We are happy to invite you to this year's SWIB (Semantic Web in Libraries) conference in Bonn, 1 - 3 December 2014.

Take a look at the programme for SWIB14 here: http://swib.org/swib14/programme.php.

You can register for the conference at http://swib.org/swib14/registration.php.

We have reserved a contingent of 80 rooms near the conference venue. While registering, early birds will be able to book a room until 29 September.

Further information and contact:

Adrian Pohl
North Rhine-Westphalian Library Service Center (hbz)
Phone +49 221 400 75-235
E-Mail: swib(at)hbz-nrw.de

Joachim Neubert
German National Library of Economics
Leibniz Information Centre for Economics (ZBW)
Phone +49 40 428 34-462
E-Mail: j.neubert(at) zbw.eu



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