I was exploring a way of distributing a REST-style
set of web services within any Cocoon application
when I stumbled across this quirk: the "src" attribute
on map:mount does not use the normal SourceResolver
but rather it uses the standard java.net.URL resolver.
Thus, I wanted to say:

     <map:match pattern="svc/*">
  <map:mount uri-prefix="svc" check-reload="no"

But got an error (no such protocol as "resource:").
So I tried:

     <map:match pattern="svc/*">
  <map:mount uri-prefix="svc" check-reload="no"

And it worked but it's a kludge (you can use {context} in a
request action to eliminate the webapp name).  Using the subsitemap
in the JAR file is interesting because file references are relative
to the JAR file, so you have to be careful.

Is there a better way to do this?  Could map:mount use
the SourceResolver instead?  Will blocks solve this
problem or are they geared toward encapsulation of
components only?

Just curious...

-- jack

John R. Callahan, Ph.D.

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