Hello!I couldn't find any q&a's concerning this matter...So here it goes.
I want to combine three filters so that the first one would give its output as an input to the second one and the second one would give its output to the third one. The first two filters should give an xml output and the last one an html output. The problem is that i want each filter to exclude certain tags from the original xml file. For example this is my xml file
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-7"?>
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href=""?>
<!-- English -->
<LAN>1</LAN>       <!-- 1.En -->
<DISPLAY>1</DISPLAY> <!-- 1.SMS  2.WAP -->
<LAN>1</LAN>         <!-- 1.En -->
<DISPLAY>1</DISPLAY>   <!-- 1.SMS  2.WAP -->
It is found in the <b>hill of Mouson</b>. It is a grave monument, made from marble with <b>embedded designs.</b>
<LAN>1</LAN>           <!-- 1.En -->
<DISPLAY>1</DISPLAY>     <!-- 1.SMS  2.WAP -->
It is found in the hill of Mouson. It is a grave monument, made from marble with embedded designs and its <b>facade is turned to Acropolis</b>.

<!-- Greek-->
<LAN>2</LAN>       <!-- 2.GR -->
<DISPLAY>1</DISPLAY> <!-- 1.SMS  2.WAP -->
<LAN>2</LAN>         <!-- 2.GR -->
<DISPLAY>1</DISPLAY>   <!-- 1.SMS  2.WAP -->
<LAN>2</LAN>           <!-- 2.GR -->
<DISPLAY>1</DISPLAY>     <!-- 1.SMS  2.WAP -->
So i want the first xsl to filter the language and to keep only the first three tags(where lan=1 or when lan=2), the second one to filter only the content with level=2 (for example) and the last one to show the text as html output(if display is set to 2). How can i do this??? I've tried using xsl:copy and of course xsl:choose but i can;t combine these three filters to one...so that i can form a pipeline. How could i do this the easy way, without java??
Thank you!

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