Le 19 sept. 08 à 11:22, Nick Rogers a écrit :

My cocoa app is not a document based app, but saves a binary file to the disk. I can set this file's name and extension and icon by going to the Target properties and adding a new document type there.

It was working fine and the resulting saved file was given the required icon.

But then I had to embed my app into another app directory, since then its not working (no icon is associated now).

The directory structure is now:
So the inner app's saved file now doesn't display the required icon.

Will this problem be resolved if I set the icon programatically?
How to go about this?


Look like LaunchServices does not find you application and does not register it. You may try to register it manually at first launch in you outer app using: LSRegisterURL((CFURLRef)myInnerAppNSUrl, false);


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