Re: FOP problems with Unix

2003-06-18 Thread John R. Callahan
I've had this problem many times: you need an X windows
display (the DISPLAY environment variable) set to a viable
display (like localhost:0.0) first OR use the headless Java
stuff in JDK 1.4 (see the Cocoon install notes or Wiki).

-- jack

John R. Callahan, Ph.D.
Sphere Software Corporation

- Original Message -
From: Carmona Perez, David [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, June 18, 2003 10:40 AM
Subject: FOP problems with Unix

 Hi all,

 I have a strange problem.  Under Windows, everything works ok, the FOP serializer 
 creates a PDF file.

 But under Unix, some files are converted ok and some aren't.

 The FOP xml file created by the pipeline is the same. I've tried to convert it to 
 pdf by invoking directly FOP through a command
line and it works.

 So it must be something related to the interface between FOP and Cocoon.  In 
 addition, I don't get any error message in the logs.

 I'm using Cocoon 2.0.4

 Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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Re: Joint DC SGML/XML and Linux Users Groups meeting TONIGHT (7pm EDT)

2003-02-19 Thread John R. Callahan
Advice on parking: Use the Metro :-) (Dupont Circle Q Street exit)

Seriously, there is a parking garage across the street.  Here is Betty's
note below (which you might have received if you are on the DC SGML/XML
mailing list).

See you there!  I have to run NOW and catch the train!

-- jack

John R. Callahan, Ph.D.
Sphere Software Corporation - The Intelligence of XML

I just spoke with Jon Sears, AGU, and confirmed that tonights meeting
can still be held.   He suggested that you plan on taking the Metro
or parking in the parking barn across the street ($8) because street
parking is still a problem.  He also said the sidewalks are still
a little bit icy.  Hopefully with the sun coming out this situation
will ease today.

I haven't received the books from the publisher yet but that is 
understandable considering the weather.  We will still raffle off
the books and I will mail them to the winners if they aren't received

Currently we have 60 people registered for tonights meeting.  Again
the URL is or
you can link to it frm

See you this evening.


Betty Harvey | Phone: 410-787-9200 FAX: 9830 
Electronic Commerce Connection, Inc. |
URL:  |


Xmlusers mailing list

- Original Message - 
From: Geoff Howard [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, February 19, 2003 8:06 AM
Subject: Re: Joint DC SGML/XML and Linux Users Groups meeting TONIGHT (7pm EDT)

 I guess that means it's not cancelled!  See you there.  (Any advice on 
 parking given the snow?)
 At 10:36 AM 2/19/2003, you wrote:
 If you live in the Baltimore-Washington DC USA area...
 Just a reminder that I will be giving a talk on Cocoon at the joint
 meeting of the DC SGML/XML and Linux Users Groups.  For
 more information see
 Don't forget to register online at
 (it's because of building security at the AGU - it's DC after all :-| )
 -- jack
 John Callahan
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subsitemaps from JAR files

2003-02-05 Thread John R. Callahan
I was exploring a way of distributing a REST-style
set of web services within any Cocoon application
when I stumbled across this quirk: the src attribute
on map:mount does not use the normal SourceResolver
but rather it uses the standard resolver.
Thus, I wanted to say:

 map:match pattern=svc/*
  map:mount uri-prefix=svc check-reload=no

But got an error (no such protocol as resource:).
So I tried:

 map:match pattern=svc/*
  map:mount uri-prefix=svc check-reload=no

And it worked but it's a kludge (you can use {context} in a
request action to eliminate the webapp name).  Using the subsitemap
in the JAR file is interesting because file references are relative
to the JAR file, so you have to be careful.

Is there a better way to do this?  Could map:mount use
the SourceResolver instead?  Will blocks solve this
problem or are they geared toward encapsulation of
components only?

Just curious...

-- jack

John R. Callahan, Ph.D.

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Re: Cocoon 2 via command line Baltimore CHUG

2003-02-05 Thread John R. Callahan

We're actually located in Columbia, Maryland
but I attend Baltimore and D.C. user group events
for Java and XML respectively.

I am going to recommend that a Baltimore/Washington
CHUG be formed at my talk on Feb 19th and meet
in Columbia as a half way point.

On the other hand, there are many Northern Virginia
people for whom Columbia would be a problem.
We'll have to put it to a vote.

Please come to the D.C. XML User's group meeting
if you can make it on Feb 19th.

-- jack

John R. Callahan, Ph.D.

- Original Message - 
From: Horsfield, Peter A. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, February 03, 2003 4:13 PM
Subject: Cocoon 2 via command line  Baltimore CHUG

 Hi everybody. 
 I encountered the need to execute Cocoon from the command line. I'm not
 aware of 
 whether this functionality has been deprecated or not, but I couldn't for
 the life of me
 find any info anywhere. 
 So I posted some details up on the wiki. This is my first post so don't be
 too harsh :)
 It's not linked from anywhere.
 Completely unrelated note, I'm working just outside Baltimore, so I'd
 definitely be up
 for a user group.
 Peter Horsfield
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Schematron transform in a Cocoon pipeline

2003-01-21 Thread John R. Callahan
This seems too simple, but I wanted to see if I could
use Schematron generated XSLT to validate some
XML in a Cocoon pipeline.  This might be used for
validating uploaded  XML files for example.

I downloaded the latest Schematron skeleton (1.5),
then generated some XSLT from a set of assertions,
and then put it into a transform in a pipeline with some

map:match pattern=*.xml
  map:generate src={1}.xml/
  map:transform src=asserts1.xsl/
  map:serialize type=xml/

!-- build the Schematron generated XSLT --
map:match pattern=asserts1.xsl
  map:generate src=asserts1.sch/
  map:transform src=skeleton1-5.xsl/
  map:transform src=store.xsl
  map:parameter name=file value=asserts1.xsl/
  map:parameter name=dir value=./
  map:transform type=write-source/
  map:serialize type=xml/

(see below for the source code for store.xsl)

Unfortunately, the Schematron skeleton puts out plain
text messages so the output from data1.xml isn't well-formed
XML.  What I wanted was a series of applicable 
Schematron messages as XML output.  So, I altered
the skeleton somewhat and now I works!

My alterations to the skeleton were pretty simple:

(1)  Add the following template:

xsl:template match=sch:error | error mode=text
 xsl:copy-of select=./

(2) Wrap a sch:results around the / template:

  axsl:template match=/
  xsl:call-template name=process-root

Finally, you must wrap all messages in the .sch file with
sch:error.../sch:error as follows:

sch:schema xmlns:sch=;
sch:assert test=(@Title = 'Mr' and Sex = 'Male') or @Title != 'Mr'
  sch:errorIf the Title is Mr then the sex of the person must be 


-- jack

(The XSLT file store.xsl is my own brew to wrap an
element around the input source for use by the subsequent

?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
!-- CVS: $Id: store.xsl,v 1.1 2002/12/16 11:04:11 callahan Exp $ --

xsl:stylesheet version=1.0 xmlns:xsl=;

xsl:param name=file select='foo'/
xsl:param name=dir select='foo'/

xsl:template match=/
source:write xmlns:source=;
 source:sourcexsl:value-of select=$dir//xsl:value-of 
 xsl:copy-of select=./


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Cocoon tutorial available at and

2002-12-24 Thread John R. Callahan
FYI... I have written a brief article on Cocoon (with tutorial and
downloadable demo).  The article is available at:

The associated demo is available at:

The demo is meant to be installed as a webapps subdirectory (no, not as a
war file)
in Tomcat 4.0.6.  The file includes everything you need (all jar
files, etc.)
and could even serve as a minimal Cocoon application for beginners.  It is
on 2.1dev and requires JDK1.3.  I've tested it with Tomcat 4.0.6 and Resin

(I've also got PPT slides to accompany the article if anyone wants them :-p)

Thanks for Carsten, Matthew, Lajos and Jeremy for their inspiring and
helpful books!


-- jack

John R. Callahan, Ph.D.
Sphere Software Corporation ( - The Intelligence of XML
410-772-9740 x1116
509-352-1536 (eFax)

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Re: Use of SessionPropagatorAction

2002-12-24 Thread John R. Callahan
Hey Malick!

(We met at the DC XML User's Group last month)...

I am not familiar with the SessionPropagatorAction, but I recommend
that you take a look at the authentication-fw (Authentication framework)
in Cocoon 2.1dev.  Instead of the default authentication handler as found
in the examples, you can use your login.asp service to authenticate users.

Here is an example:

 !-- The file-based authentication resource from the auth-fw sample --
 map:match pattern=authenticate
   map:generate src=xml/userlist.xml/
   map:transform src=xsl/authenticate.xsl
 map:parameter name=use-request-parameters value=true/
   map:serialize type=xml/

 !-- This is the eXSP authentication resource --
 map:match pattern=yourauthhandler
 map:parameter name=parameters value=true/
 map:transform src=asp2authfw.xsl/
 map:serialize type=xml/
   map:read src=nullauth.xml/

Mind you, this is just off the top of my head.  You might
still have to worry about URLEncoding issues, etc.  But
you should get the basic idea.  Check out the auth-fw in
the Cocoon samples first.  I made some additional
comments to your email below.

Take care and see you next month...

-- jack

John R. Callahan, Ph.D.
Sphere Software Corporation ( - The Intelligence of XML
509-352-1536 (eFax)
410-598-2157 (cell)

- Original Message -
From: Malick Fall [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, December 18, 2002 7:20 PM
Subject: Use of SessionPropagatorAction

 Hi all,

 I am a new Cocoon user trying to build a Web application.

 Do you have some examples on how to use your SessionPropagatorAction.

 I have an http service responsible for Authenticating my users.

 My sitemap looks like this:

 map:match pattern=
 map:act type=request
 map:parameter name=parameters value=true/
 map:parameter name=default.user value=foo/
 map:parameter name=default.pwd value=bar/
 map:serialize type=xml/

This won't work anyway because it is syntactically incorrect.  The map:act
must contain
a complete pipeline (that's a Cocoon pipeline not a map:pipeline) and what
follows the
map:act must also be a complete pipeline (either a redirect-to, read, or
generate-transform(s)-serialize sequence.

 So I send the username and password to the Http service and get XML back
 the user info if the Authentication was successful. Something like


 Otherwise you get an userinfo element with an error code/message in it
 errormsgWrong username/password, try again./errormsg

 At this point I need to store in the session the username, password,
 sessionID and a flag that proves that the authentication was successful.
 cannot happen in an XSP because my Authentication service is HTTP, which
 becomes a generator in my sitemap.

 After my generator I would like to store /userinfo/userid and
 userinfo/password in the session. So I can check is the user was
 authenticated B4 letting them go through any other pipeline.

 I figured SessionPropagatorAction should be the answer, but I cannot
 out where and how to use it.

 map:act type=session-propagator
   paramater name=user value={/userinfo/userid}
   paramater name=pwd value={/userinfo/password}
 paramater name=sessionID value=???

 Any help would be greatly appreciated.

 Thanks, Cocoon *Really Rocks*


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