Re: Child name 'localhost' is not unique

2002-02-05 Thread Steve Barnes

 Apache won't deploy Cocoon and it seems to boil down to this error
 message (where dell is the localhost name):

 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: addChild:  Child name 'dell' is

For other strugglers who may have this error message, the problem was 
that I did not have the line: localhost

in my /etc/hosts file.

Now with

ServerName localhost


WebAppConnection warpConnection warp localhost:8008

in httpd.conf

AND with (as mentioned often elsewhere)

Xvfb :1 -screen 0 800x600x8 
export DISPLAY=:1

at the start of the tomcat4 start script,

I'm actually (whoopee!) getting a connection to Cocoon.

All that's left now is to find out why the tomcat4 start script has 
started giving the warning:

Could not init font path element /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/CID/, removing 
from list

and why I'm getting:

DEBUG   (2002-02-05) 12:53.59:902   [] (Unknown-URI) 
Unknown-thread/LogKitLogger: added new LogTargetFactory of type cocoon

DEBUG   (2002-02-05) 12:53.59:963   [] (Unknown-URI) 
Unknown-thread/LogKitLogger: added new LogTarget of id core

and lots more of the same re. LogKitLogger

and why catalina.out is telling me:

Font specified in not found 

Apart from all that, delirium reigns.


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Child name 'localhost' is not unique

2002-02-04 Thread Steve Barnes

Tomcat 4, Cocoon 2, Apache 1.3 on Red Hat 7.2

I've searched xml-cocoon-users at (and I've 
searched and I've searched and ...)

So a request to those who've had this problem:

Apache won't deploy Cocoon and it seems to boil down to this error 
message (where dell is the localhost name):

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: addChild:  Child name 'dell' is not 

I suspect this is a regular stopper. I can find nothing applicable in 
the archives, having searched on 'child name', 'localhost is not 
unique', 'not unique', and lots of other imaginative combinations (plus 
stop/starts with numerous variations of httpd.conf/server.xml).

I feel I'm just one step away from joining the select few who have 
managed to get this combination working :)



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Re: Tomcat 4, Cocoon 2, Apache 1.3 on Red Hat 7.2

2002-02-04 Thread Steve Barnes

 I'm using the module and getting the following message
 when httpd starts up:

 [warn] Loaded DSO modules/ uses plain Apache 1.3 API, 
this module might crash under EAPI! (please recompile it with -DEAPI)

 There doesn't seem to be another version of in the usual
 places. Should I worry about this warning?

For anyone who gets this same problem, the answer seems to be: recompile 
from sources using the apxs option (apxs is in the apache-devel package) 
as described in the installation doc:

./configure --with-apxs=$APACHE_HOME/bin/apxs


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Re: Tomcat 4, Cocoon 2, Apache 1.3 on Red Hat 7.2

2002-01-31 Thread Steve Barnes

Rodrigues Luc [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
I thinks you have problem with the writing right in dir and files.

Is the owner of cocoon (subdirs and files) the user that run tomcat
(aka user= tomcat, owner for dir and for files are tomcat)

Thank to reply if this answer is the good answer.

This answer IS the good answer!

Many thanks, Luc. I looked at the right permissions and there was a 
difference. I made them all the same - tomcat4 - and the cocoon.war file 
installed correctly (well, at least it installed).

Fantastic. You were spot on. Je vous remercie beaucoup.

Unfortunately, Apache is not deploying Cocoon as a webapp, but I haven't 
yet spent a week or two trying to find out why so I won't send a plea 
for help just yet.

Since you were so helpful on this problem, can I run past you an earlier 
query, which fell on deaf ears.

I'm using the module and getting the following message 
when httpd starts up:

[warn] Loaded DSO modules/ uses plain Apache 1.3 API, this 
module might crash under EAPI! (please recompile it with -DEAPI)

There doesn't seem to be another version of in the usual 
places. Should I worry about this warning?



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Re: Tomcat 4, Cocoon 2, Apache 1.3 on Red Hat 7.2

2002-01-28 Thread Steve Barnes

Steve Barnes [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
I've been trying for a few weeks (on and off) to get Tomcat 4 and 
Cocoon 2 running on a Red Hat 7.2 system with Apache 1.3.

Tomcat is running okay but each time I try to install Cocoon from the 
cocoon.war (which seems to be the only way), I get the following 
message (Dell is the localhost name):

Further to previous posting, with debug set on, I get the following 

HostConfig[dell]: Deploying web application archive cocoon.war
StandardHost[dell]: Installing web application at context path /cocoon 
from URL jar:file:/var/tomcat4/webapps/cocoon.war!/
StandardHost[dell]: expand(jar:file:/var/tomcat4/webapps/cocoon.war!/)
StandardHost[dell]:   Proposed directory name: cocoon
StandardHost[dell]:   Have created expansion directory 
StandardHost[dell]:   Have opened JAR file successfully
StandardHost[dell]:   Have retrieved entries enumeration
StandardHost[dell]:   Am processing entry META-INF/
StandardHost[dell]:   Creating parent directory 
StandardHost[dell]:   Am processing entry documentation/WEB-INF/classes/
StandardHost[dell]:   Creating parent directory 
StandardHost[dell]:   Am processing entry 
StandardHost[dell]:   Creating parent directory 
StandardHost[dell]:   Creating expanded file 
HostConfig[dell] Error deploying web application archive cocoon.war 
(No such file or directory)

So it appears that it is only at the stage of the first 'Creating 
expanded file' that it bombs out.

I hope this is of some help.


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