As a newbie to the Cocoon world, I've been struggling to get up to speed. I
can certainly sympathize with some of the comments about Cocoon's
documentation issues as I'm struggling with them myself right now.

I do have one suggestion for whoever is responsible for maintaining the websites:

Many of the pages have severe issues with page widths. For example, if you
go to, you'll find the
the pages are much wider than the browser screen width (same problem in both
IE and Netscape). It's _very_ hard to read these pages and you can't really
print them at all (half the text is missing off of the side of the page).
There are many of these pages scattered throughout the site.

This is sounds like a small thing, but this information isn't available
anywhere else and it's extremely hard to get it from the one place it is
available. I finally resorted to cutting and pasting the text into Word so I
could print it.

Also making these pages available as PDF files for easy printing would be
wonderful as well. I've read messages that seem to discuss a new
documentation method coming in the future and maybe that will solve the
problem, but simply fixing the webpages would be much appreciated.


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