I have been poking around trying to find out whether 
DatabaseSelectAction can help me. 

There is very little written about this action and I wonder whether it 
has ever been used (or even tested).

My problem is as follows:

I have a column in a table in a database that I am able to access from 
XSP and Java with no problems. In the interest of elegance I would like 
to make the item available to an XSLT Transformation as a parameter. 

All I want to do is supply the key column 'name', get the corresponding 
row and then use the value of the field 'company' later in my pipeline 
as: {company}.

Sitemap.xmap contains: 

      <map:action name="select-user" logger="databaseselectaction"

And the matching pipeline entry is:

      <map:match pattern="process">
        <!-- first validate whether user has logged in -->
        <map:act type="session-validator">
          <map:parameter name="descriptor"    

          <map:parameter name="validate" value="username"/>
          <!-- generate protected content -->
          <map:act type="form-validator">
            <map:parameter name="descriptor" 

            <map:parameter name="validate" value="filename"/>

            <!-- form-validation success -->

            <map:act type="select-user">
              <map:parameter name="descriptor" 

              <map:generate type="serverpages" src="docs/process.xsp"/>
              <map:transform src="stylesheets/dynamic-page2html.xsl">

          <!-- form-validation failure -->
          <map:redirect-to uri="pickdoc"/>

        <!-- session-validation failed ==> redirect to login-page -->
        <map:redirect-to session="true" uri="login"/>

The value "username" is captured by a form earlier in the session and 
exists as a session attribute.

  <parameter name="username" type="string" nullable="no"/>
  <!--parameter name="company" type="string"/-->

  <table name="users">
      <key param="username" dbcol="name" type="string" mode="form"/>
      <value param="company" dbcol="company" type="string"/>

I include the username in the URL as I don't know how else to supply it 
to the Action. 

I have read the databaseSelectAction code and understand how the SELECT 
statement is generated. 

I have recompiled cocoon.jar with additional  getLogger().debug( 
"yadayadayada." ) statements but these never generate output. Anyone 
care to tell me why ?

I have had some success with cocoon but I am finding it difficult to 
get through to some advanced features because of the sparse 

Please check that your question has not already been answered in the
FAQ before posting. <http://xml.apache.org/cocoon/faqs.html>

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