide a standard way to validate user  
interface items—that is, to set their state as appropriate for the  
current application context

The documentation does state that, and the reference for  
NSValidatedUserInterfaceItem further states:

The NSValidatedUserInterfaceItem protocol works with  
theNSUserInterfaceValidations protocol to enable or disable a control  
automatically, depending on whether any responder in the responder  
chain can handle the control’s action method. The NSMenuItem and  
NSToolbarItem classes implement this protocol. 


On Jul 1, 2009, at 4:33 PM, Bill Cheeseman wrote:
But it doesn't work at all for user controls in general, and the  
docs are misleading (i.e., wrong) about that.

although I'm not sure I'd agree with Bill that the docs are *wrong*,  
they certainly could be more helpful in making it clear what the  
limitations are, so I'd still suggest filing an enhancement request.
(Hmm, or appending to 'rdar://problem/2801472 UIValidation: Need a  
bit more context', which is easily old enough to go to Summer Camp  
this year...)



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Re: User Interface Validation doesn't work, right?

2009-07-01 Thread Andy Lee

On Jul 1, 2009, at 7:32 PM, Bill Cheeseman wrote:
NSButton does conform to the NSValidatedUserInterfaceItem protocol,  
as its header file confirms

According to the header file and documentation I'm looking at,  
NSButton conforms to the *other* protocol  
(NSUserInterfaceValidations), which is the one you implement when you  
want to validate, not be validated.

Nevertheless, I think I remember being confused by that documentation  
in exactly the same way, and I think it is very much worth a Radar.   
I've submitted rdar://problem/7026464, in which I make the following  

* Instead of the very general term user interface items , introduce  
the term *validated* user interface items, or simply validated  
items, which describes them precisely and forms a clear association  
with the protocol name PSValidatedUserInterfaceItem.

* Use the terms consistently everywhere -- on the Implementing a  
Validated Item page the term validated objects is used.

* To avoid confusion, make it clear that only NSMenuItem and  
NSToolbarItem (or whatever the list is) are validating [sic -- d'oh]  
items, though of course developers can implement others.

...I read mmalc's post before submitting the Radar (in fact I referred  
to the rdar he mentioned) but it only just now registered that he  
quotes a part of the docs that sort of says the thing about NSMenuItem  
and NSToolbarItem.  But still I think it could be clearer, and might  
be worth stating in more than one place.



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