Re: [CODE4LIB] Developing Linux Applications

2023-11-28 Thread Bess Sadler
Charles, what's your idea? A frequent way that open source projects happen
is to propose them to a community like this one and see if it solves a
problem that anyone else has. If it's a good idea that would solve a
problem, often you can get grant money to pursue a pilot project, or
sometimes even just to have a design process. Why not write up your idea
and see if anyone else wants to collaborate?


On Tue, Nov 28, 2023 at 8:57 AM Hammer, Erich F  wrote:

> The famous Edison quote is, "Genius is 1 percent inspiration and 99
> percent perspiration", but it should be a quote about invention, not
> genius.
> Coming up with an idea is easy, and the world is full of them.  Turning
> that idea into an actual product takes enormous and sustained effort, and
> that is true whether in "meatspace" or cyberspace.  Convincing someone else
> to do the work to bring your idea to fruition takes a really, really good
> idea, a lot of money and/or masterful manipulation and a hypnotic stage
> presence.  Doing it yourself or leading others is possible, but requires
> tremendous passion that won't be extinguished by this Debbie Downer
> response.
> Good luck!
> On Monday, November 27, 2023 at 20:21, Charles Meyer eloquently inscribed:
> > Has anyone enjoyed success suggesting an application to the  Linux
> > Foundation or other Linux funding projects and then witnessing that
> > application developed into a freely-offered (ro low cost) Linux program?
> >
> > I'm curious how that process works.
> >
> > Ex. GIMP was developed in Linux before teh Windows version but how did it
> > get started and fully funded?
> >
> > Thank you,
> >
> > Charles.
> >
> > Charlotte County Public Library

Re: [CODE4LIB] DSpace multiple frontends?

2023-09-26 Thread Bess Sadler
Hi, Kayla.

This is certainly possible, and we did something like this at Princeton
University Library, but it was not an out of the box solution. We set up a
Blacklight site to index only the research data from our legacy DSpace
site, which you can see here:

This required creating a list of the collections we consider research data:

Then for each collection, we used the DSpace API to get the metadata in XML
and index it to solr with traject:

So, I don't know if it's possible with Omeka or Wordpress, but it's
definitely possible with Blacklight (but does require custom development).
Presumably you could also get it working with Spotlight if you wanted more
of a custom exhibit site.

I hope this helps!
Bess Sadler
Princeton University Library

On Tue, Sep 26, 2023 at 11:14 AM Kayla Abner  wrote:

> Hello all,
> I have a question about possibly using DSpace as a "database" / server and
> whether or not we could design multiple frontends that draw from it. Here's
> the ideal situation I have in mind:
>1. A faculty member wants to build a "digital archive" for their stuff
>2. We upload their stuff into our DSpace instance
>3. We or they design a unique frontend for people to interact with the
>stuff in DSpace.
> For step 3, could this be done in Omeka? Wordpress? Something else? This
> would enable each "archive" to have its own plane of existence on the
> internet, and allow for customization if someone wants a map, or drop-down
> menus to search the archive, etc., depending on their needs.
> I usually recommend things like Airtable, Omeka, and eHive for this type of
> project, but more and more these platforms don't meet the needs of
> academics. I have an intermediate understanding of hosting and websites, so
> I appreciate any ideas you all have!
> Stay well,
> Kayla Abner
> (she/her)
> *Digital Scholarship Librarian*
> Digital Initiatives and Preservation
> Library, Museums and Press
> University of Delaware
> ***The **University of Delaware, a land grant institution, is located on
> land that was and continues to be vital to the web of life of the Nanticoke
> and Lenni-Lenape people. We express gratitude and honor the people who have
> inhabited, cultivated, and nourished this land for thousands of years, even
> after their attempted forced removal during the colonial era and early
> federal period*. The University of Delaware also financially benefitted
> from the expropriation of Indigenous territories in the region colonially
> known as Montana. View the full Living Land Acknowledgement
> <
> >
> .
> [image: University of Delaware]

[CODE4LIB] Seeking volunteers to help with Ally Skills workshop

2017-01-26 Thread Bess Sadler
Dear Code4Libbers,

I’m so happy to be planning an Ally Skills workshop as a pre-conference for 
Code4Lib 2017. I think these workshops are extremely valuable, and I’m so glad 
this event was voted in and has healthy registration numbers. Would anyone out 
in code4lib land like to help me lead the session? The materials and 
facilitator’s guide are available free online 
<>) and there seems to be 
lots of demand in the library and technology worlds to offer these, so I’d love 
to have more people who feel comfortable leading them. 

If you think you might like to TA this session, please write directly to me 
(not the list) and tell me a bit about yourself and what you’d like to get out 
of the experience. 

Similarly, for the impostor syndrome workshop pre-conference, I plan to stick 
around after the workshop to talk to anyone who’d like tips for offering the 
workshop locally. Again, the materials for this are all available free online 
and you are encouraged to use them to run your own workshops. 

Can’t wait to see everyone in LA!


Bess Sadler
Data Curation Experts <> <>