> From: Vij, Bhavna [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Hi All,
> I am not able to redirect or forward to another pages
> I need to do something like that.
> There's a login page with username and password. If the login is
> successfull, I need to forward it to page1 else I need to go back to
> page and display error.
> I am able to access the request parameters but neither redirect nor
> works.......
> Neither of the following works
> - response.sendRedirect("http://localhost:8888/cocoon/";);
> - <response:send-redirect location="login-page.xml"/>
> - <response:send-redirect url="http://localhost:8888/cocoon/"/>

Try using this as close to the top of the page as possible - might

> Can someone help me with that......
> Any help will be greatly appreciated...

...also it is not a good idea to redirect from the page. Do this from
sitemap and you will have much fewer issues.


> Thanks in Advance,
> Bhavna

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